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This repository provides ReactJS code and a walkthrough to build a demo web app for multi-participant live streaming in a grid layout with latency <300ms. It demonstrates Amazon IVS Web Broadcasting SDK integration for real-time streaming.

License: MIT No Attribution

JavaScript 80.10% CSS 19.90%
aws ivs ivs-realtime livestreaming reactjs webrtc amazon-ivs aws-ivs grid-layout web

amazon-ivs-realtime-web-demo-reactjs's Introduction

Build Real-Time Streaming Demo Web App (React) with Amazon IVS

Webpage multiple participants

Project Description

Follow this guide to create a React demo web application with sub-300ms latency using Amazon IVS Web Broadcasting SDK. You will get hands-on experience with real-time streaming core concepts and the SDK to broadcast your camera and microphone and view multiple participant streams in real-time.

You will use:

  • Next.js is an open-source React framework that facilitates the development of efficient, production-ready web applications with features such as automatic code splitting, client-side routing, CSS support, and server-side rendering.
  • Milligram CSS for basic CSS styling (
  • ESLint which is a code quality and consistency tool that helps developers catch mistakes and bugs early during the development process.
  • next/font to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.

This repository contains two directories: /hello-world/client and /hello-world-with-grid-layout/client. These directories contain sample code in reactJs for a real-time interactive web application using Amazon IVS broadcast SDK and /hello-world-with-grid-layout/client has an additional feature to support dynamic grid layout when multiple participants join a stage. You can choose to run the finished code or follow instructions to create a web app from scratch -

You will learn how to:

Run the finished code

1. Prerequisites

  • a. To check for Node.js and npm installation, open your terminal and execute node -v and npm -v commands.

*Note: If not installed, refer to the official Node.js and npm installation guide at

2. Create a stage

  • a. Clone this repository and navigate to the client folder of the hello-world (hello-world/client) or hello-world-with-grid repository.

  • b. Inside your terminal, run the following commands then navigate to http://localhost:3000:

    npm install
    npm run dev
  • c. In your Amazon console, navigate to Amazon IVS > Real-time streaming > Stages, then at the top right hand corner click "Create stage"

Create Stages Screenshot

  • d. Under "Setup" enter a stage name (this is optional) and any tags associated with the resource. Then, Click on "Create stage" at the bottom right hand corner of the page.

*Note: A tag is a label that you assign to an AWS resource. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. You can use tags to search and filter your resources or track your AWS costs.

Create stages modal

3. Create participant tokens

  • a. Now, navigate back to stages inside of your AWS console (Amazon IVS > Real-time streaming > stages) and click on your newly created stage from step 2.

AWS console stages

  • b. To initiate and join the stage, you must generate a participant token for access. Click into your newly created stage and find the header "Participant tokens". Beside this header click the "Create a participant token" button:

AWS console create participant token

  • c. Create a participant token by completing the required information.

    • Under UserId: Enter any UTF-8 encoded text up to 128 characters long.
    • Under Capabilities: Choose both publish and subscribe/
    • Under Token duration: if you want to specify a duration, you can do it here, otherwise the duration defaults to 720 min.
    • Under Attributes: To include supplementary data in your token, click 'add attribute' to provide a key-value pair. In this example, you should add the attribute with Key: 'username' and Value: 'stageUser', which will display the username 'stageUser' over the video if available.

      ie. Key: username | Value: stageUser

    *Note: In the absence of a provided username in the token, the overlay will display the participant's number within the stage as 'user-{participantSize}'.

    • Click "Create a participant token" at the bottom right hand corner of the modal.

AWS console create participant token modal

  • d. Once the token is created, copy and paste it into your application (you now have access to a token that you will need to join a stage):

AWS console copy participant token

Paste participant token inside web application

  • e. Select your camera and microphone, then click Join Stage.

Congratulations! You have successfully run a demo web application that enables real-time streaming among multiple participants using the Amazon IVS Web Broadcasting SDK.

Webpage multiple participants

Create app from scratch

1. Prerequisites

  • a. To check for Node.js and npm installation, open your terminal and execute node -v and npm -v commands.

*Note: If not installed, refer to the official Node.js and npm installation guide at

2. Configure server and file structure

  • a. Open up your terminal and create a hello-world directory (mkdir hello-world), then navigate into that directory (cd hello-world).

  • b. Run the following command inside the hello-world directory to create a new Next.js application, which will serve as your starting point.

      npx create-next-app@latest
  • c. During installation, you'll face specific prompts. Choose your preferred setup tool for the project, and for this particular project, the answers are as follows:

      // Set the project name to "client"
      What is your project named? client
      // Decide whether to use TypeScript; choose "No" to opt out
      Would you like to use TypeScript? No
      // Choose whether to use ESLint for code quality and consistency; choose "Yes" to enable
      Would you like to use ESLint? Yes
      // Decide whether to use Tailwind CSS for utility-first CSS; choose "No" to skip
      Would you like to use Tailwind CSS? No
      // Use the 'src/' directory to organize the project structure; choose "Yes" to implement
      Would you like to use `src/` directory? Yes
      // Enable the App Router for managing client-side page transitions; select "Yes" for recommended usage
      Would you like to use App Router? (recommended) Yes
      // Customize the default import alias for the project; choose "Yes" to modify the default import alias
      Would you like to customize the default import alias (@/*)? Yes
      // Specify the import alias configuration; enter the desired import alias or choose "No" to skip
      What import alias would you like configured? No

Following these prompts, create-next-app will establish a folder with your project name and install the necessary dependencies.

  • d. Please ensure that your package.json file has a setup similar to this:


        "name": "client",
        "version": "0.1.0",
        "private": true,
        "scripts": {
          "dev": "next dev",
          "build": "next build",
          "start": "next start",
          "lint": "next lint"
        "dependencies": {
          "react": "^18",
          "react-dom": "^18",
          "next": "14.0.1"
        "devDependencies": {
          "eslint": "^8",
          "eslint-config-next": "14.0.1"
  • e. Remove unnecessary boilerplate code from your application by opening src/app/page.js and replacing the file with the provided code snippet.


      export default function Home() {
        return (
        <div>Hello world</div>
  • f. Use your terminal or editor (e.g., VSCode) to create this file structure:

    │   │   .eslintrc.json
    │   │   package.json
    │   │   jsconfig.json
    │   │   next.config.js
    │   │
    │   │
    │   └───src
    │       └───app
    │           └───components
    │           └───utils
    │           layout.js

3. Launch the application server

  • a. Navigate to the newly created client directory and execute the command npm run dev. Then, in your browser, visit http://localhost:3000 to view the freshly generated NextJS application.


Your application should resemble this:

Hello world starting point

4. Create a stage from the AWS console

  • a. In your Amazon console, navigate to Amazon IVS > Real-time streaming > Stages, then at the top right hand corner click "Create stage"

Create Stages Screenshot

  • b. Under "Setup" enter a stage name (this is optional) and any tags associated with the resource. Then, Click on "Create stage" at the bottom right hand corner of the page.

*Note: A tag is a label that you assign to an AWS resource. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. You can use tags to search and filter your resources or track your AWS costs.

Create stages modal

5. Initialize and integrate with the web broadcast SDK

The Web broadcast SDK is distributed as a JavaScript library and can be retrieved through This is where you are integrating with IVS broadcast SDK for real-time streaming.

  • a. Navigate to the src/app/page.js file. Make sure to include the IVSBroadcastClient ( SDK script within the <Script> tag.


      import Script from "next/script";
      export default function Home() {
        return (
            <Script src=""></Script> // Include the Amazon IVS Web Broadcast JavaScript library
            Hello world
  • b. Add the following line to your layout.js file's <head> section; layout.js serves as the root layout component for the web page structure.


        href="" // Link to the Milligram CSS stylesheet
    • By importing the Milligram CSS framework from the CDN, you can leverage its minimalist styling for your web project. Milligram offers a range of predefined classes such as container, h1, p, and button that you can directly use in your HTML elements to apply its clean and minimalistic design to your web content.


This is the current structure of your layout.js file:


    import "./globals.css"; // Import the global CSS file

    export const metadata = {
      title: "Real Time Streaming", // Specify the title for the web page
      description: "Real-time streaming on AWS enables the seamless and instantaneous delivery of audio, video, or data content to end-users, leveraging AWS services and infrastructure."

    export default function RootLayout({ children }) {
      return (
        <html lang="en">
              href="" // Link to the Milligram CSS stylesheet
  • c. Update the global.css file with these CSS styles.


      :root {
        --foreground-rgb: 0, 0, 0;
        --background-start-rgb: 214, 219, 220;
        --background-end-rgb: 255, 255, 255;
      @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
        :root {
          --foreground-rgb: 255, 255, 255;
          --background-start-rgb: 0, 0, 0;
          --background-end-rgb: 0, 0, 0;
      body {
        margin: 2rem;
        box-sizing: border-box;
        height: 100vh;
        max-height: 100vh;
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;
        color: rgb(var(--foreground-rgb));
        background: white
      hr {
        margin: 1rem 0;
      table {
        display: table;
      canvas {
        margin-bottom: 1rem;
        background: grey;
      video {
        margin-bottom: 1rem;
        background: black;
        max-width: 100%;
        max-height: 150px;
        aspect-ratio: 16 / 9;
        border: 0.5rem solid #555;
        border-radius: 0.5rem;
        width: 100%;
      h3 {
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center;
        padding-top: 3rem
      .center {
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center;
      .log {
        flex: none;
        height: 300px;
      .content {
        flex: 1 0 auto;
      .margin-top {
        margin-top: 5rem
      .button-container {
        display: flex !important;
        margin-top: 2.5rem;
        align-items: center;
        justify-content: space-around;
      .button-container .button {
          width: 45%
      .local-container {
        position: relative;
      .static-controls {
        position: relative;
        margin-left: auto;
        margin-right: auto;
        left: 0;
        right: 0;
        bottom: 0;
        text-align: center;
      .static-controls button {
        display: inline-block;
        margin: 1rem;
      .hidden {
        display: none;
      .participant-container {
        display: flex;
        align-items: center;
        justify-content: center;
        flex-direction: column;
        margin: 1rem;
      .relative {
        position: relative;
      .overlay-pill {
        position: absolute;
        bottom: 40px;
        left: 24px;
        padding: 0px 12px;
        background-color: #fff;
        color: black;
        border-radius: 20px;
        font-size: 14px;
      .placeholder {
        background-color: #333333;
        display: flex;
        text-align: center;
        margin-bottom: 1rem;
      .placeholder span {
        margin: auto;
        color: white;
      .device-container {
        display: flex;
        width: 100%;
        justify-content: space-between;
      .local-video {
        max-height: 300px;
        display: inline-block;
        width: 100vw;
        max-width: 500px
      .video-container {
        width: 100%;
        display: flex;
        justify-content: space-evenly;
      .margin {
        margin: 3rem;
      .remote-participant-video {
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center;
        align-items: center;
        flex-direction: row;
        width: 100%;
        height: auto;
        max-width: 300px;
        aspect-ratio: 16 / 9;
      .margin-right {
        margin-right: 1rem;
  • d. In the page.js file, establish an asynchronous function named initialize and a state named isInitializeComplete, setting it to true within the function. This signifies that the web broadcast client is loaded when this component mounts. Then call the initialize function after the script has loaded using the onLoad callback.

*Note: Add the line "use client" at the top of the file to enable the use of React hooks within your Next.js application.


  "use client";
  import { useState } from "react";

  export default function Home() {

    const [isInitializeComplete, setIsInitializeComplete] = useState(false);

    * Initialize after the client is loaded
    const initialize = async () => {
      // Set the value of isInitializeComplete to true

    return  <div>
    <Script src=""
    onLoad={initialize} // Call the 'initialize' function after the script has loaded
    Hello world
  • e. Inside the components folder create the following components and call them Header.js, Input.js, Select.js. Navigate into each file and add the following code:

    • Header.js will create a simple header component to introduce your application.


      const Header = () => {
        return (
            <h1>Build Real-Time Streaming Demo Web App (React) with Amazon IVS</h1>
              This sample demonstrates basic React usage.{" "}
                <a href="">
                  Use the AWS Console{" "}
              to create a <b>Stage</b> and a corresponding <b>ParticipantToken</b>.
              Multiple participants can load this page and put in their own tokens.
              You can{" "}
                  read more about stages in our public docs.
      export default Header;
    • Input.js is used to create a labeled input field that allows users to update the value based on their input.


      const Input = ({ label, value, onChange }) => {
        return (
          <div className="column">
              onChange={(e) => onChange(}
      export default Input;
    • The Select component will render a dropdown list of available devices for a specific deviceType, allowing users to choose a device that will be updated based on the selection.


      const Select = ({ deviceType, devices, updateDevice }) => {
        return (
          <div className="column">
            <label>{`Select ${deviceType}:`}</label>
            <select onChange={(e) => updateDevice(}>
              {devices?.map((device) => {
                return (
                    key={`${deviceType.charAt(0).toLowerCase() +
                    {device.label} // Displaying the label of the device
      export default Select;
    • Then, import the header into your page.js file.


      import Header from "./components/Header";
      export default function Home() {
        return (
            <Header />
            Hello world
  • f. In the page.js file, initialize the states for your devices, although they won't function at the moment; you'll be updating them in the next step.


      export default function Home() {
        const [videoDevices, setVideoDevices] = useState([]); // Stores the available video devices
        const [audioDevices, setAudioDevices] = useState([]); // Stores the available audio devices
        const [selectedVideoDeviceId, setSelectedVideoDeviceId] = useState(null); // Tracks the selected video device
        const [selectedAudioDeviceId, setSelectedAudioDeviceId] = useState(null); // Tracks the selected audio device
  • g. In the page.js file, incorporate the Select component to manage audio and video devices. Utilize the deviceType prop to distinguish between the two and ensure the appropriate states and onChange functions are passed in for each.


Your page.js file should now look like this:


"use client";
import { useState } from "react";
import Script from "next/script";

import Header from "./components/Header";
import Select from "./components/Select";

export default function Home() {
  const [isInitializeComplete, setIsInitializeComplete] = useState(false);

  const [videoDevices, setVideoDevices] = useState([]);
  const [audioDevices, setAudioDevices] = useState([]);
  const [selectedVideoDeviceId, setSelectedVideoDeviceId] = useState(null);
  const [selectedAudioDeviceId, setSelectedAudioDeviceId] = useState(null);

  const initialize = async () => {

  return (
      <Header />
      <div className="row">
  • h. In the page.js file, initialize the state for the participantToken, which is necessary for participants to join a stage.


      export default function Home() {
        const [participantToken, setParticipantToken] = useState("");
  • i. In the page.js file, utilize the Input component to establish an input field labeled "Participant Token" connecting it to the participantToken state for value management, and to update the participantToken state when the input value changes. Place this component directly under the Select components.


    export default function Home() {
      const [participantToken, setParticipantToken] = useState("");
      return (
          <Header />
          <div className="row">
              label="Participant Token"

You've successfully established the foundation of your application.

Header, Input and Select component skeleton


Your file structure should now look like this:

│   │   .eslintrc.json
│   │   package.json
│   │   jsconfig.json
│   │   next.config.js
│   │
│   │
│   └───src
│       └───app
│           └───components
│                 Header.js
│                 Input.js
│                 Select.js
│           └───utils
│           layout.js

6. Configure device permissions for media control

  • a. Navigate to the utils folder and create a new file named mediaDevices.js, where you will define all the essential functions required for handling media devices.

  • b. Inside mediaDevices.js, create the constants CAMERA = "camera" and MIC = "mic", then define an async function called getDevices that retrieves all the available devices and returns them.


      export const CAMERA = "camera";
      export const MIC = "mic";
      const getDevices = async () => {
        // Prevents issues on Safari/FF so devices are not blank
        await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: true });
        const devices = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();
        // Get all video devices
        const videoDevices = devices.filter((d) => d.kind === "videoinput");
        if (!videoDevices.length) {
          console.error("No video devices found.");
        // Get all audio devices
        const audioDevices = devices.filter((d) => d.kind === "audioinput");
        if (!audioDevices.length) {
          console.error("No audio devices found.");
        return { videoDevices, audioDevices };
  • c. In the page.js file, create an asynchronous function named handleDeviceUpdate to fetch and store video and audio devices connected to the laptop. Import the getDevices function from mediaDevices.js for this purpose.


      import { getDevices } from "./utils/mediaDevices";
      const handleDeviceUpdate = async () => {
        try {
          const { videoDevices, audioDevices } = await getDevices();
        } catch (error) {
          // Handle any errors that may occur during the device update process
          console.error("An error occurred during device update:", error);
          // You can add additional error-handling logic here as needed
  • d. Inside the mediaDevices.js file, develop the getMediaForDevices function under your getDevices function, which take in a deviceId and deviceType and return the corresponding audio or video associated with that device.


      * Fetches the media stream for a specified device ID and type.
      * @param {string} deviceId - The device ID.
      * @param {string} mediaType - The media type (CAMERA or MIC).
      * @returns {Promise<MediaStream>} - The resulting media stream.
      export const getMediaForDevices = async (deviceId, mediaType) => {
        const mediaConstraints = {
          video: {
            deviceId: mediaType === CAMERA && deviceId ? { exact: deviceId } : null,
          audio: {
            deviceId: mediaType === MIC && deviceId ? { exact: deviceId } : null,
        return navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(mediaConstraints);
  • e. Next, create a function that handles the toggling of media and specifically manages the visibility or muting of the camera or microphone.


      // Function toggles the mute status of the specified device type (CAMERA or MIC) for the local participant in a given stage.
      // Uses stageRef to access the current participant's stream and updates the state (setIsDeviceStopped) accordingly.
      export const handleMediaToggle = (deviceType, stageRef, setIsDeviceStopped) => {
        // Check if the type is 'camera'; if so, toggle the video stream
        if (deviceType === CAMERA) {
          // Access the video stream of the local participant from the stage
          const { videoStream } = stageRef.current.localParticipant;
          // Get the current status of the video stream
          const isHidden = videoStream.isMuted;
          // Toggle the mute status of the video stream
          // Update the state to reflect the change in visibility
        // If the type is 'mic', toggle the audio stream
        else if (deviceType === MIC) {
          // Access the audio stream of the local participant from the stage
          const { audioStream } = stageRef.current.localParticipant;
          // Get the current status of the audio stream
          const isMuted = audioStream.isMuted;
          // Toggle the mute status of the audio stream
          // Update the state to reflect the change in muting


Your mediaDevices.js file should now look like this:


  export const CAMERA = "camera";
  export const MIC = "mic";

  * Returns all devices available on the current device
  export const getDevices = async () => {
    // Prevents issues on Safari/FF so devices are not blank
    await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: true });
    const devices = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();

    // Get all video devices
    const videoDevices = devices.filter((d) => d.kind === "videoinput");
    if (!videoDevices.length) {
      console.error("No video devices found.");

    // Get all audio devices
    const audioDevices = devices.filter((d) => d.kind === "audioinput");
    if (!audioDevices.length) {
      console.error("No audio devices found.");

    return { videoDevices, audioDevices };

  * Gets the media stream for the specified device ID and type.
  * @param {string} deviceId - The device ID.
  * @param {string} mediaType - The type of media ('video' or 'audio').
  * @returns {Promise<MediaStream>} - The resulting media stream.
  export const getMediaForDevices = async (deviceId, mediaType) => {
    const mediaConstraints = {
      video: {
        deviceId: mediaType === CAMERA && deviceId ? { exact: deviceId } : null,
      audio: {
        deviceId: mediaType === MIC && deviceId ? { exact: deviceId } : null,

    return navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(mediaConstraints);

  // Function toggles the mute status of the specified device type (CAMERA or MIC) for the local participant in a given stage.
  // Uses stageRef to access the current participant's stream and updates the state (setIsDeviceStopped) accordingly.
  export const handleMediaToggle = (deviceType, stageRef, setIsDeviceStopped) => {
    // Check if the type is 'camera'; if so, toggle the video stream
    if (deviceType === CAMERA) {
      // Access the video stream of the local participant from the stage
      const { videoStream } = stageRef.current.localParticipant;

      // Get the current status of the video stream
      const isHidden = videoStream.isMuted;

      // Toggle the mute status of the video stream

      // Update the state to reflect the change in visibility
    // If the type is 'mic', toggle the audio stream
    else if (deviceType === MIC) {
      // Access the audio stream of the local participant from the stage
      const { audioStream } = stageRef.current.localParticipant;

      // Get the current status of the audio stream
      const isMuted = audioStream.isMuted;

      // Toggle the mute status of the audio stream

      // Update the state to reflect the change in muting
  • f. In the page.js file, invoke handleDeviceUpdate within the initialize function to save the laptop's connected video and audio devices in the state for future use.


      const initialize = async () => {
        // Call the handleDeviceUpdate function to update the video and audio devices
        // Set the value of isInitializeComplete to true

You have successfully obtained and set up the video and audio devices.

Video and Audio devices displayed

7. Set up and initialize the stage

  • a. In page.js, set up state and reference variables to manage the current stage, connection status, participant list, and local participant information.


      // Initialize state variables for managing the current stage, connection status, participant list, and local participant information
      const [isConnected, setIsConnected] = useState(false); // Tracks the connection status
      const [participants, setParticipants] = useState([]); // Manages the list of participants
      const [localParticipant, setLocalParticipant] = useState({}); // Manages the local participant information
      // Create a ref for the stage to hold a reference to the IVS stage instance.
      const stageRef = useRef(undefined);
      // Create a ref for the strategy to hold a reference to the strategy configuration used in the IVS stage.
      const strategyRef = useRef();
  • b. Initialize state variables to manage the muted status of the microphone and the visibility status of the camera in page.js.


        // Initialize a state variable to manage the muted status of the microphone
        const [isMicMuted, setIsMicMuted] = useState(true);
        // Initialize a state variable to manage the visibility status of the camera
        const [isCameraHidden, setIsCameraHidden] = useState(false);
  • c. Here are the files you need to create inside the components folder: Video.js, LocalParticipantVideo.js, and RemoteParticipantVideos.js. Place the provided code in each of these files accordingly.

    • Video.js component is used to display a video element for a participant, including their username and a pill-shaped overlay with either the participant's name or a default username. The component takes in various props, such as the class name, participant information, streams to display, username, and the participant's size.


      const Video = ({
      }) => {
        return (
          <div className="relative">
              ref={(ref) => {
                if (ref) {
                  ref.srcObject = new MediaStream();
                  streamsToDisplay?.forEach((stream) =>
            <div className="overlay-pill">
              {username ? username : `user-${participantSize}`}
      export default Video;
    • LocalParticipantVideo.js component is responsible for displaying the local participant's video stream. It takes in various props such as isInitializeComplete, localParticipantInfo, and participantSize and renders the local participant's video along with the participant's username and video streams to display.


      import Video from "./Video";
      const LocalParticipantVideo = ({
      }) => {
        if (!isInitializeComplete) return;
        const { participant, streams } = localParticipantInfo;
        const { username } = participant?.attributes;
        let streamsToDisplay = streams;
        const { StreamType } = IVSBroadcastClient;
        streamsToDisplay = streams.filter(
          (stream) => stream?.streamType === StreamType?.VIDEO
        return (
          <div className="video-container">
            <div className="column">
              <h3>Local Participant</h3>
      export default LocalParticipantVideo;
  • RemoteParticipantVideos.js component essentially handles the rendering of remote participant videos, filtering out the local participant and displaying each remote participant's video with their corresponding username.


  import Video from "./Video"; // Import the Video component

  const RemoteParticipantVideos = ({
    isInitializeComplete, // Boolean indicating if the initialization is complete
    participants, // Array of participants
    participantSize, // Size of the participant
  }) => {
    if (!isInitializeComplete) return; // If initialization is not complete, return

    return participants // Filter the participants that are not local and map each participant
        (participantAndStreamInfo) =>
          !participantAndStreamInfo.participant.isLocal // Filter out the local participants
      .map((participantAndStreamInfo, index) => {
        const { participant, streams } = participantAndStreamInfo; // Destructure the participant and streams
        const { username } = participant?.attributes; // Destructure the username from the participant attributes
        let streamsToDisplay = streams; // Initialize streamsToDisplay with the remote streams

        return (
          <div className="flex margin" key={participant?.id}>
            {/* Container for the remote participant videos */}
            <div className="video-container" key={participant?.id}>
              {/* Video container for the remote participant */}
              {/* Render the Video component with necessary props */}
                className="remote-participant-video" // CSS class for the remote participant video
                participant={participant} // Pass the participant information
                streamsToDisplay={streamsToDisplay} // Pass the streams to display
                username={username} // Pass the username
                participantSize={index+1} // Pass the the index

  export default RemoteParticipantVideos;
  • d. In the return code block of page.js, implement buttons for joining and leaving a stage that will only render after the IVS Broadcast Client initialization. These buttons are not functional yet, and further instructions will follow in the next section.


      {isInitializeComplete && (
        <div className="button-container row">
            Join Stage
            Leave Stage
  • e. In the page.js return code block under the join and leave stage buttons, render the LocalParticipantVideo and RemoteParticipantVideos components based on the isConnected state, indicating whether the user has successfully connected to a stage.


      {isConnected && ( <>
          <h3>Local Participant</h3>
      {isConnected && (
          <h3>Remote Participants</h3>{" "}
          <div className="center">
  • f. Lastly, add the Mute and Hide camera control buttons based on the value of the isConnected variable just below the LocalParticipantVideo. The buttons are responsible for toggling the microphone and camera functionalities, with their text dynamically changing according to the current state of the microphone and camera settings.



    {isConnected && (
      <div className="static-controls">
          onClick={() =>
            handleMediaToggle(MIC, stageRef, setIsMicMuted)
          {isMicMuted ? "Unmute Mic" : "Mute Mic"}
          onClick={() =>
            handleMediaToggle(CAMERA, stageRef, setIsCameraHidden)
          {isCameraHidden ? "Unhide Camera" : "Hide Camera"}



Your page.js file should now look like this:


  "use client";
  import { useState, useRef } from "react";
  import Script from "next/script";

  import {
  } from "./utils/mediaDevices";

  import Header from "./components/Header";
  import Input from "./components/Input";
  import LocalParticipantVideo from "./components/LocalParticipantVideo";
  import RemoteParticipantVideos from "./components/RemoteParticipantVideos";
  import Select from "./components/Select";

  export default function Home() {
    // Initializing a state variable and its update function
    const [isInitializeComplete, setIsInitializeComplete] = useState(false);

    // Using the useState hook to create and manage state for video and audio devices and their selections
    const [videoDevices, setVideoDevices] = useState([]); // Stores the available video devices
    const [audioDevices, setAudioDevices] = useState([]); // Stores the available audio devices
    const [selectedVideoDeviceId, setSelectedVideoDeviceId] = useState(null); // Tracks the selected video device
    const [selectedAudioDeviceId, setSelectedAudioDeviceId] = useState(null); // Tracks the selected audio device

    const [participantToken, setParticipantToken] = useState("");

    // Initialize state variables for managing the current stage, connection status, participant list, and local participant information
    const [isConnected, setIsConnected] = useState(false); // Tracks the connection status
    const [participants, setParticipants] = useState([]); // Manages the list of participants
    const [localParticipant, setLocalParticipant] = useState({}); // Manages the local participant information

    // Create a ref for the stage to hold a reference to the IVS stage instance.
    const stageRef = useRef(undefined);

    // Create a ref for the strategy to hold a reference to the strategy configuration used in the IVS stage.
    const strategyRef = useRef();

    // Initialize a state variable to manage the muted status of the microphone
    const [isMicMuted, setIsMicMuted] = useState(true);

    // Initialize a state variable to manage the visibility status of the camera
    const [isCameraHidden, setIsCameraHidden] = useState(false);

    const handleDeviceUpdate = async () => {
      try {
        const { videoDevices, audioDevices } = await getDevices();

      } catch (error) {
        // Handle any errors that may occur during the device update process
        console.error("An error occurred during device update:", error);
        // You can add additional error-handling logic here as needed

    const initialize = async () => {

    return (
          src="" // Load the Amazon IVS Web Broadcast JavaScript library
          onLoad={initialize} // Call the 'initialize' function after the script has loaded
        <Header />
        <hr />
        <div className="row">
            label="Participant Token"
          {isInitializeComplete && (
            <div className="button-container row">
                Join Stage
                Leave Stage
          <br />
        {isConnected && (
            <h3>Local Participant</h3>
        {isConnected && (
          <div className="static-controls">
              onClick={() =>
                handleMediaToggle(MIC, stageRef, setIsMicMuted)
              {isMicMuted ? "Unmute Mic" : "Mute Mic"}
              onClick={() =>
                handleMediaToggle(CAMERA, stageRef, setIsCameraHidden)
              {isCameraHidden ? "Unhide Camera" : "Hide Camera"}
        {isConnected && (
            <h3>Remote Participants</h3>{" "}
            <div className="center">

Open your web browser and ensure that it resembles this:

Application Page

8. Handle joining the stage and controlling the stream

  • a. Create a file named stagesUtils.js inside the utils folder to manage all the logic related to the stages.


Your file structure should now look like this:

│   │   .eslintrc.json
│   │   package.json
│   │   jsconfig.json
│   │   next.config.js
│   │
│   │
│   └───src
│       └───app
│           └───components
│                 Header.js
│                 Input.js
│                 Select.js
│           └───utils
│                 mediaDevices.js
│                 stageUtils.js
│           layout.js
  • b. To set up our stage, we'll import necessary functions from the mediaDevices.js file.


      import { getMediaForDevices, CAMERA, MIC } from "./mediaDevices";
  • c. Create a function, createLocalStageStream, to generate a local stage stream using the given device ID and type (CAMERA or MIC).


      export const createLocalStageStream = async (deviceId, deviceType) => {
        const { LocalStageStream } = IVSBroadcastClient;
        // Warn and return if the device ID is null
        if (!deviceId) {
          console.warn("Attempted to set local media with a null device ID");
        // Get media stream for the specified device
        const newDevice = await getMediaForDevices(deviceId, deviceType);
        // Create a LocalStageStream based on the device type
        const stageStream = deviceType === CAMERA
          ? new LocalStageStream(newDevice.getVideoTracks()[0])
          : new LocalStageStream(newDevice.getAudioTracks()[0]);
        return stageStream;
  • d. Create a setupStrategy function that generates a strategy object for IVS stage, handling initialization status. The strategy includes methods to update audio and video tracks, define streams to publish, determine participant publishing, subscribe to participants, and stop tracks.


      // Function creates a strategy object for IVS stage, considering initialization status
      const setupStrategy = (
        isInitializeComplete // Parameter representing the initialization completion status
      ) => {
        // Check if the initialization is complete; if not, return nothing
        if (!isInitializeComplete) {
        const { SubscribeType } = IVSBroadcastClient; // Reference the SubscribeType property from the IVSBroadcastClient object
        // More information can be found here:
        const strategy = {
          audioTrack: undefined,
          videoTrack: undefined,
          // Method to update audio and video tracks
          updateTracks(newAudioTrack, newVideoTrack) {
            this.audioTrack = newAudioTrack;
            this.videoTrack = newVideoTrack;
          // Method to define streams to publish
          stageStreamsToPublish() {
            return [this.audioTrack, this.videoTrack];
          // Method to determine participant publishing
          shouldPublishParticipant(participant) {
            return true;
          // Method to determine type of subscription for participants
          shouldSubscribeToParticipant(participant) {
            return SubscribeType.AUDIO_VIDEO;
        return strategy; // Return the strategy object
  • e. Within the statesUtils.js file, add a joinStage function with properties including isInitializeComplete, selectedVideoDeviceId, selectedAudioDeviceId, participantToken, setIsMicMuted, setLocalParticipant, setParticipants, stageRef, strategyRef, and setIsConnected to facilitate the joining of the stage.


      export const joinStage = async (
        isInitializeComplete, // Indicates if the initialization is complete
        participantToken, // Token of the participant
        selectedAudioDeviceId, // Represents the selected audio device
        selectedVideoDeviceId, // Represents the selected video device
        setIsConnected, // Setter for the connection status
        setIsMicMuted, // Setter for the microphone mute state
        setLocalParticipant, // Setter for the local participant
        setParticipants, // Setter for the list of participants
        stageRef // Setter for the stage
      ) => {}
  • f. Inside of the joinStage function, you need to fetch all the necessary methods from the IVSBroadcastClient to initiate a stage.

*Note: For a comprehensive guide on available methods in the SDK, visit the Amazon IVS Web Broadcast SDK Reference.



  export const joinStage = async (
     ) => {
      const {
       } = IVSBroadcastClient;
  • g. Within the joinStage function, ensure IVS Broadcast Client is initialized and fetch selected video and audio LocalStageStreams by using createLocalStageStream function.


      if (!isInitializeComplete) return; // If the initialization is not complete, stop execution and return
      const cameraStageStream = await createLocalStageStream(
      const micStageStream = await createLocalStageStream(selectedAudioDeviceId, MIC);
  • h. Next, inside the joinStage function, create a strategy for the stage using our setupStrategy function.


      // Set up the strategy for the stage
      const strategy = setupStrategy(isInitializeComplete);
  • i. Call the updateTracks method on the strategy object and pass in two arguments: micStageStream and cameraStageStream. This method will update or set the audio and video tracks within the strategy. Set strategyRef.current to the newly created strategy.


      // Set up the strategy for the stage
      strategy.updateTracks(micStageStream, cameraStageStream);
      strategyRef.current = strategy;
  • j. Inside the joinStage function, create a new stage instance.


      let stage = new Stage(participantToken, strategy);


Your joinStage function should now appear as follows:


    export const joinStage = async (
      isInitializeComplete, // Indicates if the initialization is complete
      participantToken, // Token of the participant
      selectedAudioDeviceId, // Represents the selected audio device
      selectedVideoDeviceId, // Represents the selected video device
      setIsConnected, // Setter for the connection status
      setIsMicMuted, // Setter for the microphone mute state
      setLocalParticipant, // Setter for the local participant
      setParticipants, // Setter for the list of participants
      stageRef // Setter for the stage
    ) => {
    const {
      Stage, // Reference to the Stage class
      StageEvents, // Reference to the StageEvents object
      ConnectionState, // Reference to the ConnectionState object
    } = IVSBroadcastClient; // IVS Broadcast Client object

    if (!isInitializeComplete) return; // If the initialization is not complete, stop execution and return

    const cameraStageStream = await createLocalStageStream(
    const micStageStream = await createLocalStageStream(selectedAudioDeviceId, MIC);

    // Set up the strategy for the stage
    const strategy = setupStrategy(isInitializeComplete);

    strategy.updateTracks(micStageStream, cameraStageStream);

    strategyRef.current = strategy;

    // Create a new stage instance
    let stage = new Stage(participantToken, strategyRef.current);
  • k. Add a updateLocalParticipantMedia function to page.js to efficiently update tracks when users switch their audio or video devices.

    • updateLocalParticipantMedia generates new video and audio streams for the local participant when switching audio or video devices.


        const updateLocalParticipantMedia = async () => {
          const { participant, streams } = localParticipant;
          // Create new local streams
          const newVideoStream = await createLocalStageStream(
          const newAudioStream = await createLocalStageStream(
          // Update the streams array with the new streams
          const updatedStreams = [newVideoStream, newAudioStream];
          // Update the participant object with the new streams
          const updatedParticipant = {
            streams: updatedStreams,
          strategyRef.current.updateTracks(newAudioStream, newVideoStream);
      • This useEffect updates the participant's stream array, sets the updated state, and triggers strategy and stage updates, ensuring the application reflects changes in the local media tracks.


          useEffect(() => {
            //Check to ensure that the stage and the strategy have completed initialization
            const isInitializingStreams =
              !strategyRef.current?.audioTrack && !strategyRef.current?.videoTrack;
            if (!isInitializeComplete || isInitializingStreams) return; // If initialization is not complete, return
            if (localParticipant.streams) {
          }, [selectedVideoDeviceId, selectedAudioDeviceId]);
  • l. Establish event listeners inside of the joinStage function for the stage, covering events like connection state changes, participant stream additions, and participant leaving.

    • STAGE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED: When the connection state changes, the isConnected state changes, and the participants microphone is automatically muted to prevent potential infinite feedback loops when a user enters the stage.


        stage.on(StageEvents.STAGE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED, (state) => {
          setIsConnected(state === ConnectionState.CONNECTED);
          // Mutes the microphone stage stream and updates the inner text of the mic button to "Unmute Mic"
    • STAGE_PARTICIPANT_STREAMS_ADDED: It logs information about the added participant's media, updates the local participant, and adds the participant and their streams to the list of participants.
          (participant, streams) => {
            console.log("Participant Media Added: ", participant, streams);
            if (participant.isLocal) {
              setLocalParticipant({ participant, streams });
                  setParticipants((prevParticipants) => {
          const participantExists = prevParticipants.some(
            (participantObj) => ===
          if (!participantExists) {
            return [...prevParticipants, { participant, streams }];
          } else {
            return prevParticipants;
    • STAGE_PARTICIPANT_LEFT: It logs information about the participant who left and updates the list of participants by removing the participant who left.
        stage.on(StageEvents.STAGE_PARTICIPANT_LEFT, (participant) => {
          console.log("Participant Left: ", participant);
          setParticipants((prevParticipants) => {
            const filteredParticipants = prevParticipants.filter(
              ({ participant: currentParticipant }) => {
                return !==;
            return [...filteredParticipants];
  • m. Create a try-catch block that tries to join the stage, and if an error occurs during the process, it handles the error and resets the joining and connected flags accordingly.


      try {
        await stage.join();
      } catch (err) {
        stage = null;
  • n. Update the reference variable stageRef with the value of the local variable stage.


    stageRef.current = stage;


Your joinStage function should now appear as follows:


    export const joinStage = async (
      isInitializeComplete, // Indicates if the initialization is complete
      participantToken, // Token of the participant
      selectedAudioDeviceId, // Represents the selected audio device
      selectedVideoDeviceId, // Represents the selected video device
      setIsConnected, // Setter for the connection status
      setIsMicMuted, // Setter for the microphone mute state
      setLocalParticipant, // Setter for the local participant
      setParticipants, // Setter for the list of participants
      stageRef // Setter for the stage
    ) => {
      const {
        Stage, // Reference to the Stage class
        StageEvents, // Reference to the StageEvents object
        ConnectionState, // Reference to the ConnectionState object
      } = IVSBroadcastClient; // IVS Broadcast Client object

      if (!isInitializeComplete) return; // If the initialization is not complete, stop execution and return

      const cameraStageStream = await createLocalStageStream(
      const micStageStream = await createLocalStageStream(selectedAudioDeviceId, MIC);

      // Set up the strategy for the stage
      const strategy = setupStrategy(isInitializeComplete);

      strategy.updateTracks(micStageStream, cameraStageStream);

      strategyRef.current = strategy;

      // Create a new stage instance
      let stage = new Stage(participantToken, strategyRef.current);

      // Event listener for stage connection state changes
      stage.on(StageEvents.STAGE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED, (state) => {
        // Update the connection status
        setIsConnected(state === ConnectionState.CONNECTED);

        // Mute the microphone stage stream and update the state for the mic button

      // Event listener for when participant streams are added
        (participant, streams) => {
          console.log("Participant Media Added: ", participant, streams);

          // Set the local participant and update the list of participants
          if (participant.isLocal) {
            setLocalParticipant({ participant, streams });
                setParticipants((prevParticipants) => {
        const participantExists = prevParticipants.some(
          (participantObj) => ===

        if (!participantExists) {
          return [...prevParticipants, { participant, streams }];
        } else {
          return prevParticipants;

      // Event listener for when a participant leaves
      stage.on(StageEvents.STAGE_PARTICIPANT_LEFT, (participant) => {
        console.log("Participant Left: ", participant);

        // Update the list of participants by removing the participant who left
        setParticipants((prevParticipants) => {
          const filteredParticipants = prevParticipants.filter(
            ({ participant: currentParticipant }) => {
              return !==;
          return [...filteredParticipants];

      try {
        await stage.join(); // Attempt to join the stage
      } catch (err) {
        stage = null;

      stageRef.current = stage;
  • o. Lastly, In the page.js file, assign the joinStage function to the Join Stage button's onClick event, passing in the required states and functions as parameters.


      import { joinStage } from "./utils/stageUtils";
          onClick={() =>
          Join Stage

You should now be able to join a stage.

9. Manage the departure of participants from the stage

  • a. Navigate to the stageUtils.js file and at the bottom of the page add a leaveStage function that is responsible for disconnecting the current participant from the stage and updating the connection status to reflect the disconnection.


      export const leaveStage = async (stage, setIsConnected) => {
        await stage.leave();
  • b. In the page.js file, assign the leaveStage function to the Leave Stage button's onClick event, passing in the required states and functions as parameters.


      import { joinStage, leaveStage } from "./utils/stageUtils";
        onClick={() => leaveStage(stageRef.current, setIsConnected)}
        Leave Stage


Your page.js file should now look like this:


"use client";
import { useState, useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import Script from "next/script";

import {
} from "./utils/mediaDevices";
import {
} from "./utils/stageUtils";

import Header from "./components/Header";
import Input from "./components/Input";
import LocalParticipantVideo from "./components/LocalParticipantVideo";
import RemoteParticipantVideos from "./components/RemoteParticipantVideos";
import Select from "./components/Select";

export default function Home() {
  // Initializing a state variable and its update function
  const [isInitializeComplete, setIsInitializeComplete] = useState(false);

  // Using the useState hook to create and manage state for video and audio devices and their selections
  const [videoDevices, setVideoDevices] = useState([]); // Stores the available video devices
  const [audioDevices, setAudioDevices] = useState([]); // Stores the available audio devices
  const [selectedVideoDeviceId, setSelectedVideoDeviceId] = useState(null); // Tracks the selected video device
  const [selectedAudioDeviceId, setSelectedAudioDeviceId] = useState(null); // Tracks the selected audio device

  // Initialize state for the participant token as an empty string
  const [participantToken, setParticipantToken] = useState("");

  // Initialize state variables for managing the current stage, connection status, participant list, and local participant information
  const [isConnected, setIsConnected] = useState(false); // Tracks the connection status
  const [participants, setParticipants] = useState([]); // Manages the list of participants
  const [localParticipant, setLocalParticipant] = useState({}); // Manages the local participant information

  // Create a ref for the stage to hold a reference to the IVS stage instance.
  const stageRef = useRef(undefined);

  // Create a ref for the strategy to hold a reference to the strategy configuration used in the IVS stage.
  const strategyRef = useRef();

  // Initialize a state variable to manage the muted status of the microphone
  const [isMicMuted, setIsMicMuted] = useState(true);

  // Initialize a state variable to manage the visibility status of the camera
  const [isCameraHidden, setIsCameraHidden] = useState(false);

  * Function gets the video and audio devices connected to the laptop and stores them in the state
  const handleDeviceUpdate = async () => {
    try {
      const { videoDevices, audioDevices } = await getDevices();

    } catch (error) {
      // Handle any errors that may occur during the device update process
      console.error("An error occurred during device update:", error);
      // You can add additional error-handling logic here as needed

  * Initialize after the client is loaded
  const initialize = async () => {
    // Call the handleDeviceUpdate function to update the video and audio devices
    // Set the value of isInitializeComplete to true

  const updateLocalParticipantMedia = async () => {
    const { participant } = localParticipant;

    // Create new local streams
    const newVideoStream = await createLocalStageStream(
    const newAudioStream = await createLocalStageStream(

    // Update the streams array with the new streams
    const updatedStreams = [newVideoStream, newAudioStream];

    // Update the participant object with the new streams
    const updatedParticipant = {
      streams: updatedStreams,


    strategyRef.current.updateTracks(newAudioStream, newVideoStream);

  useEffect(() => {
    //Check to ensure that the stage and the strategy have completed initialization
    const isInitializingStreams =
      !strategyRef.current?.audioTrack && !strategyRef.current?.videoTrack;
    if (!isInitializeComplete || isInitializingStreams) return; // If initialization is not complete, return

    if (localParticipant.streams) {
  }, [selectedVideoDeviceId, selectedAudioDeviceId]);

  return (
        src="" // Load the Amazon IVS Web Broadcast JavaScript library
        onLoad={initialize} // Call the 'initialize' function after the script has loaded
      <Header />
      <hr />
      <div className="row">
          label="Participant Token"
        {isInitializeComplete && (
          <div className="button-container row">
              onClick={() =>
              Join Stage
              onClick={() => leaveStage(stageRef.current, setIsConnected)}
              Leave Stage
        <br />
      {isConnected && (
          <h3>Local Participant</h3>
      {isConnected && (
        <div className="static-controls">
            onClick={() =>
              handleMediaToggle(MIC, stageRef.current, setIsMicMuted)
            {isMicMuted ? "Unmute Mic" : "Mute Mic"}
            onClick={() =>
              handleMediaToggle(CAMERA, stageRef, setIsCameraHidden)
            {isCameraHidden ? "Unhide Camera" : "Hide Camera"}
      {isConnected && (
          <h3>Remote Participants</h3>{" "}
          <div className="center">

10. Generate tokens for participants and facilitate them joining a stage

  • a. Now, navigate back to stages inside of your AWS console (Amazon IVS > Real-time streaming > stages) and click on your newly created stage from step 4.

AWS console stages

  • b. To initiate and join the stage, you must generate a participant token for access. Click into your newly created stage and find the header "Participant tokens". Beside this header click the "Create a participant token" button:

AWS console create participant token

  • c. Create a participant token by completing the required information.

    • Under UserId: Enter any UTF-8 encoded text up to 128 characters long.
    • Under Capabilities: Choose both publish and subscribe/
    • Under Token duration: if you want to specify a duration, you can do it here, otherwise the duration defaults to 720 min.
    • Under Attributes: To include supplementary data in your token, click 'add attribute' to provide a key-value pair. In this example, you should add the attribute with Key: 'username' and Value: 'stageUser', which will display the username 'stageUser' over the video if available.

      ie. Key: username | Value: stageUser

    *Note: In the absence of a provided username in the token, the overlay will display the participant's number within the stage as 'user-{participantSize}'.


        <div className="overlay-pill">
          {username ? username : `user-${participantSize}`}
    • Click "Create a participant token" at the bottom right hand corner of the modal.

AWS console create participant token modal

  • d. Once the token is created, copy and paste it into your application (you now have access to a token that you will need to join a stage):

AWS console copy participant token

Paste participant token inside web application

11. Add multiple participants to a stage

  • a. Create multiple participant tokens with desired configurations.

AWS Console multiple participant tokens

  • b. Open two separate browsers, access the application, and insert different participant tokens into each.

  • c. After choosing your desired camera and microphone for each browser, click "Join Stage" on each browser.

Congratulations! You have successfully built a demo web application that enables real-time streaming among multiple participants using the Amazon IVS Web Broadcasting SDK.

Webpage multiple participants

Advanced features

Create a dynamic grid layout for multiple participants on a stage

Project Description

This is a demo web application intended as an educational tool for learning how to display participants in a dynamic and responsive Grid. You will use the CSS Grid Module to layout the videos as it allows control over a video's horizontal and vertical position relative to other videos.

Grid layout example

  • a. Navigate from the hello-world folder to the hello-world-with-grid-layout folder by using the following commands:

    cd ..
    mkdir hello-world-with-grid-layout
    cd hello-world-with-grid-layout
    cd client
    • To install all necessary dependencies run, npm install
    • To initiate the application, npm run dev

The file structure and most of the code remain unchanged from the previous section, but you will be modifying specific sections to implement a grid layout.


Your file structure should look like this:

│   │   .eslintrc.json
│   │   package.json
│   │   jsconfig.json
│   │   next.config.js
│   │
│   │
│   └───src
│       └───app
│           └───components
│                 Header.js
│                 Input.js
│                 Select.js
│                 Video.js
│                 RemoteParticipantVideos.js
│                 LocalParticipantVideos.js
│           └───utils
│                 mediaDevices.js
│                 stageUtils.js
│           layout.js
  • b. Adjust global.css to construct a dynamic grid layout based on the number of participating stage members.

*Note: Please refer to the hello-world-with-grid-layout/src/app/global.css for full codebase. You'll see the extra classes included in this file.



    /* Grid definitions */

    /*! Allows the selected elements to be rendered as a grid container. */
    .grid {
      display: grid;

    /*! Assigns the specified grid area name to the elements with the class .slot-,
    allowing them to be positioned within the defined grid template areas. */

    .slot-1 {
      grid-area: s-1;

    .slot-2 {
      grid-area: s-2;

    .slot-3 {
      grid-area: s-3;


    /*! This CSS code defines a dynamic grid layout with adjustable columns and rows using
    the grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows properties, alongside the grid-template-areas property to designate an area identified as 's-'.
    This configuration allows for flexible grid arrangements tailored for elements with the class .grid- */

    .grid-1 {
      grid-template-columns: repeat(1, minmax(0, 1fr));
      grid-template-rows: repeat(1, minmax(0, 1fr));
      grid-template-areas: 's-1';

    .grid-2 {
      grid-template-columns: repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr));
      grid-template-rows: repeat(1, minmax(0, 1fr));
      grid-template-areas: 's-1 s-2';

    .grid-3 {
      grid-template-columns: repeat(4, minmax(0, 1fr));
      grid-template-rows: repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr));
        's-1 s-1 s-2 s-2'
        '... s-3 s-3 ...';


*Note: Refer to the documentation for grid layout functionality at MDN CSS Grid Layout and CSS Tricks - Complete Guide to Grid for more information.

  • c. In a Grid layout, you consolidate the local and remote participant video containers into a single 'Participant Video' container within the components folder. In the components folder, create ParticipantVideos.js and implement code that iterates through all participants, extracting details such as usernames and streams. It renders a Video component for each participant, passing appropriate props like the participant's username and video streams.


      import Video from "./Video";
      const ParticipantVideos = ({
        isInitializeComplete, // Boolean indicating if the initialization is complete
        participants, // Array of participants
      }) => {
        if (!isInitializeComplete) return; // If initialization is not complete, return
        return participants
          ?.map((participantAndStreamInfo, index) => {
            const { participant, streams } = participantAndStreamInfo; // Destructure the participant and streams
            const { username } = participant?.attributes; // Destructure the username from the participant attributes
            let streamsToDisplay = streams; // Initialize streamsToDisplay with the remote streams
            return (
              <div className={`participant-grid-container slot-${index + 1}`}>
                {/* Video container for the participant */}
                {/* Render the Video component with necessary props */}
                  className={`remote-participant-video`} // CSS class for the remote participant video
                  participant={participant} // Pass the participant information
                  streamsToDisplay={streamsToDisplay} // Pass the streams to display
                  username={username} // Pass the username
                  participantSize={index + 1} // Pass the participant size
      export default ParticipantVideos;
  • d. In the page.js file, remove the RemoteParticipantVideos.js and LocalParticipantVideos.js components along with their imports. Additionally, delete the video controls components from the return block.


      return (
              src="" // Load the Amazon IVS Web Broadcast JavaScript library
              onLoad={initialize} // Call the 'initialize' function after the script has loaded
            <Header />
            <hr />
            <div className="row">
                label="Participant Token"
              {isInitializeComplete && (
                <div className="button-container row">
                    className="button margin-right"
                    onClick={() =>
                    Join Stage
                    onClick={() => leaveStage(stage, setIsConnected)}
                    Leave Stage
              <br />


Your file structure should look like this:

│   │   .eslintrc.json
│   │   package.json
│   │   jsconfig.json
│   │   next.config.js
│   │
│   │
│   └───src
│       └───app
│           └───components
│                 Header.js
│                 Input.js
│                 Select.js
│                 Video.js
│                 ParticipantVideos.js
│           └───utils
│                 mediaDevices.js
│                 stageUtils.js
│           layout.js
  • e. To replace the video section, set up a visible grid container when the participant successfully joins the stage. Include the static controls within this container.


      {isConnected && ( // Check if the participant is connected
          <h3>Participants</h3> {/* Heading for the participant section */}
          <div className="video-grid-container"> {/* Container for the video grid */}
            <div className={`grid grid-${participants.length}`}> {/* Dynamic grid based on the number of participants */}
            <div className="static-controls"> {/* Container for static controls */}
                onClick={() => handleMediaToggle(MIC, stage, setIsMicMuted)} // Button to toggle microphone state
                className="button" // CSS class for the button
                {isMicMuted ? "Unmute Mic" : "Mute Mic"} {/* Text content of the button based on the mic state */}
                onClick={() => handleMediaToggle("camera", stage, setIsCameraHidden)} // Button to toggle camera state
                className="button" // CSS class for the button
                {isCameraHidden ? "Unhide Camera" : "Hide Camera"} {/* Text content of the button based on the camera state */}
  • f. Finally, include the ParticipantVideos.js component within the grid container and pass the required props.


      {isConnected && (
          <div className="video-grid-container">
            <div className={`grid grid-${participants.length}`}>
            <div className="static-controls">
                onClick={() => handleMediaToggle(MIC, stage, setIsMicMuted)}
                {isMicMuted ? "Unmute Mic" : "Mute Mic"}
                onClick={() =>
                  handleMediaToggle("camera", stage, setIsCameraHidden)
                {isCameraHidden ? "Unhide Camera" : "Hide Camera"}


Your page.js return block should look like this:



    return (
          src="" // Load the Amazon IVS Web Broadcast JavaScript library
          onLoad={initialize} // Call the 'initialize' function after the script has loaded
        <Header />
        <hr />
        <div className="row">
            label="Participant Token"
          {isInitializeComplete && (
            <div className="button-container row">
                className="button margin-right"
                onClick={() =>
                Join Stage
                onClick={() => leaveStage(stage, setIsConnected)}
                Leave Stage
          <br />
        {isConnected && (
            <div className="video-grid-container">
              <div className={`grid grid-${participants.length}`}>
              <div className="static-controls">
                  onClick={() => handleMediaToggle(MIC, stage, setIsMicMuted)}
                  {isMicMuted ? "Unmute Mic" : "Mute Mic"}
                  onClick={() =>
                    handleMediaToggle("camera", stage, setIsCameraHidden)
                  {isCameraHidden ? "Unhide Camera" : "Hide Camera"}
  • g. To accommodate device changes, we must modify the updateLocalParticipantMedia function within the page.js file. As there are no longer separate video elements, we need to update the function based on the participant's index to ensure the correct video is updated. Update your code by replacing the existing setLocalParticipant function. If there is a redundant setLocalParticipant state declaration at the top of the page, remove it.



  // Find the index of the local participant
  const localParticipantIndex = participants.findIndex(
    (participant) => participant.participant.isLocal

  const updatedParticipants = [...participants];

  // Replace the participant at the specified index with the updated participant
  updatedParticipants[localParticipantIndex] = updatedParticipant;




Your updateLocalParticipantMedia function should look like this:


    const updateLocalParticipantMedia = async (localParticipant) => {
    const { participant, streams } = localParticipant;

    // Create new local streams
    const newVideoStream = await createLocalStageStream(
    const newAudioStream = await createLocalStageStream(

    // Update the streams array with the new streams
    const updatedStreams = [newVideoStream, newAudioStream];

    const updatedParticipant = {
      streams: updatedStreams,

    // Find the index of the local participant
    const localParticipantIndex = participants.findIndex(
      (participant) => participant.participant.isLocal

    const updatedParticipants = [...participants];

    // Replace the participant at the specified index with the updated participant
    updatedParticipants[localParticipantIndex] = updatedParticipant;


    strategyRef.current.updateTracks(newAudioStream, newVideoStream);
  • h. Update the event listener in stageUtils.js: when new participant streams are added, it checks for duplicates in the participant list by comparing participant IDs. If the participant is not in the list, it is added along with its streams. The setParticipants function is then used to update the participant list, ensuring it avoids duplicates.


        // Event listener for when participant streams are added
          (participant, streams) => {
            console.log("Participant Media Added: ", participant, streams);
            setParticipants((prevParticipants) => {
              const participantExists = prevParticipants.some(
              (participantObj) => ===;
              if (!participantExists) {
                return [...prevParticipants, { participant, streams }];
              } else {
                return prevParticipants;


Your page.js file should look like this:


  "use client";
  // Importing the necessary dependencies for managing state
  import { useState, useRef, useEffect } from "react";
  import Script from "next/script";

  import {
  } from "./utils/mediaDevices";
  import {
  } from "./utils/stageUtils";

  import Header from "./components/Header";
  import Input from "./components/Input";
  import ParticipantVideos from "./components/ParticipantVideos";
  import Select from "./components/Select";

  export default function Home() {
    // Initializing a state variable and its update function
    const [isInitializeComplete, setIsInitializeComplete] = useState(false);

    // Using the useState hook to create and manage state for video and audio devices and their selections
    const [videoDevices, setVideoDevices] = useState([]); // Stores the available video devices
    const [audioDevices, setAudioDevices] = useState([]); // Stores the available audio devices
    const [selectedVideoDeviceId, setSelectedVideoDeviceId] = useState(null); // Tracks the selected video device
    const [selectedAudioDeviceId, setSelectedAudioDeviceId] = useState(null); // Tracks the selected audio device

    // Initialize state for the participant token as an empty string
    const [participantToken, setParticipantToken] = useState("");

    // Initialize state variables for managing the current stage, connection status, participant list, and local participant information
    const [isConnected, setIsConnected] = useState(false); // Tracks the connection status
    const [participants, setParticipants] = useState([]); // Manages the list of participants

    // Create a ref for the stage to hold a reference to the IVS stage instance.
    const stageRef = useRef(undefined);

    // Create a ref for the strategy to hold a reference to the strategy configuration used in the IVS stage.
    const strategyRef = useRef();

    // Initialize a state variable to manage the muted status of the microphone
    const [isMicMuted, setIsMicMuted] = useState(true);

    // Initialize a state variable to manage the visibility status of the camera
    const [isCameraHidden, setIsCameraHidden] = useState(false);

    * Function gets the video and audio devices connected to the laptop and stores them in the state
    const handleDeviceUpdate = async () => {
      try {
        const { videoDevices, audioDevices } = await getDevices();

      } catch (error) {
        // Handle any errors that may occur during the device update process
        console.error("An error occurred during device update:", error);
        // You can add additional error-handling logic here as needed

    * Initialize after the client is loaded
    const initialize = async () => {
      // Call the handleDeviceUpdate function to update the video and audio devices
      // Set the value of isInitializeComplete to true

    const updateLocalParticipantMedia = async (localParticipant) => {
      const { participant, streams } = localParticipant;

      // Create new local streams
      const newVideoStream = await createLocalStageStream(
      const newAudioStream = await createLocalStageStream(

      // Update the streams array with the new streams
      const updatedStreams = [newVideoStream, newAudioStream];

      const updatedParticipant = {
        streams: updatedStreams,

      // Find the index of the local participant
      const localParticipantIndex = participants.findIndex(
        (participant) => participant.participant.isLocal

      const updatedParticipants = [...participants];

      // Replace the participant at the specified index with the updated participant
      updatedParticipants[localParticipantIndex] = updatedParticipant;


      strategyRef.current.updateTracks(newAudioStream, newVideoStream);

    useEffect(() => {
      //Check to ensure that the stage and the strategy have completed initialization
      const isInitializingStreams =
        !strategyRef.current?.audioTrack && !strategyRef.current?.videoTrack;
      if (!isInitializeComplete || isInitializingStreams) return; // If initialization is not complete, return

      const localParticipant = participants.find(
        (participant) => participant.participant.isLocal

      if (localParticipant.streams) {
    }, [selectedVideoDeviceId, selectedAudioDeviceId]);

    return (
          src="" // Load the Amazon IVS Web Broadcast JavaScript library
          onLoad={initialize} // Call the 'initialize' function after the script has loaded
        <Header />
        <hr />
        <div className="row">
            label="Participant Token"
          {isInitializeComplete && (
            <div className="button-container row">
                className="button margin-right"
                onClick={() =>
                Join Stage
                onClick={() => leaveStage(stageRef.current, setIsConnected)}
                Leave Stage
          <br />
        {isConnected && (
            <div className="video-grid-container">
              <div className={`grid grid-${participants.length}`}>
              <div className="static-controls">
                  onClick={() => handleMediaToggle(MIC, stage, setIsMicMuted)}
                  {isMicMuted ? "Unmute Mic" : "Mute Mic"}
                  onClick={() =>
                    handleMediaToggle(CAMERA, stage, setIsCameraHidden)
                  {isCameraHidden ? "Unhide Camera" : "Hide Camera"}
  • i. Generate a minimum of 3 participant tokens within the AWS console. Then, open 3 different browsers, and assign each unique token to a browser to join a stage.

*Note: When inspecting the elements, you'll notice the layout dynamically adjusts based on the number of participants joining the stage.

Congratulations! You have successfully built a demo web application that enables real-time streaming among multiple participants in a grid layout using the Amazon IVS Web Broadcasting SDK.

Grid layout example

Next steps


This project is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.

amazon-ivs-realtime-web-demo-reactjs's People


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amazon-ivs-realtime-web-demo-reactjs's Issues

Property 'localParticipant' is private and only accessible within class 'Stage'.ts

Many thanks for this helpful and clearly written demo repo! 💯🥇

When using Typescript I'm seeing the following error:

Property 'localParticipant' is private and only accessible within class 'Stage'.ts(2341)

localParticipant, which is a private member of Stage, is being accessed in hello-world/client/src/app/utils/mediaDevices.js on line 52.

const { videoStream } = stageRef.current.localParticipant;


 * A class impementing the Stages SDK
export declare class Stage extends TypedEmitter<StageEventMap> {
    // ...
    private localParticipant?;
    // ...

Is there a planned change to the amazon-ivs-web-broadcast API, or a suggested workaround?

Error: self is not defined

This is an amazon-ivs-web-broadcast issue. I'm posting here as I can't find the amazon-ivs-web-broadcast package on


When using amazon-ivs-web-broadcast in a Node.js environment, rather than in a browser, it throws Error: self is not defined. This can also happen when using Next.js.

Without digging into amazon-ivs-web-broadcast's minified JavaScript code I assume this is happening because amazon-ivs-web-broadcast accesses the window object.

Is there a plan to make amazon-ivs-web-broadcast isomorphic, or a workaround so it can be used in a Lambda function or EC2 instance?


Lambda function or EC2 instance use case:

I wish to use amazon-ivs-web-broadcast in a Lambda function, or an EC2 instance, to join a stage and stream to its participants, and to pipe participant streams to other AWS services.

Is there a better way to achieve this?

Next.js usage:

In a Next.js app I'm loading the amazon-ivs-web-broadcast package as a dependency using package.json as shown in the code below:

package.json Note: the code below has been shortened for brevity

  "dependencies": {
    "amazon-ivs-web-broadcast": "^1.9.0",

amazon-ivs-web-broadcast is then imported into a client component as follows:


"use client";

import { Stage } from "amazon-ivs-web-broadcast";

export default function Example() {
  // ...
  // Create a new stage instance
  let stage: Stage | null = new Stage(/* ... */);
  // ...

When the app runs Error: self is not defined is thrown.


Without digging into amazon-ivs-web-broadcast's minified JavaScript code I assume this is happening because Next.js first runs client component code on the server before running it on the client.

I see that in this demo repo amazon-ivs-web-broadcast is being loaded using "next/script". Is this to work around this issue?

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