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alexa-room-finder's Introduction

Room Finder Alexa Skill

A skill built for Amazon's Alexa service, that allows you to book a meeting room at the Turing (or your own business with just a little bit of configuration) for up to 2 hours. To run it, use simple phrases like:

Alexa, ask Room Finder to find me a room


Alexa, open Room Finder

followed by:

Book a meeting room

It will then ask you how long you want the room for, find you a room that is free (from a given list), and confirm whether you want to book it. It also has plenty of help, repeat, start-over, and cancel functions.

Brief intro to Alexa skills

An Alexa skill is, in a nutshell, an 'app' for the Amazon Echo. Once you've opened your skill on the Echo, it recognizes particular phrases, then sends an Intent (indicating what the user wants to do) to a web-service of your choice. For us, that's AWS Lambda. Lambda then does whatever function you want it to do, and sends a response back to the skill. In our case, Lambda will be checking and booking room calendars, using the Microsoft Graph API.

There are three components to setting up Room Finder: setting up the Alexa Skill, setting up the Lambda, and setting up the Microsoft App.

Setting up the Alexa skill

To set up the actual skill itself, go to the Alexa skills kit development console and add a new skill. This cannot be found in AWS, and can't be done from the command line - sorry.

  • In the skill information section, fill in the basic skill information as you wish. It's important to use English (UK) as the language if you're in the UK, or English (US) if you're in the US. It will always work if you add support for both!
  • In the interaction model section:
  • In the configuration section, select AWS Lambda ARN, then tick Europe, then fill in your Lambda ARN as your endpoint. If you don't know this value yet, don't worry, you'll get in the Hosting the Skill section.
  • You'll also need to set up Account Linking, so change that checkbox to yes.

Account Linking

Here is our goal security model:

Security Model

We'll be using the Authorisation Code Grant flow to authenticate, but if you're not experienced with OAuth2, don't worry, Amazon will mostly handle this in the background.

In order to set up the account linking part of this model, I'd suggest opening the Microsoft App Dev Portal (where we register the app to give us a token) and the Alexa Skill Configuration Page at the same time; it requires quite a lot of copy-pasting between the two.

  • In the Microsoft Portal, click 'Add an app', and name it anything you like.
  • In the Microsoft Portal, click 'Add platforms', then 'Web'.
  • Copy over the Application ID from Microsoft to 'Client ID' in Alexa.
  • In Alexa, put '' as the Authorisation URL. (The query-string here is not necessary, but prevents people from using their personal Outlook/Hotmail accounts. This is a good idea as Active Directory currently has an unsolvable bug on these accounts that prevents this kind of linking.)
  • In Alexa, it's OK to leave 'Domain List' unchanged.
  • In Alexa, add the following two scopes: offline_access, and calendars.readwrite. offline_access is required for any Alexa skill, as it provides a refresh token.
  • Then click "Auth Code Grant" in Alexa.
  • In Alexa, put '' as the Access Token URI.
  • In the Microsoft Portal, click 'generate new password'. Save the secret it gives you somewhere secure as you won't be able to see it again. Then copy it over to the 'Client Secret' section of Alexa.
  • In the Microsoft Portal, add one 'Delegated Permission': Calendars.ReadWrite.
  • In Alexa, change the Client Authentication Scheme to 'Credentials in request body'. It won't work with http basic, so this is crucial.
  • Lastly, in both Alexa and Microsoft, add a privacy policy URL. I might or might not keep '' updated as a place-holder, but you should make your own.

If you want more specific documentation on how to set up Microsoft Apps, see my docs on it.

A quick note on endpoints

If you know a lot about Azure, you might be wondering why our app registration isn't being made in Azure Active Directory, or in the Azure Portal. Microsoft is currently in the process of moving from its V1 Authentication/Token Endpoints to V2. The Azure Portal can currently only make apps that use the V1 Endpoints.. Therefore, we have to use the 'Microsoft Application Registration Portal'. From here you can also see any 'Azure AD only' (V1) applications, but you can only make so-called 'Converged' (V2) applications. The Application Registration Portal actually registers the application in Active Directory, so it has the same fundamental backend. See my docs for more details, or if you want to use V1 for anything.

On a similar but unrelated note, you also have two available APIs for accessing Office 365: Microsoft Graph, and the Outlook REST V2 API. We're using Microsoft Graph, but it's fairly easy to migrate this over to Outlook if you want; I have tested this. Just make sure you modify all scopes/permissions, and update lambda/requesters.js to GET/POST to the right place.

Calendar sharing

Normally we'd need the Calendars.ReadWrite.Shared scope to access the organisation's room calendars through the Graph API. And although this is currently provided as part of the Graph API, it is sadly broken. This was confirmed by a Microsoft Developer on 14/03/2017, so ignore stuff from before this point. In order to bypass the use of this scope, we require some really specific calendar sharing; the goal of this sharing is to only require our authenticated account's list of calendars, rather than the organisation's shared calendars. This means we can use the Calendars.ReadWrite scope instead.

To do this sharing, open any account that is a delegate to and has full access to the Room Calendars you want to use; if you're doing this for a company, you might have to get an Office 365 Admin to set this up for you. On this account, click 'Open another mailbox' in the profile picture dropdown menu, then type in the email address of the Room Calendar you want to use.

Calendar Sharing

Then, on the page that opens, navigate to the calendar page, click 'Share' and share the default calendar to the Office365 account you're going to use to authenticate the Alexa Skill. You only need 'view when busy' access for the skill to work.

Sorry, you'll then have to repeat these steps for every other calendar you intend to use...

Hosting the Skill Handling

The skill handling is built to be hosted on Amazon Web Services' Lambda.

This section shows how to upload the function by the web app, a GUI. If you want to do it from the command line, see "Gulp for Creating the Lambda Function."

In order to make a function in Lambda:

  • Open the Lambda console. If you're in Europe make sure your region is set to EU Ireland (eu-west-1) as this is the only supported European region for Alexa Skills Kit.
  • Click 'Create a Lambda function'
  • On the 'Select Blueprint' page, first choose 'Node.JS 4.3' as your runtime, then pick a blueprint. I recommend using any of the 'alexa-skills-kit- blueprints, or just a blank function.
  • Then, on the 'Configure Triggers' page, make sure Alexa Skills Kit appears as the only trigger.
  • On 'Configure Function', pick any name for your function, then select 'Upload a .zip file' for code-entry type.

Deploying the code to Lambda

  • In order to deploy our code to Lambda we need to create a 'deployment package' - basically a .zip file with all the necessary bits and bobs to run.

  • First, you need to make some small edits to lambda/config.js. Change const APP_ID = '{app-id}' to the APP_ID found in the top left-hand corner of the Alexa console. Then change const testNames = [...]; to an array of the names of rooms you'd like to find. These are just the names of the room calendars on your Office 365 instance, but it's important that these names are exact as they're used to identify the right calendars.

  • Then open a terminal, and in it navigate to the lambda directory. Run npm install, and it will install all the necessary packages for you within the lambda folder. (If this doesn't work, the required packages are request, q, moment, and alexa-sdk.)

  • Then within the lambda folder, select everything in the folder, and right-click to compress them to a .zip file. Do not compress the whole lambda folder from the root folder; that won't work.

  • Upload your .zip file (or 'deployment package') to Lambda.

  • Back on Lambda, leave your handler as index.handler.

  • For Role, click 'Create a custom role', and use the 'lambda_basic_execution' template from the page that appears.

  • After you've created your Lambda function, look at the top right of the page to get your Lambda ARN and put that in the Alexa Skill Information Endpoint field.

Gulp for Creating the Lambda Function

One of the goals of this project is to put as much of the set-up as possible in the command-line. While it's impossible to do this for the Alexa skill itself, you can do the lambda function. For consistency I've used Gulp throughout for this, rather than (say) a makefile. Here's how set up works:

  1. Install gulp with npm install -g gulp

  2. Install the dev-dependencies for the overall skill with npm install. (Note that these are different to the dependencies required for just the lambda function.)

  3. In the lambda folder, also run npm install to install the necessary packages for just the lambda function.

  4. Set the values in lambda/config.js. Change const APP_ID = '{app-id}' to the APP_ID found in the top left-hand corner of the Alexa console. Then change const testNames = [...]; to an array of the names of rooms you'd like to find. These are just the names of the room calendars on your Office 365 instance, but it's important that these names are exact as they're used to identify the right calendars.

  5. Now you need to install AWS CLI. This relies on you having either pip or homebrew. Just run brew install awscli or pip install awscli. It's up to you which you use (though you should use homebrew, it's way better).

  6. Then you need to configure AWS CLI. You can do this by running gulp configure, and then copying in the correct AWS IAM Key and ID I prompt for. You can get these two values by looking here, but I won't explain that in too much detail. (You can also use aws configure for configuration - if you do choose this, make sure to set the region as eu-west-1.)

  7. Then you may have to create a 'lambda_basic_execution'-type role for the lambda function. Just run gulp createRole. Note down the ARN of the created role as you'll need it in the next stage. I'm trying to remove this step, but it's proving tough.

  8. Create the lambda function itself. Right now, you have to copy the ARN from the last step into params of the gulpfile.js, where it says Role: '{ARN OF ROOM_FINDER_BASIC_EXECUTION ROLE}',. When you've done this, you can just run gulp create. This will create minify, lint, zip, and deploy it all for you.

  9. Then you'll want to test the function created properly (Commands below are listed in automation/

    1. Run aws lambda list-functions --max-items 10 --profile default to check that your lambda function is there. It should be called RoomFinder.
    2. Get more information on your lambda function by running the below code.
      aws lambda get-function \
      --function-name RoomFinder \
      --region eu-west-1 \
      --profile default
    3. Test invocation of the function by running the below code, replacing {} with the file path of a JSON to test. You'll need to make your own JSON for now. (You can steal one out of the test/requests files used to test with lambda-local, though you will have to edit its values a bit. It's the thing after module.exports = ...)
      aws lambda invoke \
      --invocation-type RequestResponse \
      --function-name RoomFinder \
      --region eu-west-1 \
      --log-type Tail \
      --payload file://{FILE PATH OF JSON TO TEST} \
      --profile default \

Gulp for updating the Lambda function

If you want to make changes or update the function as you go, you can also use gulp. This will also lint and minify the code, and create build and package folders. To do this, first install gulp, and the dev-dependencies for the overall skill. Then, with your updates made, just run gulp (or gulp update) from the root directory, and it will fully update for you.


I generally use ESLint, and specifically use the airbnb style guide. This is how the project is set up, and most of my code follows this style guide, with the exception of a few rules. You can see my lint config and change it in package.json and eslintrc.json if you want.

Doing the account link

Before you test properly on the Echo, you'll need to actually perform the link between your accounts. To do this just open the Alexa web or mobile app, and navigate to your fresh new skill. Then click Link Accounts, log in, allow the requested permissions, and hopefully have a successful link.


In order to test locally, you'll first need a token to pass to the Lambda function. During development, I am using Postman to acquire tokens, and copying them in manually.

When you have a token, edit file: test/test-config.js, most importantly replacing {token} with your actual token, and {app-id} with the same App ID being used in lambda/config.js. You'll also want to change the various other variables. For example:

module.exports = {
  appId: "amzn1.ask.skill.00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  token: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJEb24ndCBkZWNvZGUgZXhhbXBsZSB0b2tlbnMuIiwiZXhwIjoxLCJuYW1lIjoia25vd2xzaWUiLCJhZG1pbiI6ZmFsc2V9.QhndPM-IJk1XcgntgXqXlI-9mmEesoRLKE1uLhrK5tg",
  startTime: startDateTime.toISOString(),
  endTime: endDateTime.toISOString(),
  duration: 'PT1H',
  durationInMinutes: 60,
  ownerAddress: "[email protected]",
  ownerName: "Alexa Room 1",

Testing with lambda-local

lambda-local is extremely useful for testing the main Lambda function locally.

Provided you install lambda-local globally ((sudo) npm install -g lambda-local), you can test intents from the console using this command: lambda-local -l lambda/index.js -h handler -e test/requests/filename.js where filename is the JSON request you want to test. I've created test JSONs for all of the available intents. The most important intent to test is the BookIntent from CONFIRMMODE, and the DurationIntent from TIMEMODE - they make requests to the Graph API.

Testing with Mocha

I've combined mocha and lambda-local to create a practical testing package. In order to use it, first make sure you have the dev-dependencies of the overall repo installed - particularly mocha and lambda-local. Then just run npm test from the root. You can just use mocha if you have mocha installed globally. By default, Mocha checks that the exact right response is returned. Right now, mocha doesn't perfectly integrate with lambda-local, so it may not always report the error correctly; specifically in cases where Graph API requests are made, it may give timeouts, rather than detailing that the wrong response was given. This is a bit tough to fix without overwriting the lambda-local code, which I'd rather not do for code sustainability reasons.

If you want to use my other mocha tests, you can change how testing is done by editing which tests are skipped. I only recommend using one of these files at a time.

If you don't want to use mocha, I've also included a shell script, so if you do install lambda-local globally, you can just run that using bash; this will just run every possible intent and log responses.

Testing just the requesters

One can simply test the requesters using lambda-local, but sometimes that will return timeouts instead of actual errors. My mocha test will work great, but I also made files in test/requesters/ so you can quickly test just one requester. Simply run each file in node to see if the requesters are working.

Testing the skill online

To test the skill online, go to the Test Section in the Alexa Skill Console, use, or just use an Amazon Echo. If you've done all the bits above properly, the skill will automatically have appeared on any Echoes connected to your account.

Further Docs

alexa-sdk details how the alexa-sdk package works under the hood, at version 1.08. It covers pretty much everything, and goes into code-level detail. The level of detail means it will likely be useless after a few updates to the SDK, but I felt this was necessary. The reason is that the SDK is unintuitive, and has some pretty major issues that they don't plan to fix yet. If I go into code-level detail, I can detail the exact issues, where they occur, and how to fix them. This means you can choose to fix these issues if you need to.

azure-ad-authentication is an Azure how-to for Active Directory Authentication. It is intended for general use, not just for this Alexa Skill.

room-finder is a short explanation of the Room Finder app. It covers the Room Finder conversation tree, how the requests to the Graph API work, the extra event listeners I made, and the basics of alexa-sdk that their documentation doesn't cover.

troubleshooting covers various troubleshooting things for the app. Read it if something breaks, or you want to add more rooms, and so on.

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