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ism7mqtt's Issues

Documentation change

Maybe I just did not find the instruction but I think it should be added , that the ism7parameter archive should be extracted to the install dir of Wolf smartset

%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Wolf GmbH\Smartset


System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no matching element

I have finally received my ism7 module and have set up ism7mqtt 0.0.13 from scratch, created the parameter.json and am trying to use the official docker image.

However, after configuring the container, starting it throws the following error and I have no idea what this could mean:

System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no matching element
   at System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowNoMatchException()
   at ism7mqtt.Ism7Config.AddDevice(String ip, String ba) in /app/ISM7/Ism7Config.cs:line 76
   at ism7mqtt.Ism7Client.LoadInitialValuesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /app/ISM7/Ism7Client.cs:line 281
   at ism7mqtt.ResponseDispatcher.DispatchAsync(IResponse response, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /app/ISM7/ResponseDispatcher.cs:line 32
   at ism7mqtt.Ism7Client.ReadPipeAsync(PipeReader source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /app/ISM7/Ism7Client.cs:line 213

How can I solve this or what can I do to find the reason for this error message?

AddOn stoppt nach kurzer Zeit.

Hallo! Ich habe folgenden Log-Output. Was kann ich tun? Oder was mache ich falsch?

s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
++ cd /app
++ parameters=/config/ism7-parameters-Wolf.json
++ '[' -f /config/ism7-parameters-Wolf.json ']'
++ echo 'Creating initial configuration /config/ism7-parameters-Wolf.json'
Creating initial configuration /config/ism7-parameters-Wolf.json
++ /app/ism7config -t /config/ism7-parameters-Wolf.json
2023-09-19 20:36:35.2177|INFO|LuCon.WebPortal.StandaloneService.NetworkConnector|Try IP-resolve for host:
2023-09-19 20:36:35.2971|INFO|LuCon.WebPortal.StandaloneService.NetworkConnector|Try connect destination server ->, Timeout:60000 ms
2023-09-19 20:36:37.8654|INFO|LuCon.SocketServer.SocketServerBase.GatewayContext|GW:-1,0 Written XML, bytes:120, msg:


2023-09-19 20:36:38.0491|INFO|LuCon.WebPortal.StandaloneService.NetworkConnector|Got XML msg:


2023-09-19 20:36:38.0909|INFO|LuCon.WebPortal.StandaloneService.NetworkConnector|logonResponse:Errormsg:, State:ok
2023-09-19 20:36:38.1711|INFO|GW-1|GW:1,0 Written XML, bytes:81, msg:

Timeout waiting for GW
++ '[' -f /config/ism7-parameters-Wolf.json ']'
++ echo 'Parameter file creation seems to have failed. Please report to the ism7mqtt project:'
Parameter file creation seems to have failed. Please report to the ism7mqtt project:
++ exit -1
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: stopping
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: stopping
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: stopping
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: stopping
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully stopped

Docker with macvlan network does not apply assigned IP address.

I have several docker container running on my synology nas. Recently I switched over to use macvlan bridged network, because it offers a lot more flexibility. unfortunately the host cannot reach the containers over macvlan neither can they reach the host.
I tried to move the docker for ism7mqtt to the macvlan network but it does not apply the assigned IP Address. Am I missing something or does the docker container not support macvlan network?

refresh interval not respected

I've set the refresh interval to 15 seconds as I currently have an issue with my heating and needed some more detailes protocols.
I've noticed that infact the setting does have no effect on the actual interval the ism7 sends the updates. Even with 15 secnds the updates are received in intervals of 40 to 80 seconds, same as when it was set to 60 seconds by default.

I then used the smartset PC app (using the proxy) to protocol my data with 10 seconds and this actually worked (updates received for fast changing values in intervals of 6 seconds to 15 seconds).

I can see the xml used by ism7mqtt correctly sets the is-flag to 15. But it seems this is not effective.

Comparing the xml used by ism7mqtt and the one from smartset app, I can see slight differences. The main ones seem to be:

-utf8 vs utf16 encoding (likely not the reason)
-the app bundles some values in in-flag (also unlikely, but possible)
-the app always uses the se-flag

the latter seems to me the most reasonable reason. As the responses from ism7 to the requests with se="" carry se="0" while the ones responding to requests with se="A;1" seem to carry the same reference se="A;1". So maybe the ism7 uses this to distguish between the different requests and to keep track of them.

below the request as sent by the smartset PC app:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><tbreq bn="300" gw="1" ae="true" ty="push"><ird se="A;4" ba="0x8" in="370" is="10" /><ird se="A;9" ba="0x8" in="371" is="10" /><ird se="E;0;1;2;3;5" ba="0x8" in="10067 10068 2 13 367" is="10" /><ird se="A;6" ba="0x8" in="10071" is="10" /><ird se="A;7" ba="0x8" in="22" is="10" /><ird se="A;8" ba="0x8" in="10063" is="10" /></tbreq>
and then the one ism7mqtt created (I shortened several parameters for better readability...)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><tbreq xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" bn="3" gw="1" ae="false" ty="push"><ird in="13" se="" ba="0x8" is="15" /><ird in="14" se="" ba="0x8" is="15" /><ird in="22" se="" ba="0x8" is="15" /><ird in="367" se="" ba="0x8" is="15" /><ird in="370" se="" ba="0x8" is="15" /><ird in="371" se="" ba="0x8" is="15" /><ird in="371" se="" ba="0x8" is="15" /><ird in="410" se="" ba="0x8" is="15" /><ird in="551" se="" ba="0x8" is="15" /><ird in="550" se="" ba="0x8" is="15" /><ird in="553" se="" ba="0x8" is="15" /><ird in="552" se="" ba="0x8" is="15" /><ird in="554" se="" ba="0x8" is="15" /><ird in="10010" se="" ba="0x8" is="15" /><ird in="10013" se="" ba="0x8" is="15" /><ird in="10028" se="" ba="0x8" is="15" /><ird in="10063" se="" ba="0x8" is="15" /><ird in="10071" se="" ba="0x8" is="15" /><ird in="34" se="" ba="0x8" is="15" />......<ird in="10900" se="" ba="0x8" is="15" /><ird in="10899" se="" ba="0x8" is="15" /></tbreq>

Support writing

  • support mulitplexing #5
  • determine writeable values #6
  • add write support to converters
  • listen to MQTT commands

Error message ism7mqtt


ism7mqtt reports shortly after start:

Received empty xml of type 'TgrBundleResp' - skipping dispatch (raw '000000000005')

At the same time, the MQTT Explorer software, which I currently use for test purposes, is missing devices from the eBus. Is there a connection?

Greetings, nekton2

crash when writing to parameters with single digit BusAddress

Thank you very much for your work!

I try to write to the parameter 18131 "Kesselübertemperatur bei Speicherladung" of my CGB-2 (device id 18000). However, values do not appear to be written, if the umlauts in the parameter name are kept (i.e. when using Wolf/ {"Kesselübertemperatur bei Speicherladung":15}). If the umlauts are replaced (i.e. when using {"Kesseluebertemperatur bei Speicherladung":15}), then ism7mqtt terminates, but nonetheless the new value is written to the CGB-2 (value change visible after restarting ism7mqtt). Am I doing something wrong?

ism7mqtt auf raspberry Pi

Ich würde gerne ism7mqtt auf meinem headless Raspberry Pi 3B+ laufen lassen.
Wie ich verstanden habe, ist dein Programm mit Visual Code erstellt.
Nur wie kann ich dein Programm dort compilieren lassen. Ich habe Visual Code auf dem Raspi installiert.
Nur wie kann ich ohne grafische Oberfläche das Build starten? Ich will/muss ja nichts programmieren sondern nur den vorhanden
Sourcecode ausführbar machen.

ism7parameter.exe fails

first of all thank you for this application. But I have an issue generating the parameter.json, when starting the program ism7parameter.exe. I run windows 10 64bit.

Unbehandelte Ausnahme: System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeException: Unable to load the native components of SQL Server Compact corresponding to the ADO.NET provider of version 8876. Install the correct version of SQL Server Compact. Refer to KB article 974247 for more details.
bei System.Data.SqlServerCe.NativeMethods.LoadNativeBinaries()
bei System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection..ctor()
bei System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection..ctor(String connectionString)
bei ism7parameter.Program.

d__0.MoveNext() in C:\Users\xxx\source\repos\ism7mqtt\src\ism7parameter\Program.cs:Zeile 60.
--- Ende der Stapelüberwachung vom vorhergehenden Ort, an dem die Ausnahme ausgelöst wurde ---
bei System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
bei System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
bei System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.GetResult()
bei ism7parameter.Program.(String[] args)

I have already installed the SSCERuntime-DEU in the 64bit version. How can I move on ?

Download of the Smartset for Windows fails after 6%

Not your fault - but the download of the Wolf Smartset App fails after 6%

22335                           6%[+++                                              ]   3,07M  --.-KB/s    in 0s      

2023-03-10 10:11:42 (0,00 B/s) - Verbindung bei Byte 3214610 geschlossen. Erneuter Versuch.

--2023-03-10 10:11:52--  (Versuch:20)
Verbindungsaufbau zu (||:443 … verbunden.
HTTP-Anforderung gesendet, auf Antwort wird gewartet … 206 Partial Content
Länge: 46780232 (45M), 43565622 (42M) sind noch übrig [application/x-dosexec]
Wird in ‘22335’ gespeichert.

Can't we use the Data out of the SmartSet App on Android - or is the parameters file not generated there?

support multiplexing

the answer of the module may belong to a pending command or a push update - we need some kind of support for multiplexing the response to the correct task.

time programs not returned

Some values like the daily time programs seem not to be rreturned by ism7mqtt although in parameter.json:

e.g ID 320001:


    "ReadBusAddress": "0x35",
    "WriteBusAddress": "0x30",
    "DeviceTemplateId": 340000,
    "Parameter": [

and in parameter template:

 <OtherParameterDescriptor PTID="320002">

but I don't see them returned. Any idea? I mean not crucial at all (it's just to have an overview of my stored timers)

ism7mqtt - Raspberry Pi

successfully got ism7 mqtt running on windows 10. However, I want to run the client on my Raspberry Pi 3B (Rasbian Stretch). So far everything is set up and the service can be started. I also see the connection on the MQTT server. However, after a short time (about 1 minute) the service crashes.

ism7mqtt version 0.0.8

Thanks Markus

SSL | Authentication failed

I run the following command on an ARCHLINUXARM device:

./ism7mqtt -m <homeassistant ip> -i <ism7 ip> -p <ism7 password> -t ../parameter.json --mqttuser=<homeassistant mqtt user> --mqttpass=<homeassistant mqtt password>

My MQTT server is at my homeassistant device (mosquitto broker).

And I have trouble with SSL:

System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: Authentication failed, see inner exception.
 ---> Interop+OpenSsl+SslException: SSL Handshake failed with OpenSSL error - SSL_ERROR_SSL.
 ---> Interop+Crypto+OpenSslCryptographicException: error:0A000152:SSL routines::unsafe legacy renegotiation disabled
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Interop.OpenSsl.DoSslHandshake(SafeSslHandle , ReadOnlySpan`1 , Byte[]& , Int32& )
   at System.Net.Security.SslStreamPal.HandshakeInternal(SafeFreeCredentials , SafeDeleteSslContext& , ReadOnlySpan`1 , Byte[]& , SslAuthenticationOptions )
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Net.Security.SslStream.ForceAuthenticationAsync[TIOAdapter](TIOAdapter , Boolean , Byte[] , Boolean )
   at ism7mqtt.Ism7Client.ConnectAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /home/runner/work/ism7mqtt/ism7mqtt/src/ism7mqtt/ISM7/Ism7Client.cs:line 87
   at ism7mqtt.Ism7Client.RunAsync(String password, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /home/runner/work/ism7mqtt/ism7mqtt/src/ism7mqtt/ISM7/Ism7Client.cs:line 51
   at ism7mqtt.Program.Main(String[] args) in /home/runner/work/ism7mqtt/ism7mqtt/src/ism7mqtt/Program.cs:line 131
Unhandled exception. System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: Authentication failed, see inner exception.
 ---> Interop+OpenSsl+SslException: SSL Handshake failed with OpenSSL error - SSL_ERROR_SSL.
 ---> Interop+Crypto+OpenSslCryptographicException: error:0A000152:SSL routines::unsafe legacy renegotiation disabled
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Interop.OpenSsl.DoSslHandshake(SafeSslHandle , ReadOnlySpan`1 , Byte[]& , Int32& )
   at System.Net.Security.SslStreamPal.HandshakeInternal(SafeFreeCredentials , SafeDeleteSslContext& , ReadOnlySpan`1 , Byte[]& , SslAuthenticationOptions )
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Net.Security.SslStream.ForceAuthenticationAsync[TIOAdapter](TIOAdapter , Boolean , Byte[] , Boolean )
   at ism7mqtt.Ism7Client.ConnectAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /home/runner/work/ism7mqtt/ism7mqtt/src/ism7mqtt/ISM7/Ism7Client.cs:line 87
   at ism7mqtt.Ism7Client.RunAsync(String password, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /home/runner/work/ism7mqtt/ism7mqtt/src/ism7mqtt/ISM7/Ism7Client.cs:line 51
   at ism7mqtt.Program.Main(String[] args) in /home/runner/work/ism7mqtt/ism7mqtt/src/ism7mqtt/Program.cs:line 131
   at ism7mqtt.Program.<Main>(String[] args)
Abgebrochen (Speicherabzug geschrieben)

.crt of HOMEASSISTANT (self-signed) is known by ARCHLINUXARM device (sudo trust anchor --store <**>.crt)

Help with writing Times


thanks for this great project! i run it on a raspi and successfully receive all data I need.
but I am struggling with writing values which contain times.

e.g when I want to publish a time:

Wolf/ 10:00:00

notthing happens. The same when publishing

Wolf/ "10:00:00"

On the other hand I can successfully write values which are numbers. Eg. the following works:

Wolf/ 1


Wolf/ 50

Can you guide me how for date and time values the message payload needs to look like?


Wolf SmartSet provisioning not successful with Wolf TGB-2

Wolf SmartSet provisioning is not working as described in README.
This is not an Issue within ism7mqtt itself, but I don't get the point how to get the parameter.yaml

The SmartSet PC-App is working up to the point when it's handshaking the password with the ISM7.
When I enter a wrong password, this is recognized via the GUI on port 5000.
But then the backend communication runs into a timeout at some time, and there's no parameter.yaml getting generated.

Maybe an issue with ISM7 (without i at the end) and FW 3.00?

Fehlende Entitäten Wolf MM

ich hatte vor einigen Monaten schon mal einen Post wegen fehlender Entitäten bei meiner Wolf Anlage.
Dadurch, dass diese parameter Datei nicht mehr benötigt wird (?) ,dachte ich es wären jetzt alle da.

Die Werte sind hier zu finden:
/ Fachmann / Mischermodul MM1

Screenshot 2023-10-21 145118

Und hier noch die Dinger in einem anderen Menü:
/ Fachmann / Bedienmodul BM-2 0

Screenshot 2023-10-21 145621


Wenn ich irgendwie bei der Fehlersuche helfen kann, sag bescheid.

Edit: Achso als kleine Info noch: Ich benutze das
Sollte aber vermutlich keinen Unterschied machen?

How to correctly setup in Home Assistant?


it would be nice, if anyone could help me setting up ism7mqtt for Home Assistant. I am having a Wolf Link Pro device.
I installed the integration, as well the mosquitto mqtt broker. I created a seperate mqtt user and added the credentials in the mosquitto configuration, but still I receive no new entities from Wolf.

Would please anyone have an idea what could be the problem?
Attached the logs and the ism7-parameters-Wolf.json


Thanks for your help

System.ArgumentException: '0xFFFFFFFB' is not a hex value (Parameter 'hex') with v.0.0.15

After updating to v.0.0.15 I keep getting following error and the docker container keeps restarting.

2023-11-09T14:10:00.122237662Z > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><tbreq xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" bn="4" gw="1" ae="true" ty="write"><iwr se="" ba="0x03" in="12057" dl="0x00" dh="0x00" /></tbreq>
2023-11-09T14:10:01.696471832Z < <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><tbres bn="4" gw="" st="OK" ts="2023-11-09T15:06:18" emsg=""><iac se="0" ba="0x3" in="12057" dl="0x0" dh="0x0" st="OK"/></tbres>
2023-11-09T14:10:01.749458483Z System.ArgumentException: '0xFFFFFFFB' is not a hex value (Parameter 'hex')
2023-11-09T14:10:01.749644504Z    at ism7mqtt.Converter.FromHex(String hex) in /app/ism7mqtt/ISM7/Converter.cs:line 11
2023-11-09T14:10:01.749700647Z    at ism7mqtt.Ism7Config.<>c__DisplayClass13_0.<ProcessData>b__3(RunningDevice x) in /app/ism7mqtt/ISM7/Ism7Config.cs:line 115
2023-11-09T14:10:01.749758669Z    at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.ToList()
2023-11-09T14:10:01.749818327Z    at ism7mqtt.Ism7Config.ProcessData(IEnumerable`1 data) in /app/ism7mqtt/ISM7/Ism7Config.cs:line 112
2023-11-09T14:10:01.749868134Z    at ism7mqtt.Ism7Client.OnWriteResponse(IResponse response, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /app/ism7mqtt/ISM7/Ism7Client.cs:line 151
2023-11-09T14:10:01.749919607Z    at ism7mqtt.ResponseDispatcher.DispatchAsync(IResponse response, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /app/ism7mqtt/ISM7/ResponseDispatcher.cs:line 32
2023-11-09T14:10:01.750006122Z    at ism7mqtt.Ism7Client.ReadPipeAsync(PipeReader source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /app/ism7mqtt/ISM7/Ism7Client.cs:line 212

This probably has to do with the changes made in #73 .

Device Template not found


I've been trying to get it work with ism7-e. I tried it on Windows and also on a CentOS VM. I have a Wolf ism7-e, BWM-1 and BWS-1. Sometimes the values are read but most of the times the application is just crasing / finishing after one try. No values are sent to my MQQT Queue / even the topics are not created. Am I missing some important configuration? Pls find attached my Files.

Thanks for your help

Add option to change polling interval

Really love your work. Thanks a lot!
Would it be possible to get an option for changing the polling interval to something lower or higher than one minute? Or is this not practical due to the amount of data/performance of the ISM?


Partymodus und Urlaubsmodus

Diverse Textfelder werden von der Heizung per ism7mqtt übertragen:

text.wolf_bm2_0x30_330000_uhrzeit_ende "19:49:00"
text.wolf_bm2_0x30_330001_datum_ende "10/15/2023 00:00:00"
text.wolf_bm2_0x30_330002_uhrzeit_start "16:49:00"
text.wolf_bm2_0x30_330003_datum_start "10/15/2023 00:00:00"

text.wolf_bm2_0x30_330008_uhrzeit_start "19:49:00"
text.wolf_bm2_0x30_330007_datum_ende "10/15/2023 00:00:00"
text.wolf_bm2_0x30_330008_uhrzeit_start "16:49:00"
text.wolf_bm2_0x30_330009_datum_start "10/15/2023 00:00:00"

Diese scheinen aber nur in diese eine Richtung zu funktionieren.

Ein Schreibversuch des Textfeldes in die Gegenrichtung zur Heizung hin scheitert.
Auf dem MQTT-Bus werden sie erfolgreich übertragen:

Wolf/BM-2_0x35/set/Uhrzeit_Start/330002 "12:45:56"
Wolf/BM-2_0x35/set/Uhrzeit_Ende/330000 "22:22:22"

... jedoch verbleiben im BM-2-System weiterhin die alten Werte.

Dazu kommt, dass die Datums-Werte auch die Uhrzeit mitführen. Ich weiß nicht, ob das ein Bug oder Feature (1:1 von ISM7?) ist.


Leider kann ich die eingehenden Nachrichten, in meinem Programm nicht empfangen, da vom Publisher der QOS auf 0 gesetzt ist. Damit nützt mir die ganze Sessionverwaltung von meinem MQTT Broker nichts. Ich schaue ca. 1x in der Minute nach, ob eine Nachricht vorliegt, ist das nicht der Fall, beende ich die Abfrage. Zwischenzeitlich eingegangene Nachrichten werden nicht weitergeleitet und sind somit für mich verloren.
Also bitte QOS auf 1 oder 2 setzten oder beim Aufruf vom ism7mqtt als parameter übernehmen (z.B. -p 1)

I get an SSL Error with my newly installed System on an Raspi 4 with newest Raspi OS 64 bit

Hi there!

I had ism7mqtt running on my Raspi System, but it was very old and messy so I decided to setup the system new. The old was still with Raspi OS 32 bit.

Now I set up the System with Raspi OS 64 bit and now I get the following exception when trying to run config or the program with the old parameter.json:

System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: Authentication failed, see inner exception.
---> Interop+OpenSsl+SslException: SSL Handshake failed with OpenSSL error - SSL_ERROR_SSL.
---> Interop+Crypto+OpenSslCryptographicException: error:0A000152:SSL routines::unsafe legacy renegotiation disabled
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Interop.OpenSsl.DoSslHandshake(SafeSslHandle , ReadOnlySpan1 , Byte[]& , Int32& ) at System.Net.Security.SslStreamPal.HandshakeInternal(SafeFreeCredentials , SafeDeleteSslContext& , ReadOnlySpan1 , Byte[]& , SslAuthenticationOptions )
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Net.Security.SslStream.ForceAuthenticationAsync[TIOAdapter](TIOAdapter , Boolean , Byte[] , Boolean )
at ism7mqtt.Ism7Client.ConnectAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /home/runner/work/ism7mqtt/ism7mqtt/src/ism7mqtt/ISM7/Ism7Client.cs:line 86
at ism7mqtt.Ism7Client.RunAsync(String password, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /home/runner/work/ism7mqtt/ism7mqtt/src/ism7mqtt/ISM7/Ism7Client.cs:line 50
at ism7mqtt.Program.Main(String[] args) in /home/runner/work/ism7mqtt/ism7mqtt/src/ism7mqtt/Program.cs:line 136

So I googled this problem and the solution that is always brought up is to change the openssl.cnf to include TLSv1 and or include UnsafeLegacyRenegotiation

MinProtocol = TLSv1
Options = UnsafeLegacyRenegotiation

But this changes nothing in the behaviour.

Maybe anyone here has an idea? I am out of ideas....

Parameter "Port" for an external MQTT server


first of all many thanks for your work!
I use the Home Assistant addon from b3nno, to send the data from Home Assistant to an external MQTT server, an additional parameter is needed to set a specific port, this is different from "1883".

Can you please add a parameter for the port when you get a chance?
b3nno has already added parameters for the external IP, user, password in his addon -> b3nn0/hassio-addon-ism7mqtt#34


Parameters for mixed heating circuits missing?

I have a Wolf CBG-20 with one direct heating circuit (Direkter Heizkreis) and two mixed valve heating circuits (Mischermodul 1 and 2).
I can control via Smartset App for each of these 3 heating circuits e.g. the program (Automatic, Standby, ...).
However via ism7mqtt, there is only the parameter for the direct heating circuit available:
(why are there two?)

For the mixed circuits (MM_0x51 and MM_0x52), there are several values available in ism7mqtt, but no "Programmwahl" or similar?
Why that? How can you control the program state of the several circuits?

(Similar also for the parameter DHK_BM-2_0x35_Sollwertkorrektur_340026; DHK_BM-2_0x35_Sollwertkorrektur_340031 - not available for MM_0x51 and MM_0x52)

Home Assistant integration

this issue is primarily to discuss, what's the best way to integrate this into HA and what needs to be done.

Wrong values for CWL 400 Excellent

First of all, thanks for the great work! I was able to successfully transfer values for the heater and solar panel using the Docker container via MQTT.
Unfortunately, I do not get any reasonable values displayed for my controlled residential ventilation (CWL 400 Excellent). Although the correct terms are transferred via MQTT, the values do not make sense - below is a screenshot.
Does anyone have an idea?

Thx in advance!

Best regards



Special characters in parameter name for Heatpump CHA and in username for the broker (in --mqttuser)


thanks for this great tool and for the work you are spending on it.
When I tried the currenty last version (0.0.9) I ran into an isssue with a "+" character inside of a parameter name:
In example this one:
"Leistungsaufnahme_(WP_+_EHZ)" (I am running the tool with parameter -s)

Stack Trace:

publishing mqtt with topic 'Wolf/' '0.0'
MQTTnet.Exceptions.MqttProtocolViolationException: The character '+' is not allowed in topics.
at MQTTnet.Protocol.MqttTopicValidator.ThrowIfInvalid(String topic)
at MQTTnet.Protocol.MqttTopicValidator.ThrowIfInvalid(MqttApplicationMessage applicationMessage)
at MQTTnet.Client.MqttClient.PublishAsync(MqttApplicationMessage applicationMessage, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at ism7mqtt.Program.OnMessage(IMqttClient client, MqttMessage message, Boolean debug, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /home/runner/work/ism7mqtt/ism7mqtt/src/ism7mqtt/Program.cs:line 226
at ism7mqtt.Ism7Client.OnInitialValuesAsync(IResponse response, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /home/runner/work/ism7mqtt/ism7mqtt/src/ism7mqtt/ISM7/Ism7Client.cs:line 285
at ism7mqtt.ResponseDispatcher.DispatchAsync(IResponse response, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /home/runner/work/ism7mqtt/ism7mqtt/src/ism7mqtt/ISM7/ResponseDispatcher.cs:line 32
at ism7mqtt.Ism7Client.ReadPipeAsync(PipeReader source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /home/runner/work/ism7mqtt/ism7mqtt/src/ism7mqtt/ISM7/Ism7Client.cs:line 178
System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: Der E/A-Vorgang wurde wegen eines Threadendes oder einer Anwendungsanforderung abgebrochen..
---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (995): Der E/A-Vorgang wurde wegen eines Threadendes oder einer Anwendungsanforderung abgebrochen.
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs.System.Threading.Tasks.Sources.IValueTaskSource<System.Int32>.GetResult(Int16 )
at System.Net.Security.SslStream.EnsureFullTlsFrameAsyncTIOAdapter
at System.Net.Security.SslStream.ReadAsyncInternal[TIOAdapter](TIOAdapter , Memory`1 )
at ism7mqtt.Ism7Client.FillPipeAsync(PipeWriter target, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /home/runner/work/ism7mqtt/ism7mqtt/src/ism7mqtt/ISM7/Ism7Client.cs:line 132

Further I noticed that I am unable to have the executable working with a broker that is secured by using a user name (and password)
which contains the special german chacater "ä" inside.
What I tried is a commandline like this:
ism7mqtt -m XXX.XXX.XXX.XX --mqttuser "ä user" --mqttpass ?CrypticSamplePassword! -i XXX.XXX.XXX.XX -p ISM7Pass -d -s

Stack Trace:
MQTTnet.Adapter.MqttConnectingFailedException: Connecting with MQTT server failed (NotAuthorized).
at MQTTnet.Client.MqttClient.AuthenticateAsync(IMqttChannelAdapter channelAdapter, MqttApplicationMessage willApplicationMessage, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MQTTnet.Client.MqttClient.ConnectAsync(IMqttClientOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MQTTnet.Client.MqttClient.ConnectAsync(IMqttClientOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at ism7mqtt.Program.Main(String[] args) in /home/runner/work/ism7mqtt/ism7mqtt/src/ism7mqtt/Program.cs:line 107
mqtt disconnected - reconnecting in 5 seconds
Unhandled exception. MQTTnet.Adapter.MqttConnectingFailedException: Connecting with MQTT server failed (NotAuthorized).
at MQTTnet.Client.MqttClient.AuthenticateAsync(IMqttChannelAdapter channelAdapter, MqttApplicationMessage willApplicationMessage, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MQTTnet.Client.MqttClient.ConnectAsync(IMqttClientOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MQTTnet.Client.MqttClient.ConnectAsync(IMqttClientOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at ism7mqtt.Program.Main(String[] args) in /home/runner/work/ism7mqtt/ism7mqtt/src/ism7mqtt/Program.cs:line 107
at ism7mqtt.Program.

(String[] args)

Thanks for help and advice.

Some sensors show unkown

I am running the HA Addon on my PI, so first of all I'm not sure where exactly I should ask but it might no be related to the addon.
The MQTT Broker shows me 5 Devices: Wolf BM2, Wolf CGB-2, Wolf DHK_BM, Wolf WWSystem_BM-2 and Wolf MM.

The Wolf MM Device is the only one that has almost only Unknown entities.


I am not that deep into MQTT but it looks like I get no information from some of the topics:


Any idea what I can do about that? The Smartset Website updates the entities correctly.

I've also added the diagnostic.

mqtt-8a4be8a3df0a35eff1e6d04ba3562102-Wolf MM-40543bf18454678f826362e3a052fb7b.json.txt

No periodical updates for several ism7 values

I have an issue with some of the values only being updated directly after starting the container and not being updated anymore. I switched on debugging and there are only a subset of values on the same bus 0x08 that get updated every now and then.
I would be fine with it if that was because of the values not having changed between queries but the smart set portal and the value on the display of the BM-2 terminal show different values.
Any ideas?

ism7config does not work for TGB-20 yet

I finally have some time for Homeassistant again. Unfortunately ism7config does not work on my TGB-20 yet. That's all I get, at the end it times out.

# OPENSSL_CONF=openssl.cnf ./ism7config -i -p redacted
2023-10-03 00:57:10.6655|INFO|LuCon.WebPortal.StandaloneService.NetworkConnector|Try IP-resolve for host:
2023-10-03 00:57:10.6810|INFO|LuCon.WebPortal.StandaloneService.NetworkConnector|Try connect destination server ->, Timeout:60000 ms
2023-10-03 00:57:11.9173|INFO|LuCon.SocketServer.SocketServerBase.GatewayContext|<GW:-1,0> Written XML, bytes:118, msg:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2023-10-03 00:57:12.0839|INFO|LuCon.WebPortal.StandaloneService.NetworkConnector|Got XML msg:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <direct-logon-response state="ok" sid="">
2023-10-03 00:57:12.0898|INFO|LuCon.WebPortal.StandaloneService.NetworkConnector|logonResponse:Errormsg:, State:ok
2023-10-03 00:57:12.1038|INFO|GW-1|<GW:1,0> Written XML, bytes:81, msg:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <read-systemconfig-request sid="1" />
2023-10-03 00:57:12.1530|TRACE|GW-1|<GW:1,0> ReadTelegramAsync !!
2023-10-03 00:57:12.1553|TRACE|GW-1|<GW:1,0> Got 6 bytes from stream, elapsedMs=1
2023-10-03 00:57:12.1553|TRACE|GW-1|<GW:1,0> lenToRead: 439
2023-10-03 00:57:12.1553|TRACE|GW-1|<GW:1,0> telegrType SystemconfigResponse
2023-10-03 00:57:12.1553|TRACE|GW-1|<GW:1,0> Try to complete msg, bytesMissing:439 [6/439]
2023-10-03 00:57:12.2291|TRACE|GW-1|<GW:1,0> Got 203 bytes from stream, elapsedMs=75
2023-10-03 00:57:12.2292|TRACE|GW-1|<GW:1,0> Try to complete msg, bytesMissing:236 [209/439]
2023-10-03 00:57:12.2696|TRACE|GW-1|<GW:1,0> Got 64 bytes from stream, elapsedMs=116
2023-10-03 00:57:12.2696|TRACE|GW-1|<GW:1,0> Try to complete msg, bytesMissing:172 [273/439]
2023-10-03 00:57:12.3092|TRACE|GW-1|<GW:1,0> Got 64 bytes from stream, elapsedMs=155
2023-10-03 00:57:12.3092|TRACE|GW-1|<GW:1,0> Try to complete msg, bytesMissing:108 [337/439]
2023-10-03 00:57:12.3494|TRACE|GW-1|<GW:1,0> Got 51 bytes from stream, elapsedMs=195
2023-10-03 00:57:12.3494|TRACE|GW-1|<GW:1,0> Try to complete msg, bytesMissing:57 [388/439]
2023-10-03 00:57:12.3893|TRACE|GW-1|<GW:1,0> Got 57 bytes from stream, elapsedMs=235
2023-10-03 00:57:12.3893|INFO|GW-1|<GW:1,0> Got XML msg:???<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <read-systemconfig-response sid="1">
    <gateway type="WOLFLink" softwareNumber="1" softwareVersion="300" wlan="false" g3="false"/>
    <busconfig type="ebus">
    <busDevice ba="0x8" sv="0x30" sr="0x2" cfg="0x405A" did="0x35"/>
    <busDevice ba="0x35" sv="0x2" sr="0x4" cfg="0xC000" did="0x20"/>
2023-10-03 00:57:12.4217|INFO|GW-1|<GW:1,-1> - ProcessSystemconfigResponse:SystemconfigResponse, SID:1
2023-10-03 00:57:12.4403|INFO|GW-1|<GW:1,-1> >>>>>>>>>>>> state:1, count:3{
{Device(-1), visible:True, ba:0x00, dt:GW, di:0 hdt:-1, sv:, sr:, wrsId:, HWSInd:-1, SYSHWSInd:-1, IsCombinedDevice:False, DeviceTemplateId:190000, ConfigIndex:0, ConfigMask:0}
{Device(-2), visible:False, ba:0x8, dt:HG, di:1 hdt:-1, sv:0x30, sr:0x2, wrsId:0x35, HWSInd:-1, SYSHWSInd:-1, IsCombinedDevice:False, DeviceTemplateId:440000, ConfigIndex:0, ConfigMask:16474}
{Device(-3), visible:False, ba:0x35, dt:BM, di:0 hdt:-1, sv:0x2, sr:0x4, wrsId:0x20, HWSInd:-1, SYSHWSInd:-1, IsCombinedDevice:False, DeviceTemplateId:220000, ConfigIndex:0, ConfigMask:49152}}
2023-10-03 00:57:12.4895|INFO|GW-1|<GW:1,0> Written XML, bytes:630, msg:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <tbreq bn="1" gw="1" ae="true" ty="pull">
    <ird se="A;11" ba="0x35" in="10812" is="60" />
    <ird se="A;8" ba="0x35" in="10185" is="60" />
    <ird se="A;5" ba="0x8" in="10805" is="60" />
    <ird se="A;3" ba="0x8" in="2751" is="60" />
    <ird se="A;10" ba="0x35" in="10920" is="60" />
    <ird se="A;7" ba="0x35" in="10162" is="60" />
    <ird se="A;4" ba="0x8" in="10804" is="60" />
    <ird se="A;6" ba="0x35" in="10163" is="60" />
    <ird se="A;1" ba="0x8" in="10033" is="60" />
    <ird se="A;2" ba="0x8" in="10075" is="60" />
    <ird se="A;12" ba="0x35" in="10130" is="60" />
    <ird se="A;9" ba="0x35" in="10165" is="60" />

2023-10-03 00:58:12.4772|INFO|GW-1|<GW:1,0> Close
2023-10-03 00:58:12.4836|TRACE|GW-1|<GW:1,0> ReadTelegramAsync !!
2023-10-03 00:58:12.4836|DEBUG|LuCon.SocketServer.GatewayInterface.Util|CloseTcpClient
2023-10-03 00:58:12.4844|ERROR|GW-1|<GW:1,0>

missing feature: mqtt authentication


thanks for the great job on this tool!
It would be great if the mqtt-connection could be parameterized with username and password.

have a nice day!

Write with ism7mqtt not possible

I have tried the ism7mqtt to solve my portal disconnects with the Wolf Smartset Cloud.
The software is working, but I only can read the values of my Wolf CGS-2L.
If I am trying to set a value, I can see the correct MQTT topic with MQTT Explorer.
I can also see the debug output received mqtt with topic 'Wolf/' 'Ein' but ism7mqtt sets nothing to my Wolf CGS-2L gas boiler.
You can find the debug output and my smartsetpc.sdf file attached.

Thank you for your help!

Duplicated entries

Hi there,

after updating to one of the newest releases I get duplicated entries for Wolf_CHA within homeassistant. Ones are starting with the topic Wolf_CHA_0x03_27XXX and the others with the topic Wolf_CHA_0x3_27XXX. Attachted is a screenshot from MQTTExplorer:


There are also duplicated entries for the iSM7 but all of those are unknown unfortunatly:



Can't write values anymore after some time


I am running ism7mqtt on Home Assistant. I frequently run into the issue, that I can't write values anymore after some time. At same time, I still receive status updates of the sensors, so the connection seems to be fine. When checking the ism7mqtt protocol, there is not any trace about my intended value change. When restarting ism7mqtt, everything is back to normal.

Do you have any idea? How and what logs could I provide?

Thank you

ism7mqtt for i686 Ubuntu 18.4

My configuration: WOLF system with ISM7 module. The system was cyclicly monitored from a raspberry pi version4 (see closed issue "ism7mqtt on raspberry pi ?" from March 2022) Unfortunately, the raspi broke, and I had to move to another machine using Ubuntu 18.4 . Hardware architecture is i686. Is there an ism7mqtt version running on i686 - in the download section, I was unable to identify other than linux-x64 which cannot be executed on i686.

Thanks in advance!

ism7mqtt on raspberry pi ?

My configuration: WOLF system with ISM7 module shall be cyclicly monitored from a raspberry pi version4, latest OS version.
I connected from a PC to Smartset app and received the parameter.json file via ism7parameter program.

On the raspberry PI , I unpacked and set execution permission to ism7mqtt.
parameter.json was copied in this program directory.

Calling ism7mqtt brouhght this message:
./ism7mqtt: binary file cannot be executed: Error in program file format

Is the package the right one for a raspberry PI?
Is this a supported system platform for the ism mqtt package?
Thanks for any advice ...

Incomplete data from ISM7

My ISM7MQTT runs on a raspberry pi, see closed issue "ism7mqtt on raspberry pi ?" with the debug version delivered there.
Communication worked fine for ~ 2 days, providing repeatedly all changed values of the modules mentione in parameter.json.
Many thanks for your support here!

However, since 11.3.2022 a lot of data are no longer delivered even if they definitely have changed like
"Aussentemperatur" (from BM_0x35)
"Vorlauftemperatur" (from CGB_0x8)
"Ruecklauftemperatur" (from CGB_0x8) or
"Kollektortemperatur" (from SM1_0x76)

It happens that value of only one or two modules are updated while all the rest is not protocolled any longer.
My ISM7 is the external version, so I powered off and then powered on again the ISM module hardware (while the CGB system was continuously running) to check any hardware issue on that --> no result, same behaviour.
Attached are

  • the ism7mqtt output of the last run, delivering values from modules BM "Aussentemperatur" and MK "Raumtemperatur" only while collector temperature of SM (perfect sunshine today!) and others are not notified.

  • the parameter.json file which notifies for all devices of all modules delivered by the Wolf system:
    Module Name | BusAddress | TemplateID
    CGB 0x8 8000
    BM 0x35 3000
    MM 0x51 4000
    BM 0x75 2000
    SM 0x76 6000

After restart of the ism7mqtt software often other values from other modules are sent, there is no clear systematics visible which values are sent and which are not.

The ISM7 firmware is still an older version (, I've not yet got support from Wolf on that topic: no files, no update ...
Is it possible to see from the protocols if the issue is firmware related, or what may cause the issue?




ich bekomme nach dem Start des Plugin folgende Fehlermeldung:
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
++ cd /app
Creating initial configuration /config/ism7-parameters-Wolf.json
++ parameters=/config/ism7-parameters-Wolf.json
++ '[' -f /config/ism7-parameters-Wolf.json ']'
++ echo 'Creating initial configuration /config/ism7-parameters-Wolf.json'
++ /app/ism7config -t /config/ism7-parameters-Wolf.json
2023-06-29 13:22:32.0172|INFO|LuCon.WebPortal.StandaloneService.NetworkConnector|Try IP-resolve for host:
2023-06-29 13:22:32.0846|INFO|LuCon.WebPortal.StandaloneService.NetworkConnector|Try connect destination server ->, Timeout:1000 ms
2023-06-29 13:22:37.3709|ERROR|LuCon.WebPortal.StandaloneService.NetworkConnector|DoConnect
Unhandled exception. LuCon.Common.Declarations.BusinessServiceException: Die Verbindung zur Anlage kann nicht hergestellt werden. Aktualisieren Sie die Anlagenliste und versuchen Sie es nochmal.
at LuCon.WebPortal.StandaloneService.NetworkConnector.DoConnect(String server, IPAddress localIp, Int32 port, String password, IStreamHandler streamHandler)
at ism7config.Program.Main(String[] args) in /app/ism7config/Program.cs:line 120
at ism7config.Program.

(String[] args)
/ line 28: 125 Aborted (core dumped) /app/ism7config -t $parameters
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: stopping
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: stopping
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: stopping
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: stopping
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully stopped

Issue with sending set

it's been a while since I looked into this project :) Some things have changed, so I loaded the latest update.

I have a problem with sending data. For example, Wolf/ with payload of 2, 4 or 5 or any other number.
In the log, this shows up:

received mqtt with topic 'Wolf/' '5'
nothing to send for topic 'Wolf/' with payload '5'

and Wolf/ is not set to whatever I tried to set it to. I can confirm it did not work via the smart set website.

However, setting Wolf/ with payload


does work perfectly fine. See this log:

received mqtt with topic 'Wolf/' '{
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><tbreq xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" bn="7" gw="1" ae="true" ty="write"><iwr se="" ba="0x30" in="274" dl="0x04" dh="0x00" /></tbreq>
< <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><tbres bn="7" gw="" st="OK" ts="2023-03-13T22:47:36" emsg=""><iac se="0" ba="0x30" in="274" dl="0x4" dh="0x0" st="OK"/></tbres>
publishing mqtt with topic 'Wolf/' '4'
publishing mqtt with topic 'Wolf/' 'Absenkbetrieb'

In my use case, Wolf/ would be a lot easier to use. Can you fix this?

ism7mqtt is run like this: /usr/bin/ism7mqtt -s -m= -i= -p=6969696-t=/root/ism7mqtt-linux-x64/parameter.json --separate

Thank you. Happy to hear back from you.

Can only see one device


thanks a lot for this great tool.
For a lot of parameter it works very well. I have an issue on my setup, I only can see the device 0x8 via mqtt. Do you have any idea? In the parameter.json and also in the smartset portal there are more devices.
I already have restarted the service and the heating system while the mqtt client is listening.


Docker container for ism7mqtt?

I have spent many hours in the last couple of days trying to figure out how to integrate our new Wolf CHA (that will hopefully come in the next weeks) in our home automation (openHAB). It comes with a Wolf Link Home module, but all my research showed me that this is a proprietary communication that cannot be used locally with 3rd party software and that one needs a ISM8 module instead (which comes with other downsides).

Now I have found your project and I'm so glad ism7mqtt exists, thank you very much!
It's also great knowing that the project is still alive, seeing the latest updates.

My question is whether you have thought about providing an official Docker container image for this? In my opinion this would be the most flexible and easy option for most users. It's easy to install and update and independent of hardware and OS, because Docker is basically available everywhere. I believe that many users even run their smart home system and mqtt projects in Docker containers side by side with other projects on one and the same hardware. In my case it's simply a Synology Diskstation, so I don't even need additional hardware.

Could you please consider providing an official Docker container image for ism7mqtt?

Writing to ISM7 fails

I am struggeling writing to the ISM7 device.
My MQTT topic looks like this: "Wolf/", which provides a "Uhrzeit" parameter

Now I want to set the "Uhrzeit" value.
When I write to "Wolf/" the value 10:00:00
nothing happens.
What do I do wrong ?

Use of oldism7proxy on RPi4 with HASS OS

I tried to use the HASS Plugin to add 2-way communication to my homeassistant instance but as my Ism7i is Version 1.7 u need the oldism7proxy in between.
at first i tried to see if that should be integrated into the HASS OS Plugin but that doesn't seem to be planned - so i tried to execute the oldis7mproxy binary release on the HOSS OS on an RPi4 directly - but i get different error messages regarding that:

in zsh shell:
./oldism7proxy: ./oldism7proxy: cannot execute bianry file

that could be related to zsh and i tried it in bash:
./oldism7proxy: cannot execute: required file not found

I used the arm and arm64 versions to be sure its not related to that.
Any Ideas?

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