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Towards LLM-Generated Code Tours for Onboarding - NLBSE@ICSE24

What is this Project ?



Onboarding new developers is a challenge for any software project. Addressing this challenge relies on human resources (e.g., having a senior developer write documentation or mentor the new developer). One promising solution is using annotated code tours. While this approach partially lifts the need for mentorship, it still requires a senior developer to write this interactive form of documentation. This paper argues that a Large Language Model (LLM) might help with this documentation process. Our approach is to record the stack trace between a failed test and a faulty method. We then extract code snippets from the methods in this stack trace using CodeQL, a static analysis tool and have them explained by \texttt{gpt-3.5-turbo-1106}, the LLM behind ChatGPT. Finally, we evaluate the quality of a sample of these generated tours using a checklist. We show that the automatic generation of code tours is feasible but has limitations like redundant and low-level explanations.

Prerequisites for Running This Project

Before running this project, ensure you have the following tools installed:

Don't forget to create a .env file with these variables:

DEFECTS4J_HOME= # path to Defects4J
CODEQL_HOME= # path to CodeQL

Repository Structure Overview

Model-View-Controller (MVC) Components

  • models: Contains data models representing failing tests, projects, queries, etc.
  • controllers:
    • command_runner: Executes shell commands, manages file operations and directories, with comprehensive logging and error handling.
    • d4j_controller: Facilitates interactions with the Defects4J database.
    • db_controller: Manages operations related to CodeQL databases.

Utility Modules

  • constants: Centralizes various constant values used across the project.
    • code: Stores essential code snippets for project setup.
    • paths: Maintains frequently used paths.
    • prompts: Prompts for explaining code snippets.
    • queries: CodeQL queries for method extraction.
  • ensure_in_path: Ensures that defects4J and codeql are included in the system PATH.
  • pyproject.toml: Configures project settings, dependencies, and build specifications.
  • install_codeql: Install codeql libraries


Data Resources

  • defects4j-bugs: Provides extracted information about Defects4J projects, sourced from Sobreira (2018).
  • dataset: You'll find the generated data from all the scripts


We will use Chart 25 from falling test testDrawWithNullMeanVertical to the faulty method drawVeticalItem as an example for this walkthrough.

1. Initialisation

  • Checking out the project's faulty (b) version using the defects4j checkout command.
  • Preparing CodeQL
    • Copying the folder that contains the necessary tools and libraries for CodeQL database creation and analysis.

      • It contains the method_extract.qll file that helps extract methods or constructors' start and end lines from a Java class or interface.

        * @name Extract method boundaries
        * @description Extracts the start and end lines of methods or constructors from a Java class or interface.
        * @id java/extract-method-boundaries
        * @kind problem
        * @problem.severity warning
        import java
        class MethodOrConstructor extends Callable {
          MethodOrConstructor() { this instanceof Method or this instanceof Constructor}
          string getFileName() { result = this.getLocation().getFile().getBaseName() }
          int getAnnotationsStartLine() {
            if exists(this.getAnAnnotation()) then
              result = min(int line | line = this.getAnAnnotation().getLocation().getStartLine())
              result = this.getLocation().getStartLine()
          int getJavadocStartLine() {
            if exists(this.getDoc().getJavadoc()) then
              result = this.getDoc().getJavadoc().getLocation().getStartLine()
              result = this.getLocation().getStartLine()
          int getMethodStartLine() {
            result = this.getBody().getLocation().getStartLine()
          string toJson() {
            result = (
              "{" + 
                ""method_name": "" + this.getName() + "", " +
                ""javadoc_start_line": " + this.getJavadocStartLine().toString() + ", " +
                ""annotations_start_line": " + this.getAnnotationsStartLine().toString() + ", " +
                ""method_start_line": " + this.getMethodStartLine().toString() + ", " +
                ""end_line": " + this.getEndLine().toString() + 
          int getEndLine() { result = this.getBody().getLocation().getEndLine() }
        predicate getMethodOrConstructor(MethodOrConstructor moc, string fileName, int callLine) {
          callLine in [moc.getMethodStartLine()..moc.getEndLine()] and
          moc.getFileName() = fileName
    • Running the codeql database create command to create the CodeQL database.

      Note that the database creation time has been reduced by deleting passing tests. Automatic fixes are applied in some projects.

2. Recording stack traces

  • Modifying the code source to record the stack trace

    • Copying a Java file with the StacktraceRecorder class

      package org.jfree.chart.renderer.category;
      import java.util.regex.Matcher;
      import java.util.regex.Pattern;
       * Utility class to record a stack trace from a specified method to the end of
       * the stack trace.
      public class StackTraceRecorder {{
          private String testName;
          private String fixedMethodName;
          private String path;
          private StackTraceElement[] stacktrace;
          private String encoding = "UTF-8";
          public StackTraceRecorder(String testName, String fixedMethodName, String path) {{
              this.testName = testName;
              this.fixedMethodName = fixedMethodName;
              this.path = path;
          public void recordStackTrace() {{
              stacktrace = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
              if (isMethodInStackTrace(testName) && isMethodInStackTrace(fixedMethodName)) {{
           * Checks if a specified method name is present in the stack trace.
           * @param methodName the name of the method to look for
           * @return true if the method name is found in the stack trace, false otherwise
          private boolean isMethodInStackTrace(String methodName) {{
              for (int i = 0; i < stacktrace.length; i++) {{
                  StackTraceElement element = stacktrace[i];
                  if (methodName.equals(element.getMethodName())) {{
                      return true;
              return false;
           * Writes the stack trace to a file starting from the specified method name.
          private void writeStackTraceToFile() {{
              try {{
                  PrintWriter file = new PrintWriter(this.path, encoding);
                  BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(file);
                  writer.write("package,file,class,method,line number");
                  boolean startRecording = false;
                  for (int i = stacktrace.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {{
                      StackTraceElement element = stacktrace[i];
                      if (testName.equals(element.getMethodName())) {{
                          startRecording = true;
                      if (startRecording) {{
                          String pattern = "(.*)\\\\.(.*)";
                          Pattern r = Pattern.compile(pattern);
                          Matcher m = r.matcher(element.getClassName());
                          if (!m.find()) {{
                          String packageName =;
                          String className =;
                          int lineNumber = element.getLineNumber();
                          StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
                      if (fixedMethodName.equals(element.getMethodName())) {{
              }} catch (IOException e) {{
                  System.err.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
    • Locating the faulty method to insert lines of code that will record the stack trace

      • Extracting data from Sobreira et al. available as a JSON file

         "changedFiles": {
              "org/jfree/chart/renderer/category/": {
                "changes": [
                "inserts": [
      • Generating the CodeQL query that will extract the start and end lines of the faulty methods

        * @name Extract methods
        * @description Extracts the start and end lines of methods or constructors from a Java class or interface.
        * @id java/extract-methods
        * @kind problem
        * @problem.severity warning
        import java
        import method_extract
        from MethodOrConstructor moc
        	getMethodOrConstructor(moc, "", 315) or
        	getMethodOrConstructor(moc, "", 459) or
        	getMethodOrConstructor(moc, "", 259) or
        	getMethodOrConstructor(moc, "", 260) or
        	getMethodOrConstructor(moc, "", 316) or
        	getMethodOrConstructor(moc, "", 344) or
        	getMethodOrConstructor(moc, "", 345) or
        	getMethodOrConstructor(moc, "", 403) or
        	getMethodOrConstructor(moc, "", 404) or
        	getMethodOrConstructor(moc, "", 460) or
        	getMethodOrConstructor(moc, "", 487) or
        	getMethodOrConstructor(moc, "", 488)
        select moc, moc.toJson()
      • Extracting the results of the query

        {"method_name": "drawVerticalItem", "javadoc_start_line": 360, "annotations_start_line": 373, "method_start_line": 381, "end_line": 500}
      • Now we can insert at line 381 (or 382 if there is a super()) two lines that records the stack trace

        StackTraceRecorder recorder = new StackTraceRecorder("testDrawWithNullMeanVertical", "drawVerticalItem", "./results/stacktrace-testDrawWithNullMeanVertical-drawVerticalItem.csv");
  • Running the tests with defects4j test to record the stack trace

    package file class method line number
    org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.junit StatisticalBarRendererTests testDrawWithNullMeanVertical 200
    org.jfree.chart JFreeChart createBufferedImage 1373
    org.jfree.chart JFreeChart createBufferedImage 1393
    org.jfree.chart JFreeChart draw 1219
    org.jfree.chart.plot CategoryPlot draw 2673
    org.jfree.chart.plot CategoryPlot render 2868
    org.jfree.chart.renderer.category StatisticalBarRenderer drawItem 212
    org.jfree.chart.renderer.category StatisticalBarRenderer drawVerticalItem 383

3. Extracting methods

  • Generating the CodeQL query that will extract the start and end lines of the methods in order

     * @name Extract methods ordered
     * @description Extracts the start and end lines of methods or constructors from a Java class or interface in order.
     * @id java/extract-methods-ordered
     * @kind problem
     * @problem.severity warning
    import java
    import method_extract
    from MethodOrConstructor moc, int call_order
    (getMethodOrConstructor(moc, "", 200) and call_order = 0) or
    	(getMethodOrConstructor(moc, "", 1373) and call_order = 1) or
    	(getMethodOrConstructor(moc, "", 1393) and call_order = 2) or
    	(getMethodOrConstructor(moc, "", 1219) and call_order = 3) or
    	(getMethodOrConstructor(moc, "", 2673) and call_order = 4) or
    	(getMethodOrConstructor(moc, "", 2868) and call_order = 5) or
    	(getMethodOrConstructor(moc, "", 212) and call_order = 6) or
    	(getMethodOrConstructor(moc, "", 383) and call_order = 7)
    select moc, call_order.toString() + "|" + moc.toJson()
  • Extracting the results of the query

    1. Method Name: createBufferedImage
      • Javadoc Start Line: 1361
      • Annotations Start Line: 1371
      • Method Start Line: 1372
      • End Line: 1375
    2. Method Name: createBufferedImage
      • Javadoc Start Line: 1377
      • Annotations Start Line: 1388
      • Method Start Line: 1390
      • End Line: 1396
    3. Method Name: draw
      • Javadoc Start Line: 1120
      • Annotations Start Line: 1132
      • Method Start Line: 1134
      • End Line: 1225
    4. Method Name: draw
      • Javadoc Start Line: 2536
      • Annotations Start Line: 2552
      • Method Start Line: 2555
      • End Line: 2722
    5. Method Name: render
      • Javadoc Start Line: 2835
      • Annotations Start Line: 2846
      • Method Start Line: 2847
      • End Line: 2904
    6. Method Name: drawItem
      • Javadoc Start Line: 173
      • Annotations Start Line: 188
      • Method Start Line: 197
      • End Line: 215
    7. Method Name: drawHorizontalItem
      • Javadoc Start Line: 217
      • Annotations Start Line: 230
      • Method Start Line: 238
      • End Line: 358

4. Selection

The "" script helps in selecting a subset of code tours based on the following criteria:

(i) The number of steps in a stack trace falls within the interquartile range of the number of steps observed in all stack traces from the same project.

(ii) At least half of the steps in the selected stack trace are not present in any other selected stack trace. This may result in a slightly different subset depending on the selection order. We follow an alphanumeric order based on project, version number, and tour name for selection.

(iii) Both the test and faulty methods in the selected code tour are unique.

5. Generation

  • System prompt

    Since ChatGPT do not provide a system prompt, we followed the same approach as the Llama-2-chat paper and utilized their system prompt.

    You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Always answer as helpfully as possible, while being safe. Your answers should not include any harmful, unethical, racist, sexist, toxic, dangerous, or illegal content. Please ensure that your responses are socially unbiased and positive in nature. If a question does not make any sense, or is not factually coherent, explain why instead of answering something not correct. If you don’t know the answer to a question, please don’t share false information.

    However, we append information about the task

    Your goal is to assist a new programmer in onboarding a software project.

    And information about the failing test

    The test has failed with the following error: junit.framework.AssertionFailedError, and it has produced the following message: .

  • Direct task specification (zero-shot)

         * Creates and returns a buffered image into which the chart has been drawn.
         * @param width  the width.
         * @param height  the height.
         * @param info  carries back chart state information (<code>null</code>
         *              permitted).
         * @return A buffered image.
        public BufferedImage createBufferedImage(int width, int height,
                                                 ChartRenderingInfo info) {
            return createBufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB,

    (Summarize and explain this code snippet in plain English:)

    • Task specification by demonstration (few-shot)

      We used the example from Figure 1 in Taylor, 2022. However, since we did not have the original code, we generated our version using ChatGPT based on the explanation. The generated code snippet may not be completely accurate or fully aligned with the description. However, this should be fine as ground truth demonstrations are not required (Min, 2022).

Figure 1 in Taylor, 2022

    > ```java
    > public class PaintWindow {{
    >     private PaintObject paintObject;
    >     public PaintWindow() {{
    >         // Constructor initializes a default PaintObject for pencil drawing
    >         paintObject = new PaintObject(Color.GREEN, 5); // Green color, thickness 5
    >     }}
    >     public void onMouseEvent(MouseEvent e) {{
    >         // Method to handle mouse events like click, move, and release
    >         // Delegates the event handling to the PaintObject instance
    >         paintObject.handleEvent(e);
    >     }}
    > }}
    > public class PaintObject {{
    >     private Color color;
    >     private int thickness;
    >     public PaintObject(Color color, int thickness) {{
    >         // Constructor to initialize the PaintObject with specified color and thickness
    >         this.color = color;
    >         this.thickness = thickness;
    >     }}
    >     public void handleEvent(MouseEvent e) {{
    >         // Logic to handle mouse events and perform drawing on the canvas
    >         // Details are abstracted for this example
    >     }}
    > }}
    > ```
    > (Summarize and explain this code snippet in plain English:)
    > """
    > The PaintWindow contains an instance of a PaintObject. This class is responsible for responding to the mouse click, move, and release events the user performs on the application canvas.
    > In the lines of code above, the object constructor is initialised. By default, the object constructor is set to construct pencil objects on the canvas (i.e. free form strokes) in the color green, thickness 5. The last two lines above set the object constructor as a subscriber to any mouse or mouse motion events that take place on the canvas.
    > "”"

Here is an excerpt of the sixth step of the code tour generated: Excerpt

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