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Adobe I/O Adobe Experience Platform Realtime Customer Profile SDK

Node JavaScript SDK wrapping the Adobe Experience Platform Realtime Customer Profile API


$ npm install @adobe/aio-lib-customer-profile


  1. Initialize the SDK
const sdk = require('@adobe/aio-lib-customer-profile')

async function sdkTest() {
  //initialize sdk
  const client = await sdk.init('<tenant>', '<iMSOrgId>', 'x-api-key', '<valid auth token>', '[sandbox]')
  1. Call methods using the initialized SDK
const sdk = require('@adobe/aio-lib-customer-profile')

async function sdkTest() {
  // initialize sdk
  const client = await sdk.init('<tenant>', '<iMSOrgId>', 'x-api-key', '<valid auth token>', '[sandbox]')

  // call methods
  try {
    // get profiles by custom filters
    const result = await client.getSegmentRoute({
        segmentId: 'abc123'

  } catch (e) {



This class provides methods to call your CustomerProfileAPI APIs. Before calling any method initialize the instance by calling the init method on it with valid values for tenantId, apiKey and accessToken


Create dynamic methods from openApi spec file


init(tenantId, iMSOrgId, apiKey, accessToken, [sandbox])Promise.<CustomerProfileAPI>

Returns a Promise that resolves with a new CustomerProfileAPI object.


This class provides methods to call your CustomerProfileAPI APIs. Before calling any method initialize the instance by calling the init method on it with valid values for tenantId, apiKey and accessToken

Kind: global class

customerProfileAPI.tenantId : string

The tenant id

Kind: instance property of CustomerProfileAPI

customerProfileAPI.iMSOrgId : string

The iMSOrgId

Kind: instance property of CustomerProfileAPI

customerProfileAPI.apiKey : string

The api key from your integration

Kind: instance property of CustomerProfileAPI

customerProfileAPI.accessToken : string

The access token from your integration

Kind: instance property of CustomerProfileAPI

customerProfileAPI.sandbox : string

The sandbox name

Kind: instance property of CustomerProfileAPI

customerProfileAPI.init(tenantId, iMSOrgId, apiKey, accessToken, [sandbox]) ⇒ Promise.<CustomerProfileAPI>

Initializes a CustomerProfileAPI object and returns it.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<CustomerProfileAPI> - a CustomerProfileAPI object

Param Type Description
tenantId string the tenant id
iMSOrgId string the iMSOrgId for your integration
apiKey string the API key for your integration
accessToken string the access token for your integration
[sandbox] string sandbox name

customerProfileAPI.getProfile([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Get Profile by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass

customerProfileAPI.getExperienceEvents([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Get ExperienceEvents.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass

customerProfileAPI.listComputedAttributes([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Retrieve a list of computed attributes.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass

customerProfileAPI.createComputedAttribute([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Create a computed attribute.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass

customerProfileAPI.lookupComputedAttribute([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Retrieve a specific computed attribute by its ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.ATTRIBUTE_ID string The unique, read-only ID of the computed attribute that is generated by the system when the attribute is created.

customerProfileAPI.updateComputedAttribute([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Update a computed attribute by its ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.ATTRIBUTE_ID string The unique, read-only ID of the computed attribute that is generated by the system when the attribute is created.

customerProfileAPI.deleteComputedAttribute([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Delete a computed attribute by its ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.ATTRIBUTE_ID string The unique, read-only ID of the computed attribute that is generated by the system when the attribute is created.

customerProfileAPI.getConfigMergePolicies([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Retrieve a list of merge policies.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Request Id
[parameters.start] string Page offset - As per created time of resource
[parameters.limit] number Page Size
[parameters.orderBy] string Model attribute which will be using for ordering
[parameters.''] string Schema class ID
[parameters.default] boolean default flag

customerProfileAPI.postConfigMergePolicies([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Create a new merge policy.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.'Content-Type' string Type of content being sent in the body of the request. Should be 'application/json'.
parameters.'x-profile-instance-id' string Profile Instance ID
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Request Id

customerProfileAPI.getConfigMergePoliciesMergePolicyId([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Lookup a merge policy by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.mergePolicyId string Merge policy ID.
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Request Id

customerProfileAPI.putConfigMergePoliciesMergePolicyId([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Update a merge policy by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.mergePolicyId string Merge policy ID.
parameters.'x-profile-instance-id' string Profile Instance ID
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Request Id

customerProfileAPI.patchConfigMergePoliciesMergePolicyId([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Update one or more attributes of a merge policy specified by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.mergePolicyId string Merge policy ID.
parameters.'x-profile-instance-id' string Profile Instance ID
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Request Id

customerProfileAPI.deleteConfigMergePoliciesMergePolicyId([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Delete a merge policy by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.mergePolicyId string Merge policy ID.
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Request Id

customerProfileAPI.getAccessEntities([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Lookup an entity by ID or namespace.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.'' string XED schema class name.
[parameters.''] string XDM schema class name that the ExperienceEvent is associated with. Used when looking up ExperienceEvents.
[parameters.entityId] string ID of the entity. For Native XID lookup, use entityId=<XID> and leave entityIdNS absent; For ID:NS lookup, use both entityId and entityIdNS fields.
[parameters.entityIdNS] string Identity Namespace code. Used for ID:NS lookup. If this field is used, entityId cannot be empty.
[parameters.relatedEntityId] string ID of the entity that the ExperienceEvents are associated with. Used when looking up ExperienceEvents. For Native XID lookup, use relatedEntityId=<XID> and leave relatedEntityIdNS absent; For ID:NS lookup, use both relatedEntityId and relatedEntityIdNS fields.
[parameters.relatedEntityIdNS] string Identity Namespace code of the related entity ID of ExperienceEvent. Used when looking up ExperienceEvents. If this field is used, entityId cannot be empty.
[parameters.fields] string Fields for the model object. By default, all fields will be fetched. Separated by comma.
[parameters.mergePolicyId] string ID of the merge policy. A merge policy includes information for Identity stitching and key-value XDM object merging. If not present, the default merge policy will be used.
[parameters.startTime] number Start time of Time range filter for ExperienceEvents. Should be at millisecond granularity. Included. Default: From beginning.
[parameters.endTime] number End time of Time range filter for ExperienceEvents. Should be at millisecond granularity. Excluded. Default: To the end.
[parameters.limit] number Number of records to return from the result. Only for time-series objects. Default: 1000
[parameters.orderby] string The sort order of retrieved ExperienceEvents by timestamp. Syntax: (+/-)timestamp. Default: +timestamp

customerProfileAPI.postAccessEntities([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Lookup multiple entities by IDs or namespaces.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.'Content-Type' string Type of content being sent in the body of the request. Should be 'application/json'.

customerProfileAPI.deleteAccessEntities([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Delete an entity by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.'' string Name of the associated XDM schema.
[parameters.entityId] string ID of the entity. For Native XID, use entityId=<XID> and leave entityIdNS absent; For ID:NS, use both entityId and entityIdNS fields.
[parameters.entityIdNS] string Identity Namespace code. Used for ID:NS. If this field is used, entityId cannot be empty.
[parameters.mergePolicyId] string ID of the merge policy. A merge policy includes information for Identity stitching and key-value XDM object merging. If not present, the default merge policy will be used.

customerProfileAPI.getScanJobsRoute([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Retrieve a list of all export jobs.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
[parameters.limit] number Limit the number of export jobs returned in the list.
[parameters.offset] string Offset the page of results returned (ordered by created time of resource)
[parameters.status] string Filter the export jobs returned by job status. Possible values are "NEW", "SUCCEEDED", and "FAILED".

customerProfileAPI.postScanJobRoute([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Create a new export job.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.'Content-Type' string Type of content being sent in the body of the request. Should be 'application/json'.
[parameters.'x-profile-instance-id'] string Profile Instance ID

customerProfileAPI.getScanJobRoute([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Lookup an export job by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.exportJobId string Export job ID

customerProfileAPI.cancelScanJobRoute([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Cancel or delete an export job by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.exportJobId string Export job ID

customerProfileAPI.getSegmentsRoute([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Retrieve a list of segment definitions.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.'x-request-id' string Unique ID per request
[parameters.start] number Page offset - As per created time of resource
[parameters.limit] number Page size
[] number Page number
[parameters.sort] string Sort parameters

customerProfileAPI.postSegmentRoute([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Create a new segment definition.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.'Content-Type' string Type of content being sent in the body of the request. Should be 'application/json'.
parameters.'x-request-id' string Unique ID per request

customerProfileAPI.getSegmentRoute([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Lookup a segment definition by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.segmentId string Segment Definition ID.
parameters.'x-request-id' string Unique ID per request

customerProfileAPI.deleteSegmentRoute([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Delete a segment definition by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.segmentId string Segment Definition ID.
parameters.'x-request-id' string Unique ID per request

customerProfileAPI.patchSegmentRoute([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Overwrite a segment definition.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.segmentId string Segment Definition ID.
parameters.'Content-Type' string Type of content being sent in the body of the request. Should be 'application/json'.
parameters.'x-request-id' string Unique ID per request

customerProfileAPI.postSegmentConversionRoute([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Convert PQL formatting between pql/text and pql/json.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.'Content-Type' string Type of content being sent in the body of the request. Should be 'application/json'.
parameters.'x-request-id' string Unique ID per request

customerProfileAPI.getSegmentJobs([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Retrieve a list of all segment job requests.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Request ID
[parameters.start] number Page Offset - As per created Time of resource
[parameters.limit] number Page Size
[parameters.status] string The job status

customerProfileAPI.postSJRRoute([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Create a new segment job request.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.'Content-Type' string Type of content being sent in the body of the request. Should be 'application/json'.
parameters.'x-profile-instance-id' string Profile Instance ID
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Request ID

customerProfileAPI.getSegmentJobsSegmentJobId([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Lookup a segment job request by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.segmentJobId string Segment job request ID.
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Request ID

customerProfileAPI.deleteSegmentJobsSegmentJobId([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Cancel or delete a segment job request by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.segmentJobId string Segment job request ID.
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Request ID

customerProfileAPI.postSessionlessPreviewRoute([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Create a new preview job.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.'Content-Type' string Type of content being sent in the body of the request. Should be 'application/json'.

customerProfileAPI.getSessionlessPreviewStatusRoute([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Lookup the results of a preview job by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.previewId string ID of the preview job.
[parameters.offset] string Page offset
[parameters.limit] number How many entries should be present in a page. 1000 if not specified.

customerProfileAPI.deleteSessionLessPreviewStatusRoute([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Cancel or delete a preview job by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.previewId string ID of the preview job.

customerProfileAPI.getEstimateStatusRoute([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Lookup the results of an estimate job by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.previewId string ID of the preview job.

customerProfileAPI.listProjectionConfigurations([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Retrieve a list of edge projection configurations. The latest definitions are returned.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.'x-gw-ims-authorization' string Gateway IMS service token.
[parameters.schemaName] string XDM schema name
[] string projection name
[parameters.'x-user-token'] string User access token.
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Optional header that may be used for debugging purposes when investigating issues with a client flow. The same ID can be used to identify a single request to the service from a flow. A new ID should be created for each request.

customerProfileAPI.createProjectionConfiguration([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Create a new edge projection configuration.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.schemaName string XDM schema name
parameters.'x-gw-ims-authorization' string Gateway IMS service token.
[parameters.'x-user-token'] string User access token.
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Optional header that may be used for debugging purposes when investigating issues with a client flow. The same ID can be used to identify a single request to the service from a flow. A new ID should be created for each request.

customerProfileAPI.getProjectionConfiguration([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Lookup an edge projection configuration by ID. The latest definition is returned.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.projectionid string undefined
parameters.'x-gw-ims-authorization' string Gateway IMS service token.
[parameters.'x-user-token'] string User access token.
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Optional header that may be used for debugging purposes when investigating issues with a client flow. The same ID can be used to identify a single request to the service from a flow. A new ID should be created for each request.

customerProfileAPI.updateProjectionConfiguration([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Create or update an edge projection configuration by ID. Overwrites the entire configuration.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.projectionid string undefined
parameters.'x-gw-ims-authorization' string Gateway IMS service token.
[parameters.'x-user-token'] string User access token.
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Optional header that may be used for debugging purposes when investigating issues with a client flow. The same ID can be used to identify a single request to the service from a flow. A new ID should be created for each request.

customerProfileAPI.deleteProjectionConfiguration([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Delete an edge projection configuration by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.projectionid string undefined
parameters.'x-gw-ims-authorization' string Gateway IMS service token.
[parameters.'x-user-token'] string User access token.
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Optional header that may be used for debugging purposes when investigating issues with a client flow. The same ID can be used to identify a single request to the service from a flow. A new ID should be created for each request.

customerProfileAPI.listProjectionDestinations([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Retrieve a list of edge projection destinations. The latest definitions are returned.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Optional header that may be used for debugging purposes when investigating issues with a workflow. The same ID can be used to identify a single request to the service from a flow. A new ID should be created for each request.

customerProfileAPI.createProjectionDestination([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Create a new edge projection destination.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.'x-gw-ims-authorization' string Gateway IMS service token.
[parameters.'x-user-token'] string User access token.
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Optional header that may be used for debugging purposes when investigating issues with a client flow. The same ID can be used to identify a single request to the service from a flow. A new ID should be created for each request.

customerProfileAPI.getProjectionDestination([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Lookup an edge projection destination by ID. The latest definition is returned.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.destinationId string undefined
parameters.'x-gw-ims-authorization' string Gateway IMS service token.
[parameters.'x-user-token'] string User access token.
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Optional header that may be used for debugging purposes when investigating issues with a client flow. The same ID can be used to identify a single request to the service from a flow. A new ID should be created for each request.

customerProfileAPI.putProjectionDestination([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Create or update an edge projection destination by ID. Overwrites the entire configuration.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.destinationId string undefined
parameters.'x-gw-ims-authorization' string Gateway IMS service token.
[parameters.'x-user-token'] string User access token.
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Optional header that may be used for debugging purposes when investigating issues with a client flow. The same ID can be used to identify a single request to the service from a flow. A new ID should be created for each request.

customerProfileAPI.deleteProjectionDestination([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Delete an edge projection destination by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.destinationId string undefined
parameters.'x-gw-ims-authorization' string Gateway IMS service token.
[parameters.'x-user-token'] string User access token.
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Optional header that may be used for debugging purposes when investigating issues with a client flow. The same ID can be used to identify a single request to the service from a flow. A new ID should be created for each request.

customerProfileAPI.getConfigEventTypes([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Retrieve a list of event types.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Optional header that may be used for debugging purposes when investigating issues with a workflow. The same ID can be used to identify a single request to the service from a flow. A new ID should be created for each request.
[parameters.start] number Page offset for the response. Default is 0.
[parameters.limit] number Page size
[parameters.orderBy] string The model attribute to be used for ordering.

customerProfileAPI.postConfigEventTypes([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Create a new event type.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.'x-profile-instance-id' string Profile instance ID.
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Optional header that may be used for debugging purposes when investigating issues with a workflow. The same ID can be used to identify a single request to the service from a flow. A new ID should be created for each request.

customerProfileAPI.getConfigEventTypesEventTypeId([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Lookup an event type by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.eventTypeId string Event type ID.
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Optional header that may be used for debugging purposes when investigating issues with a workflow. The same ID can be used to identify a single request to the service from a flow. A new ID should be created for each request.

customerProfileAPI.putConfigEventTypesEventTypeId([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Overwrite an event type by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.eventTypeId string Event type ID.
parameters.'x-profile-instance-id' string Profile instance ID.
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Optional header that may be used for debugging purposes when investigating issues with a workflow. The same ID can be used to identify a single request to the service from a flow. A new ID should be created for each request.

customerProfileAPI.patchConfigEventTypesEventTypeId([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Update one or more attributes of an event type by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.eventTypeId string Event type ID.
parameters.'x-profile-instance-id' string Profile instance ID.
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Optional header that may be used for debugging purposes when investigating issues with a workflow. The same ID can be used to identify a single request to the service from a flow. A new ID should be created for each request.

customerProfileAPI.deleteConfigEventTypesEventTypeId([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Delete an event type by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.eventTypeId string Event type ID.
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Optional header that may be used for debugging purposes when investigating issues with a workflow. The same ID can be used to identify a single request to the service from a flow. A new ID should be created for each request.

customerProfileAPI.getConfigMacros([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Retrieve a list of all macros for your organization.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Request ID
[parameters.start] string Page offset (at the created time of resource)
[parameters.limit] number Maximum number of objects to display on each page.
[parameters.orderBy] string Model attribute which will be using for ordering.
[parameters.dataSetId] string Dataset ID.
[parameters.schemaClassId] string Schema class ID.
[parameters.value] string Event type value.

customerProfileAPI.postConfigMacros([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Create a new macro.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.'x-profile-instance-id' string Profile Instance ID
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Request ID

customerProfileAPI.getConfigMacrosMacroId([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Lookup a macro by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.macroId string Macro ID. For example, ca8fe8a8-0f38-478a-9905-fd515d1d2988
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Request Id

customerProfileAPI.putConfigMacrosMacroId([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Overwrite a macro by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.macroId string Macro ID. For example, ca8fe8a8-0f38-478a-9905-fd515d1d2988
parameters.'x-profile-instance-id' string Profile Instance ID
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Request ID

customerProfileAPI.patchConfigMacrosMacroId([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Update a macro by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.macroId string Macro ID. For example, ca8fe8a8-0f38-478a-9905-fd515d1d2988
parameters.'x-profile-instance-id' string Profile Instance ID.
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Request ID.

customerProfileAPI.deleteConfigMacrosMacroId([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Delete a macro by ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.macroId string Macro ID. For example, ca8fe8a8-0f38-478a-9905-fd515d1d2988
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Request ID.

customerProfileAPI.getSchedules([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Retrieve a list of schedules for your IMS Org

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Optional header that may be used for debugging purposes when investigating issues with a workflow. The same ID can be used to identify a single request to the service from a flow. A new ID should be created for each request.
[parameters.start] number Return results from a specific page offset. For example, start=3
[parameters.limit] number Limit response to a specific number of objects. Must be a positive number. For example, limit=10

customerProfileAPI.createSchedule([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Create a schedule, including specifying the time when the schedule should be triggered.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.'Content-Type' string Type of content being sent in the body of the request. Should be 'application/json'.
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Optional header that may be used for debugging purposes when investigating issues with a workflow. The same ID can be used to identify a single request to the service from a flow. A new ID should be created for each request.

customerProfileAPI.getScheduleById([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Lookup a schedule by its ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.SCHEDULE_ID string The ID of the schedule against which the operation is being performed.
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Optional header that may be used for debugging purposes when investigating issues with a workflow. The same ID can be used to identify a single request to the service from a flow. A new ID should be created for each request.

customerProfileAPI.updateSchedule([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Update a schedule, including changing the trigger time or enabling/disabling the schedule.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.SCHEDULE_ID string The ID of the schedule against which the operation is being performed.
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Optional header that may be used for debugging purposes when investigating issues with a workflow. The same ID can be used to identify a single request to the service from a flow. A new ID should be created for each request.

customerProfileAPI.deleteSchedule([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Delete a schedule by its ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.SCHEDULE_ID string The ID of the schedule against which the operation is being performed.
[parameters.'x-request-id'] string Optional header that may be used for debugging purposes when investigating issues with a workflow. The same ID can be used to identify a single request to the service from a flow. A new ID should be created for each request.

customerProfileAPI.listDeleteRequests([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Retrieve a list of all delete requests (Profile System Jobs) created by your organization.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
[parameters.start] number Return results from a specific page offset. For example, start=3
[parameters.limit] number Limit response to a specific number of objects. Must be a positive number. For example, limit=10
[] number Return a specific page of results, as per the create time of the request. For example, page=0
[parameters.sort] string Sort results by a specific field in ascending (asc) or descending (desc) order. The sort parameter does not work when returning multiple pages of results. For example, sort=batchId:asc

customerProfileAPI.createDeleteRequest([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Create a delete request (Profile System Job)

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.'Content-Type' string Type of content being sent in the body of the request. Should be 'application/json'.

customerProfileAPI.viewDeleteRequest([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

View a specific delete request (Profile System Job) by its ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.ID string ID of the delete request (Profile System Job) that you wish to view. For example, '3e64ad31-5e6b-4399-80ad-ccfab54254ae'.

customerProfileAPI.deleteDeleteRequest([parameters]) ⇒ Promise.<Response>

Remove a specific delete request (Profile System Job) by its ID.

Kind: instance method of CustomerProfileAPI
Returns: Promise.<Response> - the response

Param Type Default Description
[parameters] object {} parameters to pass
parameters.ID string ID of the delete request (Profile System Job) that you wish to view. For example, '3e64ad31-5e6b-4399-80ad-ccfab54254ae'.


Create dynamic methods from openApi spec file

Kind: global class

init(tenantId, iMSOrgId, apiKey, accessToken, [sandbox]) ⇒ Promise.<CustomerProfileAPI>

Returns a Promise that resolves with a new CustomerProfileAPI object.

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise.<CustomerProfileAPI> - a Promise with a CustomerProfileAPI object

Param Type Description
tenantId string the tenant id
iMSOrgId string the iMSOrgId for your integration
apiKey string the API key for your integration
accessToken string the access token for your integration
[sandbox] string sandbox name

Debug Logs

LOG_LEVEL=debug <your_call_here>

Prepend the LOG_LEVEL environment variable and debug value to the call that invokes your function, on the command line. This should output a lot of debug data for your SDK calls.


Contributions are welcome! Read the Contributing Guide for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache V2 License. See LICENSE for more information.

aio-lib-customer-profile's People


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aio-lib-customer-profile's Issues

Throwing URL parsing error while calling customer profile

Expected Behaviour

Should return a successful response

Actual Behaviour

Throwing Error

Reproduce Scenario (including but not limited to)

Steps to Reproduce

Platform and Version

Mac OS used
"@adobe/aio-sdk": "^4.1.0"
Node.js v20.5.1
NPM version 9.8.0

Sample Code that illustrates the problem

const { Core, State, Files, Target, Analytics, CampaignStandard, CustomerProfile, AudienceManagerCD, Events } = require('@adobe/aio-sdk');
async function sdkTest() {
//initialize sdk
const customerProfileClient = await CustomerProfile.init('', '', 'x-api-key', '', '[sandbox]')
// Customer Profile example
const profileParams = {
entityId: 'xyz',
entityIdNS: 'loyaltyId'
const customerProfile = await customerProfileClient.getProfile(profileParams)

Logs taken while reproducing problem

AioCoreSDKError [CustomerProfileAPIError]: [CustomerProfileAPISDK:ERROR_ENTITIES] Error TypeError: Failed to parse URL from /data/core/ups/access/entities?
at Object.fetch (node:internal/deps/undici/undici:11576:11)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async http (/Users/xxxx/node/node_modules/swagger-client/lib/http/index.js:74:11) {
[cause]: TypeError [ERR_INVALID_URL]: Invalid URL
at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:405:5)
at new URL (node:internal/url:778:13)
at new Request (node:internal/deps/undici/undici:7132:25)
at fetch2 (node:internal/deps/undici/undici:10715:25)
at Object.fetch (node:internal/deps/undici/undici:11574:18)
at fetch (node:internal/process/pre_execution:271:25)
at http (/Users/xxxx/node/node_modules/swagger-client/lib/http/index.js:74:45)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) {
input: '/data/core/ups/access/entities?',
at new (/Users/xxx/node/node_modules/@adobe/aio-lib-core-errors/src/AioCoreSDKErrorWrapper.js:33:9)
at /Users/xxx/node/node_modules/@adobe/aio-lib-customer-profile/src/openApiSDK.js:102:18
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) {
sdk: 'CustomerProfileAPISDK',
sdkDetails: { parameters: { entityId: 'xyz', entityIdNS: 'loyaltyId' } }

GET calls fail with swagger client because of empty body in calls

Expected Behaviour

perform a call to experience platform to retrieve a profile

Actual Behaviour

Getting following error
error: [CustomerProfileAPISDK:ERROR_ENTITIES] Error TypeError: Request with GET/HEAD method cannot have body at new Request (/nodejsAction/irV4eJAV/index.js:176020:10) at /nodejsAction/irV4eJAV/index.js:176230:19 at new Promise (<anonymous>) at Object.fetch (/nodejsAction/irV4eJAV/index.js:176228:9) at Object.fetch (/nodejsAction/irV4eJAV/index.js:131569:20) at _callee$ (/nodejsAction/irV4eJAV/index.js:38978:86) at tryCatch (/nodejsAction/irV4eJAV/index.js:183746:40) at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (/nodejsAction/irV4eJAV/index.js:183976:22) at (/nodejsAction/irV4eJAV/index.js:183801:21) at asyncGeneratorStep (/nodejsAction/irV4eJAV/index.js:105437:24)

Steps to Reproduce

Run the below code with proper values for parameters and you get the error

Platform and Version

CLI plugins: core: @adobe/aio-cli 7.1.0 @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app 7.0.2 @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-auth 2.4.1 @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-certificate 0.3.0 @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-config 2.3.0 @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console 3.3.0 @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-events 1.1.5 @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-info 2.0.0 @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-runtime 4.0.0 @oclif/plugin-autocomplete 0.3.0 @oclif/plugin-help 2.2.3 @oclif/plugin-not-found 1.2.4 @oclif/plugin-plugins 1.10.0 @oclif/plugin-warn-if-update-available 1.7.0

using version 1.0.4

Sample Code that illustrates the problem

// initialize sdk const client = await CustomerProfile.init(params.tenant, params.orgId, params.apiKey, token) // call methods, eg getProfile const profile = await client.getProfile({ entityId: params.entityId, entityIdNS: params.entityIdNS }); const response = { statusCode: 200, body: profile }
Thanks in advance.

An in-range update of @adobe/eslint-config-aio-lib-config is breaking the build 🚨

☝️ Important announcement: Greenkeeper will be saying goodbye 👋 and passing the torch to Snyk on June 3rd, 2020! Find out how to migrate to Snyk and more at

The devDependency @adobe/eslint-config-aio-lib-config was updated from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0.

🚨 View failing branch.

This version is covered by your current version range and after updating it in your project the build failed.

@adobe/eslint-config-aio-lib-config is a devDependency of this project. It might not break your production code or affect downstream projects, but probably breaks your build or test tools, which may prevent deploying or publishing.

Status Details

Release Notes for add plugin:node/recommended to check for extraneous/missing requires
  • feat: add plugin:node/recommended to check for extraneous/missing requires (#7) 15102de
  • chore(package): update eslint-plugin-jsdoc to version 23.0.0 (#6) 849c15b
  • chore(package): update eslint-plugin-jsdoc to version 22.0.0 (#5) a3788dd
  • Update 7c2e18e
  • Update dependencies to enable Greenkeeper 🌴 (#4) 3a9468d



The new version differs by 6 commits.

  • f6a0062 1.2.0
  • 15102de feat: add plugin:node/recommended to check for extraneous/missing requires (#7)
  • 849c15b chore(package): update eslint-plugin-jsdoc to version 23.0.0 (#6)
  • a3788dd chore(package): update eslint-plugin-jsdoc to version 22.0.0 (#5)
  • 7c2e18e Update
  • 3a9468d Update dependencies to enable Greenkeeper 🌴 (#4)

See the full diff

FAQ and help

There is a collection of frequently asked questions. If those don’t help, you can always ask the humans behind Greenkeeper.

Your Greenkeeper Bot 🌴

e2e tests failing

Error log
FAIL e2e/e2e.js
  ✓ sdk init test (3 ms)
  ✕ bad access token (56 ms)
  ✕ bad api key (19 ms)
  ✕ getAccessEntities API (2 ms)

  ● bad access token


    Expected substring: "401"
    Received message:   "[CustomerProfileAPISDK:ERROR_ENTITIES] Error TypeError: Failed to parse URL from /data/core/ups/access/entities?

      at fetch (../node_modules/undici/index.js:110:15)
      at http (../node_modules/swagger-client/lib/http/index.js:74:11) {
        [cause]: TypeError: Invalid URL
      at new Request (../node_modules/undici/lib/fetch/request.js:85:21)
      at fetch (../node_modules/undici/lib/fetch/index.js:136:21)
      at fetch (../node_modules/undici/index.js:107:20)
      at http (../node_modules/swagger-client/lib/http/index.js:74:45) {
          input: '/data/core/ups/access/entities?',
          code: 'ERR_INVALID_URL'
            100 |         })
            101 |         .catch(err => {
          > 102 |           reject(new codes[config.errorCode]({ sdkDetails, messageValues: reduceError(err) }))
                |                  ^
            103 |         })
            104 |     })
            105 |   }
      at fetch (../node_modules/undici/index.js:110:15)
      at http (../node_modules/swagger-client/lib/http/index.js:74:11) {
              [cause]: TypeError: Invalid URL
      at new Request (../node_modules/undici/lib/fetch/request.js:85:21)
      at fetch (../node_modules/undici/lib/fetch/index.js:136:21)
      at fetch (../node_modules/undici/index.js:107:20)
      at http (../node_modules/swagger-client/lib/http/index.js:74:45) {
                input: '/data/core/ups/access/entities?',
                code: 'ERR_INVALID_URL'
      at new <anonymous> (../node_modules/@adobe/aio-lib-core-errors/src/AioCoreSDKErrorWrapper.js:33:9)
      at ../src/openApiSDK.js:102:18
      at Object.toThrow (../node_modules/expect/build/index.js:218:22)
      at Object.toThrow (e2e.js:46:34)

  ● bad api key


    Expected substring: "[CustomerProfileAPISDK:ERROR_ENTITIES] Error 403 - Forbidden ({\"error_code\":\"403003\",\"message\":\"Api Key is invalid\"})"
    Received message:   "[CustomerProfileAPISDK:ERROR_ENTITIES] Error TypeError: Failed to parse URL from /data/core/ups/access/entities?

      at fetch (../node_modules/undici/index.js:110:15)
      at http (../node_modules/swagger-client/lib/http/index.js:74:11) {
        [cause]: TypeError: Invalid URL
      at new Request (../node_modules/undici/lib/fetch/request.js:85:21)
      at fetch (../node_modules/undici/lib/fetch/index.js:136:21)
      at fetch (../node_modules/undici/index.js:107:20)
      at http (../node_modules/swagger-client/lib/http/index.js:74:45) {
          input: '/data/core/ups/access/entities?',
          code: 'ERR_INVALID_URL'
            100 |         })
            101 |         .catch(err => {
          > 102 |           reject(new codes[config.errorCode]({ sdkDetails, messageValues: reduceError(err) }))
                |                  ^
            103 |         })
            104 |     })
            105 |   }
      at fetch (../node_modules/undici/index.js:110:15)
      at http (../node_modules/swagger-client/lib/http/index.js:74:11) {
              [cause]: TypeError: Invalid URL
      at new Request (../node_modules/undici/lib/fetch/request.js:85:21)
      at fetch (../node_modules/undici/lib/fetch/index.js:136:21)
      at fetch (../node_modules/undici/index.js:107:20)
      at http (../node_modules/swagger-client/lib/http/index.js:74:45) {
                input: '/data/core/ups/access/entities?',
                code: 'ERR_INVALID_URL'
      at new <anonymous> (../node_modules/@adobe/aio-lib-core-errors/src/AioCoreSDKErrorWrapper.js:33:9)
      at ../src/openApiSDK.js:102:18
      at Object.toThrow (../node_modules/expect/build/index.js:218:22)
      at Object.toThrow (e2e.js:54:34)

  ● getAccessEntities API

    CustomerProfileAPIError: [CustomerProfileAPISDK:ERROR_ENTITIES] Error TypeError: Failed to parse URL from /data/core/ups/access/entities?

      100 |         })
      101 |         .catch(err => {
    > 102 |           reject(new codes[config.errorCode]({ sdkDetails, messageValues: reduceError(err) }))
          |                  ^
      103 |         })
      104 |     })
      105 |   }

      at fetch (../node_modules/undici/index.js:110:15)
      at http (../node_modules/swagger-client/lib/http/index.js:74:11) {
        [cause]: TypeError: Invalid URL
      at new Request (../node_modules/undici/lib/fetch/request.js:85:21)
      at fetch (../node_modules/undici/lib/fetch/index.js:136:21)
      at fetch (../node_modules/undici/index.js:107:20)
      at http (../node_modules/swagger-client/lib/http/index.js:74:45) {
          input: '/data/core/ups/access/entities?',
          code: 'ERR_INVALID_URL'
      at new <anonymous> (../node_modules/@adobe/aio-lib-core-errors/src/AioCoreSDKErrorWrapper.js:33:9)
      at ../src/openApiSDK.js:102:18

Test Suites: 1 failed, 1 total
Tests:       3 failed, 1 passed, 4 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        1.953 s
Ran all test suites.


The input url does not begin with a scheme nor a host, thus it is an invalid url. Some sub-dependency is probably doing extra checks where the relative url is not combined with the base url.

Looking at the OpenAPI spec however, gives this "servers" url:

"url": "//"
which will give an Invalid Url error since there is no scheme specified.

Note the url without the scheme, in a web development context usually means it is a "protocol-relative" URL: and should be avoided


Add a https scheme to

"url": "//"
(there is also api-latest.json, check whichever is being used and delete the one that is not)

Visual Studio Code autocomplete does not have the automatic methods

Expected Behaviour

Autocomplete is available for all methods, including the auto generated ones.

Actual Behaviour

Autocomplete is not available for all methods, e.g. listComputedAttributes is missing for example.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Require the library in your code
  2. init to get the SDK object
  3. Try to autocomplete to list a method, like listComputedAttributes.


Visual Studio Code is not using the types.d.ts file for autocomplete, it is using the methods it introspects from the exported module. Find out how Visual Studio Code derives its autocomplete data from, so we can fix it in the library.

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