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afoauth2manager's Introduction

AFNetworking is Deprecated

As of Jan. 17, 2023, AFNetworking is deprecated and there will be no further releases. This repo will remain online in perpetuity as an archive. There are a couple options for continued AFNetworking use:

  1. Copy AFNetworking into your project and compile it directly. This gives you full control over the code.
  2. Fork AFNetworking and use the fork in your dependency manager. There will be no official forks but anyone can fork at any time and can even publish those forks under a different name, in accordance with AFNetworking's license.

Moving forward, Alamofire is the suggested migration path for networking in modern Swift. Anyone who needs help making that migration is welcome to ask on StackOverflow and tag alamofire and afnetworking, or open a discussion on Alamofire's GitHub Discussions regarding any migration issues or missing features.


Build Status CocoaPods Compatible Carthage Compatible Platform Twitter

AFNetworking is a delightful networking library for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. It's built on top of the Foundation URL Loading System, extending the powerful high-level networking abstractions built into Cocoa. It has a modular architecture with well-designed, feature-rich APIs that are a joy to use.

Perhaps the most important feature of all, however, is the amazing community of developers who use and contribute to AFNetworking every day. AFNetworking powers some of the most popular and critically-acclaimed apps on the iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

How To Get Started


  • If you need help, use Stack Overflow. (Tag 'afnetworking')
  • If you'd like to ask a general question, use Stack Overflow.
  • If you found a bug, and can provide steps to reliably reproduce it, open an issue.
  • If you have a feature request, open an issue.
  • If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.


AFNetworking supports multiple methods for installing the library in a project.

Installation with CocoaPods

To integrate AFNetworking into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 4.0'

Installation with Swift Package Manager

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding AFNetworking as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "4.0.0"))

Note: AFNetworking's Swift package does not include it's UIKit extensions.

Installation with Carthage

Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks. To integrate AFNetworking, add the following to your Cartfile.

github "AFNetworking/AFNetworking" ~> 4.0


AFNetworking Version Minimum iOS Target Minimum macOS Target Minimum watchOS Target Minimum tvOS Target Notes
4.x iOS 9 macOS 10.10 watchOS 2.0 tvOS 9.0 Xcode 11+ is required.
3.x iOS 7 OS X 10.9 watchOS 2.0 tvOS 9.0 Xcode 7+ is required. NSURLConnectionOperation support has been removed.
2.6 -> 2.6.3 iOS 7 OS X 10.9 watchOS 2.0 n/a Xcode 7+ is required.
2.0 -> 2.5.4 iOS 6 OS X 10.8 n/a n/a Xcode 5+ is required. NSURLSession subspec requires iOS 7 or OS X 10.9.
1.x iOS 5 Mac OS X 10.7 n/a n/a
0.10.x iOS 4 Mac OS X 10.6 n/a n/a

(macOS projects must support 64-bit with modern Cocoa runtime).

Programming in Swift? Try Alamofire for a more conventional set of APIs.



  • AFURLSessionManager
  • AFHTTPSessionManager


  • <AFURLRequestSerialization>
    • AFHTTPRequestSerializer
    • AFJSONRequestSerializer
    • AFPropertyListRequestSerializer
  • <AFURLResponseSerialization>
    • AFHTTPResponseSerializer
    • AFJSONResponseSerializer
    • AFXMLParserResponseSerializer
    • AFXMLDocumentResponseSerializer (macOS)
    • AFPropertyListResponseSerializer
    • AFImageResponseSerializer
    • AFCompoundResponseSerializer

Additional Functionality

  • AFSecurityPolicy
  • AFNetworkReachabilityManager



AFURLSessionManager creates and manages an NSURLSession object based on a specified NSURLSessionConfiguration object, which conforms to <NSURLSessionTaskDelegate>, <NSURLSessionDataDelegate>, <NSURLSessionDownloadDelegate>, and <NSURLSessionDelegate>.

Creating a Download Task

NSURLSessionConfiguration *configuration = [NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration];
AFURLSessionManager *manager = [[AFURLSessionManager alloc] initWithSessionConfiguration:configuration];

NSURL *URL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:URL];

NSURLSessionDownloadTask *downloadTask = [manager downloadTaskWithRequest:request progress:nil destination:^NSURL *(NSURL *targetPath, NSURLResponse *response) {
    NSURL *documentsDirectoryURL = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLForDirectory:NSDocumentDirectory inDomain:NSUserDomainMask appropriateForURL:nil create:NO error:nil];
    return [documentsDirectoryURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:[response suggestedFilename]];
} completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response, NSURL *filePath, NSError *error) {
    NSLog(@"File downloaded to: %@", filePath);
[downloadTask resume];

Creating an Upload Task

NSURLSessionConfiguration *configuration = [NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration];
AFURLSessionManager *manager = [[AFURLSessionManager alloc] initWithSessionConfiguration:configuration];

NSURL *URL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:URL];

NSURL *filePath = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@"file://path/to/image.png"];
NSURLSessionUploadTask *uploadTask = [manager uploadTaskWithRequest:request fromFile:filePath progress:nil completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response, id responseObject, NSError *error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
    } else {
        NSLog(@"Success: %@ %@", response, responseObject);
[uploadTask resume];

Creating an Upload Task for a Multi-Part Request, with Progress

NSMutableURLRequest *request = [[AFHTTPRequestSerializer serializer] multipartFormRequestWithMethod:@"POST" URLString:@"" parameters:nil constructingBodyWithBlock:^(id<AFMultipartFormData> formData) {
        [formData appendPartWithFileURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:@"file://path/to/image.jpg"] name:@"file" fileName:@"filename.jpg" mimeType:@"image/jpeg" error:nil];
    } error:nil];

AFURLSessionManager *manager = [[AFURLSessionManager alloc] initWithSessionConfiguration:[NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration]];

NSURLSessionUploadTask *uploadTask;
uploadTask = [manager
              progress:^(NSProgress * _Nonnull uploadProgress) {
                  // This is not called back on the main queue.
                  // You are responsible for dispatching to the main queue for UI updates
                  dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
                      //Update the progress view
                      [progressView setProgress:uploadProgress.fractionCompleted];
              completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse * _Nonnull response, id  _Nullable responseObject, NSError * _Nullable error) {
                  if (error) {
                      NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
                  } else {
                      NSLog(@"%@ %@", response, responseObject);

[uploadTask resume];

Creating a Data Task

NSURLSessionConfiguration *configuration = [NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration];
AFURLSessionManager *manager = [[AFURLSessionManager alloc] initWithSessionConfiguration:configuration];

NSURL *URL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:URL];

NSURLSessionDataTask *dataTask = [manager dataTaskWithRequest:request completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response, id responseObject, NSError *error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
    } else {
        NSLog(@"%@ %@", response, responseObject);
[dataTask resume];

Request Serialization

Request serializers create requests from URL strings, encoding parameters as either a query string or HTTP body.

NSString *URLString = @"";
NSDictionary *parameters = @{@"foo": @"bar", @"baz": @[@1, @2, @3]};

Query String Parameter Encoding

[[AFHTTPRequestSerializer serializer] requestWithMethod:@"GET" URLString:URLString parameters:parameters error:nil];

URL Form Parameter Encoding

[[AFHTTPRequestSerializer serializer] requestWithMethod:@"POST" URLString:URLString parameters:parameters error:nil];
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


JSON Parameter Encoding

[[AFJSONRequestSerializer serializer] requestWithMethod:@"POST" URLString:URLString parameters:parameters error:nil];
Content-Type: application/json

{"foo": "bar", "baz": [1,2,3]}

Network Reachability Manager

AFNetworkReachabilityManager monitors the reachability of domains, and addresses for both WWAN and WiFi network interfaces.

  • Do not use Reachability to determine if the original request should be sent.
    • You should try to send it.
  • You can use Reachability to determine when a request should be automatically retried.
    • Although it may still fail, a Reachability notification that the connectivity is available is a good time to retry something.
  • Network reachability is a useful tool for determining why a request might have failed.
    • After a network request has failed, telling the user they're offline is better than giving them a more technical but accurate error, such as "request timed out."

See also WWDC 2012 session 706, "Networking Best Practices.".

Shared Network Reachability

[[AFNetworkReachabilityManager sharedManager] setReachabilityStatusChangeBlock:^(AFNetworkReachabilityStatus status) {
    NSLog(@"Reachability: %@", AFStringFromNetworkReachabilityStatus(status));

[[AFNetworkReachabilityManager sharedManager] startMonitoring];

Security Policy

AFSecurityPolicy evaluates server trust against pinned X.509 certificates and public keys over secure connections.

Adding pinned SSL certificates to your app helps prevent man-in-the-middle attacks and other vulnerabilities. Applications dealing with sensitive customer data or financial information are strongly encouraged to route all communication over an HTTPS connection with SSL pinning configured and enabled.

Allowing Invalid SSL Certificates

AFHTTPSessionManager *manager = [AFHTTPSessionManager manager];
manager.securityPolicy.allowInvalidCertificates = YES; // not recommended for production

Unit Tests

AFNetworking includes a suite of unit tests within the Tests subdirectory. These tests can be run simply be executed the test action on the platform framework you would like to test.


AFNetworking is owned and maintained by the Alamofire Software Foundation.

AFNetworking was originally created by Scott Raymond and Mattt Thompson in the development of Gowalla for iPhone.

AFNetworking's logo was designed by Alan Defibaugh.

And most of all, thanks to AFNetworking's growing list of contributors.

Security Disclosure

If you believe you have identified a security vulnerability with AFNetworking, you should report it as soon as possible via email to [email protected]. Please do not post it to a public issue tracker.


AFNetworking is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

afoauth2manager's People


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afoauth2manager's Issues

AFNetworking 2.2.x compatibility

I realize there are multiple issues open for AFNetworking 2.0 compatibility but it seems that there isn't much activity or interest in merging those patches. Is there any specific reason that these patches aren't acceptable?

I am developing a library/podspec that depends on both AFNetworking and AFOAuth2Client and I am worried that end users of the library may experience AFNetworking version conflicts. As far as I know, it isn't possible for me to point to an "unofficial" version of AFOAuth2Client in my podspec, so for now I guess I am limited to AFNetworking 1.3.x until the official podspec is updated as well.

oAutoh to google

Does anyone have an example code of how to use AFOAuth2Manager to connect with Google?

AFOAuth1Token Expected a type error.

Adding AFOAuth1Client and AFOAuth2Client via CocoaPods. XCode generating Expected a type error on method:

+ (BOOL)storeCredential:(AFOAuth1Token *)credential
         withIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier

iOS 8 AFOAuthCredential store/retrieve

NSString *identifier = @"id.entif.ier";
[AFOAuthCredential storeCredential:credential withIdentifier:identifier];
AFOAuthCredential *credential = [AFOAuthCredential retrieveCredentialWithIdentifier:identifier];

iOS 7: credential != nil, iOS 8: credential == nil

Client credentials are included in the request body [NOT RECOMMENDED]

i've brought this up before:

Including the client credentials in the request body using the two
parameters is NOT RECOMMENDED, and SHOULD be limited to clients
unable to directly utilize the HTTP Basic authentication scheme (or
other password-based HTTP authentication schemes). The parameters
can only be transmitted in the request body and MUST NOT be included
in the request URI.

AFNetworking already supports basic auth headers so this shouldn't be hard to change.

Refresh token using NSTimer scheduled relative to TTL

A helpful addition to this could be (optionally) scheduling an NSTimer to refresh the access token a handful of seconds short of its expiry. We would have a good opportunity to schedule a non-repeating timer at the time that the credential is received and subsequently stored in the keychain.

This would give users a good first defense of their tokens expiring without incurring the overhead of refreshing the token on the "read path". It's obviously not foolproof as entering the background will obviate the timer firing, but ostensibly the user will need to handle this case anyway.

My hunch is that scheduling the timer on the run loop of the AFOAuth2Client would be fine, but we could present the user the option if it was really necessary.

This is separate of trying to catch 401 Unauthorized errors and refresh in the user's primary http client as this is rightly left to the user. I think the pushback presented here is completely valid and also exclusive of this idea.

Would be happy to draft up a pull request if there is interest/not-disgust.

Problem with cocoapods 0.36 use_framework!

After update cocoapods to version 0.36 and use Framework. I found that AFOauth2Manager cannot import AFNetworking library to use in code. Xcode show error in AFOauth2Manager code where import AFNetworking code.

Add support to refresh the token on expiry

Currently if the token expires - no check is made before to make sure the token is not expired.

It should check for expiration before making the request - if expired - use refresh token to get a fresh access token.

  • Note - I am not sure if this is how it should work. e.g. It could be left up to the developer to check before each call is made using AFOAuth2 but would be useful if this was handled by the framework.

client attempts to use the token for auth

Following [self setAuthorizationHeaderWithCredential:credential]; if the server invalidates the token, another call to authenticate will cause a failure from the server due to trying to use the credential token to auth.

In addition to adding Basic Auth, I think [self setAuthorizationHeaderWithCredential:credential]; should be removed (the docs clearly stated that the client should be used standalone and credentials transferred to a subclass of AFHTTPClient) OR [self setAuthorizationHeaderWithUsername:self.clientID password:self.secret]; should be called before every auth attempt.

I believe this did not cause issue previously as the clientID and secret were being sent in the form data of the auth request and the server was happy to accept this and ignore the authorization header field. Now I am using basic auth there is a conflict in the auth header being set.

Installation cookbook for newbies

I just don't get why is it so hard to write a usual Installation topic.

For anyone who just don't-know-what-the-hell-you-need-to-do-to-install-this-extension just add it to your Podfile as pod "AFOAuth2Manager" and make sure you have #import "AFOAuth2Manager.h" line in your header file

And please don't write it in documentation, newbies must squirm in agony and die!

Support OAuth endpoints with no expiration

I'm hitting an OAuth endpoint that does not return an expiration. According to the oath draft, expirations are not required. The server I'm hitting only returns access_token and token_type.

I think this may be related to #66 and this commit: ff106e1

asserting that expires_in is defined contradicts the spec, no?

Does not support authorization code grant type

From the latest version of the spec:

1.3.1. Authorization Code

The authorization code is obtained by using an authorization server
as an intermediary between the client and resource owner. Instead of
requesting authorization directly from the resource owner, the client
directs the resource owner to an authorization server (via its user-
agent as defined in [RFC2616]), which in turn directs the resource
owner back to the client with the authorization code.

Before directing the resource owner back to the client with the
authorization code, the authorization server authenticates the
resource owner and obtains authorization. Because the resource owner
only authenticates with the authorization server, the resource
owner's credentials are never shared with the client.

The authorization code provides a few important security benefits
such as the ability to authenticate the client, and the transmission
of the access token directly to the client without passing it through
the resource owner's user-agent, potentially exposing it to others,
including the resource owner.

The auth code grant type is used by all Google services, and would be awesome to have in this project.

If I don't get around to writing this addition, hopefully someone else will, and work on it!

missing scope in usage exampe

In the ReadMe Usage example , the scope: is not stated as it should be
If I use authenticateUsingOAuthWithPath wo the scope parameter I get a warning
-authenticateUsingOAuthWithPath instance method not found

what's should be the scope value to be supplied ?

It's not possible to retrieve secondary data from the authentication request

It's not uncommon to include additional data in a successful OAuth response. How come only the token is accessible in the success handler?

I realize this won't be easy to change for backwards compatibility reasons, but if a major version is coming up, it would be nice to have the block signatures (mostly) match all the standard AFNetworking ones by simply adding the AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation parameter in front. While the second argument to success would still be AFOAuthCredential, the developer can choose to extract extra parameters from the AFHTTPRequestOperation instance's responseObject property.

In the meantime, perhaps something could be done to support accessing the additional parameters?

Please publicly expose expiration on AFOAuthCredential

I'd like to be able to test how soon a credential will expire - not just if it has expired. This can easily be done if expiration is exposed publicly as a readonly property on AFOAuthCredential by adding

@Property (readonly, nonatomic) NSDate *expiration;

to the AFOAuthCredential interface in AFOAuth2Client.h.



Is there any solution to use a base URL different between AFHTTPClient and AFOAuth2Client?

I'm currently writing an Imgur API based on AFNetworking and the AFOAuth2Client extension but I'm stuck on a point: the base URL differs between the OAuth access and the general access. For OAuth, the base URL is while it's or for all the others request.

I didn't find how to handle this particularity, is there any solution without rewriting the library?

Expiration not considered unless refresh token is present

I could be mistaken, but shouldn't the expiration be set regardless the refresh token - as long as expires_in is present?

It seems a recent change 7340904 / cfdf599 made use of the expiration conditional on a refresh token being present, which isn't always the case. See also #71. The expiration and refresh_token should be considered separately, not together in an all-or-nothing fashion,

When requesting a client_credentials grant, I receive an access token with a limited lifetime (e.g., 1 second for testing, below), but the AFOAuthCredential will always tell you the token has not expired.

    "access_token": "0c06a430f3f649837f412a011cf19a0e93bd41a075cc45876db601070d862ec4",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "expires_in": 1,
    "scope": "public"

AFJSONRequestOperation with POST Method give "signature_invalid"

I am using OAuth1 to authorise API and get access token.
When I call POST method it give me "oauth_problem=signature_invalid".

 NSMutableURLRequest *request = [self.myClient requestWithMethod:@"POST" path:apiURL parameters:jsonObj];
    NSDictionary *dict = @{ @"Content-Type":@"application/json",@"Accept":@"*/*"};

    [request setAllHTTPHeaderFields:dict];
    [request setHTTPShouldHandleCookies:true];

 AFJSONRequestOperation *jsonOperation = [AFJSONRequestOperation JSONRequestOperationWithRequest:request success:^(NSURLRequest *request, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, id JSON) {
     NSLog(@"Success: %@", JSON);

     } failure:^(NSURLRequest *request, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, NSError *error, id JSON) {
         NSLog(@"Header: %@",[request allHTTPHeaderFields]);
     NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);

     [jsonOperation start];

Please help me.

AFNetworking 3.0

Upon trying to update my project to use AFNetworking in CocoaPods I was greeted with:

'[!] Unable to satisfy the following requirements:

  • AFNetworking/NSURLConnection (~> 2.2) required by AFOAuth2Manager (2.1.0)
  • AFNetworking (~> 3.0) required by Podfile
  • AFNetworking (~> 2.2) required by AFOAuth2Manager (2.0.0)

Specs satisfying the AFNetworking/NSURLConnection (~> 2.2) dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.'

Any plans to update it?

Add default expires_in lifetime parameter

According RFC 6749 expires_in parameter has status "RECOMMENDED":
If omitted, the authorization server SHOULD provide the expiration time via other means or document the default value.

Server may not transmit this parameter and we must provide it manually (by adding "defaultLifetime" property in AFOAuth2Client?)

Getting expires_in type as double value

It seems to me that for permanent expiration dates the following method is not setting the expiration date correctly ...

[credential setRefreshToken:refreshToken expiration:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:[[responseObject valueForKey:@"expires_in"] integerValue]]];

It's working when changing the integerValue call to doubleValue aka NSTimeInterval

Create method to return Authorization request

Create a method to return an authorization NSURLRequest given the path, response type (code or token), redirect URI, and scope. The returned NSURLRequest can be loaded into an UIWebView to commence authorization.

Tag for version 2.2.1

When using cocoapods, the default version is 2.2.0 (even though the podspec version is 2.2.1) which unfortunately doesn't have changes included in this pull request: #100

the workaround if using cocoapods

pod 'AFOAuth2Manager', :git => ""

Use HTTP Basic Auth

The OAuth2 Spec strongly recommends AGAINST sending the client ID and secret in the body of the request for confidential clients (ie 2-legged auth, ie user/password and client-credential grant types, ie sections 4.3 and 4.4 of the spec)

Instead it recommends using HTTP basic auth as a bare minimum, implemented as (pseudocode):

Authorization: 'Basic' + Base64Encode(client_id + ':' + client_secret)

i.e. using the client_id as the username and the secret as the password

I checked that this worked with a default OAuth2 server (flask_oauthlib) as follows (in 'init'):

[self setDefaultHeader:@"Authorization" value:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Basic %@", [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%@",clientID,secret] base64EncodedString]]];

With no extra server functionality this allowed auth with the server. We should consider this instead of sending the client_id and secret in the body for these kinds of grants.

Furthermore, the spec allows extension to many types of HTTP auth ( This would be a significant extension to support though.

"AFJSONRequestOperation.h" File Not Found

I am using cocoapods to install AFNetworking and your extension. When trying to compile I am getting the error that it can't find AFJsonRequestOperation.h. It is not clear where this dependency is or if another pod or extension should be installed. Can you advise?

Update Podfile

AFNetworking is now 2.0 and it should be a good idea to update the Podfile.

setAuthorizationHeaderFieldWithCredential: produces wrong header

(talking about the 3.0.0. branch here)

When using setAuthorizationHeaderFieldWithCredential: the library produces the following header field

Authorization = "Basic <wrong token here>";

To my knowledge, it should be
Authorization = "Bearer <token here>";

Also, the token in the 'Basic' case is NOT the access token stored in the AFOAuthCredential for given provider identifier.

When setting the Authorization header myself with the bearer keyword and my valid access token the call works.

Parse error response according to standard

According to in the case of error response "authorization server responds with an HTTP 400 (Bad Request) status code (unless specified otherwise)" ("server MAY return an HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) status code to indicate which HTTP authentication schemes are supported"), but in fact much of OAuth 2 servers responds with HTTP 200.

Please add parsing error also in failure block.

Remove NSLogs

Is it please possible to remove the NSLogs in the AFOAuth2Mangaer.m ?
It logs the identifier of the keychain entry. This can be used by other apps to get the credentials.

Regards David

Simple Request for Documentation

Hey, i have encountered linker errors that I couldn't understand. I tried another library trying to get it work, i built the project without last step, which was adding Security.framework as a build dependency. (

I saw the same errors starting with sec... sec... then i realized it was a dependency for this project, too. Maybe you can add this to project's readme file? :)

SystemConfiguration ad MobileCoreService missing

I'm not entirely sure what's going on but since one of the last updates I keep getting this during the build of AFOAuth2Client:

/Users/kain/src/myproj/Pods/AFNetworking/AFNetworking/AFHTTPClient.h:84:9: SystemConfiguration framework not found in project, or not included in precompiled header. Network reachability functionality will not be available.

/Users/kain/src/myproj/Pods/AFNetworking/AFNetworking/AFHTTPClient.h:89:9: MobileCoreServices framework not found in project, or not included in precompiled header. Automatic MIME type detection when uploading files in multipart requests will not be available.

Using latest cocoapods.
I cannot figure out why, it happens during the AFHTTPClient.h import in AFOAuth2Client.

project pch

#ifdef __OBJC__
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <SystemConfiguration/SystemConfiguration.h>
#import <MobileCoreServices/MobileCoreServices.h>


platform :ios, '6.0'
pod 'AFNetworking', git: 'git://'
pod 'AFOAuth2Client', git: 'git://'

Make Bearer token usage more flexible

According Bearer token may be used in three different ways:

  • as "Authorization Request Header Field"
  • as "Form-Encoded Body Parameter"
  • as "URI Query Parameter"

But in authenticateUsingOAuthWithPath:parameters:success:failure: hardcoded "Authorization Request Header Field" way.

Many services often use of the token in the query parameters ("Form-Encoded Body Parameter" or "URI Query Parameter"), and not in the query headers (e.g. VKontakte).

I think that better solution would be remove [self setAuthorizationHeaderWithCredential:credential]; and allow the developer to choose what he want to use. I think this is a more flexible solution.

This class will be super class for developers' purposes. As for me, I make subclass and override requestWithMethod:path:parameters: and multipartFormRequestWithMethod:path:parameters:constructingBodyWithBlock: methods to add "access_token" (bearer token) parameter.

Minor import paths issue


In AFHTTPRequestSerializer+OAuth2.h and AFOAuth2Manager.h, I suggest you change

#import <AFNetworking/...h>


#import <AFNetworking.h>

for increased compatibility. They currently result in an error if include paths aren't set to include system paths, which is important to many developers.


Memory leak in AFOAuth2Manager.m

Found via Facebook's Infer tool:

ios/thirdparty/AFOAuth2Manager/AFOAuth2Manager.m:374: error: MEMORY_LEAK

memory dynamically allocated to updateDictionary by call to dictionary at line 365, column 45 is not reachable after line 376, column 9

I tried reporting this via email but got no response

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google โค๏ธ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.