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Comments (66)

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024 26

It will likely be July or August. It depends on how well my other project goes and how many GPU resources I will get in my lab. The GPUs are very busy during the summer as students are working on their projects full time, and some other projects will be the priority before I can work on cleaning and testing the code. If you are interested, you can start with the StyleTTS w/ PL-BERT code and try to code it yourself. I believe the most important part is the adversarial training and style diffusion, so I will provide the code snippets here. The code is not tested nor cleaned, but it was copied from the Jupyter notebook I ran the experiment with.

Style diffusion: (you will need pip install audio-diffusion-pytorch== 0.0.96 this specific version as it has EDM, in the cleaned-up code I will try to incorporate it into the codebase)

from audio_diffusion_pytorch.modules import *

class Transformer1d(nn.Module):
    def __init__(
        num_layers: int,
        channels: int,
        num_heads: int,
        head_features: int,
        multiplier: int,
        use_context_time: bool = True,
        use_rel_pos: bool = False,
        context_features_multiplier: int = 1,
        rel_pos_num_buckets: Optional[int] = None,
        rel_pos_max_distance: Optional[int] = None,
        context_features: Optional[int] = None,
        context_embedding_features: Optional[int] = None,
        embedding_max_length: int = 512,

        self.blocks = nn.ModuleList(
                    features=channels + context_embedding_features,
                for i in range(num_layers)

        self.to_out = nn.Sequential(
            Rearrange("b t c -> b c t"),
                in_channels=channels + context_embedding_features,
        use_context_features = exists(context_features)
        self.use_context_features = use_context_features
        self.use_context_time = use_context_time

        if use_context_time or use_context_features:
            context_mapping_features = channels + context_embedding_features

            self.to_mapping = nn.Sequential(
                nn.Linear(context_mapping_features, context_mapping_features),
                nn.Linear(context_mapping_features, context_mapping_features),
        if use_context_time:
            assert exists(context_mapping_features)
            self.to_time = nn.Sequential(
                    dim=channels, out_features=context_mapping_features

        if use_context_features:
            assert exists(context_features) and exists(context_mapping_features)
            self.to_features = nn.Sequential(
                    in_features=context_features, out_features=context_mapping_features
        self.fixed_embedding = FixedEmbedding(
            max_length=embedding_max_length, features=context_embedding_features

    def get_mapping(
        self, time: Optional[Tensor] = None, features: Optional[Tensor] = None
    ) -> Optional[Tensor]:
        """Combines context time features and features into mapping"""
        items, mapping = [], None
        # Compute time features
        if self.use_context_time:
            assert_message = "use_context_time=True but no time features provided"
            assert exists(time), assert_message
            items += [self.to_time(time)]
        # Compute features
        if self.use_context_features:
            assert_message = "context_features exists but no features provided"
            assert exists(features), assert_message
            items += [self.to_features(features)]

        # Compute joint mapping
        if self.use_context_time or self.use_context_features:
            mapping = reduce(torch.stack(items), "n b m -> b m", "sum")
            mapping = self.to_mapping(mapping)

        return mapping
    def run(self, x, time, embedding, features):
        mapping = self.get_mapping(time, features)
        x =[x.expand(-1, embedding.size(1), -1), embedding], axis=-1)
        mapping = mapping.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, embedding.size(1), -1)
        for block in self.blocks:
            x = x + mapping
            x = block(x)
        x = x.mean(axis=1).unsqueeze(1)
        x = self.to_out(x)
        x = x.transpose(-1, -2)
        return x
    def forward(self, x: Tensor, 
                time: Tensor, 
                embedding_mask_proba: float = 0.0,
                embedding: Optional[Tensor] = None, 
                features: Optional[Tensor] = None,
               embedding_scale: float = 1.0) -> Tensor:
        b, device = embedding.shape[0], embedding.device
        fixed_embedding = self.fixed_embedding(embedding)
        if embedding_mask_proba > 0.0:
            # Randomly mask embedding
            batch_mask = rand_bool(
                shape=(b, 1, 1), proba=embedding_mask_proba, device=device
            embedding = torch.where(batch_mask, fixed_embedding, embedding)

        if embedding_scale != 1.0:
            # Compute both normal and fixed embedding outputs
            out =, time, embedding=embedding, features=features)
            out_masked =, time, embedding=fixed_embedding, features=features)
            # Scale conditional output using classifier-free guidance
            return out_masked + (out - out_masked) * embedding_scale
            return, time, embedding=embedding, features=features)
        return x
transformer = Transformer1d(

from audio_diffusion_pytorch import AudioDiffusionConditional, DiffusionSampler

diffusion = AudioDiffusionConditional(
    embedding_mask_proba=0.1, # Conditional dropout of batch elements,
    multipliers=[1, 2],
    attentions=[0, 1],
) = transformer
diffusion.unet = transformer
diffusion.diffusion = KDiffusion(
    sigma_distribution=LogNormalDistribution(mean = -3.0, std = 1.0),

sampler = DiffusionSampler(
    sigma_schedule=KarrasSchedule(sigma_min=0.0001, sigma_max=3.0, rho=9.0),

WavLM discriminator:

class WavLMLoss(torch.nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, model, wd):
        """Initilize spectral convergence loss module."""
        super(WavLMLoss, self).__init__()
        self.wavlm = WavLMModel.from_pretrained(model)
        self.wd = wd
        self.resample = torchaudio.transforms.Resample(24000, 16000)
    def wd_forward(self, wav, y_rec):
        with torch.no_grad():
            wav_16 = self.resample(wav)
            wav_embeddings = self.wavlm(input_values=wav_16, output_hidden_states=True).hidden_states
        y_rec_16 = self.resample(y_rec)
        y_rec_embeddings = self.wavlm(input_values=y_rec_16, output_hidden_states=True).hidden_states

        y_embeddings = torch.stack(wav_embeddings, dim=1).transpose(-1, -2).flatten(start_dim=1, end_dim=2)
        y_rec_embeddings = torch.stack(y_rec_embeddings, dim=1).transpose(-1, -2).flatten(start_dim=1, end_dim=2)

        y_d_rs = self.wd(y_embeddings)
        y_d_gs = self.wd(y_rec_embeddings)
        y_df_hat_r, y_df_hat_g = y_d_rs, y_d_gs
        loss_gen_f = torch.mean((1-y_df_hat_g)**2)
        loss_rel = 0
        loss_gen_all = loss_gen_f + loss_rel
        return loss_gen_all
    def wd_discriminator(self, wav, y_rec):
        with torch.no_grad():
            wav_16 = self.resample(wav)
            wav_embeddings = self.wavlm(input_values=wav_16, output_hidden_states=True).hidden_states
            y_rec_16 = self.resample(y_rec)
            y_rec_embeddings = self.wavlm(input_values=y_rec_16, output_hidden_states=True).hidden_states

            y_embeddings = torch.stack(wav_embeddings, dim=1).transpose(-1, -2).flatten(start_dim=1, end_dim=2)
            y_rec_embeddings = torch.stack(y_rec_embeddings, dim=1).transpose(-1, -2).flatten(start_dim=1, end_dim=2)

        y_d_rs = self.wd(y_embeddings)
        y_d_gs = self.wd(y_rec_embeddings)
        y_df_hat_r, y_df_hat_g = y_d_rs, y_d_gs
        r_loss = torch.mean((1-y_df_hat_r)**2)
        g_loss = torch.mean((y_df_hat_g)**2)
        loss_disc_f = r_loss + g_loss        
        loss_rel = 0
        d_loss = loss_disc_f + loss_rel
        return d_loss.mean()

wl = WavLMLoss('microsoft/wavlm-base-plus', model.wd).to('cuda')

Adversarial training run:

    for i, batch in enumerate(train_dataloader):
        waves = batch[0]
        batch = [ for b in batch[1:]]
        texts, input_lengths, ref_texts, ref_lengths, mels, mel_input_length, labels = batch
        # ... joint training code omitted 

        if np.random.rand() < 0.5:
            use_ind = True
            use_ind = False
        if use_ind:
            ref_lengths = input_lengths
            ref_texts = texts

        text_mask = length_to_mask(ref_lengths).to(texts.device)
        bert_dur = model.bert(ref_texts, attention_mask=(~text_mask).int()).last_hidden_state
        d_en = model.bert_encoder(bert_dur).transpose(-1, -2) 
        if use_ind and np.random.rand() < 0.5:
            s_preds = s_trg
            num_steps = np.random.randint(3, 5)
            s_preds = sampler(noise = torch.randn_like(s_trg).unsqueeze(1).to('cuda'), 
        s_dur = s_preds[:, 128:]
        s = s_preds[:, :128]
        d, _ = model.predictor(d_en, s_dur, 
                                                torch.randn(ref_lengths.shape[0], ref_lengths.max(), 2).to('cuda'), 
        bib = 0

        output_lengths = []
        attn_preds = []
        for _s2s_pred, _text_input, _text_length in zip(d, (d_gt), ref_lengths):

            _s2s_pred_org = _s2s_pred[:_text_length, :]

            _s2s_pred = torch.sigmoid(_s2s_pred_org)
            _dur_pred = _s2s_pred.sum(axis=-1)
            _text_input = _text_input[:_text_length].long()

            l = int(torch.round(_s2s_pred.sum()).item())
            t = torch.arange(0, l).expand(l)

            t = torch.arange(0, l).unsqueeze(0).expand((len(_s2s_pred), l)).to('cuda')
            loc = torch.cumsum(_dur_pred, dim=0) - _dur_pred / 2

            sig = 1.5
            h = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.square(t - (l - loc.unsqueeze(-1))) / (sig)**2)

            out = torch.nn.functional.conv1d(_s2s_pred_org.unsqueeze(0), 
                                         padding=h.shape[-1] - 1, groups=int(_text_length))[..., :l]
            attn_preds.append(F.softmax(out.squeeze(), dim=0))


        max_len = max(output_lengths)
        with torch.no_grad():
            t_en = model.text_encoder(ref_texts, ref_lengths, text_mask)

        s2s_attn = torch.zeros(len(ref_lengths), int(ref_lengths.max()), max_len).to('cuda')
        for bib in range(len(output_lengths)):
            s2s_attn[bib, :ref_lengths[bib], :output_lengths[bib]] = attn_preds[bib]

        asr_pred = t_en @ s2s_attn

        _, p_pred = model.predictor(d_en, s_dur, 
        mel_len = max(int(min(output_lengths) / 2 - 1), 200)
        mel_len = min(mel_len, 250)

        en = []
        p_en = []
        sp = []
        l = []
        F0_fakes = []
        N_fakes = []

        for bib in range(len(output_lengths)):
            mel_length_pred = output_lengths[bib]
            mel_length_gt = int(mel_input_length[bib].item() / 2)
            if mel_length_gt <= mel_len or mel_length_pred <= mel_len:


            random_start = np.random.randint(0, mel_length_pred - mel_len)
            en.append(asr_pred[bib, :, random_start:random_start+mel_len])
            p_en.append(p_pred[bib, :, random_start:random_start+mel_len])


        if len(sp) <= 1:
        sp = torch.stack(sp)

        en = torch.stack(en)
        p_en = torch.stack(p_en)

        labels = torch.stack(l)
        F0_fake, N_fake = model.predictor.F0Ntrain(p_en, sp[:, 128:])
        y_pred = model.decoder(en, F0_fake, N_fake, sp[:, :128])
        wav = y_rec_gt_pred
        d_loss = wl.wd_discriminator(wav.detach().squeeze(), y_pred.detach().squeeze()).mean()
        # generator loss
        loss_gen_lm = wl.wd_forward(wav.squeeze(), y_pred.squeeze())
        loss_gen_lm = loss_gen_lm.mean()
        total_norm = {}
        for key in model.keys():
            total_norm[key] = 0
            parameters = [p for p in model[key].parameters() if p.grad is not None and p.requires_grad]
            for p in parameters:
                param_norm = p.grad.detach().data.norm(2)
                total_norm[key] += param_norm.item() ** 2
            total_norm[key] = total_norm[key] ** 0.5
        if total_norm['predictor'] > 20:
            for key in model.keys():
                for p in model[key].parameters():
                    if p.grad is not None:
                        p.grad *= 2 * (1 / total_norm['predictor']) 
        for p in model.predictor.duration_proj.parameters():
            if p.grad is not None:
                p.grad *= 1e-2
        for p in model.predictor.lstm.parameters():
            if p.grad is not None:
                p.grad *= 1e-2
        for p in model.diffusion.parameters():
            if p.grad is not None:
                p.grad *= 1e-2
        optimizer.step('predictor_encoder') # this is the prosodic style encoder, will rename it later in cleaned-up code

I will leave this issue open in case someone else is interested in the implementation.

from styletts2.

shreyasinghal-17 avatar shreyasinghal-17 commented on July 30, 2024 7

Any updates?

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024 5

Funny enough, I might have identified where the problem is. I made a mistake in the notebook on the F0 model, and this mistake actually positively affected the model training for StyleTTS 2 (not StyleTTS). Hopefully, the code will be ready by the end of this month, though there's no guarantee because there might be some other mistakes, especially for the SLM adversarial training and diffusion part.

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024 4

For those who are waiting for the code, I apologize for the delay, but I'm having difficulties reproducing the results I got from Jupyter notebooks. After a few weeks of code cleaning, I found there were substantial performance differences between models trained with the original notebooks and with the cleaned code. I'm still investigating the causes here, so the code release will be delayed. If anyone is interested in reproducing the results with the notebooks I have and helping me clean the code, please email me at [email protected] and I'm happy to provide the Jupyter notebooks and the cleaned code I used for the experiments.

from styletts2.

WendongGan avatar WendongGan commented on July 30, 2024 3

Looking forward to it!

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024 3

@danielmsu The code with DP is almost done and I’ll probably push it in a couple of days. I will make another public repo with not working DDP code for those with expertise to give a hand.

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024 2

@spolezhaev Sorry for keeping you waiting. I'm now halfway done with my other projects and have started working on code cleaning. I will make sure the code is available by the end of this month.

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024 2

@PleinAcces Done, but I’ve fixed the code now so I believe the actual working code will be ready soon. Hopefully by the end of this month!

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024 2

@danielmsu Yes, but if it’s a single speaker dataset you are finetuning at the reference can be arbitrary and doesn’t effect the speech synthesized. You can also change the multispeaker flag to false and does not load the diffusion model when finetuning if you know your new dataset has only one speaker.

from styletts2.

bhairavmehta95 avatar bhairavmehta95 commented on July 30, 2024 1

just shot you a note from my gmail @yl4579 - happy to help clean + retrain

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024 1

@WendongGan I didn't get your email. Please email me at [email protected].

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024 1

I'm still having trouble making the code with acceletorar (DDP) work. Do you think it is acceptable to release the DP version (less efficient in terms of RAM use) first and work on DDP later?

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024 1

@danielmsu Actually, the broken DDP code doesn't need a separate repo. I just opened a new issue #7 for this problem and copypasted the code there. The code can be tested under this repo directly.

from styletts2.

spolezhaev avatar spolezhaev commented on July 30, 2024

Thank you for such a quick response!
The style diffusion part was the primary concern for the implementation. Will try to reimplement the paper, thanks!

from styletts2.

talipturkmen avatar talipturkmen commented on July 30, 2024

Hello, thank you for sharing the code. Could also share the duration predictor part as well?

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024

@talipturkmen It is a very simple change:

self.duration_proj = LinearNorm(d_hid, 1) to self.duration_proj = LinearNorm(d_hid, L) where L=50.

from styletts2.

nivibilla avatar nivibilla commented on July 30, 2024

Just wanted to say, amazing work. This is reaching almost tortoise-tts level quality but super fast inferencing of styletts. Cant wait to try this model out and maybe even finetuning it!

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024

@nivibilla not sure if you are referring to this one, but perceptually speaking it doesn't even sound better than VITS with language models (BERT), so do you remind explaining why people are so excited about it, especially given its insanely slow inference speed? Is it because it was trained on millions of hours of speech so people like its zero-shot speaker adaptation ability?

from styletts2.

 avatar commented on July 30, 2024

No because one can finetune it too, on any voice, god forbid if it had low VRAM usage and some genuine ability to up the inference speed, I doubt there was any need to look for any other low-resource human-level speech synthesis model

from styletts2.

nivibilla avatar nivibilla commented on July 30, 2024

@yl4579 the original author removed finetuning code and nerfed it on purpose. However there are other branches that people have made. And even personally when I've tested finetuning it can capture the style and nuances in the voice really well. Out of the box it isn't that good. But finetuning on just an hour of data or so yields the most natural sounding tts.

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024

@nivibilla @exllama-fan I think that makes sense when the base model is large enough and pre-trained on enormous datasets, but unfortunately I don't believe you can fine-tune StyleTTS 2 to get similar performance especially with only one hour of data, because the biggest model I have so far was trained on only 585 hours of data (LibriTTS-R), incomparable to tortoise TTS trained on millions of hours. I simply don't have that huge amount of data (I believe tortoise TTS was trained by someone from OpenAI?) I do plan to train a model on Multilingual LibriSpeech with speech restoration like those used in LibriTTS-R, but our lab has other priorities for GPUs so I'm not sure when I would have time for this.

from styletts2.

astricks avatar astricks commented on July 30, 2024

@yl4579 I am planning on writing a multilingual extension for this model myself. In addition to adding a language embedding, from what I can tell, both the WavLM model as well as the PL-BERT model will have to be replaced with multilingual versions?

I have access to some GPU resources for a few weeks, happy to train a model and share back results.

from styletts2.

astricks avatar astricks commented on July 30, 2024

@yl4579 +1, sent you an email, happy to help clean the code and reproduce the results.

from styletts2.

WendongGan avatar WendongGan commented on July 30, 2024

+1,happy to help clean the code and reproduce the results.

from styletts2.

WendongGan avatar WendongGan commented on July 30, 2024

@yl4579 I'm sorry! I just sent it, thank you for checking.

from styletts2.

thanhkm avatar thanhkm commented on July 30, 2024

@yl4579 +1, just sent you an email. Happy to help!

from styletts2.

lovebeatz avatar lovebeatz commented on July 30, 2024

Is there any progress with the code-cleaning? Any further update on code-release?

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024

@lovebeatz So far only one person has confirmed that stage I (acoustic pretraining) code is probably fine, but nobody has reported any success in fixing the second stage training (joint training) that shows discrepancy in F0 and norm loss between the Jupyter notebook and the cleaned code. I probably won’t have time to work on this until end of this month, but hopefully someone could get it fixed soon.

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024

This issue is inexplicably weird. I’m not sure if I should release the problematic code to the public anyway and mark it as WIP or just wait for volunteers who have emailed me to work on it a little bit longer.

from styletts2.

lovebeatz avatar lovebeatz commented on July 30, 2024

So the notebook code works well? Do you have the pre-trained model ready? Also, tell me about the inference code.

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024

The inference code seems to work. At least I didn’t notice any clear degradation in quality of synthesized speech between the cleaned code and the notebook I used to run the experiment. I couldn’t find the exact checkpoints I used for experiments in the paper but I do have the trained checkpoints as the reference. I can share that with you, though I’m not sure how useful it really is. You can email me for the inference code if you need that.

from styletts2.

lovebeatz avatar lovebeatz commented on July 30, 2024

I am looking to fine-tune using a notebook and infer using the cleaned code.

Also, I want to know for every new voice a separate fine-tuned model will be required, right?

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024

Unfortunately, the cleaned code still doesn't work at this time because it produces higher losses with worse quality. The notebook is uncleaned and uncommented, so I don't think you can use it to fine-tune anything at this point unless you know how to read the code and modify it for your own purpose.

As for voices, I assume you mean speakers, so no, if you have multiple speakers you want to fine-tune with, you only need one model for as many speakers as you want. This is also the exact point of zero-shot speaker adaptation.

from styletts2.

lovebeatz avatar lovebeatz commented on July 30, 2024

But I read somewhere as you mentioned that for inference, styleTTS2 won't require any speaker reference unlike StyleTTS

Also, given what was seen in styletts, does this new version offer sentence breaks in speech, like styletts won't pause at a full stop (if there's a sentence afterwards)

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024

@lovebeatz StyleTTS 2 doesn't require any reference for single speaker models, but it still needs a reference from the target speaker for multispeaker models because it needs to know which speaker you are about to synthesize. If your goal is to train a single speaker model like on the LJSpeech dataset, you don't need a reference.

As for the pauses, yes, StyleTTS 2 does have sentence breaks. I just synthesized your sentences above and confirmed it can (and surprisingly StyleTTS w/ PL-BERT can't even do that for some reason):

StyleTTS w/ PL-BERT:
StyleTTS 2:

from styletts2.

VladisIove avatar VladisIove commented on July 30, 2024

@yl4579 , +1, wrote email message, can I help?

from styletts2.

PleinAcces avatar PleinAcces commented on July 30, 2024

Hi @yl4579
I sent you an e-mail, happy if I can help

from styletts2.

Souvic avatar Souvic commented on July 30, 2024

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024

@Souvic In the notebook, I accidentally fixed the F0 model (put it inside the with torch.no_grad() block), and it actually produces better model in the second stage where the F0 loss is much lower than having the F0 model tuned. This is not the case for StyleTTS, I think it could be because of the additional waveform decoder and more discriminators that destabilize the F0 model training.

However, there are still some problems in the SLM adversarial training code that needs fixing, hopefully I can fix it by the end of this month so the code can be released by then.

from styletts2.

PleinAcces avatar PleinAcces commented on July 30, 2024

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024

@PleinAcces The notebook is too messy so I don't think it is a good idea to make it public. If you want to take a look at the notebook though I can add you to the private code cleaning repo.

from styletts2.

PleinAcces avatar PleinAcces commented on July 30, 2024

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024

DDP works perfectly fine for the first stage, but the pain comes in the second stage, especially when the SLM adversarial training run starts. This uses the most RAM, but the F0 loss is still higher with DDP for some reason.

from styletts2.

lovebeatz avatar lovebeatz commented on July 30, 2024

I think if it doesn't affect the inference or the quality of the model, it shall be released, if you are looking for an opinion

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024

It's less efficient in terms of RAM (also the speed because you have to reduce the batch size now), and you can't do mixed precision easily this way either, but it's indeed just a matter of engineering so it can be dealt with by engineering people more fluent in programming than me. So, I'm thinking of releasing the DP version first if I can't fix the code by the end of the month and see if anyone else is interested in fixing the DDP version.

from styletts2.

 avatar commented on July 30, 2024

Can you share the code of ddp training? I'm training with DDP with but super slow

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024

@primepake I will make a new repo with the broken DDP code if I can't fix it by the end of this month so that other people can work on it later.

from styletts2.

Pydataman avatar Pydataman commented on July 30, 2024


from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024

Unfortunately whenever I turn DP into DDP the F0 loss is consistently higher, which is very weird. I probably have to release the DP code first and see if any expert in DDP can fix the code later.

from styletts2.

teopapad92 avatar teopapad92 commented on July 30, 2024

Thanks for the effort guys

from styletts2.

danielmsu avatar danielmsu commented on July 30, 2024

Hi @yl4579, thank you for your work! I would like to reproduce the results from the paper and can also try to help with DDP issue. May I ask you to add me to the cleaning repo please?

from styletts2.

danielmsu avatar danielmsu commented on July 30, 2024

@yl4579 Thank you, I will check it out.
By the way, I generated some samples using the pretrained model, and I think they sound a bit different from the demo samples. Do you know what might be the reason?
For example:
wav from the demo, the voice is very clear -
same text generated with the inference notebook, noticeable high-pitched noise in the background -

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024

@danielmsu I haven't encountered this problem. I have generated with the same text, and it works totally fine for me. Have you run the entire demo and does every single audio you generated sound like this? If so, it sounds like some dependencies might be messed up. It is totally normal if there is some small variation because the model is stochastic in nature, but the quality difference shouldn't be this big.

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024

@danielmsu I've created a Colab notebook that you can try here: I have tested it and it works totally fine.

from styletts2.

teopapad92 avatar teopapad92 commented on July 30, 2024

hey @yl4579 @danielmsu, I ran into the same issue with some high pitched noise in the background.

After checking dependencies, new installs etc, it turns out it is related to the type of the GPU you use. I had a kind of old GPU (Quadro P5000) but when I switched to a new machine it was fine.

Also, in the old machine if I use device='cpu' it also works fine.

Not sure why this happens, maybe something related to the way older GPUs perform some operations or handle float representations?

However, I found another difference. For the example:

"Maltby and Co. would issue warrants on them deliverable to the importer, and the goods were then passed to be stored in neighboring warehouses."

in your audio samples ( Co. is pronounced 'company' while in the notebook (and in my local machine) it is pronounced "co"

example from the notebook:

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024

@teopapad92 You actually need this text cleaner ( to make “co.” pronounced as “company”. I used it for the paper and demo page samples but didn’t include it in the inference notebook, though I may add it later to be consistent with the demo page audios. However, it is just a matter of phonemization so people can do whatever they want. The training data was already phonemized this way as I took it directly from VITS.

As for the high pitch distortion, can you make sure it is not a problem of dependencies but GPU? Have you tested with the exact same environment and after changing GPU the distortion disappears? I have tried it on GPUs as old as NVidia 780 and it still works. I think it’s a great idea to open a new issue for this problem.

from styletts2.

danielmsu avatar danielmsu commented on July 30, 2024

@yl4579 thank you for the answer and colab notebook, I switched to cpu as suggested by @teopapad92 and can confirm that the issue is gone

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024

@danielmsu This is so weird, can you open a new issue so other people can have a reference?

from styletts2.

astricks avatar astricks commented on July 30, 2024

from styletts2.

danielmsu avatar danielmsu commented on July 30, 2024

Tested one more time inside of a docker container (with pytorch/pytorch:2.0.1-cuda11.7-cudnn8-devel image) to make a clean install, results are the same. I have a card with Pascal architecture which doesn't have fp16 support I guess, and I remember having some issues with LLMs because of that
I will experiment a bit more and see if I can solve it with drivers reinstall or something like that, and I will open a new issue if nothing helps

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024

I have tested the current code and I was able to reproduce the models with similar quality to those used in the paper and demo. So I think issue is now complete. Please open new issues if there are more problems in the current code.

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024

@nivibilla I've pushed the finetuning script and I tried it myself with one hour of data on LJSpeech using pre-trained LibriTTS model. It sounds better than TortoiseTTS for sure (both quality and speaker similarity), but it is still worse than models trained from scratch with full data (24 hours of audio). The quality is still better than VITS and JETS and close to NaturalSpeech, so I think it is good enough with one hour of data.

from styletts2.

nivibilla avatar nivibilla commented on July 30, 2024

@yl4579 thanks so much. Will try it out when I get the time.

from styletts2.

 avatar commented on July 30, 2024

@yl4579 Can you share the minimum required audio length for the new speaker and how much time it takes to fine tune?

from styletts2.

yl4579 avatar yl4579 commented on July 30, 2024

@primepake It depends on the quality you want to achieve. The more data the better, but I tried to finetune it with 10 minutes of audio and it still works, and the similarity is much better, though I wouldn’t say the naturalness is better.

from styletts2.

danielmsu avatar danielmsu commented on July 30, 2024

@yl4579 Sorry for hijacking the conversation, but do I understand correctly that after fine-tuning we still need to provide a reference audio, but results are much more similar than with zero-short voice cloning?

from styletts2.

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