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pymaceuticals's Introduction

Clinical Data Analysis

Trends Observed from the Clinical Data Analysis of various drugs done on mice.

  • Capomulin is the only drug among the four drugs that had a positive effect on the tumor by reducing the tumor from the intial value.
  • The drug Ketapril had a negative side effect on the tumor by increasing the tumor the intial values.
  • Metastatic spread during the treatment was the highest in the mice that were injected with Placebo.
  • Mice that were injected with Infubinol had the least survival rates.
# Dependencies
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import sem
import os
# Setting the file path for clinical trial data file
# Setting the file path for mouse drug data file

# Reading the csv file

# Combining the data files to one single dataframe
Clinical_Combined_data=pd.merge(Clinical_data,Mouse_Drug_data,on="Mouse ID",how="left")

Tumor Response to Treatment

# Creating a pivot table for Clinical Tumor Response
Clinical_TumorResponse=pd.pivot_table(Clinical_Combined_data, values="Tumor Volume (mm3)",
<style> .dataframe thead tr:only-child th { text-align: right; }
.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: left;

.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;
Drug Capomulin Ceftamin Infubinol Ketapril Naftisol Placebo Propriva Ramicane Stelasyn Zoniferol
0 45.000000 45.000000 45.000000 45.000000 45.000000 45.000000 45.000000 45.000000 45.000000 45.000000
5 44.266086 46.503051 47.062001 47.389175 46.796098 47.125589 47.248967 43.944859 47.527452 46.851818
10 43.084291 48.285125 49.403909 49.582269 48.694210 49.423329 49.101541 42.531957 49.463844 48.689881
15 42.064317 50.094055 51.296397 52.399974 50.933018 51.359742 51.067318 41.495061 51.529409 50.779059
20 40.716325 52.157049 53.197691 54.920935 53.644087 54.364417 53.346737 40.238325 54.067395 53.170334
25 39.939528 54.287674 55.715252 57.678982 56.731968 57.482574 55.504138 38.974300 56.166123 55.432935
30 38.769339 56.769517 58.299397 60.994507 59.559509 59.809063 58.196374 38.703137 59.826738 57.713531
35 37.816839 58.827548 60.742461 63.371686 62.685087 62.420615 60.350199 37.451996 62.440699 60.089372
40 36.958001 61.467895 63.162824 66.068580 65.600754 65.052675 63.045537 36.574081 65.356386 62.916692
45 36.236114 64.132421 65.755562 70.662958 69.265506 68.084082 66.258529 34.955595 68.438310 65.960888
# Droping the not needed drugs from the already existing pivot table
<style> .dataframe thead tr:only-child th { text-align: right; }
.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: left;

.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;
Drug Capomulin Infubinol Ketapril Placebo
0 45.000000 45.000000 45.000000 45.000000
5 44.266086 47.062001 47.389175 47.125589
10 43.084291 49.403909 49.582269 49.423329
15 42.064317 51.296397 52.399974 51.359742
20 40.716325 53.197691 54.920935 54.364417
25 39.939528 55.715252 57.678982 57.482574
30 38.769339 58.299397 60.994507 59.809063
35 37.816839 60.742461 63.371686 62.420615
40 36.958001 63.162824 66.068580 65.052675
45 36.236114 65.755562 70.662958 68.084082
# Setting the lists of drugs, colors and markers respectively

# Intializing the plots
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

for item in drug:
    # Setting the x_axis data,y_axis data and standard deviation for the graph
    # Finding the index for colors and markers
    # Setting up the plot
    ax.errorbar(x_data, y_data,err,linestyle="--",color=colors[index],
    # Setting the legend
    ax.legend(loc="upper left", fancybox=True,numpoints=2,edgecolor="black")

# Setting the grid   
# Setting the x_axis and y_axis limits
# Setting the title,x_axis and y_axis labels
ax.set_title("Tumor Response to Treatment", fontsize=16)
ax.set_ylabel("Tumor Volume (mm3)")

# Display the graph


Metastatic Response to Treatment

# Creating a pivot table for Metastatic Response
Metastatic_Response=pd.pivot_table(Clinical_Combined_data, values="Metastatic Sites",
<style> .dataframe thead tr:only-child th { text-align: right; }
.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: left;

.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;
Drug Capomulin Ceftamin Infubinol Ketapril Naftisol Placebo Propriva Ramicane Stelasyn Zoniferol
0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
5 0.160000 0.380952 0.280000 0.304348 0.260870 0.375000 0.320000 0.120000 0.240000 0.166667
10 0.320000 0.600000 0.666667 0.590909 0.523810 0.833333 0.565217 0.250000 0.478261 0.500000
15 0.375000 0.789474 0.904762 0.842105 0.857143 1.250000 0.764706 0.333333 0.782609 0.809524
20 0.652174 1.111111 1.050000 1.210526 1.150000 1.526316 1.000000 0.347826 0.952381 1.294118
25 0.818182 1.500000 1.277778 1.631579 1.500000 1.941176 1.357143 0.652174 1.157895 1.687500
30 1.090909 1.937500 1.588235 2.055556 2.066667 2.266667 1.615385 0.782609 1.388889 1.933333
35 1.181818 2.071429 1.666667 2.294118 2.266667 2.642857 2.300000 0.952381 1.562500 2.285714
40 1.380952 2.357143 2.100000 2.733333 2.466667 3.166667 2.777778 1.100000 1.583333 2.785714
45 1.476190 2.692308 2.111111 3.363636 2.538462 3.272727 2.571429 1.250000 1.727273 3.071429
# Droping the not needed drugs from the already existing pivot table
Metastatic_Response_DF=Metastatic_Response.drop(['Ceftamin','Naftisol','Propriva','Ramicane','Stelasyn','Zoniferol'], axis=1)

<style> .dataframe thead tr:only-child th { text-align: right; }
.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: left;

.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;
Drug Capomulin Infubinol Ketapril Placebo
0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
5 0.160000 0.280000 0.304348 0.375000
10 0.320000 0.666667 0.590909 0.833333
15 0.375000 0.904762 0.842105 1.250000
20 0.652174 1.050000 1.210526 1.526316
25 0.818182 1.277778 1.631579 1.941176
30 1.090909 1.588235 2.055556 2.266667
35 1.181818 1.666667 2.294118 2.642857
40 1.380952 2.100000 2.733333 3.166667
45 1.476190 2.111111 3.363636 3.272727
# Setting the lists of drugs, colors and markers respectively

# Intializing the plots
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

for item in drug:
    # Setting the x_axis data,y_axis data and standard deviation for the graph
    # Finding the index for colors and markers
    # Setting up the plot
    ax.errorbar(x_data, y_data,err,linestyle=":",color=colors[index],
    # Setting the legend
    ax.legend(loc="upper left", fancybox=True,numpoints=2,edgecolor="black")

# Setting the grid     
# Setting the x_axis and y_axis limits
# Setting the title,x_axis and y_axis labels
ax.set_title("Metastatic Spread during Treatment", fontsize=16)
ax.set_xlabel("Treatment Duration (Days)")
ax.set_ylabel("Met. Sites")

# Display the graph


Survival Rates

# Creating a pivot table for Survival Rates
Survival_Rates=pd.pivot_table(Clinical_Combined_data, values="Tumor Volume (mm3)",

<style> .dataframe thead tr:only-child th { text-align: right; }
.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: left;

.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;
Drug Capomulin Ceftamin Infubinol Ketapril Naftisol Placebo Propriva Ramicane Stelasyn Zoniferol
0 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 25 26 25
5 25 21 25 23 23 24 25 25 25 24
10 25 20 21 22 21 24 23 24 23 22
15 24 19 21 19 21 20 17 24 23 21
20 23 18 20 19 20 19 17 23 21 17
25 22 18 18 19 18 17 14 23 19 16
30 22 16 17 18 15 15 13 23 18 15
35 22 14 12 17 15 14 10 21 16 14
40 21 14 10 15 15 12 9 20 12 14
45 21 13 9 11 13 11 7 20 11 14
# Droping the not needed drugs from the already existing pivot table
Survival_Rates_DF=Survival_Rates.drop(['Ceftamin','Naftisol','Propriva','Ramicane','Stelasyn','Zoniferol'], axis=1)

<style> .dataframe thead tr:only-child th { text-align: right; }
.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: left;

.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;
Drug Capomulin Infubinol Ketapril Placebo
0 25 25 25 25
5 25 25 23 24
10 25 21 22 24
15 24 21 19 20
20 23 20 19 19
25 22 18 19 17
30 22 17 18 15
35 22 12 17 14
40 21 10 15 12
45 21 9 11 11
# Setting the lists of drugs, colors and markers respectively

# Intializing the plots
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

for item in drug:
    # Setting the x_axis data and y_axis data for the graph
    y_data=(Survival_Rates_DF[item]*100)/ Survival_Rates_DF[item][0]
    # Finding the index for colors and markers
    # Setting up the plot
    # Setting the legend
    ax.legend(loc="lower left", fancybox=True,numpoints=2,edgecolor="black")
# Setting the grid
# Setting the x_axis and y_axis limits
# Setting the title,x_axis and y_axis labels
ax.set_title("Survival during Treatment", fontsize=16)
ax.set_xlabel("Time (Days)")
ax.set_ylabel("Survival Rate(%)")

# Display the graph


Summary Bar Graph

# Summary of the analysis based on % Tumor Change over 45 days
# Renaming the column
Summary=Summary.rename(columns={0:"% Tumor Change"})

<style> .dataframe thead tr:only-child th { text-align: right; }
.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: left;

.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;
% Tumor Change
Capomulin -19.0
Infubinol 46.0
Ketapril 57.0
Placebo 51.0
# Setting the x_axis and y-axis value
y_axis=Summary["% Tumor Change"]

# If value is positive then put True in the Summary else place False, for changing the color based on the value
Summary["Positive"]=Summary["% Tumor Change"]>0

# Intializing the plots
#Setting the plot and assigning the color based on the Positive or not value,y_axis,align="edge",width=1,linewidth=1,
  {True: 'black', False: 'black'}),
  {True: 'green', False: 'red'}))

# Setting the ticks for the bar graph
tick_locations = [value+0.5 for value in range(len(x_axis))]

# Setting the text label in the bar graph
# Assign the height based on the positive calue
height ={True: 5, False: -5})
for bar in bars:
    ax.text(bar.get_x() + bar.get_width()/2., height[bars.index(bar)],
            str(int(Summary["% Tumor Change"][bars.index(bar)]))+"%",
                ha='center', va='bottom')

# Setting the x_axis limits
ax.set_xlim(0, len(x_axis))
# Setting a horizontal line at y=0
# Setting the title of the graph
ax.set_title("Tumor Change over 45 Day Treatment", fontsize=16)
# Setting the y_axis label
ax.set_ylabel("% Tumor Volume Change")

# Setting the grid line

# Display the graph


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