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resume's Issues

Trouble about catalog of output pdf

Hi, billryan. Thank you for this awesome template.
I found that there is something strange about the table of content after generating PDF file.
It is like:

  • "F19D 教育背景
  • "F0C0 项目经历
  • "F085 技能
  • "F08A 比赛经历
  • "F129 其他

Icon problem

Have no idea how are the icons managed, like the mail, telephone, and the Github icons. And how to get a blog icon? Thx ~

green box around the email and GitHub

Hello, billryan.
When I download the .pdf and open it in local machine, there are green box around the email and GitHub link. Have you meet this problem? I want to remove these box. Thank you!!!


三个文件: resume-zh_CN.tex,resume_photo.tex,resume.tex
分别用 texstudio+texLive套件编译,都出现错误。

Missing number, treated as zero. \progressbar@LoadFile@IfExist{tikz}
Missing = inserted for \ifnum. \progressbar@LoadFile@IfExist{tikz}
Missing number, treated as zero. \progressbar@LoadFile@IfExist{tikz}
Missing \begin{document}. \progressbar@LoadFile@IfExist{tikz}
Undefined control sequence. \progressbar@LoadFile@IfExist{tikz}
Missing number, treated as zero.[2011/08/03]{kvoptions}
Missing = inserted for \ifnum.[2011/08/03]{kvoptions}
Missing number, treated as zero.[2011/08/03]{kvoptions}
Undefined control sequence.[2011/08/03]{kvoptions}
Missing number, treated as zero. \progressbar@LoadFile@IfExist{kvsetkeys}
Missing = inserted for \ifnum. \progressbar@LoadFile@IfExist{kvsetkeys}
Missing number, treated as zero. \progressbar@LoadFile@IfExist{kvsetkeys}
Undefined control sequence. \progressbar@LoadFile@IfExist{kvsetkeys}
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. \ProcessKeyvalOptions
Undefined control sequence. \SetupKeyvalOptions
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. }
Undefined control sequence. \AddToKeyvalOption
Undefined control sequence. \AddToKeyvalOption
Undefined control sequence. \AddToKeyvalOption
Undefined control sequence. \AddToKeyvalOption
Undefined control sequence. \AddToKeyvalOption
Undefined control sequence. ...of{I} * \real{\progressbarlocal@heightr}}
Undefined control sequence. ^^I\kvsetkeys
Missing number, treated as zero. ...eys{progressbarlocal}{heighta=\BarHeight}
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted). ...eys{progressbarlocal}{heighta=\BarHeight}
Undefined control sequence. \AddToKeyvalOption
Undefined control sequence. \AddToKeyvalOption
Undefined control sequence.{\BarHeight}{\progressbarlocal@heighta}
Missing number, treated as zero.{\BarHeight}{\progressbarlocal@heighta}
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).{\BarHeight}{\progressbarlocal@heighta}
Undefined control sequence. \AddToKeyvalOption
Undefined control sequence. ...ength{\BarWidth}{\progressbarlocal@width}
Missing number, treated as zero. ...ength{\BarWidth}{\progressbarlocal@width}
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted). ...ength{\BarWidth}{\progressbarlocal@width}
Undefined control sequence. \AddToKeyvalOption
Undefined control sequence. ...dedCorners}{\progressbarlocal@roundnessa}
Missing number, treated as zero. ...dedCorners}{\progressbarlocal@roundnessa}
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted). ...dedCorners}{\progressbarlocal@roundnessa}
Undefined control sequence. \AddToKeyvalOption
Undefined control sequence. ...rderWidth}{\progressbarlocal@borderwidth}
Missing number, treated as zero. ...rderWidth}{\progressbarlocal@borderwidth}
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted). ...rderWidth}{\progressbarlocal@borderwidth}
The package tikz is older than (progressbar) but a version from or newer is required by
The package kvoptions is older than 2011/08/03(progressbar) but a version from or newer 2011/08/03 is required by
The package kvsetkeys is older than (progressbar) but a version from or newer is required by
Overfull \hbox (2552.95126pt too wide) in paragraph
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph
Token not allowed in a PDF string (Unicode):(hyperref) removing \char' Token not allowed in a PDF string (Unicode):(hyperref) removing \char'
Token not allowed in a PDF string (Unicode):(hyperref) removing \char' Token not allowed in a PDF string (Unicode):(hyperref) removing \char'
Token not allowed in a PDF string (Unicode):(hyperref) removing `\char'
Overfull \vbox (0.38379pt too high) has occurred while \output is active []


can remove fonts from this repository?

the fonts is toooo large and it is no necessary for this file (user can use other their favourite font). if you really wanna recommend user these fonts, why not list these fonts official net site, then let user download them (with their downloader)?


  Path = fonts/Main/ ,
Path = fonts/fontawesome/opentype/ ,

i think these lines should not appear. this is relative path, not absolute path. if user new a blank tex file (not resume.tex), the current working directory will not have these fonts. it will result error. the better solution is that let user install these fonts to default path. Such as C:\Windows\Fonts or ~/.local/share/fonts.

A bug when use '%' in \datedsubsection{}

For example:

\datedsubsection{\textbf{上海交通大学Top10\%}, 上海}{2013 -- 至今}

After you compiled it,there will be a file: resume-zh_CN.synctex(busy), and when you compile it again,you will get error:

Runaway argument?
{上海交通大学Top10\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.1.2}{西安电子\ETC.
! File ended while scanning use of \@@BOOKMARK.
<inserted text> 
l.11 \begin{document}

And need to delete the file: resume-zh_CN.synctex(busy)

This bug only appears in the Chinese resume.

Failure for adding hyperlinks in ShareLatex template

Thanks your sharing of this excellent template.
I have a trouble with using /href{}{} tag to generate a hyperlink. I added it to the sharelatex platform while no error but the generated PDF could not work.





获奖情况是个小心心实在是太萌了,想改一下 :)


您好, 我在resume.cls中新定义了一个datesubsection,定义如下:
\subsection[#1]{#1 \hfill #2 \hfill #3 \hfill #4 \hfill #5}%

support for lualatex?

and in resume.tex, it exists

  \item Full support for unicode characters (e.g. CJK) with \XeLaTeX\

i test this package also support lualatex except this macro. lualatex don't contain this macro.




更正,在sharelatex可以打开,直接跳转到overleaf,但还是建议把模板直接放到overleaf templates里

Add page number

Hi, could you please tell me how to add page number at the bottom? Nothing happened when I tried to add \pagestyle{plain}. Thanks in advance.

How to add the linkedin-square icon?

I can use "\linkedin" directly but when I wanna use "\linkedin-square", the hyphen would split the word and an error is reported. So if I wanna use the linkedin-square icon, how should I call the function or package? Thanks in advance.




Could I adjust my font size? It looks so larger that I can not put all the word in one page


编译后会出现:Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (Unicode): removing `\FA' on input line 22.



missing number , treated as zeros

hi,thank you for your package, whe i run the follow code in win10 with WinEdt, i meet the error:
missing number treated as zeros, thank you for your reply.


my code is as follows:

% !TEX program = xelatex

%\usepackage{zh_CN-Adobefonts_external} % Simplified Chinese Support using external fonts (./fonts/zh_CN-Adobe/)
%\usepackage{zh_CN-Adobefonts_internal} % Simplified Chinese Support using system fonts

\pagenumbering{gobble} % suppress displaying page number

  \begin{tabu}{ c l r }
   \multirow{5}{1in}{\includegraphics[width=0.88in]{avatar}} & \scshape{Bin Yuan} & \pbar{Python}{0.75} \\
    & \email{[email protected]} & \pbar{Scala}{0.5} \\
    & \phone{(+86) 131-221-87xxx} & \pbar{Linux}{0.7} \\
    & \linkedin[billryan8]{} & \pbar{Flask}{0.5} \\
    & \github[]{} & \pbar{Javascript}{0.5}

\section{\faGraduationCap\ Education}
\datedsubsection{\textbf{Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)}, Shanghai, China}{2013 -- Present}
\textit{Master student} in Electronics Engineering (EE), expected March 2016
\datedsubsection{\textbf{Xidian University}, Shaanxi, China}{2009 -- 2013}
\textit{B.S.} in Electronics Engineering (EE)

\section{\faUsers\ Experience}
\datedsubsection{\textbf{FLAG Inc.} California, America}{2012 -- Present}
\role{Summer Intern}{Manager: xxx}
Brief introduction: xxx.
  \item Implemented xxx feature
  \item Optimized xxx 5\%
  \item xxx

\datedsubsection{\textbf{xxx Projects}}{Jan. 2015 -- Present}
\role{C, Python, Django, Linux}{Individual Projects, collaborated with xxx}
Brief introduction: xxx
  \item Implemented xxx feature
  \item Optimized xxx 5\%
  \item xxx

\datedsubsection{\textbf{\LaTeX\ r茅sum茅 template}}{May. 2015 -- Present}
\role{\LaTeX, Maintainer}{Individual Projects}
An elegant \LaTeX\ r茅sum茅 template,
  \item Easy to be further customized or extended
  \item Full support for unicode characters (e.g. CJK) with \XeLaTeX\
  \item FontAwesome 4.5.0 support

% Reference Test
%\datedsubsection{\textbf{Paper Title\cite{zaharia2012resilient}}}{May. 2015}
%An xxx optimized for xxx\cite{verma2015large}
%  \item main contribution

% \section{\faCogs\ Skills}
% \begin{itemize}[parsep=0.5ex]
%   \item Programming Languages: C == Python > C++ > Java
%   \item Platform: Linux
%   \item Development: Web, xxx
% \end{itemize}

% \section{\faHeartO\ Honors and Awards}
% \datedline{\textit{\nth{1} Prize}, Award on xxx }{Jun. 2013}
% \datedline{Other awards}{2015}

\section{\faInfo\ Miscellaneous}
  \item Blog:
  \item GitHub:
  \item Languages: English - Fluent, Mandarin - Native speaker

%% Reference



Compiling error with Latex on Win7

Error log:
Command Line: latex.exe --src --interaction=errorstopmode --synctex=1 "resume.tex"
Startup Folder: G:\resume-master

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.3-1.40.12 (MiKTeX 2.9)
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2011/06/27>
Babel <v3.8m> and hyphenation patterns for loaded.
Document Class: resume 2015/05/25 An elegant Résumé class
Document Class: article 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class

  • XeTeX is required to compile this document.
  • Sorry!
    \RequireXeTeX ...**
    \endgroup \fi
    l.26 \RequireXeTeX


! Fatal fontspec error: "cannot-use-pdftex"
! The fontspec package requires either XeTeX or LuaTeX to function.
! You must change your typesetting engine to, e.g., "xelatex" or "lualatex"
! instead of plain "latex" or "pdflatex".
! See the fontspec documentation for further information.
! For immediate help type H .

l.38 }

) ) ) )
No pages of output.
Transcript written on resume.log.

gbk2uni, version 0.22, initially implemented by cxterm and ZLB in Jan. 2003
enhanced by hooklee in Mar. 2003.
please visit and for more information.
gbk2uni resume.out is finished!

LaTeX Compilation Report (Pages: 0)

Errors: 2 Warnings: 0 Bad Boxes: 0

How to add more icons from

Hi billryan

Thank you for sharing your resume template.

I am trying to add several icons which were not included in your file fontawesomesymbols-generic.tex. Let's suppose the name of the icon is XXX with its fa unicode FYYY. I guess I need to add \def\faXXX{\faicon{XXX}} to fontawesomesymbols-generic.tex, and add \expandafter\def\csnamefaicon@XXX\endcsname{{\FA\symbol{"FYYY}}} to fontawesomesymbols-xeluatex.tex. However, I don't know how to add codes to fontawesomesymbols-pdftex.tex.

Could you please help. Thanks.


xelatex -interaction nonstopmode -recorder -output-directory latex.out /tmp/downloads/tmp_4312/resume-zh_CN.tex
: error: Emergency stop: job aborted, file error in nonstop mode
at <*> /tmp/downloads/tmp_4312/resume-zh_CN.tex
There were errors; /tmp/storage/compilation_1820/output.pdf not updated




A bug with fonts

when i use zh_CN edition, the Compiler give me feedback
"resource": "/c:/Users/xxx/resume-master/resume.tex",
"owner": "LaTeX",
"severity": 8,
"message": "Package fontspec: The font "AdobeHeitiStd-Regular" cannot be found.\n",
"source": "LaTeX",
"startLineNumber": 16,
"startColumn": 1,
"endLineNumber": 16,
"endColumn": 65536
i used your old resume example about 1 years ago, but now i can't use again.
PS:all of fonts i can find in my computer
i use Win 10 ,TexLive 2019 and Compiler with VScode

Package hyperref Warning

I use this code to denote education background:

\section{\faGraduationCap 教育背景}

Then, I got the following issue:

Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (Unicode): removing `\char' on input line 20.

How can I fix this problem?

Photo problem

Excellent work, Billryan !!!

For the resume, it might be better to leave a place for one to upload his/her photo.




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