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wp-job-manager-regions's Introduction

=== Regions for WP Job Manager ===
Author URI:
Plugin URI:
Donate link:
Contributors: Astoundify
Tags: job, job listing, job region
Requires at least: 4.7.0
Tested up to: 6.3
Stable Tag: 1.18.3
License: GPLv3
License URI:

Add predefined regions to WP Job Manager submission form.

== Description ==

Adds a "Job Region" taxonomy so the site administrator can control a set of predefined regions listings can be assigned to.

**Note:** Listings are not filtered by regions. They are simply used as an organization tool.

= Where can I use this? =

Astoundify has released two themes that are fully integrated with the WP Job Manager plugin. Check out ["Jobify"]( and our WordPress Directory theme ["Listify"](

== Installation ==

1. Install and Activate
2. Go to "Job Listings > Job Regions" and add regions.

== Our Products ==

If you like this plugin, consider exploring our other themes and plugins:

* [Appointify]( Appointify App, is the first Appointments Planner for WordPress, for Busy Enterpreneurs and Founders. Appointify allows you to share your calendar and have your funnel start by others planning appointments on top of it – with their own calendar authorized.

* [Contact Listing for WP Job Manager]( Sites using the [WP Job Manager]( plugin can use any of the supported plugins and allow visitors to contact the connected application email (or resume author) directly.

* [Job Colors for WP Job Manager]( Select the color of each existing job type in the Job Listings’ settings. Can set the color to be the background color, or text color.

* [WP Job Manager – Company Profiles]( Outputs a list of all companies that have submitted jobs with links to their listings and profile.

* [WP Modal Popup with Cookie Integration]( Create and manage powerful promotion popups for your WordPress blog or website. Easy to use popup plugin that will help you to grab your visitor’s attention to introduce him offers, discounts or other kind of promotional notices.

* [Simple Registration for WooCommerce]( A simple plugin to add a [woocommerce_simple_registration] shortcode to display the registration form on a separate page.

* [Elementify Visual Widgets]( Elementify Visual Widgets is a free plugin packed with stunning elements to extend Elementor Page Builder functionality and make your website look like it is designed by a Professional Web Designer.

* [Easy Digital Downloads – Frontend Submissions Product Details]( Specify and display frontend submission data as “product details” in a widget.

* [Simple Social Login]( Social login options for WordPress. Currently supports: Facebook, Twitter, Google.

* [reCAPTCHA]( Google reCAPTCHA for WordPress. Currently supports: WordPress Login/Register, WooCommerce Login/Register, WP Job Manager (Submission Form), Claim Listing for WP Job Manager, Gravity Forms, Ninja Forms, Contact Form 7.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

== Changelog ==

= 1.18.3: August 22, 2023 =

* Update: Compatibility check with latest WordPress v6.3.
* Update: Compatibility check with Latest WP Job Manager v1.41.0.
* Fix: PHP 8.2 compatibility.

= 1.18.2: July 19, 2022 =

* Update: Compatibility check with latest WordPress v6.0.1.
* Update: Compatibility check with Latest WP Job Manager v1.37.0.

= 1.18.1: May 10, 2022 =

* Update: Compatibility check with latest WordPress v5.9.3.

= 1.18.0: Aug 16, 2021 =

* Update: Compatibility check with latest WordPress v5.8.0.
* Update: Compatibility check with Latest WP Job Manager v1.35.2.
* Fix: Console error issue.

= 1.17.7: Oct 27, 2020 =

* Fix: Minify JS file.
* New: Regions settings implementation for resumes.
* Update: Compatibility check with latest WordPress v5.5.1.
* Update: Compatibility check with Latest WP Job Manager v1.34.3.
* Update: Compatibility check with the latest PHP v7.4.10.

= 1.17.4: February 14, 2019 =

* Fix: Improve type checks for the Select2 library.
* Fix: Make the taxonomy available to REST Api, and now it's available in the new editor.

= 1.17.3: January 30, 2019 =

* Fix: Output region instead of candidate location if setting is enabled.
* Fix: Further WP Job Manager compatibility.

= 1.17.1/2: January 26, 2019 =

* Fix: Ensure select2 arguments are always defined.

= 1.17.0: January 24, 2019 =

* New: WP Job Manager 1.32.0 support.

= 1.16.0: January 14, 2019 =

* New: WP Job Manager 1.32.0 support.

= 1.15.1: May 16, 2018 =

* Fix: Revert use `job_manager_dropdown_categories()` function instead of `wp_dropdown_categories()`.

= 1.15.0: May 12, 2018 =

* New: Use `job_manager_dropdown_categories()` function instead of `wp_dropdown_categories()`.
* New: Add `job_manager_locations_get_terms` and `job_manager_locations_get_term_list_separator` filters for modifying output.

= 1.14.0: July 11, 2017 =

* New: Listify 2.0+ support.

= 1.13.0: April 12, 2017 =

* New: Update README.
* Fix: Update plugin strings.

= 1.12.1: February 1, 2017 =

* Fix: Tested up to: WordPress 4.7.2
* Fix: Move .pot translation file to /languages directory

= 1.12.0: January 10, 2017 =

* New: Tested up to: WordPress 4.7
* Fix: String updates.
* Fix: Only adjust placeholder on our current field.

= 1.11.0: September 1, 2016 =

* New: Tested up to: WordPress 4.6
* New: add in option to disable filtering location
* New: add in new taxonomy for resumes
* Fix: Remove trailing slash and account for https
* Fix: Update settings strings

= 1.10.0: February 5, 2016 =

* New: Use `search_contains` to search less strictly.

= 1.9.1: October 30, 2015 =

* Fix: Verify the region exists for alerts.

= 1.9.0: September 1, 2015 =

* Fix: WP Job Manager - Alerts support
* Fix: Reset
* Fix: uninstall.php
* Fix: RSS Feeds

= 1.8.1: August 31, 2015 =

* Fix: Taxonomy registration priority to be used with widgets.

= 1.8.0: August 12, 2015 =

* Fix: Listify 1.0.6 compatibility.

= 1.7.3: April 1, 2015 =

* Fix: Make sure the regions dropdown can always replace the location input.
* Fix: Compatibility with WP Job Manager - Alerts.

= 1.7.2: March 17, 2015 =

* Fix: Properly place the standard <select> dropdown for mobile devices.

= 1.7.1: March 15, 2015 =

* New: Add Chosen dropdown support.
* New: Add WP Job Manager Alerts support.
* New: Add Danish tranlsation.
* Tweak: Use $_REQUEST to add support for 1.21.0 of WP Job Manager.
* Fix: Remove extra whitespace.

= 1.7.0: January 8, 2015 =

* New: Add es_ES translation.
* Fix: Make sure translations can always properly be loaded.
* Fix: Always use the dropdown when on a region archive to help with sorting.

= 1.6.1: December 19, 2014 =

Fix: Outputting extra links in the job list.

= 1.6.0: December 17, 2014 =

* New: Add a class to the theme's body tag so the location field can be hidden on term archive pages when filters are off.
* New: Add a filter to allow dropdown arguments to be modified.
* Fix: General code cleanup.

= 1.5.2: November 25, 2014 =

* Tweak: Turn off region dropdown for new installs.

= 1.5.1: October 13, 2014 =

* Fix: Properly unset location input to avoid polluted query.

= 1.5.0: September 9, 2014 =

* New: Regions can now be used to filter listings instead of the standard location text field.

= 1.4.0: May 22, 2014 =

* New: Use a custom template so the select box can have hierarchy.

= 1.3.1: January 20, 2014 =

* Fix: Avoid priority conflict with existing fields.

= 1.3: August 13, 2013 =

* Fix: Update wp-job-manager-locations.php

= 1.2: July 28, 2013 =

* Fix: Make sure the taxononmy is properly added.
* Fix: Don't error if the plugin is activated, but no term is added via the backend

= 1.1: July 27, 2013 =

* New: Simple regions list output.

= 1.0: July 26, 2013 =

* First official release!

wp-job-manager-regions's People


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wp-job-manager-regions's Issues

job_listing_region is not saving if you want to rework

job_listing_region is not saving every time. After that the first region will be shown. Maybe it is because of hierarchical selection of the region. Friesland-> frisische Inseln -> Helgoland. And Helgoland often get lost.
Thanks for help

Bug in Predefined Regions

When I activate "Predfined Regions" it will display the region in the right column of the job-page (next to job-location). When activated " Predfined Regions" the url to the Google-maps Job-location is not correct. I think that there's a string missing in the script for the widget.
See the screenprint that I posted on Twitter:

Page not Found

I have installed and activated the plug in with 5 jobs listed, created job regions, assigned regions to the jobs. They do show up on the job detail page, but when I click on the link (ie ..../job-region/the-netherlands/ ) it results in a Page Not Found-error.

Issue with "Recent Jobs" widget

I've been having the same issue as listed here where the styling is distorted in the recent jobs widget. Specifically noted in the last reply is what happens to the widget. This only occurs when the predefined regions plugin is activated.

I believe the reason is that this line uses get_the_term_list which according to the documentation inserts anchor tags around every item it outputs. That's exactly what's occurring in the recent jobs widget when this plugin is active.

To fix this, I removed the if/else portion on line 108 see pull request and completely excluded the check for "is_singular" and any code that might have executed as a result and the styling was not distorted in the widget.

That was a quick fix for me, but I think a more elegant solution is to only use the is_singular code listed above if the widget is not present on the page. If you still believe the existing code is necessary for single pages, is it somehow possible to exclude the way the location is returned only to the widget, but still keep the same code for the full job listing?

Admin Column

Output the region and filter it alphabetically.

Hi Spencer

Hi Spencer
what have we to do to get a filtered hirachical listing like WPJM categories? if a user is seaching insite the searchbox he will only find the first hirachie. Will some donation helping ?? ;)
thankk Henryk

Auto Update on select

By default in Job Manager if you select the category, it will update the listings, but it's not the same with Regions. Any idea how to make that happen?

Add a Placeholder

Instead of the first region being the automatically selected option.

Job region translate

Seems the translation of the plugin via po mo files is not working. I was trying to tranlate to russian, couldn't find. The places that I found, I translated, but it didnt make sense.

Output All

If more than one region has been selected they all should be output.

Region Selection on Listing/ Job Submission form.

Lets say a user has a ridiculous list or regions, maybe 5K, on a mobile device the list is ongoing.
Would there be any way to improve the selection of regions on a mobile device instead of having to scroll through a never-ending list?

BUG: incompatibility with WP Job Manager Alerts

This looks like an easy fix. Everywhere in your code where you add tax_query, you need to check $region var. Otherwise in job alerts there are always empty results when regions field is empty. I don't know why it works in default job_alerts shortcode, but anyway:

if( $region )
$query_args[ 'tax_query' ][] = array( /* ... */ );


How can i use My own premium apikey on this plugin?

WPML translation problem

Hi, in WP-JOB-Manager-predefined-regions: after translating word "JOB REGION" - translation not appears.

Error: The actual loaded translation content does not match the textdomain: wp-job-manager-locations
Expect, that any text you translate will not occure as long as the textdomain is mismatching!
This is a coding issue at the source files you try to translate, please contact the original Author and explain this mismatch

Warning: The actual loaded translation content contains mixed textdomains and is not pure translateable within one textdomain.
It seems, that there is code contained extracted out of other plugins, themes or widgets and used by copy & paste inside some source files.
The affected unknown textdomains are: job_manager, ajmr

Similar problem was on wp-job-manager-tags plugin - author is fixing it Automattic/WP-Job-Manager#243 (comment)

Hide on Archives

If something is defined then the dropdown shouldn't be shown to remain consistent with categories.

Activation crashes Wordpress

I just installed and activated WP-Job-Manager and then installed your 4 plugins via git clone into the plugin directory and activated them in bulk.

Now Wordpress stops loading, I get an error message in the apache log:
[Tue Aug 13 13:17:25 2013] [error] [client w.x.y.z] PHP Fatal error: Class 'Astoundify_Job_Manager_Regions_Widget' not found in /var/www/wordpress2/wp-includes/widgets.php on line 324, referer: http://w.x.y.z/wordpress2/wp-admin/plugins.php?activate=true&plugin_status=all&paged=1&s=

I would expect that the activated plugin doesn't crash Wordpress. Alternatively you should provide the required info in the readme to install it without this issue.

Rewriting url

Hello everyone !

Can I get help please to rewrite this :

index.php?job_listing_region=berlin -> /berlin/ index.php?job_listing_type=full-time -> /full-time/ index.php?job_listing_category=offers -> /offers/

Filter Shortcode

We should filter to allow the [jobs] shortcode to define a region.

search by region instead of location with job alert doesnt work !!!

Hi there,

it schould be possible to:

  • filter the whole search by regions - works
  • search by regions into the job alert - doesnt work
  • takeover the regions by action "Send me a mail by jobs like these" - doesnt work

I want use regions instead of location. So i have activated the regions and the filter shows no location-selector.


  1. When i create an alert and filter by specified regions brings the result everytime all jobs as return. Thats wrong why does the filter nor work?
  2. If i show a job as blog and click at the bottom "Send me a mail by jobs like these" ( i dont know the correct words in english -> used language is german) then the filter is shown but does not check all of the selected regions from the source-job. Only one region is selected.

i need a solution asap because we want go live with the page.


"No more results found." when filter by region.

When I filter the job by region, I'll get "No more results found." message.

See img here:

  1. When I use [jobs] shortcode and manually choose a region from the dropdown, this message will be shown.
  2. Similarly, when I add selected_region parameter to the shortcode, like [jobs selected_region="8"], the same message will appear.

I've re-saved permalink. Any though about this?

Error on job submit

The plugin causes the following error:

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object on wp-job-manager-locations.php line 108.

Any ideas?

incompatibility with blank alerts (WPJM Alerts Integration)

After updating to the most recent predefined regions version (thanks for fixing the reset, btw 👍 ), I noticed that a default alert that I set up through WPJM Alerts was no longer returning any results. My "default" alert consisted of a title for the alert only, with no other values filled in for any other fields in the form. The idea is to send an alert for all jobs.

If I deactivate predefined regions, all jobs show in the emails and when I click "show results" on the alert page for that default alert. with predefined regions activated it returns "no jobs found".

After noticing this on my live site, and narrowing the issue down to only occurring when predefined regions was activated, I went to a local install and I've deactivated all other plugins aside from the most recent versions of WPJM Alerts, WPJM, and Predefined Regions. I'm running them on a clean 4.3 install using the twenty-twelve default theme. The issues still exists. If I deactivate predefined regions, everything works as it should.

I see that you've made some changes after this issue was closed, so I'm not sure how that would have affected things. I did just go and activate version 1.8.0 to verify that this changed with this most recent update, and the alert worked as I intended. When I updated to 1.9.0 it did not.

Thanks in advance!

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