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alive.os's Issues

Change Adv Markers keybind

BIS implemented line drawing in patch 1.60 using CTRL-LMB. Adv Markers conflicts with this. Need to change it to an alternative key and/or a double click.

Might as well remove the line drawing element too - not sure anyone uses it much.

Would be nice to see if we can persist BIS line drawing.

CS Slingloading bugs

1. Selecting Slingloading = Yes in a CS transport heli will spawn a load of boxes with gear around the HLS. This should be optional and the boxes should be empty, otherwise it's going to mess with mission making.

2. With the option set to "NO", Sling loading is still an option in the CS tablet for transport aircraft, however they will go through the motions of picking up an object but won't deploy slings, getting stuck in an endless cycle.

3. Set to Yes, heli successfully picks up a light vehicle but then becomes unresponsive. It replies to further requests but does not move (in this case slowly flying backwards until it crashes) Narrowed it down to a specific vehicle that it was having issues with (prowler). Works fine with boxes and other light vehs.

Air Patrols

Air Ops Module


  • Phase 1 - ATO CAP and DCA functionality
  • Phase 2 - ATO SEAD, AA
  • Phase 3 - ATO integration with C2ISTAR for ATO generated player tasks (DCA, SEAD, CAS, CSAR, OCA)
  • Phase 4 - OPCOM requested Strike, Recce, AS, SEAD, OCA and CAS
  • Phase 5 - LOGCOM interaction

Full Design Spec on GDocs

In Reality: a Joint Forces Air Component Commander (JFACC) may be appointed to command and control the airspace in joint military operations.

In Game: Like a secondary OPCOM that has control of the air space. It controls all attack helis, jets and UAVs, i.e. every combat capable air entity that is not a transport chopper.

Outcome: more use of air assets (by factions that have them) in realistic tactical roles on the battlefield.

Use Case: ALiVE AI Comd of factions configured with air groups uses them to conduct tasks in support of the ground troops. Air units are spawned at objectives by Placement Modules at mission start (existing functionality).

Place Air Ops module and sync to Mil/Civ/Custom Placement modules.

Available Air Tasking Orders (ATO):

  1. Suppression of Enemy Air Defense
  2. Offensive Counter Air
  3. Combat Air Patrol
  4. Close Air Support
  5. Recce
  6. Strike
  7. Anti Shipping
  • AirOps conducts some ATOs independently (SEAD, CAP, DCA)
  • Air Ops prioritises force protection of air assets: SEAD > DCA > CAP > CAS >Strike
  • OPCOM sends requests to AirOps for ATO when attacking objectives (Recce, CAS, Strike)
  • OPCOM sends requests to AirOps for ATO in virtual battles (CAS)

For example: IF OPCOM gets in a battle AND IF Air Ops is present AND !(SEAD/DCA/CAP) THEN send nearest CAS unit to join OPCOM Battle

Example taskflows:
*Recce - OPCOM identifies next objective and requests recce helicopter to observe ahead of ground forces, then loiter until objective captured. If fired upon, withdraws to nearest friendly objective.
*Strike - OPCOM identifies high priority objective and requests armed helicopter or plane to conduct attack run then RTB to start location or loiter position.
*Close Air Support - OPCOM detects enemy forces within 1KM of friendly forces and requests armed heli/plane to that location. Search & Destroy for 5 mins then RTB to start location.
*Combat Air Patrol - ambient air. AirOps orders armed plane to search & destroy in 2km radius of friendly held Mil Placement HQ. Can be retasked CAS/Strike if weapons systems permit.

Actions on:
*RTB - heli/plane returns to start location, lands and (automatically?) rearm/repair/refuel, wait 15 mins then released for next OPCOM order (planes may need to be respawned due to BIS AI and taxiing)
*Start location held by OPFOR - return to nearest friendly held objective with HLS or Runway.
*No base available - loiter until based is available or aircraft crashes/is destroyed.
*Aircraft destroyed - replaced by LOGCOM (existing functionality).
*No suitable weapons for task - task rejected and unit RTB.

Potential future enhancements currently out of scope:
*Virtual/AI Tactical Air Control Party / Foward Air Controller (TACP/FAC) - ground based unit that requests Air Tasking Orders on behalf of OPCOM.
*Foward Arming & Refuel Point (FARP) - spawn FARP composition close to front line for rotary wing rearm/refuel.
Player FAC - player interface to ATO, similar to how Player Combat Logistics is a UI for Combat Logistics simulation. Possibility to replace Combat Support?

ATO Properties

  • Common - ROE, altitude, speed, min weapon state, min fuel state
  • SEAD - target search radius, duration
  • OCA - intercept range, max limit of exploitation
  • CAP - patrol area, intercept range, duration
  • CAS - target search radius, duration
  • Recce - duration
  • Strike/Anti Ship - as per Common

Initial analysis
ATO requests [from JFACC]
OPCOM Support Requests
Airspace management
Radar detection
Event monitoring
Air Mission Framework (crew response, taxi, takeoff, execute, land)
Hangar/Helipad management
Runway deconfliction

Can't Blacklist Vehicles From Peristence

From what I can tell, there seems to be no way to stop vehicles from saving with persistence enabled.
Using the Player Logistics (Disable) module, we have a field for Blacklist, which works perfectly with normal objects (like ammo crates, supply boxes etc), but does not work at all with vehicles of any kind (air, land, sea).

I have tried inputting classnames of the vehicles, as well as syncing the vehicles with the module. No effect.

Being able to blacklist vehicles from persistence saving would be a great feature to add simply because bases can get messy very quickly if people do not park things back exactly where they are supposed to go, because wherever players leave vehicles when they disconnect, is where they are going to be when we load back in.


  1. Open eden editor
  2. Place player unit
  3. Place vehicle of any kind
  4. Place ALiVE modules - including Player Logistics (Disable)
  5. Input the classname of the vehicle you placed into the Blacklist field of the Player Logistics (Disable) module
  6. Preview, get in your vehicle, move it to a new position, get out.
  7. Save your session

Ability to delete SITREP/SPOTREP markers off the map

Requesting the ability to delete SITREPS/SPOTREPS in a similar way to how we can CTRL+Right Click to delete Advanced Markers.

These tend to pile up on long persistence missions as players place them down quite often. In keeping with a milsim mentality, it would make sense that these could be deleted/cleaned up as needed. As of right now, maps can get extremely cluttered making it hard to track progress accurately.

In addition, we have discovered a bug when a high number of these have been placed down. It essentially stops putting the new SITREPS at the top of the list and starts putting them randomly in the middle/bottom of the list making it very difficult to find and read new ones that are being reported. I have to look at the ID on the marker, then scroll through every SITREP and find the matching ID to read it. -- If your map doesn't look like this... you are not operator enough!

Thanks for reading!


Tasks not persisting

Reported on our forum that tasks are not persisting between sessions.

Needs repro.

FEATURE REQUEST: Ability to make any object "Carry-able" via Logistic system

Request: Ability to white-list items/static objects to give players the ability to "carry" objects not already able to do so w/ the ALIVE Logistics System.

I.E. Some of the vanilla bags of food, bins, ect are not able to be carried. A simple whitelist ability using the object's class name or a line to throw into the init could open up mission possibilities, logistics, defense fortifications, as well as an endless amount of other possibilities.

C2ISTAR tasks aren't persisting

I'd just like to report an issue where I believe auto-generated C2ISTAR tasks aren't persisting between sessions. This was initially reported by user Riksen using a vanilla ALiVE/CBA mission. I decided to test it on my end using a vanilla mission on Altis with the exception being Spyder Addons and saw the same behavior.

Here is a server rpt file where I tried to continue a mission. For the purposes of the test, the C2ISTAR module and Data module have debug turned on:

Vanilla units spawning periodically

Over the last few weeks I've been dealing with vanilla units (CSAT and OPFIA) spawning occasionally instead of the OPFOR modded faction. I've tested this with multiple factions and can duplicate the issue on a regular basis. Bare in mind most of the time the correct faction spawns so to spot the issue can take a bit of teleporting around.

Here is a test mission on Stratis which duplicates the issue with CSAT spawning. I found a CSAT guy randomly trying to shoot me from a tower in a compound.

CUP Weapons
CUP Vehicles
CUP Units

To try and accelerate the issue, I set roadblocks and random camps to high, but just note vanilla units can spawn anywhere (though OPFIA seems especially to like the roadblocks. CSAT can spawn anywhere)

The second group I spawned to in this instance had CSAT but sometimes it can take longer to see this occur.

I figured CUP Takistani's was a decent choice here considering even the ALiVE official MSO remake uses that faction (I think). Anyway, I figured CUP_O_TK_MILITIA was about as safe a bet of a "clean" mod as any I could have used though note I can duplicate this with multiple factions.

Update ALiVE Debug Console

The debug console accessed through Admin Actions currently has outdated camera and spectator functions. These functions have been overhauled by BIS (the spectator was redone shortly after End Game Tournament, and the Splendid Camera was redone with 1.60). These should be updated in the console, as the buttons are currently accessing old call functions.

A simple change, but well worth it!

The new spectator command: BIS_fnc_EGSpectator
Unsure about new splendid camera function.

Error in mil_logistics

Using latest dev

23:22:01 Error in expression <loadUnloaded = false;


} foreach _payloadProfiles;


if(count _loadedU>
23:22:01   Error position: <_payloadProfiles;


if(count _loadedU>
23:22:01   Error Undefined variable in expression: _payloadprofiles
23:22:01 File x\alive\addons\mil_logistics\fnc_ML.sqf, line 2671
23:54:56 Error in expression <loadUnloaded = false;


} foreach _payloadProfiles;


if(count _loadedU>
23:54:56   Error position: <_payloadProfiles;


if(count _loadedU>
23:54:56   Error Undefined variable in expression: _payloadprofiles
23:54:56 File x\alive\addons\mil_logistics\fnc_ML.sqf, line 3564


Logistics errors on saving

ALiVE Exit - Server Save Logistics State
Error in expression < "_result")) then {
_messages = _result select 1;
if(count _messages > 0) then {>
  Error position: <select 1;
if(count _messages > 0) then {>
  Error select: Type Bool, expected Array,String,Config entry
File x\alive\addons\main\fnc_buttonAbort.sqf, line 230

Script error using manually placed combat support assets (Artillery)

When using custom assets for Combat Support as per wiki (Advanced Vehicle Placement):

Repro using BLU_F:

  • player unit
  • single crewed Mk6 mortar
  • ALiVE required
  • ALiVE virtual AI
  • ALiVE Combat Support
  • sync mortar to CS module

Place in init field of Mk6 mortar:
this setVariable ["CS_TYPE","ARTY"];
(works fine)

Adding this to init:
this setVariable ["CS_ARTILLERY_HE",50];

Results in:

15:53:15 ALiVE [m_7|160] Module ALiVE_sup_combatsupport INIT
15:53:15 Error in expression <",groupID (group _entry)];

_he = ["HE",parsenumber(_entry getvariable ["CS_arti>
15:53:15   Error position: <parsenumber(_entry getvariable ["CS_arti>
15:53:15   Error parsenumber: Type Number, expected Bool,String
15:53:15 File x\alive\addons\sup_combatsupport\fnc_combatSupport.sqf, line 144

Transport chopper unresponsive after failed slingload

Just wanted to report a quick bug. So far I've only tested a manually placed chopper with this setVariable ["CS_TYPE","TRANSPORT"]; in its init synced to CS.

When you use the tablet, select slingloading, select an object in the new drop down, and click on an area in the map; in the event the chopper does not successfully slingload an object (which is very often), the transport chopper becomes unresponsive. It can only be forced to RTB but no additional commands can be given.

At least not within 5-10 minutes of the unsuccessful attempt.

I've seen this happen with the vanilla Huron and vanilla (camo) Ghosthawk.

Player persistence failing for first player on dedicated server on missions with lots of data
Here's a repro done with as much detail as I can muster.

Essentially, the issue is as per the title; in missions with lots of persistent data stored in CouchDB (or in other scenarios where SYS_DATA takes a while to load, for example when people have slow internet connections), player persistence fails for the first player to join a non-auto initialised server.

Produced the linked mission earlier on and have since run three tests on it. Basically, it's the usual array of modules just with a larger number of objectives and an asymmetric OPCOM with all persistence options set to on. The mission files are included in the dropbox link at the bottom. It has no scripts, was built in a sterile environment with no other mods, and had no previous saved data. Mission entirely produced by me today using latest versions of ALiVE, Arma 3 and CBA.

Test 1 (fresh mission name, no pre-existing data, no auto-init): Mission initialised at 12.23.19. Briefing screen appears at 12.24.23. Clicked continue and hint about player data loaded from ALiVE servers appears, everything works perfectly.

Actions taken: moved to new location, dropped primary weapon on ground, placed test marker, moved nearby vehicle, placed second test marker on top of profile e174 in Gravia. Then logged into admin, server saved and exited at 12.28.07, save completes at 12.29.06. Shut down server completely.


Time between mission init and briefing screen: 1 min, 4 sec.
Data save duration: 59 sec.

Test 2 (pre-existing data from Test 1, no auto-init): Mission initialised at 12.37.44. Goes into loading screen. At roughly 12.39.15 (+/- 4 seconds), during the load screen, environmental sounds begin (including footsteps and some distant shooting). Server RPT suggests this is during data loading and just after Player Options starts loading (although I'd ask a dev to confirm this as I'm no RPT expert). At 12.39.36, the loading screen finishes, map briefing flashes for a millisecond, and the hint about player data loaded from ALiVE servers does not appear.

Observations: Markers are present at correct location, profile e174 is exactly where it should be, weapon left on ground is at correct position, the moved vehicle is at the place it was left at the end of Test 1. Time of day (I think) has persisted too. Player loadout and starting position however have failed and are the default for the character, despite these options being checked in the player options module. Essentially, all persistence has worked except for Player Persistence.

Actions taken: Player save and exit, server shut down.


Time between mission initialised and environmental sounds: 1 min, 31 sec.
Time between mission init and loading screen ending: 1 min, 47 sec.

Test 3 (pre-existing data, "persistent battlefield" and "auto-init" options checked in TADST settings):

13.04.36: Read mission.
13.05.45: ALiVE Global Timer Complete.
13.06.21: Player joins.
13.06.27: Loading screen finishes.

Observations: Hint about player data loaded from ALiVE servers appears and everything works perfectly. Markers loaded, weapon left on ground, vehicle where it should be, e174 at exact position) however this time, the player has persisted too and is in the correct place and has no primary weapon as per the end of Test 1 (not Test 2).


I strongly suspect the persistence problem is caused by Player Persistence loading before the player is found in playable units. Previous tests I've run suggest that if player persistence doesn't load at the start, it won't save at the end, even if everything else does. So I could run Test 2 again, save and exit at the end, and then run Test 3, and the player persistence data that loads will be the original data from Test 1.

A further, less clinical test I ran suggests that the longer SYS_DATA takes to load, the more likely this behaviour is to appear. So, for people with slower internet connections (mine is about 2mb/sec) or internet connections that are bottlenecked in some way, this issue is more likely. Furthermore, the more data there is to load and therefore the longer that loading takes place, the more likely this issue is to persist.

Possible solutions:

  1. Make player persistence wait until the player is found in playableunits before initialising.
  2. Find a way to prevent the mission starting while the first player on server is still stuck in the loading screen. The best indicator of this is the first player on the server having to click "Continue" on the map screen before the mission starts.

Player Combat Logistics enhancements

Add a cancel option for when AI craps out and refuses to drive over a rock and so never arrives (e.g. dumps the log convoy in current location and lets OPCOM pick up the profile from wherever it is).

Add a filter to disable selected logistics transport types (airdrop, convoy, insertion). E.g. As a user, I want to disable heli insertion for immersion reasons in scenarios that don't have helicopters such as WW2.

Add a LOGSITREP button showing status of logistics delivery (e.g. location, destination, distance) and current forcepool count.

Easier method to blacklist/whitelist classes (point to an external array in an sqf file?)

FSM error undefined variables when restarting OPCOM


If you restart an opcom by doing the following:

    _opcom = _x;

    _opcomControlType = [_opcom,"controltype","invasion"] call ALiVE_fnc_HashGet;
    _opcomID = [_opcom,"opcomID",""] call ALiVE_fnc_HashGet;

      _stopped = [_opcom, "stop"] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM;

     switch (_opcomControlType ) do {
        case ("occupation") : {

                _OPCOM = [_opcom] execFSM "\x\alive\addons\mil_opcom\opcom.fsm";
                _TACOM = [_opcom] execFSM "\x\alive\addons\mil_opcom\tacom.fsm";

                [_opcom, "OPCOM_FSM",_OPCOM] call ALiVE_fnc_HashSet;
                [_opcom, "TACOM_FSM",_TACOM] call ALiVE_fnc_HashSet;
        case ("invasion") : {

                _OPCOM = [_opcom] execFSM "\x\alive\addons\mil_opcom\opcom.fsm";
                _TACOM = [_opcom] execFSM "\x\alive\addons\mil_opcom\tacom.fsm";

                [_opcom, "OPCOM_FSM",_OPCOM] call ALiVE_fnc_HashSet;
                [_opcom, "TACOM_FSM",_TACOM] call ALiVE_fnc_HashSet;
        case ("asymmetric") : {
            _OPCOM = [_opcom] execFSM "\x\alive\addons\mil_opcom\insurgency.fsm";

            [_opcom, "OPCOM_FSM",_OPCOM] call ALiVE_fnc_HashSet;
            [_opcom, "TACOM_FSM",-1] call ALiVE_fnc_HashSet;


You will get the error:

RHS GREF Config Support

Please update RHS Config support to include the new GREF factions as well as US Naval units (I notice when ALiVE is spawning USAF units it denotes a lack of a naval category, they just added some neat naval assets).

Thanks :)

Data Module Bug (Possible 3DEN Compatibility issue)

When placing the Data module, the bottom field "Custom Perf Monitors" does not auto-populate as it should.

All we get entered automatically is "[["

Correct default field should be:


  1. Open 3DEN editor
  2. Place the ALiVE Data module
  3. Double click module to view settings.

SIGINT & Int revamp


  1. Surface the background magic of ALiVE in a realistic manner by exercising the Intel layer in a more coherent way.
  2. Provide tools for players to collect, analyse and disseminate Intel in a credibility realistic manner.


  • Deployable SIGINT capability that detects when enemy forces send a suspected logistics convoy, with a % change of triangulating their position.

  • Enhance HUMINT by building on the existing civ interactions to provide more feedback and tracking of sector hostility levels in the Comd Tablet.

  • Add HUMINT to asymmetric enemy soldiers that, if captured, will have a % to reveal one piece of intel such as insurgent intent in an area or insurgent movements

  • Add HUMINT to enemy soldiers that, if captured, will have a % to reveal one piece of intel, either areas of suspected enemy activity or the AI Comd's current objectives or the location/destination of a logistics convoy.

  • Enhance the existing IMINT capability of combined C2ISTAR/CS modules, allowing images to be captured, annotated and added to an image library in game (...which can then be referenced when creating manual Tasks)

  • Autonomous tactical ISR task for Combat Support that allows players to send airborne ISR units on Surveillance tasks to specific locations from where they will report all enemy movement, for example by means of real time map marker updates for any enemy within range.

  • Tactical ISR for OPCOM, enabling the AI Comd to use ISR units (snipers, recon teams, recce vehicles) to advance ahead of the main groups and recce objectives.

  • Option to have any enemy within 'visual' range of a friendly forces to be reported in real time on the map (show profiles and/or mark units).

  • Simulate a wider SIGINT capability by displaying areas of suspected enemy activity and the AI Comd's current objectives.

  • Operational update on mission load - graphical overlay showing consolidated summary of profile locations and type plus current main OPCOM objectives reserved/captured.

Undefined var error in Group Manager

Doesn't appear to be breaking anything but getting this in the rpt:

19:13:01 Error in expression <eate;
[ALIVE_groupHandler, "init"] call ALIVE_fnc_groupHandler;
19:13:01   Error position: <ALIVE_fnc_groupHandler;
19:13:01   Error Undefined variable in expression: alive_fnc_grouphandler
19:13:01 File x\alive\addons\sup_group_manager\fnc_GM.sqf, line 153

Error in Forcepool readout on Player Combat Logistics tablet

21:35:10 Error in expression <SetText format["Current Force Pool: %1",_forcePool];
_forcePoolStatus ctrlShow t>
21:35:10   Error position: <_forcePool];
_forcePoolStatus ctrlShow t>
21:35:10   Error Undefined variable in expression: _forcepool
21:35:10 File x\alive\addons\sup_player_resupply\fnc_PR.sqf, line 2818

Spawn on squad is not working

Place a player unit and group some AI's to it.
Place the multispawn module and set it on spawn on squad.
Place a marker called respawn_west.
Write respawn = 3; in the description.ext file.
Test the mission and kill yourself in the game.

Instead of respawning next to the squad, you spawn on the marker while stuck spectating one of the AI's. If you have no one in the squad, you spawn and can play.

Player Resupply - Helicopter should slingload fortifications

When requesting fortifications from player resupply via a heli insertion, the helicopter explodes when unloading say a small bunker.

Ideally large items like this should be delivered via slingloading - or unload the item further from the helo.

Air Transport Assets can only be set to Faction

In the Military Logistics module, underneath Air Transport Assets, "Faction" is set by default. When you change it to "Side and Faction," click ok, and open the module again, it says "Faction."

I've attempted this with existing Military Logistics modules, as well as placing new ones, and it's 100% reproducible. Probably an Eden bug but will mean almost every modded faction will never use helicopters for resupply/BCR, mainly because most modded factions don't use helicopter assets. Since AI driving is terrible in Arma, I can see this causing issues since the only option available for these faction will be convoys.

Unable to stop aysmmetic opcoms

Using the below code to stop all opcoms, you will find that the code never completes if one of the opcoms has controltype asymmetric.

 _opcom = _x;
    _stopped = [_opcom,"stop"] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM;

     player sideChat format ["%1 stopped %2", _opcomID, _stopped];


player sideChat "All Done";

What is happening
The code does not complete because any opcom with controltype asymmetric never exits out of its FMS script.

Calling [_opcom,"stop"] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM, will lead to _exitFMS being set true on both the opcom's TACOM_FSM and OPCOM_FSM.

Then the script waits until each FMS returns nil (lines 1403 and 1404)

waituntil {sleep 1; isnil {[_logic, "TACOM_FSM"] call ALiVE_fnc_HashGet}};
waituntil {sleep 1; isnil {[_logic, "OPCOM_FSM"] call ALiVE_fnc_HashGet}};

If the opcom's controltype is asymmetric, then TACOM_FMS will return nil right away because asymmetric opcoms don't have a TACOM_FMS, but the OPCOM_FMS, which in this case is insurgency.fsm has no exit. Therefore, this script will run indefinitely waiting for insurgency.fsm to exit.


  • If insurgency.fsm is not suppose to have an exit by design, then you guys need to add checks to make sure that the opcom is not of controltype asymmetric.
  • If insurgency.fsm is suppose to have an exit, then you may need to go back and review the FMS script.


  • This also effects [_opcom,"loadData"] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM because it calls [_opcom,"stop"] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM
  • This also effects [] call ALIVE_fnc_OPCOMLoadData because it calls [_opcom,"loadData"] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM

Update AI Skill Module

There have been several updates to the way AI is handled in Arma 3, and the ALiVE AI skill module lacks some of the new functionality and format.

For example, we now have "Suppression" and "Fleeing Coefficient" settings among others that are missing from the module. Might also be worth looking into that the format may have changed from actual numeric values (0.9, 0.5) to percents.

Seems there is also no way to change it across the board per faction as far as I know. Would be a great feature to expand because ALiVE already has a module for this specific reason.

Transport infantry across water

Problem: currently profiles will move across water. Spawned infantry units will attempt to swim. We need a lightweight method to detect water crossings and prevent infantry crossing unless they have suitable transport.

(This is a different issue to profiles spawning in the water, which was fixed - profiles that are on the water will spawn on nearest landmass. This problem is related to units that are already spawned by have a move waypoint that crosses water)

If a transport heli or boat is available, either from a cfgGroup spawned by Mil Placement or manually added and Profiled, the inf group will request transport, get picked up and dropped off at nearest land in direction of travel towards objective.

SYS_PLAYER errors on saving

ALiVE Exit - mode: REMSAVE
[14398,371.995,34.723,"x\alive\addons\main\fnc_buttonAbort.sqf:41","PLAYER CLICKING ON ABORT BUTTON: _this=["REMSAVE"]"]
[14398,371.997,34.723,"x\alive\addons\main\fnc_buttonAbort.sqf:41","PLAYER CLICKING ON ABORT BUTTON: _this=["SAVESERVERYO","76561198010520657"]"]
Error in expression <;

if ( _saveScores) then {
_data =_data + ALiVE_sys_player_SCORE_DATA;
  Error position: <_data + ALiVE_sys_player_SCORE_DATA;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _data
File x\alive\addons\sys_player\fnc_setPlayer.sqf, line 74
Error in expression <tvariable ["saveAmmo",false];

_data = ALiVE_sys_player_UNIT_DATA;

if ( _saveP>
  Error position: <ALiVE_sys_player_UNIT_DATA;

if ( _saveP>
  Error foreach: Undefined variable in expression: alive_sys_player_unit_data
File x\alive\addons\sys_player\fnc_setPlayer.sqf, line 58

Error when completing auto generated task

17:51:43 Error in expression <] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet;

_forcePool = _forcePool + _reward;

17:51:43 Error position: <_forcePool + _reward;

17:51:43 Error Undefined variable in expression: _forcepool
17:51:43 File x\alive\addons\mil_C2ISTAR\utils\fnc_taskCreateReward.sqf, line 46

String Table

I don't think English is supported in the string table and you have a lot of entry's with English in the string table. Also Double entry STR_ALIVE_INDEXER_MAPPATH_COMMENT.

I think it should be Original instead of English.

AI Comd enhancements

A collection of enhancements to the AI Commander to make it more versatile, realistic and immersive.

  • Coordinated attacks: as commander I find it disturbing to see motorized vehicles always reach the objective first and far in advance of the infantry. All groups assigned to take the objective must move at the speed of the slowest group.
  • Extended decision cycle: identify potential objective (existing functionality) > recce > strike > assault > hold. Example: recce with Air or SF group; Strike with Air/Arty/Armour; Assault with Mech Inf; hold with Lt Inf
  • Flexible group composition: currently OPCOM always sends 4 randomly selected groups on a task. It should determine the objective priority + strength and type of enemy by recce then allocate groups to match as closely as possible.
  • Reinforcements (not the same as LOGCOM delivering replacement groups): If number of groups attacking an objective falls lower than 50% of enemy groups at the objective, OPCOM orders additional groups to reinforce. Will need to determine objective priority and maybe a cutoff threshold to avoid a meat grinder effect.

Some other ideas

  • Mobile field HQ: simulated Command Post moving a tactical bound behind lead troops. Destroying it could reduce the speed of battle casualty replacements by LOGCOM; or slow down the OPCOM decision cycle; or force OPCOM to go defensive.
  • Battlefield recovery: use repair vehicles to recover damaged and abandoned vehicles from the battlefield. Tow back to base and respawn crew.
  • Battle replen: setup replens with ammo/fuel trucks near front line to be used by active fighting vehicles.

New OPCOM stances ideas

  • Impetuous: will advance as fast as possible, regardless of different units speeds, will attempt to capture highest priority objectives at all costs; will use no defensive groups
  • Defensive: prioritises defending currently held friendly objectives. Tries to identify closest/biggest enemy threat and sends forces to nearest objective under threat.
  • Cautious: will advance at pace of slowest unit and try to capture and hold all objectives

groups stucks on waiting for regroup

A lot of groups get stucks on waiting for regroup.
They are waiting for a group who will never arrive (vehicules bloqued or bug in the ai).

A timer on the action could solve the problem.

Error with tasks auto generated by C2ISTAR

17:52:15 Error in expression <E_fnc_hashSet;
[_taskParams,"profileID",_profileID] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
17:52:15 Error position: <_profileID] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
17:52:15 Error Undefined variable in expression: _profileid
17:52:15 File x\alive\addons\mil_C2ISTAR\tasks\fnc_taskTransportInsertion.sqf, line 236

17:52:16 Error in expression < = [ALIVE_profileHandler, "getProfile", _profileID] call ALIVE_fnc_profileHandle>
17:52:16 Error position: <_profileID] call ALIVE_fnc_profileHandle>
17:52:16 Error Undefined variable in expression: _profileid
17:52:16 File x\alive\addons\mil_C2ISTAR\tasks\fnc_taskTransportInsertion.sqf, line 288

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