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Advanced_Python_Final_Project Documentation

Final Project: Mini-game Pong!

by Team A:

  • Xiaonan Li
  • Xujia Li
  • Xinyu Wang
  • Peiyu Xiao

Conceptual specifications

Pong! is a simple, easy to play mini-game. The player only needs to control paddle to catch the ball, and once the ball is not caught, the game is over. The number of balls increases over time and the game becomes more difficult.

The player's score is displayed in the top left corner of the game and the final score is displayed in the centre of the screen at the end of the game.

Technical Specifications

Development language: Python 3

Third-party library: Pygame, Random.

The game is designed for 3 class: Ball, Size_change_ball and Speed_change_ball stored in and file

Class functionality/Requirements:

  1. The base class Ball:
  • Responsible for the storage of ball types. In class Ball, main constructor will initialize the ball types: coordinates, position, velocity and size of the ball; sounds including hitting sound and losing sound.
  • Define the way the ball moves: once the ball touches the x-axis, it moves in the -1 direction on the y-axis and vice versa.
  1. The derived class Size_change_ball: Inherited from the base class, to generate balls that can vary in size in the game.

  2. The derived class Speed_change_ball: Inherited from the base class, to generate balls that can vary in speed in the game.

  3. Pygame File

  • The game file is responsible for the main part of the game operation, which has 3 status of the game, beginning, playing, and end.
  • The game is run by calling the classes & functions in the class file, the user monitor function is also running to check the user's keyboard input.

Class File

  • General Ball Class: A class that saves the functions and pramaters regarding the balls.

class Ball:
    def __init__(self, img, x, y, d, x_speed, y_speed):
        self.img = img
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.d = d
        self.x_speed = x_speed
        self.y_speed = y_speed
        self.lose = False
        self.score = 0

        # sounds
        self.hit_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("sounds/hitWall.wav")
        self.loss_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("sounds/lifeLoss.wav")
  • Move: Define how the ball will move and display the picture of the ball in real time on the coordinates
 def move(self, screen_width, screen_height):
        if self.y <= 0:
            self.y_speed *= -1
        if self.x >= screen_width - self.d or self.x <= 0:
            self.x_speed *= -1

        self.x += self.x_speed
        self.y += self.y_speed

        return self.lose, self.score

    def draw(self, screen):
        if not self.lose:
            screen.blit(self.img, (self.x, self.y))
  • Return ball-related parameters
    def get_pos(self):
        return [self.x, self.y]

    def get_size(self):
        return self.d

    def set_lose(self):
        self.lose = True
  • Ball-related events that occur under specified conditions
    def add_score(self):
        self.score += 1
    def reverse_y_speed(self):
        self.y_speed *= -1

    def play_lose_sound(self):

    def play_hit_sound(self):
  • Define the derivative class for saving the functions and parameters of the ball that can change its size
class Size_Change_Ball(Ball):
    def __init__(self,img, x, y, d, x_speed, y_speed):
        super().__init__(img, x, y, d, x_speed, y_speed)
        self.grow = 0
        self.mode = 1
        self.orig_img = img
    def get_type(self):
        return SIZE_CHANGING
  • Update: update the size of the ball
    def update(self):
        if self.grow > 40:
            self.mode = -1
        if self.grow < 1:
            self.mode = 1
        self.grow += self.mode 

        self.d = self.orig_img.get_size()[0] + round(self.grow)
        self.img = pygame.transform.scale(self.orig_img, (self.d, self.d))

    def get_size(self):
        return self.d
  • Draw: show the ball on the screen
    def draw(self, screen):
        if not self.lose:
            screen.blit(self.img, (self.x, self.y))
  • Define the derivative class for saving the functions and parameters of the naughty ball that can change its speed
class Speed_Change_Ball(Ball):
    def __init__(self,img, x, y, d, x_speed, y_speed):
        super().__init__(img, x, y, d, x_speed, y_speed)
        self.grow = 0
        self.mode = 1
        self.orig_img = img
    def get_type(self):
        return SPEED_CHANGING
  • Update: update the size of the naughty ball
    def update(self):
        if self.grow > 1:
            self.mode = -1
        if self.grow < 1:
            self.mode = 1
        self.grow += self.mode 

        self.x_speed += self.grow
        self.y_speed += self.grow

    def get_size(self):
        return self.d
  • Draw: show the naughty ball on the screen
    def draw(self, screen):
        if not self.lose:
            screen.blit(self.img, (self.x, self.y))

Pygame File

  • Set up Pygame: import, set up window size, background, constants, fonts
import pygame
from ball import *
import random

# initialize the game

screen = pygame.display.set_mode([SCREEN_WIDTH,SCREEN_HEIGHT])

# load images
# background
bg = pygame.image.load("images/bg.jpg")

# some constants
END = 2
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)

# fonts
font = pygame.font.SysFont("Stencil",24)
  • Collision detector: check the status of the ball
def check_collide(ball, p_x, p_y, p_w):
    lose = ball.lose
    if lose:
    [b_x, b_y] = ball.get_pos()
    b_d = ball.get_size()

    if b_y + b_d >= p_y: 
        if b_x + (b_d / 2) * 0.7 > p_x + p_w \
            or b_x + (b_d / 2) * 1.3 < p_x:
        else: # collide
  • Load the ball and paddle to the game
def main():
    score = 0
    status = BEGINNING
    # initialize paddle
    paddle = pygame.image.load("images/paddle.png")
    paddle_width = 100
    paddle_height = 25
    paddle_x = 400
    paddle_y = SCREEN_HEIGHT - paddle_height - 5
    paddle_speed = 0

    # instantiate ball
    ball_img = pygame.image.load("images/ball.png")
    ball_x_speed = 1
    ball_y_speed = 1
    ball_x = 150
    ball_y = 150
    ball_d = 20
    ball_list = []
    ball_list.append(Ball(ball_img, ball_x, ball_y, ball_d, ball_x_speed, ball_y_speed))

    timer = 0
    timer_update = 0
    if_update = False
  • User Input Monitor: Keyup, KeyDown, Quit
    # main loop
    while 1:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                key = event.key
                if key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
                    paddle_speed = 10
                elif key == pygame.K_LEFT:
                    paddle_speed = -10
                elif key == pygame.K_s and status == BEGINNING:
                    status = PLAYING
                    timer = 0
                    timer_update = 0
                elif key == pygame.K_r and status == END:
                    status = BEGINNING
            elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
                paddle_speed = 0
  • Playing Status: create a ball, and let it move, check if it touches the ground
        if status == PLAYING:
            screen.blit(bg, (0, 0))
            timer += 1
            timer_update += 1
            if timer == 1000:
                ball_x = random.randint(100,SCREEN_WIDTH)
                ball_y = random.randint(40,SCREEN_HEIGHT/3)
                ball_list.append(Size_Change_Ball(ball_img, ball_x, ball_y, ball_d, ball_x_speed, ball_y_speed))
                timer = 0
            # ball position change
            score = 0
            if timer_update == 20:
                if_update = True
                timer_update = 0
            for ball in ball_list:
                [lose, ball_score] = ball.move(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)
                score += ball_score
                if lose:
                    status = END
                check_collide(ball, paddle_x, paddle_y, paddle_width)

                if if_update:
            if if_update:
                if_update = False
  • Move the paddle and limit it in the window
            # paddle position change
            paddle_x += paddle_speed
            if paddle_x + paddle_width >= SCREEN_WIDTH:
                paddle_x = SCREEN_WIDTH - paddle_width
            if paddle_x <= 0:
                paddle_x = 0

            # draw

            screen.blit(paddle, (paddle_x, paddle_y))

            # show score
            gamestring = " Score: "+str(score)
            text = font.render(gamestring,True,WHITE)
  • Beginning Interface
       elif status == BEGINNING:

            screen.blit(bg, (0, 0))
            ball_list = []
            ball_list.append(Ball(ball_img, ball_x, ball_y, ball_d, ball_x_speed, ball_y_speed))

            # show text
            welcomestring = "Welcome to the pong game"
            text = font.render(welcomestring,True,WHITE)

            welcomestring = "Please press S to start"
            text = font.render(welcomestring,True,WHITE)
  • Ending Interface
        elif status == END:
            resultstring = " You get "+str(score)+" points."
            text = font.render(resultstring,True,WHITE)

            resultstring = "Please press R to return"
            text = font.render(resultstring,True,WHITE)


Execution Model

When the code is run, the user is taken to the Pygame main form, where user can press 'S' to start the game.

In the game, the player controls the paddle via the left and right keyboard keys. The game consists of two states: Beginning and End:

In Beginning, the player can play the game and each time the paddle catches a ball, the player adds one point to the score, which is displayed in the top left corner of the window. Method 'check_collide' will monitor if the ball has been successfully taken by the paddle and achieve a ball bounce if the player does not lose. In addition to the player controlling the paddle, the game is made more difficult by generating an extra ball every 1000 frames. When the player could not get the ball, the game fails and the game goes to the state End.

In state End, the game displays the player's final score. The player can replay the game by pressing the R button.

Github link & Last Commit

Name Date Full Commit SHA Content
Xiaonan Li June 27 2022 00e57320dfdb77b91b8c749d6ddf656a9f0735d7 Added ball class python file
Xinyu Wang July 3 2022 cbc85802e0c8d74464a62f58b75dcfe0b3adfb02 Added a child class: ball type that changes sizes along time
Xujia Li July 4 2022 00dae8cab474814cfc4297cc667e43ff8055bff3 Added a new sub-class of ball: speed-changing ball
Name Date Full Commit SHA Content
Xiaonan Li June 30 2022 6da54cd73512dfce5591b2bd35c8288375c31ede Add images and main running code
Peiyu Xiao July 1 2022 6132fdce66afdc1c4fdc404db9f3779f8215860a Added beginning interface and ending interface
Peiyu Xiao July 1 2022 d13cae5fa42ff64d6f0443a3e38eccdb657c119d Added multiple balls and levels to the game
Xinyu Wang July 2 2022 227b0f2cec3a68a69640b4430d89509c85da4c0b Fixing the problem that the game cannot restart after losing
Xujia Li July 4 2022 e58ece4dfe0452d6094f3ac7cf84c9773673f186 Changed the interface

Full Code

import pygame


class Ball:
    def __init__(self, img, x, y, d, x_speed, y_speed):
        self.img = img
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.d = d
        self.x_speed = x_speed
        self.y_speed = y_speed
        self.lose = False
        self.score = 0

        # sounds
        self.hit_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("sounds/hitWall.wav")
        self.loss_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("sounds/lifeLoss.wav")

    def move(self, screen_width, screen_height):
        if self.y <= 0:
            self.y_speed *= -1
        if self.x >= screen_width - self.d or self.x <= 0:
            self.x_speed *= -1

        self.x += self.x_speed
        self.y += self.y_speed

        return self.lose, self.score

    def draw(self, screen):
        if not self.lose:
            screen.blit(self.img, (self.x, self.y))

    def update(self):

    def get_pos(self):
        return [self.x, self.y]

    def get_size(self):
        return self.d

    def get_type(self):
        return NORMAL

    def set_lose(self):
        self.lose = True

    def add_score(self):
        self.score += 1
    def reverse_y_speed(self):
        self.y_speed *= -1

    def play_lose_sound(self):

    def play_hit_sound(self):

class Size_Change_Ball(Ball):
    def __init__(self,img, x, y, d, x_speed, y_speed):
        super().__init__(img, x, y, d, x_speed, y_speed)
        self.grow = 0
        self.mode = 1
        self.orig_img = img
    def get_type(self):
        return SIZE_CHANGING

    def update(self):
        if self.grow > 40:
            self.mode = -1
        if self.grow < 1:
            self.mode = 1
        self.grow += self.mode 

        self.d = self.orig_img.get_size()[0] + round(self.grow)
        self.img = pygame.transform.scale(self.orig_img, (self.d, self.d))

    def get_size(self):
        return self.d

    def draw(self, screen):
        if not self.lose:
            screen.blit(self.img, (self.x, self.y))

class Speed_Change_Ball(Ball):
    def __init__(self,img, x, y, d, x_speed, y_speed):
        super().__init__(img, x, y, d, x_speed, y_speed)
        self.grow = 0
        self.mode = 1
        self.orig_img = img
    def get_type(self):
        return SPEED_CHANGING

    def update(self):
        if self.grow > 1:
            self.mode = -1
        if self.grow < 1:
            self.mode = 1
        self.grow += self.mode 

        self.x_speed += self.grow
        self.y_speed += self.grow

    def get_size(self):
        return self.d

    def draw(self, screen):
        if not self.lose:
            screen.blit(self.img, (self.x, self.y))
Created By  : Xiaonan Li / Peiyu Xiao / Xinyu Wang / Xujia Li
Created Date: 04 / 07 / 2022
Created For : Advanced Programming of Python Final Project

import pygame
from ball import *
import random

Game Initialization:
    1) Set up the macros, constants and flags
    2) Load the images, sound effects and fonts

print("Game Initializing...")

# macros
END = 2
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)

# initialize pygame
screen = pygame.display.set_mode([SCREEN_WIDTH,SCREEN_HEIGHT])

# load images and fonts
bg = pygame.image.load("images/bg.jpg")
title_font = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial Black",60)
font = pygame.font.SysFont("Ayuthaya",24)

    Set up functions that is used for the game.

def check_collide(ball, p_x, p_y, p_w):
        Parameters: ball instance, paddle's x and y coordinates and paddle's width
        Return: None. But change the ball's status based on calculations
    lose = ball.lose
    if lose:
    [b_x, b_y] = ball.get_pos()
    b_d = ball.get_size()

    if b_y + b_d >= p_y: 
        if b_x + (b_d / 2) * 0.7 > p_x + p_w \
            or b_x + (b_d / 2) * 1.3 < p_x:
        else: # collide
    Main function that contains the game loop.

def main():

    #### Variable Initialization ####

    # initialize score and status
    score = 0
    status = BEGINNING
    # initialize paddle
    paddle = pygame.image.load("images/paddle.png")
    paddle_width = 100
    paddle_height = 25
    paddle_x = 400
    paddle_y = SCREEN_HEIGHT - paddle_height - 5
    paddle_speed = 0

    # instantiate ball
    ball_img = pygame.image.load("images/ball.png")
    ball_x_speed = 1
    ball_y_speed = 1
    ball_x = 150
    ball_y = 150
    ball_d = 20
    ball_list = []
    ball_list.append(Ball(ball_img, ball_x, ball_y, ball_d, ball_x_speed, ball_y_speed))

    # initialize timer
    timer = 0
    timer_update = 0
    if_update = False
    #### Main While Loop ####

    print("Game at beginning stage")
    while True:

        # Event monitoring
        for event in pygame.event.get():

            # Monitor quit button
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                print("Quiting game...")

            # Monitor keyboard inputs
            elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                key = event.key
                if key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
                    paddle_speed = 15
                elif key == pygame.K_LEFT:
                    paddle_speed = -15
                elif key == pygame.K_s and status == BEGINNING:
                    status = PLAYING
                    timer = 0
                    timer_update = 0
                    print("Game at playing stage")  
                elif key == pygame.K_r and status == END:
                    status = BEGINNING
                    print("Game restarting...")
            elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
                paddle_speed = 0

        # Status checking
        if status == PLAYING:
            screen.blit(bg, (0, 0))
            timer += 1
            timer_update += 1

            # Generate a random ball at random place every 1000 frames
            if timer == 1000:
                ball_x = random.randint(100,SCREEN_WIDTH)
                ball_y = random.randint(40,SCREEN_HEIGHT/3)
                which_ball = random.choice([Ball,Speed_Change_Ball,Size_Change_Ball])
                new_ball = which_ball(ball_img, ball_x, ball_y, ball_d, ball_x_speed, ball_y_speed)
                print("A",new_ball.get_type(),"ball is generated...")
                timer = 0
            # Change ball position, update ball's speed or size based on its class
            score = 0
            if timer_update == 20:
                if_update = True
                timer_update = 0
            for ball in ball_list:
                [lose, ball_score] = ball.move(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)
                score += ball_score
                if lose:
                    print("Game at ending stage")
                    status = END
                check_collide(ball, paddle_x, paddle_y, paddle_width)

                if if_update:

            if if_update:
                if_update = False
            # Change paddle position 
            paddle_x += paddle_speed
            if paddle_x + paddle_width >= SCREEN_WIDTH:
                paddle_x = SCREEN_WIDTH - paddle_width
            if paddle_x <= 0:
                paddle_x = 0
            screen.blit(paddle, (paddle_x, paddle_y))

            # Show score
            gamestring = " Score: "+str(score)
            text = font.render(gamestring,True,WHITE)

        elif status == BEGINNING:
            screen.blit(bg, (0, 0))

            # Add the first ball
            ball_list = []
            ball_list.append(Ball(ball_img, ball_x, ball_y, ball_d, ball_x_speed, ball_y_speed))

            # Show text
            welcomestring = "MINI PONG"
            text = title_font.render(welcomestring,True,WHITE)
            welcomestring = "Welcome to the pong game"
            text = font.render(welcomestring,True,WHITE)

            welcomestring = "Please press S to start"
            text = font.render(welcomestring,True,WHITE)

        elif status == END:

            screen.blit(bg, (0, 0))

            # Show text
            welcomestring = "GAME OVER"
            text = title_font.render(welcomestring,True,WHITE)
            resultstring = " You get "+str(score)+" points."
            text = font.render(resultstring,True,WHITE)

            resultstring = "Please press R to return"
            text = font.render(resultstring,True,WHITE)

print("Game quitted...")

Terminal Execution:

pygame 2.1.2 (SDL 2.0.18, Python 3.10.1)
Hello from the pygame community.
Game Initializing...
Game at beginning stage
Game at playing stage
A size changing ball is generated...
Game at ending stage
Game restarting...
Game at playing stage
A normal ball is generated...
A speed changing ball is generated...
Game at ending stage
Quiting game...
Game quitted...

advanced_python_final_project's People


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