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SimpleExec is a .NET library that runs external commands. It wraps System.Diagnostics.Process to make things easier.

SimpleExec intentionally does not invoke the system shell.

Platform support: .NET 6.0 and later.

Quick start

using static SimpleExec.Command;
Run("foo", "arg1 arg2");


Run("foo", "arg1 arg2");
Run("foo", new[] { "arg1", "arg2" });

await RunAsync("foo");
await RunAsync("foo", "arg1 arg2");
await RunAsync("foo", new[] { "arg1", "arg2" });

By default, the command is echoed to standard output (stdout) for visibility.


var (standardOutput1, standardError1) = await ReadAsync("foo");
var (standardOutput2, standardError2) = await ReadAsync("foo", "arg1 arg2");
var (standardOutput3, standardError3) = await ReadAsync("foo", new[] { "arg1", "arg2" });

Other optional arguments

string workingDirectory = "",
bool noEcho = false,
string? echoPrefix = null,
Action<IDictionary<string, string?>>? configureEnvironment = null,
bool createNoWindow = false,
Encoding? encoding = null,
Func<int, bool>? handleExitCode = null,
string? standardInput = null,
bool cancellationIgnoresProcessTree = false,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default,


If the command has a non-zero exit code, an ExitCodeException is thrown with an int ExitCode property and a message in the form of:

$"The process exited with code {ExitCode}."

In the case of ReadAsync, an ExitCodeReadException is thrown, which inherits from ExitCodeException, and has string Out and Error properties, representing standard out (stdout) and standard error (stderr), and a message in the form of:

$@"The process exited with code {ExitCode}.

Standard Output:


Standard Error:


Overriding default exit code handling

Most programs return a zero exit code when they succeed and a non-zero exit code fail. However, there are some programs which return a non-zero exit code when they succeed. For example, Robocopy returns an exit code less than 8 when it succeeds and 8 or greater when a failure occurs.

The throwing of exceptions for specific non-zero exit codes may be suppressed by passing a delegate to handleExitCode which returns true when it has handled the exit code and default exit code handling should be suppressed, and returns false otherwise.

For example, when running Robocopy, exception throwing should be suppressed for an exit code less than 8:

Run("ROBOCOPY", "from to", handleExitCode: code => code < 8);

Note that it may be useful to record the exit code. For example:

var exitCode = 0;
Run("ROBOCOPY", "from to", handleExitCode: code => (exitCode = code) < 8);

// see
var oneOrMoreFilesCopied = exitCode & 1;
var extraFilesOrDirectoriesDetected = exitCode & 2;
var misMatchedFilesOrDirectoriesDetected = exitCode & 4;

Run by Gregor Cresnar from the Noun Project.

simple-exec's People


adamralph avatar canadastartes avatar dependabot[bot] avatar khalidabuhakmeh avatar pauldotknopf avatar pgermishuys avatar rasmus-unity avatar


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simple-exec's Issues

Provide more succinct syntax for long argument lists

Use case(s)

When running commands with more than 2-3 arguments, it can be a bit verbose to break the arguments across multiple lines, particularly when using dotnet script compared with powershell.


Make an option to remove newlines from the argument list such that consumers can use multiline literals as a more succinct way to break many arguments across multiple lines.

So instead of:

    "my-command sub-command " + 
    @"--releases-folder dist\release " +
    "--destination https://some-big-long-bucket-location " +
    @"--intermediates-folder build\something\something-else"

I could write:

    @"my-command sub-command  
    --releases-folder dist\release
    --destination https://some-big-long-bucket-location
    --intermediates-folder build\something\something-else",
    stripNewLines: true


The alternative is that I add .Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "") at the end of each argument string, or make an extension method to do it like .RemoveNewLines().

When process returns non-zero exit code, it's not possible to get output.

When executing a dotnet nuget publish, I get a 409 status if the package already exists. I'm trying to get the output, but this is only returned when the process returns a 0 status code. It could be a handy property on the non zero statuscode exception.

Something like:

        public static async Task<string> ReadAsync(string name, string args = null, string workingDirectory = null, bool noEcho = false)
            using (var process = new Process())
                process.StartInfo = ProcessStartInfo.Create(name, args, workingDirectory, true);
                await process.RunAsync(noEcho).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var output = await process.StandardOutput.ReadToEndAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (process.ExitCode != 0)

                return output;

If you want, I can create a PR that adds this.

Custom exit code handling

Use case(s)

Some commands return non-zero exit codes when they succeed. For example, Robocopy:

An Exit Code of 0-7 is success and any value >= 8 indicates that there was at least one failure during the copy operation.

When running such a command, the default exit code handling in SimpleExec may throw an exception when the command succeeds. Custom exit code handling is required for these scenarios.


Run, RunAsync, Read, and ReadAsync have a new optional parameter: Func<int, bool> handleExit. The supplied delegate argument should return true to indicate that it handled the exit code, and that the default exit code handling in SimpleExec should be suppressed, and false otherwise.

For example:

Run("robocopy", handleExitCode: exitCode => exitCode < 8);

Breaking, because handleExitCode was added as an optional parameter before cancellationToken in RunAsync and ReadAsync.

Also deprecates NonZeroExitCodeException in favour of ExitCodeException, since the name of the former doesn't make sense when an argument is supplied to handleExitCode.


Catch and swallow the exception in consuming code when the exit code indicates success.

Additional context

Replaces #298. Thanks to @nixtar for raising that issue.

Depends on #311.

Quazi-"tee" option for Read[Async]() and callbacks.

Hi, using simpleexec with bullseye, would be nice to have optionally Read/ReadAsync "tee" output into respective streams, as well as return data.

Also, what do you think about optional user-provided callback to "stream" data to the caller as it arrives? This would probably best be implemented on Run/RunAsync.
Use-case: one of the commands I run, prints name of the artifact it produces, would like to pick it up from there, as well as have it in the CI logs, which are read from stdout/stderr.

8.0.0 release

2.3.0 release

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Add a timeout parameter to Run

Use case(s)

It's useful for when you run a long running process and don't want to wait more than X amount of time for it to end.


Add a timeout parameter of type TimeSpan to the Run methods.


A cancellation token would be nice, but I am not sure how it would be implemented, because by default Process.WaitForExit only supports a timeout method.

Additional context

I am currently creating an online document converter and use LibreOffice. I don't want to wait more than 1 minute for a document to be converted to make sure the server is not overloaded.

P.S: I am happy to send a PR if you think this is a good idea

Attempt to run a command prompt command if on windows and process fails to start

We have this code in our build at

if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
    Run("cmd", "/c yarn", workingDirectory);
    Run("yarn", args, workingDirectory);

I'd rather just write

Run("yarn", args, workingDirectory);

But running that results in an exception on windows:

Bullseye/build-hal-docs: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (2): The system cannot find the file specified
   at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
   at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
   at SimpleExec.ProcessExtensions.EchoAndStart(Process process, Boolean noEcho) in C:\projects\simple-exec\SimpleExec\ProcessExtensions.cs:line 33
   at SimpleExec.Command.Run(String name, String args, String workingDirectory, Boolean noEcho) in C:\projects\simple-exec\SimpleExec\Command.cs:line 29
   at build.Program.<>c.<Main>b__6_0() in E:\dev\damianh\SQLStreamStore\build\Program.cs:line 22
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot)
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at Bullseye.Internal.ActionTarget.RunAsync(Boolean dryRun, Boolean parallel, Logger log, Func`2 messageOnly) in C:\projects\bullseye\Bullseye\Internal\ActionTarget.cs:line 25

Suggestion: on windows, catch this and then attempt Run("cmd", $"/c {name} {arg}", workingDirectory); ?

Simpler API

void Run(string name, string args);
void Run(string name, string args, string workingDirectory);

When the exit code is non-zero, an exception will be thrown with a message containing the exit code and the contents of stderr.

Process fails to start on node command with arguments

Attempting to run yarn install command Run("yarn", "install")
Results in

cmd.exe /c ""yarn" install"
    throw err;

Error: Cannot find module 'C:\Projects\Project1\src\node_modules\yarn\bin\yarn.js'

Actual command should be cmd.exe /c "yarn install".

New API for version 9

Use case(s)

All uses of the package.


A better API which makes a clear distinction between Run/RunAsync, which do NOT redirect the standard streams, and ReadAsync, which does. The latter gives access to standard output and standard error both in the return value from the method call, and when an exception is thrown due to a non-zero exit code.

(including other changes):

+#nullable enable
+override SimpleExec.ExitCodeException.Message.get -> string!
+override SimpleExec.ExitCodeReadException.Message.get -> string!
 SimpleExec.ExitCodeException.ExitCode.get -> int
 SimpleExec.ExitCodeException.ExitCodeException(int exitCode) -> void
-SimpleExec.NonZeroExitCodeException.NonZeroExitCodeException() -> void
-static SimpleExec.Command.Read(string name, string args = null, string workingDirectory = null, bool noEcho = false, string windowsName = null, string windowsArgs = null, string logPrefix = null, System.Action<System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string>> configureEnvironment = null, bool createNoWindow = false, System.Text.Encoding encoding = null, System.Func<int, bool> handleExitCode = null) -> string
-static SimpleExec.Command.ReadAsync(string name, string args = null, string workingDirectory = null, bool noEcho = false, string windowsName = null, string windowsArgs = null, string logPrefix = null, System.Action<System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string>> configureEnvironment = null, bool createNoWindow = false, System.Text.Encoding encoding = null, System.Func<int, bool> handleExitCode = null, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<string>
-static SimpleExec.Command.Run(string name, string args = null, string workingDirectory = null, bool noEcho = false, string windowsName = null, string windowsArgs = null, string logPrefix = null, System.Action<System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string>> configureEnvironment = null, bool createNoWindow = false, System.Func<int, bool> handleExitCode = null) -> void
-static SimpleExec.Command.RunAsync(string name, string args = null, string workingDirectory = null, bool noEcho = false, string windowsName = null, string windowsArgs = null, string logPrefix = null, System.Action<System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string>> configureEnvironment = null, bool createNoWindow = false, System.Func<int, bool> handleExitCode = null, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task
+SimpleExec.ExitCodeReadException.ExitCodeReadException(int exitCode, string! standardOutput, string! standardError) -> void
+SimpleExec.ExitCodeReadException.StandardError.get -> string!
+SimpleExec.ExitCodeReadException.StandardOutput.get -> string!
+static SimpleExec.Command.ReadAsync(string! name, string! args = "", string! workingDirectory = "", string? windowsName = null, string? windowsArgs = null, System.Action<System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string!, string!>!>? configureEnvironment = null, System.Text.Encoding? encoding = null, System.Func<int, bool>? handleExitCode = null, string? standardInput = null, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<(string! StandardOutput, string! StandardError)>!
+static SimpleExec.Command.Run(string! name, string! args = "", string! workingDirectory = "", bool noEcho = false, string? windowsName = null, string? windowsArgs = null, string? echoPrefix = null, System.Action<System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string!, string!>!>? configureEnvironment = null, bool createNoWindow = false, System.Func<int, bool>? handleExitCode = null, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) -> void
+static SimpleExec.Command.RunAsync(string! name, string! args = "", string! workingDirectory = "", bool noEcho = false, string? windowsName = null, string? windowsArgs = null, string? echoPrefix = null, System.Action<System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string!, string!>!>? configureEnvironment = null, bool createNoWindow = false, System.Func<int, bool>? handleExitCode = null, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task!


Continue with the current API.

Additional context

This also avoids scenarios such as #337 and #103.

6.0.0 release

Pass CancellationToken To RunAsync and ReadAsync

Use case(s)

Some processes are long-running tasks, and the ability to kill these processes might be a good thing. I have a process that starts playing an audio file and I'd like to stop the audio with a cancellationToken.


            var audio = await SimpleExec.Command.ReadAsync(
                string.Join(" ", arguments),
                noEcho: true,
                cancellationToken: cancellationToken

The issue is that the cancellation request needs to call process.Kill or else the process continues to run in the background.


Handroll starting a process.

Additional context

I'll try and make an attempt myself at implementing the change, but my async foo is mediocre at best.

ExitCodeException loses error messages

Use case(s)

My task is failing during Command.ReadAsync with a NonZeroExitCodeException in production (Docker image running on AWS ECS). It's a nightmare to debug, because the exception doesn't contain the echo'ed text.


ExitCodeException could include the output


We could create Command.TryReadAsync which doesn't through an exception but the return type would state the error code.

Add support for the CreateNoWindow option

Use case(s)

SimpleExec is great when you need to call a console app from another console app. However, when you use it from a non-console app (e.g. WPF or Windows Forms), it opens a console window for the new process, which is annoying


Adding a parameter to specify CreateNoWindow in the ProcessStartInfo object would fix this.


Another option would be to detect if the current process has a console window attached, and if not, set CreateNoWindow to true.

Additional context


Don't redirect stderr

This change is marked as breaking, in case anyone is relying on the current behaviour, but it is expected that this won't actually break anything.

Use of stderr is not standardised and does not necessarily contain only information which is appropriate for an exception message. Sometimes, visibility of stderr during execution is desirable, to view progress, or to view test failures as they happen. With this change, stderr is no longer redirected, leaving the default, or configured behaviour, in place, which is usually to print to the console. The exception message when a command fails will no longer include the contents of stderr. It will include only the process exit code.

Original description Many commands contain long-winded information on stderr. Sometimes it is informative (exit code 0), sometimes it is an actual error.

Capturing and throwing stderr makes sense when using SimpleExec within a library/application, but not within the context of Bullseye and build scripts. It is best to let the stdout/stderr do it's thing, unabated, and just throw an exception if exit code is non-zero.

Add further optional params as pass-through to ProcessStartInfo

Use case(s)

ProcessStartInfo has several properties which may be useful to specify using optional params. Some of them are currently supported, some are not.

Property Supported
Arguments yes
CreateNoWindow yes
Domain no
ErrorDialog n/a
ErrorDialogParentHandle n/a
FileName yes
LoadUserProfile no
Password no
PasswordInClearText no
RedirectStandardError n/a
RedirectStandardInput n/a
RedirectStandardOutput n/a
StandardErrorEncoding n/a
StandardOutputEncoding yes
UseShellExecute n/a
UserName no
Verb n/a
WindowStyle n/a
WorkingDirectory yes


In 7.0.0 we are adding support for preferred stdout encoding. Any further additions are breaking, since new optional params should appear before the CancellationToken in the async methods, as recommended.

If we are going to add further optional params as pass-through to ProcessStartInfo we should do it now, to minimise the need for further breaking changes later.

This enhancement adds the following optional params:

  • domain
  • loadUserProfile
  • password
  • passwordInClearText
  • userName


Use ProcessStartInfo directly, or use a different library.

Additional context

Thanks to @rasmus-unity for seeding this ion #278.

Async API

Async versions of all the methods provided.

Support passing environment variables to processes

Use case(s)

Some of our tooling (basically around yarn / npm) leverages environment variables instead of arguments and some scenarios it not possible to pass args via scripts nested in package.json. (How does software even work?)


Since simple-exec is a wrapper around ProcessStartInfo which already supports EnviromentVariables and since UseShellExecute is false, it should allow the caller to optionally modify before executing:

public static void Run(string name, ..snip... , Action<IDictionary<string, string>> configEnvironmentVariables = null);

Example usage:

Run("foo", ...snip..., env => env["bar"] = "baz");


This is nasty yo

Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("bar", "baz"); 
RunCmd("yarn", "somescript");
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("", ""); 

Additional context


6.1.0 release

Issue capturing large output from "Read" functions.

My app is hanging when running a command that returns a lot of stdout.

I am able to reduce the stdout, little by little, and eventually see the command Read return successfully.

I think we are running into this issue. I'm going to look into it and see if it fixes it. If it does, I'll create a pull request.

5.0.0 release

4.2.0 release

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The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

Hey @adamralph,

After I upgraded to 5.0.0, my build scripts (I have several like this one) started failing like this:

Bullseye/build: Starting...
cmd.exe /c "dotnet" build -c "Release" /bl:"C:\git\WeakEvent\artifacts\logs\build.binlog" "WeakEvent.sln"
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
Bullseye/build: Failed! The process exited with code 1. (36.6 ms)
Bullseye: Failed! (default) (70.7 ms)

If I copy/paste the command line from the output above, it works fine.

The same script works fine with previous versions of SimpleExec.

Could it be related to #100? Is there any other known breaking change?

4.1.0 release

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Ability to supply an array of valid/accepted exitcodes.

Use case(s)

Some processes use non zero exitcodes when running successfully.
For EG robocopy: and msiexec


Add a int array parameter to Run, RunAsync, Read and ReadAsync that defaults to new int[] { 0 }.
Then change the current logic that checks if the exit code is not 0 to check that its not in the array.
To prevent breaking changes add new ExitCodeException and continue to throw NonZeroExitCodeException if the expected exit code only contains 0?
Or make parameter null by default and do a null check and throw NonZeroExitCodeException if null and exit code is non zero.


Consumer of this library catches NonZeroExitCodeException and implements their own exit code checks.

Add API documentation

Sometimes this can be important. For example, the basic overload of Run() and Read() should have a remark stating that the command will be echoed to the console. This is not desirable if the command contains something like an API key. See SQLStreamStore/SQLStreamStore#193.

Prefix messages in stderr

A program printing to stderr should identify itself with a prefix. This feature introduces a default prefix of the entry assembly name. E.g. where the consuming project is named targets.csproj:

targets: Working directory: foo
targets: dotnet build Boo.sln

or build.csproj:

build: Working directory: foo
build: dotnet build Boo.sln

With an optional param to control the program name.

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