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neotrng's Introduction

๐ŸŽฒ neoTRNG - V2

A Tiny and Platform-Independent True Random Number Generator for any FPGA.

License DOI Gitter


The neoTRNG aims to be a small and platform-agnostic "true" random number generator (TRNG), which can be synthesized for any FPGA, that uses the phase noise of free-running and cross-coupled ring-oscillators as entropy source. It is intended to provide general purpose applications with random numbers of "good" quality (whatever that means..., see section Evaluation). This project is a "spin-off" project of the NEORV32 RISC-V Processor, where the neoTRNG is implemented as a default processor SoC module.

This is an ongoing research project. Feedback from the community (for example regarding any kind of optimization proposals) is highly appreciated! ๐Ÿ˜‰

โš ๏ธ WARNING! โš ๏ธ It is very likely that there will be at least some cross correlations between signal activities from other parts of the FPGA or even chip-external events and the neoTRNG results. Hence, there is no guarantee at all the neoTRNG provides perfect or even cryptographically secure random numbers! Furthermore, there is no tampering detection mechanism available yet to check the integrity of the provided random numbers!

Key features

  • technology, vendor and platform agnostic - can be synthesized for any FPGA
  • tiny hardware footprint (less than 100 LUTs)
  • high throughput (for a TRNG)
  • easy to use, simple integration

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Top Entity

The whole design is based on a single VHDL file (rtl/neoTRNG.vhd). The top entity is neoTRNG, which can be instantiated directly without the need for any special libraries or packages.

entity neoTRNG is
  generic (
    NUM_CELLS     : natural; -- total number of ring-oscillator cells
    NUM_INV_START : natural; -- number of inverters in first cell (short path), has to be odd
    NUM_INV_INC   : natural; -- number of additional inverters in next cell (short path), has to be even
    NUM_INV_DELAY : natural; -- additional inverters to form cell's long path, has to be even
    POST_PROC_EN  : boolean; -- implement post-processing for advanced whitening when true
    IS_SIM        : boolean  -- for simulation only!
  port (
    clk_i    : in  std_ulogic; -- global clock line
    enable_i : in  std_ulogic; -- unit enable (high-active), reset unit when low
    data_o   : out std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0); -- random data byte output
    valid_o  : out std_ulogic  -- data_o is valid when set
end neoTRNG;


The neoTRNG uses a single clock domain driven by clk_i. This clock is also used to sample the entropy sources. The valid_o signal indicates that data_o contains a valid random byte. It is the task of the user logic to sample the module's data output into a register or buffer as valid_o is high for only one cycle.

โ„น๏ธ The neoTRNG does not use a dedicated reset to keep the hardware requirements at a minimum (might provide area-savings on some FPGAs). Instead, the enable_i signal is used to control operation and to reset all (relevant) FFs. Before the TRNG is used, this signal should be kept low for at least some 1000 clock cycles to ensure that all bits of the internal shift registers are cleared. As soon as enable_i is set and valid_o also becomes set for the first time the TRNG is operational.

โš ๏ธ Keeping the neoTRNG permanently enabled will increase dynamic power consumption and might also cause local heating of the FPGA chip. Of course this highly depends on the actual configuration of the TRNG.

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Theory of Operation

The neoTRNG is based on a configurable number of technology-agnostic "entropy cells". Each cell consists of a switchable ring oscillator that provides a "fast oscillation mode" (using a short ring oscillator chain) and a "slow oscillation mode" (using a long ring oscillator chain). The actual mode, which defined the output of the cell, is defined by the output of either the previous cell's output or the next following cell's output. The output of the very last cell is sampled by a shift register. This is the point where the entropy is gathered by sampling the phase noise of the output state of the last cell's output. An optional post-processing logic can be enabled to improve whitening and thus, random number quality.

Entropy Cells

Each entropy cell consists of two ring-oscillator ("RO"), which are implemented as self-feedback chains consisting of an odd number of inverters. The first RO implements a short chain oscillating at a "high" frequency. The second RO features NUM_INV_INC additional inverters implementing a long chain oscillating running at a "low" frequency. A multiplexer that is controlled by a cell-external signal selects which chain is used as cell output. The selected output is also used as local feedback to drive both chain's inputs.

The length (= number of inverters) of the shor_ chain is defined by NUM_INV_START + i * NUM_INV_INC, where NUM_INV_START defines the number of inverters in the very first cell (i=0) in cell i. NUM_INV_INC defines the number of additional inverters for each further cell.

The length of the long chain is defined by NUM_INV_START + i * NUM_INV_INC + NUM_INV_DELAY. Here, NUM_INV_DELAY defines the number of additional inverters (compared to the short chain) to form the long chain. This parameter is constant for all cells.

To avoid "locking" of any RO to a specific frequency, which would reduce entropy, the active chain length is randomly modified during runtime by either selecting the short chain or the long chain. This is accomplished by cross-coupling all entropy cells. The output of the very last entropy cell is used as "final random" data output. This single-bit signal is synchronized to the unit's clock domain using two consecutive FFs to remove metastability. The state of the first synchronizer FF (which has a high probability of being in a metastable state) is also used to switch the connection mode of the entropy cells:

  • if FF is zero, the output of cell i is used to select the path length of cell i+1 (wrapping around); this is the "forward mode"
  • if FF is one, the output of cell i+1 is used to select the path length of cell i (wrapping around); this is the "reverse mode"

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Entropy Cells - Implementation

Asynchronous elements like ring-oscillators are hard to implement on FPGAs as they normally require the use of device-specific or vendor-specific primitives or attributes. In order to provide a technology-agnostic architecture, which can be synthesized for any FPGA and that also ensures correct functionality on any platform, a special technique is required.

The neoTRNG implements the inverters of each RO as inverting latches. Each latch provides a chain input (driven by the previous latch), a chain output (driving the next latch), a global reset to bring the latch into a defined state and an enable signal to switch the latch to transparent mode_.

The reset signal is globally applied to all latches when the neoTRNG is disabled by setting enable_i low. The individual "latch enables" are controlled by a long enable shift register that features a distinct FF for every single latch in the design. When the module is enabled, this shift register starts to fill with ones. Thus, each latch is individually and consecutively enabled making it impossible for the synthesis tool to trim the logic ("optimize away").

The following figure shows the Intel Quartus Prime RTL View of the very first entropy cell. In this setup the short path consists of 3 inverting latches (inv_chain_s, bottom) and the long path consists of 5 inverting latches (inv_chain_l, top). Both chains are connected to a multiplexer to select either of them as cell output and as input for both chains.


The enable shift register in this cell is build by chaining two smaller shift register: a 3-bit one for the short chain and a consecutive 5-bit shift register to enable the long chain. The LSB of the resulting 8-bit shift register is driven by the cell's enable input and the resulting MSB of the shift register drives the cell's enable output. This allows to daisy-chain the enable shift registers of all cells.

The following image shows a cut-out from the Intel Quartus Prime Technology Viewer showing the same entropy cell as in the RTL diagram above. The right top of the image shows the three inverting latches that form the short RO chain (inv_chain_s). All three latches were successfully mapped to single LUTs. The gate equivalent of the highlighted LUT is shown on the left. As previously described, each LUT implements an inverting latch using four inputs:

  • DATAD: latch reset driven by global enable signal
  • DATAC: latch enable signal (to make the latch transparent) driven by the enable shift register
  • DATAB: latch-internal state feedback
  • DATAA: output of the previous latch to form the actual ring oscillator (= chain of inverters / inverting latches)


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Sampling Unit

As soon as the last bit of the daisy-chained enable shift register is set the sampling unit gets enabled. This unit implements a simple "John von Neumann Randomness Extractor" to de-bias the obtained random data. The extractor implements a 2-bit shift register that samples the final random bit, which is the output of the very last entropy cell in the chain. In every second cycle the extractor evaluates the two sampled bits to check non-overlapping pairs of bits for edges.

If a rising edge is detected (01) a 0 is sampled by the final data byte shift register. If a falling edge is detected (10) a 1 is sampled by the final data byte shift register. In both cases a 3-bit wide bit counter is also increment. If no edge is detected, the data sampling shift register and the bit counter stay unaffected. A final random data sample is available when 8 edges have been sampled.

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The neoTRNG provides an optional post-processing logic that aims to improve the quality of the random data (whitening). When enabled (POST_PROC_EN = true) the post-processing logic takes 8 raw random data bytes from the sampling unit and combines them. For this, the raw samples are right-rotated by one position and summed-up to "combine/mixs" each bit of the raw 64-bit with any other bit. Evaluations show that this post-processing can increase the entropy of the final random data but at the cost of additional hardware resources and increased latency.

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The neoTRNG is evaluated as part of the NEORV32 processor, where the neoTRNG is available as standard SoC module. The processor was synthesized for an Intel Cyclone IV EP4CE22F17C6N FPGA running at 100MHz.

For the evaluation a very very small configuration has been selected that just implements three entropy cells. The first RO (short paths) uses 5 inverters, the second one uses 7 inverters and the last one uses 9 inverters. The long paths of the ROs are 2 inverters longer than the according short paths. The evaluation setup also uses the internal post-processing module. More complex configurations (with more entropy cells) might provide "better" random quality.

NUM_CELLS     = 3
POST_PROC_EN  = true
IS_SIM        = false

The NEORV32 test program used to sample and send random data to a host computer can be found in the sw folder. The program uses NEORV32.UART0 as status console and NEORV32.UART1 (using CTS flow-control) to send random data at 2000000 baud. On the host computer side the data has been sampled using dd:

$ sudo stty -F /dev/ttyS4 raw 2000000 cs8 crtscts
$ dd if=/dev/ttyS4 of=entropy.bin bs=1M count=64 iflag=fullblock

๐Ÿ’พ A total amount of 64MB of random data has been sampled for this evaluation. The sampled data is available as "entropy.bin" binary file in the release assets.

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Entropy per Byte

$ ent entropy.bin
Entropy = 7.994350 bits per byte.

Optimum compression would reduce the size
of this 67108864 byte file by 0 percent.

Chi square distribution for 67108864 samples is 263466.53, and randomly
would exceed this value less than 0.01 percent of the times.

Arithmetic mean value of data bytes is 127.8948 (127.5 = random).
Monte Carlo value for Pi is 3.136194535 (error 0.17 percent).
Serial correlation coefficient is -0.000113 (totally uncorrelated = 0.0).

FIPS 140-2 RNG Tests

$ rngtest < entropy.bin
rngtest 5
Copyright (c) 2004 by Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

rngtest: starting FIPS tests...
rngtest: entropy source drained
rngtest: bits received from input: 536870912
rngtest: FIPS 140-2 successes: 26820
rngtest: FIPS 140-2 failures: 23
rngtest: FIPS 140-2(2001-10-10) Monobit: 5
rngtest: FIPS 140-2(2001-10-10) Poker: 3
rngtest: FIPS 140-2(2001-10-10) Runs: 11
rngtest: FIPS 140-2(2001-10-10) Long run: 4
rngtest: FIPS 140-2(2001-10-10) Continuous run: 0
rngtest: input channel speed: (min=66.925; avg=1154.609; max=2384.186)Mibits/s
rngtest: FIPS tests speed: (min=13.702; avg=100.584; max=112.197)Mibits/s
rngtest: Program run time: 5650707 microseconds

Dieharder Battery of Random Tests

For the dieharder tests no data file was sampled before running the tests. Instead, the random data was passed directly to dieharder (from the serial UART port), but even at 2M baud this takes a lot of time... Excerpt from the dieharder manual: "generators 201 or 202 permit either raw binary or formatted ASCII numbers to be read in from a file for testing. generator 200 reads in raw binary numbers from stdin. Note well: many tests with default parameters require a lot of rands!"

๐Ÿšง Work in progress.

$ dieharder -a -g 201 -f /dev/ttyS4


The sampling logic of the neoTRNG samples random data in chunks of 8-bit. Since the randomness extractor uses 2 non-overlapping bits, a total number of 16 clock cycles is required to sample one final raw byte of random data. If the internal post-processing logic is enabled, it will sample 8 raw bytes to generate one final processed byte of random data. In this case the neoTRNG requires 128 clock cycles to generate one output byte.

โ„น๏ธ The randomness extractor only passes valid bits to the sampling shift register. The amount of valid bits per cycle is not static as this is defined entirely by the entropy source.

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Hardware Utilization

Mapping results for the neoTRNG top entity and it's entropy cells wrapped in the NEORV32 TRNG module.

Intel Cyclone IV EP4CE22F17C6N @100MHz
Hierarchy                                                 Logic Cells   Logic Registers
neoTRNG:neoTRNG_inst                                          86 (41)           70 (34)
  neoTRNG_cell:\neoTRNG_cell_inst:0:neoTRNG_cell_inst_i       17 (17)            8  (8)
  neoTRNG_cell:\neoTRNG_cell_inst:1:neoTRNG_cell_inst_i       17 (17)           12 (12)
  neoTRNG_cell:\neoTRNG_cell_inst:2:neoTRNG_cell_inst_i       19 (19)           16 (16)

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Simulating the neoTRNG

Since the asynchronous ring-oscillators cannot be rtl-simulated (at least not with common simulators), the neoTRNG module provides a dedicated simulation option that is enabled by the IS_SIM generic. When enabled, the entropy sources (= ring-oscillators) are replaced by a pseudo random number generator (LFSRs).

โš ๏ธ The simulation mode is intended for simulation/debugging only! Synthesized setups with enabled simulation mode will not generate true random numbers!!

The sim folder of this repository provides a simple testbench for the neoTRNG using the default configuration. The testbench will output the obtained random bytes as decimal values via the simulator console. The testbench can be simulated by GHDL using the provided script:

neoTRNG/sim$ sh
../rtl/neoTRNG.vhd:134:3:@0ms:(assertion note): << neoTRNG V2 - A Tiny and Platform-Independent True Random Number Generator for any FPGA >>
../rtl/neoTRNG.vhd:135:3:@0ms:(assertion note): neoTRNG note: Post-processing enabled.
../rtl/neoTRNG.vhd:136:3:@0ms:(assertion warning): neoTRNG WARNING: Simulation mode (PRNG!) enabled!
../rtl/neoTRNG.vhd:440:5:@0ms:(assertion warning): neoTRNG WARNING: Implementing simulation-only PRNG (LFSR)!
../rtl/neoTRNG.vhd:440:5:@0ms:(assertion warning): neoTRNG WARNING: Implementing simulation-only PRNG (LFSR)!
../rtl/neoTRNG.vhd:440:5:@0ms:(assertion warning): neoTRNG WARNING: Implementing simulation-only PRNG (LFSR)!
/usr/bin/ghdl-mcode:info: simulation stopped by --stop-time @200us

The GHDL waveform data is stored to sim/neoTRNG_tb.ghw and can be viewed using gtkwave:

neoTRNG/sim$ gtkwave neoTRNG_tb.ghw

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  • Kumar, Sandeep S., et al. "The butterfly PUF protecting IP on every FPGA." 2008 IEEE International Workshop on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust. IEEE, 2008.
  • Tuncer, Taner, et al. "Implementation of non-periodic sampling true random number generator on FPGA." Informacije Midem 44.4 (2014): 296-302.
  • Brown, Robert G., Dirk Eddelbuettel, and David Bauer. "Dieharder." Duke University Physics Department Durham, NC (2018): 27708-0305.

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