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plainnotes's Introduction

Simple and pleasant authoring and note taking for SublimeText.

With PlainNotes you can:

  • Organize notes and thoughts
  • Maintain todo-lists
  • Write documents
  • and probably more

PlainNotes stores and organizes all your notes in a folder and make them accessible with a single shortcut or mouse click. It also provides you with an enhanced version of Markdown markup and some good looking color schemes for note taking. It's been designed with these ground rules in mind:

  • Plain text is the holy grail
  • Plain text shouldn't be that plain
  • Simple and Sexy is Sublime

Note: Although PlainNotes works under SublimeText 2, some features might not be available. We're not actively testing it under SublimeText 2 but will do our best to make it compatible and usable. We appreciate bug reports and pull requests.

Organizing notes

Most of PlainNotes commands are accessible from the SublimeText main menu. You should have a menu item called Notes right after Help. Although, there are faster and easier ways of running those commnads that are mentioned below.

Starting a new note (super+F4)

  • Command palette: Open command palette and search for Notes: new command (typing nn will probably find it for you).

    • To save note in a subfolder of the root directory use /: "subfolder name"/"note name".
  • Shortcut: By default pressing super+F4 will create a new note. For customizing the shortcut see Keyboard Shortcuts section.

Opening an existing note (F4)

  • Command palette: Open command palette and search for Notes: List… command (typing nl will probably find it for you), the command will show the Latest Notes quick panel from which you can select or search for your file. The Latest Notes quick panel is sorting files based on their last-edit time, so the note that you have been working on recently should be on top of the list.

  • Shortcut: By default pressing F4 will open the Latest Notes quick panel. For customizing the shortcut see Keyboard Shortcuts section.

Jotter (F1)

Jotter will let you jot down your thoughts and ideas quickly without disturbing your work-flow. It opens a Note Panel at the bottom of the editor which is ready to take your note. When you press ESC it automatically closes the panel and saves your note with a time stamp in your Inbox.

It can be accessed by pressing F1 (that can be customized in your Key-bindings if it conflicts with your other key-bindings) or through Notes: Jotter in command palette. The default color scheme of the jotter panel can be customized in user settings (Preferences -> Package Settings -> PlainNotes -> Settings - User):

{ "jotter_color_scheme": "Packages/PlainNotes/Color Schemes/Sticky-Yellow.tmTheme" }


Inbox is where all your quick notes from Jotter live. You can view inbox through Notes: Inbox in command palette or via the Notes main menu. The date and time format of the note headers in inbox can be customized in user settings (Preferences -> Package Settings -> PlainNotes -> Settings - User):

    "jotter_date_format": "%d %b %Y",
    "jotter_time_format": "%I:%M %p"

Notes Index Card (ctrl+F4)

Pressing ctrl+F4 or selecting Notes: Index from the command palette will give you the Notes Index Card with the list of all notes sorted alphabetically. Pressing Enter on any note will open it in a new tab.

Change note color

Open command palette and search for Note: Change Color…. it will give you a list of 10 different colors that is shown in the above image. Pressing up and down will give you a preview. Color of the note is remembered by PlainNotes and whenever you open that file, PlainNotes will set the color-scheme automatically.

Archive note

Open command palette and search for Note: Archive. This will move the note into an archive folder than can be specified in the settings -- The default archive directory is .archive. Archiving a note hides it from the Index and List.

Unarchive notes

Open command palette and search for Note: Unarchive.... This will open a list of archived notes sorted by modification date. Selecting one from the list will unarchive that note.

Delete note

Open a note and then open command palette and search for Note: Delete.

Rename note

Open a note and then open command palette and search for Note: Rename.

Change note file extension

You can change the note file extension in settings. To do so, go to Preferences -> Package Settings -> PlainNotes -> Settings - User and modify "note_save_extension":. The default note type is .note which has the possibility of setting different note colors and some special markup. Alternatively you can use any note extension you want such as markdown .md.

Add yaml front matter to notes

Go to Preferences -> Package Settings -> PlainNotes -> Settings - User and modify "enable_yaml"

By default, the following yaml items are added:


To add more yaml items you can add them to the settings by modifying note_yaml::

{ "note_yaml" : ["categories"] }

Other features

  • Open URLs: place cursor on the link then press enter to open a url in the browser.
  • Preview images inline: place cursor on a markdown image with inline image url and press enter to a preview popup of that image. You should have ST 3070 or newer for this feature to work.

Per-project notes

To have a different notes directory for a project, add the following in your .sublime-project file:

"settings": {
    "PlainNotes": {
        "root": "path/to/notes/dir"

Authoring notes

PlainNotes provides an enhanced version of Markdown. It means that you can write your notes in plain markdown without learning anything new. In addition, it gives you some extra markups to improve the look and feel of your documents, since markdown sometime feels too simple to format a real document.

If you are new to markdown here is a cheat-sheet:

Markup Markdown Syntax
Italic _italic_ or *italic*
Bold __bold__ or **bold**
Images ![Image Title](http://url_to.image)
Links [Link Text](http://link.url)
Inline Code `code`
Quotes > Here is a quote block
Separators ---- or *****
Heading 1 # Heading 1
Heading 2 ## Heading 2
Heading 3 ### Heading 3
Heading 4 #### Heading 4

Extra Markup


When writing a note, you might need to distinguish a block or section by giving it a special title and box. These sections might appear several times in your document. Some examples would be Note, Tip or Caution blocks in an article.

Here is how to create an admonition block

!!! ADMONITION_TYPE "Optional title in quotes"
    Any number of other indented markdown elements.

By default admonitions block have a purplish background color (that might be different based on the color scheme), but giving it a specific type from table below can change the color. Predefined admonition types are listed in table below and are shown in image above. Note that admonition types can be lower- case, upper-case or title-case.

Predefined Admonition Type Block Color
hint or tip bluish
warning or caution yellowish
danger or error reddish
attention greenish

Admonition blocks can have any PlainNotes enhanced markdown inside them and they customize the look and feel so that everything looks sublime.


Copyright 2014-2015 Allen Bargi. Licensed under the MIT License

plainnotes's People


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plainnotes's Issues

Notes not sorted according to last modified date

Notes get sorted according to last modified date when you open the notes window, which I like. However, when you start to search notes, they are no longer sorted according to the last modified date. This may have changed with some release, since I think it didn't work like this earlier. Is it intentional? I'd like the notes to remain sorted by last modified date when I'm doing the search, like in Notational Velocity (nvALT).

Store the note in projects/ path

In the Notes.sublime-settings file, if there were a way to reference the current projects' workspace and (maybe) create a sub directory there called 'Notes'. so something like {"root": "${project_path}/Notes"}, it would be very useful.

PS: I'm not certain if this can already be done. (I'm on windows using ST3)

Note color not saved

When viewing a note, I can successfully change the note color, and when saving a note brain.json gets updated correctly. But opening a saved note defaults to the Yellow color scheme without throwing any errors.

Also, neither note_color_scheme nor jotter_color_scheme in user settings seem to have any effect on the operation of PlainNotes. Everything is Yellow.

Sample feature note cheatsheet

Many of us (beginners with notes or markdown) would appreciate an option from the control panel menu (Ctrl + P) to invoke in a new tab some type of cheatsheet, where at one place all the syntax examples would be listed. I saw this in "Markdown Preview" sublime plugin and found it really helpful in the middle of writing and not remembering some feature's syntax. In any case, great work!

Dark Theme

I use Sublime with a dark theme (similar to this one) and all of the note themes included with this package are quite jarring in comparison.

I would love to see a darker option alongside the current set of neon note themes.

Error loading color scheme

I'm getting the following when trying to change color schemes:

Error loading colour scheme Packages\PlainNotes\Color Schemes\Sticky-Yellow.tmTheme:
Unable to open Packages\PlainNotes\Color Schemes\Sticky-Yellow.tmTheme

The error is also repeated for orange before erroring out.

Menu operations grayed out

I just installed on ST2 on Win 7 and menu items, including new note are grayed out.
Don't appear in preferences menu either.

Avoid binding to F3

By default ST has F3 bound to the command
{ "keys": ["f3"], "command": "find_next" }

PlainNotes seizes this binding and breaks the search experience (common for lots of other applications, not only ST).

Allow moving the ".brain" folder

I am using PlainNotes on Windows 8.1. Currently, whenever I start PlainNotes, it creates a ".brain" folder on my desktop. Would you consider adding a setting so that I could put this folder someplace else? It would make my desktop less cluttered.

root setting doesn't handle relative path

In case of project setting :

a relative path don't work but an absolute path is OK.
Sublime Text manage relative path in project settings so it will be good to have same behavior here.

Jotter doesn't behave properly when press esc on windows

Jotter is a nice idea. But it doesn't behave properly when press esc on windows. Which, when in the jotter panel, one input something there, and press esc, the panel doesn't really hide. Then i try to click the main panel, and press esc, the jotter panel hide, but then check Notes:: Inbox, nothing there. I consider it might be the issue with key binding, that it never trigger the function SaveJotAndHidePanelCommand.

I use windows 7 and subline text 3 btw.


Sync Service


It would be awesome, if it could work with a sync service.

For e.g. Simple Note

Or any other tips on how you are currently accessing these notes from an Android or iOS app.


Inbox background color

I use plain notes and tasks a lot.. Thanks for these wonderful plugins.

I couldn't find a way to change the inbox back ground color from yellow to something else.. I could change the same for notes and jotter, but not inbox.

My settings:

"root": "~/Dropbox/Notes/",
"archive_dir": ".archive",
"note_color_scheme": "Packages/Color Scheme - Default/Mac Classic.tmTheme",
"jotter_color_scheme": "Packages/Color Scheme - Default/Mac Classic.tmTheme",
"jotter_date_format" :"%d %b %Y",
"jotter_time_format": "%I:%M %p",
"note_save_extension": "note",
"note_file_extensions": ["md","note"],
"enable_yaml": false,
"note_yaml" : ["tags"],
"list_options" : {
"display_modified_date": false,
"display_folder": false,
"display_full_path": false


ctrl+f4 on windows is overriding the tab close shortcut on Windows

I've tried changing the PlainNotes key bindings in my user file but it doesn't help. I can no longer close tabs using ctrl+f4 in Sublime Text 3 after installing the plugin. This is a deal breaker on windows, akin to overriding cmd+w on a Mac.

Is there any workaround to stop the behavior?

Plugin crashing in Sublime text 3

I've been using the plugin for a while without issues, however a few hours ago Sublime started freezing a few seconds after startup. I managed to track the issue down to PlainNotes, although I'm not sure exactly what is causing it. I'm using Sublime Text 3 build 3126 64bit on Windows 10 and v0.2.6 of the notes plugin. I've tried the following without success:

  • Reinstalling Sublime.
  • Reinstalling the plugin.
  • Clearing the .brain folder in the SublimeNotes directory.
  • Deleting the SublimeNotes directory.

The only thing that seems to help is if I add PlainNotes to the ignored_packages.

Hide all the directories starting with '.' in index

I've seen that the "Index" only hides dot folders in the notes 'root' directory. It may be possible for some hidden folders to be present deeper in the hierarchy.

That folders should be hidden too.

something annoying me before, but it is not bug... SublineCodeIntel conflicts with PlainNotes

today I gave PlainNotes another try and found out following.

the event handling in PlainNotes might somehow conflict with another package called, SublimeCodeIntel. With the latter one enabled, the note file I edit in PlainNotes trigger HTML snippets, and in jotter mode, I can't use esc to exit jotter thus can not save jotter.

this issue is solved when I disable SublimeCodeIntel and PlainNotes works beautifully at present.

I drop a line here because this conflict might not be fully aware by others and this is not PlainNotes' faults.

CodeIntel is good, but you know the editor is complex now when so many functionalities build upon. All the package are developed independently.

thank you for PlainNotes, it is very cool.

Add tab-shift shortcut to decrease level in lists

Pressing Tab increases the level in lists but tab-shift results in collapsing the current section. That's a bit weird and the workflow for returning to the "super-list" is somehow cumbersome (new line -> deleting list item -> creating new list item)

Cant list notes (Windows)

I just updated to the latest version of Plain Notes. It worked fine on my Mac, but on Windows "List Notes" (F4) stopped working. I tried to bind it to other keys, and also tried to execute it by selecting "Notes: List...", but the list won't appear. Creating a new note and index list work fine.

Default Color - Settings user


It would be great if I could set the default color theme at Plain Notes -> Settings - User.

I tested and nothing happened, so I changed Note.sublime-settings in PlainNotes.sublime-package to make it work!

Link to local file


thanks for this beautiful plugin.

I was wondering if link to local file is possible?

I tried:

  • [title](/tmp/tmlfile)
  • [title](file:///tmp/tmpfile)

but it does not open on Enter, so I guess that link works only for HTTP.

Thinking about it maybe PlainNotes can try to open i.e. /tmp/tmpfile from [title](file:///tmp/tmpfile) link by passing it to OS for default application to open. Or maybe even letting user set default application for handle file:// protocol links (i.e. set to subl, which IMHO would allow interlinking Notes BTW)


Option + click for column selection is not working on OS X

I noticed recently that option + click was no longer working on Sublime so I manually went through my packages and disabled them one at a time until it started working again. Turns out that PlainNotes is the culprit.

I'd be happy to provide you additional information if you need help debugging.

I'm using Sublime Text 3 (build 3083)

Pretty sure the culprit is 6e0703d

Search content of notes instead of just titles


Currently when you open up the search bar using F4, the text you enter is only matched against the title of notes in your root directory. Would there be an easy way to make it so that the entire body of all the documents in the root directory are searched instead (like in Notational Velocity)? I think a feature like this would greatly enhance this package.


Trailing comma error

There seems to be an error in PlainNotes/Main.sublime-menu, a trailing comma in line 19, resulting in a failed installation attempt:

 "args": {"file": "${packages}/PlainNotes/Notes.sublime-settings", },

Is this repo still maintained?

I like the functionality this plugin provides but I am seeing some bugginess (for example, **text** is not bolding in my notes). Is there any active development here?


Don't work Note menu

Don't work "Archive", "Delete…" and "Rename…".
Win 8.1 64x, Sublime Text 3 Build 3065

Error when installing

"Error trying to parse file: Trailing comma before closing bracket in ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/PlainNotes/Main.sublime-menu:54:89"

Change default color for notes


I was wondering if there was a way to specify the default color for new notes. I tried note_color_scheme and color_scheme but neither seemed to work.

Thanks for making such a wonderful package!

Change color does not work

'Change Color' is greyed out under the 'Notes' menu, and there is no 'Notes: change color' in the command palette.

Tried uninstalling and reinstalling PlainNotes but still does not work. Anywhere to check what the problem might be?

'tag:' appears twice in new note

Upon creating a new note, I'm seeing tags: twice. For example:

date: 2015-11-03 10:00:03

My preferences look like this:

  "root": "/Users/mbp/Dropbox/documents_dropbox/master_notes/",
  "archive_dir": ".archive",
  "jotter_color_scheme": "Packages/PlainNotes/Color Schemes/Sticky-Yellow.tmTheme",
  "jotter_date_format" :"%d %b %Y",
  "jotter_time_format": "%I:%M %p",
  "note_save_extension": "note",
  "note_file_extensions": ["md","note"],
  // "enable_yaml": true,
  "note_yaml" : ["tags"],
  "list_options" : {
    "display_modified_date": false,
    "display_folder": false,
    "display_full_path": false

Is there a way to only tags: one time? Or, perhaps I'm understanding a function of having it there twice? Thanks

Create new note from inbox

Wouldn't it be nice to go to the inbox, and have the option to create a new note from the current entry? Definitely an enhancement request not a bug fix. Might do this myself if I can find a bit of bandwidth.

Features might be:

  • Basic operation would be a keypress to select the current item in the inbox, ask for a note title, and create a new note with that title, and the contents of the current item
  • More interesting might be to add an inbox item to an existing note - something along the lines of:
    • keypress in the inbox view
    • select the note to add to from a quick panel ("Create New" could be an option for getting the basic option above)
    • open that note
    • move the cursor to the appropriate point in the note, and some other keypress (enter even?) inserts the inbox item into the note

I think both of these should delete the inbox item once it's in a note.



Is there any plan to merge (or add features) from PlainTasks into PlainNotes ? (or the oppposite)

Thanks !
(great job by the way)

PermissionError WinError 5 (Local Google Drive Folder)


  • Sublime Text 3
  • windows 10 pro 64
  • inside google drive (for cloud sync) (same issue in onedrive folder)

what done:

  • setup a project in the google drive folder
  • setup sublime-project file like:
            "path": "notes",
            "file_exclude_patterns": ["desktop.ini"]
            "path": "todos",
            "file_exclude_patterns": ["desktop.ini"]
            "path": ".",
            "folder_exclude_patterns": ["notes", "todos"],
            "file_exclude_patterns": ["desktop.ini"]

    "settings": {
        "PlainNotes": {
            "root": "notes"

Tried to create new note but got following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "notes in C:\Users\naxmefy\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Installed Packages\PlainNotes.sublime-package", line 142, in create_note
  File "./python3.3/", line 262, in makedirs
PermissionError: [WinError 5] Permission denied: 'notes'

Error on accessing "Recent notes..."

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\", line 782, in run_
  File "notes in C:\Users\H195849\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Installed Packages\PlainNotes.sublime-package", line 97, in run
  File "notes in C:\Users\H195849\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Installed Packages\PlainNotes.sublime-package", line 70, in setup_notes_list
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'return_sublist'

Fix: Create new note with multiple hierarchies

Change line below in the,

directory = os.path.join(self.notes_dir, filename[0])

directory = os.path.join(self.notes_dir, *filename[:-1])

Just FYI users.

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