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cointex's Introduction

CoinTex: Cross-platform Multi-Level Game created in Python using Kivy

CoinTex is a multi-level adventure game created using the Kivy cross-platform Python framework. The game is successfully tested in Linux, Windows, and Android and working on all of these platforms without even changing a single line of code. Here is a simple description of it.

Game Description

The game is multi-level. Once it is opened, the main screen appears that shows a matrix of all game levels, which are 24 up to this time. The main screen is given in the next figure.


There will be only 1 level activated which is level 1. Once level x is completed, the level x+1 will be activated until reaching the last level. Information about the latest level completed is stored in a file named "game_info". This file is created once level 1 is completed. If this file is removed, the game will return back to the initial state in which only level 1 is activated. By pressing a level, the user is directed to another screen where the player can start playing the game. The screen of level 1 is given below.


Supposing that level 1 is completed successfully, level 2 will be activated on the main screen as given below.


The game has a character that moves freely according to the touch position on the screen. The player has a time-unlimited mission which is collecting a number of coins that are randomly distributed on the screen. A coin is collected when there is a collision with it and the character. As shown in the previous figure, a text at the top-left of the screen shows the number of collected coins and the total number of coins at the current level.

The first level has just 5 coins. The next figure shows how it looks like after 2 coins are collected. Once all coins are collected, the level completes and the user is directed to the main screen where the next level is active for being played.


Collecting the coins is not that easy because there are monsters and thrown fire that struggles the player's way of completing the level. Their motion is not expected and thus it tests the player's ability to do fast reactions in order to avoid their collision.

Some levels might have only monsters, others may only have fire, and others may have a combination. When the player collides a monster or a fire, its health reduces by a percentage that is proportional to the collision time. There is a red bar at the top of the screen that reflects the current health of the player. he next figure shows the red bar after a collision occurs.


The much time the player collides with a monster or a fire the much reduction in its health. When the health is zero, the player dies as given below.


Note that the game includes some sound effects. There is also background music running while the main screen is open or any level is being played.

Running the Project for Developers

Before running the game, you have to make sure Kivy is installing and running successfully. To get started with Kivy, check the resources given below:

This tutorial titled Python for Android: Start Building Kivy Cross-Platform Applications covers the steps for creating an Android app out of the Kivy app.


To get started with Kivy app development and how to built Android apps out of the Kivy app, check the book titled Building Android Apps in Python Using Kivy with Android Studio. This book documents the CoinTex game from A to Z in chapters 5 and 6.


After making sure Kivy is running, just use the next terminal command to run the main file of the game The game is developed in Python 3 and so the terminal command python3 is used for Linux/Mac.

ahmed-gad@ubuntu:~/Desktop/CoinTex$ python3

For Android, the APK file is built using Buildozer and this is why the buildozer.spec file exists in the project. Just use this terminal command for exporting the APK file.

After it runs successfully, the APK file will be exported. For more information about installing Buildozer, generating, and locating the APK file, you can read the tutorial and chapter 8 of the book mentioned above.

ahmed-gad@ubuntu:~/Desktop/CoinTex$ buildozer android release deploy run

Running the Game for End Users

The game is already distributed for end-user to download and run easily for Android and Linux. For Linux, it is available at this link.

For Android, it is available at Google Play.

Game Documentation

The CoinTex game is 100% documented in chapters 5 and 6 of the book titled Building Android Apps in Python Using Kivy with Android Studio. It starts from a hello world app until building CoinTex.


For Contacting the Author

cointex's People


ahmedfgad avatar


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cointex's Issues

Agent ignores its own position, and hazards in its path

Seems to me from the code and the video demo that the agent exhibits two behaviours.

  • Find position closest to the first coin in dictionary
  • Subject to constraint that it is not contained in a .3x.3 bounding box of any hazards

So if there is a monster at the midpoint of the player and the coin, but displaced from the coin by at least .3 in either direction, the agent will run directly into the monster because it only cares about danger at the destination but not the path. This seems to happen in the demo.

Some ideas are to (i) only consider solutions in the neighbourhood of the player (relative vector with bounds), or to (ii) change the fitness function to measure distance from the segment with endpoints at player and coin and (iii) consider the coin closest to the solution.

As it is the agent is exhibiting behaviour that could be easily found using simple path finding rather than GA. Suggestions

I am not trying to be a jerk, just some pointers.

Here is the complete file with my suggested code:
import kivy.uix.screenmanager
import kivy.uix.image
import random
import os
import functools
import kivy.uix.behaviors
import pickle

class TestApp(
# Class Property
music_dir = os.getcwd() + "/music/"

def __init__(self):
    self.char_death_sound = + "char_death_flaute.wav")
    self.level_completed_sound = + "level_completed_flaute.wav")
    self.coin_sound = + "coin.wav")
    self.bg_music = + "bg_music_piano.wav")
    self.main_bg_music = + "bg_music_piano_flute.wav")

def on_start(self):
    self.main_bg_music.loop = True

    next_level_num, congrats_displayed_once = self.read_game_info()
    self.activate_levels(next_level_num, congrats_displayed_once)

def read_game_info(self):
        game_info_file = open("game_info", 'rb')
        game_info = pickle.load(game_info_file)
        return game_info[0]['lastlvl'], game_info[0]['congrats_displayed_once']
        print("CoinTex FileNotFoundError: Game info file is not found. Game starts from level 1.")
        return 1, False

def activate_levels(self, next_level_num, congrats_displayed_once):
    num_levels = len(self.root.screens[0].ids['lvls_imagebuttons'].children)

    levels_imagebuttons = self.root.screens[0].ids['lvls_imagebuttons'].children
    for i in range(num_levels - next_level_num, num_levels):
        levels_imagebuttons[i].disabled = False
        levels_imagebuttons[i].color = [1, 1, 1, 1]

    for i in range(0, num_levels - next_level_num):
        levels_imagebuttons[i].disabled = True
        levels_imagebuttons[i].color = [1, 1, 1, 0.5]

    if next_level_num == (num_levels + 1) and congrats_displayed_once == False:
        self.root.current = "alllevelscompleted"

def screen_on_pre_leave(self, screen_num):
    curr_screen = self.root.screens[screen_num]
    for i in range(curr_screen.num_monsters): curr_screen.ids[
        'monster' + str(i + 1) + '_image_lvl' + str(screen_num)].pos_hint = {'x': 0.8, 'y': 0.8}
    curr_screen.ids['character_image_lvl' + str(screen_num)].pos_hint = {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0}

    next_level_num, congrats_displayed_once = self.read_game_info()
    self.activate_levels(next_level_num, congrats_displayed_once)

def screen_on_pre_enter(self, screen_num):
    curr_screen = self.root.screens[screen_num]
    curr_screen.character_killed = False
    curr_screen.num_coins_collected = 0
    curr_screen.ids['character_image_lvl' + str(screen_num)].im_num = curr_screen.ids[
        'character_image_lvl' + str(screen_num)].start_im_num
    for i in range(curr_screen.num_monsters): curr_screen.ids[
        'monster' + str(i + 1) + '_image_lvl' + str(screen_num)].im_num = curr_screen.ids[
        'monster' + str(i + 1) + '_image_lvl' + str(screen_num)].start_im_num
    curr_screen.ids['num_coins_collected_lvl' + str(screen_num)].text = "Coins 0/" + str(curr_screen.num_coins)
    curr_screen.ids['level_number_lvl' + str(screen_num)].text = "Level " + str(screen_num)

    curr_screen.num_collisions_hit = 0
    remaining_life_percent_lvl_widget = curr_screen.ids['remaining_life_percent_lvl' + str(screen_num)]
    remaining_life_percent_lvl_widget.size_hint = (
    remaining_life_percent_lvl_widget.remaining_life_size_hint_x, remaining_life_percent_lvl_widget.size_hint[1])

    for i in range(curr_screen.num_fires): curr_screen.ids[
        'fire' + str(i + 1) + '_lvl' + str(screen_num)].pos_hint = {'x': 1.1, 'y': 1.1}

    for key, coin in curr_screen.coins_ids.items():
        curr_screen.ids['layout_lvl' + str(screen_num)].remove_widget(coin)
    curr_screen.coins_ids = {}

    coin_width = 0.05
    coin_height = 0.05

    curr_screen = self.root.screens[screen_num]

    section_width = 1.0 / curr_screen.num_coins
    for k in range(curr_screen.num_coins):
        x = random.uniform(section_width * k, section_width * (k + 1) - coin_width)
        y = random.uniform(0, 1 - coin_height)
        coin = kivy.uix.image.Image(source="coin.png", size_hint=(coin_width, coin_height),
                                    pos_hint={'x': x, 'y': y}, allow_stretch=True)
        curr_screen.ids['layout_lvl' + str(screen_num)].add_widget(coin, index=-1)
        curr_screen.coins_ids['coin' + str(k)] = coin

def screen_on_enter(self, screen_num):
    self.bg_music.loop = True

    curr_screen = self.root.screens[screen_num]
    for i in range(curr_screen.num_monsters):
        monster_image = curr_screen.ids['monster' + str(i + 1) + '_image_lvl' + str(screen_num)]
        new_pos = (random.uniform(0.0, 1 - monster_image.size_hint[0] / 4),
                   random.uniform(0.0, 1 - monster_image.size_hint[1] / 4))
        self.start_monst_animation(monster_image=monster_image, new_pos=new_pos,

    for i in range(curr_screen.num_fires):
        fire_widget = curr_screen.ids['fire' + str(i + 1) + '_lvl' + str(screen_num)]
        self.start_fire_animation(fire_widget=fire_widget, pos=(0.0, 0.5), anim_duration=5.0)

def start_monst_animation(self, monster_image, new_pos, anim_duration):
    monst_anim = kivy.animation.Animation(pos_hint={'x': new_pos[0], 'y': new_pos[1]},
                                          im_num=monster_image.end_im_num, duration=anim_duration)

def monst_animation_completed(self, *args):
    monster_image = args[1]
    monster_image.im_num = monster_image.start_im_num

    new_pos = (random.uniform(0.0, 1 - monster_image.size_hint[0] / 4),
               random.uniform(0.0, 1 - monster_image.size_hint[1] / 4))
    self.start_monst_animation(monster_image=monster_image, new_pos=new_pos,

def monst_pos_hint(self, monster_image):
    screen_num = int([5:])
    curr_screen = self.root.screens[screen_num]
    character_image = curr_screen.ids['character_image_lvl' + str(screen_num)]

    character_center =
    monster_center =

    gab_x = character_image.width / 2
    gab_y = character_image.height / 2
    if character_image.collide_widget(monster_image) and abs(
            character_center[0] - monster_center[0]) <= gab_x and abs(
            character_center[1] - monster_center[1]) <= gab_y:
        curr_screen.num_collisions_hit = curr_screen.num_collisions_hit + 1
        life_percent = float(curr_screen.num_collisions_hit) / float(curr_screen.num_collisions_level)

        #            life_remaining_percent = 100-round(life_percent, 2)*100
        #            remaining_life_percent_lvl_widget.text = str(int(life_remaining_percent))+"%"
        remaining_life_percent_lvl_widget = curr_screen.ids['remaining_life_percent_lvl' + str(screen_num)]
        remaining_life_size_hint_x = remaining_life_percent_lvl_widget.remaining_life_size_hint_x
        remaining_life_percent_lvl_widget.size_hint = (
        remaining_life_size_hint_x - remaining_life_size_hint_x * life_percent,

        if curr_screen.num_collisions_hit == curr_screen.num_collisions_level:
            curr_screen.character_killed = True

            for i in range(curr_screen.num_monsters): kivy.animation.Animation.cancel_all(
                curr_screen.ids['monster' + str(i + 1) + '_image_lvl' + str(screen_num)])
            for i in range(curr_screen.num_fires): kivy.animation.Animation.cancel_all(
                curr_screen.ids['fire' + str(i + 1) + '_lvl' + str(screen_num)])

            character_image.im_num = character_image.dead_start_im_num
            char_anim = kivy.animation.Animation(im_num=character_image.dead_end_im_num, duration=1.0)
            kivy.clock.Clock.schedule_once(functools.partial(self.back_to_main_screen, curr_screen.parent), 3)

def change_monst_im(self, monster_image):
    monster_image.source = str(int(monster_image.im_num)) + ".png"

def touch_down_handler(self, screen_num, args):
    curr_screen = self.root.screens[screen_num]
    if curr_screen.character_killed == False:
        self.start_char_animation(screen_num, args[1].spos)

def start_char_animation(self, screen_num, touch_pos):
    curr_screen = self.root.screens[screen_num]
    character_image = curr_screen.ids['character_image_lvl' + str(screen_num)]
    character_image.im_num = character_image.start_im_num
    char_anim = kivy.animation.Animation(pos_hint={'x': touch_pos[0] - character_image.size_hint[0] / 2,
                                                   'y': touch_pos[1] - character_image.size_hint[1] / 2},
                                         im_num=character_image.end_im_num, duration=curr_screen.char_anim_duration)

def char_animation_completed(self, *args):
    character_image = args[1]
    character_image.im_num = character_image.start_im_num

def char_pos_hint(self, character_image):
    screen_num = int([5:])
    character_center =

    gab_x = character_image.width / 3
    gab_y = character_image.height / 3
    coins_to_delete = []
    curr_screen = self.root.screens[screen_num]

    for coin_key, curr_coin in curr_screen.coins_ids.items():
        curr_coin_center =
        if character_image.collide_widget(curr_coin) and abs(
                character_center[0] - curr_coin_center[0]) <= gab_x and abs(
                character_center[1] - curr_coin_center[1]) <= gab_y:
            curr_screen.ids['layout_lvl' + str(screen_num)].remove_widget(curr_coin)
            curr_screen.num_coins_collected = curr_screen.num_coins_collected + 1
            curr_screen.ids['num_coins_collected_lvl' + str(screen_num)].text = "Coins " + str(
                curr_screen.num_coins_collected) + "/" + str(curr_screen.num_coins)
            if curr_screen.num_coins_collected == curr_screen.num_coins:
                kivy.clock.Clock.schedule_once(functools.partial(self.back_to_main_screen, curr_screen.parent), 3)
                for i in range(curr_screen.num_monsters): kivy.animation.Animation.cancel_all(
                    curr_screen.ids['monster' + str(i + 1) + '_image_lvl' + str(screen_num)])
                for i in range(curr_screen.num_fires): kivy.animation.Animation.cancel_all(
                    curr_screen.ids['fire' + str(i + 1) + '_lvl' + str(screen_num)])

                next_level_num, congrats_displayed_once = self.read_game_info()
                if (screen_num + 1) > next_level_num:
                    game_info_file = open("game_info", 'wb')
                    pickle.dump([{'lastlvl': screen_num + 1, "congrats_displayed_once": False}], game_info_file)
                    game_info_file = open("game_info", 'wb')
                    pickle.dump([{'lastlvl': next_level_num, "congrats_displayed_once": True}], game_info_file)

    if len(coins_to_delete) > 0:
        for coin_key in coins_to_delete:
            del curr_screen.coins_ids[coin_key]

def change_char_im(self, character_image):
    character_image.source = str(int(character_image.im_num)) + ".png"

def start_fire_animation(self, fire_widget, pos, anim_duration):
    fire_anim = kivy.animation.Animation(pos_hint=fire_widget.fire_start_pos_hint,
                                         duration=fire_widget.fire_anim_duration) + kivy.animation.Animation(
        pos_hint=fire_widget.fire_end_pos_hint, duration=fire_widget.fire_anim_duration)
    fire_anim.repeat = True

def fire_pos_hint(self, fire_widget):
    screen_num = int([5:])
    curr_screen = self.root.screens[screen_num]
    character_image = curr_screen.ids['character_image_lvl' + str(screen_num)]

    character_center =
    fire_center =

    gab_x = character_image.width / 3
    gab_y = character_image.height / 3
    if character_image.collide_widget(fire_widget) and abs(character_center[0] - fire_center[0]) <= gab_x and abs(
            character_center[1] - fire_center[1]) <= gab_y:
        curr_screen.num_collisions_hit = curr_screen.num_collisions_hit + 1
        life_percent = float(curr_screen.num_collisions_hit) / float(curr_screen.num_collisions_level)

        remaining_life_percent_lvl_widget = curr_screen.ids['remaining_life_percent_lvl' + str(screen_num)]
        #            life_remaining_percent = 100-round(life_percent, 2)*100
        #            remaining_life_percent_lvl_widget.text = str(int(life_remaining_percent))+"%"

        remaining_life_size_hint_x = remaining_life_percent_lvl_widget.remaining_life_size_hint_x
        remaining_life_percent_lvl_widget.size_hint = (
        remaining_life_size_hint_x - remaining_life_size_hint_x * life_percent,

        if curr_screen.num_collisions_hit == curr_screen.num_collisions_level:
            curr_screen.character_killed = True

            for i in range(curr_screen.num_monsters): kivy.animation.Animation.cancel_all(
                curr_screen.ids['monster' + str(i + 1) + '_image_lvl' + str(screen_num)])
            for i in range(curr_screen.num_fires): kivy.animation.Animation.cancel_all(
                curr_screen.ids['fire' + str(i + 1) + '_lvl' + str(screen_num)])

            character_image.im_num = character_image.dead_start_im_num
            char_anim = kivy.animation.Animation(im_num=character_image.dead_end_im_num, duration=1.0)
            kivy.clock.Clock.schedule_once(functools.partial(self.back_to_main_screen, curr_screen.parent), 3)

def back_to_main_screen(self, screenManager, *args):
    screenManager.current = "main"

def main_screen_on_enter(self):

def main_screen_on_leave(self):

class ImageButton(kivy.uix.behaviors.ButtonBehavior, kivy.uix.image.Image):

class MainScreen(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):

class AboutUs(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):

class AllLevelsCompleted(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):

class Level1(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 5
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.0
num_monsters = 1
num_fires = 0
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 20

class Level2(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 8
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.1
num_monsters = 1
num_fires = 0
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 30

class Level3(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 12
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.2
num_monsters = 1
num_fires = 0
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 30

class Level4(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 10
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.2
num_monsters = 1
num_fires = 1
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 20

class Level5(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 15
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.3
num_monsters = 1
num_fires = 2
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 20

class Level6(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 12
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.3
num_monsters = 1
num_fires = 3
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 20

class Level7(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 10
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.4
num_monsters = 3
num_fires = 0
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 25

class Level8(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 15
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.4
num_monsters = 2
num_fires = 0
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 25

class Level9(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 12
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.5
num_monsters = 2
num_fires = 0
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 25

class Level10(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 14
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.5
num_monsters = 3
num_fires = 0
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 30

class Level11(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 15
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.6
num_monsters = 2
num_fires = 1
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 30

class Level12(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 12
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.6
num_monsters = 2
num_fires = 1
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 30

class Level13(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 10
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.7
num_monsters = 2
num_fires = 2
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 20

class Level14(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 15
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.7
num_monsters = 0
num_fires = 6
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 30

class Level15(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 16
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.8
num_monsters = 2
num_fires = 3
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 30

class Level16(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 15
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.8
num_monsters = 3
num_fires = 2
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 35

class Level17(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 10
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.3
num_monsters = 0
num_fires = 4
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 30

class Level18(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 15
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.5
num_monsters = 3
num_fires = 4
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 30

class Level19(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 12
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.2
num_monsters = 0
num_fires = 6
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 30

class Level20(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 15
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.1
num_monsters = 0
num_fires = 8
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 30

class Level20(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 20
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.1
num_monsters = 2
num_fires = 4
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 30

class Level21(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 18
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.3
num_monsters = 2
num_fires = 4
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 30

class Level22(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 20
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.3
num_monsters = 2
num_fires = 4
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 30

class Level23(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 25
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.1
num_monsters = 2
num_fires = 2
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 30

class Level24(kivy.uix.screenmanager.Screen):
character_killed = False
num_coins = 20
num_coins_collected = 0
coins_ids = {}
char_anim_duration = 1.1
num_monsters = 3
num_fires = 2
num_collisions_hit = 0
num_collisions_level = 30

app = TestApp(title="CoinTex")

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