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wallet-api's Introduction

Tonkeeper Wallet API (DRAFT)

⚠️ This documentation is work-in-progress. Some features are not yet implemented.



Protocol for identifying the origin of the request (e.g. recipient of funds) with some root of trust. The trust could be linked to the Certificate Authority certificates (Web PKI) embedded in the OS, to a custom record on Tonkeeper backend, or provided implicitly for the embedded services.

Authenticated object

The object’s origin has a verified chain of trust.

Unauthenticated object

The object’s origin is unknown and must be verified by the user through some other means unavailable to the wallet application.

Unsigned object

The object does not have an explicit cryptographic signature that helps authenticating it directly. But it may still be authenticated via other means (e.g. over TLS connection).

Signed object

The object is explicitly signed and can be authenticated through the public key. That public key is then used to authenticate the object (e.g. pulling it from the list of known origins).

Payment URLs

Unauthenticated transfers


Opens the pre-filled Send screen and offers user to enter the missing data.


Opens a compact confirmation dialog with all data filled-in. User cannot edit any of the info and can only confirm or dismiss the request.

Unauthenticated donations


Displays a specialized donation/tip interface.

  • amounts — array of possible amounts to choose from (max 3)
  • allow_custom (0, 1) — whether wallet allows user-editable amount field or not. Default is 0.
  • text — pre-filled comment (optional).

Unauthenticated contract deploys

⚠️ DEPRECATED: use bin/init params (see above)<address>?

stateinit is a required field with hex-encoded bag-of-cells with one StateInit cell.

Opens a compact confirmation dialog with all data filled-in. User cannot edit any of the info and can only confirm or dismiss the request.

Destination address must be verified as follows (TonWeb example):

const stateInitCell = Cell.oneFromBoc(uriparams.stateinit);
const hash = await stateInitCell.hash();
const address = new Address(uriparams.address);
const valid = (address.hashPart == hash);

Unauthenticated NFT transfer<destination-address>?

Opens the pre-filled NFT-send screen and offers user to enter the missing data.

  • to: (string) destination account ID. Optional.
  • fee-amount (decimal string): nanocoins to be sent to the item’s contract for paying fee. All not used TONs should be returned back by NFT. If not specified default value will be used - 1 TON.
  • forward-amount (decimal string): nanocoins to be sent as a notification to the new owner. If not specified default value will be used - 1 nanoTON.

Unauthenticated Jetton transfer<destination-address>?
    [amount=<elementary units>&]
    [amount=<elementary units>&]

Opens the pre-filled NFT-send screen and offers user to enter the missing data.

  • to: (string) destination account ID. Optional.
  • amount (decimal string): amount of transferred jettons in elementary units.
  • fee-amount (decimal string): nanocoins to be sent to the Jetton contract for paying fee. All not used TONs should be returned back by Jetton contract. If not specified default value will be used - 1 TON.
  • forward-amount (decimal string): nanocoins to be sent as a notification to the destination account. If not specified default value will be used - 1 nanoTON.

Transaction Request URL

Transaction request can be communicated to the wallet in 3 different ways:

  • Direct link to download Transaction Request.
  • Inline TR object wrapped in a Tonkeeper universal link.
  • Wrapped TR link in a Tonkeeper universal link.

Direct Transaction Request URL

Any URL that returns JSON-encoded Transaction Request.<...>.json

Inline Transaction Request

A universal link wrapping Transaction Request so that it can be opened<base64url(TransactionRequest)>

Wrapped Transaction Request URL

Here the URL to download transaction request is wrapped in universal link.

The URL is requested using https:// scheme.<>


There are three ways to authenticate authors of transaction requests:

  1. The recipient’s address is known to the wallet and we could use unauthenticated transfer link or unsigned transaction request. This is the case for whitelisted addresses and opening links from within embedded apps (webview/iframe).
  2. The recipient has a web backend: then we can rely on classic TLS certificates (web PKI) to authenticate the hostname by downloading an unsigned transaction request object via secure TLS connection.
  3. Telegram users and channels authenticated through Tonkeeper bot that registers author_id public key for invoice identification.

Transaction Request

Unsigned Transaction Request

Unsigned request is suitable in the following scenarios:

  1. The request is loaded through TLS connection by the wallet and the hostname could be used as an authenticated identifier.
  2. The webapp is loaded within the wallet application, where it is already authenticated through other means.
  3. The webapp is serverless and the wallet is a browser extension that relies on the host user agent (the browser) to validate hostname via TLS.

In other cases, when the operation is completely unauthenticated, the wallet may still permit operation, but explicitly show that the initiator transaction requestor (e.g. recipient of transfer)

    "version": "0",
    "body": TransactionRequestBody,

Signed Transaction Request

Signed request is signed by a public key registered with Tonkeeper.

    "version": "1",
    "author_id": Base64(Ed25519Pubkey),
    "body": Base64(TransactionRequestBody),
    "signature": Base64(Ed25519Signature),

The transaction request validation procedure when version is "1":

  1. Discard if the local time is over the expiration time expires_sec.
  2. Check the signature over body against the public key author_id.
    • Message for signing: "TONTxRequestV1" concatenated with the body.
  3. Parse the Transaction Request Body

Unknown version is rejected as unknown and unsupported.

Transaction Request Body

Request params are specific for each type.

Body attributes:

type (string): indicates the type of the params object.

expires_sec (integer): UNIX timestamp in seconds after which the client must discard the request (per its local clock).

response_options: JSON object describing return and callback URLs.

Transaction request must be discarded if the local time is greater than the expires_sec.

    "type": "transfer" |
            "donation" |
            "deploy" |
            "sign-raw-payload" |
            "nft-collection-deploy" |
            "nft-item-deploy" |
            "nft-single-deploy" |
            "nft-change-owner" |
            "nft-transfer" |
            "nft-sale-place-getgems" |

    "expires_sec: integer,

    "response_options": ResponseOptions,
    "params": TransferParams |
              DonationParams |
              DeployParams |
              SignBoc |
              NftCollectionDeployParams |
              NftItemDeployParams |
              NftSingleDeployParams |
              NftChangeOwnerParams |
              NftTransferParams |
              NftSalePlaceParams |

Response Options

There could be several ways (not mutually exclusive) to respond to the transaction request:

  1. Simply publish the transaction; the requesting party will be notified over the blockchain network.
  2. Send the transaction via the callback to the server.
  3. Send the transaction via the return URL that user opens upon confirmation.


  • (Not supported yet) broadcast (boolean, required): indicates whether the wallet should broadcast the transaction directly to the TON network. If set to true, we must broadcast before triggering callback_url (if it’s present).

  • return_url (optional): URL that user opens on their device after successful login. This will include the fully-signed TON transaction in a query string under the key tontx (encoded in URL-safe Base64).

  • return_serverless (optional): boolean value indicating that tontx parameter must be provided as a URL anchor (via #). Example: (tx is encoded in URL-safe Base64).

  • callback_url (optional): URL that user opens on their device after successful login. Signed transaction will be included in a query string under the key tontx (encoded in URL-safe Base64).

    "broadcast": false,
    "return_url": "https://...",
    "callback_url": "https://...",

Basic transfers






Transaction request object with type deploy.


  • address (string)
  • stateInitHex (string): hex-encoded collection contract code BoC with one cell encapsulating entire StateInit
  • amount (decimal string): nanotoncoins.
  • text (string, optional): text message that must be attached to the deploy operation

Opens a compact confirmation dialog with all data filled-in. User cannot edit any of the info and can only confirm or dismiss the request.

Destination address must be verified as follows (TonWeb example):

const stateInitCell = Cell.oneFromBoc(params.stateInitHex);
const hash = await stateInitCell.hash();
const address = new Address(params.address);
const valid = (address.hashPart == hash);


Transaction request object with type sign-raw-payload.


  • source (string, optional): sender address. Provided in case the source of transaction is important to the dapp. Wallet application must select the appropriate wallet contract to send the message from, or post an error if it does not have the keys to that specific address.
  • valid_until (integer, optional): unix timestamp. after th moment transaction will be invalid.
  • messages (array of messages): 1-4 outgoing messages from the wallet contract to other accounts. All messages are sent out in order, however the wallet cannot guarantee that messages will be delivered and executed in same order.

Message structure:

  • address (string): message destination
  • amount (decimal string): number of nanocoins to send.
  • payload (string base64, optional): raw one-cell BoC encoded in Base64.
  • stateInit (string base64, optional): raw once-cell BoC encoded in Base64.

Wallet simulates the execution of the message and present to the user summary of operations: "jetton XYZ will be transferred, N toncoins will be sent" etc.

Common cases:

  1. No payload, no stateInit: simple transfer without a message.
  2. payload is prefixed with 32 zero bits, no stateInit: simple transfer with a text message.
  3. No payload or prefixed with 32 zero bits; stateInit is present: deployment of the contract.


  "source": "0:E8FA2634A24AEF18ECB5FD4FC71A21B9E95F05768F8D9733C44ED598DB106C4C",
  "valid_until": 1658253458,
  "messages": [
      "address": "0:412410771DA82CBA306A55FA9E0D43C9D245E38133CB58F1457DFB8D5CD8892F",
      "amount": "20000000",
      "stateInit": "base64bocblahblahblah==" //deploy contract
      "address": "0:E69F10CC84877ABF539F83F879291E5CA169451BA7BCE91A37A5CED3AB8080D3",
      "amount": "60000000",
      "payload": "base64bocblahblahblah==" //transfer nft to new deployed account 0:412410771DA82CBA306A55FA9E0D43C9D245E38133CB58F1457DFB8D5CD8892F


Deploy NFT collection

Transaction request object with type nft-collection-deploy.


  • ownerAddress (string, optional)
  • royalty (float): number from 0 to 1.
  • royaltyAddress (string)
  • collectionContentUri (string): URI to the collection content
  • nftItemContentBaseUri (string): URI to the item content
  • nftCollectionStateInitHex (string, optional): hex-encoded collection stateinit BoC with one cell
  • nftItemCodeHex (string): hex-encoded item contract code BoC with one cell
  • amount (decimal string): nanotoncoins

If the ownerAddress is set:

  • single-wallet app checks that the address matches user’s address.
  • multi-wallet app selects the wallet with the matching address; fails otherwise.

If the ownerAddress is missing: wallet app uses the current address.

Note: ownerAddress cannot be set to some other wallet, not controlled by the initiator of the transaction.

If the royaltyAddress is set and not equal to the ownerAddress wallet app shows separate line with royalty recipient.

If the nftCollectionStateInitHex is specified, then all the data parameters (royalty, URIs, NFT item code) are ignored and raw state init cell is used instead. Collection ID is calculated from that stateinit.

Primary confirmation UI displays:

  • Royalty address (if not the same as the wallet).
  • Royalty (%): fraction formatted in percents.
  • Fee: actual tx fee + amount (which will be deposited on the interim contracts)

Secondary UI with raw data:

  • NFT Collection ID: EQr6...jHyR (TODO: check if that must be front-and-center or not)
  • collectionContentUri
  • nftItemContentBaseUri
  • nftItemCodeHex

Deploy NFT item

Transaction request object with type nft-item-deploy.


  • ownerAddress (string, optional): owner of the collection.
  • nftCollectionAddress (string): contract address of the collection that will deploy the item.
  • nftItemContentBaseUri (string): base URL of the NFT collection metadata that will be used in concatenation with itemContentUri.
  • amount (decimal string): nanocoins to be sent to the item’s contract
  • forwardAmount (decimal string): nanocoins to be sent by collection to the item.
  • itemIndex (integer): index of the item in the collection
  • itemContentUri (string): path to the item description

If the ownerAddress is set:

  • single-wallet app checks that the address matches user’s address.
  • multi-wallet app selects the wallet with the matching address; fails otherwise.

If the ownerAddress is missing: wallet app uses the current address.

Note: ownerAddress cannot be set to some other wallet, not controlled by the initiator of the transaction.

Wallet must check if forwardAmount is above zero and less than amount.

Primary confirmation UI displays:

  • Item Name
  • Collection Name
  • Fee: actual tx fee + amount (which will be deposited on the interim contracts)

Secondary UI with raw data:

  • Item Index (TODO: figure out what happens if this clashes with existing one)
  • NFT Collection ID
  • itemContentUri

Deploy Single NFT

Transaction request object with type nft-single-deploy.

  • TBD.
  • stateInitHex (string): hex-encoded NFT stateinit BoC with one cell.
  • amount (decimal string): nanotoncoins to be sent to that deployed NFT contract.

All data parameters are used in UI only, while raw state init cell is used for actual deploy.

Change Collection Owner

Transaction request object with type nft-change-owner.


  • newOwnerAddress (string)
  • nftCollectionAddress (string)
  • amount (decimal string): nanocoins to be sent to the item’s contract

Primary confirmation UI displays:

  • New owner address: EQrJ...
  • Fee: <actual tx fee + amount>

Secondary UI with raw data:

  • NFT Collection ID

Transfer NFT

Transaction request object with type nft-transfer.


  • newOwnerAddress (string): recipient’s wallet
  • nftItemAddress (string): ID of the nft item
  • amount (decimal string): nanocoins to be sent to the item’s contract
  • forwardAmount (decimal string): nanocoins to be sent as a notification to the new owner
  • text (string, optional): optional comment

Wallet must validate that the forwardAmount is less or equal to the amount.

Primary confirmation UI displays:

  • Recipient: EQjTpY...tYj82s
  • Fee: <actual tx fee + amount>
  • Text: <freeform comment>


  • NFT Item ID: Ekrj...57fP

Basic NFT Sale


Transaction request object with type nft-sale-place.


  • marketplaceAddress (string): address of the marketplace
  • nftItemAddress (string): identifier of the specific nft item
  • fullPrice (decimal string): price in nanocoins
  • marketplaceFee (decimal string): nanocoins as marketplace fee
  • royaltyAddress (string): address for the royalties
  • royaltyAmount (decimal string): nanotoncoins sent as royalties
  • deployAmount (decimal string): nanotoncoins sent with deployment of sale contract
  • transferAmount (decimal string): nanotoncoins sent with nft transfer message
  • forwardAmount (decimal string): nanocoins to be sent as a forward for the NFT transfer (in the second transaction)

Primary confirmation UI displays:

  • Marketplace: EQh6...
  • Price: 100.00 TON
  • Your proceeds: 79.64 TON
  • Fees & royalties: <txfee + deployAmount + transferAmount + marketplace fee + royalties>

Secondary UI:

  • NFT item ID: EQr4...
  • Marketplace fee: 10 TON
  • RoyaltyAddress: Eqt6...
  • Royalty: 5 TON
  • Blockchain fee: 0.572 TON (txfee + amount)

Getgems NFT Sale

Transaction request object with type nft-sale-place-getgems.


  • marketplaceFeeAddress (string): fee-collecting address
  • marketplaceFee (decimal string): nanocoins as marketplace fee
  • royaltyAddress (string): address for the royalties
  • royaltyAmount (decimal string): nanotoncoins sent as royalties
  • createdAt: (integer): UNIX timestamp of the sale creation date
  • marketplaceAddress (string): address of the marketplace
  • nftItemAddress (string): identifier of the specific nft item
  • ownerAddress (string): owner of the NFT item
  • fullPrice (decimal string): price in nanocoins
  • deployAmount (decimal string): nanotoncoins sent with deployment of sale contract
  • transferAmount (decimal string): nanotoncoins sent with nft transfer message
  • saleMessageBocHex (string): hex-encoded arbitrary BoC with one cell (typically an empty cell)
  • marketplaceSignatureHex (string): hex-encoded signature
  • forwardAmount (decimal string): nanocoins to be sent as a forward for the NFT transfer (in the second transaction)

Primary confirmation UI displays:

  • Marketplace: EQh6...
  • Price: 100.00 TON
  • Your proceeds: 79.64 TON
  • Fees & royalties: <txfee + deployAmount + transferAmount + marketplace fee + royalties>

Secondary UI:

  • NFT item ID: EQr4...
  • Marketplace fee: 10 TON
  • Marketplace fee address: EQmAr...
  • RoyaltyAddress: EQRy1t...
  • Royalty: 5 TON
  • Blockchain fee: 0.572 TON (txfee + amount)

Sale Contract BOC (Base64-encoded):


SaleStateInit cell for the sale contract:

StateInit {
    codeCell: saleContractBOC[0],
    dataCell: Cell {
        isComplete: Uint(1), // store 0 (isComplete = false)
        createdAt: Uint(32),
        marketplaceAddress: Address,
        nftItemAddress: Address,
        nftOwnerAddress: Address,  // write null (writeUint(0, 2))
        fullPrice: Coins,
        refs: [
            Cell {
                marketplaceFeeAddress: Address,
                marketplaceFee: Coins,
                royaltyAddress: Address,
                royaltyAmount: Coins,

Sale contract address:

Address {
    workchain: 0,
    hash: SaleStateInit.hash

MessageBody cell layout for deployment:

Cell {
    op: Uint(32), // write "1" (OperationCodes.DeploySale),
    marketplaceSignature: Buffer(512), // write raw 512 bits of signature
    refs: [

Transfer with TonWeb:

await wallet.methods.transfer({
    secretKey: ...
    toAddress: marketplaceAddress,
    amount: deployAmount,
    seqno: seqno,
    payload: MessageBody,
    sendMode: 3,

Wallet performs the following:

  1. Computes sale contract StateInit cell using parameters above.
  2. Computes the sale contract address S using state init for workchain 0.
  3. Prepares message body with the opcode 1, marketplace signature and provided message.
  4. Sends this message to marketplaceAddress from the user's wallet matching ownerAddress.
  5. Waits till the contract at address S is initialized on-chain (3 attempts with 10 second delay).
  6. When S is initialized, automatically perform transfer of ownership for the token to address S with transferAmount as main amount and forwardAmount that allows notifying the new owner (the sale contract).

Cancel NFT Sale

Transaction request object with type nft-sale-cancel.


  • saleAddress (string): address of the sale contract
  • ownerAddress (string): owner of the NFT item
  • amount (decimal string): nanotoncoins sent as commission with the message

Wallet must verify that it owns the ownerAddress and select the appropriate secret key and wallet contract to send the message from.

Primary confirmation UI displays:

  • Sale address: EQr4...
  • Fee: <txfee>


TBD: describe the API to submit subscriptions<invoice-id>

wallet-api's People


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