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buffet's Introduction


All-inclusive Buffer for C


Experimental string buffer featuring

  • SSO (small string optimization) inline short data into the type.
  • views (or 'slices') no-copy references to sub-strings.
  • refcount (reference counting) account for views before mutation or release.
  • automated allocations

Aims at security with decent speed.
Todo: thread safety




Buffet is a tagged union with 4 modes.

// Hard values show 64-bit

union Buffet {
    struct ptr {
        char*   data
        size_t  len
        size_t  off:62, tag:2 // tag = OWN|SSV|VUE
    struct sso {
        char    data[22]
        uint8_t refcnt
        uint8_t len:6, tag:2  // tag = SSO

sizeof(Buffet) == 24

The tag sets a Buffet's mode :

  • OWN co-owning slice of a store
  • SSO embedded char array
  • SSV (small string view) view on an SSO
  • VUE non-owning view on any data

If OWN, points into an allocated heap store :

struct Store {
    size_t   cap    // store capacity
    size_t   len    // store length
    uint32_t refcnt // number of views on store
    uint32_t canary // invalidates store if modified
    char     data[] // buffer data, shared by owning views



#include "../buffet.h"

int main() {
// SHARED OWN =================

    char large[] = "DATA STORE IS HEAP ALLOCATION.";

    Buffet own1 = bft_memcopy(large, sizeof(large)-1);
    // Now own1 owns a store housing a copy of `large`
    //-> OWN 30 "DATA STORE ..."
    // View "STORE" in own1 :
    Buffet own2 = bft_view(&own1, 5, 5);
    // Now own1 and own2 share the store, whose refcount is 2
    //-> OWN 5 "STORE"

// SSO & SSV =================

    char small[] = "SMALL STRING";

    Buffet sso1 = bft_memcopy(small, sizeof(small)-1);
    //-> SSO 12 "SMALL STRING"
    // View "STRING" in sso1 :
    Buffet ssv1 = bft_view(&sso1, 6, 6);
    //-> SSV 6 "STRING"

// VUE =======================

    char any[] = "SOME BYTES";

    // View "BYTES" in `any` :
    Buffet vue1 = bft_memview(any+5, 5);
    //-> VUE 5 "BYTES"

    return 0;

Build & check

make && make check

While extensive, unit tests may not yet cover all cases.


Buffet aims at preventing memory faults, including from user.
(Except of course losing scope and such.)

// (pseudo code)

// overflow
buf = new(8)
append(buf, large_str) // Done

// invalid ref
buf = memcopy(short_str) // SSO
view = view(buf)
append(buf, large_str) // would mutate SSO to OWN
// => abort & warn "Append would invalidate views on SSO"

// double-free
bft_free(buf) // OK

// use-after-free
append(buf, "foo") // Done. Now buf is "foo".

// aliasing
alias = buf // should be `alias = bft_dup(buf)`
bft_free(alias) // OK. Possible warning "Bad canary. Double free ?"

// Etc...

To this end, operations like view() or free() may check the store's header.
If wrong, the operation aborts and returns an empty buffet.

Checks are enabled by #define MEMCHECK or building with


Warnings are enabled by #define DEBUG or building with

DEBUG=1 make

NB: Even with checks, some aliasing can be fatal.

own = memcopy(large_str)
view = view(own)
alias = view
bft_free(own) // refcnt == 0, free(store) !
// alias now points into freed memory...

See src/check.c unit-tests and warnings output.


make && make bench (requires libbenchmark-dev)

NB: The lib is not much optimized and the bench maybe amateurish.

On a weak Core i3 :

MEMVIEW_cpp/8            0.609 ns
MEMVIEW_buffet/8          6.36 ns
MEMCOPY_c/8               16.7 ns
MEMCOPY_buffet/8          11.9 ns
MEMCOPY_c/32              15.3 ns
MEMCOPY_buffet/32         26.3 ns
MEMCOPY_c/128             16.8 ns
MEMCOPY_buffet/128        29.8 ns
MEMCOPY_c/512             24.9 ns
MEMCOPY_buffet/512        39.3 ns
MEMCOPY_c/2048            94.1 ns
MEMCOPY_buffet/2048        109 ns
MEMCOPY_c/8192             196 ns
MEMCOPY_buffet/8192        282 ns
APPEND_cpp/8/4            10.9 ns
APPEND_buffet/8/4         16.3 ns
APPEND_cpp/8/16           36.5 ns
APPEND_buffet/8/16        30.2 ns
APPEND_cpp/24/4           49.0 ns
APPEND_buffet/24/4        30.1 ns
APPEND_cpp/24/32          48.1 ns
APPEND_buffet/24/32       28.8 ns
SPLITJOIN_c               2782 ns
SPLITJOIN_cpp             3317 ns
SPLITJOIN_buffet          1397 ns


bft_dup (don't alias buffets, use this)




Buffet bft_new (size_t cap)

Create a new empty Buffet of minimum capacity cap.

Buffet buf = bft_new(40);
// OWN 0 ""


Buffet bft_memcopy (const char *src, size_t len)

Create a new Buffet by copying len bytes from src.

Buffet copy = bft_memcopy("Bonjour", 3);
// SSO 3 "Bon"


Buffet bft_memview (const char *src, size_t len)

Create a new Buffet viewing len bytes from src.
You get a window into src without copy or allocation.
NB: You shouldn't directly memview a Buffet's data. Use view()

char src[] = "Eat Buffet!";
Buffet view = bft_memview(src+4, 6);
// VUE 6 "Buffet"


Buffet bft_copy (const Buffet *src, ptrdiff_t off, size_t len)

Copy len bytes at offset off from Buffet src into a new Buffet.

Buffet src = bft_memcopy("Bonjour", 7);
Buffet cpy = bft_copy(&src, 3, 4);
// SSO 4 "jour"


Buffet bft_copyall (const Buffet *src)

Copy all bytes from Buffet src into a new Buffet.


Buffet bft_view (Buffet *src, ptrdiff_t off, size_t len)

View len bytes of Buffet src, starting at off.
You get a window into src without copy or allocation.

The return internal type depends on src type :

  • view(SSO) -> SSV (refcounted)
  • view(SSV) -> SSV on src's target
  • view(OWN) -> OWN (as refcounted store co-owner)
  • view(VUE) -> VUE on src's target

If the return is OWN, the target store won't be released before either

  • the return is discarded by bft_free
  • the return is detached by e.g. appending to it.
#include "../buffet.h"

int main() {

    char text[] = "Bonjour monsieur Buddy. Already speaks french!";

    // view sso
    Buffet sso = bft_memcopy(text, 16); // "Bonjour monsieur"
    Buffet ssv = bft_view(&sso, 0, 7);

    // view ssv
    Buffet Bon = bft_view(&ssv, 0, 3);

    // view own
    Buffet own = bft_memcopy(text, sizeof(text));
    Buffet ownview = bft_view(&own, 0, 7);

    // detach view
    bft_append (&ownview, "!", 1);
    // bft_free(&ownview); 
    bft_free(&own); // Done

    // view vue
    Buffet vue = bft_memview(text+8, 8); // "Good"
    Buffet mon = bft_view(&vue, 0, 3);

    return 0;
$ cc view.c libbuffet.a -o view && ./view
SSV 7 data:"Bonjour"
SSV 3 data:"Bon"
OWN 7 data:"Bonjour"
VUE 3 data:"mon"


Buffet bft_dup (const Buffet *src)

Create a shallow copy of src.
Use this intead of aliasing a Buffet.

Buffet src = bft_memcopy("Hello", 5);
Buffet cpy = src; // BAD
Buffet cpy = bft_dup(&src); // GOOD
// SSO 5 "Hello"

Rem: aliasing would mostly work but mess up refcounting (without crash if store protections are enabled) :

Buffet alias = sso; //ok if sso was not viewed
Buffet alias = own; //not refcounted
Buffet alias = vue; //ok


void bft_free (Buffet *buf)

Discards buf.

  • aborts if buf is an SSO with views.
  • otherwise, buf is zeroed into an empty SSO.
  • if buf was a view, its target refcount is decremented.
  • if buf was the last view on a store, the store is released.


  • the zeroing makes double-free harmless.
  • the only problematic use-after-free would be of a OWN alias (not recommended), but the store management prevents stale memory access.
#include "../buffet.h"

int main() {

    char text[] = "Le grand orchestre de Patato Valdez";

    Buffet own = bft_memcopy(text, sizeof(text));
    Buffet ref = bft_view(&own, 9, 9); // "orchestre"
    bft_free(&own); // A bit soon but ok, --refcnt
    bft_dbg(&own);  // SSO 0 ""
    bft_free(&ref); // Was last co-owner, store is released

    Buffet sso = bft_memcopy(text, 8); // "Le grand"
    Buffet ref2 = bft_view(&sso, 3, 5); // "grand"
    bft_free(&sso); // WARN line:328 bft_free: SSO has views on it
    bft_free(&sso); // OK now
    bft_dbg(&sso);  // SSO 0 ""

    return 0;
$ valgrind  --leak-check=full ./bin/ex/free
All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible


size_t bft_cat (Buffet *dst, const Buffet *buf, const char *src, size_t len)

Concatenates buf and len bytes of src into resulting dst.
Returns total length or 0 on error.

Buffet buf = bft_memcopy("abc", 3);
Buffet dst;
size_t totlen = bft_cat(&dst, &buf, "def", 3);
// SSO 6 "abcdef"


size_t bft_append (Buffet *dst, const char *src, size_t len)

Appends len bytes from src to dst.
Returns new length or 0 on error.

Buffet buf = bft_memcopy("abc", 3); 
size_t newlen = bft_append(&buf, "def", 3);
// SSO 6 "abcdef"

NB: returns failure if buf has views and would mutate from SSO to OWN to increase capacity, invalidating the views :

Buffet foo = bft_memcopy("short foo ", 10);
Buffet view = bft_view(&foo, 0, 5);
// would mutate to OWN :
size_t rc = bft_append(&foo, "now too long for SSO");
assert(rc==0); // meaning aborted

To prevent this, release views before appending to a small buffet.


Buffet* bft_split (const char* src, size_t srclen, const char* sep, size_t seplen, 
int *outcnt)

Splits src along separator sep into a Buffet Vue list of length *outcnt.

Being made of views, you can free(list) without leak provided no element was made an owner by e.g appending to it.


Buffet* bft_splitstr (const char *src, const char *sep, int *outcnt);

Convenient split using strlen internally.

int cnt;
Buffet *parts = bft_splitstr("Split me", " ", &cnt);
for (int i=0; i<cnt; ++i)
// VUE 5 "Split"
// VUE 2 "me"


Buffet bft_join (Buffet *list, int cnt, const char* sep, size_t seplen);

Joins list on separator sep into a new Buffet.

int cnt;
Buffet *parts = bft_splitstr("Split me", " ", &cnt);
Buffet back = bft_join(parts, cnt, " ", 1);
// SSO 8 'Split me'


int bft_cmp (const Buffet *a, const Buffet *b)

Compare two buffets' data using memcmp.


size_t bft_cap (Buffet *buf)

Get current capacity.


size_t bft_len (Buffet *buf)`

Get current length.


const char* bft_data (const Buffet *buf)`

Get current data pointer.
To ensure null-termination at buf.len, use bft_cstr.


const char* bft_cstr (const Buffet *buf, bool *mustfree)

Get current data as a null-terminated C string of max length buf.len.
If needed (when buf is a view), the data is copied into a new C string that must be freed if mustfree is set.


char* bft_export (const Buffet *buf)

Copies data up to buf.len into a new C string that must be freed.


void bft_print (const Buffet *buf)`

Prints data up to buf.len.


void bft_dbg (Buffet *buf)

Prints buf state.

Buffet buf;
bft_memcopy(&buf, "foo", 3);
// SSO 3 "foo"


  • ! views : decide clearly if r/o + CoW or writable
  • store.len : not updated when tailing view is detached..
    We lose future in-place optimization.
    Maybe record second to last range ?
  • store checks : too many ?
    Decide user responsabilty on mis-handling.
    Add #define ENABLE_MEMCHECKS
  • SSO auto-release like own ?
  • test 32-bit and small RAM


  • write(), sprintf()
  • resize()

buffet's People


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buffet's Issues

Project might want a license.

Most other people are unable to lawfully use your code without a license. If your intent is to allow use, then you should add a license. This is mechanically trivial following the Github instructions.

Selecting a license is of course nontrivial. My personal choice when I intend unlimited use is the MIT license and as a consumer of licenses it is one that makes no barriers.

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