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wordpress_client's Introduction


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Dart Flutter WordPress
Easily interact with the Wordpress REST API. Get support for most common endpoints & CRUD operations.

โœจ Features

  • ๐Ÿ”„ Request Synchronization.
  • ๐Ÿ“ฆ API discovery support.
  • โฒ๏ธ Measures request completion time.
  • ๐Ÿ“ Supports all CRUD operations.
  • ๐ŸŒ Supports all common endpoints.
  • ๐ŸŽจ Custom Requests & Authorization systems.
  • ๐Ÿ” 3 Popular authorization methods.
  • ๐ŸŽฃ Events for preprocessing response operations.

๐Ÿ“– How to Use

1. Setup

Add wordpress_client in your pubspec.yaml:

 wordpress_client: ^8.3.7

๐Ÿ’ก Ensure you get the latest version here.

Import the package where you need:

import 'package:wordpress_client/wordpress_client.dart';

2. Initialization

You can initialize WordpressClient in two methods:

  • Default (Simple Method)
  • Advanced (with Bootstrapper for additional configurations)

Simple Method:

final baseUrl = Uri.parse('');
final client = WordpressClient(baseUrl: baseUrl);


๐Ÿ“˜ Learn more about the Advanced Method here.

3. Sending Requests

Example to retrieve 20 recent WordPress posts in ascending order:

final request = ListPostRequest(
  page: 1,
  perPage: 20,
  order = Order.asc,

final wpResponse = await client.posts.list(request);

// Dart 3 style
switch (wpResponse) {
    case WordpressSuccessResponse():
      final data =; // List<Post>
    case WordpressFailureResponse():
      final error = wpResponse.error; // WordpressError

// or
// wordpress_client style
final result =
    onSuccess: (response) {
    onFailure: (response) {
      return <Post>[];

Refer to the documentation for more request examples.

๐Ÿ”’ Supported Authorization

1. AppPasswordAuth

By the WordPress Team, this method uses basic HTTP authentication where credentials are passed with every request. Details

2. BasicJwtAuth

Developed by Enrique Chavez, it involves JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication where a token is issued and then used in subsequent requests. Details

3. UsefulJwtAuth

By Useful Team, this is another implementation using JWT for authentication purposes. Details

For custom authorization, check the Authorization Wiki.

๐Ÿ“‹ Supported REST Methods

Endpoint Create Read Update Delete
Posts โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ…
Comments โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ…
Categories โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ…
Tags โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ…
Users โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ…
Me โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ…
Media โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ…
Pages โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ…
Application Passwords โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ…
Search - โœ… - -
Post Revisions โŒ โŒ โŒ โŒ
Taxonomies โŒ โŒ โŒ โŒ
Post Types โŒ โŒ โŒ โŒ
Post Statuses โŒ โŒ โŒ โŒ
Settings โŒ โŒ โŒ โŒ

๐Ÿ“ข Custom Response Types

Learn how to implement Custom Requests here.

๐Ÿ“ฃ Feedback

  • ๐Ÿ› For bugs or feature requests, use the issue tracker.
  • ๐Ÿ’ก Contributions are always appreciated. PRs are welcome!

๐Ÿ“œ License

Licensed under MIT.

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wordpress_client's People


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wordpress_client's Issues

Deciding what fields are included in posts result

Please help me to understand how can I control what the ListPostRequest() returns. The documentation ( allows to limit the response, but it seems there's no way in the plugin to specify what fields are returned. In the current state the request retrieves full post content which is not always requied. For example I would prefer to get only a list of titles, excerpts and URLs from the API. Is there a way to do that?

Image Url extraction error

Hi first for your great package,

I have a problem extracting feature media URL, I tried in different ways:
posts[0].featuredImageUrl and[0]["wp:featuredmedia"] but I get this error:

*** Request ***
method: GET
responseType: ResponseType.json
followRedirects: true
persistentConnection: true
connectTimeout: 0:01:00.000000
sendTimeout: 0:00:30.000000
receiveTimeout: 0:00:30.000000
receiveDataWhenStatusError: true
extra: {}

<p>Morbi sagittis, sem quis lacinia faucibus, orci ipsum gravida tortor, vel interdum mi sapien ut justo. Nulla varius consequat magna, id molestie ipsum volutpat quis. Suspendisse consectetur fringilla luctus. Fusce id mi diam, non ornare orci. Pellentesque ipsum erat, facilisis ut venenatis eu, sodales vel dolor.</p>
<li><strong>This is a unorder list</strong>. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sagittis, sem quis lacinia faucibus, orci ipsum gravida tortor, vel interdum mi sapien ut justo.</li>
<li>Nulla varius consequat magna, id molestie ipsum volutpat quis. Suspendisse consectetur fringilla luctus.</li>
<li>Fusce id mi diam, non ornare orci. Pellentesque ipsum erat, facilisis ut venenatis eu, sodales vel dolor.</li>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sagittis, sem quis lacinia faucibus, orci ipsum gravida tortor, vel interdum mi sapien ut justo. Nulla varius consequat magna, id molestie ipsum volutpat quis. Suspendisse consectetur fringilla luctus. Fusce id mi diam, non ornare orci. Pellentesque ipsum erat, facilisis ut venenatis eu, sodales vel dolor.</p>
, protected: false}, excerpt: {rendered: <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sagittis, sem quis lacinia faucibus, orci ipsum gravida tortor, vel interdum mi sapien ut justo. Nulla varius consequat magna, id molestie ipsum volutpat quis. Suspendisse consectetur fringilla suctus. Pellentesque ipsum erat, facilisis ut venenatis eu, sodales vel dolor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit&#8230;.</p>
, protected: false}, author: 1, featured_media: 8369, comment_status: open, ping_status: open, sticky: false, template: , format: standard, meta: {footnotes: }, categories: [2], tags: [], aioseo_notices: [], _links: {self: [{href:}], collection: [{href:}], about: [{href:}], author: [{embeddable: true, href:}], replies: [{embeddable: true, href:}], version-history: [{count: 1, href:}], predecessor-version: [{id: 8372, href:}], wp:featuredmedia: [{embeddable: true, href:}], wp:attachment: [{href:}], wp:term: [{taxonomy: category, embeddable: true, href:}, {taxonomy: post_tag, embeddable: true, href:}], curies: [{name: wp, href:{rel}, templated: true}]}}]

POST TITLE: {rendered: Satisfaction Lies in the Effort}
TITLE FORMATAT: Satisfaction Lies in the Effort

Please can you help me, thanks in advance!

why not one import?

I had to import

import 'package:wordpress_client/requests.dart';
import 'package:wordpress_client/responses.dart';
import 'package:wordpress_client/wordpress_client.dart';


not returning response

I'm trying to get posts from wordpress and i'm not getting response back. i'm running latest version of the library. Am i missing something? Sorry still learning flutter.
Future<ResponseContainer<List<Post?>?>> getPosts() async { WordpressClient client; client = new WordpressClient('https://{obfiscatedurl}/wp-json', 'wp/v2'); ResponseContainer<List<Post?>?> posts = await client.posts .list((builder) => builder.withPerPage(20).withPageNumber(1).build()); print(posts.value!.first!.id); return posts; }

Cant get it to work :(

Im stuck here. Im unsure why :( Could you please extend your example folder with an working flutter example app that can just be started. I think this should help to start. is empty

Trying to implement this on an app I'm building but even with a WordpressSuccessResponse() the data varaible is empty in

void fetchArticles() async {
final baseUrl = Uri.parse('');
final client = WordpressClient(
baseUrl: baseUrl,
bootstrapper: (bootstrapper) => bootstrapper
.withStatisticDelegate((baseUrl, requestCount) {
//print('$baseUrl -> $requestCount');

final request = ListPostRequest(
  page: 1,
  perPage: 1,
  order: Order.asc,

final wpResponse = await client.posts.list(request);
switch (wpResponse) {
  case WordpressSuccessResponse():
    final data =; // List<Post>
  case WordpressFailureResponse():
    final error = wpResponse.error; // WordpressError

setState(() {});


With debug enabled, I can see the successful connection and even the WP data in the Response Text field of the response, but the field remains empty.


Is this a bug or am I just implementing it incorrectly? Thanks for your help!

There is no such thing as PostCreateBuilder


First of all, I personally thank you that created such a nice Wordpress library to implement APIs to Dart Native. I would like to ask you something. In your custom interface codes, you define PostCreateBuilder() class to request but inside the project, I can't import that class. It gives error which says PostCreateBuilder is not defined and does not suggest to add any library you wrote.

Can you fix that issue please?


How can I log into my app?

first try crashed

Uncaught (in promise) Error: Instance of 'ClientNotReadyException'
at Object.throw_ [as throw] (errors.dart:288:49)
at (wordpress_client_base.dart:422:7)
at get posts [as posts] (wordpress_client_base.dart:160:31)
at blog_section.dart:69:39
at ()
at runBody (async_patch.dart:84:54)
at Object._async [as async] (async_patch.dart:123:5)
at blog_section.dart:62:32
at (ink_well.dart:1154:21)
at (recognizer.dart:275:24)
at (tap.dart:654:11)
at [_checkUp] (tap.dart:311:5)
at (tap.dart:244:7)
at (recognizer.dart:630:9)
at [_dispatch] (pointer_router.dart:98:12)
at pointer_router.dart:143:9
at (linked_hash_map.dart:21:13)
at [_dispatchEventToRoutes] (pointer_router.dart:141:17)
at (pointer_router.dart:127:7)
at binding$ (binding.dart:465:19)
at binding$ (binding.dart:445:14)
at binding$ (binding.dart:331:11)
at [_handlePointerEventImmediately] (binding.dart:400:7)
at binding$ (binding.dart:363:5)
at [_flushPointerEventQueue] (binding.dart:320:7)
at [_handlePointerDataPacket] (binding.dart:293:9)
at Object.invoke1 (platform_dispatcher.dart:1251:13)
at (platform_dispatcher.dart:269:5)
at [_onPointerData] (pointer_binding.dart:168:39)
at pointer_binding.dart:791:20
at pointer_binding.dart:720:14
at loggedHandler (pointer_binding.dart:317:16)
at Object._checkAndCall (operations.dart:367:37)
at Object.dcall (operations.dart:372:39)
at ret (js_allow_interop_patch.dart:17:11)

Loading image from Wordpress on webapp Canvaskit failing

Hi @ArunPrakashG ,

Thanks again for your great support, I have a big problem loading images from a WordPress website in a Flutter web app with Canvaskit renderer, in a release mode I get this error:

Access to fetch at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.


I understand it's a very common problem, do you know a solution for this issue?

Thanks in advance!

Error when using tags.list()

final response = await client.tags.list(ListTagRequest(perPage: 20));


final response = await client.tags.list(ListTagRequest(search: 'apple'));

In both cases above, the following error occurs.

Unhandled exception:
type 'int' is not a subtype of type 'String' of 'value'
#0      _LinkedHashMapMixin.[]= (dart:collection-patch/compact_hash.dart)
#1      MapExtensions.addIfNotNull (package:wordpress_client/src/utilities/extensions/map_extensions.dart:14:9)
#2 (package:wordpress_client/src/requests/list/list_tag.dart:43:9)
#3      ListOperation.list (package:wordpress_client/src/operations/list.dart:8:37)

so I edit following two lines in package:wordpress_client/src/requests/list/list_tag.dart, then it works.

43:      ..addIfNotNull('page', page.toString())
44:      ..addIfNotNull('per_page', perPage.toString())

please, check it.

Problem creating new users

I get an error returned like.

flutter: {"code": "rest_cannot_create_user", "message": "You do not have permissions to create new users.", "data":{"status":401}}

How can I fix this?

static void init(String username, String password) {
//init Wordpress API
client = WordpressClient.initialize(
bootstrapper: (bootstrapper) => bootstrapper
.withDefaultAuthorization(BasicAuth(username, password))

Future<WordpressResponse<User?>> signup(
String username, String email, String password) async {
return await client.users.create(
requestData: CreateUserRequest(
username: username,
email: email,
password: password,

to the init method I pass username and password of a user with administrator role

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