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wp-cli-login-command's Introduction

WP-CLI Login Command

Login to WordPress with secure passwordless links.

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  wp login


  Manage magic passwordless sign-in.


  wp login <command>


  create          Create a magic sign-in link for the given user.
  email           Email a magic sign-in link to the given user.
  install         Install/update the companion server plugin.
  invalidate      Invalidate any existing magic links.
  toggle          Toggle the active state of the companion server plugin.

create / as

wp login create <user> [options]

or alternatively use the alias

wp login as <user> [options]

Create a magic sign-in link for the given user. Outputs the created URL with some extra information for the user regarding usage and expiration. URLs expire 15 minutes after creation (configurable), or at the time of use, whichever comes first.

<user> can be passed as an User ID, username/login or email address. This is the same for all login commands which accept this as a parameter.


Set the lifetime of the magic link in seconds.

10 minutes = 600
1 hour     = 3600
1 day      = 86400

Default: 900 (15 minutes)


Set the URL to redirect to upon successfully logging in. Defaults to admin_url().

Note: The redirect is executed using wp_safe_redirect which restricts the destination URL using a list of allowed hosts. By default, this is limited to the domain of the site, but can be extended using the allowed_redirect_hosts filter.


Outputs the created sign-in URL only. Great for scripting, piping to your clipboard, or anything else you can think of.


Launches the sign-in link your default browser immediately after creation. This is the fastest possible way to login.


wp login email <user> [options]

Email a magic sign-in link to the given user. Sends a nice HTML email to the user's email address containing their freshly created magic sign-in link. Planning to add support for both HTML and plain text emails in the future.


See above.


See above.


Optionally override the default email subject with your own custom string. You may use the {{ domain }} placeholder.

Default: Magic log-in link for {{domain}}


Optionally override the default email template with your own by providing the path to a different template file to use. The email template is compiled using the Mustache template engine, so you may use the {{ magic_url }} and {{ domain }} placeholders in your custom template. The default template can be found in this repository under template/email-default.mustache.


wp login install [options]

Install/update the companion server plugin. Installing the companion plugin is required before magic links will work on the host. The login command is aware of the installed version of the plugin, and will inform you if it needs to be installed, activated or upgraded. If the plugin is already installed, you will be prompted to overwrite it.


Optionally activate the plugin immediately after installation.


Suppress prompting for confirmation to overwrite the existing plugin.

Using a Composer-based WordPress install? You can require the companion plugin using the package aaemnnosttv/wp-cli-login-server.


wp login invalidate

Invalidate any existing magic sign-in links. Any previously created links will most likely go to a 404 page.


wp login toggle [<on|off>]

Toggles the active status of the companion plugin. Optionally pass on or off to set the activation accordingly. Without it, the status is simply inverted.


Installing this package requires WP-CLI v0.23.0 or greater. Update to the latest stable release with wp cli update.

Once you've done so, you can install this package with wp package install aaemnnosttv/wp-cli-login-command.


We appreciate you taking the initiative to contribute to this project.

Contributing isn’t limited to just code. We encourage you to contribute in the way that best fits your abilities, by writing tutorials, giving a demo at your local meetup, helping other users with their support questions, or revising our documentation.

Reporting a bug

Think you’ve found a bug? We’d love for you to help us get it fixed.

Before you create a new issue, you should search existing issues to see if there’s an existing resolution to it, or if it’s already been fixed in a newer version.

Once you’ve done a bit of searching and discovered there isn’t an open or fixed issue for your bug, please create a new issue with the following:

  1. What you were doing (e.g. "When I run wp post list").
  2. What you saw (e.g. "I see a fatal about a class being undefined.").
  3. What you expected to see (e.g. "I expected to see the list of posts.")

Include as much detail as you can, and clear steps to reproduce if possible.

Creating a pull request

Want to contribute a new feature? Please first open a new issue to discuss whether the feature is a good fit for the project.

Once you've decided to commit the time to seeing your pull request through, please follow our guidelines for creating a pull request to make sure it's a pleasant experience:

  1. Create a feature branch for each contribution.
  2. Submit your pull request early for feedback.
  3. Include functional tests with your changes. Read the WP-CLI documentation for an introduction.
  4. Follow PSR-2 Coding Standards.

wp-cli-login-command's People


aaemnnosttv avatar brucedevcom avatar danielbachhuber avatar mehrshaddarzi avatar stribert avatar thunderdw avatar


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wp-cli-login-command's Issues

Unknown --redirect-url parameter


First, thanks for the amazing work you've done.
I've installed wp-cli-login as well as the server plugin the recommended way but it looks like it's not the latest version (I get the "Unknown --redirect-url parameter" error message when using that parameter)
Please could you advise on how I can get it done ?
Thanks in advance !


Hi, is it possible to create a flag for the install command so that instead of always putting the file in plugins we have an option to use mu-plugins instead?






Plugin conflict with CiviCRM

Thanks for this great package!

I've found that it fails when CiviCRM is installed on a site. I tracked it down to this line, which checks that the $_GET supervariable is empty. CiviCRM sets an element in that array on every page load.

What is the use case that this line is trying to prevent? Is it necessary, or can I submit a PR to remove it?

Determining the cause of 404s

We've implemented wp-cli-login-command on several hundred sites to test and for most its great! But we are seeing also a fair amount of cases where the generated link brings you to a 404 page, we are unable to determine the cause, some of the sites are just fresh installs of WordPress.

Running the latest package:

# wp package install aaemnnosttv/wp-cli-login-command
Installing package aaemnnosttv/wp-cli-login-command (dev-main || dev-master || dev-trunk)
Updating /root/.wp-cli/packages/composer.json to require the package...
Using Composer to install the package...
Loading composer repositories with package information
Found 146 package versions referenced in your dependency graph. 31 (21%) were optimized away.
Updating dependencies
Generating rules
Resolving dependencies through SAT
Looking at all rules.
Something's changed, looking at all rules again (pass #1)

Dependency resolution completed in 0.000 seconds
Analyzed 115 packages to resolve dependencies
Analyzed 119 rules to resolve dependencies
Nothing to modify in lock file
Installing dependencies from lock file
Nothing to install, update or remove
Generating autoload files
1 package you are using is looking for funding.
Use the `composer fund` command to find out more!
Success: Package installed.
# wp login install --mu --yes
Success: Companion plugin installed.
# wp login create bigscoots
Success: Magic login link created!
# curl -IL
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

WP Core 5.9.3

Temp disabled all plugins and set to a default twentytwentytwo

Outside of trying to rule out problematic themes/plugins what other ways do we have to troubleshoot whats causing these 404s. The sites affected are completely random, it could be one site out of 10 on the same server using same configurations.

Just looking to get some possibilities / ideas on how to troubleshoot this further, thanks!

Unable to install the server plugin using Composer v2

Hi there!

I'm attempting to install the server plugin via Composer using Composer v2.

Currently, the plugin can only be installed by Composer v1 due to its version dependency on composer/installers.

"require": {
"composer/installers": "^1.0"

I've made a basic change that allows the plugin to be installed by either Composer version thunderdw/wp-cli-login-command@1bd5699

If it would be welcome I'm happy to submit a PR


Hey guys, I'm planning to start on v2 of the login command here pretty soon.

I've got a few ideas for it, and any feedback or requests are welcome :)

  • Move all core functionality to the server plugin (no interface). This should make things a bit simpler implementation-wise and the CLI will be more of a "client" for using the plugin. This will also allow for programmatic creation of logins via your own plugin 🎉
  • Move magic login data to a custom table to allow for some new features that aren't possible with the current transient-based persistence.
  • Probably rewrite a bunch of stuff.
  • GitHub Updater?
  • Punch & pie.

Login link leads to 404


First of all, congratulations on the great tool - I have always been looking for something similar. I installed the package and here is my wp-cli info:

:~/nickola# wp --info

PHP binary: /usr/bin/php7.0
PHP version:
php.ini used: /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini
WP-CLI root dir: phar://wp-cli.phar
WP-CLI packages dir: /root/.wp-cli/packages/
WP-CLI global config:
WP-CLI project config:
WP-CLI version: 1.0.0

I already have an existing WordPress installation that I wanted to test with and I have issued the following command:

:~/nickola# wp login create 1 --path=/path/to/existing/wp/install/

Success: Magic login link created!

This link will self-destruct in 15 minutes, or as soon as it is used; whichever comes first.

I have made sure that the accompanying WordPress plugin is enabled. Regardless of this, following the link sends me to 404. This happens on a vanilla WordPress installation, standard LAMP stack on Linode, running on Ubuntu and PHP7.

Mod_rewrite is enabled on the server, if that matters, and the default WordPress .htaccess rules are in place.

Can you please suggest how can I resolve this problem.



Lack of error handling for persistMagicUrl

Hi there! I had a fairly fun issue earlier related to the wp_options table being crashed which resulted in the set_transient function returning false, which then resulted in a BadMagic exception with a less than useful error message given the circumstances.

I've made a very basic change to just check if set_transient returns false: brucedevcom@9c72ddf

Assuming there's no issues with this are there any objections to submitting a PR for it?

Honor `url` flag

When I try to pass a url using the --url flag it doesn't seem to make any difference.

$ wp --version
WP-CLI 0.24.1

$ wp core version

$ php --version
PHP (cli) ( NTS )

syntax error, unexpected 'class'


When I run 'wp login xxx', and It said syntax error, unexpected 'class' of aaemnnosttv/wp-cli-login-command/command.php on line 11. My wp cli version is latest. Did I do something wrong?

Possible issue when site uses a 2FA plugin

I'm seeing white screen "critical error has been encountered" errors when using the magic link to attempt to login to sites with 2FA enabled.

Testing with ithemes security plugin (now solidwp security with the recent rebrand) with 2fa enabled for admins.

I did try with the melapress one as well and got a similar error.

Not sure that this is something that can be resolved but since I didn't see it mentioned in the issues list yet I figured I'd add it.

Add option for a post-login redirect

Currently, login links redirect you to the admin dashboard upon successfully logging in.

However, it is sometimes known ahead of time that redirecting to another URL instead would be preferable or more direct.

To accommodate this, a new option such as --redirect=<url> option should be added to the login create command. This redirect should be stored internally and wouldn't be part of the generated link itself so it would not be changeable once created.

WP login command slow, 1-10 seconds

This plugin is working well for me but I noticed that the wp login command may take between one to ten seconds to complete.

This is on a site that is generally responsive and working well (navigating to any /wp-admin/ dashboard page in a second or two). Is there something that could be optimized within login-command or WPCLI to make it less slow?

Login command fails when installing server plugin as a mu-plugin via Composer


I'd like to install the server plugin via Composer as a mu-plugin. I'm doing that by modifying the installer path for the server plugin in my composer.json, like so:

"installer-paths": {
    "path/to/mu-plugins/{$name}/": [

This results in a server plugin PHP file installed inside a subdirectory of the mu-plugins folder located at mu-plugins/wp-cli-login-server/wp-cli-login-server.php.

However, the command only checks for the mu-plugin PHP file at mu-plugins/wp-cli-login-server.php.

public static function mustUse()
return new MustUseServerPlugin(WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . basename(static::PLUGIN_FILE));

Since the command is unable to locate that file, it assumes that the plugin is installed as a normal plugin. So when you attempt to execute a command like wp login as 1, the command fails and you get an error like file_get_contents(/path/to/plugins/wp-cli-login-server/wp-cli-login-server.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory

This error happens instead of a message that the server plugin isn't installed because the command doesn't test for the location of the server plugin, but rather the existence of the WP_CLI_Login\WP_CLI_Login_Server class.

public static function isActive()
return class_exists(WP_CLI_Login_Server::class, false);

Potential fixes

  • Alter the mustUse() function above to look for the server plugin in both mu-plugins/wp-cli-login-server.php and mu-plugins/wp-cli-login-server/wp-cli-login-server.php
  • Instead of using constants to define the potential locations of the server plugin, use Reflection to get the location of the server plugin. E.g. (new \ReflectionClass(WP_CLI_Login_Server::class))->getFileName(). IMO this approach is more flexible and better aligns with the isActive() test linked above

Happy to submit a PR if this makes sense

Incompatible with trailing slash rewriterule (Apache)

Thanks for your awesome work !
However, the magic link URL is not working properly because we have an apache rewriterule adding a trailing slash, then it leads to a 404.
Do you have any idea about how we could mitigate this issue ?
Maybe we could change the source code in order to add a trailing slash to your magic link URL ?
Thanks in advance for your help !


`Notice: Undefined index: redirect-url` on login create

Creating a login link results in the following notice

Notice: Undefined index: redirect-url in /.../.wp-cli/packages/vendor/aaemnnosttv/wp-cli-login-command/src/LoginCommand.php on line 69


OS:	Linux 4.4.0-189-generic #219-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 11 12:26:50 UTC 2020 x86_64
Shell:	/bin/bash
PHP binary:	/opt/sp/php7.1/bin/php
PHP version:	7.1.33
php.ini used:	/etc/php7.1-sp/php.ini
WP-CLI root dir:	phar://wp-cli.phar/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli
WP-CLI vendor dir:	phar://wp-cli.phar/vendor
WP_CLI phar path:	/srv/users/userc6e6b04e
WP-CLI packages dir:	/srv/users/userc6e6b04e/.wp-cli/packages/
WP-CLI global config:	
WP-CLI project config:	/srv/users/userc6e6b04e/wp-cli.yml
WP-CLI version:	2.4.0
| name                             | authors      | version | update | update_version |
| aaemnnosttv/wp-cli-login-command | Evan Mattson | v1.4.0  | none   |                |

Allow companion plugin to be used as must-use plugin

To prevent accidental deletion of the companion plugin, it would be nice to be able to place it inside "mu-plugins" folder. I tried manually moving it there, but it's not being recognized and WP-CLI asks for companion plugin to be installed.

Maybe simply passing --mu to let WP-CLI know where to look for companion plugin.


Configurable endpoint for the magic link ?

I think it would be great to have the means to change the way the links work. I.E: Having a link under a random (obviously user configurable) location and things like that would strengthen the plugin's security.

Email i18n


What a great plugin this is!
It would have been nice to be able to translate the email, especially the subject field.
Probably not necessary for the mustache template, huh?

The attempted magic login has expired or already been used.

So I've got a bunch of commands that are run via ssh/paramiko on some WP Engine sites.

If I run: cd ~/sites/mysite/; wp login create [email protected] --url-only --redirect-url=/wp-admin/admin.php?page=theme-base-theme-settings directly from ssh it'll generate a usable url, but for some reasons when I run the command via my paramiko script it'll generate a url that displays The attempted magic login has expired or already been used. - the commands are exactly the same. There's a bunch of vanilla and custom wp cli commands that run fine via paramiko so it's not a universal issue.

Really weird, I assume it's some quirk with how paramiko works, but just wondering if you have any idea what could be happening?

Change description

Login to WordPress with secure passwordless links.

should be:

Log in to WordPress with secure passwordless links.

Undefined constant WP_CLI error

If "WP_CLI" is not defined in wp-cli-login-server.php ( not called from wp_cli ) then the line (defined('WP_CLI') && WP_CLI) is trying to use undefined WP_CLI constant or I'm missing something obvious?

Log requests through WP_CLI_Login_Server class

Would be very useful for administrators being able to review the requests that were handled by the plugin class, i.e. in order to being able to setup rules for user-agents (like I've suggested to ignoring user-agents like Slack/Telegram/Whatsapp/etc.), check IPs, users that used their links, etc.

If the login is dumped to a file, recording the status of the request (authorized/already used/expired), would allow to check with tools like fail2ban, if an IP is trying to abuse the link/login mechanism, thus blocking it.

Composer 2 issue

Composer 2 requires senver ^3.0 but this plugin requires ^1.0

Not sure if it works with latest version of semver or not but to make it install with all versions

(^1.4 || ^2 || ^3)

Would fix it, this is what is happening in wp-cli/core-command

Cheers Dan

Fatal Error with buddyboss-platform

Seems when using buddyboss-platform there is a conflict with one of their functions

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught TypeError: call_user_func_array(): Argument #1 ($callback) must be a valid callback, function "bp_member_switching_clear_olduser_cookie" not found or invalid function name in /home/nginx/domains/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/nginx/domains/ WP_Hook->apply_filters()
#1 /home/nginx/domains/ WP_Hook->do_action()
#2 /home/nginx/domains/ do_action()
#3 /home/nginx/domains/ WP_CLI_Login\WP_CLI_Login_Server->loginUser()
#4 /home/nginx/domains/ WP_CLI_Login\WP_CLI_Login_Server->run()
#5 /home/nginx/domains/ WP_CLI_Login\WP_CLI_Login_Server::handle()
#6 /home/nginx/domains/ WP_CLI_Login\init_server_from_request()
#7 /home/nginx/domains/ WP_Hook->apply_filters()
#8 /home/nginx/domains/ WP_Hook->do_action()
#9 /home/nginx/domains/ do_action()
#10 /home/nginx/domains/ require_once('...')
#11 /home/nginx/domains/ require_once('...')
#12 /home/nginx/domains/ require_once('...')
#13 /home/nginx/domains/ require('...')
#14 {main}
  thrown in /home/nginx/domains/ on line 312




function bp_member_switching_clear_olduser_cookie( $clear_all = true ) {
        $auth_cookie = bp_member_switching_get_auth_cookie();
        if ( ! empty( $auth_cookie ) ) {
                array_pop( $auth_cookie );
        if ( $clear_all || empty( $auth_cookie ) ) {

                /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/pluggable.php */
                if ( ! apply_filters( 'send_auth_cookies', true ) ) {

                $expire = time() - 31536000;
                setcookie( BP_MEMBER_SWITCHING_COOKIE, ' ', $expire, SITECOOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN );
                setcookie( BP_MEMBER_SWITCHING_OLDUSER_COOKIE, ' ', $expire, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN );
        } else {
                if ( BP_Core_Members_Switching::secure_auth_cookie() ) {
                        $scheme = 'secure_auth';
                } else {
                        $scheme = 'auth';

                $old_cookie = end( $auth_cookie );

                $old_user_id = wp_validate_auth_cookie( $old_cookie, $scheme );
                if ( $old_user_id ) {
                        $parts = wp_parse_auth_cookie( $old_cookie, $scheme );
                        bp_member_switching_set_olduser_cookie( $old_user_id, true, $parts['token'] );

Alternative installation methods

WP Engine prevent the installation of WP CLI packages via their CLI, so I've been unable to install this package.

GF Forms have a cli offering that can be installed as a plugin:

I'm just wondering if there's a way to install this without running wp package install aaemnnosttv/wp-cli-login-command e.g. via a plugin like the above?

Customize --launch browser

Does there happen to be a way to configure the --launch browser? Right now, it attempts to use xdg-open to launch www-browser on my Windows 10's Linux Subsystem but I'd rather it just use firefox.exe or detect an environment variable of what my default browser executable is.

Error: /usr/bin/xdg-open: 771: /usr/bin/xdg-open: www-browser: not found
/usr/bin/xdg-open: 771: /usr/bin/xdg-open: links2: not found
/usr/bin/xdg-open: 771: /usr/bin/xdg-open: elinks: not found
/usr/bin/xdg-open: 771: /usr/bin/xdg-open: links: not found
/usr/bin/xdg-open: 771: /usr/bin/xdg-open: lynx: not found
/usr/bin/xdg-open: 771: /usr/bin/xdg-open: w3m: not found

Magic login authentication failed. -

Getting this

Magic login authentication failed.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin.

The site is a clone of another site on another server that is working fine. I have uninstalled the plugin, cleared wp-cli cache, reinstalled the plugin, and still getting this.

We use the plugin for SSO from our SaaS dashboard.

Any ideas?

Activation with install or toggle is site-specific

When installing and activating the server plugin in a multisite environment using the suggested command (wp login install --activate) you may be surprised that it will error as inactive when attempting to use to log-in to a sub site.

The activation should either network-activate automatically or require an additional flag, similar to plugin activate.

Allow for multi-site


At the moment it does not allow for multisite capability, and only determines based on the primary site.

Can it be possible to implement multisite capability in the next release?

Kind regards,

Invalid login links when working locally

When developing locally, it's a common practice to pull down a fresh copy of the production MySQL database before beginning any new work.

For instance, the production site may be, but the local environment may be setup to use, as overridden in wp-config.php:

define( 'WP_HOME',    'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] );
define( 'WP_SITEURL', 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] );

Since it's not always feasible or possible to use a tool like WP Migrate DB Pro or WP-CLI Search & Replace, so often times the wp_options table will still have the production values for siteurl or home:

option_name option_value

Why does this matter?

By default WP-CLI Login Command uses the value in the database, so when working locally and running a command like wp login as zerocool --launch will return a Magic Login Link similar to:

Instead, what is desired is for WP-CLI Login Command to use the local WordPress Site URL, not what is necessarily in the database, such as:

It appears \WP_CLI_Login\LoginCommand::domain() is responsible for determining the URL used for the login links:

 return parse_url(home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST);

While it’s possible to use the home_url() filter to alter this behavior, it would desirable for WP-CLI Login Command to handle this logic ”magically”, so the package and companion plugin could be installed and used with zero configuration.

Magic login authentication fails

I receive the following errors when using the magic login link (created with wp login create <user>):

Notice: is_embed was called incorrectly. Conditional query tags do not work before the query is run. Before then, they always return false. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.1.0.) in /app/web/wp/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5535

Notice: is_search was called incorrectly. Conditional query tags do not work before the query is run. Before then, they always return false. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.1.0.) in /app/web/wp/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5535

Magic login authentication failed.

I’m installing the WP CLI package at 6ee4b91 (installed using GitHub URL instead of the package name so I can use the latest) and using dev-master for installing the plugin through Bedrock.

I’m using WordPress 5.8 with Bedrock 1.16.1 running on PHP 7.4.16, MySQL 5.7, and Nginx 1.17 via Lando 3.1.4 (Landofile below).

name: bedrock
recipe: wordpress
  webroot: web
  via: nginx
  php: '7.4'
      - composer install
      - wp package install
      - wp core install --url= --title=Bedrock --admin_user=admin --admin_password=admin [email protected] --skip-email
      - wp plugin activate wp-cli-login-server
  "name": "roots/bedrock",
  "type": "project",
  "license": "MIT",
  "description": "WordPress boilerplate with modern development tools, easier configuration, and an improved folder structure",
  "homepage": "",
  "authors": [
      "name": "Scott Walkinshaw",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "homepage": ""
      "name": "Ben Word",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "homepage": ""
  "keywords": [
    "bedrock", "composer", "roots", "wordpress", "wp", "wp-config"
  "support": {
    "issues": "",
    "forum": ""
  "repositories": [
      "type": "composer",
      "url": "",
      "only": ["wpackagist-plugin/*", "wpackagist-theme/*"]
  "require": {
    "php": ">=7.1",
    "composer/installers": "^1.11",
    "vlucas/phpdotenv": "^5.3",
    "oscarotero/env": "^2.1",
    "roots/bedrock-autoloader": "^1.0",
    "roots/bedrock-disallow-indexing": "^2.0",
    "roots/wordpress": "5.8",
    "roots/wp-config": "1.0.0",
    "roots/wp-password-bcrypt": "1.0.0"
  "require-dev": {
    "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.6.0",
    "roave/security-advisories": "dev-master",
    "aaemnnosttv/wp-cli-login-server": "dev-master"
  "config": {
    "optimize-autoloader": true,
    "preferred-install": "dist"
  "minimum-stability": "dev",
  "prefer-stable": true,
  "extra": {
    "installer-paths": {
      "web/app/mu-plugins/{$name}/": ["type:wordpress-muplugin"],
      "web/app/plugins/{$name}/": ["type:wordpress-plugin"],
      "web/app/themes/{$name}/": ["type:wordpress-theme"]
    "wordpress-install-dir": "web/wp"
  "scripts": {
    "post-root-package-install": [
      "php -r \"copy('.env.example', '.env');\""
    "test": [

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    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

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    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

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    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

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