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Comments (10)

rchl avatar rchl commented on July 24, 2024

Works for me in an editor. I'd suggest trying the same action in an editor of your choice and logging the requests/responses to find out the differences (paying special attention to requests triggered and their payloads). It's most likely a problem with wrong requests or project configuration.

from typescript-language-server.

yxshv avatar yxshv commented on July 24, 2024

Works for me in an editor. I'd suggest trying the same action in an editor of your choice and logging the requests/responses to find out the differences (paying special attention to requests triggered and their payloads). It's most likely a problem with wrong the requests or project configuration.

I am using vscode, and i am not sure how would i check the requests its making

from typescript-language-server.

rchl avatar rchl commented on July 24, 2024

Here is the log from my editor of choice:

:: [10:03:52.312] --> LSP-typescript initialize (1): {'workspaceFolders': [{'name': 'typescript-language-server', 'uri': 'file:///usr/local/workspace/github/typescript-language-server'}], 'clientInfo': {'name': 'Sublime Text LSP', 'version': '1.26.0'}, 'rootPath': '/usr/local/workspace/github/typescript-language-server', 'capabilities': {'workspace': {'semanticTokens': {'refreshSupport': True}, 'codeLens': {'refreshSupport': True}, 'symbol': {'dynamicRegistration': True, 'symbolKind': {'valueSet': [3, 5, 25, 18, 15, 10, 20, 4, 19, 14, 7, 13, 21, 23, 2, 9, 6, 12, 8, 22, 24, 1, 11, 16, 17, 26]}, 'tagSupport': {'valueSet': [1]}, 'resolveSupport': {'properties': ['location.range']}}, 'workspaceEdit': {'documentChanges': True, 'failureHandling': 'abort'}, 'executeCommand': {}, 'applyEdit': True, 'diagnostics': {'refreshSupport': True}, 'workspaceFolders': True, 'inlayHint': {'refreshSupport': True}, 'didChangeConfiguration': {'dynamicRegistration': True}, 'configuration': True, 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:: [10:03:52.313] <<< LSP-typescript (4) (duration: 31ms): [{'command': {'command': '_typescript.applyRefactoring', 'arguments': [{'file': '/usr/local/workspace/github/typescript-language-server/src/test.ts', 'action': 'Extract to type alias', 'endLine': 5, 'refactor': 'Extract type', 'endOffset': 16, 'startOffset': 13, 'startLine': 5}], 'title': 'Extract to type alias'}, 'title': 'Extract to type alias', 'kind': 'refactor'}, {'command': {'command': '_typescript.applyRefactoring', 'arguments': [{'file': '/usr/local/workspace/github/typescript-language-server/src/test.ts', 'action': 'Move to a new file', 'endLine': 5, 'refactor': 'Move to a new file', 'endOffset': 16, 'startOffset': 13, 'startLine': 5}], 'title': 'Move to a new file'}, 'title': 'Move to a new file', 'kind': 'refactor.move'}]
:: [10:03:52.313] <<< LSP-typescript (5) (duration: 20ms): None
:: [10:03:52.313]  -> LSP-typescript exit: None
LSP-typescript: Using Typescript version (workspace) 5.2.2 from path "/usr/local/workspace/github/typescript-language-server/node_modules/typescript/lib/tsserver.js"
:: [10:03:52.432] <-  LSP-typescript window/logMessage: {'type': 3, 'message': 'Using Typescript version (workspace) 5.2.2 from path "/usr/local/workspace/github/typescript-language-server/node_modules/typescript/lib/tsserver.js"'}
:: [10:03:52.432] <-- LSP-typescript window/workDoneProgress/create (0): {'token': '5bc21150-b7e6-4772-bb8e-1aa3ddbf6ff6'}
:: [10:03:52.432] >>> LSP-typescript (0) (duration: 0ms): None
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:: [10:03:52.433]  -> LSP-typescript initialized: {}
:: [10:03:52.435]  -> LSP-typescript workspace/didChangeConfiguration: {'settings': {'implicitProjectConfiguration': {'experimentalDecorators': False, 'strictNullChecks': True, 'strictFunctionTypes': True, 'checkJs': False, 'target': 'ES2020', 'module': 'ESNext'}, 'diagnostics': {'ignoredCodes': []}, 'typescript': {'referencesCodeLens': {'enabled': True, 'showOnAllFunctions': True}, 'implementationsCodeLens': {'enabled': True}, 'format': {'insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis': False, 'insertSpaceAfterTypeAssertion': False, 'semicolons': 'ignore', 'insertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators': True, 'placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks': False, 'insertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements': True, 'insertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter': True, 'insertSpaceAfterConstructor': False, 'insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces': True, 'insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces': False, 'placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions': False, 'insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets': False, 'insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingEmptyBraces': False, 'insertSpaceBeforeTypeAnnotation': False, 'insertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis': False, 'insertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions': True, 'insertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements': True, 'insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingJsxExpressionBraces': False, 'trimTrailingWhitespace': True}, 'inlayHints': {'includeInlayVariableTypeHints': True, 'includeInlayParameterNameHints': 'literals', 'includeInlayPropertyDeclarationTypeHints': True, 'includeInlayVariableTypeHintsWhenTypeMatchesName': False, 'includeInlayFunctionParameterTypeHints': True, 'includeInlayEnumMemberValueHints': True, 'includeInlayParameterNameHintsWhenArgumentMatchesName': False, 'includeInlayFunctionLikeReturnTypeHints': False}}, 'statusText': ', ', 'javascript': {'referencesCodeLens': {'enabled': True, 'showOnAllFunctions': True}, 'implementationsCodeLens': {'enabled': True}, 'format': {'insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis': False, 'insertSpaceAfterTypeAssertion': False, 'semicolons': 'ignore', 'insertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators': True, 'placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks': False, 'insertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements': True, 'insertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter': True, 'insertSpaceAfterConstructor': False, 'insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces': True, 'insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces': False, 'placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions': False, 'insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets': False, 'insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingEmptyBraces': False, 'insertSpaceBeforeTypeAnnotation': False, 'insertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis': False, 'insertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions': True, 'insertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements': True, 'insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingJsxExpressionBraces': False, 'trimTrailingWhitespace': True}, 'inlayHints': {'includeInlayVariableTypeHints': True, 'includeInlayParameterNameHints': 'all', 'includeInlayPropertyDeclarationTypeHints': True, 'includeInlayVariableTypeHintsWhenTypeMatchesName': False, 'includeInlayFunctionParameterTypeHints': True, 'includeInlayEnumMemberValueHints': True, 'includeInlayParameterNameHintsWhenArgumentMatchesName': False, 'includeInlayFunctionLikeReturnTypeHints': True}}}}
:: [10:03:52.436] <-  LSP-typescript $/progress: {'value': {'title': 'Initializing JS/TS language features…', 'kind': 'begin'}, 'token': '5bc21150-b7e6-4772-bb8e-1aa3ddbf6ff6'}
:: [10:03:52.436] <-  LSP-typescript $/typescriptVersion: {'source': 'workspace', 'version': '5.2.2'}
:: [10:03:52.443]  -> LSP-typescript textDocument/didOpen: {'textDocument': {'uri': 'file:///usr/local/workspace/github/typescript-language-server/src/test.ts', 'languageId': 'typescript', 'text': 'type JustATest  = {\n    a: string,\n    b: number\n}\nconst abcd: Jus\n', 'version': 2}}
:: [10:03:52.627] <-- LSP-typescript window/workDoneProgress/create (1): {'token': '0d87bc06-9a0b-4b9d-856e-3f5a4cc9c386'}
:: [10:03:52.627] >>> LSP-typescript (1) (duration: 0ms): None
:: [10:03:52.627] <-  LSP-typescript $/progress: {'value': {'kind': 'end'}, 'token': '5bc21150-b7e6-4772-bb8e-1aa3ddbf6ff6'}
:: [10:03:52.627] <-  LSP-typescript $/progress: {'value': {'title': 'Initializing JS/TS language features…', 'kind': 'begin'}, 'token': '0d87bc06-9a0b-4b9d-856e-3f5a4cc9c386'}
:: [10:03:53.200] <-  LSP-typescript $/progress: {'value': {'kind': 'end'}, 'token': '0d87bc06-9a0b-4b9d-856e-3f5a4cc9c386'}
:: [10:03:53.260] <-  LSP-typescript textDocument/publishDiagnostics: {'uri': 'file:///usr/local/workspace/github/typescript-language-server/src/test.ts', 'diagnostics': [{'severity': 1, 'range': {'end': {'character': 14, 'line': 0}, 'start': {'character': 5, 'line': 0}}, 'message': "'JustATest' is declared but never used.", 'tags': [1], 'source': 'typescript', 'code': 6196}, {'severity': 1, 'range': {'end': {'character': 10, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 6, 'line': 4}}, 'message': "'const' declarations must be initialized.", 'tags': [], 'source': 'typescript', 'code': 1155}, {'severity': 1, 'range': {'end': {'character': 10, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 6, 'line': 4}}, 'message': "'abcd' is declared but its value is never read.", 'tags': [1], 'source': 'typescript', 'code': 6133}, {'severity': 1, 'range': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'message': "Cannot find name 'Jus'.", 'tags': [], 'source': 'typescript', 'code': 2304}]}
:: [10:03:54.697] --> LSP-typescript textDocument/completion (2): {'position': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'textDocument': {'uri': 'file:///usr/local/workspace/github/typescript-language-server/src/test.ts'}}
:: [10:03:54.777] <<< LSP-typescript (2) (duration: 79ms): {'isIncomplete': False, 'items': [{'data': {'cacheId': 1}, 'label': 'JustATest', 'sortText': '11', 'kind': 7, 'textEdit': {'replace': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'newText': 'JustATest', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}, {'data': {'cacheId': 2}, 'label': 'AbortController', 'sortText': '15', 'kind': 6, 'textEdit': {'replace': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'newText': 'AbortController', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}, {'data': {'cacheId': 3}, 'label': 'AbortSignal', 'sortText': '15', 'kind': 6, 'textEdit': {'replace': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'newText': 'AbortSignal', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}, {'data': 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'Uint8ClampedArrayConstructor', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}, {'data': {'cacheId': 209}, 'label': 'Uncapitalize', 'sortText': '15', 'kind': 7, 'textEdit': {'replace': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'newText': 'Uncapitalize', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}, {'data': {'cacheId': 210}, 'label': 'undefined', 'sortText': '15', 'kind': 14, 'textEdit': {'replace': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'newText': 'undefined', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}, {'data': {'cacheId': 211}, 'label': 'unique', 'sortText': '15', 'kind': 14, 'textEdit': {'replace': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'newText': 'unique', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}, {'data': {'cacheId': 212}, 'label': 'unknown', 'sortText': '15', 'kind': 14, 'textEdit': {'replace': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'newText': 'unknown', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}, {'data': {'cacheId': 213}, 'label': 'Uppercase', 'sortText': '15', 'kind': 7, 'textEdit': {'replace': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'newText': 'Uppercase', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}, {'data': {'cacheId': 214}, 'label': 'URIError', 'sortText': '15', 'kind': 6, 'textEdit': {'replace': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'newText': 'URIError', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}, {'data': {'cacheId': 215}, 'label': 'URIErrorConstructor', 'sortText': '15', 'kind': 8, 'textEdit': {'replace': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'newText': 'URIErrorConstructor', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}, {'data': {'cacheId': 216}, 'label': 'URL', 'sortText': '15', 'kind': 6, 'textEdit': {'replace': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'newText': 'URL', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}, {'data': {'cacheId': 217}, 'label': 'URLSearchParams', 'sortText': '15', 'kind': 6, 'textEdit': {'replace': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'newText': 'URLSearchParams', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}, {'data': {'cacheId': 218}, 'label': 'void', 'sortText': '15', 'kind': 14, 'textEdit': {'replace': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'newText': 'void', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}, {'data': {'cacheId': 219}, 'label': 'WeakKey', 'sortText': '15', 'kind': 7, 'textEdit': {'replace': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'newText': 'WeakKey', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}, {'data': {'cacheId': 220}, 'label': 'WeakKeyTypes', 'sortText': '15', 'kind': 8, 'textEdit': {'replace': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'newText': 'WeakKeyTypes', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}, {'data': {'cacheId': 221}, 'label': 'WeakMap', 'sortText': '15', 'kind': 6, 'textEdit': {'replace': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'newText': 'WeakMap', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}, {'data': {'cacheId': 222}, 'label': 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{'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'newText': 'WithImplicitCoercion', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}, {'data': {'cacheId': 226}, 'detail': 'typescript', 'label': 'JSDocAugmentsTag', 'sortText': '\uffff16', 'kind': 8, 'textEdit': {'replace': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'newText': 'JSDocAugmentsTag', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}, {'data': {'cacheId': 227}, 'detail': 'typescript/lib/tsserverlibrary.js', 'label': 'JSDocAugmentsTag', 'sortText': '\uffff16', 'kind': 8, 'textEdit': {'replace': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'newText': 'JSDocAugmentsTag', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}, {'data': {'cacheId': 228}, 'detail': 'typescript', 'label': 'JsonMinusNumericLiteral', 'sortText': '\uffff16', 'kind': 8, 'textEdit': {'replace': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'newText': 'JsonMinusNumericLiteral', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}, {'data': {'cacheId': 229}, 'detail': 'typescript/lib/tsserverlibrary.js', 'label': 'JsonMinusNumericLiteral', 'sortText': '\uffff16', 'kind': 8, 'textEdit': {'replace': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'newText': 'JsonMinusNumericLiteral', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}, {'data': {'cacheId': 230}, 'detail': 'fs-extra', 'label': 'JsonOutputOptions', 'sortText': '\uffff16', 'kind': 7, 'textEdit': {'replace': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'newText': 'JsonOutputOptions', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}, {'data': {'cacheId': 231}, 'detail': 'typescript', 'label': 'JsxAttributes', 'sortText': '\uffff16', 'kind': 8, 'textEdit': {'replace': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'newText': 'JsxAttributes', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}, {'data': {'cacheId': 232}, 'detail': 'typescript/lib/tsserverlibrary.js', 'label': 'JsxAttributes', 'sortText': '\uffff16', 'kind': 8, 'textEdit': {'replace': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}, 'newText': 'JsxAttributes', 'insert': {'end': {'character': 15, 'line': 4}, 'start': {'character': 12, 'line': 4}}}}]}

Pay attention especially to the workspace directory in initialize and didOpen notifications for the files you want to work with.

from typescript-language-server.

rchl avatar rchl commented on July 24, 2024

And I've just noticed that you are passing document text into textDocument/completion. That's not how it works. You have to open the file first with textDocument/didOpen first.

from typescript-language-server.

yxshv avatar yxshv commented on July 24, 2024

And I've just noticed that you are passing document text into textDocument/completion. That's not how it works. You have to open the file first with textDocument/didOpen first.

lol i mentioned this here
Screenshot 2024-01-02 at 2 40 45 PM

since the code wouldve been too big

from typescript-language-server.

yxshv avatar yxshv commented on July 24, 2024

here is the code sending the initialize and didOpen notif

await connection.sendRequest('initialize', {
  rootUri: 'file:///Users/balkrishnaverma/Documents/yash/testum',
  capabilities: {},
}).then((e) => {
  // console.log("i",e)

await connection.sendNotification('textDocument/didOpen', {
  textDocument: textDocument

from typescript-language-server.

yxshv avatar yxshv commented on July 24, 2024

The only difference in here and the log you sent is that there is no version in the TextDocument I did had version before it makes no difference

I even copied the preferences from the log, still nothing

from typescript-language-server.

yxshv avatar yxshv commented on July 24, 2024

Do I need a workspaces? I thought rootUri would be enough

from typescript-language-server.

rchl avatar rchl commented on July 24, 2024
  • Did you try sending workspace/didChangeConfiguration?
  • rootUri is supported. You can check the code
  • The contents of tsconfig.json at the root URI can also make a difference.
  • The initilization of tsserver is async and just doing a programmatic request quickly might result in partial results. You can try adding artificial timeout of 2 seconds or something like that to see if that helps.

from typescript-language-server.

yxshv avatar yxshv commented on July 24, 2024
  • Did you try sending workspace/didChangeConfiguration?

nope, what for?

and adding a delay also didn't work

from typescript-language-server.

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