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aliasify's Issues

Replace sub-module's relative require

.transform("aliasify", { global:true, aliases:{ "whatwg-url/lib/utf8": "utf8-typed" }})

I've even tried using the full path as the key:

.transform("aliasify", { global:true, aliases:{ [require.resolve("whatwg-url/lib/utf8")] : "utf8-typed" }})

The file that I'm trying to alias is, by default, required internally with require("./utf8").

Instead, the above aliases function as if being ignored.

how to ignore the non-css file

error info:

      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

TypeError: Cannot read property './main/style/basic.css' of undefined (while aliasify was processing /home/develop/Projects/project/js/main.js) while parsing file: /home/develop/Projects/project/js/main.js (while aliasify was processing /home/develop/Projects/project/js/main.js) while parsing file: /home/develop/Projects/project/js/main.js
    at getReplacement (/home/develop/Projects/project/node_modules/aliasify/lib/aliasify.js:21:16)
    at /home/develop/Projects/project/node_modules/aliasify/lib/aliasify.js:48:21
    at /home/develop/Projects/project/node_modules/browserify-transform-tools/lib/transformTools.js:235:16
    at /home/develop/Projects/project/node_modules/browserify-transform-tools/lib/transformTools.js:176:18
    at walk (/home/develop/Projects/project/node_modules/browserify-transform-tools/node_modules/falafel/index.js:58:9)
    at /home/develop/Projects/project/node_modules/browserify-transform-tools/node_modules/falafel/index.js:55:17
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at forEach (/home/develop/Projects/project/node_modules/browserify-transform-tools/node_modules/falafel/index.js:9:31)
    at walk (/home/develop/Projects/project/node_modules/browserify-transform-tools/node_modules/falafel/index.js:43:9)
    at /home/develop/Projects/project/node_modules/browserify-transform-tools/node_modules/falafel/index.js:50:25


// see
mudule.exports = {
    replacements: {
    appliesTo: {
        includeExtensions: ['.js'],
        excludeExtensions: ['.css']
    verbose: true

support for alias value of false like the browser field, maps to empty module

It would be nice if aliasify would also support simply setting an alias value to false indicating that an empty module would need to be used as the replacement.

    "aliasify": {
        "aliases": {
            "crypto": false

This would cause crypto to be replaced with a require to an empty module just like browserify handles the false for its browser field.

Without this change, one needs to specify this:

    "aliasify": {
        "aliases": {
            "crypto": "browserify/lib/_empty"

With this change, it is more intuitive to the user since it works like browser field and we aren't exposing a path browserify's empty which is private. We can keep the path internal to aliasify and adjust as necessary or even just include our own empty file which we point to (maybe that is even better).

It is a pretty common need to stub out requires for the browser so making this easy is a big win.

I would have submitted a PR since this probably just an extra if statement, but my coffeescript skills are pretty lacking.

Thanks for a great module!

working with folders ?

I would like to know if there is any way to handle folder, something like this :

    "aliasify": {
        "aliases": {
            "directives": "./directives/"

Now, anywhere in my js files:

var customDirective = require('directives/cutom-dir')

Thanks !

Directory separator should be / always

Currently it use "" directory separator on Windows. It ends in:
instead of:

It happens due using path.relative(root, file); in mapPathRelativeTo.

regex in aliases

Any plan to support regex in aliases config? I'm happy to contribute too

Aliasify code in modules

I have an project that requires a library which uses the request library. For it to work in the browser i have to swap that for the browser-request.
Is there a way for aliasify to update requires in dependencies?

Is there support for bower installations with aliasify?

When using the following configuration:

exports.aliasConfig = {
  aliases: {
    'modernizr': {
      'relative': '<bower_directory>/modernizr/modernizr.js'
    'lodash': {
      'relative': '<node_modules_directory>/lodash/index.js'
  configDir: 'dist',
  verbose: true

(Obviously omitting the directories above with placeholders). The node_modules/* aliases work fine, but the bower aliases do not. I'm using the CommonJS requires for bower in my source code i.e require('modernizr);`.

If there's no support, would you be open to a pull request to fix it?

Does aliasify work with CoffeeScript files?

I am using grunt-browserify with these transforms declared in my package.json:

"browserify": {
  "transform": [

When aliasify scans my CoffeeScript files then I get an error because it does not like CoffeScript symbols like ?=:

SyntaxError: Unexpected token (1:10) (while aliasify was processing

What can I do to make aliasify work with CoffeeScript?

I want to replace statements like:

CoreEvent = require '../../../core/coffee/event/'

Always resolve relative urls relative to package.json

note that using the browserify API, './shims/d3.js' will be resolved against the current working directory.

and separately:

configDir - An absolute path to resolve relative paths against. If you're using package.json, this will automatically be filled in for you with the directory containing package.json. If you're using a .js file for configuration, set this to __dirname.

In my opinion it would make sense to always resolve against package.json (except of course when file-relative operation is enabled through {relative: "replacement"}). Especially it would allow one to use aliasify for package-relative paths in package.json like this:

  "name": "mypkg",
  "browserify": {
    "transform": [
          "aliases": {
            "jquery": "./jquery.custom"

.. where jquery.custom is in the same directory as the package.json file. Then it would still "just work" even when somebody else depends on mypkg.

I understand that you might not want to break backwards compatibility with existing implementations that have implemented paths based on how they work now; it would require a major release. But perhaps you could introduce a config option to enable the new behaviour until then?

          "aliases": {
            "jquery": "./jquery.custom"
          "usePackageRelativePaths": true

There are plenty of npm packages available to figure out the associated package.json file location. For example this looks decent:

Replace alias in dependencies?

I've been doing some testing on using aliasify to replace requires of underscore for lodash. I've enabled verbose to be true. I've ran into an issue where in Backbone it still requires underscore instead of lodash.

See the output below:


aliasify - /Users/michaelbenin/Projects/node-startup/apps/about/about_view.js: replacing underscore with lodash
aliasify - /Users/michaelbenin/Projects/node-startup/apps/home/home_view.js: replacing underscore with lodash
aliasify - /Users/michaelbenin/Projects/node-startup/apps/links/links_view.js: replacing underscore with lodash
aliasify - /Users/michaelbenin/Projects/node-startup/apps/login/login_view.js: replacing underscore with lodash
aliasify - /Users/michaelbenin/Projects/node-startup/apps/search/search_view.js: replacing underscore with lodash
aliasify - /Users/michaelbenin/Projects/node-startup/apps/searchquery/searchquery_view.js: replacing underscore with lodash
aliasify - /Users/michaelbenin/Projects/node-startup/apps/signup/signup_view.js: replacing underscore with lodash
aliasify - /Users/michaelbenin/Projects/node-startup/apps/topics/topics_view.js: replacing underscore with lodash
aliasify - /Users/michaelbenin/Projects/node-startup/apps/users/users_view.js: replacing underscore with lodash
aliasify - /Users/michaelbenin/Projects/node-startup/apps/home/home_sub_view.js: replacing underscore with lodash
aliasify - /Users/michaelbenin/Projects/node-startup/apps/nav/nav_view.js: replacing underscore with lodash
aliasify - /Users/michaelbenin/Projects/node-startup/apps/footer/footer_view.js: replacing underscore with lodash
>> Error: Cannot find module 'underscore' from '/Users/michaelbenin/Projects/node-startup/node_modules/backbone'


var aliasify = require('aliasify');

var aliasifyConfig = {
  aliases: {
    underscore: 'lodash'
  verbose: true

// in my browserify file:

b.transform(aliasify, aliasifyConfig);

Allowing paths after alias causes error when requiring sub-modules

First, my specific example that led to finding this issue:

I have source modules that may require either the core React module or the React module with addons, such as:

var React = require('react');
// OR
var React = require('react/addons');

I am attempting to use aliasify to map any requires of react to react/addons. However, I want to leave requires for react/addons untouched. When I include the following in my package.json, require('react/addons') becomes require('react/addons/addons'):

"aliasify": {
  "aliases": {
    "react": "react/addons"

At first, I thought this might be a bug with aliasify being too lenient, but it looks like it's expected functionality, considering this test to ensure paths after aliases are maintained.

I attempted to work around this by using quote marks in my package.json, like so:

"aliasify": {
  "aliases": {
    "'react'": "'react/addons'"

Hoping that I would be able to do an 'exact' match against only requires for 'react', but to no avail.

This pattern of modules exposing differing or extended functionality via sub-modules (e.g. Less 2.0.0 just introduced less/browser as a valid require target) seems to not be that uncommon, so I was curious as to whether you feel there's a way to improve aliasify to be smarter about aliasing modules names with this pattern.


Alias and dot notation


Is it possible to do something like this:

var cat = require("animals").cat;


var cat = require("../shim/to/animals.js").dog;



Support for wildcards

Browserify's official way to support local modules is to put them in the node_modules folder and add an exception in the .gitignore

A way to do wildcard aliases would be great:

'app/*' : './local_modules/*'

Support passing falafel option (for ecmaVersion 6)

There is no way to pass falafel options. It would be nice if there is a way to do this.

I tried to add {falafelOptions: {ecmaVersion:6}} when calling makeRequireTransform, but somehow it doesn't work. The second time falafel is called, falafelOptions disappears. It may be a bug of browserify-transform-tools.

No value is exported from my es6 module after applying aliasify transform

I have an underscore-extend file that I'd like to alias for all calls to require('underscore'). The reason for this is I'm mixing in some of my own functions to underscore and I'd like them to be available anywhere underscore is required in my codebase.

Here's my underscore-extend.js:

import _ from 'vendor/underscore'


export default _

And my gulp task code:

 let b = browserify({
    entries: `./app/${app}/index.js`, 
    debug: true,
    detectGlobal: false,
    paths: [
  }).transform(browserifyShim) // config must be in package.json
    .transform('babelify', {presets: ['es2015'], compact: false})
    .transform(aliasify, {
      aliases: {
        vendor: './vendor',
        underscore: {relative: 'shared/lib/underscore-extend'}
      verbose: false,
      debug: true

The problem is that there is no value exported from underscore-extend when I use import _ from 'underscore'. When I used import 'underscore', _ is defined correctly in scope and all my mixins are present, but I'd rather not change my entire codebase to use import without assignment.

I've also tried underscore: './app/shared/lib/underscore-extend' and got the same result.

npm publish

Hello @benbria

I would like to use aliasify but did not found it in the npm repository. Could you publish it?

PS: I would prefer just passing a plain js hash to the transform as I it makes independent from how you handle your configuration:

var builder = browserify();




Cannot manage to alias react/addons to react

I am experementing a bit with react, browserify and aliasify and I have these wishes:

  • I want to bundle all code written by me into a single file
  • I want to bundle all 3rd party dependencies (react, react-router, lodash etc) into separate files, one for each lib, to maximize caching possibilities

I have managed to do the things described above but I ran into this specific situation:

In some places of my code I want to use react with addons and as such require it like this: var React = require('react/addons). I don't do this in all parts of my code and it is not done in 3rd party dependencies such as react-router.

I tried to solve this situation with aliasify like this for all my extrnal modules

var b = browserify()
var aliasTransform = aliasify.configure({
  aliases: {
    react: 'react/addons'
b.external('react') // have also tried 'react/addons'

What happens when I load my page is that I get the error Cannot find module 'react' originating from the react-router module.

Should it be possible to do what I am trying to do?

More general question on stackoverflow

Does not work if code contains ES6 syntax

The aliasify transform will fail if code contains ES6 syntax. So far, both usage of const and template strings cause issues. I will follow up with exact error message.

Issues when using npm shrinkwrap or npm ls because of node-falafel

Hi there

There is a long running issue with node-falafel that uses esprima as a bundledDependencies and therefore causing "ERR! extraneous: [email protected]".

There are several issues already open and even pull requests:

I don't understand why this doesn't get fixed. I respect substack and understand he has a lot on his plate but this issue is going on for too long and it'd just be a matter of accepting a PR.

As a workaround I could see the following options:

  • Someone creates a fork of node-falafel, fixes the issue and publish to npm so we can all switch our libraries to use the new dependency
  • Someone close to substack physically forces him to accept the pull request ๐Ÿ˜„
  • If you don't mind switching to node-burrito this is probably also an alternative

What do you think?


Support .jsx files

Currently only .js and .coffee files are supported via this option.

jsFilesOnly: true

A lot of people are now using React with .jsx . jsFilesOnly option needs to change to a list of file extensions. I would submit to browserify-transform-tools, but that repo hasn't been maintained in almost a year.

Not working with Vue?

Hi there,

I'm using aliasify to make vue work in browserify - however it doesn't seem to reply the require.

My package.json

  "private": true,
  "scripts": {
    "prod": "gulp --production",
    "dev": "gulp watch"
  "devDependencies": {
    "aliasify": "^2.0.0",
    "bootstrap-sass": "^3.3.7",
    "gulp": "^3.9.1",
    "jquery": "^3.1.0",
    "laravel-elixir": "^6.0.0-9",
    "laravel-elixir-browserify-official": "^0.1.3",
    "laravel-elixir-vue-2": "^0.2.0",
    "laravel-elixir-webpack-official": "^1.0.2",
    "lodash": "^4.16.2",
    "vue": "^2.0.1",
    "vue-resource": "^1.0.3"
  "aliasify": {
    "aliases": {
      "vue": "vue/dist/vue.js",
      "underscore": "lodash"

And my bootstrap.js

window._ = require('lodash');

 * We'll load jQuery and the Bootstrap jQuery plugin which provides support
 * for JavaScript based Bootstrap features such as modals and tabs. This
 * code may be modified to fit the specific needs of your application.

window.$ = window.jQuery = require('jquery');

 * Vue is a modern JavaScript library for building interactive web interfaces
 * using reactive data binding and reusable components. Vue's API is clean
 * and simple, leaving you to focus on building your next great project.

window.Vue = require('vue');

 * We'll register a HTTP interceptor to attach the "CSRF" header to each of
 * the outgoing requests issued by this application. The CSRF middleware
 * included with Laravel will automatically verify the header's value.

Vue.http.interceptors.push((request, next) => {
    request.headers.set('X-CSRF-TOKEN', Laravel.csrfToken);


 * Echo exposes an expressive API for subscribing to channels and listening
 * for events that are broadcast by Laravel. Echo and event broadcasting
 * allows your team to easily build robust real-time web applications.

// import Echo from "laravel-echo"

// window.Echo = new Echo({
//     broadcaster: 'pusher',
//     key: 'your-pusher-key'
// });

What am I doing wrong?

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