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androidkernelpatch's Introduction


Patching, hooking, and rooting the Android kernel using only a stripped Linux kernel image.

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AndroidKernelPatch relies on KernelPatch and is the Android version of KernelPatch.

Not limited to rooting, AndroidKernelPatch can patch the kernel and inject arbitrary code into it even without source code or symbol information.

Want to learn more? Visit KernelPatch .

Development Status

Early alpha stage, many features are yet to be implemented.

Supported Versions

Same as KernelPatch.

Currently only supports arm64.

Linux 3.8 - 6.2 (theoretically)
Linux 6.3+ (not yet adapted)

Pixel2xl-Android10, Linux 4.4.210 (tested before)
Pixel3xl-Android12, Linux 4.9.270 (tested)
Pixel4xl-Android13, Linux 4.14.276 (tested)
Oneplus8T-Android13, Linux 4.19.157 (tested before)
Pixel6-Android13, Linux 5.10.157 (tested)

Development Status

It is still in the early stages, and many features have not been implemented yet. Development is happening sporadically and slowly. Welcome those who are interested to join in.

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More Information



  • KernelPatch: The core.
  • Magisk: Used their code for unpacking and repacking boot.img.


AndroidKernelPatch is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 (GPL-3) (

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