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easy-query 🚀 一款高性能、轻量级、多功能的Java对象查询ORM框架支持分库分表读写分离


easy-query是一款无任何依赖的JAVA ORM 框架,十分轻量,拥有非常高的性能,支持单表查询、多表查询、union、子查询、分页、动态表名、VO对象查询返回、逻辑删、全局拦截、数据库列加密(支持高性能like查询)、数据追踪差异更新、乐观锁、多租户、自动分库、自动分表、读写分离,支持框架全功能外部扩展定制,拥有强类型表达式。

如何获取最新版本 搜索easy-query获取最新安装包







 HikariDataSource dataSource = new HikariDataSource();
         EasyQuery easyQuery = EasyQueryBootstrapper.defaultBuilderConfiguration()
         .useDatabaseConfigure(new MySQLDatabaseConfiguration())



create table t_topic
  id varchar(32) not null comment '主键ID'primary key,
  stars int not null comment '点赞数',
  title varchar(50) null comment '标题',
  create_time datetime not null comment '创建时间'
)comment '主题表';

create table t_blog
  id varchar(32) not null comment '主键ID'primary key,
  deleted tinyint(1) default 0 not null comment '是否删除',
  create_by varchar(32) not null comment '创建人',
  create_time datetime not null comment '创建时间',
  update_by varchar(32) not null comment '更新人',
  update_time datetime not null comment '更新时间',
  title varchar(50) not null comment '标题',
  content varchar(256) null comment '内容',
  url varchar(128) null comment '博客链接',
  star int not null comment '点赞数',
  publish_time datetime null comment '发布时间',
  score decimal(18, 2) not null comment '评分',
  status int not null comment '状态',
  `order` decimal(18, 2) not null comment '排序',
  is_top tinyint(1) not null comment '是否置顶',
  top tinyint(1) not null comment '是否置顶'
)comment '博客表';


public class BaseEntity implements Serializable {
  private static final long serialVersionUID = -4834048418175625051L;

  @Column(primaryKey = true)
  private String id;
   * 创建时间;创建时间
  private LocalDateTime createTime;
   * 修改时间;修改时间
  private LocalDateTime updateTime;
   * 创建人;创建人
  private String createBy;
   * 修改人;修改人
  private String updateBy;
   * 是否删除;是否删除
  @LogicDelete(strategy = LogicDeleteStrategyEnum.BOOLEAN)
  private Boolean deleted;

public class Topic {

  @Column(primaryKey = true)
  private String id;
  private Integer stars;
  private String title;
  private LocalDateTime createTime;

public class BlogEntity extends BaseEntity{

   * 标题
  private String title;
   * 内容
  private String content;
   * 博客链接
  private String url;
   * 点赞数
  private Integer star;
   * 发布时间
  private LocalDateTime publishTime;
   * 评分
  private BigDecimal score;
   * 状态
  private Integer status;
   * 排序
  private BigDecimal order;
   * 是否置顶
  private Boolean isTop;
   * 是否置顶
  private Boolean top;


Topic topic = easyQuery
                .where(o -> o.eq(Topic::getId, "3"))
==> Preparing: SELECT t.`id`,t.`stars`,t.`title`,t.`create_time` FROM `t_topic` t WHERE t.`id` = ? LIMIT 1
==> Parameters: 3(String)
<== Time Elapsed: 15(ms)
<== Total: 1     


Topic topic = easyQuery
                .leftJoin(BlogEntity.class, (t, t1) -> t.eq(t1, Topic::getId, BlogEntity::getId))
                .where(o -> o.eq(Topic::getId, "3"))
==> Preparing: SELECT t.`id`,t.`stars`,t.`title`,t.`create_time` FROM `t_topic` t LEFT JOIN `t_blog` t1 ON t1.`deleted` = ? AND t.`id` = t1.`id` WHERE t.`id` = ? LIMIT 1
==> Parameters: false(Boolean),3(String)
<== Time Elapsed: 2(ms)
<== Total: 1


join + group +分页

EasyPageResult<BlogEntity> page = easyQuery
        .innerJoin(BlogEntity.class, (t, t1) -> t.eq(t1, Topic::getId, BlogEntity::getId))
        .where((t, t1) -> t1.isNotNull(BlogEntity::getTitle))
        .groupBy((t, t1)->t1.column(BlogEntity::getId))
        .select(BlogEntity.class, (t, t1) -> t1.column(BlogEntity::getId).columnSum(BlogEntity::getScore))
        .toPageResult(1, 20);
==> Preparing: SELECT t1.`id`,SUM(t1.`score`) AS `score` FROM `t_topic` t INNER JOIN `t_blog` t1 ON t1.`deleted` = ? AND t.`id` = t1.`id` WHERE t1.`title` IS NOT NULL GROUP BY t1.`id` LIMIT 20
==> Parameters: false(Boolean)
<== Time Elapsed: 5(ms)
<== Total: 20


String sql = easyQuery.queryable(BlogEntity.class)
        .where(o -> o.eq(BlogEntity::getId, "123"))
 SELECT t.`id`,t.`create_time`,t.`update_time`,t.`create_by`,t.`update_by`,t.`deleted`,t.`title`,t.`content`,t.`url`,t.`star`,t.`publish_time`,t.`score`,t.`status`,t.`order`,t.`is_top`,t.`top` FROM `aa_bb_cc` t WHERE t.`deleted` = ? AND t.`id` = ?  


Topic topic = new Topic();

long rows = easyQuery.insertable(topic).executeRows();
==> Preparing: INSERT INTO `t_topic` (`id`,`stars`,`title`,`create_time`) VALUES (?,?,?,?) 
==> Parameters: 0(String),100(Integer),标题0(String),2023-03-16T21:34:13.287(LocalDateTime)
<== Total: 1


 Topic topic = easyQuery.queryable(Topic.class)
        .where(o -> o.eq(Topic::getId, "7")).firstNotNull("未找到对应的数据");
        String newTitle = "test123" + new Random().nextInt(100);

long rows=easyQuery.updatable(topic).executeRows();
==> Preparing: UPDATE t_topic SET `stars` = ?,`title` = ?,`create_time` = ? WHERE `id` = ?
==> Parameters: 107(Integer),test12364(String),2023-03-27T22:05:23(LocalDateTime),7(String)
<== Total: 1
long rows = easyQuery.updatable(Topic.class)
                .set(Topic::getStars, 12)
                .where(o -> o.eq(Topic::getId, "2"))
                    .set(Topic::getStars, 12)
                    .where(o -> o.eq(Topic::getId, "2"))
==> Preparing: UPDATE t_topic SET `stars` = ? WHERE `id` = ?
==> Parameters: 12(Integer),2(String)
<== Total: 1


long l = easyQuery.deletable(Topic.class)
==> Preparing: DELETE FROM t_topic WHERE `title` = ?
==> Parameters: title998(String)
<== Total: 1
Topic topic = easyQuery.queryable(Topic.class).whereId("997").firstNotNull("未找到当前主题数据");
long l = easyQuery.deletable(topic).executeRows();
==> Preparing: DELETE FROM t_topic WHERE `id` = ?
==> Parameters: 997(String)
<== Total: 1


Queryable<Topic> q1 = easyQuery
Queryable<Topic> q2 = easyQuery
Queryable<Topic> q3 = easyQuery
List<Topic> list = q1.union(q2, q3).where(o -> o.eq(Topic::getId, "123321")).toList();
==> Preparing: SELECT t1.`id`,t1.`stars`,t1.`title`,t1.`create_time` FROM (SELECT t.`id`,t.`stars`,t.`title`,t.`create_time` FROM `t_topic` t UNION SELECT t.`id`,t.`stars`,t.`title`,t.`create_time` FROM `t_topic` t UNION SELECT t.`id`,t.`stars`,t.`title`,t.`create_time` FROM `t_topic` t) t1 WHERE t1.`id` = ?
==> Parameters: 123321(String)
<== Time Elapsed: 19(ms)
<== Total: 0



Queryable<String> idQueryable = easyQuery.queryable(BlogEntity.class)
        .where(o -> o.eq(BlogEntity::getId, "1"))
List<Topic> list = easyQuery
        .queryable(Topic.class, "x").where(o ->, idQueryable)).toList();
==> Preparing: SELECT x.`id`,x.`stars`,x.`title`,x.`create_time` FROM `t_topic` x WHERE x.`id` IN (SELECT t.`id` FROM `t_blog` t WHERE t.`deleted` = ? AND t.`id` = ?) 
==> Parameters: false(Boolean),1(String)
<== Time Elapsed: 3(ms)
<== Total: 1    


Queryable<BlogEntity> where1 = easyQuery.queryable(BlogEntity.class)
                .where(o -> o.eq(BlogEntity::getId, "1"));
List<Topic> x = easyQuery
        .queryable(Topic.class, "x").where(o -> o.exists(where1.where(q -> q.eq(o, BlogEntity::getId, Topic::getId)))).toList();
==> Preparing: SELECT x.`id`,x.`stars`,x.`title`,x.`create_time` FROM `t_topic` x WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `t_blog` t WHERE t.`deleted` = ? AND t.`id` = ? AND t.`id` = x.`id`) 
==> Parameters: false(Boolean),1(String)
<== Time Elapsed: 10(ms)
<== Total: 1




@Table(value = "t_topic_sharding_time",shardingInitializer = TopicShardingTimeShardingInitializer.class)
public class TopicShardingTime {

    @Column(primaryKey = true)
    private String id;
    private Integer stars;
    private String title;
    private LocalDateTime createTime;
//分片初始化器很简单 假设我们是2020年1月到2023年5月也就是当前时间进行分片那么要生成对应的分片表每月一张
public class TopicShardingTimeShardingInitializer extends AbstractShardingMonthInitializer<TopicShardingTime> {

    protected LocalDateTime getBeginTime() {
        return LocalDateTime.of(2020, 1, 1, 1, 1);

    protected LocalDateTime getEndTime() {
        return LocalDateTime.of(2023, 5, 1, 0, 0);

    public void configure0(ShardingEntityBuilder<TopicShardingTime> builder) {

//        builder.paginationReverse(0.5,100)
//                .ascSequenceConfigure(new TableNameStringComparator())
//                .addPropertyDefaultUseDesc(TopicShardingTime::getCreateTime)
//                .defaultAffectedMethod(false, ExecuteMethodEnum.LIST,ExecuteMethodEnum.ANY,ExecuteMethodEnum.COUNT,ExecuteMethodEnum.FIRST)
//                .useMaxShardingQueryLimit(2,ExecuteMethodEnum.LIST,ExecuteMethodEnum.ANY,ExecuteMethodEnum.FIRST);

public class TopicShardingTimeTableRule extends AbstractMonthTableRule<TopicShardingTime> {

    protected LocalDateTime convertLocalDateTime(Object shardingValue) {
        return (LocalDateTime)shardingValue;





LocalDateTime beginTime = LocalDateTime.of(2021, 1, 1, 1, 1);
LocalDateTime endTime = LocalDateTime.of(2021, 5, 2, 1, 1);
Duration between = Duration.between(beginTime, endTime);
long days = between.toDays();
List<TopicShardingTime> list = easyQuery.queryable(TopicShardingTime.class)
        .orderByAsc(o -> o.column(TopicShardingTime::getCreateTime))
==> SHARDING_EXECUTOR_2, name:ds2020, Preparing: SELECT t.`id`,t.`stars`,t.`title`,t.`create_time` FROM `t_topic_sharding_time_202101` t WHERE t.`create_time` >= ? AND t.`create_time` <= ? ORDER BY t.`create_time` ASC
==> SHARDING_EXECUTOR_3, name:ds2020, Preparing: SELECT t.`id`,t.`stars`,t.`title`,t.`create_time` FROM `t_topic_sharding_time_202102` t WHERE t.`create_time` >= ? AND t.`create_time` <= ? ORDER BY t.`create_time` ASC
==> SHARDING_EXECUTOR_2, name:ds2020, Parameters: 2021-01-01T01:01(LocalDateTime),2021-05-02T01:01(LocalDateTime)
==> SHARDING_EXECUTOR_3, name:ds2020, Parameters: 2021-01-01T01:01(LocalDateTime),2021-05-02T01:01(LocalDateTime)
<== SHARDING_EXECUTOR_3, name:ds2020, Time Elapsed: 3(ms)
<== SHARDING_EXECUTOR_2, name:ds2020, Time Elapsed: 3(ms)
==> SHARDING_EXECUTOR_2, name:ds2020, Preparing: SELECT t.`id`,t.`stars`,t.`title`,t.`create_time` FROM `t_topic_sharding_time_202103` t WHERE t.`create_time` >= ? AND t.`create_time` <= ? ORDER BY t.`create_time` ASC
==> SHARDING_EXECUTOR_3, name:ds2020, Preparing: SELECT t.`id`,t.`stars`,t.`title`,t.`create_time` FROM `t_topic_sharding_time_202104` t WHERE t.`create_time` >= ? AND t.`create_time` <= ? ORDER BY t.`create_time` ASC
==> SHARDING_EXECUTOR_2, name:ds2020, Parameters: 2021-01-01T01:01(LocalDateTime),2021-05-02T01:01(LocalDateTime)
==> SHARDING_EXECUTOR_3, name:ds2020, Parameters: 2021-01-01T01:01(LocalDateTime),2021-05-02T01:01(LocalDateTime)
<== SHARDING_EXECUTOR_3, name:ds2020, Time Elapsed: 2(ms)
<== SHARDING_EXECUTOR_2, name:ds2020, Time Elapsed: 2(ms)
==> main, name:ds2020, Preparing: SELECT t.`id`,t.`stars`,t.`title`,t.`create_time` FROM `t_topic_sharding_time_202105` t WHERE t.`create_time` >= ? AND t.`create_time` <= ? ORDER BY t.`create_time` ASC
==> main, name:ds2020, Parameters: 2021-01-01T01:01(LocalDateTime),2021-05-02T01:01(LocalDateTime)
<== main, name:ds2020, Time Elapsed: 2(ms)
<== Total: 122


@Table(value = "t_topic_sharding_ds",shardingInitializer = DataSourceAndTableShardingInitializer.class)
public class TopicShardingDataSource {

    @Column(primaryKey = true)
    private String id;
    private Integer stars;
    private String title;
    private LocalDateTime createTime;
public class DataSourceShardingInitializer implements EntityShardingInitializer<TopicShardingDataSource> {
    public void configure(ShardingEntityBuilder<TopicShardingDataSource> builder) {
        EntityMetadata entityMetadata = builder.getEntityMetadata();
        String tableName = entityMetadata.getTableName();
        List<String> tables = Collections.singletonList(tableName);
        LinkedHashMap<String, Collection<String>> initTables = new LinkedHashMap<String, Collection<String>>() {{
            put("ds2020", tables);
            put("ds2021", tables);
            put("ds2022", tables);
            put("ds2023", tables);

public class TopicShardingDataSourceRule extends AbstractDataSourceRouteRule<TopicShardingDataSource> {
    protected RouteFunction<String> getRouteFilter(TableAvailable table, Object shardingValue, ShardingOperatorEnum shardingOperator, boolean withEntity) {
        LocalDateTime createTime = (LocalDateTime) shardingValue;
        String dataSource = "ds" + createTime.getYear();
        switch (shardingOperator){
            case GREATER_THAN:
            case GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL:
                return ds-> dataSource.compareToIgnoreCase(ds)<=0;
            case LESS_THAN:
                LocalDateTime timeYearFirstDay = LocalDateTime.of(createTime.getYear(),1,1,0,0,0);
                    return ds->dataSource.compareToIgnoreCase(ds)>0;
                return ds->dataSource.compareToIgnoreCase(ds)>=0;
            case LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL:
                return ds->dataSource.compareToIgnoreCase(ds)>=0;

            case EQUAL:
                return ds->dataSource.compareToIgnoreCase(ds)==0;
            default:return t->true;
LocalDateTime beginTime = LocalDateTime.of(2020, 1, 1, 1, 1);
LocalDateTime endTime = LocalDateTime.of(2023, 5, 1, 1, 1);
Duration between = Duration.between(beginTime, endTime);
long days = between.toDays();
EasyPageResult<TopicShardingDataSource> pageResult = easyQuery.queryable(TopicShardingDataSource.class)
        .orderByAsc(o -> o.column(TopicShardingDataSource::getCreateTime))
        .toPageResult(1, 33);
==> SHARDING_EXECUTOR_23, name:ds2022, Preparing: SELECT t.`id`,t.`stars`,t.`title`,t.`create_time` FROM `t_topic_sharding_ds` t ORDER BY t.`create_time` ASC LIMIT 33
==> SHARDING_EXECUTOR_11, name:ds2021, Preparing: SELECT t.`id`,t.`stars`,t.`title`,t.`create_time` FROM `t_topic_sharding_ds` t ORDER BY t.`create_time` ASC LIMIT 33
==> SHARDING_EXECUTOR_2, name:ds2020, Preparing: SELECT t.`id`,t.`stars`,t.`title`,t.`create_time` FROM `t_topic_sharding_ds` t ORDER BY t.`create_time` ASC LIMIT 33
==> SHARDING_EXECUTOR_4, name:ds2023, Preparing: SELECT t.`id`,t.`stars`,t.`title`,t.`create_time` FROM `t_topic_sharding_ds` t ORDER BY t.`create_time` ASC LIMIT 33
<== SHARDING_EXECUTOR_4, name:ds2023, Time Elapsed: 4(ms)
<== SHARDING_EXECUTOR_23, name:ds2022, Time Elapsed: 4(ms)
<== SHARDING_EXECUTOR_2, name:ds2020, Time Elapsed: 4(ms)
<== SHARDING_EXECUTOR_11, name:ds2021, Time Elapsed: 6(ms)
<== Total: 33




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