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identity-design-system's Introduction Design System

The Design System is an extension of the U.S. Web Design System used on sites to consistently identify the brand.

This documentation describes how to use the Design System in a new project. Read to learn more about contributing to the design system itself.


Node.js is required to use the Design System. You should install this first if it's not already available.

Next, install the package using NPM from your project's directory:

npm install @18f/identity-design-system


As an extension of the U.S. Web Design System (USWDS), the Getting started for developers guide can be a useful resource. The Design System aims to be a drop-in replacement for the USWDS, so that all of its documentation would apply for the Design System. The only change you're required to make is to update any references of @uswds/uswds with @18f/identity-design-system.


The Design System uses Sass to generate stylesheets. While you can use any Sass compilation process, we recommend @18f/identity-build-sass, since it supports any environment where Node.js is already available, and it comes prebundled with default behaviors which are well-suited for the design system.

Here's an example stylesheet that imports the design system:

@use 'uswds-core';
@forward 'uswds';

The only requirements for Sass compilation are:

  • Your Sass load paths must include node_modules/@18f/identity-design-system/packages
  • You must be using the Dart Sass implementation of Sass

If you're using @18f/identity-build-sass, the following command will compile a CSS file to build/styles.css:

npx build-sass path/to/styles.css.scss --out-dir=build

Browser-Ready CSS Bundles

While it's recommended to import the Design System as a Sass module to support optimization options, a precompiled CSS bundle is made available for convenience or for projects where it's not possible to include a Sass build process.

These files are found within dist/assets/css of the published NPM package. When installed locally, this is found at node_modules/@18f/identity-design-system.

    <!-- ... -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/identity-design-system/dist/assets/css/styles.css">
    <!-- ... -->


As an NPM package, you can import the Design System anywhere in your projects imports:

import '@18f/identity-design-system';

By default, this will include JavaScript for every component, which can increase load times for users and build times for developers. Refer to the Options section below to learn how to optimize JavaScript imports.

Browser-Ready JavaScript Bundles

While it's recommended to import the Design System as an NPM package to support optimization options, a precompiled JavaScript bundle is made available for convenience or for projects where it's not possible to include a JavaScript build process.

These files are found within dist/assets/js of the published NPM package. When installed locally, this is found at node_modules/@18f/identity-design-system.

    <!-- ... -->
    <script src="/path/to/identity-design-system/dist/assets/js/init.js"></script>
    <!-- ... -->
    <script src="/path/to/identity-design-system/dist/assets/js/main.js"></script>



If your project is not using every component of the design system, it is recommended that you optimize your build by cherry-picking the individual components that you are using.

In Sass, you can do this by replacing the forwarded 'uswds' module with the packages of the individual components:

@use 'uswds-core';
- @forward 'uswds';
+ @forward 'usa-accordion';

You can find the package name on each component's documentation (e.g. Accordion → Package).

In JavaScript, you can import named members of the JavaScript package. If you are using a bundler which supports dead code elimination, any unused components will be removed from the compiled output. Each named import includes a on method to initialize the component on the page.

- import '@18f/identity-design-system';
+ import { accordion } from '@18f/identity-design-system';
+ accordion.on();

Theme Variables

The Design System configures USWDS theme variables to provide defaults designed to be used across all sites. These should almost always work well out-of-the-box, and not require further configuration.

If needed, you can extend these using the documented process for configuring settings, providing variables when importing the uswds-core package:

- @use 'uswds-core';
+ @use 'uswds-core' with (
+   $theme-body-font-size: 'sm'
+ );


See LICENSE for licensing information.

identity-design-system's People


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identity-design-system's Issues

Add usage instructions to Buttons page.

The Buttons page currently has some placeholder text, which wasn’t originally written because I wasn’t aware of how the buttons should be used:

Use these button styles unless doing x and y, in which case, use other buttons.

These buttons should be used when x-ing and y-ing.

I still don’t know how those buttons should be used, but we should have a reason why those styles exist, or delete them.

Create tables styles

A great addition to the design system would be styles for tables, including those with top and side headers, and tables with no outlines.

Implement form styles, documentation.

Implemented in #32, but documented here for completeness.

Implement styles and documentation for:

  • Text inputs and areas
  • Dates
  • Dropdowns
  • Radio buttons
  • Checkboxes
  • Fieldsets
  • Validation errors

Additional gem required to run

Two additional steps to help run the style guide that might be useful to add to documentation:

  1. install bundler
  2. run bundler

Focus styles.

We’re currently using the default USWDS focus outline colors and styles — we’ll probably want to adjust the color to fit into our color palette and perhaps adjust the shapes of the outlines around some of the form controls (most notably the radio buttons and checkboxes).

Design side navigation option

As content grows in scope and depth, several products have a need for a navigation option that will allow for deeper taxonomy and labels that may be longer than the average width current top navigation system is set up for.
A side navigation option is needed that will support web applications as well. These tend to have a toolbar to support user actions and global navigation nodes horizontally across the top. A side navigation would complement that type of information architecture.

Write home page.

The home page should cover at least:

  • How to install the style guide.
  • Usage instructions for using the compiled assets.
  • Usage instructions for including the source files (Sass, JavaScript modules) into your build process.
  • That it is based on the U.S. Web Design System v2, so this documentation can be supplemented by that documentation.
  • Probably other things?

Stick sidebar navigation.

One of @rtwell’s pet-peeves about the US Web Design System styles was/is that the sidebar navigation on the left of pages isn’t accessible as you’re navigating through pages.

We should be able to apply .position-sticky to that to get it to stick nicely… right? Right. I couldn’t get it working, even though it’s covered in the U.S. Web Design System documentation.

We’ll have to make sure that the bottom of longer menus are still accessible for longer menus on shorter height screens. required form fields style

Please consider a required form fields style for the design system. Partner forms have more optional fields than required fields, so a distinct style for required fields will assist the user in spotting the needed information both in filling out the form and identifying validation errors.

Implement file uploads.

As specified in login-gov_styleguide_v1.9.3.sketch:

Screenshot of specification in related Sketch document

Unsure if we should do one or none of these:

  • Implement this fully as a JavaScript component + styles (similar to things like Accordions).
  • Implement the styles for this (.usa-input-file-large), but leave the JavaScript implementation up to the application consuming this.
  • Implement parts of the styles for this (.usa-drop-target, .usa-file-preview), but not glue them together, and leave the JavaScript implementation up to the application consuming this.

Develop an initial content style guide page

Why: By consistently practicing language in an intentional way, we can provide content that supports users’ needs and improve their experience on our sites and materials.


  • As a team member, I would like to use as a go-to reference when writing login materials, which would help us write clear and consistent content across teams and channels
  • [Possible story] As a journalist/writer reporting on, I would like to use the content style guide to help me understand common login acronyms and terms. Also, how to format them via word list


  • Use Content Guidelines 🔒 to develop the initial page
  • Determine where it should be located in
  • Have team members to review
  • Publish it live and share it via #login channel
  • Create additional issues as needed if there are actions beyond developing an initial content style guide page

Additional resources:


  • Issue #47 is related, which we can determine whether this current issue answers that issue or not (and close if needed)

SASS Syntax in focus stylesheet

Possible bug in the syntax for function roundable-focus-outline-box-shadows in _focus.scss
This code:
Screen Shot 2019-06-24 at 12 19 41 PM
Generates this error:
Screen Shot 2019-06-24 at 12 20 13 PM
The function is likely expecting an argument declaration, like so:
@function roundable-focus-outline-box-shadows () { @return 0 0 0 $theme-focus-offset color('white'), 0 0 0 $theme-focus-width + $theme-focus-offset color($theme-focus-color); }
The above syntax makes the error disappear.

Design a style for data

Would a style of key value pairs be a candidate for the Design System? As more data will be incorporated in the Partner's Dashboard this style would be helpful in displaying types of data and their values.

Add colors to the style guide palette

On the data viz side, it would be awesome to have:

  1. A color for Column Charts, Line Graph
  2. 4-6 colors for Pie Chart, donut chart
  3. A neutral gray/black for the axis and the labels
  4. data tile (shows a statistic in large font size, with smaller sized label and description)
    For data tables:
  5. color for data values
  6. a color data labels
    Also would be great to consider colors for pills:
  7. pill with a link
  8. success pill
  9. warning Pill
  10. error pill
  11. info pill
    *note on pills, common application would be on white background with white text inside colored pill

Additional items:

  • Required field item *

Code blocks difficult to distinguish.

The implementation into is the first time we have a lot of inline code snippets:

Inline code
Screenshot of inline code

… as well as block-level code:

Block code
Screenshot of block code

… that’s integrated into a lot of written text. I think it’s hard to distinguish where the code blocks start and end, since we’re relying only on font family changes.

Additionally, for single-line code blocks, the scrollbar appears over the text, making it impossible to use:

Scrollbar issue
GIF Video showing scrollbar appearing over text and refusing to leave

Write selectors with hyphens instead of underscores

SCSS Linters raise issues on selectors like usa-checkbox__label using underscores and requests using hyphens instead. Several selectors in the design system use underscores which creates multiple linter issues.

Add punctuation style to toast

For consistency, add a content style guide item for punctuation of toast messages. They are short but should include periods at the end of sentences.

Implement progress indicators.

As specified in login-gov_styleguide_v1.9.3.sketch:

Screenshot of specification in Sketch file linked

I suspect we’ll want to implement this as something like .usa-progress-indeterminate.

A partial implementation of this is visible while setting up a security key, but I’m not sure if this is the desired animation.

GIF of animation of progress indicator

Additionally, the scaffolding for the Progress indicator documentation suggests there is a determinate style for these progress indicators as well, but they are not included in the Sketch specification.

Notifications of Design System version changes

Consider a way to communicate version changes to the Design System. This helps apps that may have a dependency to the design system in the package.json like this example:

"identity-style-guide": "^2.1.3"

Create a style for code

Code samples is part of the content for Partners. Could we extend code formatting styles beyond markdown for styling code in Dashboard?

Consider using CSS classes for icons in the design system

Would it be worthwhile to create CSS classes that would include the path to the image along with styles such as height and width declaration, and color? That way code could be easily maintained and updated in fewer places when using images.

Consider / decide on icon set for standardization

The USWDS recommends using Font Awesome (FA).

Current Issue:
Meanwhile, Login does not have a standardized, default set option to pull from for the Login site/platform. Also, helpful for Login people to pull from for their slide decks.

This task is competed when:

  • When Login Design and stakeholders have discussed on the pros and cons of having an icon set
    • If merited, then which icon set? Font Awesome? If not FA, then which set?
      • When decided, we'll include instructions to the style guide:
        • On implementation
        • On accessibility
        • On usability
    • If not merited, then how do we ensure that we have a consistent system of icons?

Add release notes to login design system

Proposal: Consider writing and adding release notes to site (Similar to USWDS' release notes)


  • As a designer, I want to inform our login team members, esp. developers, of new features (and fixes), to show them that the login design team is listening to their feedback and that we are actively working to improve the login design system
  • As a login team member, I want to be kept in the loop with release notes. As the design system evolves over time, having a historical log of these changes, improvements, and fixes helps tell stories behind the system

Definition of Done:

  • Discuss this proposal with login designers, developers and product to gauge interest
  • If 👍, proceed to create initial draft of release notes and format
  • Establish a review process from drafting to publishing on site
  • Create a Release Notes page on site (Consider a subnav under Usage section)

Create a figcaption style

Why: As a user looking at screenshots, illustrations, etc., I want to better understand what I am looking at via captions (HT: Karla R.)

Use case example: Captions for screenshots in How to create an account



Update: LG-2591 ticket created

Components in Figma asset missing from codebase

Howdy 👋

I'm an Engineer at MO Studio working on a project for the VA related to In-Person Identity Proofing for accounts. We're using this design system on top of USWDS for our prototype.

Our designers have access to the 2023-10-VA_Request-LGDS_Design_Assets project in Figma and have used these two components in mockups that we can't identify in the library code. They are the "Step Indicator" and "List Link Item" components screen captured below:

Screenshot 2023-11-06 at 3 09 52 PM

Screenshot 2023-11-06 at 3 10 08 PM

The step indicator works with USWDS styling but seems to be missing LGDS styles to extend it. The List Link seems like its unique to LGDS. Can you point us to any docs or examples of these components? Even just the CSS for them would help us implement them as custom components for now.

Thanks for reviewing and for all the work that goes into building and maintaining this project!

~ Mateo

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