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nucmorph-colorizer's Introduction

Timelapse Feature Explorer ๐Ÿ”ฌ๐ŸŽจ

A web-based, time-series visualizer for tracked segmented data.


Timelapse Feature Explorer is a web tool for interacting with and visualizing features in time-series segmented data. You can apply color maps and ranges, switch between features in your dataset, play through your data to observe motion, and view plots showing how feature data change over time!

This project originated from the Allen Institute for Cell Science (AICS) Nuclear Morphogenesis project and is being updated to support broader use cases. View our Issues page for more details about potential future features!


Stable build:

Latest (main branch):


Opening New Datasets

Timelapse Feature Explorer-compatible datasets hosted over HTTPS can be loaded directly from the interface! More details can be found in the data format specification.

Click the Load button in the top right to open a URL.


Note: If your dataset is hosted via HTTP rather than HTTPS, you'll need to install and run the project locally for security reasons. See below for more help.


Installing is optional! You can use the hosted version of Timelapse Feature Explorer to access our existing HTTPS-hosted datasets without installing the project.


  • Node 18 or higher:
  • Python 3 (and optionally, a virtual Python environment)

Web tool

Clone the project and navigate to the project's root directory in a terminal window or VSCode. Then run:

npm install
npm run dev

This will start a development server you can access from your browser. By default, the server will be hosted at http://localhost:5173/.

Data preprocessing

Data must be preprocessed to work with Timelapse Feature Explorer. We provide a Python package and example scripts in the colorizer-data GitHub repository.

You can read more about the data format specification here.


See for information related to developing the code.

nucmorph-colorizer's People


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nucmorph-colorizer's Issues

physical time

Use Case

As a user, I would like to see the wall clock time elapsed between frames or since the first frame. This is useful for understanding how fast in real time the cells are actually changing.

Acceptance Criteria

Currently the data is only represented by image number (aka frame number) in sequence.

  1. We need to obtain the wall clock times from the data source and incorporate it in the data.
  2. Displaying the time elapsed from start as an overlay on the view (or elsewhere) would complete this request.


Bonus: It could also be interesting to display this time value in the plot of a track, to help understand how long a track is. This probably requires some nontrivial UX design. We could promote this bonus item to a new issue.

track id in url query string

Use Case

It could be useful to have the track ID in the url query string so that users can send particular track urls to each other.

Acceptance Criteria

  • When a cell (or track) is selected, update the url with ?dataset=X&track=Y
  • also update url when current dataset is changed
  • Initialize app from query string when dataset and track are provided.


Bonus: add &t=time

Highlight persists when deselecting cells


When clicking on the background to deselect a cell, the highlight on the last selected cell persists. This goes away when the frame is changed, so likely the highlighted track is not being updated or cleared in ColorizeCanvas.

Expected Behavior

Highlight around last selected cell should be gone.

design and layout round 1

Use Case

The UI is becoming more heavily populated.
Soon we will have the main functionality complete (as requested and prioritized by scientists) and it is time to skin the app, give it some polish, and review the UX.

Acceptance Criteria

At least a meeting with UX to initiate work and discuss goals.


We hope that we don't need to rework too much of the UI but understand that a re-layout is in order. We want to keep this light and continue to be able to have quick turnaround to our scientists.

on dataset change, reset ui state


when changing dataset, the time slider did not reset to t=0 but the rest of the view did.

Expected Behavior

all ui in consistent state.


go to any nonzero time, and then change dataset.
observe time value different than main view.

display track path as overlay

Use Case

for a selected track, show the path from centroid to centroid up to the current time. this could be an overlay that draws a simple line list.

Crash protection for data generation

Use Case

Currently, when crashes, it keeps the frame data but loses all intermediate work (bounds.json). Because the data generation scripts usually take several hours to run, issues requiring a restart (unstable run environments, terminals closing, computers going to sleep) can delay dataset processing by a whole workday.*

Ideally, the would detect if frames are missing from the dataset and start from the first missing frame.

(*or more; I am currently going on three days for regenerating the full-resolution datasets ๐Ÿ˜ข)

Acceptance Criteria

  • makes backups of the bounds data to bounds.json.
  • When making frames, the script will check if there is existing frame data in the directory and search for missing indices. If a missing frame is found, it will load the bounds.json and start writing bounds and frame data from that index.


  • Add a flag to force overwriting the existing dataset?

script to convert Derek's data

Use Case

Derek has data starting in a different format but convertable to this app

Acceptance Criteria

Write script to convert his data into this format and verify it can be loaded


Get specs and input data from Derek

data: centroids and bounds of cells

Use Case

Add data that has the xy position of the centroid, and the bounding box of every cell.

Acceptance Criteria

A click on the viewport can console.log the xy coordinates of the cell's centroid. Both bounding boxes and centroids in pixels.


Can we load json data that contains a 2d array or array-of-pairs like this? Could also just store it as 1D array and then restructure it at load time.
Is it time to consider using a binary file format? -- is there a generic well known file format for numeric array data that can be written from python and read in JS that isn't totally custom? is it zarr?

RecordingControls should use TimeControls

Use Case

Internal-only, non-user affecting. Reduce code complexity by having TimeControls and RecordingControls' advancement loops use the same underlying logic, just with separate callback behavior.

Acceptance Criteria

  • When recording, the interval loop should be completely contained in TimeControls.
  • Any side-effects during recording should be done as callbacks.
  • Wrapping or termination behavior should be handled via callbacks.


private playTimeSeries(onNewFrameCallback: () => void, onCompleted: () => void, intervalMs: number): void {}

  • Note: ok to have separate loops for timeout vs. interval if needed
  • separate public entrypoint for recording

xy movement delta of every cell

visualization: draw a small vector from current centroid to previous centroid (or next centroid) to indicate how the cell is moving.

filter out feature values

Use Case

I would like to eliminate certain feature values from the view

Acceptance Criteria

select a max and min value for a feature - could be interesting to do this as a two ended slider tht you can push in from either end.
I am assuming we would just hide cells that are outside the selected range. Requested by @niveditasa


depends on #2
Where to put the controls? I imagine a slider just below the color gradient and lined up with it. Do we want to truncate the gradient or rescale the gradient to fit to the new min and max? If the latter, then lining it up with the slider would be misleading.

Grey values out of range instead of hiding

Use Case

Requested by @jcass11 and @jessicasyu!
The requested feature is to indicate the existence of cells even if they're not currently being colored, giving them an alternate color instead of hiding them.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Cells outside of the range should have an alternate color applied to them instead of color ramp values.
  • Add some UI element to turn on/off this feature.


Download image sequence as video/MP4

Use Case

@jcass11 and @vianamp requested the ability to directly download MP4 video for use on presentations and sharing.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Users can click a button to initiate a recording.
  • Once the recording is finished, an encoded MP4 video will be downloaded to the user's Download directory (or the user will be prompted for a download location).
  • Naming should default to the same as the existing RecordingControls.


Feature name aliases

Use Case

Scientists are requesting that the features be renamed (currently NUC_shape_volume_lcc and NUC_position_depth) to more human-readable names (Depth or Volume?)

Acceptance Criteria

  • Change feature names in the default dataset
  • Future datasets generated by should also have matching feature aliases.


This can be edited pretty easily in the existing datasets but this should also be done within the data generation script. (Currently the features are hardcoded: just add a string dictionary, perhaps?)

Load Collection button

Add a button labeled "Load Datasets" that brings up a modal with a textbox. The modal will show two different text inputs, one for a collection URL (or JSON) or a URL for a single dataset.

Some button (Load) will attempt to load the data and close the modal. See Simularium for an example.

TODO: Data validation?

Convert project to React

Use Case

Preparation for future UI overhaul!

  • Convert existing HTML to JSX for controls
  • Convert global variables into React state, separate logic and UI

link to 3d viewer

Use Case

click on a cell, and allow a link to open a 3d viewer to show the cell at the given time, in 3d

Image export uses arbitrary throttling

Use Case

If we try to download images with zero delay, something goes wrong where files are skipped in a non reproducible way.
So we have set a hardcoded delay between frames.

Currently, the download speed for image frames is throttled at a set delay in RecordingControls.ts.

This value was set experimentally, but only works on the default datasets. Downloading frames from larger image resolutions (or on a slow computer) may lead to dropped frames.

Acceptance Criteria

  • No files are dropped when downloading frame data on a higher resolution dataset (4x), tested across multiple computers?


find track

Use Case

I would like to be able to enter a track id that I know about beforehand, and have the viewer display it.

Acceptance Criteria

Command button: "Go to track" --> open dialog to get number entry? --> advance time to beginning of track, plot track and highlight cell


If you can't open a dialog then we should have a hide/show for the numeric input so it doesn't have to be kept up to date...?

point to URL of any hosted dataset

Use Case

As a data stakeholder, I have the ability to host my data on AWS and would like to use the tool to point to any cloud url.

Acceptance Criteria

nucmorph colorizer has a url query parameter for http://viewer_url/?dataset=dataset_url in which dataset_url points to the top level dataset json file. The remaining file paths referenced inside should be considered relative to this url.


Take url string, chop off manifest.json and use the remaining string as baseUrl...

We will have to figure out what to do with the dataset dropdown box. That is TBD.

Ultimately we could have dataset=url&feature=featureName&track=trackId&t=time but this issue is only for dataset.

encapsulate the feature color ramp controls in a module

Use Case

Just to clean up the code a bit, we can encapsulate all the controls around locking min/max, reset, and setting min/max into a separate file.

Acceptance Criteria

main.ts gets smaller and simpler and forwards calls into some kind of Feature or FeatureController class.


Does this really help anything?

Provide background images for compositing

Use Case

From user:

If I made the track overlays into gifs for each position could they be set as background channel for the plot instead of the gray? Would be great if background channel that is displayed was configurable so these plots could be used for validation of nuc and cell segmentation.
For nuc segmentation validation I would use the nuc channel alone. For CAAX seg validation I would use the nuc & caax channel as a 2 color RGB image.
Making it configurable would increase the use case tremendously

Acceptance Criteria

Prototype Idea: provide a set of background frames as pngs and composite the main view on top of them.


The user may have multiple backdrop sets they want to try out. Probably need a blend-type parameter too.

Centroid data is incorrectly scaled


Centroid coordinates are in the original dataset's coordinates, but don't match the downsampled pixel coordinates of the output frame (currently off by a factor of 4).

Expected Behavior

Centroid coordinates should be given in the pixel coordinates of the frame.

Show global min/max range

Use Case

Requested by @vianamp!
When comparing between datasets in a collection, the global min and max for a given feature should be shown. Currently, when switching between datasets, only the current feature min/max is used.

Acceptance Criteria


  • This could either be done at runtime (by fetching the feature data for each dataset in the collection) or when generating the collection metadata.
  • Likely needs a UI feature (checkbox? Radio button?) to indicate behavior.


Use Case

As a quantitative scientific tool, we need to have units on numeric measured features.

Acceptance Criteria

Feature data should have units. This needs to come from the data sources.

In the viewer, we should see units on all places that display feature values.
In particular: the editable feature range values, the hovered feature value, and the plot Y axis. (I may have missed something here).

Customize outlier color

Use Case

Add a way to change the color of outliers/cells outside the current range.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Dropdown or color selector for cell outlier colors.


  • See also #69.
  • Should outliers (NaN) and values outside of range be two different categories?

capture image sequence

Use Case

I want to produce a colorized movie to embed in powerpoint

Acceptance Criteria

"capture mode" button --> press Play or auto-play when capture is clicked --> disable UI (except for pause/cancel), iterate through sequence and save out pngs one by one --> exit capture mode when done or cancelled, re-enable UI. Name output files sequentially.


  • output resolution? canvas size or could we do original frame size?
  • where to put the controls? right next to time slider?
  • capture track could be interesting but was not asked for. do we start from t=0 or current t, start of track, etc?

Show currently hovered cell feature value

Use Case

Even though the cell is colorized, as a user, I might want to know the actual feature value.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Show the current feature value of the hovered cell in a box off the main display. If no cell is currently hovered over, the box should be empty.


  • Decide where to show output.

Visualizing cell overlaps

Use Case

Requested by Jessica and Graham!

They described an issue where, when doing a max-projection through a volume, cell nuclei (or cells) may be overlapping in the projection. Currently, there's no way to visualize the overlap in nucmorph-colorizer, and overlapping pixels must be assigned to one track or the other.

Jessica wants to use nucmorph colorizer to show spatial distributions of features, using intuitive colorizing tools.


  • Image overlay with different colorized segmentation data? (or brightfield/fluorescence image?)
  • Multiple frames for different Z-stacks?
  • Switching between different Z-slices represented as different datasets in a collection?

@jessicasyu @toloudis

Reverse Color Ramps

Use Case

Requested by @jessicasyu!
The convention is for the darkest colors to indicate the highest values.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Adjust all existing color ramps to match convention
  • Optionally, add a way to invert color ramp choices.


  • Also, ideally update the URL with the color ramps and inverted state (&colormap=Sequential_Forest/inverted).

performance: handle large number of features

Use Case

If I have a dataset with a large number of features, I may not want to consume extra resources by loading them all initially.

Acceptance Criteria

Only load feature data on-demand.


Could discard old feature data (or optionally keep around a very limited number of them in a local cache)


README hasn't been updated past default values and should be revisited.

Cells lose highlight on last frame in track


On the last frame in a track, cell tracks can still be selected but won't be highlighted on the canvas.

Expected Behavior

Cells should be highlighted for every frame that they're visible.


Skip to frame 569 and try clicking any cell.
Go to the above link and advance the frame by one.

make datasets more data-driven

Use Case

Nucmorph is not the only project that can have data in this app. But currently the nucmorph datasets are hardcoded.

Acceptance Criteria

Populate the dataset dropdown box from (yet another) json file which will be the top-level "megaset" description


URL query string could have megaset=M&dataset=D (probably we can come up with better word than megaset? how about "collection") or something like dataset=M/D perhaps?
Currently a dataset is a directory with a manifest.json inside.

add an option to fix the extremes of the range as the min/max across colonies

For any feature, add some ui to allow the min and max of that feature to be locked in even when changing datasets.
load dataset1, feature1 (F1). F1.min and F1.max are determined and the colormap extremes are mapped to those values.
activate the "lock min/max" feature.
load dataset2. if we are still viewing F1 (?), then do not update the min/max values and keep the colormap range clamped to that min and max. values outside the range will be considered constant (clamped to the ends of the range) and will receive the colors at the ends of the range.

UI concerns: how to enable/disable this? when disabled, do things need to refresh or do we wait until some other user action? do we want to keep the same min/max even if it's a different feature with wildly different values? (changing feature would have to auto-disable this "lock min/max" thing).

blend dropped data that would otherwise flicker

Use Case

Outliers flicker on playback because they are given a unique color outside the active range. This is visually distracting when playing back animation sequence.

Acceptance Criteria

Checkbox: "Blend dropped data if < N Frames" where N can be user choice (some small number like 1 or 2 hopefully). Perhaps we could also give an option to have the cells disappear rather than get a special color.


I think "blend" means to interpolate between two frames of data for cell on the same track. This would be a totally new implementation in the main shader to try to figure out how to color a given pixel.

Scale Bar

Use Case

Show a scale bar on the canvas. Requested by @mogres!

Acceptance Criteria

TBD, may need help from UX in the future (@lynwilhelm)


  • May be similar to volume-viewer's solution
  • Should be done in the dataset, during data generation.
  • Relative to pixels or whole image?
  • Overlay on top of viewport?

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