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ark-server-tools's Introduction

ARK: Survival Evolved Linux Server Tools

This tool allows you to manage any ARK: Survival Evolved linux server without having to remember long commands. It provides a lot of features, to get the full list check the Usage section.

Known issue with updating

If updating from 1.6.53 or earlier, you will likely get the following message:

Unable to get latest release

If updating from 1.6.53 or earlier, and arkstUnstable is set, then it is likely to say that a hotfix is available, but fail to install it.

Please either:

  • edit arkmanager wherever it is installed, and replace





  • re-install using the netinstall script below.



ARK Server Tools requires certain packages be installed in order to function correctly.

If running under CentOS or RHEL, you will need the following packages installed:


If running under Debian or Ubuntu, you will need the following packages installed:

lib32gcc-s1 (or lib32gcc1 if on Debian Buster or Ubuntu 20.04 or older)

Common prerequisites which should normally already be installed are:


If using CentOS 6 or earlier, or Debian 7 or earlier, you will need to compile a newer version of glibc. See

To use ARK Server Tools, you will need to install SteamCMD following this guide:

We assume you have created the steam user to store steamcmd and your ARK server.


To allow your ARK server to communicate with the outside you have to open some ports in your firewall:

iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 27016 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 27016 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 7777 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 7777 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 7778 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 7778 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 32330 -j ACCEPT

NB: Change the ports according to the ones set in your arkmanager.cfg file.

Install ARK Server Tools

To install ARK Server Tools run this command:

curl -sL | sudo bash -s steam

NB: You may want to change the bash -s parameter to fit your steam user if different from steam.

If you want to install the arkmanager service, append the --install-service option to the install command.

This will copy the arkmanager script and its daemon to the proper directories and will create an empty log directory in /var/log for ARK Server Tools.

To instead perform a user-install of ARK Server Tools as an unprivileged user, run this command:

curl -sL | bash -s -- --me


Stored in /etc/arkmanager/arkmanager.cfg and /etc/arkmanager/instances/<instancename>.cfg you can find the variables needed to start the server, like the port numbers, the system environment variables and so on.

You will need to modify these files with any options you wish to give to the server, and any paths that are non-standard in your environment (e.g. one common one is the path to the appinfo cache).

See Configuration files for options.

Also, in these files, you can specify any parameter you want to add to the startup command of ARK server. These parameters must be prefixed by the ark_ string, some example could be:

ark_SessionName="My ARK server"

Your session name may not contain special characters (eg. !![EU]!! Aw&some ARK) as it could break the startup command. In this case you may want to comment out the ark_SessionName variable and define it inside your GameUserSettings.ini file instead.

To specify an option without an argument (e.g. bRawSockets), specify an empty argument (e.g. ark_bRawSockets="").

To specify a dash-option without an argument (e.g. -log), add the option="" prefixed with arkflag_ (e.g. arkflag_log="").

To specify a dash-option with an argument (e.g. -StructureDestructionTag=DestroySwampSnowStructures), add the option=value prefixed with arkopt_ (e.g. arkopt_StructureDestructionTag=DestroySwampSnowStructures).

You can override or add variables for a specific system user creating a file called .arkmanager.cfg in the home directory of the system user.

Each server instance must have its own set of ports. These ports are specified using the ark_Port, ark_QueryPort and ark_RCONPort settings in the instance configuration. If the QueryPort or Port settings are shared between multiple instances, then the server will often either crash or hang without being able to be queried. If the RCONPort setting is shared between multiple instances, the server will hang at 0/0 players.

See Configuration files for more options.

Install ARK Server

To install ARK Server just run this command as normal user:

arkmanager install


arkmanager [Global Options] <command> [Command Options] [Command Args] [Instances]

Global Options


Prints some help on using the command


Prints the arkmanager version

Common Options


Exposes the output of SteamCMD


Prints dots for progress


Uses a spinner for progress


Adds the specified option to the server command line; used with run, start, and restart.

Options can be of the form:


Equivalent to adding arkflag_<option>=true for this run


Equivalent to adding arkopt_<option>=<value> for this run


Equivalent to adding ark_<option>="" for this run


Equivalent to adding ark_<option>=<value> for this run

Instanceless commands


Upgrades the ARK server tools to the latest version


Uninstalls the ARK server tools


Lists the available instances


prints a single line with just the instance names


Legacy command for specifying an instance for the following command(s)


Remove the specified mods from the steamcmd workshop directory

Commands acting on instances

All of the following commands take @instancename arguments to specify one or more instances, with the special @all instance selecting all instances.


Runs the server without putting it into the background


Runs the server and puts it into the background


Disables automatic updating on startup if it is enabled


Enable automatically restarting the server even if it crashes without becoming ready for player connections.


Stops the server if it is running


Warns any connected players that the server is going down


Gives a reason for the shutdown. Defaults to maintenance


Saves the world using saveworld - usually not necessary, as server usually saves the world on a graceful shutdown


Runs the stop command followed by the restart command. Accepts and passes the options for those commands


Gives a reason for the restart. Defaults to a restart


Downloads and installs (or validates an existing install) of the ARK server


Updates an install of the ARK server (or installs it if it’s not already installed)


Bypasses the check for if an update is available


Only shuts down the server when the server has saved in the past minute


Warns any connected players that the server is going down for an update


Only updates the server when nobody is connected


Re-validates the ARK server install


Saves the world using saveworld - usually not necessary, as server usually saves the world on a graceful shutdown


Updates any installed mods


Backs up the saved world and game config before updating


Sets the staging directory in order to download the update before shutting down the server


Downloads the update but does not apply it. Only has effect if a staging directory is set.


Select the beta to install (use --beta=public to reset to the public branch. Note that --validate is required when switching branches.


Use password to unlock beta (for password-locked betas).


Cancels a pending update / shutdown / restart that was run with the --warn option


Checks if an ARK server update is available

Exit status
  • 0: No update is available

  • 1: An update is available


Checks if any mods need updating on the server


Reverses the exit code, and adds extra codes for failures

Exit status
  • 0: An update is available, or workshop files are missing

  • 1: No update is available

  • 2: One or more mods is missing from the workshop

Reversed status codes (--revstatus)
  • 0: No update is available

  • 1: An update is available

  • 2: One or more mods is missing from the workshop

  • 3: appworkshop_346110.acf is missing

  • 4: SteamCMD workshop dir does not exist


Installs all mods specified in the instance config into the ShooterGame/Content/Mods directory


Deletes all mods from the ShooterGame/Content/Mods directory

installmod <modnum>[,<modnum>[,…​]]

Installs the specified mods into the ShooterGame/Content/Mods directory

uninstallmod <modnum>[,<modnum>[,…​]]

Deletes the specified mods from the ShooterGame/Content/Mods directory

removemod <modnum>[,<modnum>[,…​]]

Deletes the specified mods from the SteamCMD workshop directory

reinstallmod <modnum>[,<modnum>[,…​]]

Runs the uninstallmod command followed by the installmod command


Lists the mods in the config and/or installed in the server directory

enablemod <modnum>
enablemod <modnum>=<modtype>

Enables the arkmod_<modnum> setting in the instance config. modtype defaults to game.

Mod types:


A mod in GameModIds


The MapModId mod


The TotalConversionMod mod

disablemod <modnum>

Disables the arkmod_<modnum> setting in the instance config.


Backs up the saved world and game config files to a compressed tar file in the backups directory specified in the config

restore "<filepath>"

Restore a Backup If no file is specified, the latest backup is used (helpful for a new server)

broadcast "message"

Broadcasts a message to players connected to the server using the RCON broadcast command


Saves the world using the RCON saveworld command

rconcmd "command"

Sends the specified RCON command to the server and prints its response

notify "message"

Sends the specified message using the configured Discord webhook


Prints the status of the ARK server


Prints the config option names and which file they were found in


Prints the server PID

install-cronjob <command>

Installs a cron job that executes the specified command. This accepts any of the options the specified command accepts, as well as the following options. In order to specify an argument to the command (e.g. to the broadcast command), use the --arg=<arg> option. Please read your man 5 crontab manpage to determine what minute and hour values are valid, as some implementations may not accept e.g. the */n minute / hour specification.


The command should be executed daily


The command should be executed hourly


Specifies one or more hours when the command should execute. This is the hour field of the cron job. If you want to have the command execute every n hours, then use --hour='*/n'

Default: * (i.e. all hours)


Specifies one or more minutes of the hour when the command should execute. This is the minute field of the cron job. If you want to have the command execute every n minutes, then use --minute='*/n'

Default: 0 (i.e. the first minute of the hour)


Enables the output from the command - the cron daemon usually emails this to the user specified in the cron configuration


Specifies an argument to pass to the command

remove-cronjob <command>

Removes a cron job previously installed by install-cronjob


Waits until any or all instances are stopped or online Defaults to any stopped


Waits until any specified instance is in specified state


Waits until all specified instances are in specified state


Waits until instances are stopped


Waits until instances are online

Configuration files

Global configuration

Global configuration is stored in /etc/arkmanager/arkmanager.cfg and/or ~/.arkmanager.cfg.

The following options cannot be overridden in the instance config files:


Specifies the release channel (git branch) to use when upgrading the ARK server tools


Set by the installer to specify where to install the executable and data files


Paths to the specified instance config files


The default instance to use if no instance is specified


The user under which the tools should be run. Set to --me in ~/.arkmanager.cfg in the case of a user-install

The following options can be overridden on a per-instance basis:


The directory in which SteamCMD is installed. Change this to /usr/games if you have the steamcmd package installed on Debian, Ubuntu, or CentOS


The executable. Change this to steamcmd if you have the steamcmd package installed on Debian, Ubuntu, or CentOS


The path to the Steam appinfo cache file.

Most systems will have this in $HOME/Steam/appcache/appinfo.vdf, but some systems (especially with the steamcmd package installed) have this instead in $HOME/.steam/appcache/appinfo.vdf. You will need to modify this setting if this is the case.


The path to the Steam workshop log file.

Most systems will have this in $HOME/Steam/logs/workshop_log.txt, but some systems (especially with the steamcmd package installed) have this instead in $HOME/.steam/logs/workshop_log.txt. You will need to modify this setting if this is the case.


   The path to the SteamCMD data.

Defaults to $steamcmdroot

Some SteamCMD installations (especially with the steamcmd package installed) store downloaded files (workshop files, etc.) in /home/.steam instead of in the steamcmd directory.


The path to the SteamCMD workshop directory.

Defaults to $steamdataroot/steamapps/workshop

Some SteamCMD installations (especially with the steamcmd package installed) use SteamApps as the steamapps directory instead of steamapps


The relative path within an ARK server install where the ARK server executable can be found.

For the standard ARK server, this should be ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer


The directory in which to store backups. Can be overridden in the instance config.


Enable/Disable backup compression. Default true. Helps to remove the load on the CPU, but increases the size of backups, see arkMaxBackupSizeMB


Command to be run using eval after backup completes. $backupfile will be set to the full path of the backup tar.bz2 file.

e.g. arkBackupPostCommand='aws s3 cp "$backupfile" "s3://bucket_name/backups"'


The number of minutes over which the shutdown and update warnings should be run


The relative path within an ARK server install to place the autorestart lock file


Set to true to enable automatically restarting even when the server has not become ready for player connections.

Be aware that this may cause the server to enter an endless crash-restart loop if the cause of the crash is not resolved.


Set to true to enable updating before server startup


Set to true to enable automatic backups before updating


Set to the path to a script to execute on startup if it exists

default: /path/to/instance/config.start where /path/to/instance/config is the path to the instance config file with the .cfg extension removed - e.g. /etc/arkmanager/instances/main.start


Set to the path to an ini file that, if it exists, will overwrite ${arkserverroot}/ShooterGame/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/GameUserSettings.ini on startup

default: /path/to/instance/config.GameUserSettings.ini where /path/to/instance/config is the path to the instance config file with the .cfg extension removed - e.g. /etc/arkmanager/instances/main.GameUserSettings.ini


Set to the path to an ini file that, if it exists, will overwrite ${arkserverroot}/ShooterGame/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/Game.ini on startup

default: /path/to/instance/config.Game.ini where /path/to/instance/config is the path to the instance config file with the .cfg extension removed - e.g. /etc/arkmanager/instances/main.Game.ini


Sets the staging directory in order to download updates before shutting down the server


Limits the size of the stored backups


Attempts to boost the priority of the ARK server. Negative values give a higher priority, and positive values give a lower priority. Requires sudo and renice


Attempts to set the CPU affinity of the ARK server. Setting is a comma-delimited list of processor indices on which the server should run. Requires sudo and taskset


Templated messages for warnings, where %d is replaced with the number of minutes / seconds before the update / restart / shutdown


Alternative templated messages for warnings with the following replacement parameters:


Valid in msgWarnReason, replaced at runtime with the appropriate msgReason* template


Valid in msgWarnReason and msgReason*, replaced at runtime with the appropriate msgTime* template


Valid in msgReason*Mod, replaced at runtime with a comma-delimited list of updated mod names


Valid in msgTimeMinutes, replaced at runtime with minutes remaining until shutdown


Valid in msgTimeSeconds, replaced at runtime with seconds remaining until shutdown


Used to override which rcon command to use for server broadcasts - e.g. serverchat

default: broadcast


Discord Webhook URL - server status messages and update warning messages will be sent through this if specified


Template to use for sending messages through Discord webhook, with the following replacement parameters:


Instance name


Server hostname




Message to be sent when shutting down. Use - to disable.


Message to be sent when starting. Use - to disable.


Message to be sent when server starts listening. Use - to disable.


Message to be sent when server has stopped listening for more than 1 minute. Use - to disable.


Message to be sent when server has crashed and is being restarted. Use - to disable.


Extra variables to be used to replace {<varname>} replacement parameters in notify message.

e.g. notifyvar_instancename="My Instance" will replace {instancename} with My Instance in the notify message.


Disable notification at start of shutdown warning period


Notify command to run. Notify message will be in ${notifymsg}, and templated message will be in ${msg}

e.g. notifyCommand='echo "$msg" | mailx -s "Message from instance ${instance} on server ${HOSTNAME}" "[email protected]"'


Specifies where to store log files


The Steam AppID of the ARK server


The Steam AppID of the ARK client (used for downloading mods)


The Mod branch (Windows or Linux) to use. Virtually all mods use the Windows branch for the ARK server, and the Linux branch almost always crashes the server

ARK server options:


The map the server should use


Uses the -MapModID=<modid>?…​ option to specify the server map mod ID


Specifies the options to use in the Map?Option=Val?…​ option string passed to the server


Specifies an option without a value - Map?Option?…​


Specifies a dash-option without a value (i.e. flag) - e.g. arkflag_DisableDeathSpectator=true adds the -DisableDeathSpectator flag


Specifies a dash-option with a value - e.g. arkopt_StructureDestructionTag=DestroySwampSnowStructures adds the -StructureDestructionTag=DestroySwampSnowStructures option.


True if the Port option should be passed untouched. False for the old behaviour of decrementing the Port.

Instance config files

Instance config files are stored under /etc/arkmanager/instances/<instancename>.cfg, ~/.config/arkmanager/instances/<instancename>.cfg or as specified in the configfile_<instancename> options in the global config.


The directory under which the ARK server is installed


The map the server should use


Uses the -MapModID=<modid>?…​ option to specify the server map mod ID


Specifies collections to include in mod list


Specifies the options to use in the Map?Option=Val?…​ option string passed to the server


Specifies an option without a value - Map?Option?…​


Specifies a dash-option without a value (i.e. flag) - e.g. arkflag_DisableDeathSpectator=true adds the -DisableDeathSpectator flag


Specifies a dash-option with a value - e.g. arkopt_StructureDestructionTag=DestroySwampSnowStructures adds the -StructureDestructionTag=DestroySwampSnowStructures option.


Specifies a mod that can be enabled or disabled using enablemod and disablemod. Note that mod ids specified using these options are in addition to those specified directly in the ark_GameModIds option, and override those specified in the ark_MapModId, serverMapMod and ark_TotalConversionMod options. Options are processed in the order they are specified in the instance config file, and arkmod_* options in the common config file are not applied. Mod types:


A mod to be specified in GameModIds


The mod to be specified in MapModId


The mod to be specified in TotalConversionMod


A disabled mod

Common ARK options


Specifies the Total Conversion to use


Specifies the Mod IDs to use


The name under which the server should announce itself


Enabled RCON


The TCP port on which the server listens for RCON commands. Must be unique on the host.


The UDP port on which the server listens for client connections. Must be unique on the host.


The UDP port on which the server listens for queries. Must be unique on the host.


Specifies the password needed to connect to the server


Specifies the server admin password, which is also the RCON password. Use of this option is discouraged - please store the password in the GameUserSettings.ini file instead.


The maximum number of players allowed to connect to the server


Alternative directory under ShooterGame/Saved under which to save the world files. If multiple instances run from the same directory, this must be unique between these instances.


Disables BattlEye

ark-server-tools's People


akrauze avatar alphakilo avatar anemortalkid avatar atriusftw avatar blownhemi avatar boerngen-schmidt avatar boisecomputer avatar budman17r avatar chn42 avatar chriscpritchard avatar croydon avatar dominic1dl avatar fapo85 avatar fezvrasta avatar jacobped avatar jparks avatar klightspeed avatar lihis avatar lordlexat avatar mkelley88 avatar mrslimbrowser avatar noc0lour avatar ntnlabs avatar oltitov avatar puseidr avatar rodzynus avatar rreynier avatar sispheor avatar speedy37 avatar


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ark-server-tools's Issues

Issue with arkmanager start

arkmanager start or stop
/usr/bin/arkmanager: line 44: [665073: command not found

Server appears to start/stop even with this error

update ark server tools


You have make an update of your script.

how i can make this update ?

Thanks for your help

arkmanager start dont work

your script cant start the server

you are trying to start it with
"thejob="$arkserverroot/$arkserverexec $arkserveropts"

but it should be like this:
thejob="$arkserverroot/ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/$arkserverexec $arkserveropts"

but anyway screen isn't starting with your script, don't know why..

Automatic scheduled updates with broadcast warn messages

Hi there,

Awesome little server manager, getting it all ready to go on my VPS.

I see in the files that it checks for an update hourly, and if it finds one, broadcasts a reboot warning to the server, and then reboots the server on the next hourly check.

Any option to configure this? I'd prefer the server check for updates perhaps every 30 minutes, and then once an update is found, Broadcast a server message saying an update is coming in 15 minutes, (and if I'm asking for awesome stuff, perhaps an additional broadcast message 5 minutes before the update happens).

I'd like to make this a little more quick to respond to available server updates.


update not detected?

Looks like the latest version is 179.4 but arkmanager says I'm already on the most recent version, even if I'm on 179.3.

Any info?

Keep the master branch stable

I think we should keep the master branch stable. It's best practice that can help us a lot.
What to do:

  • Tag the current version like v1.0
  • Create a new branch called dev-1.1
  • Create a millestone called v1.1
  • Bind opened issues to the millestone

When a dev branch is ready and tested we can merge it into the master.

Server won't start with arkmanager after latest update 180.2

Today I updated arkmanager via curl -s | sudo bash -s steam

$ arkmanager update
"Your server is already up to date! The most recent version is 673532."
That was 1 h ago, I knew there was an update, so I did it manually via steamcmd and finally got "Your server is already up to date! The most recent version is 674165."
This is my update.log:
08:30:17: update to 669428 complete
20:16:34: No update needed.
20:17:17: No update needed.
09:11:33: No update needed.
09:13:01: No update needed.
09:17:17: No update needed.
09:45:38: No update needed.

When I now start ShooterGame via "arkmanager start" with my arkmanager.cfg, I get a Signal11 crash.
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 346110
Signal 11 caught.

I can start the server manually but can't get it to start via arkmanager. Worked fine until the last ShooterGame Update.
Can you point me in the right direction where to find some logs to the problem?

"Can't load world save file, and can't find a valid backup."


I installed the server on my Debian server. I upped the openfile limit (checked with ulimit -a), opened the firewall ports, re-routed some ports to an internal IP as a tutorial somewhere said, etc.

After quite some time trying to get it to work, it doesn't. Here is the error I get :

Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 346110
LowLevelFatalError [File:F:\UE4\UnrealEngine\Projects\ShooterGame\Source\ShooterGame\Private\ShooterGameMode.cpp] [Line: 439]
Can't load world save file, and can't find a valid backup.
Signal 11 caught.
/var/log/arktools/arkserver.log (END)

If anyone had a similar error and fixed it or know how to fix it, I'd be glad to try the solution out.
Thanks !

How to install required versions of glibc and gcc on CentOS 6.6


I'm following this thread and trying to report here every problem I get running these scripts, so you can just follow my commands and hopefully everything will work.


yum groupinstall "Development tools"
yum install glibc-devel.i686 glibc-i686


cd /tmp
tar -xvzf glibc-2.16.0.tar.gz
cd glibc-2.16.0
mkdir glibc-build
cd glibc-build
../configure --prefix='/usr'

We have to fix a little typo, so run:

nano +171 ../scripts/

and replace if (/$ld_so_name/) { with if (/\Q$ld_so_name\E/) {

then install it:

sudo make install


This operation takes a lot of space! be sure to have enough!

cd /tmp
tar -xvzf gcc-4.6.4.tar.gz
cd gcc-4.6.4
mkdir objdir
cd objdir
../configure --prefix=/opt/gcc-4.6.4
make install
mv /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/
mv /opt/gcc-4.6.4/lib64/ /usr/lib64/
mv /opt/gcc-4.6.4/lib64/ /usr/lib64/

fix some stuff

you need to change some stuff

don't use the variable "update" rename it to "patch" or someting and fix this

case "$bnumber" in
    ;; esac


if ["$bnumber" = "$instver"]; then


# update function
doUpdate() {
    if (($update == 1))

change to:

# update function
doUpdate() {
    if (($patch== 1))

this doesnt work correctly:

cd $steamcmdroot
bnumber=`./$steamcmdexec +login anonymous +app_info_print "$appid" +quit | grep -EA 5 "^\s+\"public\"$" | grep -E "^\s+\"buildid\"\s+" | tr '[:blank:]"' ' ' | tr -s ' ' | cut -f3 | sed 's/^ //' | cut -c9-14`

better use:

bnumber=`$steamcmdroot/$steamcmdexec +login anonymous +app_info_print "376030" +quit | grep -EA 5 "^\s+\"public\"$" | grep -E "^\s+\"buildid\"\s+" | tr '[:blank:]"' ' ' | tr -s ' ' | cut -f3 | sed 's/^ //' | cut -c9-14`

and think about the changes to doStop()!
you cant enter Y when you update via crontab

ShooterGameServer missing


after "arkmanager install" ShooterGameServer is missing

$ find /home/steam/ARK/

error when arkmanager update

When I run an update, i have this :

My script is in /home/steam/steamcmd, i have configure .cfg

arkmanager.cfg :

# config SteamCMD
steamcmdroot="/home/steam/steamcmd"                                 # path of your steamcmd instance
steamcmdexec=""                                          # name of steamcmd executable
steamcmd_user="steam"                                               # name of the system user who own steamcmd folder

# config Server
arkserverroot="/home/steam/steamcmd"                                     # path of your ARK server files (default ~/ARK)
arkserverexec="ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer"        # name of ARK server executable


arkmanager update
/usr/bin/arkmanager: ligne 70 : [:  : nombre entier attendu comme expression
The server is already stopped
Redirecting stderr to '/root/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API.../home/buildbot/buildslave/steam_rel_client_linux/build/src/clientdll/applicationmanager.cpp (3030) : Assertion Failed: CApplicationManager::GetMountVolume: invalid index
/home/buildbot/buildslave/steam_rel_client_linux/build/src/clientdll/applicationmanager.cpp (3030) : Assertion Failed: CApplicationManager::GetMountVolume: invalid index
/home/buildbot/buildslave/steam_rel_client_linux/build/src/clientdll/applicationmanager.cpp (3181) : Assertion Failed: m_vecInstallBaseFolders.Count() > 0
/home/buildbot/buildslave/steam_rel_client_linux/build/src/steamconsole/../common/steam/client_api.cpp (393) : Assertion Failed: ClientAPI_Init(GlobalInstance): GetIClientRemoteControlManager returned NULL.

Thank you for your responce

Your broadcasts won't work

There's no input or commands that can be written into the server as of now, just an output of data. They might change that in the linux version, but I highly doubt it's going to happen any time soon.

GameUserSettings.ini overwritten on start?

If I edit:


then, when I start the server, this file is overwritten by default values.

How can I fix it?

Rebase dev 1.2

This branch is 27 commits ahead, 37 commits behind master.

This branch should have nothing behind the master.

Log output of ShooterGame?

I think we could log the output of the ShooterGame session, so users can see the log and see what the server is currently displaying.
This will be particularly useful once we'll release 1.1 where screen was replaced by nohup

support commands concatenation

I think we should add support for command concatenation.

This would allow users to run commands like:

arkmanager stop update start

And in future it could be used to prepare one line commands like:

arkmanager update broadcast "Server is again up!"

Server config


great work, now dl time.
Pre question, any server config files for player limits etc ?


Perhaps had u a good config file for PvE server, thx

Bad output of arkdaemon status on systemd

What we should have

Server running:  No
Server online:   No
Server version:  665994

What we really have

root@nas:/home/steam/ark-server-tools/tools# /etc/init.d/arkdaemon status
● arkdaemon.service - LSB: ARK manager deamon
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/arkdaemon)
   Active: inactive (dead) since mer. 2015-06-24 19:31:37 CEST; 1min 5s ago
  Process: 765 ExecStop=/etc/init.d/arkdaemon stop (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Tested on the last revision of 1.1 banch on Debian 8. I think it's the same on CentOS7 and other distro who used systemd.

Unable to start the daemon

I use Centos 7 and I can't seem to start the daemon at all.

I noticed it wouldn't start after running 'arkmanager start' and just getting the start line print in the log and no screen session.

After that I tried running ''/etc/init.d/arkdaemon start" and it printed out
Starting ARK manager daemon used to start the server and keep it updated: /etc/init.d/arkdaemon: line 22: daemon: command not found

I noticed that since I'm using centos I needed to add the following to '/etc/init.d/arkdaemon'
. /etc/init.d/functions

After doing that I now get the following when trying to run ''/etc/init.d/arkdaemon start" or "systemctl start arkdaemon"
Job for arkdaemon.service failed. See 'systemctl status arkdaemon.service' and 'journalctl -xn' for details.

I ran 'systemctl status arkdaemon.service' and the output was:

I realize using centos seems to be non-standard, but any help would be greatly appreciated.

Feature Request: Append to command line arguments via value in .arkmanager.cfg

Can we add an option in the .arkmanager.cfg to append command line arguments for launch?

I've gone in and manually changed /usr/bin/arkmanager, but this is probably not the best solution.

arkserveropts="TheIsland?SessionName=[ The Saurian Isles ]?QueryPort=$arkserverport?ServerPassword=$arkserverpass?ServerAdminPassword=$arkserverapass?listen?MaxPlayers=30?AllowThirdPersonPlayer=True?ServerCrosshair=True?ServerPVE=True?MapPlayerLocation=True?DifficultyOffset=0"

It would be nice if I could put the part that I'm appending, "?MaxPlayers=30?AllowThirdPersonPlayer=True?ServerCrosshair=True?ServerPVE=True?MapPlayerLocation=True?DifficultyOffset=0?SessionName=[ The Saurian Isles ]", in the .arkmanager.cfg so that it will carry over once the main arkmanager is updated.


ARK server info

What are your thoughts on either having an info command or integrating into the status command basic server info (i.e. server name including version, and number of players)?

So far, the only cross-distribution way that doesn't involve compiling a program uses either python or perl. Both can take their scripts as multi-line strings arguments.

I looked at bash networking, but it's compiled out on a lot of distributions.

nc isn't universal, and sometimes ncat will be installed instead of nc.

If python or perl are not present, then the distribution must be very limited indeed.


python -c "
import socket

  sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
  sock.sendto('\xff\xff\xff\xffTSource Engine Query\x00', ('', ${ark_QueryPort}))
  data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1400)
  servername, mapname, game, fullname, rest = data[6:-1].split('\0', 4)
  players = ord(rest[2])
  maxplayers = ord(rest[3])
  print('Server Name: {0}'.format(servername))
  print('Players: {0} / {1}'.format(players, maxplayers))
  print('Unable to query server')


perl -e "my \$port = ${ark_QueryPort}" -e '
use Socket;

socket(my $socket, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
setsockopt($socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, pack("i4", 1, 0, 0, 0));
my $sockaddr = pack_sockaddr_in($port, inet_aton(""));
send($socket, "\xff\xff\xff\xffTSource Engine Query\x00", 0, $sockaddr);
my $data = "";
recv($socket, $data, 1400, 0) or (print "Unable to query server\n" and exit(1));
my ($servername, $mapname, $game, $fullname, $rest) = split(/\x00/, substr($data, 6), 5);
my $players = ord(substr($rest, 2, 1));
my $maxplayers = ord(substr($rest, 3, 1));
print "Server Name: $servername\n";
print "Players: $players / $maxplayers\n";

[Small Bug ] arkmanager status

OS: Debian 8 with 64 bit

First great script xD
second small bug, if u wanna use arkmanager status
u get this message
Server running: Yes
Server online: No <<<<<<< Server ist online and u can join the server
Server version: 666499

Ubuntu server won't go online / show up in server list

I cannot get my server to show up in the server list or steam server browser

steam@playark:~$ arkmanager status
 Server running:   Yes
 Server online:   No
 Server version:   674165


root@playark:~# iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:27015
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere             anywhere             udp dpt:27015
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere             anywhere             udp dpt:7777
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere             anywhere             udp dpt:7777
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:7778
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere             anywhere             udp dpt:7778
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:27016
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere             anywhere             udp dpt:27016

Netstat does not show anything listening on 7778

root@playark:~# netstat -puln | grep ShooterGame
udp        0      0 *                           13308/ShooterGameSe

Config /etc/arkmanager/arkmanager.cfg

# config SteamCMD
steamcmdroot="/home/steam/steamcmd"                                 # path of your steamcmd instance
steamcmdexec=""                                          # name of steamcmd executable
steamcmd_user="steam"                                               # name of the system user who own steamcmd folder
steamcmd_appinfocache="/home/steam/Steam/appcache/appinfo.vdf"      # cache of the appinfo command

# config environment
arkserverroot="/home/steam/ark"                                     # path of your ARK server files (default ~/ARK)
arkserverexec="ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer"        # name of ARK server executable

# ARK server options - use ark_<optionname>=<value>
# comment out these values if you want to define them
# inside your GameUserSettings.ini file
serverMap="TheIsland"                                               # server map (default TheIsland)
ark_SessionName="Test"                                  # if your session name needs special characters please use the .ini instead
ark_Port="7778"                                                     # ARK server port (default 7778)
ark_QueryPort="27016"                                               # ARK query port (default 27016)
ark_ServerPassword=""                                               # ARK server password, empty: no password required to login
ark_ServerAdminPassword="test"                               # ARK server admin password, KEEP IT SAFE!

# config Service
servicename="arkserv"                                               # Name of the service (don't change if you don't know what are you doing)
logdir="/var/log/arktools"                                          # Logs path (default /var/log/arktools)

# steamdb specific
appid=376030                                                        # Linux server App ID

# admin information
servermail=""                                                       # Log email, leave blank if you dont want to receive mail

checkupdate doesn't work

arkmanager checkupdate
Querying Steam database for latest version...
/usr/local/bin/arkmanager: line 136: parseSteamAppVer: command not found
/usr/local/bin/arkmanager: line 81: [: : integer expression expected
Current version:  672599
Available version:
Your server needs to be restarted in order to receive the latest update.
Run "arkmanager update" to do so

ping @klightspeed

Server No start


When I start my server, no message it's OK but when i try to look status the server is not running

steam@:~/cmd$ arkmanager start 
17:48:12: start
steam@:~/cmd$ arkmanager status
 Server running:  No
 Server online:   No
 Server version:  672599

I have a create new folder and i have new install, i just copy my saved data => #56

my conf :

# config SteamCMD
steamcmdroot="/home/steam/cmd"                                 # path of your steamcmd instance
steamcmdexec=""                                          # name of steamcmd executable
steamcmd_user="steam"                                               # name of the system user who own steamcmd folder

# config Server
arkserverroot="/home/steam/ark"                                     # path of your ARK server files (default ~/ARK)
arkserverexec="/home/steam/ark/ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer"        # name of ARK server executable
arkqueryport="27016"                                                # ARK query port (default 27016)
arkserverport="7778"                                                # ARK server port (default 7778)
arkserverpass=""                                      # ARK server password, empty: no password required to login
arkserverapass="****"                                      # ARK server admin password, KEEP IT SAFE!

# config Service
servicename="arkserv"                                               # Name of the service (don't change if you don't know what are you doing)
logdir="/var/log/arktools"                                          # Logs path (default /var/log/arktools)

# steamdb specific
appid=376030                                                        # Linux server App ID

# admin information
servermail=""                                                       # Log email, leave blank if you dont want to receive mail

Update.log :

12:24:34: update to  complete
12:25:55: update to  complete
15:24:05: No update needed.
17:46:52: No update needed.

Arkserver.log :

12:28:21: start
12:42:00: stop
17:47:36: start
17:48:12: start

I start my server with this command it's OK :

/home/steam/ark/ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer TheIsland?listen?SessionName=[FR/PVE][24/7]Super54-SRV?ServerAdminPassword=**** -server -log

Thanks for your help

SessionName with spaces in the .cfg file will not work.

In /etc/arkmanager/arkmanager.cfg I have:

sessioname="[The Saurian Isles][PvE]"

If I let this go through, my server name in game will be "[The".

Instead what I've been doing, is putting the Session Name in my INI file:

SessionName=[The Saurian Isles][PvE]

This seems to work fine. However whenver I update ark-server-tools I manually edit /usr/bin/arkmanager after install, and remove the session name parameters from the doStart() section.

Old version gets parsed to update.log

While updating today, i noticed that the updatelog had two identical entries in terms of version.

atrius@natrium:~/ARK$ cat /var/log/arktools/update.log
Jun 26, 11:49:46: update to 672599 complete
Jun 27, 02:26:15: update to 673532 complete
Jun 27, 08:56:04: update to 673532 complete

At 02:26 i updated to 180.2 successfully, and now at 08:56 - 180.4.
setCurrentVersion seems to work just fine;

atrius@natrium:~/ARK$ cat arkversion

Install doesn't work


OS: Debian 64

I used ur script, i install and downloading the game ~17 GB
i wanna start the game server, but the game server wanna start the server, no error logs nothing, no session is running.
I wanna stop the server
arkmanager stop
No screen session found.

what is wrong ?

Docker installation

Looks like the ARK server have very specific requirements, to simplify everything you can follow this guide, I'll add it later in the documentation of the repo.

install docker using yum or apt-get
service docker start
docker pull ubuntu # downloads ubuntu 14.04
docker run --name ark -t -i -v /home/steam:/home/steam  ubuntu /bin/bash

now you are in the ubuntu 14.04 shell, with the host /home/steam directory mounted inside the docker container as /home/steam.
We do so because docker size limit is 10gb, and we need 17gb just for the server.
Doing in this way, we'll use the host file system to store the server, but we'll run it from docker.

dpkg --add-architecture i386 # enable x86 support ONLY if you are on X64 server
apt-get update 
apt-get install unzip wget nano # needed dependencies and tools

Then you can use the ark-server-tools to setup your server.

arkmanager stop doesn't work

I'm not able to stop the server using arkmanager stop.
I'm not very familiar with screen, but when I try to retach the session it fails.
screen -r arkserv or screen -r

maxplayers as startparams

it looks like maxplayers in ini file does'nt work, but as a start param.
you should add a new variable to arkmanager.cfg to define the playerlimit and add


to the arkserveropts in /usr/bin/arkmanager

Space in session name

Not sure if it's a limitation in the script or a limitation of the game, but we can't add spaces into the server name.

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