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Comments (13)

nickl- avatar nickl- commented on July 25, 2024

While looking through a diff of our project compared to that from boilerplate especially paying attention to the index files as they will really be the tricky ones to keep in sync I noticed that a couple of lines have moved or got split by code that would allow them to be moved back and then not form part of the reported changes. By following the path of least resistance it will be make this merge easier as well as simplify future merges.

Although some major refactoring changes have occurred it still seems fairly straight forward. I am assuming that we regard the boilerplate repository as the master and source for our extras/h4bp folder and there should realistically be no changes made from our side. The only changes we need to keep track of are those that are ported over into the root folder, ie index.html and sample_index.html as well as the server and services configuration files we utilize from there.

How often should we sync with with boilerplate and I think this question is viable for bootstrap too. I would think that we would sync more frequently in the beginning faze as we haven't released a major version which we are dependent on to keep stable and the last thing we need at this point in time is to loose track of where these projects go as we will not be able to launch with much success if we can launch with the latest versions. Would you agree?

To simplify merging we should try and identify sections in source files designated and clearly marked as such for where we need to make amendments in their sources. We could also start a patch file to keep our sanity and and serve as an indication of the actual footprint we are making on the existing projects. There are many obvious reasons why these steps are beneficial, are there any requirements that you consider important?

Do we have our own philosophy or are we purely trying to create a compatibility layer, the reason I am asking is because some changes made by these projects might otherwise not make sense for us. No I am also sorry about hot pink but unfortunately she is resting in piece now. For example boilerplate has decided to completely remove the skeleton scaffold in the index files. It might make sense for us to keep scaffolding, maybe a bare bones no structure and a few as templates for fluid and grid with nav or thumbs or tooltips or animation etc. It would help in defining our strategy if we have these goals in clear sight from the onset.

There are a few more items I want to raise but this will suffice for now.

from kickstart.

adamjgrant avatar adamjgrant commented on July 25, 2024

Is there a pull request I should be seeing for this?

from kickstart.

nickl- avatar nickl- commented on July 25, 2024

I just did that in #27 let me know if anything is out of the ordinary... or if there is anything else I can do to help.

from kickstart.

nickl- avatar nickl- commented on July 25, 2024

Just completed the h5bp merge to their latest commit h5bp/html5-boilerplate@c20eb1a of April 25 which now also includes the new vendor js lib folder and the updated jQuery libraries.

Regarding index.html and sample_index.html: Some entries were moved around to better correspond with the original to a) line up with the actual original entries that were changed and b) have blocks of uninterrupted inserts into the original to allow for easier comparison of diffs.

This is what index.html diff against current h5bp index.html looks like now:

diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index cc67900..f7481d9 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -11,22 +11,37 @@
        More info: -->
   <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">

-  <title></title>
+  <title>Kickstrap</title>
   <meta name="description" content="">

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   <!-- Place favicon.ico and apple-touch-icon.png in the root directory: -->
-  <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
+  <!-- Core Bootstrap css + Kickstrap styles -->
+  <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.css">
+  <!-- Uncomment for animated css ( -->
+  <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="extras/animate/animate.min.css" />
   <!-- More ideas for your <head> here: -->

   <!-- All JavaScript at the bottom, except this Modernizr build.
        Modernizr enables HTML5 elements & feature detects for optimal performance.
        Create your own custom Modernizr build: -->
-  <script src="js/vendor/modernizr-2.5.3.min.js"></script>
+  <script src="extras/h5bp/js/vendor/modernizr-2.5.3.min.js"></script>
+    <style type="text/css">
+      body {
+        padding-top: 60px;
+        padding-bottom: 40px;
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+    </style>
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@@ -34,18 +49,254 @@
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+    <p class="card-one">Check out the source of this page, <code>index.html</code> in your Kickstrap root to see how some of this magic is done.</p>
+    <p class="card-one">If instead you'd like to jump right in, use <code>sample_index.html</code>, a (nearly) blank html document with all the default Kickstrap magic linked and ready to go.</p>
+    <p class="card-one">To make css changes, your best bet is to <a href="">download a less compiler</a> and mess around in the <code>/extras</code> directory.</p>
+    <p class="card-one"><a href="">See the <i class="icon-book"></i> Documentation</a> to learn more.</p>
+    <p class="card-two">In an effort to make Kickstrap run as smoothly and quickly as a regular version of Bootstrap, we've made some of the goodies which add to the page load optional. For example, to use js plugins, you'll need to add them in your markup per the <a href=""><i class="icon-book"></i> Documentation</a></p>
+    <p class="card-two">This is also a good time to start thinking of the production of your website. Do you want to minify and compress your css and js? If so, consider using the <a href=""><i class="icon-book"></i> included ant build script</a> in the <code>build</code> folder.</p>
+    <p class="card-three">The version you're looking at now is a release candidate. That means two important things:</p>
+    <p class="card-three">(1) This should not be used for production.</p>
+    <p class="card-three">(2) I want to hear <a href=""><i class="icomoon-twitter"></i> Feedback</a> from developers to make this as useful and bug free as possible.</p>
+    <p class="card-three">Thanks for checking this out.</p>
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+        <p>Sorry, none at this time, but now that you bring it up, that would be a good idea. Actually, I'm going to bring that up with the team at our next meeting. Are you looking for work?</p>
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+        <h1><i class="icomoon-edit"></i> Office supplies</h1>
+        <p>Would a "fake" business have a whole closet just for office supplies? Come on.</p>
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+        <h1><i class="icon-lemon"></i> Candy at no extra cost</h1>
+        <p>To KE, Taking customer service to <em>the next level</em> means treating your customer right. That's why we provide little peppermint candies to our customers in a little glass dish at Judy's desk* at <em>no extra charge.</em></p>
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+        <p>Sure, some companies just let you purchase products, but we're different.</p>
+        <p>First of all, we're not a company--we're an enterprise. And the difference is so immediately obvious, we won't insult your intelligence by explaining it.</p>
+        <p>Second, <em>every single customer who purchases an item</em> will receive that item at no extra charge.</p>
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+        <h4>We have the money. We will pay you. We just need more time.</h4>
+        <p>Didn't receive what you expected? While some of our competitors might be satisfied with a lousy 24 hour support staff, Kickstrap Enterprises spares no expense with our Italian Marble suggestion box with a carefully hand-crafted slit.</p>
+        <p>Our suggestion box is open 24/7 excluding mornings, afternoons, and weekdays. We welcome you to voice your praise or concern at our convenient Detroit, Michigan office.</p>
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+        <h4>Paradigm.</h4>
+        <p>Just to show we take our identity and our clients seriously, we've acquired our very own customized Kickstrap Enterprises email address to conveniently serve our clients.</p>
+        <p>To learn more, email us at <a onclick="alert('come on...');" href="">[email protected]</a></p>
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+        <p>* Edit: Judy died, but we still have her candy.</p>
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-  <script src="js/main.js"></script>
-  <!-- end scripts -->
+  <script src="extras/h5bp/js/plugins.js"></script>
+  <script src="extras/h5bp/js/main.js"></script>
+  <!-- Or use this line if you're using H5BP's build script -->
+  <!--script src="extras/h5bp/publish/js/eaf4d2f.js"></script-->
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+      //This all could probably be shorter. Let me know if you have idears -Adam
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...and this is what sample_index.html diff against current h5bp index.html looks like now:

diff --git a/sample_index.html b/index.html
index cc67900..def5e13 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -19,19 +19,25 @@

   <!-- Place favicon.ico and apple-touch-icon.png in the root directory: -->

-  <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
+  <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.css">
+  <!-- Want to try a different theme?
+      If not using LESS compiler: Uncomment below
+       and change to name of desired theme. (See docs)     -->
+  <!--link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="extras/css/amelia.css" /-->

   <!-- More ideas for your <head> here: -->

   <!-- All JavaScript at the bottom, except this Modernizr build.
        Modernizr enables HTML5 elements & feature detects for optimal performance.
        Create your own custom Modernizr build: -->
-  <script src="js/vendor/modernizr-2.5.3.min.js"></script>
+  <script src="extras/h5bp/js/vendor/modernizr-2.5.3.min.js"></script>
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   <!-- Add your site or application content here -->

@@ -40,11 +46,36 @@

   <!-- Grab Google CDN's jQuery, with a protocol relative URL; fall back to local if offline -->
   <script src="//"></script>
-  <script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="js/vendor/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"><\/script>')</script>
+  <script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="extras/h5bp/js/vendor/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"><\/script>')</script>

-  <!-- scripts concatenated and minified via build script -->
-  <script src="js/plugins.js"></script>
-  <script src="js/main.js"></script>
+  <!-- scripts concatenated and minified via ant build script-->
+  <script src="extras/prettify/prettify.js"></script>
+  <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>  
+  <!-- If you'd rather pick and choose, comment the above and uncomment what you need below -->
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+  // Use the modernizr.load() function to run polyfills for older browsers.
+    Modernizr.load({
+    });
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   <!-- end scripts -->

   <!-- Asynchronous Google Analytics snippet. Change UA-XXXXX-X to be your site's ID.
@@ -55,5 +86,11 @@
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See much cleaner and simpler to analyze because you are comparing the actual changes for example:

-  <title></title>
+  <title>Kickstrap</title>.

By keeping these diff results it will be simple to patch against h5bp in the future to generate our files much simpler. Let me know where I should put them if you want me to add them to the repository.

from kickstart.

adamjgrant avatar adamjgrant commented on July 25, 2024

Awesome, yes, I'd like to spend a whole day at least just devoted to H5BP, it's been neglected.

Eventually (e.g. version 1.0) users will just navigate to their /build folder in KS and run single commands to compile less and optionally use H5BP's features.

from kickstart.

nickl- avatar nickl- commented on July 25, 2024

Sounds wicked, but it shouldn't take you a day to commit this though :p now that all the heavy lifting has been done.

from kickstart.

nickl- avatar nickl- commented on July 25, 2024

I fixed the link h5bp/html5-boilerplate@c20eb1a to h5bp's last commit that this update refers to.

from kickstart.

tomByrer avatar tomByrer commented on July 25, 2024

Suggestion: Either:

  1. link h5bp, so changes there are automatically pushed here (untested with Kickstrap)
  2. only manually copy or add updates after testing in Kickstrap.
    Manually adding untested updates is the worse of both worlds IMHO. :)

from kickstart.

nickl- avatar nickl- commented on July 25, 2024

I disagree hence why I told you don't be shy and make changes. Testing is precisely what this forum and the community is here for. Don't you fret they will let you know when it is broken believe you me and keep nagging you until it's fixed. The HEAD of any project's repository as well as the nightly builds in general is by definition a fairly wild and adventurous terrain which is how they are supposed to be with dynamic projects and you should see several commits a day at the least.

On the other hand we have releases, those are supposed to be stable and only reported bugs are fixed on them no new features or software updates nadah nothing as we want to prevent exactly what you are explaining there, broken untested junk.

The worst thing that can happen to a project is if they don't update the repository frequently. Just the impression that people are committed and doing stuff keeps users loyal and patient for the next release. The worst thing that can happen is to be abandoned by developers and the users alike. So please don't hold back, fork today and if you see something which you can fix no matter how small fix it. Someone has to do it, why not you?

So what if it breaks something else, that is why we have version control silly! =)

from kickstart.

nickl- avatar nickl- commented on July 25, 2024

You can start testing these by cloning my fork nickl-/Kickstrap and in so we both help Adam rest assured that everything is hunky dory.

Do you spot anything that I might have missed still?

from kickstart.

tomByrer avatar tomByrer commented on July 25, 2024

Ah yes version control, true true.
Let me get back to this in a bit please.

from kickstart.

adamjgrant avatar adamjgrant commented on July 25, 2024

Don't mean to throw away people's work, but because I may be wiring up h5bp differently anyway, it's all going to kind of be gutted out. Merging a pull request to update it would be spitting in the wind for that reason :)

from kickstart.

nickl- avatar nickl- commented on July 25, 2024

If you wanted help it would never even lead to statements like these.

You are welcome to do it on your own, it's what you wanted. It won't make us stop using the tools but me for one, won't be contributing anymore. Can't speak for others but I can't imagine people would take the initiative again if you close issues on them without considering their ideas. Enjoy the actual issues and bug reports somehow those never stop coming in, now you have the added bonus of fixing them, all on your own too, yeah! =)

Thank you for closing these maybe I can finally stop hearing about your life and dramas.

Good luck!

from kickstart.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.