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vscode-graphql's Issues

don't work vite version 3

in vite version 3 package.json type:"module" and when i create apollo.config.js and add module.export = {...} dont complie and show error change type to commonjs or cjs and I change file name to apollo.config.cjs don't work and when change type to commonjs, vite don't work please fix this problem

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Dependency Dashboard

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

Repository problems

Renovate tried to run on this repository, but found these problems.

  • WARN: Using npm packages for Renovate presets is now deprecated. Please migrate to repository-based presets instead.


These updates are currently rate-limited. Click on a checkbox below to force their creation now.

  • chore(deps): update node.js to v21.7.3
  • chore(deps): update slackapi/slack-github-action action to v1.26.0
  • chore(deps): update actions/setup-node action to v4
  • chore(deps): update andstor/file-existence-action action to v3
  • chore(deps): update node.js to v22
  • fix(deps): update dependency query-string to v9
  • fix(deps): update dependency vscode-languageclient to v9
  • fix(deps): update dependency vscode-languageserver to v9
  • chore(deps): lock file maintenance
  • 🔐 Create all rate-limited PRs at once 🔐

Other Branches

These updates are pending. To force PRs open, click the checkbox below.

  • chore(deps): update dependency minimatch to v3.0.5 [security]
  • chore(deps): update dependency moment to v2.29.4 [security]
  • chore(deps): update dependency node-fetch to v2.6.7 [security]


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.


4/4 CVEs have Renovate fixes.


Detected dependencies

  • secops 2.0.7
  • cimg/node 21.6.2
  • actions/checkout v4
  • andstor/file-existence-action v2.0.0
  • actions/setup-node v3
  • changesets/action v1
  • HaaLeo/publish-vscode-extension v1
  • slackapi/slack-github-action v1.24.0
  • @apollo/federation ^0.23.1
  • @endemolshinegroup/cosmiconfig-typescript-loader ^1.0.0
  • @types/lz-string ^1.3.34
  • @types/node-fetch 2.6.11
  • apollo-datasource ^0.8.0
  • apollo-link ^1.2.3
  • apollo-link-context ^1.0.9
  • apollo-link-error ^1.1.1
  • apollo-link-http ^1.5.5
  • apollo-server-errors ^2.0.2
  • await-to-js ^3.0.0
  • codemirror ^5.63.3
  • core-js ^3.0.1
  • cosmiconfig ^5.0.6
  • dotenv ^16.0.0
  • glob ^7.1.3
  • graphql ^15.5.0
  • graphql-language-service-interface ^2.8.4
  • graphql-tag ^2.10.1
  • lodash.debounce ^4.0.8
  • lodash.merge ^4.6.1
  • lz-string ^1.4.4
  • minimatch ^3.0.4
  • moment ^2.29.1
  • node-fetch ^2.2.0
  • query-string ^7.0.1
  • resolve-from ^5.0.0
  • sha.js ^2.4.11
  • vscode-languageclient ^5.2.1
  • vscode-languageserver ^5.1.0
  • vscode-uri 3.0.8
  • @changesets/changelog-github 0.4.8
  • @changesets/cli 2.26.2
  • @graphql-codegen/cli 2.2.0
  • @graphql-codegen/typescript-operations 2.1.3
  • @types/cosmiconfig 5.0.3
  • @types/glob 7.2.0
  • @types/jest 29.5.12
  • @types/lodash.debounce 4.0.9
  • @types/lodash.merge 4.6.9
  • @types/node 14.17.6
  • @types/node-fetch 2.6.11
  • @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 6.9.1
  • @typescript-eslint/parser 6.9.1
  • eslint 8.52.0
  • eslint-config-prettier 9.0.0
  • eslint-plugin-prettier 5.0.1
  • jest 29.7.0
  • jest-environment-node 29.7.0
  • memfs 3.2.2
  • prettier 3.0.3
  • rimraf 3.0.2
  • ts-jest 29.1.2
  • typescript 4.3.5
  • vsce 1.96.1
  • vscode 1.1.37
  • vscode ^1.30.0
  • node v20

Cannot extend type "<some-type>" because it is not defined

If i extend types in my client-only schema, I get the above errors.

After some investigation, I found out that this actually only happens when reading the schema from a localhost URL like:

service: {
            name: <some-name>,
            url: 'http://localhost:3000/graphql',
            skipSSLValidation: true,

When looking at my server, it actually does not look like the local URL is being used at all?

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Add setting for ignoring/excluding a file pattern from


graphql-code-generator is a widely used tooling that provides types generation from.graphql/.gql schema files, it can also automatically generate hooks to be used in a React + Typescript environment.

Graphql Queries/Mutations/Subscriptions can be defined inside a folde that the code generator then uses to build custom React hooks that wrap the query in a gql literal string tag.

For example:

Given this query:

query GetCurrentUser {
  currentUser {

You get the following output:

export const GetCurrentUserDocument = gql`
  query GetCurrentUser {
    currentUser {

The issue starts when Apollo Plugin attempts to parse this generated query. Since the project already has another query with the same name, as it was copied directly from the original definition, The Apollo Plugin crashes due to duplicated query names.

Proposed solution:

Add the option to ignore files matching a certain pattern (Eg: src/__auto_generated__/**, src/hooks/GeneratedHooks/**).

This issue has been reported before and can be found here on the old repo: apollographql/apollo-tooling#2064

Could be related to: #40

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Error: there are multiple definitions for the `getAllUser` operation. Please fix all naming conflicts before continuing.

module.exports = {
    client: {
        service: {
            name: 'backend',
            url: 'http://localhost:5555/graphql',
import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'

const config: CodegenConfig = {
    overwrite: true,
    schema: 'http://localhost:5555/graphql',
    documents: ['src/**/*.{ts,tsx}'],
    ignoreNoDocuments: true,
    watch: true,
    generates: {
        './src/00-shared/graphql/codegen.graphql.tsx': {
            plugins: [
            config: {
                withComponent: true,

export default config

how do I exclude the file that is generated by codegen - to fix the error?

[Bug] Weird display about the icon


I've got this issue on my VS Code:


The icon is broken.

Also I can't click on it to run it.

It's probably due to my font-size or font-family or zoom but I don't have any issue with other extensions.

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Linking to server hosted schema for a selected variant

Currently we are looking to connect our API testing (VSCode IDE) to the graph schema, but we are unclear how to determine the variant for a selected environment. Is variant switching possible?

Currently we are using oauth2, Router (just moved from gateway), and subgraphs against different variants.

Setting up Intellisense for with localSchemaFile is broken

Having issues getting VSCode extension (apollographql.vscode-apollo) to find my graphql file. Am I missing some configuration?

apollo.config.cjs file:

module.exports = {
    client: {
        service: {
            name: "default",
            localSchemaFile: './src/schema.graphql'

folder structure:

- src/
       - schema.graphql
- apollo.config.cjs

tag with parens doesnt work

when i have

const myQuery = gql`
  query Wow {
    whatever {

then autocomplete works, and syntax highlight works, so i could go under id and type la and id get a label suggestion.

but with

const myQuery = gql(`
  query Wow {
    whatever {

which unfortunately is required for typescript and codegen to work, now autocomplete and syntax highlight doesnt work!

can you fix is so that with parens, both autocomplete and syntax highlight works?

Consider changing GitHub repo name or package.json "name"

Currently, the repo name is vscode-graphql and the package.json name is "vscode-apollo". It is currently published to npm as vscode-apollo though I'm not sure why it's published there at all. The extension ID is apollographql.vscode-apollo and tht tiel is Apollo GraphQL. vscode-graphql does not exist in npm but there is another repository by that name which is a separate project:

It would be a bit less confusing if these aligned a bit more; I think changing the GitHub repo name to vscode-apollo would be the simplest change.

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Cannot query field on type using @client directive

In my project, I use an endpoint for my graphql queries and use a schema written in a local file within the project to extend some types, so that I can fetch those fields by resolving them locally through the @client directive. I can’t configure the apollo.config.js file to merge the remote schema with the local one, so for VS Code those fields resolved locally don’t exist. How can I solve this problem?

P.S. The queries are executed correctly by resolving all fields, both those resolved by the remote schema and those resolved locally, only VS Code returns an error.

Extension configuration through .env files, is it possible?

I have a React application and I use ViteJs as a Front End Tooling.
My application is configured through .env files: in these files I also put the url to the GraphQl service (backend).
How can I read the GraphQl service url from .env files and properly setup apollo.config.js file?
Is it possible?
Could you please provide an example?

Many thanks in advance,

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Allow multiple definitions for operation with same name

For various reasons, I have a couple operations in my project that are duplicated that I don't want to/can't move to a single file and export. Because of this I end up getting the "multiple definitions for the operation" error until the extension eventually stops and I can't use it any more. Is there any interest in allowing multiple definitions, either by default or as a preference?

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Error in "Loading schema for ...": GraphQLSchemaValidationError: Unknown directive "@aws_subscribe".

I have a problem while adding the extension with the local schema file.
We are using aws-app-sync. Below is the example schema

Type Article{

type Subscription {
   updateTitleSubscription(domain: String!): Article
      @aws_subscribe(mutations: ["updateTitle"])

my apollo.config.js

module.exports = {
   client: {
      includes: [
      service: {
         localSchemaFile: './src/graphql/schema.graphql'

Is there a way to add custom decorators like above or shall i remove them to work?

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Cannot use intellisense for server GQL while using generated localSchemaFile

We have a generated schema file, schema.graphql. The file is generated by merging definitions from gql tags throughout our typescript backend.

We would like to get intellisense, autocomplete, etc. within those gql tags in our typescript backend files. In order to do that, it seems like we must include those files in our apollo.config.js via the includes key. But if we do this, the language server repeatedly crashes with a ton of errors along these lines: Type "XXX" already exists in the schema. It cannot also be defined.... For reference, here is our config, roughly:

module.exports = {
  client: {
    service: {
      name: "service-name",
      localSchemaFile: "./generated/schema.graphql",
    includes: [
      // If we include these server files, everything breaks
    excludes: [

Ideally we would either 1) have the schema parsed from our ts files without loading the generated schema, or 2) be able to use intellisense for our ts files without merging them into the loaded schema.

Allow different schemas for different file paths

Example use case:

Next.js app where the API routes can call the graphql API as admins vs the frontend that can call the API as authenticated users.

Example config from graphql-code-generator config which allows a similar behaviour:

module.exports = {
  generates: {
    './types/codegen/index.ts': {
      schema: [
          [`https${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL}`]: {
            headers: {
              'X-Hasura-Admin-Secret': XXXXXX,
              'X-Hasura-Role': 'User',
      documents: [
    './types/codegen/admin-generated.ts': {

      schema: [
          [`https${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL}`]: {
            headers: {
              'X-Hasura-Admin-Secret': XXXXXX,
              'X-Hasura-Role': 'Admin',
      documents: ['./pages/api/**/*.ts'],

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Looks like it cant find root of project


I'm very new with this stuff. I opened vs code as code . in project folder. This two files in project root. when I click on config - schema realoads, when i click on client file - nothing happens, and plugin dont work.

I've reinstall plugin twice, cleaned ~/.vscode folder. Nothing works.

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"Error initializing Apollo GraphQL project" when behind a proxy


When behind a corporate proxy, the extensions fails at startup with this error message:

[Network Error]: FetchError: request to failed, reason: connect ETIMEDOUT 
ApolloError: request to failed, reason: connect ETIMEDOUT 

Same project works just fine when not behind the proxy.

Things I've tried:

  • In vscode, changing values for the following settings:
    Setting http.proxy to the proxy value
    Enabling and disabling http.proxyAuthorization
    Enabling and disabling http.proxyStrictSSL
    Setting http.proxySupport to 'on'
  • In the .env file, setting the following values:
  • Setting the following environment variables:

Looking at the code, I couldn't find any evidence of proxies being supported, libraries like https-proxy-agent or global-agent are not being used.

The only way I could get the proxy to work was by hacking direct access to my proxy in src/env/fetch/fetch.ts:

const agent = new (HttpsProxyAgent as any)("");
function proxyFetch(url: RequestInfo, options: RequestInit | undefined) {
  return fetch(url, {

export { proxyFetch as fetch };

export {
} from "node-fetch";

Once I've done that, then the Apollo GraphQL status shows the schema as loaded.

Is there a setting, in vscode, the extension or in my environment that I am missing in order to use the extension behind a corporate proxy, or is it simply not supported?

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Allow custom path for `apollo.config` file

I currently work with a multi-folder monorepo with a dedicated folder for all the configs.

|_ configs
    |_ apollo.config.js
|_ frontend-project-1
    |_source files
|_ frontend-project-2
    |_source files

I open separate workspaces in vscode for project-1 and project-2 instead of pointing to the repo's root.

From what I see in the docs, the extension will not work if apollo.config.js isn't present in the workspace repo (frontend-project-1 or frontend-project-2), but I don't want to duplicate the config files in all the subfolders.
Is there any way I can provide a custom path for the config file for each subproject I import in my workspace?

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Comment toggling doesn't work in tagged templates

While in one of the Summit Day 0 workshops (the PM Federation Workshop - ask Mike if he can answer a question about recursion 😉) I noticed command+/ wasn't toggling the comments in a gql tagged template.

FWIW, I tried with the GraphQL: Language Feature Support
extension and it works as expected; I cloned this repo to "develop" the extension locally, and copying the configuration from graphql.js.json to this extension's corresponding graphql.js.json makes it work, but there are a bunch of differences between the configs so I don't know which part addresses the issue ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Happy to open a PR anyways, if that's helpful!

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Stop auto switch/focus on error

It's pretty annoying that this plugin switches to the output tab and focuses it whenever there's an error/warning it wants to let you know about.

Is there a setting we can toggle to disable this behaviour?

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Config file is not available in the provided config directory

On both projects NuxtJS or NextJS I've got following error when I try to execute query
Error: graphql operation failed t: GraphQL Config file is not available in the provided config directory: <directory> Please check the config directory. and provided by error directory has config and it's normally loaded when I check VSCode output.


🚀 Apollo GraphQL v1.19.9

✅ Service Loaded!
🆔 Service ID: NextJS-blog
🏷️ Schema Tag: current

📈 Number of Types: 88 (0 client types)

`apollo.config.js` file

module.exports = {
  client: {
    service: {
      name: "NextJS-blog",
      url: "",
    includes: ["**/*.tsx", "**/*.ts"],
}I'm on MacOS Montenery, Apple M1

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Schema validation triggering in comments

With the latest update paren support was added (which is a change I love and helps a ton btw), and now it's triggering in the generated example comment from @graphql-codegen.


Is this expected? I do actually need to add a user field, so I can make this go away, but this extension probably shouldn't trigger in comments (or at least not comments in generated code).

Error "Language client is not ready yet" when reloading schema

Hi there,
when I try to reload my schema, it crashes with an error.
Error is showing up every time.

Same error is popping up when I click on the Apollo button on the bottom bar

Might be related to #64 as I sometimes see the same message in output console.

Apollo Graphql v1.19.11

VSCode info:

Version : 1.71.2
Validation : 74b1f979648cc44d385a2286793c226e611f59e7
Date : 2022-09-14T21:12:14.256Z
Electron : 19.0.12
Chromium : 102.0.5005.167
Node.js : 16.14.2
V8 :
Système d’exploitation : Linux x64 5.15.0-47-generic snap
Sandboxé : No


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Plugin doesn't work if no apollo project at first place in workspace

Type: Bug

Let's say you have several projects in your workspace using apollo.config.js.

If none of them is in first position, the plugin is disabled and you'll have errors spawning about loading schemas and initializing Apollo GraphQL projects.

But as soon as you place one of the apollo projects in first place, the plugin is re-enabled.

Extension version: 1.19.11
VS Code version: Code 1.74.2 (e8a3071ea4344d9d48ef8a4df2c097372b0c5161, 2022-12-20T10:32:21.587Z)
OS version: Darwin arm64 22.2.0
Sandboxed: No

System Info
Item Value
CPUs Apple M1 (8 x 24)
GPU Status 2d_canvas: enabled
canvas_oop_rasterization: disabled_off
direct_rendering_display_compositor: disabled_off_ok
gpu_compositing: enabled
metal: disabled_off
multiple_raster_threads: enabled_on
opengl: enabled_on
rasterization: enabled
raw_draw: disabled_off_ok
skia_renderer: enabled_on
video_decode: enabled
video_encode: enabled
vulkan: disabled_off
webgl: enabled
webgl2: enabled
webgpu: disabled_off
Load (avg) 4, 3, 3
Memory (System) 16.00GB (0.05GB free)
Process Argv --crash-reporter-id 53a2c80b-8303-4272-b837-bc49d98b344e
Screen Reader yes
VM 0%

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Falsy "️️There are multiple definitions for the operation" triggered

I see a lot of failures in the Apollo GraphQL Output for vscode, that looks like this:

[Error - 18:28:53] Notification handler 'workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles' failed with message: ️️There are multiple definitions for the `OperationName` operation. Please rename or remove all operations with the duplicated name before continuing.When I search for this operation, I don't find it anymore. 

Restarting vscode helps, but not for a long time.

Can we please have in this error actual places where it finds the problems?
That would help to understand the issue more, and actually help immensely when this problem actually occur.

Thank you!

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`TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')`

Receiving this after the latest VSCode update. Anyone with the same error?

                selectsClientFieldSet = Boolean(clientFields && clientFields.includes(;

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')

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Issues with GraphQL heredoc in ruby files


While working on Ruby on Rails project, I noticed that the highlighting in the spec files is somehow wrong when using heredocs for GraphQL. It seems that after the first GraphQL heredoc, everything goes in yellow, the formatting while writing and the autocomplete doesn't work. I'm attaching a screenshot.


# foo_spec.rb

require 'rails_helper'

module Graph
  module Mutations
    describe FooMutation do
      it 'flags foo' do
        foo = create :foo

        resolve <<~GRAPHQL, id:, flag: true
          mutation($id: ID!, $flag: Boolean!) {
            flagFoo(input: {id: $id, flag: $flag}) {
              foo {

        response_data.should eq 'flagFoo' => {'foo' => {'flagged' => true}]}

      it 'unflags foo' do
        foo = create :foo

        resolve <<~GRAPHQL, id:, flag: false
          mutation($id: ID!, $flag: Boolean!) {
            flagFoo(input: {id: $id, flag: $flag}) {
              foo {

        response_data.should eq 'flagFoo' => {'foo' => {'flagged' => false}}


Screenshot 2022-05-25 at 14 56 53

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Go to Definition doesn't work in GraphQL schema file

In our repo, we have a client project with a local schema file, with this apollo.config.js. When pkg/graph/schema.graphql is open, the Go to Definition action doesn't work on types defined in the schema; it shows "No definition found", even for types that are definitely defined in the schema file.

With the apollographql.trace.server setting on verbose, the following messages are displayed - it looks like the language server isn't returning any responses for textDocument/definition requests.

[Trace - 9:44:21 AM] Sending request 'textDocument/definition - (14)'.
Params: {
    "textDocument": {
        "uri": "file:///home/dylan/source/repos/easi-app/pkg/graph/schema.graphql"
    "position": {
        "line": 1095,
        "character": 53

[Trace - 9:44:21 AM] Received response 'textDocument/definition - (14)' in 1ms.
No result returned.

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Support Deprecated Input

Hello 👋 ,
thanks for your work :)

my vscode is yelling at me because i got some fields that are input and deprecated....
although it's supported in graphql-js now (graphql/graphql-js#2855)

i wonder if there's a way to support that :)


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vscode plugin should offer "reload schema" as a quick fix for validation issues

Currently, the VSCode plugin only loads the GraphQL schema on startup and when explicitly requested to reload via the Apollo: Reload Schema command.

An outdated schema can cause confusing GraphQL: Validation problems. It would be great if reloading the schema was presented as a "Quick fix" for these problems!

(It also would be nice if the schema was periodically reloaded, but that's an orthogonal issue, since you might still want to disable automatic reloads or something.)

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