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100 Day's Problem with Solution

Total Day = 6 , Total Problem Solved = 12

Day 1

Maximum SubArray Product

Approach 1 : iterate 3 loop i , j & k product = product * k then taking max o(n^3)

Approach 2 : Remove the extra loop k just do Product *=j . o(n^2)

Approach 3:

  • if Array have all Positive then the product of all element is the Answer
  • if Array Have Even Negative then that part also is Possible answer
  • if Array Have Odd Negative then we carry Suffix product or Prefix Product then take Max of both
  • if Array Have 0 then we not take it that because 0 makes whole Product is 0
Approach 3 Takes o(n) .

Day 2

Count Inversions in Array

Approach 1: basic Approach is we Select the one and iterate on whole Array and left is greater right then count going to be +1

Approach 2 : this Approach is Basically Based on the Merge Sort Useally we sort using the comparision and then merge if we compared our left part with the right part then if our left lowest value is greter then right so count is going to be plus equal the length of the left part

     [1 9  3 5 10] 
         /          \
     [1 9 3]       [ 5 ,10]
     /    \          /  \
    [1 9]  [3]      [5]  [10]
    /    \
    [1]  [9]  

    [1 , 9 , 3 ,5 ,10]
        /           \
     [1 9 3]       [ 5 ,10]
     /    \          /  \
    [1 9]  [3]      [5]  [10]
    /    \
    [1]  [9]  // this going to be combine . if 1 > 9 then count is increse by left part length but its not true   so count remain same.

    likewise we combine likw our calls happens and we check if the left part lowest value is greter then the right part increse by length of left[mid-cnt+1] if the left lowest is smaller then we increre the count and then check (increse the count means we check using Next index value because our Array part is sorted Now) 

    [1 , 9]   [ 3]  here 1 > 3 false so we increse the count and now our counter point to 9 ( value) then check 9>3 increse the count and merge [1 ,3 ,9]  likewise all calls Happens  


Missing & Repeating Number

Approach 1 : iterate the outer loop = n and in inner loop check the inner loop of i == outer loop value then counter increse to one if counter is 2 then return repeating value and if the counter is zero then return missing value

    Approach 2 : Using Hashing or Hashmap we add all Values in the HashMap and the iterate on the Hash array or HashMap and check the repeated value and check 1 to n which in not in Hash Array or Hashmap return in Missing that Value

    Approach 3 : Using the Math 
       Sn = (N*(N+1))/2  sum of the natural number  
       then we calculate the Sum of the Array Element S - sn = (X & Y) (Equation 1)we get the combination(sum) of Missing and Repeating Value   

       S2n = (N*(N+1)*(2N+1))/6  sum of the Squares of the Natural Number  

       then we calculate the sum of the Squares S2 of the Array Element then we get (X & Y again )(Equation 2) 
       we solve the Equation and get X and Y means Missing and repeating value  

       X+Y = (S2 - S2n) / (X-Y) [From equation 1, we get the value X-Y] equate and get value  . 

Day 4

Q-1 Maximum SubArraySum

Approach 1: iterate i=n j=i (j<n) & k=j k(<n) array and sum += k and take max of all like max = Math.max(max,sum) then we get but it take O(n^3) complexity

Approach 2 : iterate i=n & (j=i ,j<n) sum+=j and take the max as previous this takes O(n^2) Complexity

Approach 3 : Optimal Approach Using Kadans Algoritham we itearte one loop and take one sum =0 then we sum+=arr[i] and take maximum of (max,sum) and store in max and the next step we check our taken sum is <0 then sum makes to 0 sum=0 at the last max contain maximum sum

Q-2 Sort 0 ,1's & 2's (without Sorting)

Approach 1 : brute force Approach is we just take 3 counter varible for count 0 ,1 & 2's then iterate loop for everone until count is not zero and stored in the array so we get [0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2] like this

Approach 2 : National Dutch Man Flag ALoritham
in this method we have 3 pointer low mid and high to begin with low=0 , mid=0 high = n-1 we have 3 checks

  1. arr[mid]==0 => then we do swap (low++,mid++) and increse by one both

  2. arr[mid]==2 => then we have swap(mid ,high--) here we decre the high only

  3. arr[mid]==1 so this is right position so we increse mid+1

Day 5

Q-1 Print All Sum

In this We Use the Pick & Not Pick Case & Genrate tha All Possible Case & Print th sum

  • We print sum before the calling and then at the time of backtraking we print sum so all possible sum print

Q-2 Combination Sum - 1

  • We can Use one Element only once
    we have Given array = [2,3,6,7], target = 7 , Output: [[2,2,3],[7]] this Question Approach As Previous we Used in Q-1 here only we have Apply one check that is sum +arr[i]<= target then take it in array that element and at the time of returning that array keep in array of array . here at the time of Backtracking we pop out the last index of array so we can make not pick case or check all Possible

Q-3 Combination Sum - 2

Combination Sum 2 State that Print All Possible Sum that makes target but it should be Unique means [1,1,6]=8 [1,6,1] =8 so we consider only one in Combination sum-1 it Consider 2 Solution
but here we have to find Unique one

Approach 1 : This going to be Same Approach as Used Combination Sum - 1 here at the time of returing we sort the Array and stored into set then its give Unique Combinations

this Approach Takes extra time complexity

Approach 2 :
[1 ,1,1 ,2] (0 -> 2 index all are one if i am take 0th ind and make Combination or Start with 1th ind No Change or 2nd No Change So we have to skip if the iterateble i > ind & arr[i]=arr[i-1] same value so we doing continue we dont need to manage recursion case because our i is iterate less then arr.length so we dont need to manage it) and one check if(arr[i]>target)loop break;
in under loop ds.add(i) call for next ds.remove(i) => here i represent the arr element at the backTracing time we remove the last one

Q-4 Subset Sum - 1

Subset Sum-1 is Same as Previous Approach we have to print all Subset sum so we use the take or not take case and genrate the all subset sum and we Use our virtual sum (means we pass sum in the call like sum+arr[i] so our actual sum not affected) at the time of backtracking we have to just increse the index dont need to update the sum beacause sum not updated for those sum only update for called index

Q-5 Subset Sum - 2

Subset Sum-2 is Totally depend on Subset sum-1 here inly we Use the Conatiner for Carrying that element in Previous we find sum so dont need to container to track which element make that sum but here we track element which Subset makes that target Sum

Day 6

Q-1 : nth Fibbonacci Number(Using DP)

The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. Example we want 5th fibbonacci then we have to need the calculate the sum of 3rd & 4th then for 3rd we have need to 1st & 2nd and for the 4rth we have to find 3rd & 2nd the Problem again Occur so we use DP (its Use for the Solving The Overlaping Problem)


if(dp[ind]!=-1) return dp[ind]
return dp[ind]=fib(ind-1)+fib(ind-2);


int dp[] = new int[n]; 
dp[0]=0 & dp[1]=1 
for(2 to n)

return dp[n]; 

Q-2 Climbing Stairs

we have to reach nth Stairs and tell total possile ways to reach out at nth . we can move 1 stair or 2 at a time. this Question Approach is Going to same as the Fibbonaci one . Base Case at 0th & 1st take 1 total ways to reach at nth stair . and follow the fibbonaci tabulation. we can Space Optimization Also Using The Varibles be Store the Previous and the Last Previous and calculate .

Day 7

Rotate Matrix 90deg


Step 1: Transpose the matrix. (transposing means changing columns to rows and rows to columns)

Step 2: Reverse each row of the matrix.

Day 8

Q-1 Next Greater Element in Circular Array

[1,9,2,8,1,2,11] => [9,11,8,11,11,11,-1] this is the Next Greater elemnt Array

Here We use Stack and start to iterate from the at the end and check arr[i]>st.peek() => push into stack & NGE array Also arr[i]<st.peek() => pop() until this condition is going to failed for the circular one we iterate 1 to 2*n-1 and take it (i % length of real one (n))

Time Coplexity O(2n + 2n) => O(n) Space Complexity O(n)

Q-2 Preorder & Postorder & Inorder Traversal

For Preorder we have to Remember

  • PreOrder => Root -> left -> right
  • PostOrder => left->right->Root
  • InOrder => left-> Root -> right

this order we have to call root is always print and other one is going to call like Traversal(root.left) & (root.right) the stop condtion is root==null so return

Day -9

Revision the All Previous Concepts

Day -10

Q-1 Rain Water Trapping Problem

In this Problem we have Given One Array Numbers That behave like block and you have to tell the maximum Trapped water into Block .

Approach 1 : Left Array: For each block, we find the maximum block height on its left side.

Example: If the blocks have heights [1, 4, 2, 6, 1], the left array would be [1, 4, 4, 6, 6].

Right Array: For each block, we find the maximum block height on its right side.

Example: Using the same heights [1, 4, 2, 6, 1], the right array would be [6, 6, 6, 6, 1].

Minimum of Left and Right: We then find the minimum height between the left and right arrays. This represents the maximum height of water the block can hold.

Example: If we have [1, 4, 4, 6, 1], this means the water level is at most 4 units high.

Check if Water Can Be Trapped: We compare the minimum height with the actual block height. If the block height is equal to or greater than the water level, it means there's no water trapped (height - water level is 0).

Example: For the blocks [1, 4, 4, 6, 1], only the middle two blocks can trap water. The trapped water amounts to min[i] - arr[i].

So, in this example, we have 4 - 4 = 0 units of water trapped.

Approach 2:
This i sgoing to be Same but Here We not use any extra Space we work on Pointers and takel that left & right array Usage .

here we take left=0 & right=n-1 pointers and take the leftMax=0 & rightMax=0 intial and take Counter=0 for the traping water the condition are following :

  • left < right
    1 . we check left[i]<=right[i] if true

        1.1  then we check left[i]>=leftMax if true so we update our leftMax=left[i]
        means we get maximum height Block
        1.2 else part we update counter = leftMax-left[i] this going to tell the trapped water count  
    1. left[i]>right[i]

      2.1  we check right[i]>=rightMax so we Update our rightMax because we get the maximum piller that conatin more water 
      2.2 else we increse the count = rightMax-right[i]  

Q-2 Maximum Depth In Tree

we Have 2 Approaches Using levelOrder & Using Recursion in this I solved Recursive Approach .we Pass root if root become null we return 0 ; then call for left(root.left) then call for right(root.right) and take the max(left,right)+1 return


Q-1 Ninja's Training [DP]

The Problem state that ninja's have n*3 Matrix there three task ninjas's can perform anyone at sigle day. he can't do same task in next day so You have to find the maximum value get By Performing take ninja's can , earn.

Why Greedy Not Work

{ [10 , 40, 60] ,[100 , 10 , 190] }
according to Greedy we Take for every array max so in day-1 we take 60 (Q.state you not perform same task at next day) we cant able to chose 190 so max is 100 so total is 160 but here the Maximum is 230 (perform 1st -40 then 2nd -> 190) all condition fullfill & this is the max

When Greedy Fails We have to Check All Possible Combination For checking the all possible combination Recursion comes and then for reducing the overlapping we use Dp here.

here we check all posible and Use day for perform task and one last varible that helps to tell this task done previous so we not take that and then return the maximum

 3 Important Rules for Applying Dp or Recusion 

 1. if Your Question is not index Based So canged into indexing  
 2.  Do all Possible Stuffs on That Index.
 3. Perfom The task that Question States

here we take our Day As Index .

Q.2 Next Permutation

Find the break-point, i: Break-point means the first index i from the back of the given array where arr[i] becomes smaller than arr[i+1]. For example, if the given array is {2,1,5,4,3,0,0}, the break-point will be index 1(0-based indexing). Here from the back of the array, index 1 is the first index where arr[1] i.e. 1 is smaller than arr[i+1] i.e. 5. To find the break-point, using a loop we will traverse the array backward and store the index i where arr[i] is less than the value at index (i+1) i.e. arr[i+1]. If such a break-point does not exist i.e. if the array is sorted in decreasing order, the given permutation is the last one in the sorted order of all possible permutations. So, the next permutation must be the first i.e. the permutation in increasing order. So, in this case, we will reverse the whole array and will return it as our answer. If a break-point exists: Find the smallest number i.e. > arr[i] and in the right half of index i(i.e. from index i+1 to n-1) and swap it with arr[i]. Reverse the entire right half(i.e. from index i+1 to n-1) of index i. And finally, return the array.

Day 12

Q.-1 Merge Intervals Overlapping Problem

Approach 1: Since we have sorted the intervals, the intervals which will be merging are bound to be adjacent. We kept on merging simultaneously as we were traversing through the array and when the element was non-overlapping we simply inserted the element in our answer list.

if(matrix[i-1][1]>matrix[i][0]) then 
we consider there matrix[i][1] and place that 
value & we get updated interval  

Day -13

Approach 1 : We Use the Linear Search and iterate the loop on to the matrix and check arr[i][j]==target if right then return true otherwise return false

Approach 2 :

We have given the matrix in sorted order. so we Search the Which Row have our Target then pass that row in binary Search and search the target

for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { if(mat[i][0]<=target && mat[i][m-1]>=target) { binarySearch(mat[i], target); } }

Time Complexity o(nxm)log(nxm)

Approach 3 :

we know our Array is sorted we flatten the array into 1D Hypthetically and 0-> n+m length -1 and apply Binary search .

Day 14

Q 3 Sum Problem

Approach 1 : we Just Consider three loops and check all triplates that makes that sum or (0).

for(int i=0; i<n ; i++) { for(int j = i+1; j<n; j++)


for(int k =j+1; k<n; k++)  ' 


int sum = arr[i]+arr[j]+arr[k]; if(sum==0) { set.add({arr[i], arr[j], arr[k]}) }




Time Complexity o(n^3)

Approach 2 : Better Approach is we add in HasSet value and take two varible sum and multiply by (-) sign and check that avilabel or not But we Direct push value in HashSet so our Value Used Repatead time we have to use only once { 2 , 3 4} target =4 only one way(4 taking 4 but here that consider 2 as multiple we Use Pointer and Update the Hashset)

Arrays.sort(arr); for(int i=0; i<n ; i++)
{ st = new HashSet();
for(int j =i+1; j<n ; j++)

    int value = -1*(arr[i]+arr[j]); 

    {triplet .add( {arr[i], arr[j] , (-1* arr[i]+arr[j])});


Approach 2 & 3 Time Complexity same BUt here we Use Extra space in HashSet .

Approach 3: To begin with be Sort the Array and
take 3 pointer i , j & k we Plce them i=0, j=i+1, k=n-1 and we iterate the loop from (i=0 -> n-1) and inside that we check(j<k) if, then we implement
the main Stuffs we check sum= arr[i] + arr[j] + arr[k]; if(sum<0) j++ if(sum>0)k--; else { ans.add({arr[i],arr[j], arr[k]}) j++; k--;

while(j<k &&arr[j]==arr[j-1]) j++;

while( j<k arr[k]==arr[k+1] )k--; }

for Code Check Out Day 14 Code file

Day 15

Q . Element add in Bottom of The Stack

Approach 2 :

We use The recusion calling and popup the elemnt and store in sum varible and when our stack is empty we add the new element and return . so at the return means at the time of backtrack we add that element again like st.add(varible)

Approach 2 code :

Public static void Code(Stack<Integer>st)
    int Popped = st.pop();

Day 16

Q Rotate LinkedList

Approach 1 : Simply We Iterate and check it is last node if yes then we connect that with head and make headof this and reduce count with 1 .

O(k*n) it takes n iteration for k rotation.

Approach 2 : With Better Approach We Count the length of the linkedlist and now we are on the last node . we connect last node with head so our linkedlist changed to circular one Now we have to Break the linkedlist with Point len-k and make that Node to head ;

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