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eea.elasticsearch.river.rdf's Introduction

EEA ElasticSearch RDF River Plugin

The EEA RDF River Plugin for ElasticSearch allows to harvest metadata from SPARQL endpoints or plain RDF files into ElasticSearch. It is provided as a plugin.


  • ElasticSearch 0.90.2 or later
  • Java 7 Runtime Environment

Binaries for this plugin are available at:

In order to install the plugin, you first need to have Elasticsearch installed. Just download the latest release and extract it.

To install the RDF River plugin run from the previously extracted directory:

./bin/plugin --url$PLUGIN_VERSION/eea-rdf-river-plugin-$ -i eea-rdf-river
Note: urls are deprecated and will were checked out from the source tree. Please use the url described above to install the plugin. You can find all of the legacy archives previously available in the source tree here.
  1. Indexing RDFs given by their URIs
  2. Indexing triples retrieved from a SPARQL endpoint, through SELECT queries
  3. Indexing triples retrieved from a SPARQL endpoint, through CONSTRUCT queries
  4. Indexing triples retrieved from a SPARQL endpoint, through DESCRIBE queries
  5. Customizable index and type names
  6. Blacklist of unnecessary properties
  7. Whitelist of required properties
  8. Normalization of properties from different namespaces
  9. Normalization of missing properties
  10. Synchronization with an endpoint

Each river can index data into a specific index. The default index has the index name 'rdfdata' and the type name 'resource'.

Creating the RDF river can be done with:

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/rdf_river/_meta' -d '{
  "type" : "eeaRDF",
  "eeaRDF" : {

"eeaRDF" is the name of the river and should not be changed. It gives ElasticSearch the information about which river to use. Otherwise, the data provided will not be indexed. "rdf_river" is the name of the rdf river type. Any name can be chosen for the type, as long as it is unique (it has not been used for a different river).

A new index name and type can be set with:

"index" : {
       "index" : "newIndexName",
       "type" : "newTypeName"

The river is given a list of URIs from which triples are indexed into ElasticSearch. 'uris' may contain any list of URIs.

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/rdf_river/_meta' -d '{
  "type" : "eeaRDF",
  "eeaRDF" : {
     "uris" : ["",

The river is given a SPARQL endpoint and a list of queries. Each query response is indexed into ElasticSearch. The SPARQL query can be a SELECT query or a CONSTRUCT query. All the queries are of the same type.

The SELECT query should always require a triple (?s ?p ?o) where ?s is the subject, ?p is the predicate and ?o is the object. The names and order are required for relevant results.

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/rdf_river/_meta' -d '{
  "type" : "eeaRDF",
  "eeaRDF" : {
     "endpoint" : "",
     "query" : ["PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX cr: <> SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s a cr:SparqlBookmark ; ?p ?o}"],
     "queryType" : "select"

CONSTRUCT queries are more simple.

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/rdf_river/_meta' -d '{
  "type" : "eeaRDF",
  "eeaRDF" : {
     "endpoint" : "",
     "query" : [
         "CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} WHERE {?s  a <> ; ?p ?o}",
         "CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} WHERE { ?s a <> ; ?p ?o}"
     "queryType" : "construct"

DESCRIBE queries can be written as such:

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/rdf_river/_meta' -d '{
  "type" : "eeaRDF",
  "eeaRDF" : {
     "endpoint" : "",
     "query" : [
       "DESCRIBE ?r WHERE { ?r a <> }
     "queryType" : "describe"
DESCRIBE queries can produce larger results than other types of queries, making the river plugin run out of memory.

Tips: See how to optimize your queries / avoid endpoint timeout

All supported parameters are optional. Moreover, it is possible to index metadata from a SPARQL endpoint and several unrelated URIs.

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/rdf_river/_meta' -d '{
  "type" : "eeaRDF",
  "eeaRDF" : {
     "uris" : ["",
     "endpoint" : "",
     "query" : ["PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX cr: <> CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} WHERE { ?s a cr:SparqlBookmark ; ?p ?o}"],
     "queryType" : "construct"

There are several other options available for the index operation. They can be added no matter of the other settings.

Each resource is indexed into ElasticSearch with the _id property set to its URI. This is very convenient because it is well known that URIs are unique. Some applications however cannot extract the URI from the _id field, so whenever "includeResourceUri" is set on "true", a new property is added to each resource: "", having the value equal to the resource's URI.

The default value for "includeResourceURI" is true.

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/rdf_river/_meta' -d '{
  "type" : "eeaRDF",
  "eeaRDF" : {
     "uris" : ["",
     "endpoint" : "",
     "query" : ["PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX cr: <> CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} WHERE { ?s a cr:SparqlBookmark ; ?p ?o}"],
     "queryType" : "construct",
     "includeResourceURI" : false

When "addLanguage" is set on "true", all the languages of the String Literals will be included in the output of a new property, "language". If "language" is a required property, one that has to describe all the objects, a default language should be set for when there are no String Literals or they do not have languages defined. This can be done when indexing the data by setting "language" to be the default language.

The default value for "addLanguage" is true and for "language", "en".

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/rdf_river/_meta' -d '{
  "type" : "eeaRDF",
  "eeaRDF" : {
     "uris" : ["",
     "endpoint" : "",
     "query" : ["PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX cr: <> CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} WHERE { ?s a cr:SparqlBookmark ; ?p ?o}"],
     "queryType" : "construct",
     "addLanguage" : true,
     "language" : "it"

The value of each predicate (the object) can only be a Literal or a Resource. When it is a Resource (URI) it is very difficult to obtain information from it, if the information is not indexed in ElasticSearch. Whenever "uriDescription" is set, the URIs are replaced by the resource's label. The label is the first of the properties given as arguments for "uriDescription", for which the resource has an object.

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/rdf_river/_meta' -d '{
  "type" : "eeaRDF",
  "eeaRDF" : {
     "uris" : ["",
     "endpoint" : "",
     "query" : ["PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX cr: <> CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} WHERE { ?s a cr:SparqlBookmark ; ?p ?o}"],
     "queryType" : "construct",
     "addLanguage" : true,
     "uriDescription" : ["", ""]

"uriDescription" is used in Sync queries to automatically retrieve descrpition for resources. When using "uriDescription" without query optimization, the index speed will increase. A good practice when using this feature is:

  • Add the uriDescription fields in synchronization indices
  • Add the uriDescription fields in index creation queries AND rewrite your queries so the SPARQL endpoint responds with Literals rather than Resources:
SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { $COND }

can be rewritten as:

SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE {
    $COND . FILTER(isLiteral(?o))
  } UNION {
    ?s ?p ?o1 .
    $COND -- applied on ?o1 instead of ?o
    ?o1 <> ?o

This optimization ensures that the query will return Literals which are indexed faster than Resources.

Depending on the importance of the information, some properties can be skipped or kept. A blacklist contains properties that should not be indexed with the data while a whitelist contains all the properties that should be indexed with the data.

A 'proplist' can therefore be of two types: 'white' or 'black'. If the type is not provided, the list is considered to be white.

The following query indexes only the rdf:type property of the resources.

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/rdf_river/_meta' -d '{
  "type" : "eeaRDF",
  "eeaRDF" : {
     "endpoint" : "",
     "query" : ["CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} WHERE {?s  a <> ; ?p ?o}"],
     "queryType" : "construct",
     "proplist" : [""],
     "listtype" : "white"

Sometimes the user might not be interested to index some obvious or useless information. A good example can be the situation in which all the classes have a single superclass. If all the objects belong to this superclass, then there is no point in adding this information.

A blackMap contains all the pairs property - list of objects that are not meant to be indexed.

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/asspart/_meta' -d '{
  "type": "eeaRDF",
  "eeaRDF" : {
     "endpoint" : "",
     "queryType" : "construct",
     "query" : ["CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} WHERE { ?s a <> . ?s ?p ?o}"],
     "blackMap" : {"":["Tracked File"]}

Sometimes the user might only be interested to index some information. A whiteMap contains all the pairs property - list of objects that are meant to be indexed.

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/asspart/_meta' -d '{
  "type": "eeaRDF",
  "eeaRDF" : {
     "endpoint" : "",
     "queryType" : "construct",
     "query" : ["CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} WHERE { ?s a <> . ?s ?p ?o}"],
     "whiteMap" : {"":["Assessment Part"]}

This feature allows the users to rename properties or objects or to state that two of these are the same, even if their namespaces are different.

'NormProp' contains pairs of property-replacement. The properties are replaced with the given values and if one resource has both properties their values are grouped in a list.

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/rdf_river/_meta' -d '{
  "type" : "eeaRDF",
  "eeaRDF" : {
     "endpoint" : "",
     "query" : ["CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} WHERE {?s  a <> ; ?p ?o}"],
     "queryType" : "construct",
     "normProp" : {
           "" : "format",
           "" : "",
           "" : ""

The data indexed with the previous river will lack the property, because it will be replaced with "format". Moreover, all the values of the and properties of each resource will be grouped under

'NormObj', similar with 'NormProp', contains pairs of object-replacement. Objects are replaced with given values no matter of the property whose value they represent.

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/rdf_river/_meta' -d '{
  "type" : "eeaRDF",
  "eeaRDF" : {
     "endpoint" : "",
     "query" : ["CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} WHERE {?s  a <> ; ?p ?o}"],
     "queryType" : "construct",
     "normObj" : {
           "Organisation" : "Organization",
           "Quick Event" : "Event"

'NormMissing' contains pairs of property-default. If the property is missing in a certain document, it will be indexed with the default value provided in this dict.

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/rdf_river/_meta' -d '{
  "type" : "eeaRDF",
  "eeaRDF" : {
     "endpoint" : "",
     "query" : ["CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} WHERE {?s  a <> ; ?p ?o}"],
     "queryType" : "construct",
     "normMissing" : {
           "" : "Other",

It is possible to query an endpoint for the latest changes and only index these instead of all the resources. This can be specified by setting the value of 'indexType' to 'sync' instead of 'full', which is the default one. A value for 'startTime' should be provided because the plugin queries the endpoint for updates that occured after that moment in time. In case no value is provided, the time of the last index operation will be considered.

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/rdf_river/_meta' -d '{
  "type" : "eeaRDF",
  "eeaRDF" : {
     "indexType" : "sync",
     "endpoint" : "",
     "startTime" : "20131206T15:00:00"
There are three possible settings for the sync river:
  • syncConditions
  • graphSyncConditions
  • syncTimeProp

This property allows the user to add extra filters when synchronizing with the endpoint. Therefore, the river will only index some information, updated after a point in time, instead of all the triples. This property is very useful when only some triples should be indexed. The resource being indexed is always "?resource".

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/rdf_river/_meta' -d '{
  "type" : "eeaRDF",
  "eeaRDF" : {
     "indexType" : "sync",
     "endpoint" : "",
     "syncConditions": "{{?resource a <>} UNION {?resource a <>}}"

This porperty allows the user to add extra filters on the source graph of the ?resource. Similar with SyncConditions this allows to filter out irrelevant triples from the index. The source graph of the resource being indexed is always "?graph".

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/rdf_river/_meta' -d '{
  "type" : "eeaRDF",
  "eeaRDF" : {
     "indexType" : "sync",
     "endpoint" : "",
     "syncConditions": "{{?resource a <>} UNION {?resource a <>}}"
     "graphSyncConditions": "FILTER (str(?graph) = concat(str(?resource), "/@@rdf"))"

Different endpoints may have different properties to present the time when some triple is harvested. SyncTimeProp sets this property to some known URI so the sync river will only index those triples that exist in graphs which have a higher value for this property than the startTime value.

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/rdf_river/_meta' -d '{
  "type" : "eeaRDF",
  "eeaRDF" : {
     "indexType" : "sync",
     "endpoint" : "",
     "syncTimeProp": ""
Many of the endpoints update the timestamp of the last harvest as the property of the source graph. Also, resources should not have properties reflecting harvest statistics. Therefore, it is safer to query the SyncTimeProp of graph rather than the one of the resource.

Sometimes some information is harvested and later on it is modified but it no longer fit into the first selection criteria. The initial resource wil no longer be needed into the dataset. However, due to the SyncConditions only resources that fit the initial (or new) conditions are synchronized, so the old data should be deleted as well. When this property is set to True, the modified resources that no longer match the conditions are deleted.

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/rdf_river/_meta' -d '{
  "type" : "eeaRDF",
  "eeaRDF" : {
     "indexType" : "sync",
     "endpoint" : "",
     "syncOldData": true

To schedule the data harvest just create a crontab with the desired interval. Cron is a time-based job scheduler. It makes it possible to schedule commands or scripts run periodically at fixed times, dates and intervals, through crontabs (cron table). The basic format of a crontab consists of six fields, separated by spaces. These fields must always be in the following order (with no empty fields):

Minute Hour Day_of_Month Month Day_of_Week Command

The accepted values for each field are:

  • Minute: 0-59
  • Hour: 0-23
  • Day_of_Month: 1-31
  • Month: 1-12 or Jan-Dec
  • Day_of_Week: 0-6 or Sun-Sat
  • Command: the command to run, including its parameters if any

The wildcard character replaces any possible value for the field it represents. It also helps scheduling something to run every x times (minutes, hours, day, month, day of week) with the syntax: "*x".

In the example below, command is run every two months, on the 1st and 15th, at 20:00 (8:00 PM).

# Minute   Hour   Day of Month       Month          Day of Week        Command
# (0-59)  (0-23)     (1-31)    (1-12 or Jan-Dec)  (0-6 or Sun-Sat)
    0       20        1,15           */2               *           /{path}/command

The command to run should remove both the old river index and the indexed data, and add a new index, as in the example below:

curl -XDELETE 'localhost:9200/rdfdata'
curl -XDELETE 'localhost:9200/_river/name_of_river'
curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/name_of_river/_meta' -d '{
    "type" : "eeaRDF",
    "eeaRDF" : {

Since ElasticSearch does not provide authentication or access control functionalities, dropping or modifying indexes can be done by anyone. To keep the indexed information safe, the Jetty HTTP transport plugin should be installed and configured.

The Initial Owner of the Original Code is European Environment Agency (EEA). All Rights Reserved.

The EEA ElasticSearch RDF River Plugin (the Original Code) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

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