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angular-jwt's Issues

angular-jwt on client side does not decode flask-jwt tokens from server side

I am using Flask as a back end (api) and angularjs as a front end. For JWTs I am using Flask-JWT in my api. And I was trying to configure angular-jwt in my front end

On login, I call /api/v1/auth from angularjs app and I get the token. e.g.


Then I store it in localStorage

localStorage['id_token'] = data.token;

But when I try to decode it in another part of my app, I get null

console.log('token expiration date', jwtHelper.getTokenExpirationDate(localStorage.getItem('id_token')));
console.log('token expired', jwtHelper.isTokenExpired(localStorage.getItem('id_token')));

Note that the algorithms that I have tried in back end are

bcrypt, sha512_crypt, or pbkdf2_sha512

Why doesn't it work?

In fact I see it getting decoded in

Use jwtInterceptor to send the token as a request param?

I am using WebSockets and, for reasons that have to do with my back-end framework, can only use request params to send the token. Is there a way to create a jwtInterceptor that will accomplish this, or is sending via header the only possibility?

save the token un the $scope?

It's posible to use angular-jwt saving the token in the $scope instead of the localStorage?

It's not possible to inject the €rootScope in the Config function

$http.jsonp token not in header

I am trying to use angular-jwt in service but it does not append authorization on http call, can it be use with $http.jsonp:

  .config(function Config($httpProvider, jwtInterceptorProvider) {
    jwtInterceptorProvider.tokenGetter = ['merchantService', function(merchantService) {
        return localStorage.getItem('token');

  .service('Merchant', ['$http', function($http) {
    var baseUrl = "";

    return {
        terminal: function(success, error) {
            $http.jsonp(baseUrl + '/tests?callback=jsonp_callback').success(success).error(error)

If I am using $http call, I get this error:

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

Can this be the reason?

Unable to use angular-jwt with AppGyver Supersonic

AppGyver's Supersonic uses bower out of the box, after installing the bower package I am attempting to inject angular-jwt into my AuthService but I am getting an $injector issue as it can't find this module?

I've also tried just including the script tag that links to cdnjs in the layout to no avail.

Probably not an angular-jwt issue perse but I thought I'd open an issue to attempt to get some help!

I would really appreciate it!

Add support for nbf(not before) during token validity check


Are there any plans to add support for the nbf claim when checking if the token in valid. From my understanding of the specification if the claim exists then the token is only valid if the current time is after the time given(with a few minutes leeway to account for clocks that are slightly off).

I am more than happy to implement this if it going to be helpful for others.

How to handle when multiple async requests are being done

Hi guys.
I'm have the following problem:

When my token is invalid it goes an requests a new token with the refresh with this code based on described in the docs:

// retrieve the JWT which is set during the Authentication
var jwt = $localStorage.JWT;
  // check if the token is expired?
    // refresh the token
    return $http({
      url: '',
      method: 'GET',
      headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer ' + jwt}
    }).then( function successCallback(response)
        // got a valid response so lets provide our storages with the new token
        $localStorage.JWT =
      function errorCallback()
        // somethings wrong with the token. Invalidate the tokens here
        delete $localStorage.JWT;
    return jwt;

But i have a route which resolves multiple things e.g.

so the interceptor will be called twice, and so the token will be acquired and blacklisted.
But the second request will be doing the exact same thing and thus the backend will throw an exception that the token is blacklisted.

Any thoughts or solutions?

FEATURE: JWT signature verification

Is there a good reason why JWT signature verification is not part of the library? If I got it correct, in essence you should not trust any JWT before the signature has been verified. So it somewhat seems any JWT handling library should include token verification.

Flexible authPrefix value

I would like to change the authPrefix from "Bearer " to "JWT ". I'm not seeing anything in docs or source code saying that's possible. Is that currently possible (maybe I'm missing it?) and/or are there plans of allowing flexibility for the authPrefix?

Cannot send requests with angular-jwt in IE9

First of all, thanks for this great module, it helps me a lot!

I have an issue here, this module works great in FF/Chrome, but when I want to test my app in IE9(I did not tried other IE versions), it is not working any more! The IE Dev tool showed that only requests with "skipAuthorization: true" can be sent and respond the correct response, while requests without "skipAuthorization: true" cannot even be sent.
I have checked that the token has been saved to localStorage correctly.

AngularJS 1.2.26
angular-jwt The latest version

Could you please help me with this? Thanks in advance!

Unable to install new 0.1.0 release due to bower install attempt

When attempting to update or install the new release, it attempts to run bower install upon installation causing the npm package installation to fail if bower isn't available.

$ npm install --save [email protected]

> [email protected] install /redacted/path/node_modules/angular-jwt
> bower install

sh: bower: command not found
npm WARN optional Skipping failed optional dependency /chokidar/fsevents:
npm WARN notsup Not compatible with your operating system or architecture: [email protected]
npm ERR! Linux 4.4.16-1-lts
npm ERR! argv "/home/noderat/.nvm/versions/node/v6.3.1/bin/node" "/home/noderat/.nvm/versions/node/v6.3.1/bin/npm" "install" "--save" "[email protected]"
npm ERR! node v6.3.1
npm ERR! npm  v3.10.5
npm ERR! file sh
npm ERR! errno ENOENT
npm ERR! syscall spawn

npm ERR! [email protected] install: `bower install`
npm ERR! spawn ENOENT
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] install script 'bower install'.
npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.
npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the angular-jwt package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR!     bower install
npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
npm ERR!     npm bugs angular-jwt
npm ERR! Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via:
npm ERR!     npm owner ls angular-jwt
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.

Rejecting requests

A common logic flow for JWT is:

if token available // e.g. from local storage
    if token is not expired
        return token
    if token is expired and refresh token is available
        refresh token, return new token
    go to sign-in page

I can't find a way to accomplish the else clause with this library -- rejecting the HTTP request(s) that were intercepted and navigating to the sign-in page. Is there a usage pattern for this library to accomplish this?

can't decode token from jsonwebtoken on node

Hello , a few day I use angular-jwt to decode token from backend (nodejs) ,When I decede is working ok , but today angular-jwt can't decode I get result as "Object {_bsontype: "ObjectID", id: "V�uÔy�±Õ��#�", iat: 1452054188}" , So result must have object that I get from backend like a few day, How do I fix this issues

my token is a "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJfYnNvbnR5cGUiOiJPYmplY3RJRCIsImlkIjoiVsKLdcOUecKWwrHDlVx1MDAxOMKSI8KBIiwiaWF0IjoxNDUyMDU0MTg4fQ.BWa6oha9nkx4WPxC5l_K-tya65aovAEgXY0tVvAuaEg"

ps. I have us to build my application

authmanager is polluting $rootScope

$rootScope.isAuthenticated = false;

It’s a bad idea to attach too much logic to this global context, in the same way that it’s not a good idea to dirty the JavaScript global scope.

Instead, authManager should have an isAuthenticated property that can be used from anywhere.

// ...
     var isAuthenticated = false;

      function authenticate() {
        isAuthenticated = true;

      function unauthenticate() {
        isAuthenticated = false;
// ...

return {
// ...
    isAuthenticated : isAuthenticated,

Null Validation in isTokenExpired function


I think it could be a good idea to add a extra null validation in isTokenExpired function, something like :

this.isTokenExpired = function(token) {
if (!token) {
return false;
var d = this.getTokenExpirationDate(token);
if (!d) {
return false;
// Token expired?
return !(d.valueOf() > new Date().valueOf());


Angular-jwt with angularjs 1.3

I see in the bower.json of the angular-jwt that
"angular": "~1.2.21"

is there any problem using angular-jwt with angularjs 1.3X ?


Authorization header incudes extra quotations around token

When I log the headers in the request interceptor (on line 45 of angular-jwt.js) I get the following Authorization:

"Bearer "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE0Mjc4NTE0MTR9.AxPfkGhggtt0iIn2OTorLjDDTdZ5Ut0mO6MBBD1kZY8""

If I bypass angular-jwt and add the token manually to the query method of a $resource query request the Authorization header is set and sent correctly. Here is the code I'm using, which uses angular-storage:

$resource(API_URL + '/endpoint/:id', {id: '@_id'}, {
    query: {
      method: 'GET',
      isArray: true,
      headers: {
        'Accept-Version': '2.0.0',
        Authorization: 'Bearer ' + store.get('auth-token')

The Authorization header with this method is:

"Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE0Mjc4NTE0MTR9.AxPfkGhggtt0iIn2OTorLjDDTdZ5Ut0mO6MBBD1kZY8"

I'm also using angular-storage to set the token in localStorage as shown below:

function login(email, password, success, error) {
  $ + '/login', {
    email: email,
    password: password
  }).then(function(response) { ? store.set(authKey, : store.remove(authKey);
  }, function() {

This is what I have in app.config for the provider:

  jwtInterceptorProvider.tokenGetter = ['config', function(config) {

    var token;

    // Skip authentication for any requests ending in .html
    if (config.url.substr(config.url.length - 5) == '.html') {
      return null;

    return localStorage.getItem('auth-token');

jwtInterceptor failed to include authorization header for $resource.


I have configure the jwtHelper as per the documentation such as

// Please note we're annotating the function so that the $injector works when the file is minified
        jwtInterceptorProvider.tokenGetter = [ '$rootScope', '$http', 'jwtHelper', 'localStorageService', 'restEndPoint', function($rootScope, $http, jwtHelper, localStorageService, restEndPoint) {
            var idToken = localStorageService.get('token');
            if (idToken && jwtHelper.isTokenExpired(idToken)) {
              // This is a promise of a JWT id_token


              return $http({
                url: restEndPoint + '/auth/api-token-refresh/',
                // This makes it so that this request doesn't send the JWT
                skipAuthorization: true,
                method: 'POST',
                data: {
                    token: idToken
              }).then(function(response) {
                localStorageService.set('token', response.token);
                return response.token;
            } else if (idToken){
                $rootScope.user = jwtHelper.decodeToken(idToken);
            } else {
              return idToken;


But unable to get authorization header while doing post request using $resource such as

  .factory('myFactory', ['$resource', 'restEndPoint', function ($resource, restEndPoint) {
    // Service logic
    // ...
    return $resource(restEndPoint+'/bids/:id')

In controller

$ = new myFactory();
$ = "xyz"
$ = "xyz"

// This is where it calls a post request.

Below is the attached screen shot of request parameters.

screen shot 2015-12-29 at 11 40 10 am

Please let me know whether I missed anything related to $resource.


Question - Using angular-jwt with Restangular.

Something tells me I should be able to get some help owing to the creator of this repo.

I would like to switch over from our painful token/csrf/cookie based auth system to JWTs... We are using Restangular in production, and I have a number of factories providing Restangular instances. Would the setup be any different? I.e. need to use a global $http interceptor as shown vs. an interceptor for a particular Restangular.withConfig() ?

If I can get my head around it I'd be happy to contribute back to the docs with an example. Thanks.

unauthenticatedRedirector Error

tokenGetter: ['store', function (store) {
return store.get('access_token');
whiteListedDomains: ['', 'localhost'],
unauthenticatedRedirector: ['$state', function ($state) {


config.unauthenticatedRedirector is not a function. (In 'config.unauthenticatedRedirector($location)', 'config.unauthenticatedRedirector' is an instance of Array)
column: 45
line: 260
message: "config.unauthenticatedRedirector is not a function. (In 'config.unauthenticatedRedirector($location)', 'config.unauthenticatedRedirector…"

authManager.checkAuthOnRefresh not working

// src/angularJwt/services/authManager.js

function checkAuthOnRefresh() {
        // When a location change is detected
        $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function () {
          var tokenGetter = config.tokenGetter;
          var token = null;
          // Try to get jwt token...
          if (Array.isArray(tokenGetter)) {
            token = $injector.invoke(tokenGetter, this, {});
          } else {
            token = config.tokenGetter();
          if (token) {
            if (!jwtHelper.isTokenExpired(token)) {
                     // If token and not expired authenticate, ok lgtm
            // But what happens if not? when token had expired or there is no token? 
            // Shall an 'unauthenticated' event be fired?

But there´s more... if checkAuthOnRefresh fires unauthenticated event every time that a locationChangeStart is produced the user won't be able to go to the login page.

( Because redirectWhenUnauthenticated will be fired with another locationChangeStart causing an infinite loop. )

Non-documented (critical) feature.

isTokenExpired() function has a critical undocumented (sorry for wrong title) optional parameter (time offset, in seconds) that, if ommited and the client is in any other timezone than GMT 0, will cause the function to return the wrong result.

Why not make it automatic (if no offset is passed) and use new Date().getTimezoneOffset() * 60 instead of assuming no offset?

Refresh Token example question

In the Refresh Token code example, there is a line that shows how to retrieve the new token for the refresh:

var refreshToken = localStorage.getItem('refresh_token');
  1. At what point or where is this local storage value set?
  2. Is there a reason why a new token is generated instead of just sending the token back with a new expiry date?


unable to install angular-jwt with bower

tried to run
bower install --save angular-jwt

I got this error message:
$ bower install --save angular-jwt bower angular-jwt#* cached bower angular-jwt#* validate 0.1.3 against* bower ECONFLICT Unable to find suitable version for angular-jwt
I'm currently using Angular 1.5.8

How to skipAuthorization for ng-include or stateProvider template requests?

I noticed my app is trying to get a token when using the ng-include directive or using the templateUrl in stateProvider. Eg:

<ng-include src="'app/header/header.html'"></ng-include>


    .state('home', {
                url: '/',
                controller: 'HomeCtrl',
                controllerAs: 'home',
                templateUrl: 'app/home/home.html'

I can't see any way to skip the authorization for these requests, I'm probably not looking in the right place. Can anyone help?


Minification problem

Not sure if it is about this project or $httpProvider.

When I do $httpProvider.interceptors.push('jwtInterceptor');

I got the error Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: aProvider <- a

Only when I am doing minification. If I comment out that line then I do not get that error.

Support for compression algorithms

Hey guys, is there a way to automatically support DEFLATE or any other algorithm?

In theory, we can always get the token, process and then send it to the library so it can detect if expired or not and all those things.

Is there a good way to do this? If there was a method we could override would be nice, or some interceptor.


jwtInterceptor - tokenGetter is not called because of angular caching

Hi guys. I noticed that sometimes tokenGetter is not called during request and instead of sending refresh token request to fetch updated access token, interceptor just do nothing. As I understand angular caches headers and because of next lines the tokenGetter is not called:

request.headers = request.headers || {};
// Already has an Authorization header
if (request.headers[config.authHeader]) {
    return request;

Maybe it will be better to add configurable parameter, something like "forceHearedUpdate" and if this parameter is true then omit the if (request.headers[config.authHeader]) branch of code.

Refreshed JWT not available

Hi. Is this case possible :

  • JWT is refreshed as explained
  • However, API takes time to send the refreshed token
  • Due to async behavior and promise, another API call is made on a business resource but refreshed token is not yet available. Authorization header is defined with the expired token.
  • A not authorized response is returned because used token is expired
  • Refreshed token is finally returned ... too late

How to handle such a case ? Is there something to change in the example or in the bundle source code ?

The default unauthenticatedRedirector doesn't work

I'm working through some of the quickstart samples, and using the default unauthenticatedRedirector doesn't work.

My config:

    // Configuration for angular-jwt
      tokenGetter: function() {
        return localStorage.getItem('id_token');
      whiteListedDomains: ['localhost'],
      loginPath: '/login',
      unauthenticatedRedirectPath: '/login'

The default redirector (

      var options = {
        urlParam: null,
        authHeader: 'Authorization',
        authPrefix: 'Bearer ',
        whiteListedDomains: [],
        tokenGetter: function() {
          return null;
        loginPath: '/',
        unauthenticatedRedirectPath: '/',
        unauthenticatedRedirector: function(location) {

It's not redirecting, because this is window, not the options object. The redirector is called here:

      function redirectWhenUnauthenticated() {
        $rootScope.$on('unauthenticated', function() {
          var redirector = config.unauthenticatedRedirector;
          var redirectFn;
          if(Array.isArray(redirector)) {
            redirectFn = redirector[redirector.length - 1];
          } else {

I will try working around the issue by supplying my own redirector function.

websocket support ?

is this proj support websocket? if it does , how?
what i think is auth the token when the socket is handshake, is that right?

Angular jwt cannot decode token from Laravel backend


Thanks for the jwt helper for angular.
It is very awesome, and easy to use.
It is first time I am using JWT based auth.
After login, laravel backend is sending me a token.
I am using jwtHelper to decode, I can only get url, not username,...
Is it normal?


Any chance of getting a react-jwt?

Thank for this module, I've been using it for several angular projects.
Now, I'm about to start a react-native app (using Reflux) and I'm library shopping a bit. I'm currently working on the authentication mechanisms, and was kind of hoping to be able to port my angular authentication services to Reflux pattern, but can't seem to find a jwt token library with all the goodies like in this (like checking if the token is expired, getting the expiration date, validity and so on).

So, is there any chance of seing a react port of this library?

support CORS option ?

Hi experts !

I really love angular-jwt and use it for my production projects. It runs so good until I have CORS issue.
I need to use interceptor for every get/post/put requests, but it also causes the CORS issue....

The url I browse is : and my angularjs api is calling Google App Engine cloud endpoint which is this request would trigger CORS issue due to interceptor force to append 'Authentication' header? (Correct me if i'm wrong.)

I've tried to confiig $httpProvider in app.js , but didn't get luck!

  delete $httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'];
  $httpProvider.defaults.withCredentials = true;
  $httpProvider.defaults.useXDomain = true;

Anyone have better suggestions to solve this CORS issue? Thanks!


Below is my angularjs code for interceptor

.config(function Config($httpProvider, jwtInterceptorProvider) {
  jwtInterceptorProvider.tokenGetter = function() {
    var access_key = localStorage.getItem('access_key');
    return access_key

Support for changing the authorization prefix.

Hello and congrats on the library.

I would recommend to add a config function so I can change the Authorization prefix.

By default all the Requests are being send with the prefix: Authorization: Bearer [Token]

In my case, I must send it with Authorization: JWT [Token].

I can change it by modifying the library itself (this.authPrefix = 'Bearer '; ) but it would be nice If I could do it straight from my code.


Does it require auth0

Does this library works with auth0 only or it can be used with on-premise ADFS without auth0?

Using with ngResource?


I'm new to AngularJs and just strugging using this alongside ngResource. What is the correct syntax I need to manage the angular-jwt import alongside ngResource?

var loginModule = angular.module("loginModule", ["angular-jwt", "ngResource"]);
loginModule.controller("LoginController", [jwtHelper, "$resource", function (jwtHelper, $resource) {
    this.login = function(auth) {

I'm having trouble seeing jwtHelper, so I think I'm making an error defining my controller using both jwtHelper and ngResource...? Any insight appreciated

authManager unable to invoke some tokenGetter dependencies

For example, when I use the example provided in the docs to bypass sending JWTs for template requests:

UPDATE: a Plunker demonstrating the issue


(function() {
    'use strict';


    appConfig.$inject = ['$httpProvider', '$ionicConfigProvider', '$localStorageProvider', 'jwtOptionsProvider', 'API'];

    function appConfig($httpProvider, $ionicConfigProvider, $localStorageProvider, jwtOptionsProvider, API) {
        // ~snipped~

        // JWT Interceptor

        // JWT Configration Options
            // options here are the request options
            tokenGetter: ['options', '$localStorage', function(options, $localStorage) {
                var token = null;
                if (options.url.substr(options.url.length - 5) !== '.html') {
                    token = $localStorage.token;
                return token;
            whiteListedDomains: [

And injecting the authManager and calling its checkAuthOnRefresh() during the run phase:


(function() {
    'use strict';

        .module('app', [
            // ~snipped~


    bootstrapApp.$inject = ['$ionicPlatform', 'authManager', 'amMoment'];

    /* @ngInject */
    function bootstrapApp($ionicPlatform, authManager, amMoment) {

        // ~snipped~

I get an error saying that 'optionsProvider' is unavailable when invoked from the authManager:

Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: optionsProvider <- options

The options are available to the tokenGetter when making requests though.

Incorrect dependency in package.json

In the package.json file, the karma-mocha-reporter is not listed as a development dependency. As a result, installing angular-jwt will also install karma-mocha-reporter.

Syntax error in

Hello, there's a semicolon that shouldn't be there, that's all.

  .module('app', ['angular-jwt'])
  .config(function Config($httpProvider, jwtOptionsProvider) {
    // Please note we're annotating the function so that the $injector works when the file is minified
      tokenGetter: ['myService', function(myService) {
        return localStorage.getItem('id_token');
      }]; // FIXME: This semicolon should be deleted

Refresh token issue with promisse and first request

Im having an issue with the library,
basically when the token has expired and i refresh the web page,
then the jwtInterceptor is called i then return a promise that will resolve to the new access token, however the request that originated the first interceptor invocation will be executed without the access token http param, giving me an 401 for that request,
here is my interceptor

        '$httpProvider', 'jwtInterceptorProvider', function ($httpProvider, jwtInterceptorProvider) {
            jwtInterceptorProvider.tokenGetter = [
                'jwtHelper', '$http', 'authService', 'config', 'ngAuthSettings', '$location', '$q',
                function (jwtHelper, $http, authService, config, ngAuthSettings, $location, $q) {
                    var authData, promisse;
                    authData = authService.authData();
                    if (config.url.substr(config.url.length - 5) === '.html') {
                        return null;
                    if (authData === null || config.url.indexOf(ngAuthSettings.apiBaseUri + 'oauth') === 0) {
                        return null;
                    } else if (jwtHelper.isTokenExpired(authData.token)) {
                        promisse = authService.refreshToken();
                        return promisse.then((function (token) {
                            return token;
                        }), function () {
                            return null;
                    } else {
                        return authData.token;

Unknown Provider... ProviderProvider?

Unknown provider: jwtInterceptorProviderProvider <- jwtInterceptorProvider <- $http

in the top level module i've injected angular-jwt into the config module like this:

angular.module("myproject.config", ["angular-jwt"]);

my config module looks like this:

(function () {
  "use strict";

  config.$inject = ["$locationProvider", "$httpProvider", "jwtInterceptorProvider"];

  function config($locationProvider, $httpProvider, jwtInterceptorProvider) {

    // add jwt authentication header to each request
    jwtInterceptorProvider.authPrefix = "JWT ";
    jwtInterceptorProvider.tokenGetter.$inject = ["jwtAuthentication"];
    jwtInterceptorProvider.tokenGetter = function (jwtAuthentication) {
      return jwtAuthentication.getToken();

please pardon my question, I am a versed programmer but I have little experience with angularjs outside of tutorials.

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    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

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    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

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    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

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    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

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    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

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    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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