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addonify-wishlist's Issues

Issue with product removal and undo notice

  • 1. In the case of guest user, with the option value 0 for the option Undo notice timeout (in seconds), at the front-end, the notice does not persist on product removal from the wishlist.
  • 2. Remove the notice after any add to cart action.

Unclosed HTML element

  • There seemed to be an unclosed HTML element. This has led to design issue in Orchid Store theme.

Hide wishlist sidebar

  • By default, hide wishlist sidebar on wishlist, cart, and checkout pages.

If possible apply a filter that returns an array containing ids of those pages. If the above mentioned pages are present in the array, hide the wishlist sidebar.

Feedback notice and it's update

  • When plugin is activated, set a transient. On expiration of the transient, display dissmissible notice for user feedback.
  • Feedback notice should have a title, description, and three buttons.

Button one

  • Label: Yes, I Will
  • Action: On click, open review page in

Button two

  • Label: I already did
  • Action: On click, should close the notice for good.

Button three

  • Label: Maybe later

  • Action: On click, should close the notice, and set a transient for 3 days after that the notice should be visible.

  • When close button is clicked, action should be similar to button three.

Product is already on the wishlist.

👉 Describe the Bug:

Product is already on the wishlist but no product is added to the wishlist. Getting product is already on the wishlist even though I am adding the item in the wishlist for the first time.

👉 Screenshots:



Delay to display UDP notice

  • For new activation, display the UDP notice after 5 days.
  • For plugin update, check related option value of UDP consent form. If any option is set do not display the notice. Else, set delay and display the notice after the delay is exceeded.

Changes in Wishlist database update notice.

  • Set title of the notice to, Addonify Wishlist database update required.
  • Set the description as follow, Addonify Wishlist has been updated! Update your database to keep the plugin run smoothly. The database update process takes a few moments, so please be patient.
  • Set the button link's title to, Update database.

The database notice should be non-dismissible.

Once the database has been updated, redirect the page to the dashboard. Display database update notice.

  • Set the title of the notice to, Addonify Wishlist database updated.
  • Set the description as follow, Addonify Wishlist database update has been completed. Thank you for updating to the latest version!
  • Set the button link's title to, Thanks!. Once the button is clicked, dismiss the notice.

If the database could not be updated, redirect to dashboard. Display the following database notice:

  • Set the title of the notice to, Addonify Wishlist database could not be updated.
  • Set the description as follow, There had been an error while updating Addonify Wishlist database. Please, try again.
  • Set the button link's title to, Update database.

Empty Wishlist button issue in the wishlist page.


Empty Wishlist button is visible when there are no products in the wishlist.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Initially wishlist should be empty.
  2. Enable the option, Remove product from wishlist after added to cart.
  3. From shop page, add a product into the wishlist.
  4. Go to the wishlist page, and add the product into the cart.
  5. Once the product is successfully added into the cart, the wishlist becomes empty. But the button, Empty Wishlist, does not gets removed.

Phase - II (Roadmap: Mid August 2022)

  • Add to wishlist button shortcode to add wishlist button anywhere
  • [ ] Share wishlist page across social sites such as facebook, twitter, pinterest, etc.
  • [ ] Select what to display in the wishlist page
  • [ ] Toast popup when added to wishlist

Needed updates in CSS of front-end elements

1. Wishlist Button

  • [ ] Do not apply CSS for background, background color and color. Doing so, the button will get it's CSS from theme.

2. Product Removal and Undo Notice

  • Font size for the notice is small. Let the font size be normal. It would be great if the Undo link displayed at the right most side of the notice.

3. Wishlist Page

  • It seems bottom margin is applied for the element, #addonify-wishlist-page-container. Use margin-bottom instead of margin. No need to specify left margin and top margin.

Bugs and improvments


  • Remove sidebar notice that is displayed when a product is removed from the wishlist. As removal is visible there is no need for the notice.
  • The wishlist sidebar should not be displayed on the wishlist page.
  • Add option to redirect to wishlist page, if pop up notice is disabled.
  • Add to cart button should not be displayed for the variation products. Select options button should be displayed and when clicked should redirect to the corresponding product page.

Referance to issue #431 >>Unable to add to wishlist

👉 Activated the plugin on my development platform for first time. I received the same error as reported in Issue # 431. I deactivated the plugin then reactivated it and the error no longer exist.

👉 How can we reproduce this Bug?

Not really sure how. The error should not have occurred since it was already fixed, prior to installing the plugin for the first time on my development site. Ref #431

Good Day

PHP warnings

Reported by @leonidas in WordPress support forum.

  • Undefined array key "plugins" in class-addonify-wishlist.php on line 309.
  • foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in class-addonify-wishlist.php on line 309.

Issue with database table creation

  • When WooCommerce is not activated, and Addonify Wishlist plugin is activated for the first time, addonify database table is not created.

Changes in model close button

The model close button has been changed. Now we will be having icon "x" for the close button.


  • Remove the extra "Close" button.

I have created two CSS root variables to style the close button icon. They are as follows:

  • Add icon colour & hover colour option for the "Close" button on the settings page.


Issue with button label generated with [addonify_wishlist_button] shortcode


When the product is removed from the wishlist, the label of add to wishlist button generated using [addonify_wishlist_button] shortcode, is not reverted back to the label set with shortcode argument.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Create or edit a page and add shortcode, [addonify_wishlist_button id="product_id" label="Hello"], in the content.
  2. Open the page at the frontend.
  3. Click the add to wishlist button.
  4. Remove the product from the wishlist in the sidebar.

Expected outcome

When the product is removed from the wishlist, the button should have label Hello.

Placement of settings and options

  • 1. Create a section, Style Options. Place it after the section, General Options, of General Settings tab. The section contains two options, Enable Styles from Plugin, and Custom CSS. The option, Enable Styles from Plugin, is missing in the new setting. So add it.
  • 2. Move the section, Save for Later, to Wishlist Button. Place the section before Button Labels section. Rename the option label, Button Label to Add to Wishlist Button Label.

Dynamic style not applicable for add to wishlist button

  • For setting Action on add to wishlist button for guest user, when Redirect to login page option is selected, dynamic style is not applied for add to wishlist button.

Check for the guest user. For logged in user, the button style is displayed fine.

Redirect to checkout page not working.

👉 Describe the Bug:

Redirect to checkout page not working.

👉 How can we reproduce this Bug?

  1. Go to the settings page and enable an option called Redirect to checkout.

👉 Expected Behaviour:

User should be redirected to the checkout page once the product in the wishlist is added to the cart.

Enhancement in Wishlist

  • Update user's wishlist meta's index from product_id to products. Also, check respective codes.
  • Add dropdown option in the settings page for Add to Wishlist button's placement in the product single.

Let the choices for Add to Wishlist button's placement be as follows:

    'before_add_to_cart_form'  => 'Before Add to Cart Form',
    'after_add_to_cart_button' => 'After Add to Cart Button',
    'before_add_to_cart_button' => 'Before Add to Cart Button', 
    'after_add_to_cart_form'  => 'After Add to Cart Form',

Plugin admin setting update

Till now we have two major tabs, Settings and Styles, in admin setting page of Addonify Wishlist. For every elements at the front-end, their settings were in both Settings and Styles. But in upcoming update, there will be tabs for every elements. Their general and design settings will be within their tab content.

In the new update, following will be the tabs:

  1. General
  2. Wishlist Button
  3. Wishlist Sidebar
  4. Wishlist Page
  5. Popup Modals
  6. Tools
  7. Premium
  8. Products

1. General

In the General tab, following are the settings and a section:

  • Enable Wishlist
  • Wishlist Page
  • Require Login
  • If not Login Action
  • After Add to Wishlist Action
  • Remove Product from Wishlist
  • Ajaxify Remove from Wishlist Action
  • Enable Styles from Plugin
  • Custom CSS

Product Removal Undo Notice

  • Text Before Undo Action Label
  • Undo Action Label
  • Undo Notice Timeout (in seconds)

2. Wishlist Button

In the WIshlist Button tab, there are two sections and following settings:

  • Button Position
  • Button Position on Product Single
  • Remove Added Product from Wishlist on Double Click
  • Custom CSS Classes
  • Background Color
  • Background Color on Hover

Button Labels

  • Add to Wishlist Button Label
  • Added to Wishlist Button Label
  • Already in Wishlist Button Label
  • Label Color
  • Label Color on Hover

Button Icon

  • Show Icon in Button
  • Button Icon Position
  • Icon Color
  • Icon Color on Hover

3. Wishlist Sidebar

In the Wishlist Sidebar tab, there is a section and following settings:

  • Show Sidebar
  • Sidebar Position
  • Sidebar Title
  • View Wishlist Page Button Label
  • Empty Wishlist Text in Sidebar
  • Overlay Background Color
  • Background Color
  • General Border Color
  • Title Color
  • Empty Wishlist Text Color
  • Close Icon Color
  • Close Icon Color on Hover

Sidebar Toggle Button

  • Sidebar Toggle Button Label
  • Sidebar Toggle Button Position Offset
  • Show Icon in Sidebar Toggle Button
  • Select Icon
  • Button Label Color
  • Button Label Color on Hover
  • Button Background Color
  • Button Background Color on Hover

Sidebar Product Colors

  • Title Color
  • Title Color on Hover
  • Regular Price Color
  • Sale Price Color
  • Add to Cart Button Label Color
  • Add to Cart Button Label Color on Hover
  • Add to Cart Button Background Color
  • Add to Cart Button Background Color on Hover
  • Remove Icon Color
  • Remove Icon Color on Hover

Wishlist Page

In Wishlist Page tab, there will be a section and following settings:

  • Empty Wishlist Text
  • Display Link
  • Link to Page
  • Link label

Clear Wishlist Button

  • Display Clear Wishlist Button
  • Button Label

Popup Modals

In Popup Modals tab, there will be following sections and settings:

  • Close Button Label

Added to Wishlist Modal

  • Product Added to Wishlist Text
  • Product Already in Wishlist Text
  • View Wishlist Button Link Label

Error Modal

  • Error Description

Login Modal

  • Login Description
  • Login Button Label

Modal Colors

  • Overlay Background Color
  • Background Color
  • Icon Color
  • Text Color
  • Button Label Color
  • Button Label Color on Hover
  • Button Background Color
  • Button Background Color on Hover

Improvements in the wishlist

  • Make every template overridable by theme templates
  • Slashes need to be stripped from Wishlist cookie data before json_decode()
  • Read more button need to be displayed in the Wishlist for out of stock products.
  • Updated button should be displayed in product single page.

Modification of templates

  • In the setting page, remove elements related to the premium version of the plugin.
  • In wishlist sidebar and wishlist page, design the product removal and undo notice.
  • Make the design compatible with WordPress twenty twenty themes.

Improvement in saving user wishlist data in the database

If not a multisite, save user's Wishlist data in the user meta as below:

update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), ADDONIFY_WISHLIST_DB_INITIALS . 'user_meta', wp_json_encode( $data ) );

$data should be the list of array items as below:

$data = array(
    'item_id'  => timestamp()

For the multisite, save user's Wishlist data in the user meta as above mentioned. But $data should be in the form as below:

$data = array(
    'site_url' => array(
        'item_id' => timestamp()

Add to cart doesn't work if remove product from wishlist option is disabled.

👉 Describe the Bug:

Add to cart doesn't work if the remove product from the wishlist option is disabled.

👉 How can we reproduce this Bug?

  1. Go to the settings page and disable the option called remove product from wishlist
  2. Add the product to the wishlist and go to the wishlist page.

👉 Expected Behaviour:

The product should be added to the cart & it shouldn't be removed from the wishlist.

New issues

  • For the option After Add to Wishlist Action and value Redirect to Wishlist Page, immediately redirect to the wishlist page when a product is added into the wishlist. Currently, popup is being displayed before redirecting to the wishlist page.
  • When a product is added into the cart, the option Redirect to Checkout is redirecting to checkout page even though it is being disabled.
  • [ ] The option Remove Product From Wishlist does not work. Product is not being removed from the wishlist when successfully added into the cart. Also, when the product is added into the cart, before redirecting to the checkout page, the wishlist sidebar becomes empty.
  • [ ]Product is being removed with ajax even though the option, Ajaxify Remove from Wishlist Action is disabled.
  • Two new options are added, Added to Wishlist Button Label and Close Button Label . Need to make them dynamic.

PHP error

  • Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting '{' in /home/ashok/Local Sites/testsiteone/app/public/wp-content/plugins/addonify-wishlist/vendor/kucrut/vite-for-wp/vite-for-wp.php on line 27

Item in wishlist deleted by store owner

Fatal error:

  1. Save an item as wishlist
  2. Delete the product from Dashboard


  1. Come back to wishlist page & try removing that product from wishlist page.


We get Fatal error if we try to delete product in wishlist which was initially deleted by the store owner.

Something went wrong couldn't add the product to the wishlist.

👉 Describe the Bug:

Something went wrong couldn't add the product to the wishlist.

👉 How can we reproduce this issue?

  1. Enable the required login option on the setting page.
  2. Log in to the site.
  3. Try adding product to the wishlist. I tried using admin access.

👉 Expected Behaviour:

Once I was logged in, the product should be added to the wishlist.

👉 Screenshots:

Screenshots are very helpful to describe an issue.



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