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😎 Awesome Python!

📜 Summary

A curated list of python tutorials, notes, slides deck, files related to pycon talks, and a handful list of books I read and/or am currently reading. This repository can be used as a reference documentation for mastering the python programming language and other related content like frameworks and such.

This repository serves three primary roles:

  1. Sharing an opinionated list of python videos.

  2. Sharing my own notes of what I learned while watching Pycon on YT, reading books, and other resources.

  3. Sharing a handful list of books that can play a significant role in honing your python skills.

If you are looking for a way to contribute to the project, please refer to the Guideline.

Don't forget to slap that ⭐ button an odd number of times ;-)

Currently maintained by Mahmoud Harmouch.

👉 Table Of Content (TOC).

  1. Awesome Python Talks
    1.1 Novice Level - Core
        1.1.1 Stuart Williams - Python Epiphanies
        1.1.2 Trey Hunner - Hands-On Intro to Python
        1.1.3 Jessica McKellar - Hands-on intro to Python
    1.2 Intermediate Level - Core
        1.2.2 Luciano Ramalho - Pythonic Objects
        1.2.2 Luciano Ramalho - Pythonic APIs
        1.2.3 Luciano Ramalho - Decorators & Descriptors
        1.2.4 Trey Hunner - Lazy Looping in Python
        1.2.5 Trey Hunner - List Comprehensions & Generator
        1.2.6 Trey Hunner - Readable Regular Expressions
        1.2.7 Raymond Hettinger - Dataclasses
        1.2.8 Raymond Hettinger - OOP from scratch
        1.2.9 Ariel Ortiz - Design Patterns in Python
    1.3 Fun To Watch
        1.3.1 David Beazley - Discovering Python
        1.3.2 David Beazley - The Fun of Reinvention
        1.3.3 David Beazley - Fear and Awaiting in Async
        1.3.4 David Beazley - Built in Super Heroes
    1.4 Python 2 and Python 3
        1.4.1 Brett Cannon - Python 3.3 is Better than Python 2.7
    1.5 DSA
        1.5.1 Brandon Rhodes - Data Structures in the Std Lib
        1.5.2 Justin Abrahms - Computer Science Fundamentals
        1.5.3 Raymond Hettinger - Modern solvers(BFS, DFS)
        1.5.4 Raymond Hettinger - Python's abstract base classes
        1.5.5 Claudio Freire - Efficient shared memory data structures
        1.5.6 Learning Algorithms and Data Structures in Python
        1.5.7 Nina Zakharenko - Elegant Solutions For Everyday Python Problems
        1.5.8 Jiaqi Liu - Fuzzy Search Algorithms .
    1.6 DevOps
        1.6.1 Hynek Schlawack - Beyond grep: Practical Logging and Metrics
    1.7 Full-Stack
        1.7.1 Kate Heddleston - So you want to be a full-stack developer
        1.7.2 Luke Lee - Building full-stack scientific applications in Python
        1.7.3 Christine Spang - To ORM or not to ORM
        1.7.4 Miguel Grinberg - Flask
        1.7.5 Dan Langer - The Django Request-Response Cycle
        1.7.6 Andrew Godwin - Designing Django's Migrations
        1.7.7 James Bennett - API-Driven Django
        1.7.8 Shauna Gordon-McKeon - Beyond Django Basics
        1.7.9 Kenneth Love - Django Admin Basics and Beyond
        1.7.10 Kenneth Love - Getting Started with Django
        1.7.11 Kenneth Love - Django 101
        1.7.12 Christophe Pettus - PostgreSQL Proficiency
        1.7.13 Jacinda Shelly - Delving into the Django Admin
    1.8 Self Care & Life
        1.8.1 Julie Pagano - It's Dangerous to Go Alone
        1.8.2 Kate Heddleston and Nicole Zuckerman: Technical Onboarding
        1.8.3 Kathleen Danielson - Avoiding Burnout
        1.8.4 Lynn Root, Noa Resare - Why can't we be friends
        1.8.5 Sara Packman - The Journey Over the Intermediate Gap
        1.8.6 Joyce Jang - Build Teams as an Engineer
        1.8.7 Lauren Schaefer - Does remote work really work?
    1.9 Testing
        1.9.1 Harry Percival - TDD with Django
        1.9.2 Brian Okken, Paul Everitt - Visual Testing with PyCharm and pytest
        1.9.2 Brian Okken, Paul Everitt - Visual Testing with PyCharm and pytest
        1.9.3 Hillel Wayne - Beyond Unit Tests: Taking Your Testing to the Next Level
        1.9.4 Zac Hatfield-Dodds - Escape from auto-manual testing with Hypothesis!
        1.9.5 Jes Ford - Getting Started Testing in Data Science
        1.9.6 Neil Chazin - Strategies for testing Async code

  2. My Notes/Book
    2.1 Chapter-01: The Language Basics
    2.2 Chapter-02: Built-In functions and the Std-Modules

  3. Python Books
    3.1 Novice Level
        3.1.1 Head-First Python: A Brain-Friendly Guide
        3.1.2 Python for Everybody: Exploring Data in Python 3
        3.1.3 Learn Python 3 the Hard Way
        3.1.4 Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner
        3.1.5 Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python
        3.1.6 Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science
        3.1.7 Python Crash Course
        3.1.8 Python for Kids
        3.1.9 Core Python Programming
        3.1.10 Programming Python
        3.1.11 Learning Python
        3.1.12 Think Python
    3.2 Intermediate Level
        3.2.1 Murach's Python Programming
        3.2.2 Python Cookbook
        3.2.3 Effective Python: 59 Specific Ways to Write Better Python
        3.2.4 Python Tricks: A Buffet of Awesome Python Features
        3.2.5 Intermediate Python
        3.2.6 Python 3 Object Oriented Programming
        3.2.7 Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures Using Python
        3.2.8 Practices of the Python Pro
    3.3 Reference
        3.3.1 Fluent Python
        3.3.2 Mastering Python High Performance
        3.3.3 Python Testing with pytest

1. 📺 Awesome Python Talks

🔝 Go To TOC.

1.1 Novice Level

Thumbnail Video Title YT Links Duration Speaker Deck Backup files
Python Epiphanies 2014 2016 2017 2018 3:17:08 2015 2016 2018 Mega
Hands-On Intro to Python 2017 3:26:03 2017 ---
Hands-on Intro to Python For Beginning Programmers 2014 3:21:49 --- ---

1.2 Intermediate Level

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Thumbnail Video Title YT Links Duration Speaker Deck Backup files
Pythonic Objects 2019 3:22:15 2014 Github Mega
Pythonic APIs 2016 3:01:52 2016 Github Mega
Decorators & Descriptors 2017 2:55:02 2017 Mega
Lazy Looping in Python 2019 3:22:14 2017 ---
List Comprehensions & Generators 2018 3:21:43 2017 ---
Readable Regular Expressions 2016 2017 2021 3:19:43 2016 2017 2021 ---
Dataclasses: The code generator to end all code generators 2018 00:45:21 --- ---
Object Oriented Programming from scratch 2020 1:16:18 Colab ---
Design Patterns in Python for the Untrained Eye 2019 3:14:47 2019 ---

1.3 Fun To Watch

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Thumbnail Video Title YT Links Duration Speaker Deck Backup files
Discovering Python 2014 00:47:49 2014 Mega
The Fun of Reinvention 2017 - Screencast 2017 00:55:21 2017 Mega
Fear and Awaiting in Async 2016 - Screencast 2016 00:56:42 2016 Mega
Built in Super Heroes 2016 - Screencast 2016 00:44:31 2016 Mega

1.4 Python 2 and Python 3

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Thumbnail Video Title YT Links Duration Speaker Deck Backup files
Python 3.3 is better Than Python 2.7 2012 2013 00:53:24 2013 ---
How to make your code Python 2/3 compatible 2015 00:28:37 2015 ---

1.5 Data Structures & Algorithms

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Thumbnail Video Title YT Links Duration Speaker Deck Backup files
Data Structures in the Std Lib and Beyond 2014 00:37:40 2014 ---
Computer science fundamentals 2014 00:30:22 2014 ---
Modern solvers: Problems well-defined are problems solved(BFS, DFS) 2019 00:47:14 2019 ---
Build powerful, new data structures with Python's abstract base classes 2019 1:02:01 --- ---
Efficient shared memory data structures 2018 00:27:15 2018 ---
Learning Algorithms and Data Structures in Python 2012 00:34:43 --- ---
Elegant Solutions For Everyday Python Problems 2018 00:32:57 2018 ---
Fuzzy Search Algorithms How and When to Use Them 2017 00:30:23 2017 ---

1.6 DevOps

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Thumbnail Video Title YT Links Duration Speaker Deck Backup files
Beyond grep: Practical Logging and Metrics 2015 00:35:50 2015 ---

1.7 Full-Stack

🔝 Go To TOC.

Thumbnail Video Title YT Links Duration Speaker Deck Backup files
So you want to be a full-stack developer 2014 00:26:46 2014 ---
Building full-stack scientific applications in Python 2013 00:42:35 2013 gist ---
To ORM or not to ORM 2015 00:26:29 2015 ---
Flask 2014 2015 2016 2017 3:40:28 2014 2015 2016 2017 ---
the Django Request-Response Cycle 2014 00:31:27 2014 ---
Designing Django's Migrations 2014 00:26:26 2014 ---
API-Driven Django 2018 00:26:26 2014 ---
Beyond Django Basics 2018 3:15:59 Github ---
Django Admin Basics and Beyond 2017 3:13:21 Github ---
Getting Started with Django 2014 3:23:34 RTD ---
Django 101 2016 2:04:32 2016 Github ---
PostgreSQL Proficiency for Python People 2016 3:00:05 pdf ---
Delving into the Django Admin 2015 3:05:24 Github ---

1.8 Self Care & Life

🔝 Go To TOC.

Thumbnail Video Title YT Links Duration Speaker Deck Backup files
It's Dangerous to Go Alone 2014 00:28:22 2014 ---
Technical on-boarding, training, and mentoring 2014 00:27:11 2014 ---
Avoiding Burnout, and other essentials of Open Source Self-Care 2015 00:28:35 2015 ---
Why can't we be friends: do corporations and FOSS really mix? 2016 00:31:26 2016 ---
The Journey Over the Intermediate Gap 2018 00:27:09 2018 ---
Build Teams as an Engineer 2018 00:31:55 2018 ---
Does remote work really work 2019 00:39:20 2019 ---

1.9 Testing

🔝 Go To TOC.

Thumbnail Video Title YT Links Duration Speaker Deck Backup files
TDD with Django 2018 2018 2017 3:11:52 Book Github ---
Visual Testing with PyCharm and pytest 2018 00:29:54 2018 ---
Beyond Unit Tests: Taking Your Testing to the Next Level 2018 00:29:20 2018 ---
Escape from auto-manual testing with Hypothesis! 2019 3:12:11 2019 ---
Getting Started Testing in Data Science 2019 00:31:00 2019 ---
Strategies for testing Async code 2019 00:22:43 2019 ---

2. 📝 My Notes/Book

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3. 📚 Python Books(Core).

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3.1 Novice Level.

Cover Title Authors Publication(Year) Publisher Store
Head-First Python, 2nd Edition. Paul Barry 2016 O'Reilly Media, Inc Amazon
Python for Everybody. Dr. Charles Russell Severance. 2017 O'Reilly Amazon
Learn Python 3 the Hard Way, 1st Edition. Zed A. Shaw 2017 Addison-Wesley Amazon
Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 3rd Edition. Michael Dawson 2010 Course Technology Amazon
Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python, 2nd Edition. John V. Guttag, Julie Sussman 2016 The MIT Press Amazon
Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science, 3rd Edition. John M. Zelle 2016 Franklin, Beedle & Associates, Inc Amazon
Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition. Eric Matthes 2019 No Starch Press Amazon
Python for Kids, 2nd Edition. Jason R. Briggs 2012 No Starch Press Amazon
Core Python Programming, 2nd Edition Wesley J. Chun 2006 Pearson P T R Amazon
Programming Python, 4th Edition Mark Lutz 2010 O'Reilly Media, Inc. Amazon
Learning Python, 5th Edition. Mark Lutz 2010 O'Reilly Media, Inc. Amazon
Think Python, 2nd Edition. Allen B. Downey 2016 O'Reilly Media, Inc. Amazon

3.2 Intermediate Level

🔝 Go To TOC.

Cover Title Authors Publication(Year) Publisher Store
Murach's Python Programming, 2nd Edition. Michael Urban 2021 Mike Murach & Associates Amazon
Python Distilled (Developer's Library) 1st Edition. David Beazley 2021 Addison-Wesley Professional Amazon
Effective Python, 2nd Edition. Brett Slatkin 2019 Addison-Wesley Professional Amazon
Python Tricks, 1st edition. Dan Bader 2017 Dan Bader Amazon
Intermediate Python, 1st edition. Obi Ike-Nwosu 2016 leanpub ---
Python Object-Oriented Programming, 4th Edition. Steven F. Lott, Dusty Phillips 2021 Packt Publishing Amazon
Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures Using Python, Kindle Edition. Bradley N. Miller, David L. Ranum 2021 Franklin, Beedle & Associates Amazon
Practices of the Python Pro 1st Edition. Dane Hillard 2020 Manning Amazon

3.3 Reference

🔝 Go To TOC.

Cover Title Authors Publication(Year) Publisher Store
Fluent Python, 2nd Edition. Luciano Ramalho 2022 O'Reilly Media Amazon
Mastering Python High Performance. Fernando Doglio 2015 Packt Publishing Amazon
Python Testing with pytest, 2nd Edition Brian Okken 2022 Pragmatic Bookshelf Amazon

🔝 Go To TOC.

© 2022 Mahmoud Harmouch, all rights reserved. Made with ❤️
Contributions are welcome!

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