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react-native-text-size's Issues

lineInfoForLine of TSMeasureParams has some problem

Dear author, you said "If the value of the lineInfoForLine is greater or equal than lineCount, this info is for the last line (i.e. lineCount - 1).", but I found that to be incorrect.

When the value of the lineInfoForLine is greater or equal than lineCount, I can't get the last line info.

Can you confirm that,thank you very much!

'compile' is obsolete, warning in Android studio

I'm using implementation as suggested in my own build file, however react-native-text-size is still using compile internally resulting in warnings when building.

Warning:Configuration 'compile' is obsolete and has been replaced with 'implementation' and 'api'.
It will be removed at the end of 2018. For more information see:

Autolinking does not work with React Native 0.69.0


Due to change in react-native cli, react-native-community/cli#1537
Autolinking is no longer working with React Native 0.69

Expected Behavior

React Native autolinking to work with react-native-text-size

Repro Steps:

  • Create a new React Native Project version 0.69
  • install react-native-text-size
  • run pod install in ios directory

Notice that react-native-text-size is not included in the Podfile.lock

Repro repository

Is there anyway to make it work with TextInput?

Seems like the TextInput width is greater than the same text in Text. If I apply the calculated width to the Text, it displays it without a problem, but if I set the width to TextInput, it will get clipped.

Is there a good way to calculate TextInput width?

fontWeight support?

Great module, looking forward to the iOS support.

Currently the module looks like it support measuring the fontFamily and fontSize only. The fontWeight could also effect the measured width, it would be great to add support for it.

flatHeights is incorrect for unicode text

As below example, flatHeights and measure provide different measurement.

import TextSize from 'react-native-text-size';

const demoText = await TextSize.flatHeights({
  text: ['မြန်မာစာ'],

const demoSingle = await TextSize.measure({
  text: 'မြန်မာစာ',

// output: demoText: [17]
console.log(`demoText: ${JSON.stringify(demoText)}`);

// output: demoSingle: {"width":52.5,"lineCount":1,"height":31}
console.log(`demoSingle: ${JSON.stringify(demoSingle)}`);

The result should be 31 while flatHeights produce 17.

Using it on React Native Web

I want to use this module on react-native-web, but the following code

const { width: partialTextWidth } = await reactNativeTextSize.measure({ text: text.slice(0, middle), fontSize: scaledFontSize, fontFamily, fontWeight, });

gives me this error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'measure' of undefined

import reactNativeTextSize from 'react-native-text-size';

When I console reactNativeTextSize, it shows undefined. I don't know what is causing the issue. Does anyone know how I can make this module work on react-native-web?

Error in measure: Missing required text


I'm getting following error when try this library to calculate height of text in iOS:

'Error in measure:', { [Error: Missing required text.] framesToPop: 1, code: 'E_MISSING_TEXT', domain: 'RCTErrorDomain', userInfo: null}

My code snippet: for JS - HeightMeasurementFromText.js

import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Platform } from 'react-native';

import RNTextSize, { TSFontSpecs } from 'react-native-text-size';

const fontSpecs: TSFontSpecs = { fontFamily: (Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 'Proxima Nova' : 'Proxima Nova Bold'), fontWeight: (Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 'bold' : null), fontSize: 18, }

export const nameTextHeight = async (nameText) => { const dimension = { width: 0, height: 0, };
await RNTextSize.measure({ nameText, width: 170, ...fontSpecs, }).then(result => { console.log('result - ' + JSON.stringify(result)); dimension.width = result.width; dimension.height = result.height; }).catch((err) => { console.log('Error in measure:', err); });
return dimension; };

I'm calling this in my some other JS file as:

import { nameTextHeight } from './library/helper/HeightMeasurementFromText';

let nameTextHgt = nameTextHeight(;

My Environment variables are:

"react": "16.8.3",
"react-native": "^0.59.9",
"react-native-text-size": "^4.0.0-rc.1",

What's the problem in my code and implementation of your library?

Kindly suggest. Please.

Thanks in advance.

Line end feature parity on iOS

Android has a lineEndForLineNo that measures how many characters would fit into a given number of lines, but this is not yet supported in iOS.

The issue was discussed in this pr:

Not accurate with uppercase

When applying a textTransform uppercase to the Text style, the measures (width & lastLineWidth) are not accurate.

Why isn't Line Height supported yet?

This library looks very promising to me, it has a lot of options and seems to be even quite fast!
However, I wonder why line-height is not supported yet as an option for the flatHeights function? 🤔
We use the line-height style prop every now and then and it's a common typography setting as well.

Why don't you use UITextView for flatHeights?

I fix flatHeights method (Your method is not correct to say the height of the text (unfortunately)):

RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(flatHeights:(NSDictionary * _Nullable)options
  // Don't use NSStringArray, we are handling nulls
  NSArray *const _Nullable texts = [RCTConvert NSArray:options[@"text"]];
  if (isNull(texts)) {
    reject(E_MISSING_TEXT, @"Missing required text, must be an array.", nil);

  UIFont *const _Nullable font = [self scaledUIFontFromUserSpecs:options];
  if (!font) {
    reject(E_INVALID_FONT_SPEC, @"Invalid font specification.", nil);

  const CGFloat optWidth = CGFloatValueFrom(options[@"width"]);
  const CGFloat maxWidth = isnan(optWidth) || isinf(optWidth) ? CGFLOAT_MAX : optWidth;
  const CGSize maxSize = CGSizeMake(maxWidth, CGFLOAT_MAX);

  // Create attributes for the font and the optional letter spacing.
  const CGFloat letterSpacing = CGFloatValueFrom(options[@"letterSpacing"]);
  NSDictionary<NSAttributedStringKey,id> *const attributes = isnan(letterSpacing)
  ? @{NSFontAttributeName: font}
  : @{NSFontAttributeName: font, NSKernAttributeName: @(letterSpacing)};

  NSMutableArray<NSNumber *> *result = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:texts.count];
  const CGFloat epsilon = 0.001;
  UITextView *view = [[UITextView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, maxWidth, 0)];
  view.textContainerInset = UIEdgeInsetsZero;
  view.typingAttributes = attributes;
  view.textContainer.lineFragmentPadding = 0.0;
  view.textContainer.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByClipping;

  for (int ix = 0; ix < texts.count; ix++) {
    NSString *text = texts[ix];

    // If this element is `null` or another type, return zero
    if (![text isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
      result[ix] = @0;

    // If empty, return the minimum height of <Text> components
    if (!text.length) {
      result[ix] = @14;
    view.text = text;
    CGSize size = [view sizeThatFits: maxSize];
    const CGFloat height = MIN(RCTCeilPixelValue(size.height + epsilon), maxSize.height);
    result[ix] = @(height);

Build error on react-native 0.69.5

When "./gradlew assembleRelease" I get this error:

> Task :react-native-text-size:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac
Note: C:\Users\MyUser\Documents\Git\my-app\node_modules\react-native-text-size\android\src\main\java\com\github\amarcruz\rntextsize\ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.

Can we implement auto-linking please? Here are the instructions:

It should be as easy as this:
Add a new file called react-native.config.js

in that file, add:

module.exports = {
  dependency: {
    platforms: {
      android: {
          "import com.github.amarcruz.rntextsize.RNTextSizePackage;",
        packageInstance: "new RNTextSizePackage()",
      ios: {
        podspecPath: "ios/RNTextSize.podspec",

And I'm pretty sure that's it. I can create a PR if you give me access! Thanks!

RNTS produces different estimates for iOS than Android

We're attempting to use RNTS to estimate chat message text heights. We seem to have gotten estimates quite close on Android but on iOS they are over a screen height apart (see attachment). We're really not sure where we're going wrong or if there is a bug in estimating the height for ios.

Fontsize is pretty evenly set at 16. We are using recyclerlistview and not flatlist (which I know you've designed text height to work well with). Recyclerlistview is more performant than flatlist and ideally suited to couple with RNTS.

Here is the relevant code from our screen:

	constructor(props) {

		this.state = {
//get height and width for images in chat
			imageWidth: screen.width / 0.75,
			imageHeight: screen.height / 0.75,

			dataProvider: new DataProvider((message1, message2) => {
				return message1._id !== message2._id
			layoutProvider: new LayoutProvider(
				(index) => {
					return 'LIST';
				async (type, dim, index) => {
					switch (type) {
						case 'LIST':
							dim.width = screen.width;
							dim.height = screen.height / 0.75;
							dim.width = 0;
							dim.heigh = 0;


//FlatHeights code estimating starts here
	async initFlatHeights() {
		const flatHeights = await this.getFlatHeights();
		//console.debug("ChatRoomScreen flatHeights has been initialized");

			layoutProvider: new LayoutProvider(
				(index) => {
					return 'LIST';
				(type, dim, index) => {
					switch (type) {
						case 'LIST':
							dim.width = screen.width;
							dim.height = flatHeights[index];
							dim.width = 0;
							dim.heigh = 0;

	async getFlatHeights() {
		const flatHeights = [];

		const imgHeight = screen.width - 133;
		const fontSpecs = {
			fontFamily: (Platform.OS === 'ios') ? 'System' : 'Roboto',
			fontSize: 16,
		const margingBtm = 12;
		const spaceBetweenMessages = 18;

		//console.debug("chat messages count = " + this.props.MainStore.messages.length);

		for (let i = 0; i < this.props.MainStore.messages.length; i++) {
			const text = this.props.MainStore.messages[i].text;
			const imgCount = (this.props.MainStore.messages[i].images != null) ? this.props.MainStore.messages[i].images.length : 0;
			const width = imgHeight;
			//const lineHeight = 22;

			//console.debug("LayoutProvider: imgCount=" + imgCount + ", text=" + text);
			const size = await rnTextSize.measure({
				text,             // text to measure, can include symbols
				width,            // max-width of the "virtual" container
				lineHeight, 	  // It should be greater if text contain Unicode symbols, such as emojis.
				...fontSpecs,     // RN font specification
			const messageOwnerName = 30;
			flatHeights[i] = 0;

			if (this.props.MainStore.messages[i].userId != this.props.MainStore.userId) {
				if (i != 0 &&
					i < this.props.MainStore.messages.length - 1 &&
					this.props.MainStore.messages[i].userId === this.props.MainStore.messages[i - 1].userId &&
					this.props.MainStore.messages[i].userId === this.props.MainStore.messages[i + 1].userId) {
					//console.debug("middle" + i + ": " + this.props.MainStore.messages[i].text);
				} else {
					if (i != 0 && this.props.MainStore.messages[i].userId === this.props.MainStore.messages[i - 1].userId) {
						//first message
						flatHeights[i] += messageOwnerName;
						//console.debug("first" + i + ": " + this.props.MainStore.messages[i].text);
					} else {
						if (i < this.props.MainStore.messages.length - 1 && this.props.MainStore.messages[i].userId === this.props.MainStore.messages[i + 1].userId) {
							// last message
							//console.debug("last" + i + ": " + this.props.MainStore.messages[i].text);
						} else {
							// only a single message
							flatHeights[i] += messageOwnerName;
							//console.debug("single" + i + ": " + this.props.MainStore.messages[i].text);

			if (this.props.MainStore.messages[i].images.length > 0) {
				if (this.props.MainStore.messages[i].text != "") {
					flatHeights[i] += (imgHeight * imgCount) + size.height + margingBtm + spaceBetweenMessages;
				} else {
					flatHeights[i] += (imgHeight * imgCount) + spaceBetweenMessages;
				//console.debug("getFlatHeights: flatHeights[" + i + "]=" + flatHeights[i] + ", text=" + text + ", this.props.MainStore.messages[i].images.length: " + this.props.MainStore.messages[i].images.length);
			} else {
				flatHeights[i] += size.height + margingBtm + spaceBetweenMessages;
				//console.debug("getFlatHeights: flatHeights[" + i + "]=" + flatHeights[i] + ", text=" + text + ", text.size.height: " + size.height);

		return flatHeights;

	async componentDidMount() {
		await this.props.MainStore.joinRoom(this.props.roomId);
			dataProvider: this.state.dataProvider.cloneWithRows(


	async _onEndReached() {
		console.log('loading more messages');
		if (!this.refreshing && !this.props.MainStore.endOfMessagesReached) {
			this.refreshing = true;
			await this.props.MainStore.getMessages(this.offset)
				.catch(error => console.log(error.message));

			this.refreshing = false;
			this.offset += 25;
				dataProvider: this.state.dataProvider.cloneWithRows(

			await this.initFlatHeights();

	rowRenderer = (type, message, index) => {
		return (
			<Animatable.View duration={250} useNativeDriver={true} animation="fadeIn">
				{index != 0 &&
					index < this.props.MainStore.messages.length - 1 &&
					message.userId === this.props.MainStore.messages[index - 1].userId &&
					message.userId === this.props.MainStore.messages[index + 1].userId ? (
						<ChatMessage message={message} position={"middle"} onImagePress={this._onPressImage(message)} onProfilePress={this._onPressProfile(message)} />
					) : (index != 0 &&
						message.userId === this.props.MainStore.messages[index - 1].userId) ? (
							<ChatMessage message={message} position={"first"} onImagePress={this._onPressImage(message)} onProfilePress={this._onPressProfile(message)} />
						) : (index < this.props.MainStore.messages.length - 1 &&
							message.userId === this.props.MainStore.messages[index + 1].userId) ? (
								<ChatMessage message={message} position={"last"} onImagePress={this._onPressImage(message)} onProfilePress={this._onPressProfile(message)} />
							) : (
								<ChatMessage message={message} position={"only"} onImagePress={this._onPressImage(message)} onProfilePress={this._onPressProfile(message)} />

	render() {
		return (
				{this.props.MainStore.users.length > 0
					? <RecyclerListView
						contentContainerStyle={{ marginTop: 5 }}
				: null}

simulator screen shot - iphone xs - 2018-09-18 at 20 01 33

React Native Text Size version: 2.0.4
React Native version: 0.55.4
Recycler ListView version: 1.3.4
Platform(s) (iOS, Android, or both?): iOS 11.4-12
Device info (Simulator/Device? OS version? Debug/Release?): iPhones 5, 6 and 8, simulators for X/XR/XS

Method to detect bold text within normal text string

We have a number of instances where we have bold text within a normal text string. Is there any method currently available to RNTS that can detect bolded text as such and measure it? If not, maybe we could add a simple regex for bold text.

For example, currently, we use a library known as React Native Auto-link which permits the styling of hash-tagged terms as such:

              linkStyle={{ fontWeight:'bold' }}

Not working on iOS

Hi I'm trying to have this working on iOS, but at this point it is not even mounting as a NativeModule. I checked the code and it seems straightforward what it tries to achieve. You have a warning saying support for iOS is incomplete, do you have in mind already what needs be done to having it complete for iOS? I could help

Using `measure` function synchronous

Is there a way to use measure function synchronous?

I have a function that I can not use async keyword in its signature and also using this.setState function is not feasible too, because this function is a utility among many other components and classes.

this below code return Promise that is not what I want. I want only the inner result object contains width and height.

export function renderedTextSize(text: string, size: number = 14, fontFamily: string = 'someFontName') {

  const fontSpecs: TSFontSpecs = {
    fontFamily: fontFamily,
    fontSize: size,

  return TextSize.measure({
  }).then((result: TSMeasureResult) => {
    return {width: result.width, height: result.height};
  }).catch((err) => {
    console.log('Error in measure:', err);

Chinese text is not incorrect

When I test both chinese text and english text for Multi font. the english text height is correct. but the chinese text height is incorrect.


I'm using a custom font. It returns the text width for ios correctly. but in Android it always measures over the correct amount of width. anyway to incorporate custom fonts?

Source files not included with autolinking on iOS

I just upgraded to react-native 0.60.0 and the react-native-text-size import became null in builds.

Checking the Xcode project, react-native did recognize the pod but didn't include the source files with it.

I don't know how it worked before but the source_files directive seems to be wrong:

s.source_files = 'RNTextSize/**/*.{h,m}'

After changing it to only *.{h,m} and re-running pod install, the source files were included in Xcode and the import works again.

Cannot read property 'measure' of undefined

here is my code:

import rnTextSize, { TSFontSpecs } from 'react-native-text-size'
function renderedTextSize(text: string, size: number = 14, fontFamily: string = 'moein') {

  const dimension = {
    width: 0,
    height: 0,
  const fontSpecs: TSFontSpecs = {
    fontFamily: fontFamily,
    fontSize: size,

    text,             // text to measure, can include symbols
    ...fontSpecs,     // RN font specification
  }).then(result=> {
    dimension.width = result.width;
    dimension.height = result.height;

  return dimension;

when I try to call the function, I get this error message, Cannot read property 'measure' of undefined.
why should rnTextSize be undefined when I import it from library?

Get lineInfo for all lines

Would it be possible to have an option to get lineInfo for every line, instead of having to specify a line number? I'm trying to calculate the optimal font size for laying out headlines, and I'd like to be able to choose a size that has a low variance in line widths. I could imagine, for example, that setting a value of -1 for lineInfoForLine would then return an array of lineInfo objects.

Trouble linking project on iOS

So i spent hours trying to figure out why do i get 'React/RCTBridgeModule.h' file not found when trying to build my project after linking react-native-text-size, i tried both manual install and using link. For some reason react-native-text-size can't find required header files, even though Search Header paths seem to point at the right direction $(SRCROOT)/../../react-native/React recursive. Also, Some people suggested unchecking Parallelize Build but i already have that disabled.

react-native Version: 0.59.8
react-native-text-size Version: 3.0.0

Any idea how can resolve this?

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