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sagemaker-ssh-helper's Issues

Are scripts supposed to work on SageMaker notebook instances?

Hey there, thanks a lot for creating these examples. I've noticed that some scripts have parts that mention sagemaker notebook instances, but they fail both on server and client side because they expect DOMAIN_ID, USER_ID etc.

Are these supposed to work on SageMaker notebook instances?

sm-local-configure only works with bash like installations - no Powershell/CMD support / Windows support at all

Hi there.
When trying to install your solution, I can't execute the configuration via sm-local-configure. As the script is written in bash, my Powershell will always try to open the file via Notepad instead of executing it.


  • Please provide the script in other shell languages as well
  • Alternatively describe - in depth - what can be done instead of using this command

As of now, Windows users are excluded from using the plugin this way.

Update: Even if I install mingw64 and execute the command, it fails:

  1. Python3 isn't found (on windows installation, Python is now just called python)
  2. The execution fails at sudo as this is no command for mingw64 installation

Please update documentation and highlight, that Windows is unsupported by the solution as of now.

Issue trying with a SageMaker Notebook: "sagemaker-ssh-helper:SSMManager:SSH Helper not yet started? Retrying."

Hello, this looks like a great project but I have been struggling for a day and half to get it working.
I am trying to do the Local IDE integration with SageMaker Studio over SSH for PyCharm / VSCode but with SageMaker Notebook instead of Studio, and from a Windows environment.

First I have to say that, the fact that the instructions are spread out in many places (in the main README, the account setup page, the FAQ, etc.) do not help with clarity. Maybe, separate step-by-step end-to-end instructions for each use case would help.

I first tried to do this in a corporate environment, where SageMaker notebook are in a private VPC with no direct internet breakout in the account but going through a corporate firewall and proxy and with no IAM user but temporary credentials. As I miserably failed, I reverted to first test it in my personal environment with the SageMaker notebook deployed in the default AWS managed environment but I am still failing.

In my local environment, I think I got all the requirements (installing sagemaker-ssh-helper, running the ./sm-local-install-force script from an admin bash), configuring the AWS environment (SSM and IAM policies as mentioned here, copying and running the SageMaker_SSH_Notebook.ipynb notebook.
I also looked at the video for the SageMaker studio case, which is quite different, but according to the instructions the only difference is just the notebook we are execution. So I think I got the instructions correct but as it is failing I guess I am missing something...

I can see in SSM fleet manager the mi-****** node ID of the SageMaker notebook instance but the notebook script does not display it (not sure if that is normal or not). The last logs I have on the jupyter notebook outputs are:

j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | # Running forever as daemon
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | amazon-ssm-agent
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | Initializing new seelog logger
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | New Seelog Logger Creation Complete
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | Applying config override from /etc/amazon/ssm/amazon-ssm-agent.json.
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | 2023/04/21 12:20:31 Found config file at /etc/amazon/ssm/amazon-ssm-agent.json.
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | 2023/04/21 12:20:31 processing appconfig overrides
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | 2023/04/21 12:20:31 Found config file at /etc/amazon/ssm/amazon-ssm-agent.json.
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | 2023/04/21 12:20:31 processing appconfig overrides
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | Applying config override from /etc/amazon/ssm/amazon-ssm-agent.json.
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | 2023-04-21 12:20:31 INFO Proxy environment variables:
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | 2023-04-21 12:20:31 INFO http_proxy: 
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | 2023-04-21 12:20:31 INFO no_proxy: 
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | 2023-04-21 12:20:31 INFO https_proxy: 
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | 2023-04-21 12:20:31 INFO Checking if agent identity type OnPrem can be assumed
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | 2023-04-21 12:20:31 INFO Agent will take identity from OnPrem
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | 2023-04-21 12:20:31 INFO [amazon-ssm-agent] using named pipe channel for IPC
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | 2023-04-21 12:20:31 INFO [amazon-ssm-agent] using named pipe channel for IPC
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | 2023-04-21 12:20:31 INFO [amazon-ssm-agent] using named pipe channel for IPC
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | 2023-04-21 12:20:31 INFO [amazon-ssm-agent] amazon-ssm-agent - v3.2.815.0
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | 2023-04-21 12:20:31 INFO [amazon-ssm-agent] OS: linux, Arch: amd64
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | 2023-04-21 12:20:31 INFO [amazon-ssm-agent] Starting Core Agent
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | 2023-04-21 12:20:31 INFO [CredentialRefresher] credentialRefresher has started
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | 2023-04-21 12:20:31 INFO [CredentialRefresher] Starting credentials refresher loop
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | 2023-04-21 12:20:31 INFO [CredentialRefresher] Next credential rotation will be in 29.997203369883334 minutes
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | 2023-04-21 12:20:32 INFO [amazon-ssm-agent] [LongRunningWorkerContainer] [WorkerProvider] Worker ssm-agent-worker is not running, starting worker process
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | 2023-04-21 12:20:32 INFO [amazon-ssm-agent] [LongRunningWorkerContainer] [WorkerProvider] Worker ssm-agent-worker (pid:611) started
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | 2023-04-21 12:20:32 INFO [amazon-ssm-agent] [LongRunningWorkerContainer] Monitor long running worker health every 60 seconds
j7h3m4c9pf-algo-1-jq0oi | 2023-04-21 12:50:31 INFO [CredentialRefresher] Next credential rotation will be in 29.997979336833332 minutes

Then if I try to do a AWS_PROFILE=default sm-local-ssh-notebook connect <<notebook-instance-name>>, then I get the following:

INFO:sagemaker-ssh-helper:SSMManager:Querying SSM instance IDs for SageMaker notebook instance test
INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials
INFO:sagemaker-ssh-helper:SSMManager:SSH Helper not yet started? Retrying. Seconds left: 300
INFO:sagemaker-ssh-helper:SSMManager:SSH Helper not yet started? Retrying. Seconds left: 290
INFO:sagemaker-ssh-helper:SSMManager:SSH Helper not yet started? Retrying. Seconds left: 280
INFO:sagemaker-ssh-helper:SSMManager:SSH Helper not yet started? Retrying. Seconds left: 270

But if I am understanding the instructions correctly this is not the SSH Helper on the local machine, correct? This is the SSH Helper on the SageMaker notebook, right?
Did I missed something obvious?

Thoughts on using a configuration management framework?

It's pretty hard to get this up and running in an account that has restricted internet access.

I had fork and refactor almost all of the bash scripts. This was quite a challenge as they are a little unwieldy (I mean it is bash after all). So, I had a thought based on how I handle setting up dev environments on linux boxes.

Moving the install/run functionality to a declarative configuration management system would make maintaining, extending and using the project easier.

What would your thoughts be on managing the installs and configurations via something like Ansible? I recommended ansible since it's lightweight and easy to work with. Its a python package. So only need python which we already have. But it could be any config system.

The user experience could remain the same, the bash scripts would be shims around the config manager. Likely, it could be simplified. Not so many steps to get up and running, you just run a command and it gets the system in the desired state, instead of having to nohup a bunch of bash scripts.

It'd be easier to:

  • Allow options like install urls for the dependencies
  • Not rely on the working directory to source bash files
  • Avoid multiple re-installs to make it easier to run in a lifecycle config
  • Extend it by modifying or including additional config

I'd be willing to contribute work towards this since maintaining a copy of the bash scripts is quite painful. Already in the process of exploring a playbook for starting the ssh helper.

Enable advanced-instances tier to use Session Manager with your on-premises instances

Hi when I configure my local connection to Sagemaker Studio with:

sm-local-ssh-ide connect <my kernel gateway>

The process fails in the last step with the following error:

An error occurred (BadRequest) when calling the StartSession operation: Enable advanced-instances tier to use Session Manager with your on-premises instances
Connection closed by UNKNOWN port 65535

What is happening here?

Notebook `SageMaker_SSH_Notebook.ipynb` fails due to docker-compose

The notebook SageMaker_SSH_Notebook.ipynb throws an error related to docker compose:

INFO:sagemaker.local.image:docker command: docker-compose -f /tmp/tmpxkrcbq9c/docker-compose.yaml up --build --abort-on-container-exit

time="2023-11-14T20:11:59Z" level=warning msg="a network with name sagemaker-local exists but was not created by compose.\nSet `external: true` to use an existing network"
network sagemaker-local was found but has incorrect label set to ""

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
File ~/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sagemaker/local/, in _SageMakerContainer.train(self, input_data_config, output_data_config, hyperparameters, environment, job_name)
    295 try:
--> 296     _stream_output(process)
    297 except RuntimeError as e:
    298     # _stream_output() doesn't have the command line. We will handle the exception
    299     # which contains the exit code and append the command line to it.

File ~/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sagemaker/local/, in _stream_output(process)
    983 if exit_code != 0:
--> 984     raise RuntimeError("Process exited with code: %s" % exit_code)
    986 return exit_code

RuntimeError: Process exited with code: 1

Not sure what is causing the error. I was able to run the same notebook content just three months ago. Any hint or suggestion will be greatly appreciated.

[Question] Relax bucket and role

Hi, I am using customized SageMaker IAM role and bucket, would it be possible to relax both of these values?

For example:
python3 -m sagemaker_ssh_helper.deregister_old_instances_from_ssm --iam-role "ml-experiment-*.*"

[Issue] When use the MMS host model. e.g. HuggingFace Model, no any info in cloudwatch log and can not use ssh

model_data = 's3://kraft-source-bucket/huggingface_model/model.tar.gz'

from sagemaker.huggingface import HuggingFaceModel
from sagemaker_ssh_helper.wrapper import SSHModelWrapper
import sagemaker

create Hugging Face Model Class

huggingface_model = HuggingFaceModel(
ssh_wrapper = SSHModelWrapper.create(huggingface_model, connection_wait_time_seconds=0)


  • pytorch.xx.bin
  • code/

import argparse
import io
import json
import logging
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
from PIL import Image
from torchvision import datasets, transforms
from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor
from model import Net
logger = logging.getLogger(name)
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), "lib"))

import sagemaker_ssh_helper

def model_fn(model_dir):
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
model = torch.nn.DataParallel(Net())
with open(os.path.join(model_dir, "model.pth"), "rb") as f:

def load_from_bytearray(request_body):
image_as_bytes = io.BytesIO(request_body)
image =
image_tensor = ToTensor()(image).unsqueeze(0)
return image_tensor

def input_fn(request_body, request_content_type):
# if set content_type as 'image/jpg' or 'applicaiton/x-npy',
# the input is also a python bytearray
if request_content_type == "application/x-image":
image_tensor = load_from_bytearray(request_body)
print("not support this type yet")
raise ValueError("not support this type yet")
return image_tensor

Perform prediction on the deserialized object, with the loaded model

def predict_fn(input_object, model):
output = model.forward(input_object)
pred = output.max(1, keepdim=True)[1]

return {"predictions": pred.item()}

Serialize the prediction result into the desired response content type

def output_fn(predictions, response_content_type):
return json.dumps(predictions)

I run this code:
instance_ids = ssh_wrapper.get_instance_ids() # <--NEW--
print(f'To connect over SSM run: aws ssm start-session --target {instance_ids[0]}')

no any output and in cloudwatch log has no any related info about sagemaker-ssh-helper

Cannot connect to instance

Hi team,

Followed the steps in the notebook and everything worked well without errors except in the final local command sm-local-ssh-ide <<kernel_gateway_app_name>>. Here I get the following error:

ssh -o User=root -o IdentityFile="${SSH_KEY}" -o IdentitiesOnly=yes \
  -o ProxyCommand="aws ssm start-session --region '${CURRENT_REGION}' --target '${INSTANCE_ID}' --document-name AWS-StartSSHSession --parameters portNumber=%p" \
  -o ServerAliveInterval=15 -o ServerAliveCountMax=3 \
  -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -N $PORT_FWD_ARGS "$INSTANCE_ID"

An error occurred (TargetNotConnected) when calling the StartSession operation: mi-01064afae0734b12b is not connected.
kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
Connection closed by UNKNOWN port 65535

Do you know what could be going wrong?

João Pereira

`sm-local-ssh-ide` stopped working and ssh asks for root password

Due to recent changes in SageMaker Studio related to file permissions, copying SSH keys over SSM into '/root/.ssh/authorized_keys' is not producing a desired effect. The following message appears when you run sm-local-ssh-ide from the local machine:

Connecting to mi-1234567890abcdef0 as proxy and starting port forwarding with the args: -L localhost:10022:localhost:22 -L localhost:5901:localhost:5901 -L localhost:8889:localhost:8889 -R
Warning: Permanently added 'mi-1234567890abcdef0' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
root@mi-1234567890abcdef0's password: 

SageMaker SSH Helper will change the location of keys to '/etc/ssh/authorized_keys' and will release this change ASAP in the version v1.10.1.

[Issue]failed to find agent identity

Trying to set this up to connect our local VSCode instances to our sagemaker studio instances for better developer experience.

When running:
sm-ssh-ide ssm-agent

We receive the following error:

Error occurred fetching the seelog config file path:  open /etc/amazon/ssm/seelog.xml: no such file or directory
Initializing new seelog logger
New Seelog Logger Creation Complete
2023-06-16 10:55:53 INFO Proxy environment variables:
2023-06-16 10:55:53 INFO https_proxy: 
2023-06-16 10:55:53 INFO http_proxy: 
2023-06-16 10:55:53 INFO no_proxy: 
2023-06-16 10:55:53 INFO Checking if agent identity type OnPrem can be assumed
2023-06-16 10:55:53 INFO Checking if agent identity type EC2 can be assumed
2023-06-16 10:55:53 ERROR [EC2Identity] failed to get identity instance id. Error: EC2MetadataError: failed to get IMDSv2 token and fallback to IMDSv1 is disabled
caused by: : 
	status code: 0, request id: 
caused by: RequestError: send request failed
caused by: Put "": dial tcp connect: invalid argument
2023-06-16 10:55:53 INFO Checking if agent identity type CustomIdentity can be assumed
2023-06-16 10:55:53 ERROR Agent failed to assume any identity
2023-06-16 10:55:53 ERROR failed to find identity, retrying: failed to find agent identity
2023-06-16 10:55:53 INFO Checking if agent identity type OnPrem can be assumed
2023-06-16 10:55:53 INFO Checking if agent identity type EC2 can be assumed
2023-06-16 10:55:54 ERROR [EC2Identity] failed to get identity instance id. Error: EC2MetadataError: failed to get IMDSv2 token and fallback to IMDSv1 is disabled
caused by: : 
	status code: 0, request id: 
caused by: RequestError: send request failed
caused by: Put "": dial tcp connect: invalid argument
2023-06-16 10:55:54 INFO Checking if agent identity type CustomIdentity can be assumed
2023-06-16 10:55:54 ERROR Agent failed to assume any identity
2023-06-16 10:55:54 ERROR failed to find identity, retrying: failed to find agent identity
2023-06-16 10:55:54 INFO Checking if agent identity type OnPrem can be assumed
2023-06-16 10:55:54 INFO Checking if agent identity type EC2 can be assumed
2023-06-16 10:55:54 ERROR [EC2Identity] failed to get identity instance id. Error: EC2MetadataError: failed to get IMDSv2 token and fallback to IMDSv1 is disabled
caused by: : 
	status code: 0, request id: 
caused by: RequestError: send request failed
caused by: Put "": dial tcp connect: invalid argument
2023-06-16 10:55:54 INFO Checking if agent identity type CustomIdentity can be assumed
2023-06-16 10:55:54 ERROR Agent failed to assume any identity
2023-06-16 10:55:54 ERROR failed to get identity: failed to find agent identity
2023-06-16 10:55:54 ERROR Error occurred when starting amazon-ssm-agent: failed to get identity: failed to find agent identity

[Feature] Copying file to an instance from local

Sometimes I'd like to copy a file from my local host to a running SageMaker instance after the instance is already started. Is it possible to do this with SSM, or through some other solution?

Currently, I use an S3 bucket as a proxy (local host -> s3 bucket -> SageMaker instance). This works, but requires a few steps. I would prefer to directly transfer the file.

[bug] - `SageMaker_SSH_IDE.ipynb` does not work

Hi Team and @ivan-khvostishkov ,

I followed the instructions of Local IDE integration with SageMaker Studio over SSH for PyCharm / VSCode.

How to reproduce

I did the following steps:

  1. Created new SageMaker domain
  2. Updated the execution roles according the Setting up your AWS account with IAM and SSM configuration guide
  3. Launched a Studio personal application
  4. Created a new Space
  5. Launched JupyterLab environment
  6. Downloaded the latest version of this repo, uploaded to the notebook and unzipped
  7. Opened SageMaker_SSH_IDE.ipynb and selected the Python 3 (ipykernel) as kernel
  8. Started the execution of the cells in the notebook
  9. The following cell execution failed
sm-ssh-ide configure
-> mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/opt/sagemaker-ssh-helper/’: Permission denied

Steps tried to solve the issue

I tried to following steps to solve the issue:


-> sagemaker-user
groups sagemaker-user

-> sagemaker-user : users
ls -s /

total 0
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root   root      7 Oct  4 02:08 bin -> usr/bin
drwxr-xr-x   2 root   root      6 Apr 18  2022 boot
drwxr-xr-x   5 root   root    340 Jan 22 07:34 dev
drwxrwxr-x   1 root   root     66 Jan 22 07:34 etc
drwxrwxrwx   1 root   root     28 Nov  9 14:12 home
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root   root      7 Oct  4 02:08 lib -> usr/lib
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root   root      9 Oct  4 02:08 lib32 -> usr/lib32
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root   root      9 Oct  4 02:08 lib64 -> usr/lib64
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root   root     10 Oct  4 02:08 libx32 -> usr/libx32
drwxr-xr-x   2 root   root      6 Oct  4 02:08 media
drwxr-xr-x   2 root   root      6 Oct  4 02:08 mnt
drwxr-xr-x   1 root   root     55 Jan 22 07:34 opt
dr-xr-xr-x 133 nobody nogroup   0 Jan 22 07:34 proc
drwx------   1 root   root     20 Nov  9 14:16 root
drwxr-xr-x   1 root   root     25 Nov  9 14:17 run
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root   root      8 Oct  4 02:08 sbin -> usr/sbin
drwxr-xr-x   2 root   root      6 Oct  4 02:08 srv
dr-xr-xr-x  13 nobody nogroup   0 Jan 22 07:34 sys
drwxrwxrwt   1 root   root     32 Jan 22 07:43 tmp
drwxrwxr-x   1 root   root     19 Nov  9 00:31 usr
drwxr-xr-x   1 root   root     17 Oct  4 02:12 var

It looks like the sagemaker-user does not have permission to write to /opt.

Let's add sagemaker-user to root group and restart the sessions and the instance as well to be sure.

I still get the the same issue.

Possible solutions

  1. The sm-ssh-ide scripts utilises alternative directory and not /opt
  2. The permission of the sagemaker-user is fixed or ACL is added to the /opt directory.


Error on `dpkg` when running `sm-local-configure`

I'm following Local IDE integration with SageMaker Studio over SSH for PyCharm / VSCode

  1. Copy SageMaker_SSH_IDE.ipynb into SageMaker Studio and run it ✔
  2. On the local machine, install the library: pip install sagemaker-ssh-helper
  3. Make sure that you installed the latest AWS CLI v2 and the AWS Session Manager CLI plugin. Run the following command to perform the installation: sm-local-configure
    Note: I installed AWS CLI v2 using curl and unzip
    Note: I installed AWS Session Manager using curl and dpkg -i

The error:

$ sm-local-configure
Linux DK023900WSL #1 SMP Fri Jan 27 02:56:13 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS \n \l

VERSION="20.04.6 LTS (Focal Fossa)"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS"
Python 3.8.10
sagemaker-ssh-helper: Installing AWS CLI v2
WARNING: Skipping awscli as it is not installed.
Found same AWS CLI version: /usr/local/aws-cli/v2/2.11.19. Skipping install.
AWS default region -
AWS region -
      Name                    Value             Type    Location
      ----                    -----             ----    --------
   profile                <not set>             None    None
access_key     ****************W535 shared-credentials-file
secret_key     ****************WBOW shared-credentials-file
    region                eu-west-1      config-file    ~/.aws/config
dpkg: error: requested operation requires superuser privilege

Local Environment

Running locally on WSL

WSL version:
Kernel version:
WSLg version: 1.0.49
MSRDC version: 1.2.3770
Direct3D version: 1.608.2-61064218
DXCore version:
Windows version: 10.0.19044.2846

Please advise!

JupyterServer URL suffix when tunnelling into KernelGateway app

Hi, I am using sagemaker-ssh-helper to create an SSH connection in between the JupyterServer app and the KernelGateway app.

In my example, I am running code-server ( in the KernelGateway environment as our data scientists want to control the instance size and type of machine it runs on.

Running the coder server command in the KernelGateway env starts an HTTP listener at I then use the sagemaker-ssh-helper command sm-local-ssh-ide connect with an additional argument -L localhost:3000:localhost:3000 in order to also forward the connection on port 3000 from the KernelGateway env.

When I navigate to, it initially loads the page (I see "Coder" in the browser tab) but then fails to load any UI elements. Looking at the developer console, this is happening because the UI resources are being fetched from instead of

If I manually navigate to, I can confirm that I am able to access the Javascript code.

Is there any configuration that I'm missing when running sm-local-ssh-ide connect to pass the entire URL to the downstream server, including the URL suffix that is added?

[Question] How to connect to sagemaker notebooks

You've mentioned on reddit it's possible to connect to notebook instance in sagemaker with the library. (
I couldn't see how to do it in the readme; I've tried to just do sagemaker_ssh_helper.setup_and_start_ssh()in script, but it asks for one of the wrappers and I don't see one that would match.

WARNING: SageMaker SSH Helper is not correctly initialized. Did you forget to call wrapper.create() _before_ fit() / run() / transform() / deploy()?

Could you please point the direction on how to approach this?

does ssh helper support byoc sagemaker endpoint?

hello team
we have a byoc sagemaker endpoint which want to debug, but I found the ssh helper only has byos mode sagemaker endpoint to setup:

model = estimator.create_model(
dependencies=[SSHModelWrapper.dependency_dir()] # <--NEW
# (alternatively, add sagemaker_ssh_helper into requirements.txt
# inside source dir) --

is there anyway we can debug BYOC sm endpoint? do you have any guide for that?


does ssh helper support sagemaker's remote debug's ssm connection?

ssh helper can't get ssm instance id for sagemaker remote debug job

using sagamaker remote debug , we can use ssm client to connect to training job container via :
aws ssm start-session --target sagemaker-training-job:${job_name}_algo-1

but when use ssh helper to do the ssh turnel , it can't find ssm instance id :
@6c7e67c16c37 ~ % sm-local-ssh-training connect ${job_name}
INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials
INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials
INFO:sagemaker-ssh-helper:Resolving training instance IDs through SSM tags
INFO:sagemaker-ssh-helper:Remote training logs are at$252Faws$252Fsagemaker$252FTrainingJobs$3FlogStreamNameFilter$3Dsd-finetuning-test-2024-03-15-08-32-30-966$252F
INFO:sagemaker-ssh-helper:Estimator metadata is at
INFO:sagemaker-ssh-helper:SSMManager:Querying SSM instance IDs for training job sd-finetuning-test-2024-03-15-08-32-30-966, expected instance count = 0
INFO:sagemaker-ssh-helper:SSMManager:Using AWS Region: us-west-2
INFO:sagemaker-ssh-helper:SSMManager:No instance IDs found. Retrying. Is SSM Agent running on the remote? Check the remote logs. Seconds left before time out: 300

[Feature Request] AWS SageMaker China region ssh helper support

When I use sagemaker-ssh-helper in China region, I get the following error:

ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_9247/ in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 ssh_wrapper = SSHModelWrapper.create(ssh_model, connection_wait_time_seconds=0)
3 ssh_predictor = ssh_model.deploy(
4 initial_instance_count=1,
5 instance_type='ml.g4dn.xlarge',

~/anaconda3/envs/pytorch_p39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sagemaker_ssh_helper/ in create(cls, model, connection_wait_time_seconds)
194 @classmethod
195 def create(cls, model: sagemaker.model.Model, connection_wait_time_seconds: int = 600):
--> 196 result = SSHModelWrapper(model, connection_wait_time_seconds=connection_wait_time_seconds)
197 result._augment()
198 return result

~/anaconda3/envs/pytorch_p39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sagemaker_ssh_helper/ in init(self, model, ssm_iam_role, bootstrap_on_start, connection_wait_time_seconds)
174 bootstrap_on_start, connection_wait_time_seconds, model.sagemaker_session)
175 if self.ssm_iam_role == '':
--> 176 self.ssm_iam_role = SSHEnvironmentWrapper.ssm_role_from_iam_arn(model.role)
177 self.model = model

~/anaconda3/envs/pytorch_p39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sagemaker_ssh_helper/ in ssm_role_from_iam_arn(cls, iam_arn)
77 def ssm_role_from_iam_arn(cls, iam_arn: str):
78 if not iam_arn.startswith('arn:aws:iam::'):
---> 79 raise ValueError("iam_arn should start with 'arn:aws:iam::'")
80 role_position = iam_arn.find(":role/")
81 if role_position == -1:

ValueError: iam_arn should start with 'arn:aws:iam::'

Since resource ARNs in China often start with “arn:aws-cn:”, adjust your code to support China Regions

SSH port forwarding to KernelGateway app container


Is it possible to use one of the sagemaker-ssh-helper scripts to enable port forwarding between SageMaker Studio's JupyterServer and a running KernelGateway app container? I am developing a Streamlit application which runs on localhost on a given port, e.g. 8053. If I start the application from the System Terminal I can access the application UI in the browser under However the app is computationally intensive, so I would like to run it from a container Image Terminal instead, in order to take advantage of the container's resources, while still being able to access the application UI in the browser as before. I tried to forward the port on which the application is running inside the container to the Jupyter Server port using sm-local-ssh-ide, but go the following error: SSMManager:No instance IDs found

Perhaps this is not the intended use of the script? Your help would be greatly appreciated as I am new to SageMaker.

Installation with `pip==23.1` gives PyYAML error

The newest version of pip produces unstable results, e.g., sagemaker-ssh-helper may fail to install in some SageMaker Studio kernels with the following error:

ERROR: Cannot uninstall ‘PyYAML’

The current workaround is to downgrade pip to the previous version:

pip install pip=23.0.1

PyCharm debugging question

Hi, thanks for your wonderful work in this project. I am trying to do this part Remote debugging with PyCharm Debug Server over SSH and I have a question:

When trying to debug a training session, the command sm-local-ssh-training failed even after using root. To clarify, I am running this inside the ssh connection.

$ ./sm-local-ssh-training connect pytorch-mnist-2022-11-15-09-46-35-587
sh: 11: ./sm-local-ssh-training: Permission denied
$ sudo ./sm-local-ssh-training connect pytorch-mnist-2022-11-15-09-46-35-587
./sm-local-ssh-training: line 17: python: command not found

If i run the command on local terminal (using Mac) this error happens

$ sm-local-ssh-training connect pytorch-mnist-2022-11-15-13-19-58-576
/opt/homebrew/bin/sm-local-ssh-training: line 17: python: command not found
INSTANCE_ID not provided

Am I missing something for debug setup?

[Feature] An option to start only ssh server inside SageMaker Studio

Now SageMaker SSH Helper starts VNC server and Jupyter server along with sshd. The new option will allow to start only the minimal necessary service sshd. The user will need to comment the second line in the IDE notebook cell and uncomment the third one:

sm-ssh-ide stop
sm-ssh-ide start
#sm-ssh-ide start --ssh-only

[Feature] SageMaker job as Studio kernel

Lately I work mainly in SageMaker Studio, and I'd really like to be able to debug / interact with a running job using the same UI.

Solution idea

Create a custom Studio kernel image using an IPython extension and/or custom magic through which users can connect to a running SSH Helper job and run notebook cells on that instead of the Studio app.

The user experience would be something like using EMR clusters in Studio:

  • One-time up-front job to build/register the custom "SageMakerSSH" image (maybe?)
  • User launches their SSH-helper-enabled job from "normal" notebook A and fetches the managed instance ID mi-1234567890abcdef0
  • User opens / switches to a notebook with SageMakerSSH kernel and runs something like
    • %load_ext sagemaker_ssh_helper.notebook to initialize the IPython extension
    • %sagemaker_ssh connect mi-1234567890abcdef0 to connect to the instance
    • From here on out, cells should run on the connected instance rather than the local Studio app unless a %%local cell magic is used: Same as how SageMaker Studio SparkMagic kernel works
    • Probably some kind of %sagemaker_ssh disconnect command would also be useful

Since the sagemaker_ssh_helper library is pip-installable, it might even be possible to get this working with default (e.g. Data Science 3.0) kernels? I'm not sure - assume it depends how much hacking is possible during IPython extension load vs what needs setting up in advance.

Why this route

To my knowledge, JupyterLab is a bit more fragmented in support for remote kernels than IDEs like VSCode/PyCharm/etc. It seems like there are ways to set up SSH kernels, but it's also a tricky topic to navigate because so many pages online are talking about "accessing your remotely-running Jupyter server" instead. Investigating the Jupyter standard kernel spec paths, I see /opt/conda/envs/studio/share/jupyter/kernels exists but contains only a single python3 kernel which doesn't appear in Studio UI. It looks like there's a custom sagemaker_nb2kg Python library that manages kernels, but no obvious integration points there for alternative kernel sources besides the studio "Apps" system - and sufficiently internal/complex that patching it seems like a bad idea.

...So it looks like directly registering the remote instance as a kernel in JupyterLab would be a non-starter.

If the magic-based approach works, it might also be possible to use with other existing kernel images (as mentioned above) and even inline in the same notebook after a training job is kicked off. Hopefully it would also enable toggling over to a new job/instance without having to run CLI commands to change the installed Jupyter kernels.

[Feature] Alternative MultiDataModel instantiation with image_uri instead of model

Hi, thanks for developing this repo. Is it currently possible, or would it be possible to add capability, to connect to an inference endpoint when MultiDataModel is instantiated using the alternative method of providing an image_uri instead of a model? For example:

endpoint_name = "openmmlab-mms-" +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")

multi_model_s3uri = f"s3://{bucket}/openmmlab-mms/"

mme = MultiDataModel(

predictor = Predictor(endpoint_name, sagemaker_session=session)
predictor.serializer = sagemaker.serializers.IdentitySerializer()
predictor.deserializer = sagemaker.deserializers.JSONDeserializer()

mme.add_model(model_data_source=estimator.model_data, model_data_path='modelA')

Additional context

The reason I am using MME in this way instead of providing an initial model, is because I'm using the MMDetection library's tool. This results in my training job producing a model.tar.gz with the following four files:


Where is defined here and does not implement SageMaker's standard input_fn, predict_fn and output_fn. Ideally I would like to be able to use this export as-is without needing to download, extract and refactor the handler script in order to provide an entry_point (and inference does indeed appear to work correctly when I do this).

[Question] Shell environment different from web terminal


I manage to connect to my notebook instance with sm-local-ssh-notebook connect <my_notebook>, as described in the instructions. I log in as root, inside what seems to be a docker container (checked with this command), with no users under /home. In contrast, when launching a web-based terminal from the notebook, the environment is very different: the default user is ec2-user, user files are under /home/ec2-user, and it seems I am not in a docker container.

What extra steps are needed to have the same type of environment as in the web-terminal, but using sagemaker-ssh-helper? Basically, all I want is to be able to do exactly the same I can do in the web-based Terminal from my sagemaker-ssh-helper session.

Maybe this has been addressed somewhere, but I didn't find any reference.

Thanks for your help.

[Feature] Support HF accelerate and DeepSpeed for inference

VSCode disconnects after credentials refresh.

Thank you for the great library! It works fine when I SSH in directly, no issues there. However, if I connect with VSCode, it'll work fine for the most part - until I see a log:

[sagemaker-ssh-helper][sm-setup-ssh][start-ssh] 2024-04-21 07:28:33 INFO [CredentialRefresher] Next credential rotation will be in 29.997197441433332 minutes

Then, the machine will fail within a minute or two of this message, and give the error InternalServerError: We encountered an internal error. Please try again. in Sagemaker.

Weirdly enough, this is regardless of the instance type, amount of memory, etc. Also - it doesn't always happen the first time that message is sent, so I'm not sure if it's exactly that issue, or something else. Regardless, the machine fails with an internal server error only when I connect with VS Code after some amount of time connected.

vscode connect fails

Trying to connect using vscode has failed since about a week ago,
I'm managing to connect with SSH fine, but vscode itself fails.

Looks like a permissions error?

Getting a tar error which not sure how to fix:

[11:38:35.267] stderr> tar: code: Cannot change ownership to uid 1000, gid 1000: Operation not permitted
[11:38:35.267] stderr> tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
[11:38:35.268] > ERROR: tar exited with non-0 exit code: 0

Enable advanced-instances tier?

Hi - I have high hopes for the sagemaker-ssh-helper, for which thanks!

After setup, upon running

ssh -i ~/.ssh/sagemaker-ssh-gw -p 10022 root@localhost

at the end I get:

An error occurred (BadRequest) when calling the StartSession operation: Enable advanced-instances tier to use Session Manager with your on-premises instances
kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
Connection closed by UNKNOWN port 65535

The error aside, does this mean the library will only work with the "advanced-instances tier"?? How does one know if one has this? I am trying to SSH into a plain old sagemaker instance... Help!

How to enable cloudwatch logs for SSM

As the SSM tunnel allows for downloading from the sagemaker instances we want to be able to log the activity.

What is required to set up logging on the instances?

Error occurred when starting amazon-ssm-agent: failed to get identity: failed to find agent identity

I'm trying to implement local IDE access to Sagemaker Studio by following the instructions found here

Specifically, I've gone for implementing the Lifecycle config script and not the iPython notebook.

It seems to all go well until the very last step in which the amazon-ssm-agent is invoked. It appears to try and call out to IMDS, but AWS themselves say that IMDS access is blocked in Sagemaker Studio.

What should I do in this case? Error logs attached below:

2023-09-12 11:57:23 INFO Checking if agent identity type OnPrem can be assumed
2023-09-12 11:57:23 INFO Checking if agent identity type EC2 can be assumed
2023-09-12 11:57:23 ERROR [EC2Identity] Failed to get instance info from IMDS. Err: failed to get identity instance id. Error: EC2MetadataError: failed to get IMDSv2 token and fallback to IMDSv1 is disabled
caused by: : 
	status code: 0, request id: 
caused by: RequestError: send request failed
caused by: Put "": dial tcp connect: invalid argument
2023-09-12 11:57:23 INFO Checking if agent identity type CustomIdentity can be assumed
2023-09-12 11:57:23 ERROR Agent failed to assume any identity
2023-09-12 11:57:23 ERROR failed to get identity: failed to find agent identity
2023-09-12 11:57:23 ERROR Error occurred when starting amazon-ssm-agent: failed to get identity: failed to find agent identity

sagemaker-ssh-helper version 2.1.0 used.

Issue] STS client is not using regional endpoints

Our use case is to start the SageMaker training job from the SageMaker Studio notebook and the studio is attached to a private vpc.
When I try to create SSHEstimatorWrapper using below from my studio notebook
ssh_wrapper = SSHEstimatorWrapper.create(pytorch_estimator, connection_wait_time_seconds=0)
I'm getting ConnectTimeoutError: Connect timeout on endpoint URL: "" exception.
This is because since we have regional vpc endpoint and we can access only regional endpoints like . From here I see that this calls only global endpoint

We would need to pass region parameter during the initalization of sts boto3 client so that it uses sts regional endpoints based on teh region

EC2 instance not needed for SSM setup?

The SSM setup guide (section 2) currently guides users to set up SSM Advanced Tier by first creating a minimal EC2 instance...

But from my tests, I don't think this is mandatory, at least in all cases?

I was able to enable Advanced Tier simply by opening Systems Manager > Fleet Manager in the Console and opening Account Management > Instance Tier settings. The below screenshot was taken after I'd already created an SSH Helper training job, but I could access the same screen beforehand too by clicking the orange "Get started" button if you navigate to Fleet Manager before any instances are set up.


I've been able to connect to the training job instance no problem, so pretty sure that at least in some cases users can just skip straight to step 2h? It would be nice to streamline the setup instructions if possible and maybe just give the EC2 option for troubleshooting problems?

The specific account I tested all the way through on is a management account in its AWS Organization (but the org only contains that one account).

How to install VSCode, other apps in WebVNC view?


I've been following the instructions for getting WebVNC going and I've been successful in logging into the WebVNC environment. In the file, you show that VSCode and PyCharm are running in this "browser-in-a-browser" environment.

My question is: how do you install these things in the WebVNC environment?

Furthermore, if I have a Dagster webserver serving a Dagit UI running on the KernelGateway app, if I were to configure the port forwarding properly, is it possible to see this UI in the WebVNC environment as well?


[Issue] `sm-local-configure` breaks on MacOS

I have tried following the directions to setup my Local IDE integration with SageMaker Studio over SSH for PyCharm / VSCode and have run into an issue on my MacOS device.

When I run sm-local-configure I get the following output message:

> sm-local-configure

Darwin <MY COMPUTER> 22.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.5.0: Mon Apr 24 20:53:19 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.121.2~5/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020 arm64
cat: /etc/issue: No such file or directory
cat: /etc/os-release: No such file or directory
Python 3.10.12
Sorry, try again.
sudo: apt-get: command not found

I believe the issue is this _install_unzip() function:

function _install_unzip() {
if _is_centos; then
sudo yum install -y unzip
sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends unzip

which is called by sm-local-configure

I think this has partially been handled in the _install_aws_cli function with a seperate function for MacOS, If it would be helpful I can submit a PR to add a check to those methods to see if unzip and curl are already installed — which for MacOS I think they are by default.

The function works as expected (I think) if when i commented out those 2 lines and installed the package locally.


  • Operating System: MacOS Ventura 13.4
  • Processor: Apple M2 Pro

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