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aws-lambda-rust-runtime's Introduction

Rust Runtime for AWS Lambda

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This package makes it easy to run AWS Lambda Functions written in Rust. This workspace includes multiple crates:

  • Docs lambda-runtime is a library that provides a Lambda runtime for applications written in Rust.
  • Docs lambda-http is a library that makes it easy to write API Gateway proxy event focused Lambda functions in Rust.
  • Docs lambda-extension is a library that makes it easy to write Lambda Runtime Extensions in Rust.
  • Docs lambda-events is a library with strongly-typed Lambda event structs in Rust.
  • Docs lambda-runtime-api-client is a shared library between the lambda runtime and lambda extension libraries that includes a common API client to talk with the AWS Lambda Runtime API.

The Rust runtime client is an experimental package. It is subject to change and intended only for evaluation purposes.

Getting started

The easiest way to start writing Lambda functions with Rust is by using Cargo Lambda, a related project. Cargo Lambda is a Cargo plugin, or subcommand, that provides several commands to help you in your journey with Rust on AWS Lambda.

The preferred way to install Cargo Lambda is by using a package manager.

1- Use Homebrew on MacOS:

brew tap cargo-lambda/cargo-lambda
brew install cargo-lambda

2- Use Scoop on Windows:

scoop bucket add cargo-lambda
scoop install cargo-lambda/cargo-lambda

Or PiP on any system with Python 3 installed:

pip3 install cargo-lambda

See other installation options in the Cargo Lambda documentation.

Your first function

To create your first function, run Cargo Lambda with the subcommand new. This command will generate a Rust package with the initial source code for your function:

cargo lambda new YOUR_FUNCTION_NAME

Example function

If you'd like to manually create your first function, the code below shows you a simple function that receives an event with a firstName field and returns a message to the caller.

use lambda_runtime::{service_fn, LambdaEvent, Error};
use serde_json::{json, Value};

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let func = service_fn(func);

async fn func(event: LambdaEvent<Value>) -> Result<Value, Error> {
    let (event, _context) = event.into_parts();
    let first_name = event["firstName"].as_str().unwrap_or("world");

    Ok(json!({ "message": format!("Hello, {}!", first_name) }))

Understanding Lambda errors

when a function invocation fails, AWS Lambda expects you to return an object that can be serialized into JSON structure with the error information. This structure is represented in the following example:

  "error_type": "the type of error raised",
  "error_message": "a string description of the error"

The Rust Runtime for Lambda uses a struct called Diagnostic to represent function errors internally. The runtime implements the converstion of several general errors types, like std::error::Error, into Diagnostic. For these general implementations, the error_type is the name of the value type returned by your function. For example, if your function returns lambda_runtime::Error, the error_type will be something like alloc::boxed::Box<dyn core::error::Error + core::marker::Send + core::marker::Sync>, which is not very descriptive.

Implement your own Diagnostic

To get more descriptive error_type fields, you can implement From for your error type. That gives you full control on what the error_type is:

use lambda_runtime::{Diagnostic, Error, LambdaEvent};

struct ErrorResponse(&'static str);

impl From<ErrorResponse> for Diagnostic {
    fn from(error: ErrorResponse) -> Diagnostic {
        Diagnostic {
            error_type: "MyErrorType".into(),
            error_message: error.0.to_string(),

async fn handler(_event: LambdaEvent<()>) -> Result<(), ErrorResponse> {
  Err(ErrorResponse("this is an error response"))

We recommend you to use the thiserror crate to declare your errors. You can see an example on how to integrate thiserror with the Runtime's diagnostics in our example repository

Anyhow, Eyre, and Miette

Popular error crates like Anyhow, Eyre, and Miette provide their own error types that encapsulate other errors. There is no direct transformation of those errors into Diagnostic, but we provide feature flags for each one of those crates to help you integrate them with your Lambda functions.

If you enable the features anyhow, eyre, or miette in the lambda_runtime dependency of your package. The error types provided by those crates can have blanket transformations into Diagnostic. These features expose an From<T> for Diagnostic implementation that transforms those error types into a Diagnostic. This is an example that transforms an anyhow::Error into a Diagnostic:

use lambda_runtime::{Diagnostic, LambdaEvent};

async fn handler(_event: LambdaEvent<Request>) -> Result<(), Diagnostic> {
  Err(anyhow::anyhow!("this is an error").into())

You can see more examples on how to use these error crates in our example repository.

Building and deploying your Lambda functions

If you already have Cargo Lambda installed in your machine, run the next command to build your function:

cargo lambda build --release

There are other ways of building your function: manually with the AWS CLI, with AWS SAM, and with the Serverless framework.

1. Cross-compiling your Lambda functions

By default, Cargo Lambda builds your functions to run on x86_64 architectures. If you'd like to use a different architecture, use the options described below.

1.1. Build your Lambda functions

Amazon Linux 2023

We recommend you to use the Amazon Linux 2023 (such as provided.al2023) because it includes a newer version of GLIBC, which many Rust programs depend on. To build your Lambda functions for Amazon Linux 2023 runtimes, run:

cargo lambda build --release --arm64

2. Deploying the binary to AWS Lambda

For a custom runtime, AWS Lambda looks for an executable called bootstrap in the deployment package zip. Rename the generated executable to bootstrap and add it to a zip archive.

You can find the bootstrap binary for your function under the target/lambda directory.

2.1. Deploying with Cargo Lambda

Once you've built your code with one of the options described earlier, use the deploy subcommand to upload your function to AWS:

cargo lambda deploy

Warning Make sure to replace the execution role with an existing role in your account!

This command will create a Lambda function with the same name of your rust package. You can change the name of the function by adding the argument at the end of the command:

cargo lambda deploy my-first-lambda-function

Note See other deployment options in the Cargo Lambda documentation.

You can test the function with the invoke subcommand:

cargo lambda invoke --remote \
  --data-ascii '{"command": "hi"}' \
  --output-format json \

Note CLI commands in the examples use Linux/MacOS syntax. For different shells like Windows CMD or PowerShell, modify syntax when using nested quotation marks like '{"command": "hi"}'. Escaping with a backslash may be necessary. See AWS CLI Reference for more information.

2.2. Deploying with the AWS CLI

You can also use the AWS CLI to deploy your Rust functions. First, you will need to create a ZIP archive of your function. Cargo Lambda can do that for you automatically when it builds your binary if you add the output-format flag:

cargo lambda build --release --arm64 --output-format zip

You can find the resulting zip file in target/lambda/YOUR_PACKAGE/ Use that file path to deploy your function with the AWS CLI:

$ aws lambda create-function --function-name rustTest \
  --handler bootstrap \
  --zip-file fileb://./target/lambda/basic/ \
  --runtime provided.al2023 \ # Change this to provided.al2 if you would like to use Amazon Linux 2
  --role arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXXX:role/your_lambda_execution_role \
  --environment Variables={RUST_BACKTRACE=1} \
  --tracing-config Mode=Active

Warning Make sure to replace the execution role with an existing role in your account!

You can now test the function using the AWS CLI or the AWS Lambda console

$ aws lambda invoke
  --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \
  --function-name rustTest \
  --payload '{"command": "Say Hi!"}' \
$ cat output.json  # Prints: {"msg": "Command Say Hi! executed."}

Note --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out is a required argument when using the AWS CLI version 2. More Information

2.3. AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM)

You can use Lambda functions built in Rust with the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM). To do so, you will need to install the AWS SAM CLI, which will help you package and deploy your Lambda functions in your AWS account.

You will need to create a template.yaml file containing your desired infrastructure in YAML. Here is an example with a single Lambda function:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      MemorySize: 128
      Architectures: ["arm64"]
      Handler: bootstrap
      Runtime: provided.al2023
      Timeout: 5
      CodeUri: target/lambda/basic/

    Value: !Ref HelloWorldFunction
    Description: Name of the Lambda function

You can then deploy your Lambda function using the AWS SAM CLI:

sam deploy --guided

At the end, sam will output the actual Lambda function name. You can use this name to invoke your function:

$ aws lambda invoke
  --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \
  --function-name HelloWorldFunction-XXXXXXXX \ # Replace with the actual function name
  --payload '{"command": "Say Hi!"}' \
$ cat output.json  # Prints: {"msg": "Command Say Hi! executed."}

Local development and testing

Testing your code with unit and integration tests

AWS Lambda events are plain structures deserialized from JSON objects. If your function handler uses the standard runtime, you can use serde to deserialize your text fixtures into the structures, and call your handler directly:

fn test_my_lambda_handler() {
  let input = serde_json::from_str("{\"command\": \"Say Hi!\"}").expect("failed to parse event");
  let context = lambda_runtime::Context::default();

  let event = lambda_runtime::LambdaEvent::new(input, context);

  my_lambda_handler(event).await.expect("failed to handle event");

If you're using lambda_http to receive HTTP events, you can also create http_lambda::Request structures from plain text fixtures:

fn test_my_lambda_handler() {
  let input = include_str!("apigw_proxy_request.json");

  let request = lambda_http::request::from_str(input)
    .expect("failed to create request");

  let response = my_lambda_handler(request).await.expect("failed to handle request");

Local dev server with Cargo Lambda

Cargo Lambda provides a local server that emulates the AWS Lambda control plane. This server works on Windows, Linux, and MacOS. In the root of your Lambda project. You can run the following subcommand to compile your function(s) and start the server.

cargo lambda watch

Now you can use the cargo lambda invoke to send requests to your function. For example:

cargo lambda invoke <lambda-function-name> --data-ascii '{ "command": "hi" }'

Running the command on a HTTP function (Function URL, API Gateway, etc) will require you to use the appropriate scheme. You can find examples of these schemes here. Otherwise, you will be presented with the following error.

Error: serde_json::error::Error

  × data did not match any variant of untagged enum LambdaRequest

An simpler alternative is to cURL the following endpoint based on the address and port you defined. For example:

curl -v -X POST \
  '<lambda-function-name>/' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{ "command": "hi" }'

Warning Do not remove the content-type header. It is necessary to instruct the function how to deserialize the request body.

You can read more about how cargo lambda watch and cargo lambda invoke work on the project's documentation page.

Lambda Debug Proxy

Lambdas can be run and debugged locally using a special Lambda debug proxy (a non-AWS repo maintained by @rimutaka), which is a Lambda function that forwards incoming requests to one AWS SQS queue and reads responses from another queue. A local proxy running on your development computer reads the queue, calls your Lambda locally and sends back the response. This approach allows debugging of Lambda functions locally while being part of your AWS workflow. The Lambda handler code does not need to be modified between the local and AWS versions.

Tracing and Logging

The Rust Runtime for Lambda integrates with the Tracing libraries to provide tracing and logging.

By default, the runtime emits tracing events that you can collect via tracing-subscriber. It also enabled a feature called tracing that exposes a default subscriber with sensible options to send logging information to AWS CloudWatch. Follow the next example that shows how to enable the default subscriber:

use lambda_runtime::{run, service_fn, tracing, Error};

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    run(service_fn(|event| tracing::info!(?event))).await

The subscriber uses RUST_LOG environment variable to determine the log level for your function. It also uses Lambda's advanced logging controls, if configured.

By default, the log level to emit events is INFO. Log at TRACE level for more detail, including a dump of the raw payload.

AWS event objects

This project includes Lambda event struct definitions, aws_lambda_events. This crate can be leveraged to provide strongly-typed Lambda event structs. You can create your own custom event objects and their corresponding structs as well.

Custom event objects

To serialize and deserialize events and responses, we suggest using the serde library. To receive custom events, annotate your structure with Serde's macros:

use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use serde_json::json;
use std::error::Error;

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct NewIceCreamEvent {
  pub flavors: Vec<String>,

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct NewIceCreamResponse {
  pub flavors_added_count: usize,

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
    let flavors = json!({
      "flavors": [

    let event: NewIceCreamEvent = serde_json::from_value(flavors)?;
    let response = NewIceCreamResponse {
        flavors_added_count: event.flavors.len(),


Supported Rust Versions (MSRV)

The AWS Lambda Rust Runtime requires a minimum of Rust 1.70, and is not guaranteed to build on compiler versions earlier than that.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.

aws-lambda-rust-runtime's People


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aws-lambda-rust-runtime's Issues

/lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.18' not found

I'm building the lambda on Ubuntu with the basic example you've provided in the README.
It builds without any errors but if I upload and test it on aws in crashes with:

  "errorType": "Runtime.ExitError",
  "errorMessage": "RequestId: c24d34ab-f4a9-11e8-a9b7-d5cbfb363674 Error: Runtime exited with error: exit status 1"

The log output is:

START RequestId: c24d34ab-f4a9-11e8-a9b7-d5cbfb363674 Version: $LATEST
/var/task/bootstrap: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.18' not found (required by /var/task/bootstrap)
END RequestId: c24d34ab-f4a9-11e8-a9b7-d5cbfb363674
REPORT RequestId: c24d34ab-f4a9-11e8-a9b7-d5cbfb363674	Duration: 61.35 ms	Billed Duration: 100 ms 	Memory Size: 128 MB	Max Memory Used: 12 MB	
RequestId: c24d34ab-f4a9-11e8-a9b7-d5cbfb363674 Error: Runtime exited with error: exit status 1

async support

Given that the runtime is built on top of tokio, I think it would be useful to be able to provide async handler functions.

Happy to contribute this if there is interest from your side!

EDIT: Support for tower via the tower-service crate could also be interesting.

awkward HandlerError requirements

I'm finding that, in practice, the new HandlerError' type constraints may have made error handling hard/awkward to satisfy for users

common cases I run into is trying to represent a foreign crate type for with lambda_runtime_errors::LambdaErrorExt. Since the Fail crate is becoming more common I think that's okay, but still rough if the foreign crates error type sticks to the standard library error type

I find myself often cluttering map_err(HandlerError::new) code with this

// I don't control the Err type of foo_bar as its defined in another crate
// so I can't impl lambda_runtime_errors::LambdaErrorExt for ThatError { ... }
foo_bar(input).map_err(HandlerError::new)? // fails to compile because no impl for lambda_runtime_errors::LambdaErrorExt

This is unfortunate for users because often these are simple hello world integrate xxx with lambda cases where the majority of the code written is satisfying the trait constraints on errors and not the code what brings business value.

I understand why this constraint exists but I want to revisit the value for users this is providing vs what its costing to author lambdas.

I've ran into this enough that I wanted to reopen the floor for alternative options.

Getting a slew of "JsonError: missing field `token`" when running Alexa Skills Functional Tests

Hi, I'm currently using the alexa_sdk which depends on this crate for developing Alexa Skills. Using the sample utterances I've provided to the Alexa Certification process, I've done manual tests using the Alexa devices and Simulator and am receiving working responses for my skill. However when the Functional Tests section of the Skills Certification is executed I notice that their tests are causing a barrage of similar errors to be returned on CloudWatch Logs. They all have the form:

2019-06-02 19:01:56,661 �[31mERROR�[0m [lambda_runtime_core::runtime] Handler returned an error for {Some_Id_here}: JsonError: missing field `token` at line 1 column 497

Again when I run the equivalent utterance using the Alexa Simulator in the develop console it generates a valid Non-Error JSON response. Also I'm not aware of a token field required for the response anywhere. Any idea what could be the cause of these errors?

Best practice for global variables


Is there a canonical way to reuse valuable objects between calls to the handler, for example a database client ? I have considered :

  • a global variables with lazy_static or a call to Once, but it feels like a hack
  • passing a parameter to the handler via lambda! but it's not implemented AFAIK
  • building a custom runtime upon with this library but it seems like reinventing the wheel just to pass a parameter

Thank you for this project, it's awesome ! :)

Fails when used with httpApi gateway

When using a lambda with HTTP API Gateways it fails to parse the incoming event. I think it's because http apis don't pass a resource id, so the deserializing fails. Maybe something like this would fix it: MarcoPolo@b0091cb?

You can repro by using something like the following in a serverless.yml config:

    handler: fooHandler
      - httpApi:
          path: /
          method: GET

Cargo.toml specifies "^0.1" for failure but 0.1.5 is required

fn name() wasn't added to failure::Fail until 0.1.5. When upgrading from lambda-runtime 0.1 to 0.2 I got the following error because I still had failure 0.1.4 in my Cargo.lock:

/.cargo/git/checkouts/aws-lambda-rust-runtime-7c865cce90132439/05190ef/lambda-runtime-errors/src/ | 40 | self.find_root_cause().name().unwrap_or_else(|| "FailureError") |

Probably need to be more restrictive in the Cargo.toml to force an upgrade. Maybe failure = "~0.1.5"?

Can't get this working with "sam local"

When trying to run my lambda function with sam local start-api, I get the following error about _LAMBDA_SERVER_PORT not being defined:

(sam) PS C:\Users\radix\Projects\pandt> sam local start-api --template .\SAM.yaml
2018-12-09 15:48:26 Mounting pandt at [GET]
2018-12-09 15:48:26 You can now browse to the above endpoints to invoke your functions. You do not need to restart/reload SAM CLI while working on your functions changes will be reflected instantly/automatically. You only need to restart SAM CLI if you update your AWS SAM template
2018-12-09 15:48:27  * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
2018-12-09 15:48:35 Invoking lollerskates (provided)

Fetching lambci/lambda:provided Docker container image......
2018-12-09 15:48:36 Mounting C:\Users\radix\Projects\pandt\artifacts as /var/task:ro inside runtime container
thread 'main' panicked at 'failed to start runtime: environment error: the _LAMBDA_SERVER_PORT variable must specify a valid port to listen on', /home/rust/.cargo/git/checkouts/rust-aws-lambda-2a7b20b15eabd9cc/1435a4d/aws_lambda/src/
stack backtrace:
   0: std::sys::unix::backtrace::tracing::imp::unwind_backtrace
             at libstd/sys/unix/backtrace/tracing/
   1: std::sys_common::backtrace::print
             at libstd/sys_common/
             at libstd/sys_common/
   2: std::panicking::default_hook::{{closure}}
             at libstd/
   3: std::panicking::default_hook
             at libstd/
   4: std::panicking::rust_panic_with_hook
             at libstd/
   5: std::panicking::continue_panic_fmt
             at libstd/
   6: std::panicking::begin_panic_fmt
             at libstd/
   7: aws_lambda::start::{{closure}}
   8: aws_lambda::start
   9: pandt_lambda::main
  10: std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}}
  11: std::panicking::try::do_call
             at libstd/
             at libstd/
  12: __rust_maybe_catch_panic
             at libpanic_unwind/
  13: std::rt::lang_start_internal
             at libstd/
             at libstd/
             at libstd/
  14: main

If I set _LAMBDA_SERVER_PORT to some random port value like 5000, then it doesn't immediately crash, but then I get a timeout:

2018-12-09 15:51:06 Mounting C:\Users\radix\Projects\pandt\artifacts as /var/task:ro inside runtime container
2018-12-09 15:51:17 Function 'pandt' timed out after 10 seconds
2018-12-09 15:51:17 Function returned an invalid response (must include one of: body, headers or statusCode in the response object). Response received:
2018-12-09 15:51:17 - - [09/Dec/2018 15:51:17] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 502 -

My function isn't doing anything special:

use lambda_runtime::{self, error::HandlerError, start};
use serde::Serialize;
use serde_json::Value;

#[derive(Serialize, Debug)]
struct Response {
  secret: String,
  input_event: Value,

fn main() -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
  let handler = move |event: Value, _ctx: lambda_runtime::Context| -> Result<Response, HandlerError> {
    Ok(Response {
      secret: "foo".to_string(), 
      input_event: event,

  start(handler, None);

[RFC] Runtime crates refactor

At the moment the AWS Lambda rust runtime is composed of two crates: The Runtime Client and the Runtime. The runtime client implements a client SDK to the Lambda runtime APIs, taking care of all the communication to the runtime endpoint to receive new events, send responses and errors. The runtime implements the “main loop” of a function's lifecycle: call /next to receive the next event, invoke the handler, and then post responses or errors to the relevant endpoints. The runtime client SDK only deals with byte slices and does not understand types; the runtime crate, on the other hand, expects the event and response types to be serializable/deserializable with Serde.

We have received requests to handle multiple event types in the same Lambda function (#29) as well as abstracted implementations that abstract the event into a well-known type in rust, such as the HTTP crate (#18). To make it easier to extend the runtime and support future use-cases, we propose to split the Rust Lambda runtime into three separate crates:

  1. The existing runtime Client SDK - follows the current behavior and only deals with byte slices
  2. The new runtime-core - implements the main event loop of receiving events from the /next endpoint and posting responses. Expects a handler that only deals with byte slices.
  3. The runtime - the current, typed, implementation of the runtime will depend on the runtime-core and wraps the given typed handler into its own byte-slice-based wrapper for the runtime-core.

The runtime-core crate will declare this handler type:

pub trait Handler<Error> {
where Error: Display + ErrorExt + Send + Sync {
    fn run(&mut self, event: Vec<u8>, ctx: Context) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error>;

The typed runtime will declare the same handler type as now and wrap the run method to perform the serialization/deserialization before passing data to the core crate.

Result Error logging at the end of execution

I am using the latest master (ebc5474) and structure my project according to this example:

What I ran into is that if having e.g. a DynamoDB call like this:

let result = dynamodb_client.update_item(update_item_input).await?;

which is returning a Result<UpdateItemOutput, RusotoError<UpdateItemError>> and RusotoError implementing the std::error::Error, I wouldn't see the error in CloudWatch logs. The lambda would still fail, but I wouldn't be able to have a look at what exactly failed.

Is there a way that I could have a general match on the async fn func(event: Value) -> Result<Value, Error> at the end of the execution of the lambda and be able to log the error via println?

Coming from Typescript, I would put a try catch around my whole function and log the error. Basically I am looking for something similar here.

Event struct definitions

Hello! I am one of the maintainers of (Rust interface to the Go runtime). As part of that project, we have lambda event definitions that don't depend on the runtime:

It would be great to have those event types integrated in this crate, preferably by re-exporting. I'm also fine if you want to take over ownership and make it officially supported, as long as it doesn't take too long for changes to be merged.

Note right now the generated structs take String and thus may require more allocations. I plan to also have variants that take Cow<'a, str>.

Runtime error when reading Kinesis records

I tried it out by connecting to a Kinesis stream and encountered the following error:
(Interestingly when I try the Lambda UI Console test cases (using the provided Kinesis template test cases), I don't see any errors.)

START RequestId: 7ea355dc-77ee-4cbc-aa9e-f18d6264fc5a Version: $LATEST
2018-12-29 10:33:36 ERROR [lambda_runtime::runtime] Could not parse event to type: invalid type: floating point `1546079388.123`, expected i64 at line 1 column 10108
2018-12-29 10:33:37 ERROR [lambda_runtime::runtime] Could not parse event to type: invalid type: floating point `1546079388.123`, expected i64 at line 1 column 10108
2018-12-29 10:33:37 ERROR [lambda_runtime::runtime] Could not parse event to type: invalid type: floating point `1546079388.123`, expected i64 at line 1 column 10108
2018-12-29 10:33:37 ERROR [lambda_runtime::runtime] Could not parse event to type: invalid type: floating point `1546079388.123`, expected i64 at line 1 column 10108
2018-12-29 10:33:37 ERROR [lambda_runtime::runtime] Unrecoverable error while fetching next event: JSON error
thread 'main' panicked at 'Could not retrieve next event', /root/.cargo/registry/src/
stack backtrace:
0: std::sys::unix::backtrace::tracing::imp::unwind_backtrace
at src/libstd/sys/unix/backtrace/tracing/
1: std::sys_common::backtrace::_print
at src/libstd/sys_common/
2: std::panicking::default_hook::{{closure}}
at src/libstd/sys_common/
at src/libstd/
3: std::panicking::default_hook
at src/libstd/
4: std::panicking::rust_panic_with_hook
at src/libstd/
5: std::panicking::begin_panic
6: <lambda_runtime::runtime::Runtime<E, O>>::get_next_event
7: <lambda_runtime::runtime::Runtime<E, O>>::get_next_event
8: <lambda_runtime::runtime::Runtime<E, O>>::get_next_event
9: <lambda_runtime::runtime::Runtime<E, O>>::get_next_event
10: <lambda_runtime::runtime::Runtime<E, O>>::get_next_event
11: lambda_runtime::runtime::start
12: bootstrap::main
13: std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}}
14: std::panicking::try::do_call
at src/libstd/
at src/libstd/
15: __rust_maybe_catch_panic
at src/libpanic_unwind/
16: std::rt::lang_start_internal
at src/libstd/
at src/libstd/
at src/libstd/
17: main
END RequestId: 7ea355dc-77ee-4cbc-aa9e-f18d6264fc5a

After scanning through the library code, I think it has an issue parsing the "ApproximateArrivalTimestamp in Kinesis payload which looks like a float.

Failed to compile lambda_http example code

I got below error when building the lambda_http example code

use lambda_http::{lambda, IntoResponse, Request, RequestExt};
use lambda_runtime::{Context, error::HandlerError};

fn main() {

fn hello(
    request: Request,
    _ctx: Context
) -> Result<impl IntoResponse, HandlerError> {
        "hello {}",
            .unwrap_or_else(|| "stranger")

according to issue #87 , I chose to fetch lambda_http crate from git address
the dependencies in Cargo.toml are:

lambda_runtime = "0.2"
lambda_http = {git = ""}

error message:

type mismatch in function arguments

expected signature of `fn(http::request::Request<lambda_http::body::Body>, lambda_runtime_core::context::Context) -> _`

note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `lambda_http::Handler<_>` for `fn(http::request::Request<lambda_http::body::Body>, lambda_runtime_core::context::Context) -> std::result::Result<impl lambda_http::response::IntoResponse, lambda_runtime_errors::HandlerError> {hello}`
note: required by `lambda_http::start`rustc(E0631)
<::lambda_http::lambda macros>(1, 27): expected signature of `fn(http::request::Request<lambda_http::body::Body>, lambda_runtime_core::context::Context) -> _`, 1): found signature of `fn(http::request::Request<lambda_http::body::Body>, lambda_runtime_core::context::Context) -> _`

It will not receive such error If I change the lambda_http version to 0.1.0
But in a more practical project, serde::Deserialize (#87 ) will be introduced, so I cannot choose 0.1.0

Is there any workaround? or is there any example to return the http response via lambda_runtime crate only (I would prefer this way, because lambda macro in runtime crate allow custom Error type which implements Fail + LambdaErrorExt + Display (though still not convenient, i.e. #94 ), while lambda in http crate allow HandlerError only)? Thanks in advance

Panic with 'byte index 32 is not a char boundary' error

Our lambda fails on certain SNS messages. I found that every message involved has some special characters like 😊, 👌🏻, (codepoint is 9786) , (codepoint 8217) and others.
In different form: 'here \ud83d\ude0a my fianc\u00e9 '.

The error message looks like this:

thread 'main' panicked at 'byte index 32 is not a char boundary; it is inside '☺' (bytes 31..34) of `And perfect, thank you so much!☺️`', src/libcore/str/
RequestId: 855396e8-00b6-4029-9843-80e67960813e Error: Runtime exited with error: exit status 101

How to access event values?

Maybe I missing the point here but I am new to Rust and not sure how to do the following, which is our Python code that we are trying to port:

def handler(event, context):
    event_type = event.get('resource', 'not_found')
    http_method = event.get('httpMethod', 'not_found')
        if event_type=='not_found' or http_method=='not_found':
            ret['body']=json.dumps({'err': 'err', 'event_type': event_type, 'http_method': http_method })
        elif event_type=='/echo':
            ret['body']=json.dumps(event, default=str)
        elif event_type=='/user/{username}' and http_method=='GET':
            response = client.get_user(
            ret['body']=json.dumps(response, default=str)

This code relies on accessing resource and httpMethod which are defined in the event. Would it be possible to deserialize selected values into the CustomEvent struct that is in the example code?

struct CustomEvent {
    #[serde(rename = "firstName")]
    first_name: String,

Thanks in advance.

Not working the length function for getting the length of an array value.

I tried to get the length of an array value. So I have coded as below.

var unreadCounts = 0;
var unreadMsg = [];

 unreadMsg = => {
      if (data.acknowledged == false)
         return data;

  unreadCounts = unreadMsg.length;
  return cb(null, unreadCounts);

I thought it should return the unread count as a number. But I have got an error

Internal server error

Doesn't support the length function in the AWS Lambda?

Rust ergonomics for error handling

The examples for using the Rust Lambda runtime require additional calls around error handling that require access to the Context object.

Unfortunately, that breaks Rust ergonomics for error handing, that ordinarily would use ? and map custom errors to HandlerError through an impl From (which doesn't have a reference to the Context struct.

Ideally, I could return my own error types, and either have the runtime take care of supplying context, with perhaps some place to inject logging, etc. into the error handing flow.

In practice, in the short term, I'm breaking out all actions that can return a Result into a separate module, because even trivial activities get complicated quickly if you want to inject error handing with access to Context.

[RFC] Error handling in Rust runtime

Currently, the Lambda Rust runtime declares a HandlerError type that developers can use to return an error from their handler method. While this approach works, it forces developers to write more verbose code to handle all errors and generate the relevant HandlerError objects. Developers would like to return errors automatically using the ? operator (#23).

For example:

fn my_handler(e: CustomEvent, c: lambda::Context) -> Result<CustomOutput, Error> {
    let i = event.age.parse::<u8>?;

In an error response, the Lambda runtime API expects two parameters: errorType and errorMessage. Optionally, we can also attach a stack trace to the error.

    "errorMessage" : "Error parsing age data.",
    "errorType" : "InvalidAgeException"

To generate an error message field we need the Err variant from the handler Result to support the Display trait. This allows us to support any Display type in the result - Error types inherently supports Display too. However, we cannot identify a way to automatically generate the error type field given a Display-compatible object that uses stable features. To address this, we plan to introduce a new trait in the runtime:

pub trait ErrorExt {
    fn error_type(&self) -> &str;

We'd like to deprecate this trait in the future and rely on the type name intrinsic (which is currently blocked on specialization). For context, see #1428.

The name ErrorExt comes from the extension trait conventions RFC. Based on feedback, we are open to changing this.

The runtime crate itself will provide the implementation of the ErrorExt trait for the most common errors in the standard library. Developers will have to implement the trait themselves in their own errors. We may consider adding a procedural macro to the runtime crate to automatically generate the trait implementation.

In summary, the proposed changes are:

  1. The handler type will accept any object that implements Display and ErrorExt in its Err variant.
  2. The runtime crate will use the Display trait to extract an error message and use the ISO-8859-1 charset.
  3. The runtime crate will call the error_type() function to get the value for the errorType field.
  4. If the RUST_BACKTRACE environment variable is set to 1, the runtime will use the backtrace crate to collect a stack trace as soon as the error is received.

The new handler type definition will be:

pub trait Handler<Event, Output, Error> 
    Event: From<Vec<u8>>,
    Output: Into<Vec<u8>>,
    Error: Display + ErrorExt + Send + Sync,
    fn run(&mut self, event: Event, ctx: Context) -> Result<Output, Error>;

State of release

Hey all, would it be possible to cut a release at the current master commit level or similar? As long as it's post #111 that should work.

Coming in as a new user I was confused between the differing formats in the examples source and in the docs. It didn't help that the examples source (which is the correct way to do things) doesn't compile with the latest version of the crate. Once the dependency is renamed to lambda = { git = "", branch = "master" } everything works for the new syntax.

I can try and provide documentation and examples improvements PRs but if the maintainers could cut a release I think that'd go a long way to usability.

Could not compile lambda_http due do ambiguious `use`

Receiving this error when building crate fresh from

Compiling lambda_http v0.1.0
error[E0252]: the name `Deserialize` is defined multiple times
  --> /home/bruces/.cargo/registry/src/
15 |     Deserialize, Deserializer,
   |     ----------- previous import of the macro `Deserialize` here
16 | };
17 | use serde_derive::Deserialize;
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `Deserialize` reimported here
   = note: `Deserialize` must be defined only once in the macro namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
17 | use serde_derive::Deserialize as OtherDeserialize;
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: aborting due to previous error

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0252`.
error: Could not compile `lambda_http`.

Looking at the source here you can see the following on line 15 and 17 respectively:

use serde::de::{Deserialize, Deserializer, Error as DeError, MapAccess, Visitor};
use serde_derive::Deserialize;

Deleting line 17 appears to correct the issue.

Looking at PR 62, it may be resolved there, but I'm willing to submit a smaller PR to just fix this if desired.

Documentation for Various Lambda Use-Cases

I currently have a Lambda in Rust using the Python 3 binding using the excellent ilianaw/rust-crowbar crate.

I also spent a lot of time creating internal serde mappings for various data types, but the majority of this work is on a private repository.

What isn't clear here in the documentation is whether it's possible to catch all of the various use-cases that Lambdas can perform. My particular use case is using a Lambda for:

My Lambda essentially acts as an event bus allowing me to do just about everything a typical web application would need to do, and it's awesome. I had to do a lot of very strange things to get a build environment that mimicked the official Lambda runtime environment, so it's cool to see that now it's possible to just build an entirely statically linked binary using musl 👍

What is not clear in the existing documentation is how to integrate all of these services inside of this new Rust-native Lambda runtime. Can I use a single Rust Lambda function to address all of the use cases listed above, or is this only for API Gateway endpoints?

I've seen that in other issues, Tower is listed as a potential replacement for Hyper here, and that would be great! Basically I'd like to take advantage of native HTTP server libraries/frameworks for intelligent request routing and yet still be able to handle SNS/SES/CloudWatch/etc. events within the same Rust Lambda function. If all of this is possible, can the documentation be updated to reflect this and provide guidance on how to use it?

Compiling lambda_runtime_errors v0.1.1 ERROR


When compiling my project that uses:

lambda_runtime = "^0.2"
rusoto_core = "^0.42"

I get 2 errors when compiling lambda_runtime_error v0.1.1:

  • error[E0277]: the trait bound (): LambdaErrorExt is not satisfied--> $HOME/.cargo/registry/src/

  • error[E0277]: the trait bound (): std::error::Error is not satisfied -->

Cargo version: cargo 1.41.0-nightly (8280633db 2019-11-11)
Rustc : rustc 1.41.0-nightly (412f43ac5 2019-11-24)

It seems that it is related to the nightly version since it worked perfectly 3 days ago and doesn't work since I run rustup update.

AWS CLI Instructions README Typo

There is a typo within the AWS CLI deploy instructions in the README.

--zip-file file://./ \ should be --zip-file fileb://./ \

Not possible to create a Context for testing

I would like to create a mock Context to be able to test my handler fully. Unfortunately deadline is private and new requires a config provider and the ConfigProvider is in env, which is private.

Any pointers?

Runtime failed to start: fork/exec /var/task/bootstrap: exec format error

Hello. I'm trying this, following whats in the README and getting to the stepaws lambda invoke for the basic example and it fails with:

RequestId: 22649496-f719-11e8-b4b6-c796ae152b7e Error: Runtime failed to start: fork/exec /var/task/bootstrap: exec format error

Any ideas?

Panic at 'Could not retrieve next event'

I thought maybe it was something in my code but I get the same panic with the example here:

START RequestId: 967aad3f-eaaa-4946-bc51-dc717f81aa71 Version: $LATEST
thread 'main' panicked at 'Could not retrieve next event', /Users/redacted/.cargo/registry/src/
stack backtrace:
   0: std::sys::unix::backtrace::tracing::imp::unwind_backtrace
             at src/libstd/sys/unix/backtrace/tracing/
   1: std::sys_common::backtrace::_print
             at src/libstd/sys_common/
   2: std::panicking::default_hook::{{closure}}
             at src/libstd/sys_common/
             at src/libstd/
   3: std::panicking::default_hook
             at src/libstd/
   4: std::panicking::rust_panic_with_hook
             at src/libstd/
   5: std::panicking::begin_panic
   6: <lambda_runtime_core::runtime::Runtime<Function, EventError>>::get_next_event
   7: <lambda_runtime_core::runtime::Runtime<Function, EventError>>::get_next_event
   8: <lambda_runtime_core::runtime::Runtime<Function, EventError>>::get_next_event
   9: <lambda_runtime_core::runtime::Runtime<Function, EventError>>::get_next_event
  10: <lambda_runtime_core::runtime::Runtime<Function, EventError>>::get_next_event
  11: lambda_runtime_core::runtime::start_with_config
  12: bootstrap::main
  13: std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}}
  14: std::panicking::try::do_call
             at src/libstd/
             at src/libstd/
  15: __rust_maybe_catch_panic
             at src/libpanic_unwind/
  16: std::rt::lang_start_internal
             at src/libstd/
             at src/libstd/
             at src/libstd/
  17: main
END RequestId: 967aad3f-eaaa-4946-bc51-dc717f81aa71
REPORT RequestId: 967aad3f-eaaa-4946-bc51-dc717f81aa71	Duration: 1050.16 ms	Billed Duration: 1100 ms 	Memory Size: 128 MB	Max Memory Used: 26 MB	
RequestId: 967aad3f-eaaa-4946-bc51-dc717f81aa71 Error: Runtime exited with error: exit status 101

JsonError: missing field `path`

When I deploy the lambda-http basic example and call it via api gateway, I get

  "errorMessage": "JsonError: missing field `path` at line 1 column 2",
  "errorType": "JsonError",
  "stackTrace": null

It seems like having a Request in the handler function is not supported.

How can I make a lambda which handles both GET and POST invocations via api gateway?

Query String not present in Request::uri()

Hey! I was trying to obtain values from the query string from a API GW request and I think I found a bug.

I was trying get the query string values by using Url::parse to parse the URI obtained from request.uri().to_string(). However the query string is not added to the URI when converting from LambdaRequest to Request. I believe this is not intended, but would like to confirm that.

Note 1: Eventually, I found the request.query_string_parameters() function, as mentioned in the examples.
Note 2: I also mentioned this problem in this issue.

Environment variable not updating

In the main function using the rust runtime for some reason it is using the original environment variable that I had set in the aws lambda console. Even after 24 hours and several iterations of the function code it still uses the old environment variable.

I am doing this:

info!("Log level: {}", env!("LOG_LEVEL"));

Is there some way to fix this?

gateway bindings


It's great to see official lambda support for Rust!

Over at, we have been building a lambda runtime and various auxiliary crates. We will start to redirect users of the runtime parts over to the official runtime, but similar to #12 I'm keen to hear whether there is interest on your side to move some of the other auxiliary crates.

In particular, there are bindings that translate between the API Gateway proxy events and the types provided by the http crate. I'm happy to continue to provide these myself, but I'd like to avoid any duplication of effort, so if you'd like to incorporate these please let me know!

Consider Alternate Handler Types

(Pulled from #94)

I wonder if we can support that through an optional extension for customers that do care about this. To that end, I've been talking to @carllerche—he might be able to comment on this more—about the usage of Tower in underlying of the Lambda runtime, and my current thinking is that we can provide several valid handler signatures as implemented by specialized tower services and a corresponding Into<Service> (for context, this is the foundational Service trait) that'll be executed by the the Lambda runtime itself. Given this definition, we can provide several specialized services along the lines of:

  • Service<(http::Request<T>, Context)> -> http::Response<U>
  • Service<(http::Request<T>, Context)> -> Result<http::Response<U>, HandlerError>
  • Service<(aws_lambda_events::event::sqs::SqsEvent, Context)> -> U
  • Service<(aws_lambda_events::event::sqs::SqsEvent, Context)> -> Result<U, HandlerError>

Note: each service function signature would be implemented in terms of a sealed trait similar to HttpService.

In the absence of a handler error, the Into<Service> implementation would place a default value for HandlerError. Handler construction will still be available using a something similar to a ServiceFn.

To address some potential concerns:

  • We might be able to cut down on our compile times by using more, smaller crates and disabling some of the chunkier features in Tokio, Hyper, and by removing our usage of Failure.
  • The internals are more easily testable using tower-mock.
  • We can provide support for Tide's HttpService behind a feature flag.

Latest Master Causes Runtime Errors

Updated just a little bit ago to the latest master, after the "cleanup". All lambda jobs that I have running now are erroring out with runtime errors:

Process exited before completing request

Simple example that causes this...

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
    let func = handler_fn(|event| handler(event));

async fn handler(_event: Value) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) }

I am not getting any error to look at if I log all errors that I can. I can also confirm that it does run the handler to completion, but then exits right away.

Request URI is wrong when using API Gateway in some common cases

Without using a custom domain mapping in API Gateway, the URI looks like:

where prod is the deployment stage. Currently lambda_http doesn't include the stage in the URL (but it looks like it's available in the event).

I tested it and it works fine with an empty custom domain mapping, but a non-empty custom domain mapping might also not work; I didn't test that, and I'm not sure if the domain mapping is present in the event.

(I'm running into this because I'm writing request validation for a Twilio endpoint, which involves concatenating key/value pairs onto the URL Twilio knows. So I'm relying on Request::uri().to_string().)

Sharing resources across invocations

Being very new to Rust in general I was wondering how I could share rusoto clients across multiple Lambda invocations. In particular I am trying to cache an IoT Data client for function invocations which happen several times per minute. Coming from Typescript where caching in global scope solves the issue, I can't figure out how to do it in Rust. Apologies if this should be out of scope for this project, but I couldn't find an answer anywhere else.

In this code I would like to cache iot_data_client for further invocations:

use lambda_runtime::{error::HandlerError, lambda, Context};
use serde_derive::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use rusoto_iot_data::{IotData, IotDataClient, PublishRequest};
use bytes::Bytes;
use rusoto_core::Region;

#[derive(Deserialize, Clone)]
struct CustomEvent {
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String,

#[derive(Serialize, Clone)]
struct CustomOutput {
    message: String,

fn main() {

fn my_handler(e: CustomEvent, _ctx: Context) -> Result<CustomOutput, HandlerError> {
    if e.first_name == "" {
        panic!("Empty first name");
    let request = PublishRequest {
        payload: Some(Bytes::from_static(b"Hello Rust!")),
        topic: String::from("rust"),
        qos: Some(1),
    // How can I cache this?
    let iot_data_client = IotDataClient::new(Region::EuCentral1);
    match iot_data_client.publish(request).sync() {
        Ok(_result) => {
                message: format!("Hello, {}!", e.first_name),
        Err(error) => {
            panic!(format!("Error: {:?}", error))

Publish lambda-http crate on

The lambda-http crate doesn't seem to be published on, which means the only way to use it in a project is to reference this git repo directly in Cargo.toml, which is not exactly ideal.

i.e., I got it to build with

git = ""

but it would be much nicer to specify it as a regular dependency.

Are there any plans to publish the lambda-http crate?

There is no way getting the stage value

I want to have a lambda function that responds to http POST event and invokes another lambda with the POST parameters. To to that I need the stage value, so I found that the stage value is under RequestContext::ApiGateway, I can get the RequestContext using Request's request_context() function, but RequestContext is private, so I can't decompose it and get the stage value.

lambda_http isn't compatible with serde features = ["derive"]

Current documentation instructs users of Serde to use the derive feature in Cargo.toml:

serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }

This is incompatible with lambda_http which uses separate serde and serde_derive crates.

error[E0252]: the name `Deserialize` is defined multiple times
  --> /home/ilianaw/.cargo/registry/src/
15 |     Deserialize, Deserializer,
   |     ----------- previous import of the macro `Deserialize` here
16 | };
17 | use serde_derive::Deserialize;
   | ----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   | |   |
   | |   `Deserialize` reimported here
   | help: remove unnecessary import
   = note: `Deserialize` must be defined only once in the macro namespace of this module

error: aborting due to previous error

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0252`.
error: Could not compile `lambda_http`.

If a user switches back to the old serde_derive crate, lambda_http successfully builds.

serde = "1.0"
serde_derive = "1.0"

Documentation: Running locally

Trying to run locally:

cargo run --example=basic
  Downloaded simple-error v0.1.13
   Compiling simple-error v0.1.13
   Compiling simple_logger v1.0.1
   Compiling lambda_runtime v0.2.0 (/Users/walther/git/aws-lambda-rust-runtime/lambda-runtime)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 3.87s
     Running `/Users/walther/git/aws-lambda-rust-runtime/target/debug/examples/basic`
thread 'main' panicked at 'Could not find runtime API env var: environment variable not found', lambda-runtime-core/src/
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

It would be useful to have some documentation on how to run Rust-based Lambda functions locally, for development & testing purposes.

How to have errors returned by handler displayed in Cloudwatch

Hey all, first off - thank you for the awesome runtime!

Second, I'm not able to see errors printed properly in my Cloudwatch Logs, just a generic 2019-03-29 18:12:23 INFO [lambda_runtime_core::runtime] Error response for ... accepted by Runtime API .

I think I might be missing some kind of impl or something, but I'm not sure - should I be expecting errors returned by main to be displayed in Cloudwatch?

Here's my basic structure

use derive_more::{Display, From};
use failure::Fail;
use lambda_runtime::error::{lambda, HandlerError, LambdaErrorExt};
use serde_derive::Deserialize;

#[derive(Debug, Display, From)]
pub enum Error {
    // exhaustive errors here

impl Fail for Error {}

impl From<Error> for HandlerError {
    fn from(err: Error) -> HandlerError {

impl LambdaErrorExt for Error {
    fn error_type(&self) -> &str {
        match self {
            // ...

#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
pub enum Events {
    // ...

pub fn handler(event: Events, _ctx: lambda_runtime::Context) -> Result<(), Error> {
  // ...

fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {


AWS CDK Support

Is this runtime supported in the CDK? If not, is this a possibility?

Thoughts about deadline API

First, there is some inconsistency about what the deadline values mean: here

/// The deadline for the current handler execution in nanoseconds based
/// on a unix `MONOTONIC` clock.
pub(super) deadline: u128,

and here
/// The execution deadline for the current invocation in nanoseconds.
pub deadline: u128,

the comments state that the timestamp is in nanoseconds, but here (and in the tests below)
/// Returns the remaining time in the execution in milliseconds. This is based on the
/// deadline header passed by Lambda's Runtime APIs.
pub fn get_time_remaining_millis(&self) -> u128 {
let millis = Utc::now().timestamp_millis();
self.deadline - millis as u128

it is used as if it's actually milliseconds. Which one is correct?

Second, I don't think we need u128 for the deadlines, even if they are in nanoseconds; an u64 would last until the year 2554, and even an i64 until the year 2262. Also, we should probably use a signed int (i64) for the return value of get_time_remaining_millis. What do you think?

I can open a PR for these if we come to any conclusions.

(Sorry for using "we" when I clearly haven't done anything for the project yet, it was the easiest to phrase it this way.)

Handler panics hang the runtime

If a handler panics it will get picked up by the executor but it will just hang.


type Error = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {

enum MyError {

impl std::fmt::Display for MyError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
            match self {
                MyError::Unknown => "Unknown",

impl std::error::Error for MyError {}

async fn handler(_: serde_json::Value) -> Result<serde_json::Value, MyError> {
    panic!("imagine an unwrap or unimplemented! here");

It's possible to work around this by introducing a shim:

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {

async fn wrapped_handler(event: serde_json::Value) -> Result<serde_json::Value, MyError> {
    let handle = tokio::spawn(async { handler(event).await }).await;
    handle.map_err(|_| MyError::Unknown.into())?

Binary output/response?

When using lambda_runtime it seems to be hardcoded that one's lambda handler will take JSON as input and output in JSON and it serialises the structures using serde_json. Is it possible to configure this and esp. be able to return binary data with a specified mime type instead of "application/json"?

This would be most useful for lambdas for example responding with image/png, image/jpg and other binary types.

I also tested using lambda-runtime-client directly as then I have control over the deserialising of the request and are able to directly output a binary blob as the response. But the header for the response is fixed to use const API_CONTENT_TYPE: &str = "application/json";.

Have there been any thoughts of how to support and handle binary responses with other mime types?

how to create custom context

I have an expensive task that should not be part of the handler. As that would be running the code again and again for each event call. According to AWS documentation the execution context is the place where these "global" code needs to go so that the output of the code is persistent over events. The docs say that "A new instance of the Context object is passed to each handler invocation". Is there a way create a custom context which saves the global state of the object between calls?

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