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steps-ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect's Introduction

iOS Auto Provision with App Store Connect API (Deprecated)

Step changelog

Automatically manages your iOS Provisioning Profiles for your Xcode project.


This Step has been deprecated in favour of the new automatic code signing options on Bitrise.

You can read more about these changes in our blog post:

Option A)

The latest versions of the Xcode Archive & Export for iOS, Xcode Build for testing for iOS, and the Export iOS and tvOS Xcode archive Steps have built-in automatic code signing. We recommend removing this Step from your Workflow and using the automatic code signing feature in the Steps mentioned above.

Option B)

If you are not using any of the mentioned Xcode Steps, then you can replace this iOS Auto Provision Step with the Manage iOS Code signing Step.


The Step uses the official App Store Connect API. The Step can obtain the API connection information in 2 ways: It can use either the Bitrise Apple Developer connection selected under the Team tab for the application, or you can provide the information to the Step using Step's input variables. The Steps performs the following:

  • It generates, updates and downloads the provisioning profiles needed for your iOS project.
  • It verifies if your project is registered with the App Store Connect. If it was not, the Step registers your project.
  • It registers the iOS devices connected to your Bitrise account with the App Store Connect.
  • It modifies the iOS project to use manual code signing if the project uses automatically managed signing.

Configuring the Step

Before you start configuring the Step, make sure you've completed the following requirements:

  1. You've generated an API key and obtained an Issuer ID, Key ID and a Private Key.
  2. You've defined your Apple Developer Account to Bitrise.
  3. You've assigned an Apple Developer Account to your app.

Once these are done, most of the required Step input fields are already populated for you.

To configure the Step:

  1. Add the iOS Auto Provision with App Store Connect API after any dependency installer Step in your Workflow, such as Run CocoaPods install or Carthage.
  2. Click the Step to edit its input fields. You can see that the Build API token, Build URL, and the Xcode Project (or Workspace) path inputs are automatically filled out for you.
    • Build API token: Every running build has a temporary API token on a Bitrise virtual machine. This token is only available while the build is running. The Step downloads the connected API key with the help of this API token and Bitrise saves it in a JSON file.
    • Build URL: URL of the current build or local path URL to your apple_developer_portal_data.json.
    • Xcode Project path: The path where the .xcodeproj / .xcworkspace is located.
  3. Distribution type input's value has to match with the value of the Select method for export input in the Xcode Archive & Export for iOS Step.
  4. With the Scheme name input you can restrict which targets to process.


Make sure you do not have the Certificate and Profile Installer Step in your Workflow. Make sure that you do NOT modify your Xcode project between the iOS Auto Provision with App Store Connect API and the Xcode Archive & Export for iOS Steps. For example, do not change the bundle ID after the iOS Auto Provision with App Store Connect API Step.

Useful links

Related Steps

🧩 Get started

Add this step directly to your workflow in the Bitrise Workflow Editor.

You can also run this step directly with Bitrise CLI.

βš™οΈ Configuration

Key Description Flags Default
connection This input variable allows you to specify how the Step determines the API connection to use. - automatic: The Step can use either method: It will attempt to use the Bitrise Apple Developer connection first. If this is not available, it will use the Step input variables. - api_key: The Step will only use the Bitrise Apple Developer connection. It will not use the Step input variables. - off: The Step will only use the Step input variables. It will not use the Bitrise Apple Developer connection. - enterprise_with_apple_id: Bitrise Apple Service connection with an Apple Developer Enterpsie account. - apple_id: Bitrise Apple Service connection with Apple ID. required automatic
api_key_path Specify the path in an URL format where your API key is stored. For example: https://URL/TO/AuthKey_[KEY_ID].p8 or file:///PATH/TO/AuthKey_[KEY_ID].p8. NOTE: The Step will only recognize the API key if the filename includes the KEY_ID value as shown on the examples above. You can upload your key on the Generic File Storage tab in the Workflow Editor and set the Environment Variable for the file here. For example: $BITRISEIO_MYKEY_URL sensitive
api_issuer Issuer ID. Required if API Key URL (api_key_path) is specified.
apple_id_team_id Defining this is required when Bitrise Apple Developer Connection is set to apple-id and the connected account belongs to multiple teams.
distribution_type Describes how Xcode should sign your project. required development
project_path The path where the .xcodeproj / .xcworkspace is located. required $BITRISE_PROJECT_PATH
scheme The scheme selects the main Application Target of the project. The step will manage the codesign settings of the main Application and related executable (Application and App Extension) targets. required $BITRISE_SCHEME
configuration Configuration (for example, Debug, Release) selects the Build Settings describing the managed executable targets' Signing (Code Signing Style, Development Team, Code Signing Identity, Provisioning Profile). If not set the step will use the provided Scheme's Archive Action's Build Configuration.
sign_uitest_targets If set the step will manage the codesign settings of the UITest targets of the main Application. The UITest targets' bundle id will be set to the main Application's bundle id, so that the same Signing can be used for both the main Application and related UITest targets. no
register_test_devices If set the step will register known test devices from team members with the Apple Developer Portal. Note that setting this to "yes" may cause devices to be registered against your limited quantity of test devices in the Apple Developer Portal, which can only be removed once annually during your renewal window. no
min_profile_days_valid Sometimes you want to sign an app with a Provisioning Profile that is valid for at least 'x' days. For example, an enterprise app won't open if your Provisioning Profile is expired. With this parameter, you can have a Provisioning Profile that's at least valid for 'x' days. By default it is set to 0 and renews the Provisioning Profile when expired. 0
verbose_log Enable verbose logging? required no
certificate_urls URLs of the certificates to download. Multiple URLs can be specified, separated by a pipe (|) character, you can specify a local path as well, using the file:// scheme. Provide a development certificate URL, to ensure development code signing files for the project and also provide a distribution certificate URL, to ensure distribution code signing files for your project, for example, file://./development/certificate/path|https://distribution/certificate/url required, sensitive $BITRISE_CERTIFICATE_URL
passphrases Certificate passphrases. Multiple passphrases can be specified, separated by a pipe (|) character. Specified certificate passphrase count should match the count of the certificate urls,for example, (1 certificate with empty passphrase, 1 certificate with non-empty passphrase): |distribution-passphrase required, sensitive $BITRISE_CERTIFICATE_PASSPHRASE
keychain_path The Keychain path. required $HOME/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
keychain_password The Keychain's password. required, sensitive $BITRISE_KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD
build_api_token Every build gets a temporary Bitrise API token to download the connected API key in a JSON file. $BITRISE_BUILD_API_TOKEN
build_url URL of the current build or local path URL to your apple_developer_portal_data.json. $BITRISE_BUILD_URL
Environment Variable Description
BITRISE_EXPORT_METHOD Distribution type can be one of the following: development, app-store, ad-hoc or enterprise.
BITRISE_DEVELOPER_TEAM The development team's ID, for example, 1MZX23ABCD4.
BITRISE_DEVELOPMENT_CODESIGN_IDENTITY The development codesign identity's name, for example, iPhone Developer: Bitrise Bot (VV2J4SV8V4).
BITRISE_PRODUCTION_CODESIGN_IDENTITY The production codesign identity's name, for example, `iPhone Distribution: Bitrise Bot (VV2J4SV8V4.
BITRISE_DEVELOPMENT_PROFILE The development provisioning profile's UUID which belongs to the main target, for example, c5be4123-1234-4f9d-9843-0d9be985a068.
BITRISE_PRODUCTION_PROFILE The production provisioning profile's UUID which belongs to the main target, for example, c5be4123-1234-4f9d-9843-0d9be985a068.

πŸ™‹ Contributing

We welcome pull requests and issues against this repository.

For pull requests, work on your changes in a forked repository and use the Bitrise CLI to run step tests locally.

Note: this step's end-to-end tests (defined in e2e/bitrise.yml) are working with secrets which are intentionally not stored in this repo. External contributors won't be able to run those tests. Don't worry, if you open a PR with your contribution, we will help with running tests and make sure that they pass.

Learn more about developing steps:

steps-ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect's People


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steps-ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect's Issues

Fails with app clip target

Since adding an app clip target to my project, this step fails with the following error:

Searching for app ID for bundle ID: at.tinkado.Flipbook.Clip
  app ID found: XC at tinkado Flipbook Clip
  app ID capabilities are not in sync with the project capabilities, synchronizing...
This will enable the "App Groups" capability but details will have to be configured manually using the Apple Developer Portal
failed to update bundle ID capabilities: step does not support creating an application identifier using the "Parent Bundle ID" capability, please add your Application Identifier manually using the Apple Developer Portal

When checking the settings in the developer portal, everything looks fine. Xcode also archives & exports without an issue.

The build log is here:
I also added support access, if anyone wants to take a look at it.

`Should the step manage UITest target's codesigning?` setting ignored


  • I've searched for possible solutions.
  • Which version of the step is effected? 2.2.0
  • Is the issue reproducible with the latest version? YES
  • Does the issue happen sporadically, or every time? EVERY TIME
  • Is the issue reproducible locally by following our local debug guide? NOT APPLICABLE - our policy prevents workflows running on developer machines

Useful information

Issue description

With Should the step manage UITest target's codesigning? set to no, we expect that UITests will be ignored by the plugin. However, it tries to manage code signing and fails because we don't have it setup for UITests.

This worked on 2.1.3.

Bitrise info


| (5) ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect@2 |
| id: ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect |
| version: 2.2.0 |
| collection: |
| toolkit: go |
| time: 2021-10-20T12:11:41Z |
| |

  • BitriseConnection: automatic
  • APIKeyPath:
  • APIIssuer:
  • TeamID:
  • ProjectPath: DuckDuckGo.xcodeproj
  • Scheme: DuckDuckGo
  • Configuration:
  • SignUITestTargets: false
  • RegisterTestDevices: false
  • Distribution: app-store
  • MinProfileDaysValid: 0
  • CertificateURLList: [REDACTED]
  • CertificatePassphraseList: *****
  • KeychainPath: /Users/[REDACTED]/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
  • KeychainPassword: *****
  • VerboseLog: false
  • BuildAPIToken: [REDACTED]
  • BuildURL:
    Analyzing project
    Configuration: Release
    Project team ID: HKE973VLUW
    Platform: iOS
    Application and App Extension targets:
  • DuckDuckGo
  • ShareExtension
  • OpenAction
  • WidgetsExtension
    UITest targets:
  • AtbUITests
  • FingerprintingUITests
    Fetching Apple service connection
    Bitrise Apple Developer Connection with API key found
    Using Apple service connection with API key.
    Initializing Developer Portal client
    App Store Connect API client created with base URL:
    Downloading certificates
    1 certificates downloaded:
  • Apple Distribution: Duck Duck Go, Inc. (HKE973VLUW)
    UITest target requires development code signing in addition to the specified app-store code signing
    Automatic code signing failed:
    No valid IOS_DEVELOPMENT type certificates uploaded with Team ID (HKE973VLUW)
    Maybe you forgot to provide a(n) IOS_DEVELOPMENT type certificate.
    Upload a IOS_DEVELOPMENT type certificate (.p12) on the Code Signing tab of the Workflow Editor.
    | |
    | x | ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect@2 (exit code: 1) | 3.1 min |
    | Issue tracker: |
    | Source: |

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a project with UITests but not configured for signing
  2. Add provisioning step
  3. Run the build

Pull in latest changes from xcode-project

Over at xcode-project some important fixes regarding target parsing have been done. Would be great if this could be pulled in here as well - our workflows don't build right now which is likely caused by this from looking at the logs.

SignUITestTargets: false not respected


  • I've searched for possible solutions.
  • Which version of the step is effected? 2.2.0
  • Is the issue reproducible with the latest version? YES
  • Does the issue happen sporadically, or every time? EVERY TIME
  • Is the issue reproducible locally by following our local debug guide? NOT APPLICABLE

Useful information

Issue description

Our builds that using
Configuration: Release
SignUITestTargets: false

have started failing with the error message

"UITest target requires development code signing in addition to the specified ad-hoc code signing
Automatic code signing failed:
No valid IOS_DEVELOPMENT type certificates uploaded with Team ID (8EL2TBCR92)"

Since we have specified a Release build and turned off SignUITestTargets there should be no need for using a developer certificate.

This works as expected in 2.1.3

Bitrise info


| (4) ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect@2 |
| id: ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect |
| version: 2.2.0 |
| collection: |
| toolkit: go |
| time: 2021-10-20T08:27:12Z |
| |

  • BitriseConnection: automatic
  • APIKeyPath:
  • APIIssuer:
  • TeamID:
  • ProjectPath: [REDACTED]
  • Scheme: [REDACTED]
  • Configuration: Release
  • SignUITestTargets: false
  • RegisterTestDevices: false
  • Distribution: ad-hoc
  • MinProfileDaysValid: 0
  • CertificateURLList: [REDACTED]
  • CertificatePassphraseList: *****
  • KeychainPath: /Users/[REDACTED]/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
  • KeychainPassword: *****
  • VerboseLog: false
  • BuildAPIToken: [REDACTED]
  • BuildURL:
    Analyzing project
    Configuration: Release
    Project team ID: [REDACTED]
    Platform: iOS
    Application and App Extension targets:
  • PushNotificationContentDev
  • NotificationSerciveDev
    UITest targets:
    Fetching Apple service connection
    Bitrise Apple Developer Connection with API key found
    Using Apple service connection with API key.
    Initializing Developer Portal client
    App Store Connect API client created with base URL:
    Downloading certificates
    1 certificates downloaded:
  • iPhone Distribution: [REDACTED] Limited ([REDACTED])
    UITest target requires development code signing in addition to the specified ad-hoc code signing
    Automatic code signing failed:
    No valid IOS_DEVELOPMENT type certificates uploaded with Team ID ([REDACTED])
    Maybe you forgot to provide a(n) IOS_DEVELOPMENT type certificate.
    Upload a IOS_DEVELOPMENT type certificate (.p12) on the Code Signing tab of the Workflow Editor.
    | |
    | x | ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect@2 (exit code: 1) | 38.33 sec|
    | Issue tracker: |
    | Source: |

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create an iOS project that only builds Release builds for device, the project should have UITests configured.
  2. Upload the required Distribution certificate
  3. Set up a workflow to Checkout code, AutoProvision -> Archive
  4. Run

Expected: The workflow should get appropriate provisioning profiles and compile successfully
Result: The workflow fails on the Auto Provision step saying a Developer Certificate is needed.

Workaround, downgrade to version 2.1.3

Custom template entitlement problem:

I am not able to create a valid provisioning profile when this entitlement is added to app capabilities:

the out put from logs is:

  Checking bundle id: <bundle_identifier>
  capabilities: map[[<merchant_id>]!s(bool=true)]
  Bitrise managed profile found: Bitrise iOS app-store - (<bundle_identifier>)
  the profile state is invalid, regenerating ...
  Searching for app ID for bundle ID: <bundle_identifier>
  app ID found: <project_name>
  app ID capabilities are in sync with the project capabilities
  Creating profile for bundle id: <project_name>
  profile created: Bitrise iOS app-store - (<bundle_identifier>)

Provisioning is successfully created but archive proves that we are not able to us it as the capability is missing. Output from Xcode Archive & Export for iOS step:

error: Provisioning profile "Bitrise iOS app-store - (<bundle_identifier>)" doesn't include the entitlement.

Is there any workaround for this?

Fails with App Clip target

Hi - my company is trying to deploy App Clip to the App Store but this step fails with the following error:

app ID capabilities invalid: bundle ID missing Capability (ODIC_PARENT_BUNDLEID) required by project Entitlement (
app ID capabilities are not in sync with the project capabilities, synchronizing...
failed to update bundle ID capabilities: step does not support creating an application identifier using the "Parent Bundle ID" capability, please add your Application Identifier manually using the Apple Developer Portal

I've noticed a similar issue has already been opened in the past - could you please confirm that App Clips should work with this step?

Would appreciate any help with this. Thank you!

`apple-id` Option mismatch between config.go and step.yml

Seems like the possible options for connection defined in config.go do not match the options defined in step.yml, specifically apple_id and apple-id.

In the bitrise workflow editor, selecting apple-id results in the following error:


| (0) [email protected]                                   |
| id: ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect                                       |
| version: 2.1.1                                                               |
| collection:                |
| toolkit: go                                                                  |
| time: 2021-10-06T17:54:48Z                                                   |
|                                                                              |
Config: failed to parse config:
- BitriseConnection: apple-id: value is not in value options (opt[automatic,api_key,off,enterprise-with-apple-id,apple_id])

BitriseConnection string `env:"connection,opt[automatic,api_key,off,enterprise-with-apple-id,apple_id]"`

Fails with App Clip target

Since adding an app clip target to my project, this step fails with the following error:

Searching for app ID for bundle ID: at.tinkado.Flipbook.Clip
  app ID found: XC at tinkado Flipbook Clip
  app ID capabilities are not in sync with the project capabilities, synchronizing...
This will enable the "App Groups" capability but details will have to be configured manually using the Apple Developer Portal
failed to update bundle ID capabilities: step does not support creating an application identifier using the "Parent Bundle ID" capability, please add your Application Identifier manually using the Apple Developer Portal

When checking the settings in the developer portal, everything looks fine. Xcode also archives & exports without an issue.

The build log is here:
I also added support access, if anyone wants to take a look at it.

Latin character may broke to find the certificate

Hi, thanks for the update, this step sounds amazing! πŸ™

I updated my project following this post but actually it's not working.
Before the update, the project was building correctly with the old step of Auto Sign.

I believe the reason of the broken build is because my certificate has a latin character Γ§.
I already had a similar problem with other step a few months ago.

Does anyone has a clue about it?

Code Signing Error: No certificate for team '7H7357N436' matching 'Apple Development: Harrison MendonΓ±a (42A6G4WQ47)' found:  Select a different signing certificate for CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY, a team that matches your selected certificate, or switch to automatic provisioning.
Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 13.5'

Screen Shot 2020-06-24 at 18 40 24

Screen Shot 2020-06-24 at 18 42 25

This repo suffer the same issue with mac device id


  • I've searched for possible solutions.
  • Which version of the step is effected? 1.0.0
  • Is the issue reproducible with the latest version? YES
  • Does the issue happen sporadically, or every time? EVERY TIME
  • Is the issue reproducible locally by following our local debug guide? YES

Useful information

Issue description

The issue is that when you have a device of type mac here it fails to register it properly.

A similar issue exist here bitrise-steplib/steps-ios-auto-provision#140

Bitrise info

| (0) ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect@1                                     |
| id: ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect                                       |
| version: 1.0.0                                                               |
| collection:                |
| toolkit: go                                                                  |
| time: 2021-02-04T16:35:23Z                                                   |
|                                                                              |
- BitriseConnection: automatic
- APIKeyPath: *****
- ProjectPath: SKVideo.xcworkspace
- Scheme: SKVideo
- Configuration: Release
- Distribution: development
- MinProfileDaysValid: 0
- CertificateURLList: [REDACTED]
- CertificatePassphraseList: *****
- KeychainPath: /Users/vagrant/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
- KeychainPassword: *****
- VerboseLog: false
- BuildAPIToken: [REDACTED]
- BuildURL:
Creating AppstoreConnectAPI client
Bitrise Apple Developer Connection with API key found
the client created for
Analyzing project
configuration: Release
project team ID: [REDACTED]
bundle IDs:
- archery.storify
platform: iOS
Downloading certificates
2 certificates downloaded:
- Apple Development: ci mojo ([REDACTED])
- Apple Distribution: Archery Inc. ([REDACTED])
ensuring codesigning files for distribution types: [development]
Checking if 3 Bitrise test device(s) are registered on Developer Portal
53 devices are registered on Developer Portal
checking if the device ([REDACTED]) is registered
registering device
Failed to register device: POST 409
- ENTITY_ERROR.ATTRIBUTE.INVALID: An attribute in the provided entity has invalid value: An invalid value '[REDACTED]' was provided for the parameter 'udid'.
|                                                                              |
| x | ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect@1 (exit code: 1)           | 24.68 sec|
| Issue tracker: |
| Source: |
Checking if 3 Bitrise test device(s) are registered on Developer Portal
53 devices are registered on Developer Portal
checking if the device ([REDACTED]) is registered
registering device
Failed to register device: POST 409
- ENTITY_ERROR.ATTRIBUTE.INVALID: An attribute in the provided entity has invalid value: An invalid value '[REDACTED]' was provided for the parameter 'udid'.

Steps to reproduce

I think the issue is due to this

if _, err := client.Provisioning.RegisterNewDevice(req); err != nil {

If we could remove all UUID that are in error from conn.TestDevices it might solve the issue.

Because with only removing the error checking it crash.

panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [5:4] [recovered]
	panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [5:4]

When I dump the content of devices I see only iOS devices as expected so why does it try to register mac devices ?

53 devices are registered on Developer Portal
checking if the device ([REDACTED]) is registered
registering device
Failed to register iOS device: POST 409
- ENTITY_ERROR.ATTRIBUTE.INVALID: An attribute in the provided entity has invalid value: An invalid value '[REDACTED]' was provided for the parameter 'udid'.

Failed to apply code sign settings for target β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’: failed to get project’s target attributes

Hi there. ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect step failed with the following logs:

| (4) ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect@0                                     |
| id: ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect                                       |
| version: 0.1.0                                                               |
| collection:                |
| toolkit: go                                                                  |
| time: 2020-07-03T10:22:06Z                                                   |
|                                                                              |
- BuildAPIToken: [REDACTED]
- BuildURL:[redacted]
- ProjectPath: [redacted].xcworkspace
- Scheme: [redacted]-Dev
- Configuration: 
- Distribution: app-store
- MinProfileDaysValid: 0
- CertificateURLList: [REDACTED]
- CertificatePassphraseList: 
- KeychainPath: /Users/vagrant/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
- KeychainPassword: *****
- VerboseLog: false
Creating AppstoreConnectAPI client
the client created for
Analyzing project
configuration: Release
project team ID: [redacted]
bundle IDs:
- com.[redacted]
platform: iOS
Downloading certificates
1 certificates downloaded:
- Apple Distribution: [redacted], Inc. ([redacted])
ensuring codesigning files for distribution types: [app-store]
Checking app-store provisioning profiles for 1 bundle id(s)
  Checking bundle id: com.[redacted]
  capabilities: map[aps-environment:development]
  Bitrise managed profile found: Bitrise iOS app-store - (com.[redacted]
  the profile is not in sync with the project requirements, regenerating ...
  Searching for app ID for bundle ID: com.[redacted]
  app ID found: [redacted] iOS App DEV
  app ID capabilities are in sync with the project capabilities
  Creating profile for bundle id: [redacted] iOS App DEV
  profile created: Bitrise iOS app-store - (com.[redacted]
Apply Bitrise managed codesigning on the project
  Target: [redacted]-Dev
  development Team: [redacted], Inc.([redacted])
  provisioning Profile: Bitrise iOS app-store - (com.[redacted]
  certificate: Apple Distribution: [redacted], Inc. ([redacted])
Failed to apply code sign settings for target ([redacted]-Dev): failed to get project's target attributes, error: key: string("TargetAttributes") not found in: serialized.Object(serialized.Object{"LastSwiftUpdateCheck":"1110", "LastUpgradeCheck":"1140", "ORGANIZATIONNAME":"[redacted], Inc."})
|                                                                              |
| x | ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect@0 (exit code: 1)           | 25.98 sec|
| Issue tracker: |
| Source: |

When I add the following node into my .pbproj file (at path objects / E3E19E12236C4564004FC698 /* Project object */ / attributes), the step works without the issue.

TargetAttributes = {
  E3E19E43236C75B5004FC698 = {
  E3E19E51236C75BE004FC698 = {
  E3E19E5F236C75C7004FC698 = {

But each time I change something in the project, Xcode automatically removes this node, and the step get failed again.

This is happen with v2 version of my app, corresponding Xcode project has been created in October 2019, and obviously it uses a bit more modern .pbproj format, which doesn’t include TargetAttributes node. The old v1 project (which has been created in 2015) does contain this node, and Xcode keeps it on project changes saving (and even keeps some info inside a certain target node, like SystemCapabilities and so on). From my point it looks like the step relies on a project structure which a bit outdated at the moment. Interesting, that once the step is able to find TargetAttributes and target identifier node inside, it thinks that everything is ok, so even empty E3E19E43236C75B5004FC698 subnode works.

Could you please update your step regarding this aspect, or let me know what I could do on my side. Obviously, I do want to use new ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect step rather than the old one ios-auto-provision. Thanks.

Step reformatting of "pbxproj" file is breaking ionic-archive step

I have this workflow snippet.

    - npm@1:
        - command: install
    - script@1:
        - content: ionic cordova platform add ios --no-resources
    - ionic-prepare@1:
        - platform: ios
    - recreate-user-schemes@1:
        - project_path: "$BITRISE_SOURCE_DIR/platforms/ios/App.xcodeproj"
    - ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect@0:
        - project_path: "$BITRISE_SOURCE_DIR/platforms/ios/App.xcworkspace"
        - scheme: App
        - distribution_type: "$BITRISE_EXPORT_METHOD"
    - ionic-archive@2:
        - ionic_version: latest
        - cordova_version: latest
        - options: --prod -- --buildFlag="-UseModernBuildSystem=0"
        - run_ionic_prepare: 'false'
        - platform: "$IONIC_PLATFORM"

After the recreate-user-schemes step the platforms/ios/App.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj file looks normal. Like this:

2021-01-03 00_45_11-S - build #744 (d4436f25b3b693b3) - Bitrise

With that file the builds works fine.
But now we use ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect which is working fine, too - but it destroys the project.pbxproj file.
Or it reformatting it so that Ionic / Cordova cannot read it anymore.

After the step the file looks like:

2021-01-03 00_47_16- iOS - build #744 (d4436f25b3b693b3) - Bitrise

And ionic-archive is failing with this error message.

> cordova build ios --release --device --buildFlag=-UseModernBuildSystem=0
Could not parse /Users/vagrant/git/platforms/ios/App.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: SyntaxError: Expected [\n\r] but end of input found.
[ERROR] An error occurred while running subprocess cordova.

I searched for the issue and someone has the idea to add a \n\r to the end of the file.
But even with that there is an issue:

> cordova build ios --release --device --buildFlag=-UseModernBuildSystem=0
Could not parse /Users/vagrant/git/platforms/ios/App.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: TypeError: Cannot read property 'buildSettings' of undefined
[ERROR] An error occurred while running subprocess cordova.


Fail to match iCloud container when re-using existing provisioning profile

I'm getting this error:

failed to check if profile is valid: project uses containers that are missing from the provisioning profile: [iCloud.$(CFBundleIdentifier)]

whenever I try to run auto provisioning using this plugin.
The problem doesn't happen when I delete the provisioning profiles in App Store Connect (so they are created instead of being pulled down from the ASC API).

Happened here:

Automatic code signing failed


  • I've searched for possible solutions.
  • Which version of the step is effected? 2.2.4
  • Is the issue reproducible with the latest version? YES
  • Does the issue happen sporadically, or every time? EVERY TIME
  • Is the issue reproducible locally by following our local debug guide? NOT APPLICABLE

Issue description

All our builds are failing at step "ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect", on different projects with different API keys.
We didn't change anything on Bitrise configuration.

Fetching Apple Service connection
Bitrise Apple Developer Connection with API key found
Using Apple service connection with API key.
Initializing Developer Portal client
App Store Connect API client created with base URL:
Downloading certificates
1 certificates downloaded:
- Serial: 1433(redacted)22132, Name: iPhone Distribution: (redacted), Team: (redacted), Expiry: 2022-08-25 13:45:48 +0000 UTC
Certificate (Serial: 1433(redacted)22132, Name: iPhone Distribution: (redacted), Team: (redacted), Expiry: 2022-08-25 13:45:48 +0000 UTC) not found on Developer Portal: failed to fetch certificate (6bda8(redacted)194): GET 401
- NOT_AUTHORIZED: Authentication credentials are missing or invalid.: Provide a properly configured and signed bearer token, and make sure that it has not expired. Learn more about Generating Tokens for API Requests
Automatic code signing failed: failed to get valid certificates: not found any of the following IOS_DISTRIBUTION certificates on Developer Portal:
- Serial: 143362(redacted)2132, Name: iPhone Distribution: (redacted), Team: (redacted), Expiry: 2022-08-25 13:45:48 +0000 UTC

Bitrise info

ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect breaks agvtool


  • I've searched for possible solutions.
  • Which version of the step is effected? 1.0.0
  • Is the issue reproducible with the latest version? YES
  • Does the issue happen sporadically, or every time? EVERY TIME
  • Is the issue reproducible locally by following our local debug guide? NO

Issue description

Running a script with $ xcrun agvtool what-version after the ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect step fails :

There does not seem to be a CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION key set for this project. Add this key to your target's expert build settings.

Apple Generic versioning is enabled in the project, and the same script works fine if we run it before the ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect step.
It looks like the .xcodeproj is edited and the CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION field removed.

Bitrise info

| (0) activate-ssh-key                                                         |
| (1) git-clone                                                                |
| (2) Do anything with Script step                                             |
| id: script                                                                   |
| version: 1.1.6                                                               |
| collection:                |
| toolkit: bash                                                                |
| time: 2021-02-06T10:13:43Z                                                   |
|                                                                              |
==> Start
==> Switching to working directory: /Users/vagrant/git
+ xcrun -find agvtool
+ xcrun agvtool what-version
Current version of project Polagram is: [REDACTED]
==> Script finished with exit code: 0
|                                                                              |
| βœ“ | Do anything with Script step                                  | 9.21 sec |
| (3) ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect@1                                     |
| id: ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect                                       |
| version: 1.0.0                                                               |
| collection:                |
| toolkit: go                                                                  |
| time: 2021-02-06T10:13:52Z                                                   |
|                                                                              |
| βœ“ | ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect@1                          | 37.99 sec|
| (4) Do anything with Script step                                             |
| id: script                                                                   |
| version: 1.1.6                                                               |
| collection:                |
| toolkit: bash                                                                |
| time: 2021-02-06T10:14:30Z                                                   |
|                                                                              |
==> Start
==> Switching to working directory: /Users/vagrant/git
+ xcrun -find agvtool
+ xcrun agvtool what-version
There does not seem to be a CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION key set for this project.  Add this key to your target's expert build settings.
==> Script finished with exit code: 6
|                                                                              |
| x | Do anything with Script step (exit code: 6)                   | 2.70 sec |
| Issue tracker:             |
| Source:                           |

Steps to reproduce

  • use the ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect step
  • use agvtool in a script step (or fastlane)

Project Path input not used?

Here's the error I get:

| (1) ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect@0                                     |
| id: ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect                                       |
| version: 0.1.1                                                               |
| collection:                |
| toolkit: go                                                                  |
| time: 2020-11-25T22:01:57Z                                                   |
|                                                                              |
- BuildAPIToken: [REDACTED]
- BuildURL:
- ProjectPath: ios/idvpoc.xcworkspace
- Scheme: idv
- Configuration: Release
- Distribution: ad-hoc
- MinProfileDaysValid: 0
- CertificateURLList: [REDACTED]
- CertificatePassphraseList: 
- KeychainPath: /Users/vagrant/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
- KeychainPassword: *****
- VerboseLog: false
Creating AppstoreConnectAPI client
the client created for
Analyzing project
Failed to analyze project: failed to find build project: No file found at path: /Users/vagrant/git/ios/idv.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj

see ios/idv.xcodeproj is different than the input ProjectPath: ios/idvpoc.xcworkspace

App clip provisioning failing

We're trying to create a build, but since app clips we're failing to do so. We're using ios provisioning with App Store Connect.
We're currently getting the following error:

Searching for app ID for bundle ID: com.DT.DrivingThruClientDev.Clip
  app ID found: XC com DT DrivingThruClientDev Clip
  app ID capabilities are not in sync with the project capabilities, synchronizing...
failed to update bundle ID capabilities: step does not support creating an application identifier using the "Parent Bundle ID" capability, please add your Application Identifier manually using the Apple Developer Portal

We checked like 20 times on Apple Developer Portal and everything looks fine. The App Clip does have the Parent ID set. There's actually impossible to even deactivate it...
We also have the verbose logging enabled.
This is the link to the build: (if it helps)

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! We've been trying for days to debug this. We can't make any builds as of recent. Also sent a few support tickets, but to no avail.

Not signing UITest Target

Issue description

This steps fails to check for signing UITest / Unit test targets. Its not checking those targets.

Getting this error :

❌ error: No profiles for 'com.-------UITests.xctrunner' were found: Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching 'com.------UITests.xctrunner'. Automatic signing is disabled and unable to generate a profile. To enable automatic signing, pass -allowProvisioningUpdates to xcodebuild. (in target 'UITests' from project 'TestProject')

Bitrise info

1.0.1 version file is not accessible

Issue description

My agent failed to download the file for the latest version of the STEP (1.0.1)
However, the previous version file is accessible

Steps to reproduce

  1. Add ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect to your workflow on bitrise.
  2. run any build.


Failed to download Failed to download target from:

| (4) ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect@1                                     |
| id: ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect                                       |
| version: 1.0.1                                                               |
| collection:                |
| toolkit: go                                                                  |
| time: 2021-02-24T13:56:23Z                                                   |
|                                                                              |
Config: failed to parse config:
- CertificateURLList: required variable is not present
- BitriseConnection: automatic
- APIKeyPath: 
- APIIssuer: 
- ProjectPath: Loora-iOS.xcworkspace
- Scheme: Loora-iOS-Dev
- Configuration: 
- Distribution: app-store
- MinProfileDaysValid: 0
- CertificateURLList: 
- CertificatePassphraseList: 
- KeychainPath: /Users/vagrant/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
- KeychainPassword: *****
- VerboseLog: false
- BuildAPIToken: [REDACTED]
- BuildURL:
|                                                                              |
| x | ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect@1 (exit code: 1)           | 13.93 sec|
| Issue tracker: |
| Source: |

Apple Development are supported ? or only IOS_DEVELOPMENT ?

Here the result I got with the steps-ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect

Downloading certificates
2 certificates downloaded:

  • Apple Development: xxxx
  • Apple Distribution: xxxx
    no valid IOS_DEVELOPMENT type certificates uploaded with Team ID (xxxx)

the old step works fine (with the old appStore authentification system) works fine.

Do you support Apple Development certificate ? or I have to switch to IOS_DEVELOPMENT ?

Thanks for your help

Provisioning Profiles are Invalidated & Entitlements Option is Reset

So 1st off, my goal is not to have automatically manage the provisioning profile, but I'm cool with it as long as it's functional. Right now, it's not. We are attempting to move from the legacy ios-auto-provision v1.5.4 step to this one, but we noticed some funny behavior. Not only is it creating a new provisioning profile with a slight difference in title vs lowercase (e.g. we had "Bitrise ios development - (" and now we have another as "Bitrise iOS development - (" with iOS vs ios), but we are also seeing the notes entitlement continually get reset and removed, causing the step to fail.

It looks like there might be a syntax problem. In build 3566, I see the following:

  Checking bundle id:
  capabilities: map[aps-environment:development!s(bool=true)]
  Bitrise managed profile found: Bitrise iOS app-store - (
  the profile is not in sync with the project requirements, regenerating ...

The %!s looks like it's not properly getting passed in. It tries to regenerate twice and continues without the entitlement.

To be clear, here's what is noted from the other version of the step.


    "aps-environment" = development;
    "" = 1;

TL;DR. I'd like to see if this boolean issue is causing the multiple failed attempts to regenerate the profile.


FORBIDDEN_ERROR: This request is forbidden for security reasons: Unable to find a team with the given Content Provider ID

Hi there,

I was using Bitrise to archive and export my app on build to App Store TestFlight.

After the "recent" change in App Store Connect APIs to fix the 2FA problems, I setup this build step instead, and I THINK it worked in the beginning, but after some time it stopped working, and I could not get past the error below.

Any help is most appreciated. I have tried to recreate certificates and profiles, and they are uploaded to Bitrise.
Local builds and exports are running just fine, so im having to use that for now, but obviously this is not ideal.

I have no idea whether its some settings inside App Store Connect, or Bitrise, or perhaps Xcode that I need to fix.
I reached out to Apple Developer Support but they would not help, and told to contact Bitrise, or the step developer.

Please help.

Thank you for your work!


| (3) ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect@0                                     |
| id: ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect                                       |
| version: 0.1.0                                                               |
| collection:                |
| toolkit: go                                                                  |
| time: 2020-07-30T20:15:43Z                                                   |
|                                                                              |
- BuildAPIToken: [REDACTED]
- BuildURL:
- ProjectPath: Stokki.xcodeproj
- Scheme: Stokki
- Configuration: Release
- Distribution: app-store
- MinProfileDaysValid: 0
- CertificateURLList: [REDACTED]
- CertificatePassphraseList: *****
- KeychainPath: /Users/vagrant/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
- KeychainPassword: *****
- VerboseLog: false
Creating AppstoreConnectAPI client
the client created for
Analyzing project
configuration: Release
project team ID: [REDACTED]
bundle IDs:
- xxx.xxxxxx.xxxxxx
platform: iOS
Downloading certificates
2 certificates downloaded:
- Apple Development: Christian Mitteldorf ([REDACTED])
- Apple Distribution: Christian Mitteldorf ([REDACTED])
Certificate (Serial: [REDACTED], Name: Apple Development: Christian Mitteldorf ([REDACTED]), Team: Christian Mitteldorf ([REDACTED]), Expiry: 2021-05-27 22:21:18 +0000 UTC) not found on Developer Portal: failed to fetch certificate ([REDACTED]): GET [REDACTED]: 403
- FORBIDDEN_ERROR: This request is forbidden for security reasons: Unable to find a team with the given Content Provider ID 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' to which you belong.  Please contact Apple Developer Program Support.
Certificate (Serial: [REDACTED], Name: Apple Distribution: Christian Mitteldorf ([REDACTED]), Team: Christian Mitteldorf ([REDACTED]), Expiry: 2021-06-23 08:26:51 +0000 UTC) not found on Developer Portal: failed to fetch certificate ([REDACTED]): GET[REDACTED]: 403
- FORBIDDEN_ERROR: This request is forbidden for security reasons: Unable to find a team with the given Content Provider ID 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' to which you belong.  Please contact Apple Developer Program Support.
Failed to get valid certificates: not found any of the following IOS_DISTRIBUTION certificates on Developer Portal:
- Serial: 6319796644512707050, Name: Apple Development: Christian Mitteldorf (XXXXXXXXX), Team: Christian Mitteldorf (XXXXXXXXX), Expiry: 2021-05-27 22:21:18 +0000 UTC
- Serial: 7470238815631393042, Name: Apple Distribution: Christian Mitteldorf (XXXXXXXXX), Team: Christian Mitteldorf (XXXXXXXXX), Expiry: 2021-06-23 08:26:51 +0000 UTC
|                                                                              |
| x | ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect@0 (exit code: 1)           | 49.83 sec|
| Issue tracker: |
| Source: |

Distribution is not set based on Env Var distribution_type


  • I've searched for possible solutions.
  • Which version of the step is effected? 2.2.1
  • Is the issue reproducible with the latest version? YES
  • Does the issue happen sporadically, or every time? EVERY TIME
  • Is the issue reproducible locally by following our local debug guide? YES

Useful information

Issue description

I started to see this issue after transitioning to iOS Auto Provision with App Store Connect API today.

I have multiple steps in a chain, this is a subset of the chain which takes care of configuring environment variables before building the project.

The AdHoc step is run before the Build step. DISTRIBUTION_TYPE is used multiple places.
By default the [email protected] does not catch the distribution_type as an input, and the only way of fixing it is to manually edit the yaml file and insert the missing - distribution_type: "$DISTRIBUTION_TYPE"


    - [email protected]:
        - configuration: "$APP_CONFIGURATION"
    - set-xcode-build-number@1:
        - plist_path: "$PROJECT_DIRECTORY/App/Supporting Files/$BITRISE_SCHEME/$APP_CONFIGURATION/$BITRISE_SCHEME-Info.plist"
    - xcode-project-info@2:
        - info_plist_path: "$PROJECT_DIRECTORY/App/Supporting Files/$BITRISE_SCHEME/$APP_CONFIGURATION/$BITRISE_SCHEME-Info.plist"
    - [email protected]:
        - export_method: "$DISTRIBUTION_TYPE"
        - cache_level: none
        - configuration: "$APP_CONFIGURATION"

I expect that the Distribution field is overriden by the value found in the environment variable of DISTRIBUTION_TYPE, this expectation fails to be fulfilled.

Bitrise info

Agent version:	1.33.0
Hostname:	prd-atl-std-x-xcode-13-211102140013-zXRanVCyd7qBaD3woGBf8m.local
Start time:	2021-11-02T14:02:05Z
$ bitrise "run" [REDACTED]
  β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ•—β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•—β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ•—β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•—β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•—
  β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•”β•β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘   β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘   β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•”β•β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•—β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•—
  β–ˆβ–ˆβ•”β•β•β–ˆβ–ˆβ•—β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘   β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘   β–ˆβ–ˆβ•”β•β•β–ˆβ–ˆβ•—β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘β•šβ•β•β•β•β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘β–ˆβ–ˆβ•”β•β•β•
  β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•”β•β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘   β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘   β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘  β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•—
  β•šβ•β•β•β•β•β• β•šβ•β•   β•šβ•β•   β•šβ•β•  β•šβ•β•β•šβ•β•β•šβ•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•šβ•β•β•β•β•β•β•
  version: 1.48.0
INFO[14:02:05] bitrise runs in Secret Filtering mode 
INFO[14:02:05] bitrise runs in Secret Envs Filtering mode 
INFO[14:02:05] bitrise runs in CI mode           
INFO[14:02:05] Running workflows: App --> FirebaseApp --> Firebase --> FirebaseDeploy 
Switching to workflow: App
Switching to workflow: FirebaseApp
Switching to workflow: Firebase
Switching to workflow: Base
| (0) [email protected]                                                   |
| βœ“ | [email protected]                                        | 6.03 sec |
| Update available: 4.0.5 -> 4.1.0                                             |
|                                                                              |
| Release notes are available below                                            |
|                |
INFO[14:02:12] Step uses latest version -- Updating StepLib ... 
| (1) git-clone@4                                                              |
| βœ“ | git-clone@4                                                   | 27.50 sec|
| Update available: 4 (4.3.0) -> 6.1.2                                         |
|                                                                              |
| Release notes are available below                                            |
|                  |
| (2) cache-pull@2                                                             |
| βœ“ | cache-pull@2                                                  | 17.19 sec|
| (3) cocoapods-install@2                                                      |
| βœ“ | cocoapods-install@2                                           | 2.2 min  |
| (4) carthage@3                                                               |
| βœ“ | carthage@3                                                    | 18.19 sec|
| (5) [email protected]                                                              |
| βœ“ | [email protected]                                                   | 4.59 sec |
| (6) cache-push@2                                                             |
| βœ“ | cache-push@2                                                  | 5.88 sec |
Switching to workflow: Build
| (0) [email protected]                                   |
| id: ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect                                       |
| version: 2.2.1                                                               |
| collection:                |
| toolkit: go                                                                  |
| time: 2021-11-02T14:05:41Z                                                   |
|                                                                              |
- BitriseConnection: automatic
- APIKeyPath: 
- APIIssuer: 
- TeamID: 
- ProjectPath: App.xcworkspace
- Scheme: App
- Configuration: QA
- SignUITestTargets: false
- RegisterTestDevices: false
- Distribution: development
- MinProfileDaysValid: 0
- CertificateURLList: [REDACTED]
- CertificatePassphraseList: *****
- KeychainPath: /Users/[REDACTED]/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
- KeychainPassword: *****
- VerboseLog: false
- BuildAPIToken: [REDACTED]
- BuildURL:
Analyzing project
Using user defined build configuration: QA instead of the scheme's default one: Release.
Make sure you use the same configuration in further steps.
Configuration: QA
Project team ID: [REDACTED]
Platform: iOS
Application and App Extension targets:
- App
Fetching Apple service connection
Bitrise Apple Developer Connection with API key found
Using Apple service connection with API key.
Initializing Developer Portal client
App Store Connect API client created with base URL:
Downloading certificates
1 certificates downloaded:
- Apple Distribution: [REDACTED]
Automatic code signing failed: 
No valid IOS_DEVELOPMENT type certificates uploaded with Team ID ([REDACTED]) 
Maybe you forgot to provide a(n) IOS_DEVELOPMENT type certificate.
Upload a IOS_DEVELOPMENT type certificate (.p12) on the Code Signing tab of the Workflow Editor.
|                                                                              |
| x | [email protected] (exit code: 1)         | 1.4 min  |
| Issue tracker: |
| Source: |

runtime error: slice bounds out of range


I use "iOS Auto Provision with App Store Connect API" step in my workflow in the Bitrise. Version 0.1.0.
I have some error. Could you please help me to understand what am I doing wrong?

If you need some additional information, please let me know

panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [5:4] [recovered]
	panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [5:4]
goroutine 1 [running]:*Encoder).Encode.func1(0xc000144aa8)
	/var/folders/6q/wgy6jtp12w5gzgm9lzcglpqw0000gn/T/bitrise-go-toolkit398496058/src/ +0xd1
panic(0x13a23a0, 0xc000bff1c0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.14.2_1/libexec/src/runtime/panic.go:969 +0x166*textPlistGenerator).plistQuotedString(0xc000b29d00, 0xc0005c052e, 0xf, 0x4, 0x8)
	/var/folders/6q/wgy6jtp12w5gzgm9lzcglpqw0000gn/T/bitrise-go-toolkit398496058/src/ +0x613*textPlistGenerator).writePlistValue(0xc000b29d00, 0x1472e60, 0xc000aef4d0)
	/var/folders/6q/wgy6jtp12w5gzgm9lzcglpqw0000gn/T/bitrise-go-toolkit398496058/src/ +0xf22*textPlistGenerator).writePlistValue(0xc000b29d00, 0x14721a0, 0xc000ae7ec0)
	/var/folders/6q/wgy6jtp12w5gzgm9lzcglpqw0000gn/T/bitrise-go-toolkit398496058/src/ +0xe24*textPlistGenerator).writePlistValue(0xc000b29d00, 0x14721a0, 0xc000a0cde0)
	/var/folders/6q/wgy6jtp12w5gzgm9lzcglpqw0000gn/T/bitrise-go-toolkit398496058/src/ +0xe24*textPlistGenerator).writePlistValue(0xc000b29d00, 0x14721a0, 0xc000a0cdb0)
	/var/folders/6q/wgy6jtp12w5gzgm9lzcglpqw0000gn/T/bitrise-go-toolkit398496058/src/ +0xe24*textPlistGenerator).generateDocument(0xc000b29d00, 0x14721a0, 0xc000a0cdb0)
	/var/folders/6q/wgy6jtp12w5gzgm9lzcglpqw0000gn/T/bitrise-go-toolkit398496058/src/ +0x3f*Encoder).Encode(0xc000144ac0, 0x1396840, 0xc0006f3ad0, 0x0, 0x0)
	/var/folders/6q/wgy6jtp12w5gzgm9lzcglpqw0000gn/T/bitrise-go-toolkit398496058/src/ +0x248, 0xc0006f3ad0, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
	/var/folders/6q/wgy6jtp12w5gzgm9lzcglpqw0000gn/T/bitrise-go-toolkit398496058/src/ +0xbd
	/var/folders/6q/wgy6jtp12w5gzgm9lzcglpqw0000gn/T/bitrise-go-toolkit398496058/src/, 0x18, 0xc000602ddb, 0x18, 0xc000613f3d, 0x7, 0xc00033c640, 0x2, 0x2, 0xc00012a240, ...)
	/var/folders/6q/wgy6jtp12w5gzgm9lzcglpqw0000gn/T/bitrise-go-toolkit398496058/src/ +0x61
	/var/folders/6q/wgy6jtp12w5gzgm9lzcglpqw0000gn/T/bitrise-go-toolkit398496058/src/ +0x2938
|                                                                              |
| x | ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect@0 (exit code: 2)           | 54.55 sec|
| Issue tracker: |
| Source: |

Failed to analyze project: failed to find the main target of the scheme


I'm build a cordova based iOS app.
I'm using the Scripts step to do the build (because we have some commands to be ran). Build succeeds.

My problem is afterwards, with ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect i'm getting the error below :

Failed to analyze project: failed to find the main target of the scheme (Doyouno): failed to find scheme (Doyouno) in project: scheme Doyouno not found in Doyouno

Here's a link to my build :

Would highly appreciate some help.

Let me know if need more informations.

Difference between automatic and api_key connections


  • I've searched for possible solutions.
  • Which version of the step is effected? 2.0.1
  • Is the issue reproducible with the latest version? YES

Issue description

I think something is missing in the documentation, I don't understand the difference between :

  • automatic: Use the Apple Developer connection based on API key.
  • api_key: Use the Apple Developer connection based on API key authentication

Both modes seem to use the Api key connection configured in the "Team" tab of my app. Is there a difference ?

I think the documentation should be clearer here. Examples in this repo don't showcase any difference.

Also, could it be possible to to specify an API key in this step, when multiple are registered ? (and not alwasy take the default one)

Thanks !

Suddenly fails to parse provisioning profiles


  • I've searched for possible solutions.
  • Which version of the step is effected? 2.2.2
  • Is the issue reproducible with the latest version? YES
  • Does the issue happen sporadically, or every time? EVERY TIME
  • Is the issue reproducible locally by following our local debug guide? NOT APPLICABLE (local bitrise command fails to parse project file)

Useful information

Issue description

The following error is emitted:

Automatic code signing failed: failed to ensure profiles: failed to find profile: parsing time "2022-05-17T16:18:33.000+00:00" as "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000-0700": cannot parse "0" as "-0700"

I'm not aware of anything that has changed since the previous success using this workflow, regarding provisioning profiles and related. Building locally with from Xcode successfully finds profiles and builds.

I attempted deleting and re-downloading profiles from Apple, but that does not appear to have affected this issue.

Bitrise info

Automatic code signing failed: failed to ensure profiles: failed to find profile: parsing time "2022-05-17T16:18:33.000+00:00" as "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000-0700": cannot parse "0" as "-0700"

Steps to reproduce

I have not been able to reproduce this with a test project

Plugin fails to provision for stand-alone watchOS apps

After printing the bundle IDs of my watchkitapp and watchkitapp.watchkitextension, the step prints:
Failed to read project platform: not supported platform. Platform (PLATFORM_DISPLAY_NAME) = watchOS, supported: iOS, tvOS
and fails with exit code 1.

Missing issuer_id when it clearly isn't.

- BuildAPIToken: [REDACTED]
- BuildURL:
- ProjectPath: ios/lndmobile.xcworkspace
- Scheme: lndmobile
- Configuration: 
- Distribution: development
- MinProfileDaysValid: 0
- CertificateURLList: [REDACTED]
- CertificatePassphraseList: *****
- KeychainPath: /Users/vagrant/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
- KeychainPassword: *****
- VerboseLog: false
Creating AppstoreConnectAPI client
Failed get developer portal data: invalid App Store Connect API authentication data: missing issuer_id
|                                                                              |
| x | ios-auto-provision-appstoreconnect@0 (exit code: 1)           | 12.16 sec|
| Issue tracker: |
| Source: |


I even copied the issuer ID using the copy button on the AppStore Connect site.

Failed to apply code sign settings


I had just introduced this step instead of the Apple ID one and it seems to be failing on most of my workflows :(

One where I build a debug scheme for Bitrise adhoc deployment, getting this error (I replaced the real app name with "$appname" everywhere in the logs):

Failed to apply code sign settings for target ($appname-dev): failed to change code signing in target attributes, error: failed to get traget's (C9C0280F2434BCF4004BA737) attributes, error: key: string("C9C0280F2434BCF4004BA737") not found in: serialized.Object(serialized.Object{"079F11AB1D50B63A00071DD8":map[string]interface {}{"CreatedOnToolsVersion":"7.3.1", "LastSwiftMigration":"0810", "ProvisioningStyle":"Automatic", "SystemCapabilities":map[string]interface {}{"":map[string]interface {}{"enabled":"0"}, "":map[string]interface {}{"enabled":"1"}, "":map[string]interface {}{"enabled":"1"}, "":map[string]interface {}{"enabled":"1"}, "":map[string]interface {}{"enabled":"1"}, "":map[string]interface {}{"enabled":"1"}}}, "5E12D9351DEF1CFE001AA967":map[string]interface {}{"CreatedOnToolsVersion":"8.1", "DevelopmentTeam":"N262PL6K8J", "LastSwiftMigration":"1130", "ProvisioningStyle":"Automatic"}, "C901E33023E0E61C0078642D":map[string]interface {}{"CreatedOnToolsVersion":"11.3", "DevelopmentTeam":"N262PL6K8J", "LastSwiftMigration":"1130", "ProvisioningStyle":"Manual"}, "C901E38223E0EC100078642D":map[string]interface {}{"CreatedOnToolsVersion":"11.3", "DevelopmentTeam":"N262PL6K8J", "ProvisioningStyle":"Manual"}, "C997BB5E24ADCDEC00957DBC":map[string]interface {}{"CreatedOnToolsVersion":"11.5"}, "C9A116F02506349600162BC3":map[string]interface {}{"CreatedOnToolsVersion":"12.0"}, "C9C04D0623E32049009D0CAB":map[string]interface {}{"CreatedOnToolsVersion":"11.3"}, "C9DBC11325221AD4001CD914":map[string]interface {}{"CreatedOnToolsVersion":"12.0"}, "F901069E2375A9B40075F52F":map[string]interface {}{"CreatedOnToolsVersion":"11.1", "DevelopmentTeam":"N262PL6K8J", "ProvisioningStyle":"Automatic"}, "F9C1DB252201D10500219058":map[string]interface {}{"CreatedOnToolsVersion":"10.1", "DevelopmentTeam":"N262PL6K8J", "LastSwiftMigration":"1010", "ProvisioningStyle":"Automatic", "SystemCapabilities":map[string]interface {}{"":map[string]interface {}{"enabled":"1"}, "":map[string]interface {}{"enabled":"1"}, "":map[string]interface {}{"enabled":"1"}}}})

Another problem I've got is that in my test workflow, xcode analyze step (latest version) is failing, with these errors:

Last lines of the Xcode's build log:
2020-10-27 15:50:34.176 xcodebuild[3196:20856] CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary on line 113. Parsing will be abandoned. Break on _CFPropertyListMissingSemicolon to debug.
2020-10-27 15:50:34.203 xcodebuild[3196:20856] Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "No string key for value in object around character 1." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=No string key for value in object around character 1.}
2020-10-27 15:50:34.206 xcodebuild[3196:20856] [MT] IDEFileReferenceDebug: [Load] <IDEFileReference, 0x7fec7bb57310: name:$appname path:group:$appname.xcodeproj> Failed to load container at path: /Users/vagrant/git/$appname.xcodeproj, Error: Error Domain=Xcode3ProjectErrorDomain Code=2 "The project β€˜$appname’ is damaged and cannot be opened due to a parse error. Examine the project file for invalid edits or unresolved source control conflicts.
Path: /Users/vagrant/git/$appname.xcodeproj" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The project β€˜$appname’ is damaged and cannot be opened due to a parse error. Examine the project file for invalid edits or unresolved source control conflicts.
Path: /Users/vagrant/git/$appname.xcodeproj}

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