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dockerode's Introduction


Not another Node.js Docker Remote API module.

dockerode objectives:

  • streams - dockerode does NOT break any stream, it passes them to you allowing for some stream voodoo.
  • stream demux - Supports optional stream demultiplexing.
  • entities - containers, images and execs are defined entities and not random static methods.
  • run - dockerode allow you to seamless run commands in a container ala docker run.
  • tests - dockerode really aims to have a good test set, allowing to follow Docker changes easily, quickly and painlessly.
  • feature-rich - There's a real effort in keeping All Docker Remote API features implemented and tested.
  • interfaces - Features callback and promise based interfaces, making everyone happy :)



npm install dockerode


  • Input options are directly passed to Docker. Check Docker API documentation for more details.
  • Return values are unchanged from Docker, official Docker documentation will also apply to them.
  • Check the tests and examples folder for more examples.

Getting started

To use dockerode first you need to instantiate it:

var Docker = require('dockerode');
var docker = new Docker({socketPath: '/var/run/docker.sock'});
var docker1 = new Docker(); //defaults to above if env variables are not used
var docker2 = new Docker({host: '', port: 3000});
var docker3 = new Docker({protocol:'http', host: '', port: 3000});
var docker4 = new Docker({host: '', port: 3000}); //defaults to http

//protocol http vs https is automatically detected
var docker5 = new Docker({
  host: '',
  port: process.env.DOCKER_PORT || 2375,
  ca: fs.readFileSync('ca.pem'),
  cert: fs.readFileSync('cert.pem'),
  key: fs.readFileSync('key.pem'),
  version: 'v1.25' // required when Docker >= v1.13,

var docker6 = new Docker({
  protocol: 'https', //you can enforce a protocol
  host: '',
  port: process.env.DOCKER_PORT || 2375,
  ca: fs.readFileSync('ca.pem'),
  cert: fs.readFileSync('cert.pem'),
  key: fs.readFileSync('key.pem')

//using a different promise library (default is the native one)
var docker7 = new Docker({
  Promise: require('bluebird')

Manipulating a container:

// create a container entity. does not query API
var container = docker.getContainer('71501a8ab0f8');

// query API for container info
container.inspect(function (err, data) {

container.start(function (err, data) {

container.remove(function (err, data) {

// promises are supported
var auxContainer;
  Image: 'ubuntu',
  AttachStdin: false,
  AttachStdout: true,
  AttachStderr: true,
  Tty: true,
  Cmd: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'tail -f /var/log/dmesg'],
  OpenStdin: false,
  StdinOnce: false
}).then(function(container) {
  auxContainer = container;
  return auxContainer.start();
}).then(function(data) {
  return auxContainer.resize({
    h: process.stdout.rows,
    w: process.stdout.columns
}).then(function(data) {
  return auxContainer.stop();
}).then(function(data) {
  return auxContainer.remove();
}).then(function(data) {
  console.log('container removed');
}).catch(function(err) {

You may also specify default options for each container's operations, which will always be used for the specified container and operation.

container.defaultOptions.start.Binds = ["/tmp:/tmp:rw"];

Stopping all containers on a host

docker.listContainers(function (err, containers) {
  containers.forEach(function (containerInfo) {

Building an Image

Context: provides the path to the Dockerfile. Additionaly files that are involved in the build must be explicitly mentioned in src array, since they are sent to a temp env to build. Example: file for COPY command are extracted from that temporary environment.

docker.buildImage('archive.tar', {t: imageName}, function (err, response){

  context: __dirname,
  src: ['Dockerfile', 'file1', 'file2']
}, {t: imageName}, function (err, response) {

buildImage returns a Promise of NodeJS stream. In case you want to find out when the build has finished, you must follow the progress of the build with the modem instance in dockerode:

let dockerode = new Dockerode();
let stream = await dockerode.buildImage(...);
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  dockerode.modem.followProgress(stream, (err, res) => err ? reject(err) : resolve(res));
// Build has finished

Creating a container:

docker.createContainer({Image: 'ubuntu', Cmd: ['/bin/bash'], name: 'ubuntu-test'}, function (err, container) {
  container.start(function (err, data) {

Streams goodness:

docker.createContainer({ /*...*/ Tty: true /*...*/ }, function(err, container) {

  /* ... */

  container.attach({stream: true, stdout: true, stderr: true}, function (err, stream) {

  /* ... */

docker.createContainer({ /*...*/ Tty: false /*...*/ }, function(err, container) {

  /* ... */

  container.attach({stream: true, stdout: true, stderr: true}, function (err, stream) {
    //dockerode may demultiplex attach streams for you :)
    container.modem.demuxStream(stream, process.stdout, process.stderr);

  /* ... */

docker.createImage({fromImage: 'ubuntu'}, function (err, stream) {


There is also support for HTTP connection hijacking, which allows for cleaner interactions with commands that work with stdin and stdout separately.

docker.createContainer({Tty: false, /*... other options */}, function(err, container) {
  container.start(function(err) {
    container.exec({Cmd: ['shasum', '-'], AttachStdin: true, AttachStdout: true}, function(err, exec) {
      exec.start({hijack: true, stdin: true}, function(err, stream) {
        // shasum can't finish until after its stdin has been closed, telling it that it has
        // read all the bytes it needs to sum. Without a socket upgrade, there is no way to
        // close the write-side of the stream without also closing the read-side!
        fs.createReadStream('node-v5.1.0.tgz', 'binary').pipe(stream);

        // Fortunately, we have a regular TCP socket now, so when the readstream finishes and closes our
        // stream, it is still open for reading and we will still get our results :-)
        docker.modem.demuxStream(stream, process.stdout, process.stderr);

Equivalent of docker run in dockerode:

  • image - container image
  • cmd - command to be executed
  • stream - stream(s) which will be used for execution output.
  • create_options - (optional) Options used for container creation. Refer to the DockerEngine ContainerCreate documentation for the possible values
  • start_options - (optional) Options used for container start. Refer to the DockerEngine ContainerStart documentation for the possible values
  • callback - callback called when execution ends (optional, promise will be returned if not used).
//callback'ubuntu', ['bash', '-c', 'uname -a'], process.stdout, function (err, data, container) {

//promise, ['bash', '-c', 'uname -a'], process.stdout).then(function(data) {
  var output = data[0];
  var container = data[1];
  return container.remove();
}).then(function(data) {
  console.log('container removed');
}).catch(function(err) {

or, if you want to split stdout and stderr (you must to pass Tty:false as an option for this to work)'ubuntu', ['bash', '-c', 'uname -a'], [process.stdout, process.stderr], {Tty:false}, function (err, data, container) {

If you provide a callback, run will return an EventEmitter supporting the following events: container, stream, data. If a callback isn't provided a promise will be returned.'ubuntu', ['bash', '-c', 'uname -a'], [process.stdout, process.stderr], {Tty:false}, function (err, data, container) {
}).on('container', function (container) {

And here is one more complex example using auto-remove and Docker network.'some-python-image', ['python', '', arg], process.stdout, {name: 'my-python-container', HostConfig: { AutoRemove: true, NetworkMode: 'my_network'}}, function(err, data, container) {
  // Do stuff

Equivalent of docker pull in dockerode:

  • repoTag - container image name (optionally with tag) myrepo/myname:withtag
  • options - extra options passed to create image.
  • callback - callback called when execution ends.
docker.pull('myrepo/myname:tag', function (err, stream) {
  // streaming output from pull...

Pull from private repos

docker-modem already base64 encodes the necessary auth object for you.

var auth = {
  username: 'username',
  password: 'password',
  auth: '',
  email: '[email protected]',
  serveraddress: ''

docker.pull('tag', {'authconfig': auth}, function (err, stream) {

If you already have a base64 encoded auth object, you can use it directly:

var auth = { key: 'yJ1J2ZXJhZGRyZXNzIjoitZSI6Im4OCIsImF1dGgiOiIiLCJlbWFpbCI6ImZvbGllLmFkcmc2VybmF0iLCJzZX5jb2aHR0cHM6Ly9pbmRleC5kb2NrZXIuaW8vdZvbGllYSIsInBhc3N3b3JkIjoiRGVjZW1icmUjEvIn0=' }

Helper functions

  • followProgress - allows to fire a callback only in the end of a stream based process. (build, pull, ...)
//followProgress(stream, onFinished, [onProgress])
docker.pull(repoTag, function(err, stream) {
  docker.modem.followProgress(stream, onFinished, onProgress);

  function onFinished(err, output) {
    //output is an array with output json parsed objects
  function onProgress(event) {
  • demuxStream - demux stdout and stderr
//demuxStream(stream, stdout, stderr)
  stream: true,
  stdout: true,
  stderr: true
}, function handler(err, stream) {
  container.modem.demuxStream(stream, process.stdout, process.stderr);


Amazing entities that sponsor my open-source work. Check them out!

HTTP Toolkit














  • docker pull ubuntu:latest to prepare your system for the tests.
  • Tests are implemented using mocha and chai. Run them with npm test.


Check the examples folder for more specific use cases examples.


Pedro Dias - @pedromdias

Licensed under the Apache license, version 2.0 (the "license"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the license. You may obtain a copy of the license at:

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the license is distributed on an "as is" basis, without warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied. See the license for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the license.

dockerode's People


aaronpropst avatar andreasheine avatar angeldimitrov avatar apocas avatar beverts312 avatar briceburg avatar conradoqg avatar dependabot[bot] avatar djedi23 avatar foliea avatar jokeyrhyme avatar jossemargt avatar kb2ma avatar khornberg avatar lightsofapollo avatar lmorandini avatar mancvso avatar matsev avatar maxcnunes avatar mikemaccana avatar niclashoyer avatar nmorsman avatar nuxlli avatar pcarranzav avatar pimterry avatar rmg avatar samuel-olivier avatar srijs avatar stephenlacy avatar vincentwoo avatar


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dockerode's Issues

Allow `PublishAllPorts` option to be passed to run command

I have a container I'd like to run with the PublishAllPorts option, but this is not being passed to the container.start call.['./'], null, {PublishAllPorts : true}, callback);

Wondering if fix could be as simple as passing the options to container.start here?

image.tag isStream?

I'm not sure if this is a bug but I've been driving myself crazy trying to debug some weird things happening with the Remote API. Sometimes it just never responds. I narrowed it down to only happening with calls directly after I make an image tag call. And it looks like something is happening really low level where it never closes the connection to the Remote API so the next call will just sit in limbo. I was looking at the documentation and I'm not certain but I don't think the image.tag method should have the isStream flag.

This may just be more documentation changes or changes within Docker itself as was the case with #45 (Thanks for the quick fix BTW)

User defined 'opts' are never used on function call

I need to overwrite some of the default options when calling buildImage, as I want to set opts.path to '/build?t=nodeapp&q' to set a name/tag for the resulting image.

Unfortunately, the opts object given on call get completely ignored/overwritten by the defaults.

This seems to be a general problem, not only for docker.buildImage();

Docker.prototype.buildImage = function(file, opts, callback) {
  var self = this;
  var opts = {
    path: '/build?',
    method: 'POST',
    file: file,
    options: opts,
    isStream: true,
    statusCodes: {
      200: true,
      500: "server error"

  this.modem.dial(opts, function(err, data) {
    callback(err, data);

authconfig is undefined

Did I miss some configuration?

    optionsf.headers['X-Registry-Auth'] = authconfig;
ReferenceError: authconfig is not defined
    at Modem.dial (/web/node_modules/dockerode/node_modules/docker-modem/lib/modem.js:52:43)
    at Docker.createImage (/web/node_modules/dockerode/lib/docker.js:50:14)
    at Docker.pull (/web/node_modules/dockerode/lib/docker.js:234:15)
    at dock_opts._createHandler (/web/api/controllers/AppImageController.js:69:18)
    at /web/node_modules/dockerode/lib/docker.js:25:20
    at Modem.buildPayload (/web/node_modules/dockerode/node_modules/docker-modem/lib/modem.js:123:5)
    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/web/node_modules/dockerode/node_modules/docker-modem/lib/modem.js:96:14)
    at IncomingMessage.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:117:20)
    at _stream_readable.js:910:16
    at process._tickDomainCallback (node.js:459:13)

writing to stdin

If this is currently supported by dockerode, could you include a test / example of attaching to a container's stdin? And if it's not supported, what are the chances of that happening?


connecting over http ECONNREFUSED

I'm getting ECONNREFUSED when trying to create a container.

var Docker = require('dockerode')
  , docker = new Docker({host: 'http://localhost', port: 3000})

  Image: 'ubuntu:12.10',
  Cmd: ['bash'],
  AttachStdin: true,
  OpenStdin: true,
  // StdinOnce: true
}, function (err, container) {
  if (err) return console.log(err)

wget http://localhost:3000/containers/json works just fine.

No license

No license.txt

EDIT: Sorry, just noticed it's in the readme instead.

Error demuxing attach stream

I got this once on attaching to stream coming out of dockerode:

  var len = state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length;
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null
  at writeOrBuffer (_stream_writable.js:201:41)
  at Writable.write (_stream_writable.js:180:11)
  at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/home/vwoo/coderpad-tty/node_modules/dockerode/node_modules/docker-modem/lib/modem.js:133:18)
  at IncomingMessage.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:92:17)
  at emitReadable_ (_stream_readable.js:408:10)
  at emitReadable (_stream_readable.js:404:5)
  at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:165:9)
  at IncomingMessage.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:127:10)
  at HTTPParser.parserOnBody [as onBody] (http.js:142:22)
  at Socket.socketOnData [as ondata] (http.js:1583:20)
  at Pipe.onread (net.js:525:27)

my code looks like:

container.attach stream: true, stdout: true, stderr: true, (err, stream) ->
  return errHandler() if err

  stdout = new Writable()
  stderr = new Writable()

  stdout._write = (chunk, encoding, cb) ->
    handleWrite 'stdout', chunk

  stderr._write = (chunk, encoding, cb) ->
    handleWrite 'stderr', chunk

  handleWrite = (stream, chunk) ->
    data = chunk.toString 'utf8'
    lastOutput = if results.length > 0 then results[results.size - 1] else false
    if lastOutput && == stream += data
      results.push { stream, data }

  container.modem.demuxStream stream, stdout, stderr

it looks like demuxStream sometimes calls .write with null?

Expose more meaningful errors

It would be nice if the err actually had the statusCode of the response as a property.
Right now the errors are returned in a human readable form, but not friendly to interpret programmatically.

oh, i just saw the docker-modem issue for this...

Add logging / deubg module

When working with dockerode I often need to debug some mistakes (or just want to see what is going on) some logging (or use of the debug module) would be very helpful

Callback called more than once

I'm running dockerode synchronously using fibrous. In dockerodes error situation fibrous crashes and reports "Future resolved more than once" (for example when docker daemon is not running). I traced the problem to modem.js buildPayload. The passed callback function is executed more than once if err is true.

Also I have a feature request. Could it be possible to add options to container commands where they are now missing. At least stop doesn't have the possibility pass options but stop command has "t โ€“ number of seconds to wait before killing the container".

Thank you.

Container creation fails silently on OS X

When I use dockerode to create docker containers, container creation starts failing silently after a few times. This code will illustrate the problem:

The first 3 times, I get the inside attach message on the console, but after that, container creation just fails silently with no errors. Only before create message is logged.

I'm on OS X and using Dockerode 0.2.0 and Docker 1.0.

Unable to create privileged container

The Docker Remote API v1.4 and above supports creating privileged containers. Dockerode does not seem to support this.

In my code specifically:

docker.createContainer opts, (err, container) ->

the opts object contains a "Privileged":true entry but that doesn't seem to be getting reflected in Docker. Patching the API calls to /v1.4/ doesn't seem to break anything but the behaviour continues.

Push to private register through remote api.

So I would like to know how to push to a private registry but I can seem to figure it out.

var tar = require('tar-fs');
var Docker = require('dockerode');
var fs = require('fs');

var socket = process.env.DOCKER_SOCKET || '/var/run/docker.sock';
var stats = fs.statSync(socket);
if (!stats.isSocket()) {
    throw new Error("Are you sure the docker is running?");

var docker = new Docker({
    socketPath : socket

var tarStream = tar.pack(process.cwd());
var testImage = 'pizza';

docker.buildImage(tarStream, {
    t : testImage,
    q : true
}, function(err, output) {
    output.on('end', function() {
        console.log('Successfully built')
        var image = docker.getImage(testImage);
            repo : 'http://localhost.localdomain:5000/pizza'
        }, function(err, data) {
            console.log(err, data);
                registry : 'http://localhost.localdomain:5000/'
            }, function(err, data) {

I keep getting this error

{"message":"Error: Status 401 trying to push repository pizza: "},"error":"Error: Status 401 trying to push repository pizza: "}

This is the debug info from docker.

[debug] registry.go:534 [registry] PUT
[debug] registry.go:535 Image list pushed to index:
[debug] http.go:168 -- HEADERS: map[User-Agent:[docker/0.9.1 go/go1.2.1 kernel/3.14.2-200.fc20.x86_64 os/linux arch/amd64 ]]
Error: Status 401 trying to push repository pizza: 

Get separate output for stdout/stderr on "run"

I'm looking into ways to get demuxed log output (stdout/stderr) for a "run" call.

As takes a destination stream for logging, it may be possible to provide an instance of container.modem.demuxStream(), which get feed by separate streams for stdout/stderr beforehand. While achieving this from the outside might be possible for the user, it would be far from convenient in practice. See example

From my point of view, two options should be added to the "run" functionality

  • Allow providing two separate destinations streams for stdout/stderr
  • Allow user to get buffered version of different logout outputs

Document building new image from current directory

It's a very common task to need to build a new image from within a directory. I.e. use a Dockerfile + various source files that need ADDed.

This was my solution:

  tar = require 'tar-fs'
  console.log 'building new image'
  tarStream = tar.pack(process.cwd())
  docker.buildImage(tarStream, {t: 'pizza'}, (error,output) ->

missing call back from docker modem.dial

I'm not sure where this is coming form in my code looks like I missed a callback?

    callback(err, data);
TypeError: undefined is not a function
    at /web/node_modules/dockerode/lib/docker.js:51:5
    at Modem.buildPayload (/web/node_modules/dockerode/node_modules/docker-modem/lib/modem.js:126:7)
    at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/web/node_modules/dockerode/node_modules/docker-modem/lib/modem.js:82:12)
    at ClientRequest.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:117:20)
    at HTTPParser.parserOnIncomingClient [as onIncoming] (http.js:1658:21)
    at HTTPParser.parserOnHeadersComplete [as onHeadersComplete] (http.js:119:23)
    at Socket.socketOnData [as ondata] (http.js:1553:20)
    at Pipe.onread (net.js:525:27)

Bind Host Volume to Container on .run()

I can't figure out how to bind a host volume into a container. According to the Remote API documentation this can be specified by setting 'Binds' like this...'image', ['ls', '-al', '/tmp/'], null, {Binds: ["/tmp:/tmp:rw"]}, cb)

Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work. (shows contents of original container /tmp)

Can somebody point me into the right direction here? I wonder if this is a bug in the Remote API...

Btw, it works perfectly fine using the docker cli tool!

image tag receives 201 status code

Not sure if this something that should be dealt with here or over in Docker itself but it looks like the image tag call responds with a 201 status code, not a 200. Dockerode is expecting 200 as it says in the Docker documentation so this causes it to think it's an error. Even though Dockerode thinks it's an error it does actually tag the image.

This is my stream output from the error
{ [Error: HTTP code is 201 which indicates error: undefined - null] reason: undefined, statusCode: 201, json: null }

I'm using Docker version 0.8.0

docker.getContainer appears to be broken

vagrant@precise64:$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                            COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
48f3a0350a6d        vincentwoo/xxxxxxxxxxxx:latest   /home/coderpad/shell   3 minutes ago       Up 3 minutes                            distracted_ritchie
vagrant@precise64:$ coffee
coffee> docker    = new (require('dockerode'))(socketPath: '/var/run/docker.sock')
{ modem:
   { socketPath: '/var/run/docker.sock',
     host: undefined,
     port: undefined,
     version: undefined } }
coffee> docker.getContainer
coffee> container = docker.getContainer('48f3a0350a6d')
    callback(err, data);
TypeError: number is not a function
    at /home/vagrant/coderpad-tty/node_modules/dockerode/lib/container.js:20:5
    at Modem.buildPayload (/home/vagrant/coderpad-tty/node_modules/dockerode/node_modules/docker-modem/lib/modem.js:118:9)
    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/home/vagrant/coderpad-tty/node_modules/dockerode/node_modules/docker-modem/lib/modem.js:91:14)
    at IncomingMessage.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:117:20)
    at _stream_readable.js:920:16
    at process._tickCallback (node.js:415:13)

Does this work in the browser?

This is more of a question, feel free to close. I am trying to determine whether this module with work in the browser with browserify. Since I don't have a docker instance, I couldn't test it, but from looking at the source, it seems like it should work, since docker's remote API supports CORS. Could you confirm?

dockerode `listContainers` method not accepting any value for 'all' option

First of all, many thanks for writing such an awesome wrapper. ๐Ÿ‘

Here is one case that i come across :

I am trying to get list of all containers bases on user preference whether they want to see all containers or only few that comes by default.
Docker api docs says to specify "all" params in my call. Which works perfectly when i make raw curl call

  xx.x.x.x/containers/json?all=1/true   // Fetches all
  xx.x.x.x/containers/json?all=0/false   // Fetches NOT all
  xx.x.x.x/containers/json?all=garbage   // Fetches all

Now, when i try to make same call with listContainers method it will consider everything given to all as true i.e considering everything garbage even true/false/0/1 values.

  docker.listContainers( {all: null/true/false/1/0}, function(err, containers) {...}  // Fetches All

size option also work like this. ( i haven't tested other options).

Please help me out with this. I am using "dockerode": "~2.0.0"

Detaching a container freezes the prompt

Using this example I'm able to run the bash in a container and then attach into it. That works as expected and I'm able to leave the container with exit command.

The exit command leaves the container and stop that. Which calls the wait event. In some cases I would like to leave the container without stop that. Then I thought I could use the CTRL+P CTRL+Q command, the same one I would use in the docker client, to leave the container and keep that running.

But the CTRL+P CTRL+Q command leaves the container and after that freezes my prompt. As this command does not stop the container it will not call the wait event.

Does anyone has some thoughts how I could detach a container and back to prompt without exit and stop the container?

closing attached stream

How can I close attached stream? It is http.IncomingMessage, so the only way I found is to call request.abort() but it is in 'req' not in 'res'.

callback: number is not a function

I was running into an issue where I was getting a random error in Image.prototype.inspect when I was not calling the function. It turned out that when I was logging an image, the routines called inspect on the image with a number (recursionTimes as I traced into it) which ended up causing the error.

This can be replicated quickly with the following:

var Docker = require('dockerode');
var docker = new Docker(/* your setup */);
var image = docker.getImage('imageName');
console.log(image); // ends up calling `image.inspect`

This ends up crashing like as below, but not pointing directly to console.log as the issue.

    callback(err, data);
TypeError: number is not a function
    at /path/to/my/code/node_modules/dockerode/lib/image.js:37:5
    at Modem.buildPayload (/path/to/my/code/node_modules/dockerode/node_modules/docker-modem/lib/modem.js:135:5)
    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/path/to/my/code/node_modules/dockerode/node_modules/docker-modem/lib/modem.js:106:14)
    at IncomingMessage.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:117:20)
    at _stream_readable.js:920:16
    at process._tickCallback (node.js:415:13)

I will let it up to you if/how this could be accounted for, but it's something I wanted to at least make you aware. I could create a pull request with a quick fix as well (checking if the callback isn't a function, and returning the image name if that is the case), but I don't know if that accounts for any other issues off hand.

Tty parameter in container.attach?

I can not find any usage of tty parameter here: . But there is tty parameter to container.attach in examples:

container.attach({stream: true, stdout: true, stderr: true, tty: true}, function (err, stream) {

container.attach({stream: true, stdout: true, stderr: true, tty: false}, function (err, stream) {
  //dockerode may demultiplex attach streams for you :)
  container.modem.demuxStream(stream, process.stdout, process.stderr);

How this is woks?

Closing stdin stream

After attaching and writing data to stdin I need to close it somehow. I have some code that is being executed and expects the stdin in the container to be closed at a certain poinrt. Is there a way for this to be accomplished?

Building an image and streaming question

Hi Pedro,

I just wondered if I could get some advice on using dockerode - I hope that's OK and thanks:

I'm building an image successfully using:

   docker.buildImage(archiveName, {t: tagName}, function(err, response){
      console.log('finished building image', err, response.statusCode, response.complete)

I see the response.complete is false, and I suspect that's something to do with the streaming nature of dockerode. I'm not quite sure whether I should:

  • Use something to demux the stream into a completed response once the streams have finished, and get the new image ID from that.


  • Since building the image may take very long (eg, if one of the commands in the Dockerfile took a long time, I think HTTP might time out completely. Should I just set a reasonable timeout for the image to be created, then run listImages() to see if an image was created with the specified tag?

I guess this is part of my lack of knowledge of streaming. Does HTTP streaming still time out, or does it keep going as long as new data comes in?

Sorry to bother you with this, I just suspect you might know the answer...

Write to stream

How do we take advantage of the OpenStdin and AttachStdin features? It doesn't seem as though the stream is a writeable stream.


Allow piping into docker build

At the moment docker-modem just reads options.file and pipes the contents to the command.

It would be really nice if one could pass a readable stream instead of a filename (e.g. reading a tar file from the web).

Be consistent about returning instances vs json from the server

See: vs

I would argue that we should not return instances (since doing so may result in lost data since the server responds with much more then just the ID we need) and make getContainer / getImage (or the constructors) smarter so they can accept these objects from the server and respond with a object.

Running containers in a detached mode is difficult

Hi all, I'm using dockerode to manage my docker containers and its great so far, but the run command doesn't seem to be friendly to running containers in a detached mode. The implementation now always tries to attach to a container and then wait for it to be done before running the callback. I'd like to just call run and get a confirmation it is running. Would like to contribute, was wondering thoughts on a preferred way. My inclination is to add a new method, runDetached a la:

Docker.prototype.runDetached = function(image, cmd, options, callback) {
  if (!callback && typeof(options) === 'function') {
    callback = options;
    options = {};
  function handler(err, container) {
    if (err) return callback(err, container);
    container.start(options, function(err, data) {
      if(err) return callback(err, data);
      callback(err, data, container);

  var optsc = {
    'Hostname': '',
    'User': '',
    'AttachStdin': false,
    'AttachStdout': false,
    'AttachStderr': false,
    'Tty': true,
    'OpenStdin': false,
    'StdinOnce': false,
    'Env': null,
    'Cmd': cmd,
    'Image': image,
    'Volumes': {},
    'VolumesFrom': ''

  _.extend(optsc, options);

  this.createContainer(optsc, handler);

Thoughts? I'd be happy to submit a PR and include some tests, but don't want to go through the effort if you'd rather augment the run method. If that's the case, I'd rather not use the options object but don't have a better suggestion.

Thanks for the great lib!

Piped stream should end when source ends

Any reasons why the end option is set as false here (in docker run)?

stream.pipe(streamo, {end: false});

I am trying to send the stream to the browser as response, and this false option means that I have no way to find out when the stream closes so that I can send a res.end to the browser. (I tried listening for the finish event, but it does not fire).

Here's a small snippet showing what I'm trying to do:

http.createServer(function (req, res) {
   res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });
   res.on('finish', function() {
     res.end('there will be no more data.');   // this never fires
   });'ubuntu', "echo 1", res, true, function(err, data) {      

Importing images

Does this module support importing images? The docker remote api supports importing images from stdin so this could possibly be supported here.


ID=$(docker run -d desired-image /bin/bash)
docker export $ID | gzip -c > desired-image.tgz
docker rm $ID
# copy desired-image.tgz to another machine
gzip -dc desired-image.tgz | docker import - desired-image

If this module supported the final import line from a stream that would be great

var Docker = require('dockerode')
var fs = require('fs')
var docker = new Docker({socketPath: '/var/run/docker.sock'})
var readStream = fs.createReadStream('./desired-image.tgz')

// pipe to new image here
var image = docker.importImage('foo')

Another use case is building from a Dockerfile on stdin

var Docker = require('dockerode')
var docker = new Docker({socketPath: '/var/run/docker.sock'})
var fs = require('fs')
var readStream = fs.createReadStream('/path/to/Dockerfile')
var image = docker.buildFromDockerfile('foo')

Individual instruction's images are not reused when building image with dockerode

I'm using buildImage method

var Docker = require('dockerode');
var docker = new Docker({socketPath: '/var/run/docker.sock'});
docker.buildImage('./build/server.tar', {t: 'projectname'}, function(err, resp) {
  // some code

It builds the image from tar as expected, however it runs each RUN instruction every time I run the script without caching it. When I run docker build . -t projectname it runs much faster and uses caching.

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