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Comments (4)

xyjigsaw avatar xyjigsaw commented on September 26, 2024

Sorry for any inconvenience caused to your operation. We generate historical information based on the RE-NET (Recurrent Event Network: Autoregressive Structure Inference over Temporary Knowledge Graphs) data preprocessing function. The code has not been optimized yet, and we do need to use large memory to generate data. If you have optimized the code, we look forward to sharing/push with us in the Github repository.
Best wishes

from cenet.

HuangRiKui avatar HuangRiKui commented on September 26, 2024

The following code of can be refined and will be a huge memory saver, but still requires about 64GB of memory.

for ix in tqdm.tqdm(range(quadruples.shape[0])):
    for con_events in s_history_event_o[ix]:
        cur_events = con_events[:, 1].tolist()
        s_history_oid[-1] += cur_events
s_history_label_true = np.zeros((quadruples.shape[0], 1))

for ix in tqdm.tqdm(range(quadruples.shape[0])):
    if oo[ix] in s_history_oid[ix]:
        s_history_label_true[ix] = 1
return s_history_label_true


s_history_label_true = np.zeros((quadruples.shape[0], 1))
for ix in tqdm.tqdm(range(quadruples.shape[0])):
    hist_tmp = []
    for con_events in s_history_event_o[ix]:
        cur_events = con_events[:, 1].tolist()
       hist_tmp += cur_events
    hist_tmp = set(hist_tmp)
    if oo[ix] in hist_tmp:
        s_history_label_true[ix] = 1
return s_history_label_true

There are many similar parts of the code that can be optimized following this logic.

from cenet.

binchen4110 avatar binchen4110 commented on September 26, 2024

from cenet.

roadwide avatar roadwide commented on September 26, 2024

Thank you. Hope helpful for other guys, this is my code.

import numpy as np
import os
from collections import defaultdict
import pickle
import dgl
import torch
import tqdm
import gc
from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix


def load_quadruples(inPath, fileName, fileName2=None):
    with open(os.path.join(inPath, fileName), 'r') as fr:
        quadrupleList = []
        times = set()
        for line in fr:
            line_split = line.split()
            head = int(line_split[0])
            tail = int(line_split[2])
            rel = int(line_split[1])
            time = int(line_split[3])
            quadrupleList.append([head, rel, tail, time])
        # times = list(times)
        # times.sort()
    if fileName2 is not None:
        with open(os.path.join(inPath, fileName2), 'r') as fr:
            for line in fr:
                line_split = line.split()
                head = int(line_split[0])
                tail = int(line_split[2])
                rel = int(line_split[1])
                time = int(line_split[3])
                quadrupleList.append([head, rel, tail, time])
    times = list(times)

    return np.asarray(quadrupleList), np.asarray(times)

def get_total_number(inPath, fileName):
    with open(os.path.join(inPath, fileName), 'r') as fr:
        for line in fr:
            line_split = line.split()
            return int(line_split[0]), int(line_split[1])

def load_quadruples(inPath, fileName, fileName2=None):
    with open(os.path.join(inPath, fileName), 'r') as fr:
        quadrupleList = []
        times = set()
        for line in fr:
            line_split = line.split()
            head = int(line_split[0])
            tail = int(line_split[2])
            rel = int(line_split[1])
            time = int(line_split[3])
            quadrupleList.append([head, rel, tail, time])
        # times = list(times)
        # times.sort()
    if fileName2 is not None:
        with open(os.path.join(inPath, fileName2), 'r') as fr:
            for line in fr:
                line_split = line.split()
                head = int(line_split[0])
                tail = int(line_split[2])
                rel = int(line_split[1])
                time = int(line_split[3])
                quadrupleList.append([head, rel, tail, time])
    times = list(times)

    return np.array(quadrupleList), np.asarray(times)

def get_data_with_t(data, tim):
    triples = [[quad[0], quad[1], quad[2]] for quad in data if quad[3] == tim]
    return np.array(triples)

def comp_deg_norm(g):
    in_deg = g.in_degrees(range(g.number_of_nodes())).float()
    in_deg[torch.nonzero(in_deg == 0).view(-1)] = 1
    norm = 1.0 / in_deg
    return norm

def get_big_graph(data, num_rels):
    src, rel, dst = data.transpose()
    uniq_v, edges = np.unique((src, dst), return_inverse=True)
    src, dst = np.reshape(edges, (2, -1))
    g = dgl.DGLGraph()
    src, dst = np.concatenate((src, dst)), np.concatenate((dst, src))
    rel_o = np.concatenate((rel + num_rels, rel))
    rel_s = np.concatenate((rel, rel + num_rels))
    g.add_edges(src, dst)
    norm = comp_deg_norm(g)
    g.ndata.update({'id': torch.from_numpy(uniq_v).long().view(-1, 1), 'norm': norm.view(-1, 1)})
    g.edata['type_s'] = torch.LongTensor(rel_s)
    g.edata['type_o'] = torch.LongTensor(rel_o)
    g.ids = {}
    idx = 0
    for id in uniq_v:
        g.ids[id] = idx
        idx += 1
    return g

def get_history_target(quadruples, s_history_event_o, o_history_event_s, actor, target=None):
    if target is not None:
        if target == 'label':
            if actor == 's':
                s_history_oid = []
                ss = quadruples[:, 0]
                rr = quadruples[:, 1]
                oo = quadruples[:, 2]
                s_history_label_true = np.zeros((quadruples.shape[0], 1))
                for ix in tqdm.tqdm(range(quadruples.shape[0])):
                    hist_tmp = []
                    for con_events in s_history_event_o[ix]:
                        cur_events = con_events[:, 1].tolist()
                        hist_tmp += cur_events
                    hist_tmp = set(hist_tmp)
                    if oo[ix] in hist_tmp:
                        s_history_label_true[ix] = 1
                return s_history_label_true

                o_history_sid = []
                ss = quadruples[:, 0]
                oo = quadruples[:, 2]
                o_history_label_true = np.zeros((quadruples.shape[0], 1))
                for ix in tqdm.tqdm(range(quadruples.shape[0])):
                    hist_tmp = []
                    for con_events in o_history_event_s[ix]:
                        cur_events = con_events[:, 1].tolist()
                        hist_tmp += cur_events
                    hist_tmp = set(hist_tmp)
                    if ss[ix] in hist_tmp:
                        o_history_label_true[ix] = 1
                return o_history_label_true
            if actor == 's':
                rr = quadruples[:, 1]
                s_history_related = np.zeros((quadruples.shape[0], num_e), dtype=np.float)
                for ix in tqdm.tqdm(range(quadruples.shape[0])):
                    for con_events in s_history_event_o[ix]:
                        idxx = (con_events[:, 0] == rr[ix]).nonzero()[0]
                        cur_events = con_events[idxx, 1].tolist()
                        s_history_related[ix][cur_events] += 1
                s_history_related = csc_matrix(s_history_related)
                return s_history_related
                rr = quadruples[:, 1]
                o_history_related = np.zeros((quadruples.shape[0], num_e), dtype=np.float)
                for ix in tqdm.tqdm(range(quadruples.shape[0])):
                    for con_events in o_history_event_s[ix]:
                        idxx = (con_events[:, 0] == rr[ix]).nonzero()[0]
                        cur_events = con_events[idxx, 1].tolist()
                        o_history_related[ix][cur_events] += 1
                o_history_related = csc_matrix(o_history_related)
                return o_history_related
        if actor == 's':
            ss = quadruples[:, 0]
            rr = quadruples[:, 1]
            oo = quadruples[:, 2]

            s_history_related = np.zeros((quadruples.shape[0], num_e), dtype=np.float)
            s_history_label_true = np.zeros((quadruples.shape[0], 1))
            for ix in tqdm.tqdm(range(quadruples.shape[0])):
                hist_tmp = []
                for con_events in s_history_event_o[ix]:
                    idxx = (con_events[:, 0] == rr[ix]).nonzero()[0]
                    cur_events = con_events[idxx, 1].tolist()
                    hist_tmp += con_events[:, 1].tolist()
                    s_history_related[ix][cur_events] += 1
                hist_tmp = set(hist_tmp)
                if oo[ix] in hist_tmp:
                    s_history_label_true[ix] = 1
            s_history_related = csc_matrix(s_history_related)
            return s_history_label_true, s_history_related
            ss = quadruples[:, 0]
            rr = quadruples[:, 1]
            oo = quadruples[:, 2]
            o_history_related = np.zeros((quadruples.shape[0], num_e), dtype=np.float)
            o_history_label_true = np.zeros((quadruples.shape[0], 1))

            for ix in tqdm.tqdm(range(quadruples.shape[0])):
                hist_tmp = []
                for con_events in o_history_event_s[ix]:
                    idxx = (con_events[:, 0] == rr[ix]).nonzero()[0]
                    cur_events = con_events[idxx, 1].tolist()
                    hist_tmp += con_events[:, 1].tolist()
                    o_history_related[ix][cur_events] += 1
                hist_tmp = set(hist_tmp)
                if ss[ix] in hist_tmp:
                    o_history_label_true[ix] = 1
            o_history_related = csc_matrix(o_history_related)
            return o_history_label_true, o_history_related

train_data, train_times = load_quadruples('', 'train.txt')
test_data, test_times = load_quadruples('', 'test.txt')
dev_data, dev_times = load_quadruples('', 'valid.txt')
# total_data, _ = load_quadruples('', 'train.txt', 'test.txt')

num_e, num_r = get_total_number('', 'stat.txt')

s_his = [[] for _ in range(num_e)]
o_his = [[] for _ in range(num_e)]
s_his_t = [[] for _ in range(num_e)]
o_his_t = [[] for _ in range(num_e)]
s_history_data = [[] for _ in range(len(train_data))]
o_history_data = [[] for _ in range(len(train_data))]
s_history_data_t = [[] for _ in range(len(train_data))]
o_history_data_t = [[] for _ in range(len(train_data))]
e = []
r = []
latest_t = 0
s_his_cache = [[] for _ in range(num_e)]
o_his_cache = [[] for _ in range(num_e)]
s_his_cache_t = [None for _ in range(num_e)]
o_his_cache_t = [None for _ in range(num_e)]

for i, train in enumerate(train_data):
    if i % 10000 == 0:
        print("train", i, len(train_data))
    # if i == 10000:
    #     break
    t = train[3]
    if latest_t != t:

        for ee in range(num_e):
            if len(s_his_cache[ee]) != 0:

                s_his_cache[ee] = []
                s_his_cache_t[ee] = None
            if len(o_his_cache[ee]) != 0:

                o_his_cache[ee] = []
                o_his_cache_t[ee] = None
        latest_t = t
    s = train[0]
    r = train[1]
    o = train[2]
    # print(s_his[r][s])
    s_history_data[i] = s_his[s].copy()
    o_history_data[i] = o_his[o].copy()
    s_history_data_t[i] = s_his_t[s].copy()
    o_history_data_t[i] = o_his_t[o].copy()
    # print(o_history_data_g[i])

    if len(s_his_cache[s]) == 0:
        s_his_cache[s] = np.array([[r, o]])
        s_his_cache[s] = np.concatenate((s_his_cache[s], [[r, o]]), axis=0)
    s_his_cache_t[s] = t

    if len(o_his_cache[o]) == 0:
        o_his_cache[o] = np.array([[r, s]])
        o_his_cache[o] = np.concatenate((o_his_cache[o], [[r, s]]), axis=0)
    o_his_cache_t[o] = t

    # print(s_history_data[i], s_history_data_g[i])
    # with open('ttt.txt', 'wb') as fp:
    #     pickle.dump(s_history_data_g, fp)
    # print("save")

with open('train_history_sub.txt', 'wb') as fp:
    pickle.dump([s_history_data, s_history_data_t], fp)
with open('train_history_ob.txt', 'wb') as fp:
    pickle.dump([o_history_data, o_history_data_t], fp)

s_label_train = get_history_target(train_data, s_history_data, o_history_data, 's', 'label')
with open('train_s_label.txt', 'wb') as fp:
    pickle.dump(s_label_train, fp)
del s_label_train

s_history_related_train = get_history_target(train_data, s_history_data, o_history_data, 's', 'related'), 'train_s_frequency.txt')
del s_history_related_train

o_label_train = get_history_target(train_data, s_history_data, o_history_data, 'o', 'label')
with open('train_o_label.txt', 'wb') as fp:
    pickle.dump(o_label_train, fp)
del o_label_train

o_history_related_train = get_history_target(train_data, s_history_data, o_history_data, 'o', 'related'), 'train_o_frequency.txt')
del o_history_related_train
del train_data
del s_history_data
del o_history_data

# print(s_history_data[0])
s_history_data_dev = [[] for _ in range(len(dev_data))]
o_history_data_dev = [[] for _ in range(len(dev_data))]
s_history_data_dev_t = [[] for _ in range(len(dev_data))]
o_history_data_dev_t = [[] for _ in range(len(dev_data))]

for i, dev in enumerate(dev_data):
    if i % 10000 == 0:
        print("valid", i, len(dev_data))
    t = dev[3]
    if latest_t != t:
        for ee in range(num_e):
            if len(s_his_cache[ee]) != 0:
                s_his_cache[ee] = []
                s_his_cache_t[ee] = None
            if len(o_his_cache[ee]) != 0:


                o_his_cache[ee] = []
                o_his_cache_t[ee] = None
        latest_t = t
    s = dev[0]
    r = dev[1]
    o = dev[2]
    s_history_data_dev[i] = s_his[s].copy()
    o_history_data_dev[i] = o_his[o].copy()
    s_history_data_dev_t[i] = s_his_t[s].copy()
    o_history_data_dev_t[i] = o_his_t[o].copy()
    if len(s_his_cache[s]) == 0:
        s_his_cache[s] = np.array([[r, o]])
        s_his_cache[s] = np.concatenate((s_his_cache[s], [[r, o]]), axis=0)
    s_his_cache_t[s] = t

    if len(o_his_cache[o]) == 0:
        o_his_cache[o] = np.array([[r, s]])
        o_his_cache[o] = np.concatenate((o_his_cache[o], [[r, s]]), axis=0)
    o_his_cache_t[o] = t

    # print(o_his_cache[o])

with open('dev_history_sub.txt', 'wb') as fp:
    pickle.dump([s_history_data_dev, s_history_data_dev_t], fp)
with open('dev_history_ob.txt', 'wb') as fp:
    pickle.dump([o_history_data_dev, o_history_data_dev_t], fp)

s_label_dev, s_history_related_dev = get_history_target(dev_data, s_history_data_dev, o_history_data_dev, 's')
with open('dev_s_label.txt', 'wb') as fp:
    pickle.dump(s_label_dev, fp)
with open('dev_s_frequency.txt', 'wb') as fp:
    pickle.dump(s_history_related_dev, fp)
del s_label_dev
del s_history_related_dev

o_label_dev, o_history_related_dev = get_history_target(dev_data, s_history_data_dev, o_history_data_dev, 'o')
with open('dev_o_label.txt', 'wb') as fp:
    pickle.dump(o_label_dev, fp)
with open('dev_o_frequency.txt', 'wb') as fp:
    pickle.dump(o_history_related_dev, fp)
del o_label_dev
del o_history_related_dev

s_history_data_test = [[] for _ in range(len(test_data))]
o_history_data_test = [[] for _ in range(len(test_data))]

s_history_data_test_t = [[] for _ in range(len(test_data))]
o_history_data_test_t = [[] for _ in range(len(test_data))]

for i, test in enumerate(test_data):
    if i % 10000 == 0:
        print("test", i, len(test_data))
    t = test[3]
    if latest_t != t:
        for ee in range(num_e):
            if len(s_his_cache[ee]) != 0:

                s_his_cache[ee] = []
                s_his_cache_t[ee] = None
            if len(o_his_cache[ee]) != 0:


                o_his_cache[ee] = []
                o_his_cache_t[ee] = None
        latest_t = t
    s = test[0]
    r = test[1]
    o = test[2]
    s_history_data_test[i] = s_his[s].copy()
    o_history_data_test[i] = o_his[o].copy()
    s_history_data_test_t[i] = s_his_t[s].copy()
    o_history_data_test_t[i] = o_his_t[o].copy()
    if len(s_his_cache[s]) == 0:
        # s_his_cache[s] = np.array([[r, o]])
        # s_his_cache[s] = np.concatenate((s_his_cache[s], [[r, o]]), axis=0)
    s_his_cache_t[s] = t

    if len(o_his_cache[o]) == 0:
        # o_his_cache[o] = np.array([[r, s]])
        # o_his_cache[o] = np.concatenate((o_his_cache[o], [[r, s]]), axis=0)
    o_his_cache_t[o] = t
    # print(o_his_cache[o])

with open('test_history_sub.txt', 'wb') as fp:
    pickle.dump([s_history_data_test, s_history_data_test_t], fp)
with open('test_history_ob.txt', 'wb') as fp:
    pickle.dump([o_history_data_test, o_history_data_test_t], fp)

s_label_test, s_history_related_test = get_history_target(test_data, s_history_data_test, o_history_data_test, 's')
with open('test_s_label.txt', 'wb') as fp:
    pickle.dump(s_label_test, fp)
with open('test_s_frequency.txt', 'wb') as fp:
    pickle.dump(s_history_related_test, fp)
del s_label_test
del s_history_related_test

o_label_test, o_history_related_test = get_history_target(test_data, s_history_data_test, o_history_data_test, 'o')
with open('test_o_label.txt', 'wb') as fp:
    pickle.dump(o_label_test, fp)
with open('test_o_frequency.txt', 'wb') as fp:
    pickle.dump(o_history_related_test, fp)
del o_label_test
del o_history_related_test

from cenet.

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