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Alzheimer's Disease MRI Identification, Recognition, & Evaluation - Deep Learning


Table of Contents


This is the repository for the deep learning portion of the Alzheimer's Disease MRI Identification, Recognition, & Evaluation project. This project aims to create a deep learning model that can accurately classify Alzheimer's Disease using MRI scans. This is done by using a deep learning model to classify the scans.

This project uses the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) dataset, which contains MRI scans of patients with Alzheimer's Disease and healthy controls. The OASIS-1 dataset can be used for testing purposes.

In terms of implementation, this project uses the Keras deep learning library, and the FSL image processing library.

Training was done on an AWS EC2 g5.xlarge instance, which has 1 NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU, 4 vCPUs, and 16 GB of RAM. It is recommended that you use a similar instance for training.


This project uses conda to manage dependencies. To get started, run the following commands:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate training_env

You must also make sure that the NVIDIA GPU Driver is installed. To verify that the driver is installed, run


It is recommended that you use a GPU for training. To verify that the GPU is installed, run

python3 -c "import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU'))"

Linux users may need to install the CUDA Toolkit and cuDNN to use the GPU.

This project also uses FSL for image processing. To install FSL, follow the instructions here.

Getting Started

To get started, clone the repository

git clone

and navigate to the directory


This project uses a CLI (Command Line Interface) to run tasks. The CLI is defined in To get a list of all the tools, run

python -h

To see the help for a specific command, run

python <command> -h

These will be explained in more detail in The Tools.

To get started, you must first download the ADNI dataset. This can be done by following the instructions here. The specific collection used in this study is the ADNI1:Screening 1.5T MRI dataset.

Once the dataset is downloaded, you must extract the zip file to supplemental_files/unprocessed_datasets. Once this zip file has been extracted, it's also required that you get the metadata csv file, as this contains information about the collection. Place this file into supplemental_files/unprocessed_datasets, and rename it to test_sample.csv.

To prep this dataset, use the provided script

sh supplemental_files/scripts/

Which will create an adni_processed in out/preprocessed_datasets. After that, you can get to training models. This can be done by running

python train -c <config>

where <config> is the path to a training config file. More information can be found in train: Training Models. This will output a model in out/trained_models.

After that, to evaluate the model, run

python eval

This will output a file in out/evals containing the evaluation results.

The Tools

This application works via a CLI ( There are 4 subtools:

  1. prep: The tool used to run preprocessing scripts on MRI datasets
  2. train: The tool used to train models
  3. test: The tool used to test models

prep: Preprocessing datasets

The prep tool runs preprocessing steps for a given adni dataset. The prep tool is ran by using the command

py prep <options>

where the options are

  • run_name -r: The name of the run. Files will be saved in out/preprocessed_datasets/{run_name}
  • ratio --ratio: The train/test/validation ratio. Files will be saved in {run_name}/train,{run_name}/test,{run_name}/val respectively.

If you're using an ADNI dataset, you must input

  • collection_dir -d: The directory of the collection. If the collection was downloaded from ADNI, this should be the "ADNI" folder
  • collection_csv -c: The directory of the collection's csv (Metadata) file. This allows the program to identify which research group the collection belongs to.

This will output preprocessed MRI images and objects, ready to be trained on. Each scan will be treated as a different datapoint, even if a subject has multiple scans attributed to them.

This runs the full suite of prep scripts, however this can be very time consuming (Particularly with the full 3D MRI registration). The behavior of the program can be tweaked using the settings file. More information on the settings file can be found in Settings.

train: Training models

The train tool runs a training task on a prepped dataset. The train tool is ran by using the command

py test <options>

where the options are

  • config -c: The training task configuration file. This defines everything necessary in the task.

The config files are defined using .yml files. The following is an example.

task_name: tl_ax_vgg16_nopooling_Adam
dataset: out/preprocessed_datasets/adni_processed/axial_dataset
    architecture: VGG16
    method: transferlearn
    pooling: null 
    epochs: 100
    batch_size: 32
        optimizer_name: Adam # This has given better results

All the options can be found in supplemental_files/sample_configs/_options.yml.

  • task_name: The name of the task. This should be descriptive, written with snake_case
  • dataset: The prepped dataset to use. Usually an axial dataset. This should be a folder containing train, test, and val folders, with CN and AD folders inside each of those.
  • architecture: The architecture to be used for this task. Should follow naming convention from the Keras docs. The supported architectures are VGG16 | VGG19 | ResNet50 | ResNet152 | DenseNet121 | DenseNet201
  • method: The training method to use. This can be pretrain or transferlearn.
  • batch_size: The batch size to use in the training task. Default is 32.
  • pooling: The pooling method to use. Default is None (null), however avg and max can be used to experiment with performance.
  • epochs: The number of epochs to use in the training task. Default is 50.

There are also some custom overrides that can be used. These are as follows:

  • optimizer_name: The optimizer to use. This can be Adam, SGD or RMSProp. Default is Adam.
  • learning_rate: The learning rate to use. Default is 0.0003 if optimizer == SGD, else 0.001.
  • l2_reg: The L2 regularization to use. Default is null.
  • dropout: The dropout to use. Default is null.

Trained models will be saved in out/trained_models/{task_name}. They can be evaluated using the eval tool.

eval: Evaluating Models

This tool evaluates trained models. The eval tool is ran by using the command

py eval

There is no need for options, as the tool will automatically find all trained models in out/trained_models, and evaluate them. The results will be saved in out/evals, each named after the task name.

The results are saved in yaml files, and contain the following information:

keras eval:
    sklearn eval:
            f1-score: 0.8372093023255814
            precision: 0.782608695652174
            recall: 0.9
            support: 20
            f1-score: 0.8444444444444444
            precision: 0.9047619047619048
            recall: 0.7916666666666666
            support: 24
        accuracy: 0.8409090909090909
        macro avg:
            f1-score: 0.8408268733850129
            precision: 0.8436853002070394
            recall: 0.8458333333333333
            support: 44
        weighted avg:
            f1-score: 0.8411557434813249
            precision: 0.8492377188029362
            recall: 0.8409090909090909
            support: 44
    test accuracy: 0.699999988079071

This is a lot of information, but the most important is the sklearn eval: accuracy value. This is the accuracy of the model on the test set. This is evaluated using the majority vote on the prediction of each slicee of each scan, as described in the paper. The test accuracy value is the accuracy of the model on the test set, evaluated using single slice prediction accuracy. This is not used in the paper, but can be occasionally useful.


There are a few settings that can be set to modify the behavior of the program.

These can be found in admire/ The settings are as follows:

  • USE_S3: Whether to use S3 for file storage. If this is set to True, the program will backup prepped nii files to S3. This is useful for large datasets, as it allows for the program to be more robust to crashes. This requires s3 to be configured for your machine.

  • AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME: The name of the bucket to use for S3 storage. This is only used if USE_S3 is set to True.

  • FSL_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES: The number of concurrent processes to use for FSL. This makes use of pooling to run multiple fsl processes at once. This is useful for speeding up the program, but can cause issues if the machine is not powerful enough. This is set to 6 by default (for a 16GB ram system).

  • SKIP_FSL: Whether to skip FSL processing. This is useful for if you already have the FSL processed files, and don't want to reprocess them. This is set to False by default.

  • USE_NONLINEAR_REGISTRATION: Whether to use nonlinear registration. This is set to False by default. Look at the extensions section for more information.

  • SKIP_SLICE_CREATION: Whether to skip slice creation. This is useful for if you don't want to create slices from the 3D MRI images. This is set to False by default.

  • SKIP_FOLDER_SPLIT: Whether to skip folder splitting. This is useful for if you don't want to split the dataset into train/test/val folders. This is set to False by default.

Suppplemental files

Unprocessed Datasets

This folder contains the unprocessed datasets used in this study. These are stored here for ease of use, and to allow for reproducibility. Although none are provided in the repo, the program works best when the datasets are stored in the same directory structure as the ones provided here.

The datasets and recommended folder structure are as follows:

  • supplemental_files/unprocessed_datasets/ADNI: The ADNI dataset. This contains all the individual subject folders, as contained in the ADNI download.
  • supplemental_files/unprocessed_datasets/test_sample,csv: The ADNI dataset csv file. This is the metadata file that contains information about the subjects in the dataset. This is required for the ADNI dataset to be processed. A small sample is provided here, but the full csv can be found in the ADNI download.
  • supplemental_files/unprocessed_datasets/OASIS: The OASIS dataset. This contains all the individual subject scans, as contained in the OASIS download. This dataset is not provided here, as it is not publicly available. However, the program will work with this dataset if it is placed in this folder, along with the oasis_cross-sectional.csv file.

Sample Configs

The supplemental_files/sample_configs directory contains a collection of sample configs that can be used to run the program. These follow a simple naming convention to make it easy to understand.

The naming convention is as follows:



  • method: The config's training method. This can be pt (for training from scratch) or tl (for transfer learning).

  • dataset: The config's dataset. For this version of the program, this is ax for axial but there is room for more options.

  • architecture: The config's architecture. This is the name of the architecture, in all lowercase.

To run these, simply run python train -c {config_dir}. For example, to run the pt_ax_vgg16 config, you would run python train -c supplemental_files/sample_configs/pt_ax_vgg16.


The supplemental_files/scripts directory contains a collection of scripts that are generally useful for this program, but not essential to it's functionality. Generally, all of these should be ran from the project's root directory, with syntax python supplemental_files/scripts/{scriptname}.py A quick rundown of the scripts is given below:


This script runs all tasks in the supplemental_files/sample_configs directory. This will train all models used in the final paper for this study.

This has a few requirements.

  • The ADNI dataset should be preprocessed, with a run name of adni_processed.
  • The final dataset should be in the directory out/preprocessed_datasets/adni_processed/axial_dataset

This will run all the tasks in the same way tasks are normally ran, with all the parameters from the given configs.


This script goes through all the eval yml files in out/evals and places them in a csv, called evals.csv

This will contain all the statistics gathered from running python eval for each model that has been trained and evaluated.

This is mostly for ease of use, and to have all relevant data in one place.


NOTE: Due to discrepancies between the OASIS and ADNI datasets, combining the two is not recommended. For real-world use, it is recommended to use only one dataset, as combining them will likely result in poor performance. The final report associated with this repository did not use OASIS.

This script is used to convert the OASIS dataset from Analyze to current standards (NiFTi). This is due to the fact that the Analyze format is outdated, and lacks orientation information. This script will convert the files into NiFTi format and fix the orientation so the dataset can actually be employed in this task.

Running this script is required for the use of the OASIS dataset - if you don't convert into NiFTi you will have problems when preprocessing and orienting images.

To run this program, use the command

python supplemental_files/scripts/ <oasisdir>

where oasisdir is the directory where the OASIS dataset is stored. This dataset should have the oasis_cross-sectional.csv file in the root folder, and the different scans should be moved out of their original disk{n} folders and into the root of the oasisdir.

Running this script will create a new folder called oasis_nifti in supplemental_files/unprocesssed_datasets. This folder contains the converted images, and the csv file.

Once this is done, the dataset should be ready to be preprocessed using the script.


This is a modified version of the prep tool found in the CLI, stripped down and modified to work with the OASIS dataset. This script doesn't take in any arguments, and can be ran directly from the command line. The script will run the preprocessing steps on the OASIS dataset, and save the results as typically would be done with the prep tool, in out/preprocessed_datasets/oasis_processed.

This script requires that the OASIS dataset has been converted to NiFTi format, and that the oasis_nifti folder is in supplemental_files/unprocessed_datasets. If this is not the case, the script will fail.

Run before running this script.


This is a quick script that runs the prep tool on the ADNI dataset. This is useful for running the prep tool with the same parameters as the paper, and is a quick way to get the dataset ready for training.

The dataset used in this paper is specifically the ADNI1:Screening 1.5T dataset, which can be downloaded from here. The dataset should be downloaded as a zip file, and then extracted into the supplemental_files/unprocessed_datasets folder. The folder should be renamed to ADNI. The csv file should be renamed to test_sample.csv.

This will preprocess this dataset into the out/preprocessed_datasets/adni_processed folder. This folder is the main one used in the paper, and is the one that should be used for training.


This script is used to plot the training histories of the models. This is useful for visualizing the training process, and can be used to compare different models. This script will plot the training history of all models in the out/models folder, and will save the plots in out/model_history_plots.

This is not a necessary script, but is useful for visualizing the training process. The results are similar to the plots shown in the paper.


This script syncs the models in out/models to a set s3 bucket. This is useful for syncing the models to a cloud storage service, and is useful for backing up the models. This is not necessary for the use of the program, but is useful for backing up the models.


This script zips the models in out/models into seperate zip files. This is useful for backing up the models, and is useful for uploading the models to a cloud storage service. This is not necessary for the use of the program.


This script generates augmentations for a preprocessed dataset. This is useful for visualizing the impact of the employed augmentations used in the paper.


This script counts the number of trainable parameters in all models in the out/models folder. This is useful for understanding the complexity of the models, and is useful for comparing the models. The results are stored in a csv file in out/trainable_param_counts.csv.



This is a configuration file for the prep tool. It is used to preprocess the ADNI dataset, and is the configuration file used to preprocess datasets using nonlinear registration to the MNI152 1mm template.

This conf is not provided in fsl by default, and must be installed. This can be done by copying the file from supplemental_files/extensions to $FSLDIR/etc/flirtsch/T1_2_MNI152_1mm.cnf.

The final paper does not use nonlinear registration, and instead uses linear registration. This is because nonlinear registration is very slow, and linear registration is sufficient for this task. However, nonlinear registration is still provided here for completeness.

Sample brains

A couple of sample brains are provided in the supplemental_files/sample_brains folder. These are used in the paper to show the results of the preprocessing steps. The brains are:

  • mni_lin_1mm_brain.nii.gz: A brain that has been linearly registered to the MNI152 1mm template
  • mni_nonlin_1mm_brain.nii.gz: A brain that has been non-linearly registered to the MNI152 1mm template
  • mni_nonlin_2mm_brain.nii.gz: A brain that has been linearly registered to the MNI152 2mm template


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.

This license applies to all code in this repository, with the exception of the supplemental_files/extensions folder, which contains code from the FSL project, which is licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.0.


  • The FSL project, for providing the tools used in this project. Read more about FSL here
  • The ADNI project, for providing the ADNI dataset. Read more about the ADNI project here
  • The OASIS project, for providing the OASIS dataset Read more about the OASIS project here

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