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homomorphic-implementors-toolkit's Issues

Validate Protobuf inputs

We should add validation when parsing protobuf objects to ensure valid values, e.g., non-negative depths, non-empty lists, etc.

Add alternate option for matrix/matrix multiplication

Currently, the API to compute AB takes A^T and B, and performs 3f multiplications where f is the height of A.
Another algorithm is to take A and B^T and perform 3*h multiplications, where h is the width of B. This could be more efficient depending on the exact matrix dimensions.

Parameterize ciphertexts with an evaluator

Ciphertexts are designed to be used with a single evaluator: they are encrypted via an evaluator, which packs the right information into the CKKSCiphertext object (either a plaintxt, a ciphertext, both, or neither).

This was brought up in a security review (how can we prevent accidentally sending a plaintext to an untrusted party), and it's also a problem in ciphertext deserialization: we don't know when to expect a raw_pt or seal_ct in a serialized object. For example, if we are trying to load a ciphertext for use with the Homomorphic evaluator, but the serialized object doesn't contain a SEAL ciphertext, then that should be an error. Currently, we happily load that ciphertext, and it will result in something horrible at runtime (most likely a SEAL error).

Remove the ability to serialize a plaintext

We should remove repeated double raw_pt = 4; // raw (unscaled) plaintext encrypted in the ciphertext; only non-empty from the ciphertext protobuf object so that it's harder for users to do something insecure.

Any debugging that the user wants to do can be done locally (without serialization), so this doesn't seem to be necessary from a functionality perspective.

Cohesive Evaluators

Right now, we have three different concepts: CKKSInstance, Evaluators, and LinearAlgebra. These all do different things and work in different ways. We should have a more cohesive approach to this.

A homomorphic encryption scheme has several operations:
-homomorphic operations

Right now, we have keygen, encrypt, and decrypt functionality in CKKSInstance, and operations in Evaluators. However, LinearAlgebra uses has its own encryption and decryption API in addition to operation. Reviewing the CKKSInstance` API, it's clear that it is the problem. In particular, many functions have case statements (depending on the evaluator) or dynamic casts. We can solve all of this by killing CKKSInstance and moving its functionality into the Evaluator API. Then all evaluators have a consistent API.

The proposal:

  1. Remove all encryption and decryption from CKKSInstance, and instead put an encrypt and decrypt function in the Evaluator API, and have each concrete evaluator define their own implementation.
  2. Remove all serialization functionality from CKKSInstance and move it to the evaluator API.
  3. Remove all keygen functionality from CKKSInstance and move it to the evaluator API.
  4. Rename the evaluator API to CKKSInstance and each evaluator to DepthFinderInstance or similar.

Just a few advantages:

  • We can have special functions that only occur in certain evaluators (e.g. getPlaintext()), eliminating many sources of runtime errors.
  • All evaluators have a consistent API (keygen, encrypt, decrypt, serialize, deserialize, and operations), which are all evaluator-specific
  • Remove switch statements or dynamic casts in CKKSInstance
  • Easier to get right since there are fewer ways to generate a runtime error

Improve ciphertext serialization

We should be able to serialize ciphertexts in two ways.

  1. As a standalone ciphertext. This means the ciphertext should include its HE parameters. The use case for this serialization method is sending a single ciphertext over the wire.
  2. As a raw ciphertext, without HE parameters. This gives an efficient serialization method for settings where we need to serialize many ciphertexts, all of which have the same parameters. For example, in the linear algebra API, we need to serialize a matrix which has a two dimensional array of ciphertexts. It's a waste to have them all store metadata, so the matrix itself should store HE parameters, along with a list of raw ciphertexts.
  3. This also means we need a standalone Proto object for HE parameters.

Thus the Proto structure is:

  • HE parameters (we have this)
  • Raw ciphertext (SEAL ciphertext + level, scale, and plaintext)
  • "Normal" ciphertext (HE parameters + raw ciphertext)

Consider using stronger parameter identification method

Currently, HIT just uses ciphertext level to identify compatible ciphertexts. However, this isn't really enough: ciphertexts have to be with respect to the same parameters (like moduli) and keys to be compatible. SEAL captures this notion with params_id. We'd like to avoid being coupled tightly to SEAL if possible, but it might also be nice to have additional safety checks in place.

De-duplicate evaluation keys

With Lattigo v2.1.1, the Lattigo BootstrappingKey struct is opaque, yet it contains many of the evaluation keys needed by most circuits. The result is that we have to generate keys twice, serialize them twice, store them in memory twice, and transmit them to the server twice, all of which is very expensive. See tuneinsight/lattigo#137.

It appears this may get fixed in the next release of Lattigo, in which case I propose the following:
If parameters support bootstrapping, only generate bootstrapping keys. Add in additional rotation keys as needed, using the SEAL-branch API for accepting rotations. Add a latticpp API to extract relinearization and rotation keys from the bootstrapping keys to avoid duplicating them.

Get customer feedback on logging experience

Currently, the implementation of logging and the description in the README tries to get users to use a single GLOG flag to control output. We agreed to revisit this with user feedback to see if users are confused by this, or if they would prefer some other implementation (e.g., one which uses a single INFO level so that we can use GLOG's INFO/WARNING/ERROR/FATAL levels instead of VLOG) or a description which includes using two different GLOG flags to control output.

Polish UI

Right now, I basically tailor all output for the test I'm running at the moment. There's no way to quickly disable this output, pipe it to log files/etc, or change the verbosity. You get what I want.

Xianrui suggests to provide a way to enable/disable key generation time and other currently-always-on console output. This includes the timing output in lrTrainV*.

Linear Algebra serialization

We need to add protobuf serialization for the linear algebra API.

We need serialization and deserialization for EncryptedMatrix, EncryptedRowVector, and EncryptedColVector, and probably EncodingUnit.

Add `save` API to ciphertexts and linear algebra objects

Currently, these objects just have a serialize API, which requires a second step of writing the protobuf object to a stream. We can unify these tasks with a save API, which makes the user experience consistent between saving instance parameters and encrypted objects.

Add support for symmetric CKKS

SEAL supports symmetric CKKS encryption, and it can improve performance and reduce bandwidth compared to the asymmetric version we support today. We should support both options.

fatal error: This file was generated by an older version of protoc

I have LLVM-Clang on macOS

/usr/local/Cellar/llvm/16.0.6/bin/clang++ -v                                                                         ─╯
Homebrew clang version 16.0.6
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin22.5.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /usr/local/Cellar/llvm/16.0.6/bin

CMake command works fine
cmake . -Bbuild -GNinja -DHIT_BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/local/Cellar/llvm/16.0.6/bin/clang++

I have protobuf installed

protoc --version                                                                                                     ─╯
libprotoc 23.3

But ninja build fails

ninja -Cbuild                                                                                                        ─╯
ninja: Entering directory `build'
[1/25] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/aws_hit_obj.dir/hit/api/ciphertext.cpp.o
FAILED: src/CMakeFiles/aws_hit_obj.dir/hit/api/ciphertext.cpp.o 
/usr/local/Cellar/llvm/16.0.6/bin/clang++ -DGFLAGS_IS_A_DLL=0 -DGLOG_CUSTOM_PREFIX_SUPPORT -I/Users/devharsh/Downloads/homomorphic-implementors-toolkit/build/src/../protobuf -I/Users/devharsh/Downloads/homomorphic-implementors-toolkit/build/protobuf/hit/protobuf -I/Users/devharsh/Downloads/homomorphic-implementors-toolkit/src -I/Users/devharsh/Downloads/homomorphic-implementors-toolkit/src/hit -isystem /Users/devharsh/Downloads/homomorphic-implementors-toolkit/build/third-party/include/SEAL-4.1 -isystem /usr/local/include -isystem /Users/devharsh/Downloads/homomorphic-implementors-toolkit/third-party/tbb/src/include -O3 -DNDEBUG -isysroot /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX13.3.sdk -std=c++17 -Wall -Werror -Wformat=2 -Wwrite-strings -Wvla -fvisibility=hidden -fno-common -funsigned-char -Wextra -Wunused -Wcomment -Wchar-subscripts -Wuninitialized -Wunused-result -Wfatal-errors -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-field-initializers -Wshadow -Wpedantic -Wno-sign-compare -MD -MT src/CMakeFiles/aws_hit_obj.dir/hit/api/ciphertext.cpp.o -MF src/CMakeFiles/aws_hit_obj.dir/hit/api/ciphertext.cpp.o.d -o src/CMakeFiles/aws_hit_obj.dir/hit/api/ciphertext.cpp.o -c /Users/devharsh/Downloads/homomorphic-implementors-toolkit/src/hit/api/ciphertext.cpp
In file included from /Users/devharsh/Downloads/homomorphic-implementors-toolkit/src/hit/api/ciphertext.cpp:4:
In file included from /Users/devharsh/Downloads/homomorphic-implementors-toolkit/src/hit/api/ciphertext.h:7:
/Users/devharsh/Downloads/homomorphic-implementors-toolkit/build/src/../protobuf/hit/protobuf/ciphertext.pb.h:17:2: fatal error: This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is
#error This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is
1 error generated.

Document SEAL memory management

Because HIT uses SEAL, it inherits SEAL's memory management. In tests and benchmarks, SEAL seems to be acquiring large quantities of memory, but never releasing it. I've investigated this with SEAL (microsoft/SEAL#241), but didn't make progress. I tried all of the suggested techniques for the application tests, but memory usage was actually worse compared to using the default global memory manager.

In the end, I was able to get SEAL to release memory by setting seal::MemoryManager::SwitchProfile(make_unique<seal::MMProfNew>()); before running unit tests, but according to SEAL, this memory manager "should only be used in special cases". It's not clear what these are, or what problems this memory manager might cause: it did not impact the runtime of the unit tests, and it dramatically reduced memory usage when I used it.

It would be good if we understood the SEAL memory managers and how to use them so that we could add some notes in HIT.

Add TBB to HIT

Efficient linear algebra operations require parallelism, which requires TBB. This works well in HELR, but we need to treat TBB as a first-class dependency like GLog/GTest/etc.

Open TODOs

example_4_linearalgebra: link to paper

Stricter Evaluation API

SEAL's evaluation API is a bit too lenient, which makes HIT's APIs equally lenient.

For example, SEAL multiplication allows inputs where one or more ciphertexts is not linear, but it's impossible to relinearize such a ciphertext (at least without using an unknown-to-me SEAL API for generating more relinearization keys).

Similarly, rescale_to_next permits ciphertexts with nominal scale, which results in a ciphtext with scale ~0, which is bad.

Our documentation explains what properties the input ciphertexts should have, but we don't actually check for it. In most cases, a bad input results in a SEAL error (which is fine), but when it doesn't, the user can get stuck in a situation they don't know how to get out of. It would be nice if HIT enforced a stricter API that prevented users from calling functions on inputs which don't throw a SEAL error but which are probably not intended.

Add Linear Algebra DSL

As I'm writing the paper, it's become more clear how all of these encoding functions should work. In particular, the library needs another layer of abstraction in the form of "encrypted matrix", rather than just "ciphertext". The reason is that a matrix may be encrypted as one or more ciphertexts, but linear algebra operations should know how to deal with an encrypted matrix (no matter how many ciphertexts are involved) rather than making the programmer deal with each individual ciphertext in linear algebra operations.

Rethink ScaleEstimator with Bootstrapping

  1. It's not clear that DebugEval needs a ScaleEstimator instance at all. Can it be removed completely?
  2. ScaleEstimator might not make sense when bootstrapping is used. In particular, we should carefully think about what it means to be at a low ciphertext level mid-circuit, since ScaleEstimator uses plaintext norm in combination with ciphertext level to determine the estimated scale.

Add API to test whether a given Galois key is present

When loading stored keys from disk, we don't know which shifts are allowed by the deserialized rotation keys. We should add an API to test whether a given rotation is supported by a set of Galois keys so that higher-level code can verify that keys loaded from disk have the necessary rotation keys.

Example fails on Lattigo branch

Example 3 fails on the lattigo branch. The problem is apparently related to the magnitude of the plaintext, (it can be fixed by setting plaintext_inf_norm to 2), but this isn't a problem with SEAL.

Give options for simpler evaluation API

Currently, operations require inputs to be at specific levels, and outputs must sometimes be relinearized and or rescaled depending on the operation. Keeping track of all this is difficult, and it results in messy circuit implementations. It would be pretty easy to fix this situation for the LinearAlgebra API: we could add two boolean flags to the class constructor auto_level and auto_maintenance. The first flag would allow you to pass in CTs of arbitrary levels to all API functions, and the API would reduce the inputs to the appropriate level prior to doing the operation. The second flag would automatically apply relinearization and rescaling if needed. It's less clear how we could achieve the same features in the base evaluator class in a clean way.

It's worth keeping these as options rather than always automatically handling these two tasks: for HE levels, managing it yourself forces you to understand what's happening in the circuit. I've found several bugs by being forced to manage this myself. For maintenance operations, it's not always optimal from a performance or noise perspective to automatically apply these operations. Even though it can be a pain to track what needs to be done, it can increase performance or reduce noise to do it manually.

Benchmark logs are hard to read

The logging statements were originally intended to be displayed in the console. We move to GLog, but the log formatting is still designed for console. Benchmark outputs are particularly hard to read. In the console, we would print out the action, followed by "...", then perform the action, and then print the elapsed time on the same console line. However, when we moved to GLog, the timing now goes in a new log entry. Moreover, indentations are lost, which makes the GLog output harder to read than the console output. We should carefully look through the log messages and update them to have clear output in GLog.

Simplify Logging

Currently, we are using two different logging concepts: VLOG and LOG(level). These are controlled by separate logging levels, and it isn't easy for a user to know what is logged at each level. We need a cohesive strategy which hopefully uses a single log API.

Disable Unit Tests by Default

Currently, unit tests are built by default and automatically run when build is complete (without interaction from the user). The addition of the LinearAlgebra API results in tests taking at least one minute, and up to 10 minutes, depending on the machine. While the tests are running,
[0/1] Linking CXX executable ../../bin/Release/hit-unit-test
is displayed, so it isn't obvious that tests are being run (it just looks like the build is hanging at the linking stage).

I propose to

  • Disable BUILD_HIT_TESTING by default
  • Disable running the tests automatically, even when they are built
  • Adding a note in the README about how to build and run the tests
  • This will require updating the CI script

Check Metadata in HomomorphicEval tests

Ciphertext metadata should now be correct when using the homomorphic evaluator, but the tests don't currently check this. We should update the unit tests to validate the metadata with this evaluator.

Add Mixed-Unit API to LinearAlgebra API

Expand the LinearAlgebra API to include the mixed-unit API described in the paper. In certain applications, these can enable much more efficient operations.

Threading issue in Lattigo branch

HomomorphicEval contains several "getters" for thread_safe_ptrs. These getters currently create a new stateful Lattigo object on the condition if (backend_encoder.get() == nullptr || !(backend_encoder->params == context->params)). There is a comment that attempts to explain this condition, but we have recently determined that the reasoning in the comment is in correct, and that we in fact do not understand the thread safety issue that this condition resolves (in practice). Therefore, we need to do additional investigation to understand what's really going on here.

In more detail: if I remove the second part of the condition (the first part is not in question), the multi-threaded unit tests (like LinearAlgebra.MatrixMatrixMul_Row_Major fail (when run with many other tests, not in isolation) because the parameters in, e.g., the Lattigo evaluator do not match the parameters in the HIT HomomorphicEval evaluator. My explanation for this was that thread_safe_ptrs are globally attached to a thread only, and independent of the object that holds the pointer, but I recently discovered that this is incorrect. Therefore, we do not understand why the unit tests can result in this situation of mismatched parameters.

Make evaluators thread-safe

Only the homomorphic evaluator supports parallel evaluation. In particular, it would be nice if the debug evaluator also supported parallelism, because the tests are very slow when we have to use this evaluator in serial.

Distinguish between internal errors and user errors

Currently all errors use invalid_argument and don't specify whether it is an internal error (i.e., bug) or user error. For an HIT user, it would be valuable to know the difference so that they know whether to report a bug or fix their code.

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