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farabi6's Issues

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Create a new directory structure with the META.json for a sample p6 module.

[command-line] Open file

It would be cool to open a file. If the farabi6 has not been started on that port, send the file to be opened by that farabi6 instance. If not, start the farabi6 server and open that file ๐Ÿ‘

The file can also be a directory so basically copy what vim does and do it in style ๐Ÿ‘

Future Ideas...

When we have page state, an interesting idea is to give the programmer the ability to put code/text blocks in different orientations.

  • 4x1, 1x4, 2x1, 1x2 , ...etc
  • Editor and Output can be vertical or horizontal.
  • An interesting idea to explore is the "Write code" tab and "Run" code tab like Github to save space
  • In the future, A script is linked to other files (e.g. imports). Display a list of files that you can open.

Broken in current rakudo-star 2012-12

I hope this helps


panda install Farabi6
==> Fetching Farabi6
==> Building Farabi6
resolve stage failed for Farabi6: Malformed UTF-8 string

in block at /home/kevin/rakudo/rakudo-star-2012.12/install/lib/parrot/4.10.0/languages/perl6/lib/
in method get at src/gen/CORE.setting:7599
in code at src/gen/CORE.setting:7620
in sub coro at src/gen/CORE.setting:5633
in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:5615
in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:5397
in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:5397
in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:5487
in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:5397
in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:5397
in method gimme at src/gen/CORE.setting:5775
in method eager at src/gen/CORE.setting:5754
in method eager at src/gen/CORE.setting:1189
in sub eager at src/gen/CORE.setting:6052
in method build-order at /home/kevin/rakudo/rakudo-star-2012.12/install/lib/parrot/4.10.0/languages/perl6/lib/Panda/
in method build at /home/kevin/rakudo/rakudo-star-2012.12/install/lib/parrot/4.10.0/languages/perl6/lib/Panda/
in method build-helper at /home/kevin/rakudo/rakudo-star-2012.12/install/lib/parrot/4.10.0/languages/perl6/lib/
in method resolve-helper at /home/kevin/rakudo/rakudo-star-2012.12/install/lib/parrot/4.10.0/languages/perl6/lib/
in method resolve at /home/kevin/rakudo/rakudo-star-2012.12/install/lib/parrot/4.10.0/languages/perl6/lib/
in any call_with_capture at src/gen/
in block at src/gen/CORE.setting:541
in method resolve at /home/kevin/rakudo/rakudo-star-2012.12/install/lib/parrot/4.10.0/languages/perl6/lib/
in block at /home/kevin/rakudo/rakudo-star-2012.12/install/bin/panda:119
in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:5495
in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:5397
in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:5397
in method gimme at src/gen/CORE.setting:5775
in method eager at src/gen/CORE.setting:5754
in method eager at src/gen/CORE.setting:1189
in sub eager at src/gen/CORE.setting:6052
in sub MAIN at /home/kevin/rakudo/rakudo-star-2012.12/install/bin/panda:116
in block at /home/kevin/rakudo/rakudo-star-2012.12/install/bin/panda:112

[CodeMirror] Smaller and faster future upgrade script

At the time of this writing, all of CodeMirror 4.6 JavaScript editing component is included in Farabi6. And farabi6 is not utilizing/need all the modes or functionality of that package. It would be cool to do the following in a Perl 6 build script:

  • Work on a ~/codemirror folder. It is assumed to contain the latest version to upgrade to
  • Copy the lib, addon, ...etc that is needed in the current farabi6 installation
  • Copy the modes that are supported in Farabi6. Weird modes to be excluded
  • Remove cruft like index.html, test.html and test.js
  • Copy the filtered codemirror package to $FARABI_GIT_FOLDER/lib/Farabi6/files/assets/3rd-party/codemirror-v4.6
  • Copy the license file
  • Copy a README to tell that this is version xyz with the modifications made.

[Run, REPL] if we have async I/O available, use it

this is interesting for the repl and execution in general:

if you have long-running code or even an infinitely looping piece of code, the web server farabi6 uses mustn't hang waiting for stuff to finish. Also,the user should be able to kill a run-away process from the web interface as well.

On MoarVM, Proc::Async would be a good choice to connect to a repl (not only because of killability) and distributing updates (status, output, ...) via EventSource would be a pretty neat thing to do

Mime-type detection based on filename and content

Farabi6 must start to load the correct CodeMirror editor mode for the opened file.. This should include the following:

  • Padre-style Perl 6 mime-type detection
  • Padre-style Perl 5 mime-type detection

[command-line] Open file and goto line

It would be cool to have the following scenario:

farabi6 <filename><colon ":"><line-number>
# e.g.
farabi6 lib/Farabi6.pm6:115

This code will open Farabi6.pm6 and then go to the line #115

Implement Github-style Directory browser

The github-style directory browser user interface should allow user-mounted directories to be viewed. Later an indexer process will index those user-mounted directories to make searching faster.

Perl 6 Web-based REPL


use v6;

use IO::Capture::Simple;

my $save_ctx;
my $comp = nqp::getcomp('perl6');
while 1
    my $code = prompt("> ");
    my ($out, $result);
        $result = $comp.eval($code, :outer_ctx($save_ctx));


                say "Error: $_";
                say $_.backtrace.Str;

    say("result => " ~ $result) if defined $result;
    say("stdout => " ~ $out) if defined $out;

# vim: ft=perl6

O wise one, enhancement

can you enable the directory browser on file input please

also info only

perl6 -> rakudo is in path as perl6

p6 -> Niecza via a sh in ~/bin

I thought this would be helpful.

ps p6 is very pretty output

[Panda] Module Search Sidebar

panda --list provides a list of installed/dependency modules in the current installation

Similar to Perl 6 REPL right sidebar, one can implement a module search that enables searching as follows:

  • Empty search pattern returns all matches
  • A full Search pattern is applied as /$pattern/ to all the list and matches are displayed

Rename farabi6 to Totem :)

I dont know why but it can be a fun idea for all the world shamans ๐Ÿ‘

Let us heal thy wounds with our Perl 6

POD after __END__

pod after END

===SORRY!=== CHECK FAILED: Undefined routine '&END' called (line 7)

just an observation, for you

Handle stability problems when running it over

First culprit

    [2014-10-12T06:15:03Z] GET /assets/mode-perl6.js HTTP/1.1
    use of uninitialized value of type Any in numeric context  in method run at lib/HTTP/Easy.pm6:71

    No such method 'decode' for invocant of type 'Any'
      in method run at lib/HTTP/Easy.pm6:74
      in method run at ./lib/Farabi6.pm6:111
      in sub MAIN at bin/farabi6:16
      in block <unit> at bin/farabi6:16

[Test] More

We need to test Farabi6 HTTP methods especially in, Editor.pm6 and et al.

Implement New file command

This is implemented but we need a more generic approach like naming the new editing buffer before or waiting until saved.

[Syntax Check] On Save

We should adopt Eclipse IDE style of syntax checking on buffer/file save since syntax checking is an expensive operation at the moment.

Storyboard JSON Load/Save

A storyboard is a timeline of files and misc output/images that is added.

New File should be changed to "Add..."
Open file should be changed to "Add Existing..."

[Module Search] Insert Snippet support

This has been discussed in

Basically created a feature to add snippets if the module has been installed

By default we pull from the module's github repository:


    21:52 azawawi     take a look at plz
    21:53 bbkr        azawawi: nice thinking!
    21:53 azawawi     when the user clicks on the module on the right, we insert the snippets for the module selected
    21:54 bbkr        unfortunately SYNOPSIS is not easily exportable and is in various places (, library POD) across different modules
    21:54 azawawi     now how can farabi6 determine that... i guess in root directory or something
    21:54 azawawi     and SYNOPSIS requires more parsing
    21:54 azawawi     which is prone to error
    21:55 azawawi     think of about, why did i panda install Module::XYZ....
    21:55 azawawi     1. to use...
    21:55 azawawi     it :)
    21:56 azawawi     i will add an initial feature to pull the from the root directory or eg/
    21:57 azawawi     if it is there, that snippet is directly inserted into the farabi6 storyboard
    21:58 azawawi     why is javascript so popular?... the number of steps/tools to create a working example is minimal
    21:58 pmurias     it's so popular because it's in the browser
    21:59 bbkr        does p5 specify example/snippets directory name?
    21:59 azawawi     nope
    21:59 tadzik      azawawi: oh, I see. That's cool :)
    22:00 azawawi     bbkr: example/snippets/ example/snippets/ example/snippets/   # interesting
    22:01 azawawi     pmurias: true but the number of tools needed to make something work is a A) browser already there and B) an editor... easily obtained
    22:04 bbkr        azawawi: thought so :( and i don't think p6 does that either. directories like lib/ or t/ are just customary. I think the best bet is to look for common names such as example/ or snippets/ and offer to paste content from files there. however small number of p6 modules has those

Malformed UTF-8 ?

I'm on the latest rakudo build using moarvm (built 5 minutes ago) installed with panda (also fresh)
the server starts fine, I get the editor to load almost.... then this

[2014-08-25T04:21:45Z] GET /farabi.css HTTP/1.1
[2014-08-25T04:21:46Z] GET /assets/codemirror/util/match-highlighter.js HTTP/1.1
[2014-08-25T04:21:46Z] GET /assets/codemirror/util/search.js HTTP/1.1
[2014-08-25T04:21:47Z] GET /assets/bootstrap/img/glyphicons-halflings.png HTTP/1.1
Malformed UTF-8
in method slurp at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:14419
in sub at lib/Farabi6.pm6:88
in method handler at lib/HTTP/Easy/PSGI.pm6:33
in method run at lib/HTTP/Easy.pm6:155
in method run at lib/Farabi6.pm6:107
in sub MAIN at /home/ezra/rakudo/install/languages/perl6/site/bin/farabi6:16
in block at /home/ezra/rakudo/install/languages/perl6/site/bin/farabi6:16

re: on commit 394e616

Hi Ahmad,

I thought I would add info here, for you :)

when I start running ~/GitHub/farabi6$ bin/farabi6

Farabi6 is going to serve files insecurely from lib/Farabi6/files :)
Farabi6 listens carefully at http://:3030
14:29 HTTP::Server::Simple::PSGI() started at :3030
14:29 GET / HTTP/1.1
14:29 GET /jquery-1.8.2.min.js HTTP/1.1
14:29 GET /assets/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css HTTP/1.1
14:29 GET /assets/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js HTTP/1.1
14:29 GET /assets/codemirror/util/dialog.css HTTP/1.1
14:29 GET /assets/codemirror/codemirror.js HTTP/1.1
14:29 GET /assets/codemirror/util/loadmode.js HTTP/1.1
14:29 GET /assets/codemirror/codemirror.css HTTP/1.1
14:29 GET /assets/codemirror/util/match-highlighter.js HTTP/1.1
14:29 GET /assets/codemirror/util/search.js HTTP/1.1
14:29 GET /assets/codemirror/util/dialog.js HTTP/1.1
14:29 GET /farabi.css HTTP/1.1
14:29 GET /assets/codemirror/util/searchcursor.js HTTP/1.1
Type check failed in assignment to '$uri'; expected 'Str' but got 'Nil'
in sub at ./lib/Farabi6.pm6:40
in method handler at lib/HTTP/Server/Simple/PSGI.pm6:58
in method net_server at lib/HTTP/Server/Simple.pm6:64
in method run at lib/HTTP/Server/Simple.pm6:34
in method run at ./lib/Farabi6.pm6:99
in sub MAIN at bin/farabi6:9
in block at bin/farabi6:1

runs then exits, cmd log above,

ps I like the new menu/info bar :)

Farabi6 is not working on OSX/Linux/rakudobrew panda installations

Basically the algorithm to locate the location of the farabi.js is not working properly on a machine with a prefix ~/perl6/install on Mac OS X

A git cloned farabi6 will work while a panda installed farabi6 will not.

Please see:

Another insight into the problem is:

I think we need to investigate installing rakudo into ~/languages/...

Rosetta Code browser for Perl 6

Better Perl 6 Syntax highlighting

Currently CodeMirror, the JavaScript-based editing component in farabi6 does have any CodeMirror-maintained Perl 6 syntax highlighting mode. The mode that is currently maintained is based on the Perl mode and has a lot of problems. We need to fix it ASAP to make Perl 6 code look great on our platform. Once we have a good implementation, we should merge it with CodeMirror.

Perl 6 mode

Original Perl mode

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