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Comments (55)

PetrDvoracek avatar PetrDvoracek commented on April 29, 2024 13

have you tried to add

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "path/to/yolov5")

to the file where the bug occurs?

from yolov5.

alatriste-lee avatar alatriste-lee commented on April 29, 2024 4

I do it dirty: copy dir models and utils and paste into target dir, this can work.

from yolov5.

glenn-jocher avatar glenn-jocher commented on April 29, 2024 2

@yxxxqqq we recently added support for PyTorch Hub. You may be able to use YOLOv5 in your own repository like this:

import torch
model = torch.hub.load('ultralytics/yolov5', 'yolov5s', pretrained=True)

from yolov5.

glenn-jocher avatar glenn-jocher commented on April 29, 2024 1

@yxxxqqq the behavior you describe is the default behavior of all pytorch models.

For self contained models that do not require any external dependencies or imports you would need to export to onnx or torchscript formats. An alternative solution is to integrate this repo with torch hub

from yolov5.

Stephenfang51 avatar Stephenfang51 commented on April 29, 2024 1

I've tried the solution of yxxxqqq, and I've face the problem that he mentioned,
And after some effort,

Here is my solution,
In attempt_load function, I save the model into state_dicts():

def attempt_load(weights, map_location=None):
    # Loads an ensemble of models weights=[a,b,c] or a single model weights=[a] or weights=a
    model = Ensemble()
    for w in weights if isinstance(weights, list) else [weights]:
        model2 = torch.load(w, map_location=map_location)['model'], '/path/to/best_state_model.pth')

    # Compatibility updates
    for m in model.modules():
        if type(m) in [nn.Hardswish, nn.LeakyReLU, nn.ReLU, nn.ReLU6]:
            m.inplace = True  # pytorch 1.7.0 compatibility
        elif type(m) is Conv:
            m._non_persistent_buffers_set = set()  # pytorch 1.6.0 compatibility
    print("len model = {}".format(len(model)))
    if len(model) == 1:
        print("pass only")
        return model[-1]  # return model
        print('Ensemble created with %s\n' % weights)
        for k in ['names', 'stride']:
            setattr(model, k, getattr(model[-1], k))
        return model  # return ensemble

And I've load the weights using:

    model = Model(cfg='/path/to/yolov5s.yaml',
    model.load_state_dict(torch.load('/path/to/best_state_model.pth', map_location=device))

When I apply these changes, the results of two loading model method are the same.

I hope that my solution can help someone.

Do you mean modify the attempt_load function in official repo and output the dict and use the dict to your own project ?

from yolov5.

glenn-jocher avatar glenn-jocher commented on April 29, 2024 1

See PyTorch Hub Tutorial for directions:

Custom Models

To load a custom model, first load a PyTorch Hub model of the same architecture with the same number of classes, and then load a custom state dict into it. This examples loads a custom 10-class YOLOv5s model '':

model = torch.hub.load('ultralytics/yolov5', 'yolov5s', classes=10)

ckpt = torch.load('')['model']  # load checkpoint
model.load_state_dict(ckpt.state_dict())  # load state_dict
model.names = ckpt.names  # define class names

from yolov5.

github-actions avatar github-actions commented on April 29, 2024

Hello @yxxxqqq, thank you for your interest in our work! Please visit our Custom Training Tutorial to get started, and see our Google Colab Notebook, Docker Image, and GCP Quickstart Guide for example environments.

If this is a bug report, please provide screenshots and minimum viable code to reproduce your issue, otherwise we can not help you.

If this is a custom model or data training question, please note that Ultralytics does not provide free personal support. As a leader in vision ML and AI, we do offer professional consulting, from simple expert advice up to delivery of fully customized, end-to-end production solutions for our clients, such as:

  • Cloud-based AI surveillance systems operating on hundreds of HD video streams in realtime.
  • Edge AI integrated into custom iOS and Android apps for realtime 30 FPS video inference.
  • Custom data training, hyperparameter evolution, and model exportation to any destination.

For more information please visit

from yolov5.

glenn-jocher avatar glenn-jocher commented on April 29, 2024

@yxxxqqq thanks for your feedback. Yes you are correct, we use the current method, saving and loading the entire model. In the past we use the alternative method, of creating a model from a cfg file, and then replacing the random weights with the checkpoints weights using a state_dict().

This method caused two problems. The first is that initialization is slower, as a model is created with random weights, and then those random weights are replaced with the checkpoint weights, creating duplication of effort. The second, and main problem, was that a user was required to supply two items to load a model for inference or testing (the weights and cfg), instead of a single item. This places extra requirements on the user, and introduces a failure point during usage, as the user would often incorrectly match weights with incompatible cfg (i.e. with yolov3.cfg), leading to errors and confusion, and them raising issues and bug reports, using our time.

So we view the current method as the lesser of two evils. The main downside we see are SourceChangeWarnings that are generated when the modules the model is built on are updated since it was created.

from yolov5.

yxxxqqq avatar yxxxqqq commented on April 29, 2024

@glenn-jocher Thanks for your reply! I have solved the 'SourceChangeWarnings' by the code you provided.

model = torch.load(weights, map_location=device)['model'], map_location=device), weights)  # update model if SourceChangeWarning

But the problems I said still exists:

  • Problem 1: When I use yolov5 outside the repo and use "torch.load(the_mode, PATH)", I got the error "No module named 'models'"
  • Problem 2: I resaved the model.state_dict() in the repo, and use "model.load_state_dict()" out the repo, but I can't get any detection results. I use the resaved weights in the repo, nothing as well. Details as follow(same image, but different load method):
1. use original weights, torch.load()
pred before nms: tensor([[[5.38951e+00, 6.87055e+00, 1.14993e+01,  ..., 1.90228e-03, 1.01164e-03, 2.54049e-03],
         [7.83045e+00, 6.57221e+00, 1.45590e+01,  ..., 1.57367e-03, 8.64962e-04, 2.01560e-03],
         [2.25311e+01, 5.58812e+00, 1.23454e+01,  ..., 1.72529e-03, 9.21386e-04, 2.28453e-03],
         [4.31154e+02, 6.14794e+02, 1.36958e+02,  ..., 1.80755e-03, 1.52067e-03, 1.51791e-03],
         [4.56398e+02, 6.17055e+02, 1.22339e+02,  ..., 2.12122e-03, 1.61005e-03, 1.63509e-03],
         [4.91976e+02, 6.23088e+02, 1.45217e+02,  ..., 3.99010e-03, 1.72312e-03, 2.11344e-03]]], device='cuda:0')
pred after nms: [tensor([[ 44.06211, 235.47171, 162.47781, 537.28436,   0.91711,   0.00000],
        [146.72403, 240.72610, 219.93156, 511.04062,   0.90797,   0.00000],
        [412.23538, 237.46272, 497.78629, 522.23077,   0.89330,   0.00000],
        [ 22.67275, 135.73569, 490.28171, 438.86267,   0.74369,   5.00000],
        [ 16.38007, 324.36755,  63.95830, 529.78113,   0.54598,   0.00000]], device='cuda:0')]

2. use resaved weights, model.load_state_dict()
pred before nms: tensor([[[5.39362e+00, 5.79549e+00, 2.25946e+01,  ..., 1.25067e-03, 1.00686e-03, 1.47676e-03],
         [1.25392e+01, 5.98638e+00, 2.68692e+01,  ..., 9.48603e-04, 8.45199e-04, 1.03681e-03],
         [2.11967e+01, 5.65385e+00, 2.41934e+01,  ..., 1.24312e-03, 9.92147e-04, 1.58688e-03],
         [4.33180e+02, 6.20522e+02, 1.69033e+02,  ..., 5.71506e-03, 3.09453e-03, 3.54823e-03],
         [4.61483e+02, 6.20247e+02, 1.54342e+02,  ..., 7.58316e-03, 3.30421e-03, 3.97864e-03],
         [4.91035e+02, 6.24763e+02, 1.59548e+02,  ..., 9.68921e-03, 3.65757e-03, 4.65747e-03]]], device='cuda:0')

pred after nms: [None]

from yolov5.

yxxxqqq avatar yxxxqqq commented on April 29, 2024

@glenn-jocher Thank you very much !

from yolov5.

yxxxqqq avatar yxxxqqq commented on April 29, 2024

@glenn-jocher wow, so great! thanks for your excellent work!

from yolov5.

glenn-jocher avatar glenn-jocher commented on April 29, 2024

@yxxxqqq you're welcome!

from yolov5.

elinor-lev avatar elinor-lev commented on April 29, 2024

I use your torch.hub.load solution in order to have a self-contained detector module,and it works very well, thanks! However, it is very verbose. Even setting verbose=True in hub.load still outlines all the library. Is there another less-verbose approach?

from yolov5.

glenn-jocher avatar glenn-jocher commented on April 29, 2024

@elinor-lev no

Original issue seems resolved, so I am closing this issue now.

from yolov5.

Arunavameister avatar Arunavameister commented on April 29, 2024

@yxxxqqq Hello, will you please explain in detail what you did to resolve the problem?
I have run into the same exact nms problem and i cant seem to resolve it even with the hub.load!
Thank you

from yolov5.

glenn-jocher avatar glenn-jocher commented on April 29, 2024

@elinor-lev if you'd like to add verbose functionality to the hub loading, I don't have time to do this personally, but we are open to PRs!

from yolov5.

1chimaruGin avatar 1chimaruGin commented on April 29, 2024

@yxxxqqq Have you solved it?

I have the same problem with NMS
model = torch.hub.load('ultralytics/yolov5', 'yolov5s', pretrained=True)

After NMS:
pred: [None]

from yolov5.

glenn-jocher avatar glenn-jocher commented on April 29, 2024

@yxxxqqq if pred[i] = None for image i, you have no detections above threshold in that image.

from yolov5.

1chimaruGin avatar 1chimaruGin commented on April 29, 2024

Thanks for the reply

For the same image


When I used
model = attempt_load(weights, map_location=device)
pred = model(img, augment=opt.augment)[0]

pred got 3 dims and after NMS
The result is perfect.

I changed it to
model = torch.hub.load('ultralytics/yolov5', 'yolov5s', pretrained=True).to(device)
pred = model(img, augment=opt.augment)[0]

pred got 5 dims and after NMS
pred = [None]

Do I need to reshape the pred before NMS?

from yolov5.

glenn-jocher avatar glenn-jocher commented on April 29, 2024

@1chimaruGin torch hub model may be in training mode rather than eval mode.

from yolov5.

1chimaruGin avatar 1chimaruGin commented on April 29, 2024

Ah Thank you.

Got it!

from yolov5.

FlorianRuen avatar FlorianRuen commented on April 29, 2024


I comment this issue because I got the same problem. I just integrate the to an existing project but I got the error message that say

    model = attempt_load(weights_file, map_location=device)
  File "/home/florian/PycharmProjects/eyesr_custom_ai_detector/CustomDetector/detector_files/yolov5/models/", line 137, in attempt_load
    model.append(torch.load(w, map_location=map_location)['model'].float().fuse().eval())  # load FP32 model
  File "/home/florian/PycharmProjects/eyesr_custom_ai_detector/virtual_env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/", line 584, in load
    return _load(opened_zipfile, map_location, pickle_module, **pickle_load_args)
  File "/home/florian/PycharmProjects/eyesr_custom_ai_detector/virtual_env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/", line 842, in _load
    result = unpickler.load()
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'models'

The previous message don't really explain how to fix this (Instead of using back the cfg file and so one). What is exactly the solution to this error message ?

I use Pytorch 1.6 and Python 3.6

from yolov5.

1chimaruGin avatar 1chimaruGin commented on April 29, 2024


I faced the same problem when I use attempt_load(weights_file, map_location=device) from the outside of this repo.
So, I load the pretrained model from hub model = torch.hub.load('ultralytics/yolov5', 'yolov5s', pretrained=True).to(device).eval()

from yolov5.

FlorianRuen avatar FlorianRuen commented on April 29, 2024

@1chimaruGin so you assume that every time we launch the script, it will download from the hub, so we need network access on the device that will execute the project ?

If I change all the line from:
model.append(torch.load(w, map_location=map_location)['model'].float().fuse().eval()) # load FP32 model

model.append(torch.hub.load('ultralytics/yolov5', 'yolov5s', pretrained=True).to(map_location).eval())

I got a SSL CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED, that I can easily correct.

But the other problem, it that I'm using the exact same directory structure. So when I try to run the script it say it can't found utils.google_utils, which is normal because the path should be detector_files.ultralytics.yolov5.utils.google_utils

from yolov5.

1chimaruGin avatar 1chimaruGin commented on April 29, 2024


Yeah It will download from the hub but for once.

I mean in line 35. Not in

model = model = torch.hub.load('ultralytics/yolov5', 'yolov5s', pretrained=True).to(device).eval()

from yolov5.

FlorianRuen avatar FlorianRuen commented on April 29, 2024

@1chimaruGin Thanks, but if I run the without any changes in folders architecture it works, my need is to change the yolov5 folders architecture to fit a bigger project, so I need to change the imports to fit my architecture.

Very strange that if I change the imports in all files, there is still a call to "models" which is wrong path ... I don't know where is this call. I will go deeper to find a solution, if @glenn-jocher has an idea how to fix this ?

Thanks again for your help

from yolov5.

EvgeniiTitov avatar EvgeniiTitov commented on April 29, 2024

The same issue here. It is actually very annoying :(

I've trained the small model on a custom dataset and now I am trying to integrate it into another project. I've copied the models and utils folders, fixed the imports there. When I attempt loading the model I get the same issue - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'models'. When I run the same model from the original repo, works like a charm.

Has anyone found a solution to the problem?
@glenn-jocher do you possibly have any suggestions?


from yolov5.

PetrDvoracek avatar PetrDvoracek commented on April 29, 2024

hope this pull request will resolve the issue. See [this branch on my fork] (

from yolov5.

azuryl avatar azuryl commented on April 29, 2024

The same issue here. It is actually very annoying :(

I've trained the small model on a custom dataset and now I am trying to integrate it into another project. I've copied the models and utils folders, fixed the imports there. When I attempt loading the model I get the same issue - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'models'. When I run the same model from the original repo, works like a charm.

Has anyone found a solution to the problem?
@glenn-jocher do you possibly have any suggestions?


I meet the same issue, I used the new version and integrate it into another project

from yolov5.

mmenbawy avatar mmenbawy commented on April 29, 2024

torch.load() requires model module in the same folder, PATH)
Then later:
the_model = torch.load(PATH)
However in this case, the serialized data is bound to the specific classes and the exact directory structure used, so it can break in various ways when used in other projects, or after some serious refactors.

To fix it save and load only the model parameters.

PyTorch internally uses pickle and it's a limitation of pickle. You can try meddling with sys.path to include the directory where is. This is exactly why we recommend saving only the state dicts and not whole model objects.

from yolov5.

hungpthanh avatar hungpthanh commented on April 29, 2024

I've tried the solution of yxxxqqq, and I've face the problem that he mentioned,
And after some effort,

Here is my solution,
In attempt_load function, I save the model into state_dicts():

def attempt_load(weights, map_location=None):
    # Loads an ensemble of models weights=[a,b,c] or a single model weights=[a] or weights=a
    model = Ensemble()
    for w in weights if isinstance(weights, list) else [weights]:
        model2 = torch.load(w, map_location=map_location)['model'], '/path/to/best_state_model.pth')

    # Compatibility updates
    for m in model.modules():
        if type(m) in [nn.Hardswish, nn.LeakyReLU, nn.ReLU, nn.ReLU6]:
            m.inplace = True  # pytorch 1.7.0 compatibility
        elif type(m) is Conv:
            m._non_persistent_buffers_set = set()  # pytorch 1.6.0 compatibility
    print("len model = {}".format(len(model)))
    if len(model) == 1:
        print("pass only")
        return model[-1]  # return model
        print('Ensemble created with %s\n' % weights)
        for k in ['names', 'stride']:
            setattr(model, k, getattr(model[-1], k))
        return model  # return ensemble

And I've load the weights using:

    model = Model(cfg='/path/to/yolov5s.yaml',
    model.load_state_dict(torch.load('/path/to/best_state_model.pth', map_location=device))

When I apply these changes, the results of two loading model method are the same.

I hope that my solution can help someone.

from yolov5.

glenn-jocher avatar glenn-jocher commented on April 29, 2024

@Stephenfang51 @Mostafa-Elmenbawy @hungthanhpham94 to run custom or official YOLOv5 models within separate projects see PyTorch Hub Tutorial:

from yolov5.

Stephenfang51 avatar Stephenfang51 commented on April 29, 2024

@Stephenfang51 @Mostafa-Elmenbawy @hungthanhpham94 to run custom or official YOLOv5 models within separate projects see PyTorch Hub Tutorial:

what about yolov3? Thanks!

from yolov5.

glenn-jocher avatar glenn-jocher commented on April 29, 2024

@Stephenfang51 yes, PyTorch Hub works with ultralytics/yolov3 also.

from yolov5.

Stephenfang51 avatar Stephenfang51 commented on April 29, 2024

@Stephenfang51 yes, PyTorch Hub works with ultralytics/yolov3 also.

model = torch.hub.load('ultralytics/yolov3', "yolov3-tiny", classes=2)
ckpt = torch.load(weights)
model.load_state_dict(ckpt['model'].state_dict())  # load state_dict
model.names = ckpt.names  # define class names

and results error

    raise RuntimeError('Cannot find callable {} in hubconf'.format(model))
RuntimeError: Cannot find callable yolov3-tiny in hubconf

from yolov5.

glenn-jocher avatar glenn-jocher commented on April 29, 2024

@Stephenfang51 dash characters are not supported in any PyTorch Hub models.

from yolov5.

Stephenfang51 avatar Stephenfang51 commented on April 29, 2024

@Stephenfang51 dash characters are not supported in any PyTorch Hub models.

Thanks for the quick reply, however..

    model.names = ckpt.names  # define class names
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'names'

from yolov5.

glenn-jocher avatar glenn-jocher commented on April 29, 2024

Tutorial is updated, names is a model attribute. See

from yolov5.

Stephenfang51 avatar Stephenfang51 commented on April 29, 2024

Tutorial is updated, names is a model attribute. See #36

sorry i am new to your excellent project, but still dont get it.
and I didn't find answer in #36

from yolov5.

Stephenfang51 avatar Stephenfang51 commented on April 29, 2024

See PyTorch Hub Tutorial for directions:

Custom Models

To load a custom model, first load a PyTorch Hub model of the same architecture with the same number of classes, and then load a custom state dict into it. This examples loads a custom 10-class YOLOv5s model '':

model = torch.hub.load('ultralytics/yolov5', 'yolov5s', classes=10)

ckpt = torch.load('')['model']  # load checkpoint
model.load_state_dict(ckpt.state_dict())  # load state_dict
model.names = ckpt.names  # define class names

here is mine

# Load model
model = torch.hub.load('ultralytics/yolov3', "yolov3_tiny", classes=2)
ckpt = torch.load(weights)['model']
model.names = ckpt.names

img =
# print(model)
results = model(img, size=img_size)


TypeError: forward() got an unexpected keyword argument 'size'

from yolov5.

glenn-jocher avatar glenn-jocher commented on April 29, 2024

@Stephenfang51 only .autoshape() models can accept PIL images. The normal model you are using only accepts standard pytorch inputs.

from yolov5.

Stephenfang51 avatar Stephenfang51 commented on April 29, 2024

@Stephenfang51 only .autoshape() models can accept PIL images. The normal model you are using only accepts standard pytorch inputs.

so should I convert PIL images to torch.tensor ?

from yolov5.

glenn-jocher avatar glenn-jocher commented on April 29, 2024

@Stephenfang51 yes you can do that, or you can convert your model into an .autoshape() model as the tutorial shows.

model = model.autoshape()

from yolov5.

Stephenfang51 avatar Stephenfang51 commented on April 29, 2024

@Stephenfang51 yes you can do that, or you can convert your model into an .autoshape() model as the tutorial shows.

model = model.autoshape()

after your suggestion

RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for autoShape:
        Missing key(s) in state_dict: "model.model.0.conv.weight", "", "", "", "", "model.model.2.conv.weight", "", "", "", "", "model.model.4.conv.weight", "", "", "", "", "model.model.6.conv.weight", "", "", "", "", "model.model.8.conv.weight", "", "", "", "", "model.model.10.conv.weight", "", "", "", "", "model.model.13.conv.weight", "", "", "", "", "model.model.14.conv.weight", "", "", "", "", "model.model.15.conv.weight", "", "", "", "", "model.model.16.conv.weight", "", "", "", "", "model.model.19.conv.weight", "", "", "", "", "model.model.20.anchors", "model.model.20.anchor_grid", "model.model.20.m.0.weight", "model.model.20.m.0.bias", "model.model.20.m.1.weight", "model.model.20.m.1.bias". 
        Unexpected key(s) in state_dict: "model.0.conv.weight", "", "", "", "", "", "model.2.conv.weight", "", "", "", "", "", "model.4.conv.weight", "", "", "", "", "", "model.6.conv.weight", "", "", "", "", "", "model.8.conv.weight", "", "", "", "", "", "model.10.conv.weight", "", "", "", "", "", "model.13.conv.weight", "", "", "", "", "", "model.14.conv.weight", "", "", "", "", "", "model.15.conv.weight", "", "", "", "", "", "model.16.conv.weight", "", "", "", "", "", "model.19.conv.weight", "", "", "", "", "", "model.20.anchors", "model.20.anchor_grid", "model.20.m.0.weight", "model.20.m.0.bias", "model.20.m.1.weight", "model.20.m.1.bias". 

from yolov5.

Stephenfang51 avatar Stephenfang51 commented on April 29, 2024

anything wrong with my code ? I just gave up your yolov3 and try yolov5, still error
my torch version is 1.6

weights = "yolov5_pretrained/"

model = torch.hub.load('ultralytics/yolov5', "yolov5s", classes=2)
ckpt = torch.load(weights)['model']
model.names = ckpt.names

img =
results = model(img, size=640)


    result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
TypeError: forward() got an unexpected keyword argument 'size'

from yolov5.

glenn-jocher avatar glenn-jocher commented on April 29, 2024

@Stephenfang51 I'll try to produce an example using loading a 20-class VOC trained model.

Remember if you are using YOLOv3, all older models trained with the archive branch are not forward compatible. To load a custom YOLOv3 model in PyTorch Hub, it must be trained with the new master branch that is YOLOv5 forward compatible.

from yolov5.

glenn-jocher avatar glenn-jocher commented on April 29, 2024

From ultralytics/yolov3:

BRANCH NOTICE: The ultralytics/yolov3 repository is now divided into two branches:

$ git clone  # master branch (default)
$ git clone -b archive  # archive branch

from yolov5.

glenn-jocher avatar glenn-jocher commented on April 29, 2024

TODO: Simplify custom model loading, i.e.
model = torch.hub.load('ultralytics/yolov5', 'custom', weights='')

from yolov5.

glenn-jocher avatar glenn-jocher commented on April 29, 2024

@Stephenfang51 I've updated YOLOv5 PyTorch Hub functionality to allow for much simpler loading of custom models of any architecture created with our YOLOv3/5 repos. Please git pull to receive the latest updates, and then try the new method (you may need to use force_reload=True to update your hub cache):

Custom Models

This example loads a custom 20-class VOC-trained YOLOv5s model '' with PyTorch Hub.

model = torch.hub.load('ultralytics/yolov5', 'custom', path_or_model='', force_reload=True)
model = model.autoshape()  # for PIL/cv2/np inputs and NMS

from yolov5.

Stephenfang51 avatar Stephenfang51 commented on April 29, 2024


I think the reason is the linemodel = model.autoShape() should be put under the model.load_state_dict(checkpoint.state_dict()), I tried the following and it works now!

if __name__ == '__main__':

    model = torch.hub.load('ultralytics/yolov5', 'yolov5s', pretrained=False, classes=2)

    checkpoint = torch.load('yolov5_pretrained/')['model']

    model = model.autoshape()  # for PIL/cv2/np inputs and NMS
    model.names = checkpoint.names

    img ='demo_video/image_079.jpg')
    pred = model(img)

And of course I used the Yolov3 (master)which is compatible with your Yolov5.
the solution solved now anyway

Thanks for your Help 👍

from yolov5.

github-actions avatar github-actions commented on April 29, 2024

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

from yolov5.

Liaouzhe avatar Liaouzhe commented on April 29, 2024


I comment this issue because I got the same problem. I just integrate the to an existing project but I got the error message that say

    model = attempt_load(weights_file, map_location=device)
  File "/home/florian/PycharmProjects/eyesr_custom_ai_detector/CustomDetector/detector_files/yolov5/models/", line 137, in attempt_load
    model.append(torch.load(w, map_location=map_location)['model'].float().fuse().eval())  # load FP32 model
  File "/home/florian/PycharmProjects/eyesr_custom_ai_detector/virtual_env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/", line 584, in load
    return _load(opened_zipfile, map_location, pickle_module, **pickle_load_args)
  File "/home/florian/PycharmProjects/eyesr_custom_ai_detector/virtual_env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/", line 842, in _load
    result = unpickler.load()
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'models'

The previous message don't really explain how to fix this (Instead of using back the cfg file and so one). What is exactly the solution to this error message ?

I use Pytorch 1.6 and Python 3.6


I comment this issue because I got the same problem. I just integrate the to an existing project but I got the error message that say

    model = attempt_load(weights_file, map_location=device)
  File "/home/florian/PycharmProjects/eyesr_custom_ai_detector/CustomDetector/detector_files/yolov5/models/", line 137, in attempt_load
    model.append(torch.load(w, map_location=map_location)['model'].float().fuse().eval())  # load FP32 model
  File "/home/florian/PycharmProjects/eyesr_custom_ai_detector/virtual_env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/", line 584, in load
    return _load(opened_zipfile, map_location, pickle_module, **pickle_load_args)
  File "/home/florian/PycharmProjects/eyesr_custom_ai_detector/virtual_env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/", line 842, in _load
    result = unpickler.load()
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'models'

The previous message don't really explain how to fix this (Instead of using back the cfg file and so one). What is exactly the solution to this error message ?

I use Pytorch 1.6 and Python 3.6

Hello sir
How to solve this problem?
Thank you so much

from yolov5.

glenn-jocher avatar glenn-jocher commented on April 29, 2024

@Liaouzhe hello! The error message ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'models' indicates that the models module could not be found when trying to load the YOLOv5 weights. This could be due to an incorrect path or some type of installation issue.

One possible solution is to ensure that the yolov5 repository is present in your Python environment and that the path to the YOLOv5 weights is correct. Additionally, upgrading to the latest version of PyTorch (currently version 1.9) may also help resolve this issue.

If you are still encountering the error after trying these solutions, please let me know and we can work together to further troubleshoot the issue. Thank you!

from yolov5.

Liaouzhe avatar Liaouzhe commented on April 29, 2024

Thanks for the reply

The problem I am encountering now is adding the model I trained to the program, and the following error occurs, how can I solve it?
Thank you so much
Screenshot from 2023-06-11 16-33-57

from yolov5.

glenn-jocher avatar glenn-jocher commented on April 29, 2024

@Liaouzhe hello! It seems like the image you are referring to is not accessible. If you could provide the error message as text, I would be happy to assist you in resolving the issue. Thank you!

from yolov5.

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