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101simplejava's Issues

Enforce conventions on packages

Package prefix

We were discussing the standard package prefix a lot and didn't come up with any compelling, short contender. I therefore conclude that shall be used whenever possible. This is what is used mostly anyway. The important thing is, of course, that "org.softlang" should only be applied to contributions that come from the softlang team. So other package prefixes should be preserved when the contributions are from non-softlangers.

Use of subpackages

Generally, sub-packages should not be used unless there is a compelling reason and a convincing name for the subpackage.

I would suggest that "a compelling reason" could be either of those:
a) There are not just a few files and thus, some group facilitates understanding.
b) Some of the files are tool-generated (as with JAXB) and they are held in a designated package.
c) The technology may stipulate different packages. (Any example?)

We know that subpackage names were assigned somewhat chaotically across different contributions. For instance, we may have used "features", "operations", "behavior". The use of such names is too subtle. Perhaps some of these names make more sense:

  • "model" makes sense when we want to modularize the "object model".
  • "view" and "controller" for those components of contributions with GUI.
  • ...

There may be more good candidates. Just try to normalize and get rid of subtle packaging. In case of doubt, let's discuss via comments on this GitHub issue.


Do I remember correctly that we would be using a "tests" package for them? Or is it "test" Which one is best practice? Please check and enforce.

contributions/.gradle to be git-ignored?

I see that there is a .gradle file/folder in contributions once I ran gradle.
Should this file be added to .gitignore (so that it does not pop during "git status")?

Overuse of the features package

Just looking, for example, at package

of javaSyb.

So you are placing framework/library-like functionality in the package for features.

This is really not helpful in understanding / explaining / maintaining the architecture of a contribution. Please refactor.

Bring up 101wiki quality for this repo

We are in the process of migrating 101wiki to a new metamodel for contributions and others.

The emerging metamodel is currently bootstrapped with many Haskell-based contributions.

Eventually, the Java-based contributions of the present repo should catch up.

Many of the changes are trivial; some of theme were already automatically completed.

However, some of the new metamodel details require manual effort.

What exactly needs to be done should be discussed once this issue is picked up.

To provide some indicators, consider this:

  • Relationships between contributions should be properly described. Currently, "similarities" are only mentioned in the running text of the old "Motivation" paragraph.
  • To better respond to the expected standardization of building and testing for this repo, we should simplify and standardize the "Usage" sections.
  • To align with changes due to standardized package structure, we should simplify and standardize the "Architecture" sections.

please review new contributions

Hi Matthias,

I added jdomHttp and javaJson and javaJsonHttp.

I think I revised all gradle stuff as needed.

Can you please see whether you still build and test everything?

(... so that the students don't run into issues.)


Normalization for contributions

I recognized that varies in style and level of "uptodateness".

Therefore, I propose the following clean-up.

I set up an example:

Thus, the only variable parts in a would be these:

  • The Headline
  • The link to 101wiki

When doing the's, please take these considerations into account:

  • Please make sure to use the current headlines as shown on 101wiki as opposed to what's in the current files, which is often outdated.
  • Please make sure to use the right URL to 101wiki.
  • When copying and pasting headlines from the wiki, please remove "Language:" and "Technology:". This was also done in the example. Other namespaces do not occur in headlines. If you find any other namespaces, please let me know.

Simplify and standardize package structure

The various Java projects mess around with different package names.

Most of them seem to be using org.softlang.

Generally, long package names make it unnecessarily hard to just explore the projects.

Perhaps, we kind find some "best" practice that allows us to use much shorter package names.

The use of the default package appears to be a tabu, but perhaps we can find some support for doing it. If we decide not to use the default package, what would be the shortest package name that is tolerable from a best practice/engineering point of view?

The subpackages names should also be standardized.

It looks like the following patterns are in use:

  • tests (test) for JUNit tests
  • behavior for "behavioral" concerns
  • features for "features"
  • model for the "object model"

A tentative proposal for a standardization and simplification follows:

  • Use as few subpackages as possible without incurring proper drawbacks.
  • Decide on whether separating out tests into a subpackage is really worth it.
  • Do not use "behavior" and "features" because these names are confusing.

bin directories popped up

Just gradle built and eclipsed javaSyb.
Now I see a "bin" directory.
It does not even disappear after "../gradlew clean".

Move non-contributions out of the way

We have this sort of stuff in the contributions dir:

This greatly confuses the infrastructure.

This must be moved out of the way.

The emerging best practice is to use "tools" (rather than contributions).

Also a subdir of tools should use a name that is unlikely to cause any conflict across the repos.

So I guess "contributions/gradle" should become "tools/gradle-simplejava" or something like that.

code generation affects commits

@avaranovich do you have an idea how we should go about this problem?

The issue is this:

It looks like when one builds all of 101simplejava, then certain files get re-generated.

Here is a snippet from the corresponding "git status":

    modified:   contributions/jaxbComposition/src/main/java/org/softlang/company/xjc/
    modified:   contributions/jaxbComposition/src/main/java/org/softlang/company/xjc/
    modified:   contributions/jaxbComposition/src/main/java/org/softlang/company/xjc/
    modified:   contributions/jaxbComposition/src/main/java/org/softlang/company/xjc/
    modified:   contributions/jaxbComposition/src/main/java/org/softlang/company/xjc/

This is unfortunate because such changes may create loads of stupid conflicts.

Any thoughts?

Get infrastructure such as 101simplejava/contributions/gradle out of the way

We cannot have 101simplejava/contributions/gradle and alikes in the general directory structure for contributions (or other namespaces for that matter). Specifically, such gradle stuff needs to get out of the way.

The violation of this constraint messes up 101 because the gradle stuff now appears to be a "contribution".

Where does it go? Here are the general constraints to meet and to refine. That is, all such stuff must compete for a global namespace scheme. The gradle stuff must be Ok with any other 101repo that may come up.

Let's discuss and resolve.

Continuous build test of repo

I am not assigning to @DerDackel or @tbernau but perhaps they may be willing to do this.

Anyway, experience with the PTT class shows that the current use of gradle makes it perhaps not easier for most involved to understand how to respond to any issues that may arise.

  • (1.) Students wouldn't know Gradle; they can't help themselves.
  • (2.) Build rules cannot be discovered as they are factored to the top.

I don't think we want to move away from Gradle for resource/continuity reasons. So we need to accept that 1. will remain a problem.

We must address 2. in some way.

If there would be no problems, we could be ignorant, but there are problems:

  • (3.) ./gradlew eclipse automated generation of eclipse files but doesn't test that Eclipse would be happy.
  • (4.) Platform issues; we do development mostly on Mac OS X / Linux but there are apparently Windows users.

So we need to solve both problems: 3. and 4. but automated testing (and address 2.).


.gitignore not properly set up

When I am running "git status" on 101simplejava, I see loads of noise:

#   ../jdom/.classpath
#   ../jdom/.project
#   ../jdom/.settings/
#   ../jdom/build/
#   ../sax/.classpath
#   ../sax/.project
#   ../sax/.settings/
#   ../sax/build/
#   ../xom/.classpath

.gitignore should make sure to make those kinds of things go quiet.

rxJava needs .gitignore

I am getting this sort of stuff for "git status":

# Untracked files:
#       rxjava/.classpath
#       rxjava/.project
#       rxjava/.settings/
#       rxjava/build/

Please check other contributions for the right logic regarding .gitignore.

More generally, please make sure "git status" is empty after commiting/pushing new contributions.

Make contributions self-contained

Hi @tbernau

I would like to discuss whether it is reasonable to go back to a scheme where contributions are self-contained. Seeing how students struggle with the repo-level distribution and seeing further how our contribution-level zip distribution is broken now, I would like to seriously consider going back to self-contained distributions.

What would be the consequences?

  • We would need to assemble contribution-specific build files for gradle.
  • What else?

If @DerDackel also has an opinion on / time for this, please comment as well.

Making jdbc contribution 101simplejava-compliant

cc Michael Monschau (once I know his id).

cc @ydupont

This is a tough one.

The java jdbc contribution is still in 101repo for a reason.

We cannot gradle-ize/maven-ize it -- not on the grounds of its technology dependencies, in the current form.

There must be some DB engine, some setup that is controllable in this sense though.

Perhaps Yves is closer to proposing something here.

We can discuss this when we meet next time.

Not urgent.

Likewise, we would want to bundle hibernate stuff.

Refactor build.gradle for clarity

This is trying to make one aspect of #19 more operational.

When looking at build.gradle of a non-trivial project I see this:

 $ pwd
 $ more build.gradle 
 description = 'Object/XML mapping for Java and XSD with JAXB'

I don't think the description should be there because per #18 it belongs into the README.

Thus, the file is essentially empty.

Now, a beginner will have no idea that still some stuff happens (i.e., xjc is invoked). I didn't even bother to look at the global gradle file, but I guess some cleverness is encoded there to process Company.xsd in some cases. How would the global rule know that it needs to be run on specific contributions?

Anyway, here is my proposal. When looking at the gradle file there must be some hint at the fact that "xjc" is invoked so that a modestly experienced user is encouraged to look further in the global gradle file. Don't make the global gradle file overly clever.

antlrLexer needs to be factored and could be generalized

Just realized that the code for "total" is actually written into the test class.
This needs to be factored out into a proper main class.

Also, the test class should perhaps not be be called "Parsing" because antlrLexer does no parsing. What would be the name for the class in other, non-antlrish contributions?

Further, there is no implementation of Cut, but there should be preferably.
The idea of javaLexer could be applied such that an output stream is filled with all tokens modulo adapting the salaries.

wiki and code out of sync

Just looking at some pages which are about the current homework.

For instance:

It talks about packages that do no longer exist.

I am trying to fix this for this one, but please take care of this, as we were discussing this before. Some standardized, simple architectural description could be really wanted.

Don't confuse de-/serialization versus un-/parsing

There is Feature:Serialization and its subfeatures.
There is features for parsing and unparsing.
The naming seems to confuse them occasionally.
Just looking at javaSyb with its ParsingTest (which is about (de-)serialization).

Remove unused imports

Loads of them I run into.
Unless this is about generated code, such unused imports are not wanted.

akka contribution

So we could do a concurrent implementation using this:

I guess we can start from the existing thread-based implementation and see how we can leverage akka instead.

JAXB contributions contain schema-derived object model and lack derivation rules

I am assigning @DerDackel but I guess Sebastian could also communicate with @tbernau whether Thomas can take over. What I am describing here is a result though of Sebastian's efforts; so he would need to say at least how to proceed in technical terms.

Prior to setting up gradle, the jaxb* contributions contained Makefile-based rules that described very clearly how to derive the object models from the schemas.

  • These rules need to be presented somewhere.
  • The object models need to be removed from the repo.
  • The derivation of the object models needs to be added to the build process.

JAXB implementations having issues

The PTT students had issues with Contribution:jaxbComposition.

See the FB group for PTT.

It looks like the gradle stuff not working under Windows.

Also, the documentation ( should hint at the need to set JAVA_HOME.

Thanks to @DerDackel and @tbernau for fixing this so that we don't run into this again when we use ANTLR next week.

As far as I understand, Sebastian has a fix.

It looks like Kevin Klein also has a fix:

yapg broken

@DerDackel was mentioning that he had trouble with that.
Anyway, it was working just fine before it was gradle-ed.
So please unbreak.

/Users/laemmel/projects/101simplejava/contributions/yapg/src/test/java/org/softlang/tests/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class CompanyLexer
location: package
/Users/laemmel/projects/101simplejava/contributions/yapg/src/test/java/org/softlang/tests/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class CompanyParser
location: package
/Users/laemmel/projects/101simplejava/contributions/yapg/src/test/java/org/softlang/tests/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class CompanyLexer
location: class org.softlang.tests.Parser
        CompanyLexer lexer = new CompanyLexer(antlr);
/Users/laemmel/projects/101simplejava/contributions/yapg/src/test/java/org/softlang/tests/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class CompanyLexer
location: class org.softlang.tests.Parser
        CompanyLexer lexer = new CompanyLexer(antlr);
/Users/laemmel/projects/101simplejava/contributions/yapg/src/test/java/org/softlang/tests/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class CompanyParser
location: class org.softlang.tests.Parser
        CompanyParser parser = new CompanyParser(tokens);
/Users/laemmel/projects/101simplejava/contributions/yapg/src/test/java/org/softlang/tests/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class CompanyParser
location: class org.softlang.tests.Parser
        CompanyParser parser = new CompanyParser(tokens);
6 errors
:yapg:compileTestJava FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':yapg:compileTestJava'.
> Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug                                                                         option to get more log output.


Distribute prepared projects

This is sort of related to #19.

Based on PTT experiences and today's work with @DerDackel .

We could perhaps distribute projects past the steps for basic configuration with "./gradlew" and build / tests steps with "./gradlew build & eclipse", but I guess this would not work directly as libraries would be in the Maven repo on the system used for building.

Anyway, if we could do something to the effect of this, then things would be back to "simple" for users of the "simple" contributions. They used to be simple because they were self-contained Eclipse projects. Now they are no longer self-contained and need gradle to be performed to even arrive at an Eclipse project. This appears to be hard for beginners and they have no idea how to fix things manually when necessary.

Of course, the fact (and the way in which) we use Gradle is alright. It is just adding some point of failure for the potential stakeholders of 101simplejava, which are beginners.

Looking forward more discussion.

Provide very simple build and test "framework"

By definition, the projects of this repo should be easy to build and test.

Thus, we should demonstrate this proper.

That is, the repo should be equipped with some scripting (make, ant, maven, python, ...) so that by a simple script execution all projects are built and tested and report is produced to summarize the results somehow.

Each project, should also do the following as part of build and test:

  • Retrieve jars that are needed.
  • Derive source files that can be build. of this repo should be used to document everything.

.gitignore should be maintained to be useful for this style of repo.

a contribution with messaging in Java

perhaps with JMS:

See also a more general discussion here:

One idea could be that one client maintains the company objects whereas the other client sends messages to retrieve company data which are to be sent back also by messages.

Overall, let' see how we can demo messaging without perhaps adding another feature. If necessary though, we can discuss a new feature.

Zips and build script architecture

The zip worker currently zips ( the repo as (1) a whole and as (2) individual implementations. Build scripts are only present at implementation level.
With the way our build scripts currently work (all info in a single super script in ...\contribtuions) all build info in (1) and (2) is lost.

With the structure of the resulting zip from (1) where all 101implementations are in the same folder super build scripts from different subrepos will collide if the same build system (and hence script name) is used. Also such super build scripts would need to be included in (2).

A solution on the worker side would be changing the zip structure (adding a superfolder to (2) to include e.g. build.gradle and settings.gradle and the need of dividing contributrions by repo/language/build system/something in (1)).
A solution on the build side would add redundancy and reduce maintainability but also add comprehensibility and usability (for both contributors and users) to the whole repo (every implementation would have its own script).

If not for the educational and community driven aspect of 101companies the first solution would be obvious.

Standardize testing and bring up "coverage" to a "modest" level

The various contributions use slightly different styles of test hardnesses for no reason.

Should we have one test class? When should we have several? How to name the classes and the test methods? What to test? How much file processing to do along with it? Etc.

Another major area of divergence is the test data itself and how it is actually obtained. There are probably good reasons as to why the data is encoded in the program, whether instead it is de-serialized from a file (in object serialization format or XML), but it looks like some best practice could be defined (->

Should we try to reuse test data across different contributions more aggressively? This is probably something we should save for later as it gets into the bigger area of "refactoring for a product line".

Added a new implementation javaReflection

Just FYI.

I started from javaSyb.

The tests are now called Ok.

Haven't resolved the issue with the build.gradle vs. redundancy.

Thanks for taking care of javaReflection.

Multi-OS support

We currently can not guarantee functionalities for multiple OS (or possibly even OS configurations).
We have to assume that Gradle works on different OS's (was tested on Windows 7, Ubuntu and MAC OS X and works fine), yet some implementations may cause errors platformdependent (see #35) and this can currently not be discovered automatically.

sax validation failure

Sax seems to be buggy. Validation causes some weird errors (stating that UTF-8 is no known format) situational, system-inter and -intra-dependent:

On Windows:

  • Using directories (like inputs) fails
  • Using the working directory succeeds

On Ubuntu:

  • Using the working directory fails

The problem seems to occur for others (internet), yet I found no solution or explanation.

Apache EJB

Would we be able to get an Apache EJB contribution?

Would we have problems similar to other database-based contributions (in that build is more involved)?

move projects from 101repo to 101simplejava modulo removal of .class and .jar files

Below follows a list of the relevant contributions.

All those guys are to be eradicated from 101repo.

They should be added to 101simplejava.

The projects should again appear in a contributions folders.

However, .jar and .class files are NOT copied over.

Perhaps the list of excluded .jar and .class files could be captured and shared with me and tbernau.


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