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experiment-6---implementation-of-semantic-analysis's Introduction

Program to Identify Verbs and Provide Synonyms using Natural Language Processing


Construct a Python program to read a text from a file. Identify the verbs from the text file and provide synonyms for all verbs using Natural Language Processing.


  1. Import the necessary libraries: nltk and wordnet.
  2. Define a function get_verbs(sentence) to identify verbs in a given sentence using part-of-speech tagging.
  3. Define a function get_synonyms(word) to get synonyms for a given word using the WordNet corpus.
  4. Define a function read_text_file(file_path) to read text from a file and return the content as a string.
  5. In the main program:
    • Set the file_path variable to the path of the input text file.
    • Read the text from the file using the read_text_file() function.
    • Tokenize the text into sentences using the sent_tokenize() function from the nltk library.
    • Initialize an empty list all_verbs to store all identified verbs.
    • Initialize an empty dictionary synonyms_dict to store the synonyms for each verb.
    • Iterate over each sentence:
      • Call the get_verbs() function to identify verbs in the sentence.
      • Append the identified verbs to the all_verbs list.
      • For each verb, call the get_synonyms() function to get its synonyms and store them in the synonyms_dict dictionary.
    • Print the verbs and their synonyms.
  6. Execute the main program.


import nltk
from nltk.corpus import wordnet'averaged_perceptron_tagger')'wordnet')'punkt')

# Function to identify verbs in a sentence
def get_verbs(sentence):
    verbs = []
    pos_tags = nltk.pos_tag(nltk.word_tokenize(sentence))
    for word, tag in pos_tags:
        if tag.startswith('V'):  # Verbs start with 'V' in the POS tag
    return verbs

def get_synonyms(word):
    synonyms = []
    for syn in wordnet.synsets(word):
        for lemma in syn.lemmas():
    return synonyms

def read_text_file(file_path):
    with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
        text =
    return text

def main():
    file_path = 'sample.txt'

    text = read_text_file(file_path)
    sentences = nltk.sent_tokenize(text)

    all_verbs = []
    synonyms_dict = {}

    for sentence in sentences:
        verbs = get_verbs(sentence)
        for verb in verbs:
            synonyms = get_synonyms(verb)
            synonyms_dict[verb] = synonyms

    with open('output.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
        writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
        writer.writerow(['Verb', 'Synonyms'])
        for verb, synonyms in synonyms_dict.items():
            writer.writerow([verb, ', '.join(synonyms)])

if __name__ == '__main__':


Verb Synonyms
was Washington, Evergreen_State, WA, be, be, be, exist, be, be, equal, be, constitute, represent, make_up, comprise, be, be, follow, embody, be, personify, be, be, live, be, cost, be
named name, call, name, identify, name, nominate, make, appoint, name, nominate, constitute, name, mention, advert, bring_up, cite, name, refer, identify, discover, key, key_out, distinguish, describe, name, list, name, diagnose, name
lived populate, dwell, live, inhabit, live, survive, last, live, live_on, go, endure, hold_up, hold_out, exist, survive, live, subsist, be, live, know, experience, live, live
loved love, love, enjoy, love, sleep_together, roll_in_the_hay, love, make_out, make_love, sleep_with, get_laid, have_sex, know, do_it, be_intimate, have_intercourse, have_it_away, have_it_off, screw, fuck, jazz, eff, hump, lie_with, bed, have_a_go_at_it, bang, get_it_on, bonk, loved
explore research, search, explore, explore, explore, explore
exploring research, search, explore, explore, explore, explore
came come, come_up, arrive, get, come, come, come, come, follow, come, issue_forth, come, hail, come, come, come, come, fall, come, come, total, number, add_up, come, amount, come, add_up, amount, come, come_in, occur, come, derive, come, descend, do, fare, make_out, come, get_along, come, come
peered peer
see see, see, understand, realize, realise, see, witness, find, see, visualize, visualise, envision, project, fancy, see, figure, picture, image, see, consider, reckon, view, regard, learn, hear, get_word, get_wind, pick_up, find_out, get_a_line, discover, see, watch, view, see, catch, take_in, meet, run_into, encounter, run_across, come_across, see, determine, check, find_out, see, ascertain, watch, learn, see, check, insure, see_to_it, ensure, control, ascertain, assure, see, see, visit, see, attend, take_care, look, see, see, go_steady, go_out, date, see, see, see, see, examine, see, experience, see, go_through, see, escort, see, interpret, construe, see
decided decide, make_up_one's_mind, determine, decide, settle, resolve, adjudicate, decide, decide, distinct, decided
climb ascent, acclivity, rise, raise, climb, upgrade, climb, climbing, mounting, climb, mount, climb, climb_up, mount, go_up, climb, wax, mount, climb, rise, climb, climb, rise, go_up, climb
led light-emitting_diode, LED, lead, take, direct, conduct, guide, leave, result, lead, lead, lead, head, lead, run, go, pass, lead, extend, head, lead, lead, top, contribute, lead, conduce, conduct, lead, direct, go, lead, precede, lead, run, lead, moderate, chair, lead
fell hide, fell, fell, felled_seam, fell, fell, drop, strike_down, cut_down, fly, fell, vanish, fell, fall, descend, fall, go_down, come_down, fall, fall, come, precipitate, come_down, fall, fall, fall, fall, shine, strike, fall, fall, decrease, diminish, lessen, fall, fall, fall, fall, fall, fall, fall, fall, accrue, fall, fall, light, fall, return, pass, devolve, fall, fall, fall_down, fall, hang, fall, flow, fall, fall, fall, fall, fall, fall, fall, descend, settle, barbarous, brutal, cruel, fell, roughshod, savage, vicious
landed land, set_down, land, put_down, bring_down, bring, land, land, land, land, set_ashore, shore, down, shoot_down, land, landed
found found, establish, set_up, found, launch, establish, found, plant, constitute, institute, establish, base, ground, found, find, happen, chance, bump, encounter, detect, observe, find, discover, notice, find, regain, determine, find, find_out, ascertain, find, feel, witness, find, see, line_up, get_hold, come_up, find, discover, find, discover, find, find, rule, find, receive, get, find, obtain, incur, find, recover, retrieve, find, regain, find, find_oneself, find, found
were be, be, be, exist, be, be, equal, be, constitute, represent, make_up, comprise, be, be, follow, embody, be, personify, be, be, live, be, cost, be
talking talk, talking, talk, speak, talk, speak, utter, mouth, verbalize, verbalise, speak, talk, spill, talk, spill_the_beans, let_the_cat_out_of_the_bag, talk, tattle, blab, peach, babble, sing, babble_out, blab_out, lecture, talk
had have, have_got, hold, have, feature, experience, receive, have, get, own, have, possess, get, let, have, consume, ingest, take_in, take, have, have, hold, throw, have, make, give, have, have, have, experience, have, induce, stimulate, cause, have, get, make, accept, take, have, receive, have, suffer, sustain, have, get, have, get, make, give_birth, deliver, bear, birth, have, take, have
learned learn, larn, acquire, learn, hear, get_word, get_wind, pick_up, find_out, get_a_line, discover, see, memorize, memorise, con, learn, learn, study, read, take, teach, learn, instruct, determine, check, find_out, see, ascertain, watch, learn, erudite, learned, knowing, knowledgeable, learned, lettered, well-educated, well-read, conditioned, learned
arguing controversy, contention, contestation, disputation, disceptation, tilt, argument, arguing, argue, reason, argue, contend, debate, fence, argue, indicate
do bash, do, brawl, do, doh, ut, Doctor_of_Osteopathy, DO, make, do, perform, execute, do, do, perform, do, fare, make_out, come, get_along, cause, do, make, practice, practise, exercise, do, suffice, do, answer, serve, do, make, act, behave, do, serve, do, do, manage, dress, arrange, set, do, coif, coiffe, coiffure, do
terrorizing terrorize, terrorise, terrify, terrorize, terrorise
help aid, assist, assistance, help, assistant, helper, help, supporter, aid, assistance, help, avail, help, service, help, assist, aid, help, aid, help, facilitate, help_oneself, help, serve, help, help, avail, help, help
defeat defeat, licking, frustration, defeat, get_the_better_of, overcome, defeat, kill, shoot_down, defeat, vote_down, vote_out
went travel, go, move, locomote, go, proceed, move, go, go_away, depart, become, go, get, go, run, go, run, go, pass, lead, extend, proceed, go, go, go, sound, go, function, work, operate, go, run, run_low, run_short, go, move, go, run, survive, last, live, live_on, go, endure, hold_up, hold_out, go, die, decease, perish, go, exit, pass_away, expire, pass, kick_the_bucket, cash_in_one's_chips, buy_the_farm, conk, give-up_the_ghost, drop_dead, pop_off, choke, croak, snuff_it, belong, go, go, start, go, get_going, move, go, go, go, blend, go, blend_in, go, lead, fit, go, rifle, go, go, plump, go, fail, go_bad, give_way, die, give_out, conk_out, go, break, break_down
challenged challenge, dispute, gainsay, challenge, challenge, challenge, take_exception
surprised surprise, surprise, storm, surprise, surprised
agreed agree, hold, concur, concord, agree, match, fit, correspond, check, jibe, gibe, tally, agree, harmonize, harmonise, consort, accord, concord, fit_in, agree, agree, agree, agree, agreed, in_agreement
fight battle, conflict, fight, engagement, fight, fighting, combat, scrap, competitiveness, fight, fight, fight, contend, fight, struggle, fight, oppose, fight_back, fight_down, defend, fight, struggle, crusade, fight, press, campaign, push, agitate
fought contend, fight, struggle, fight, oppose, fight_back, fight_down, defend, fight, struggle, crusade, fight, press, campaign, push, agitate
defeated defeated, discomfited, get_the_better_of, overcome, defeat, kill, shoot_down, defeat, vote_down, vote_out, defeated, defeated, disappointed, discomfited, foiled, frustrated, thwarted
saving economy, saving, rescue, deliverance, delivery, saving, preservation, saving, salvage, salve, relieve, save, save, preserve, save, carry_through, pull_through, bring_through, save, save, lay_aside, save_up, save, make_unnecessary, deliver, redeem, save, spare, save, save, economize, economise, keep_open, hold_open, keep, save, write, save, redemptive, redeeming, saving, saving
threw throw, throw, shed, cast, cast_off, shake_off, throw, throw_off, throw_away, drop, throw, thrust, give, throw, throw, flip, switch, project, cast, contrive, throw, throw, bewilder, bemuse, discombobulate, throw, hurl, throw, hold, throw, have, make, give, throw, throw, throw, confuse, throw, fox, befuddle, fuddle, bedevil, confound, discombobulate
return tax_return, income_tax_return, return, return, homecoming, return, coming_back, restitution, return, restoration, regaining, return, return, issue, take, takings, proceeds, yield, payoff, recurrence, return, rejoinder, retort, return, riposte, replication, comeback, counter, return_key, return, return, paying_back, getting_even, return, return, reappearance, return, return, render, return, revert, return, retrovert, regress, turn_back, hark_back, return, come_back, recall, return, take_back, bring_back, return, return, retort, come_back, repay, return, riposte, rejoin, come_back, return, refund, return, repay, give_back, render, deliver, return, reelect, return, fall, return, pass, devolve, return, render, yield, return, give, generate, return
said state, say, tell, allege, aver, say, suppose, say, read, say, order, tell, enjoin, say, pronounce, articulate, enounce, sound_out, enunciate, say, say, say, say, say, say, aforesaid, aforementioned, said
climbed climb, climb_up, mount, go_up, climb, wax, mount, climb, rise, climb, climb, rise, go_up, climb
reached reach, make, attain, hit, arrive_at, gain, reach, hit, attain, reach, reach_out, reach, get_through, get_hold_of, contact, achieve, accomplish, attain, reach, reach, extend_to, touch, reach, make, get_to, progress_to, pass, hand, reach, pass_on, turn_over, give, strive, reach, strain
glad gladiolus, gladiola, glad, sword_lily, glad, glad, happy, glad, beaming, glad
be beryllium, Be, glucinium, atomic_number_4, be, be, be, exist, be, be, equal, be, constitute, represent, make_up, comprise, be, be, follow, embody, be, personify, be, be, live, be, cost, be
knew know, cognize, cognise, know, know, know, know, experience, live, acknowledge, recognize, recognise, know, know, sleep_together, roll_in_the_hay, love, make_out, make_love, sleep_with, get_laid, have_sex, know, do_it, be_intimate, have_intercourse, have_it_away, have_it_off, screw, fuck, jazz, eff, hump, lie_with, bed, have_a_go_at_it, bang, get_it_on, bonk, know, know, know
forget forget, bury, forget, block, blank_out, draw_a_blank, forget, forget, leave
are are, ar, be, be, be, exist, be, be, equal, be, constitute, represent, make_up, comprise, be, be, follow, embody, be, personify, be, be, live, be, cost, be
used use, utilize, utilise, apply, employ, use, habituate, use, expend, use, practice, apply, use, use, used, exploited, ill-used, put-upon, used, victimized, victimised, secondhand, used
explored research, search, explore, explore, explore, explore
tell Tell, William_Tell, state, say, tell, tell, tell, narrate, recount, recite, order, tell, enjoin, say, tell, assure, tell, tell, evidence, distinguish, separate, differentiate, secern, secernate, severalize, severalise, tell, tell_apart
create make, create, create, create, create, create, make, produce, make, create
show show, display, show, show, appearance, show, show, demo, exhibit, present, demonstrate, prove, demonstrate, establish, show, shew, testify, bear_witness, prove, evidence, show, show, picture, depict, render, show, express, show, evince, indicate, point, designate, show, show, show_up, read, register, show, record, show, usher, show, show


Thus, we have successfully implemented a program for Natural Language Processing.

experiment-6---implementation-of-semantic-analysis's People


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