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Comments (10)

tmandry avatar tmandry commented on September 25, 2024

Thanks for the detailed report. I added some debug logs to target this. Can you build from latest master and paste the log you get?

from swindler.

stphivos avatar stphivos commented on September 25, 2024

Sure. While having the following open windows: Chrome, Sublime Text, Terminal and trying to query Swindler it fails and I'm getting this log (no indication of AXError.invalidUIElement):

2017-09-25 04:12:26.552608+0300 TestProject[3978:99653] Initializing Swindler
Sep 25 04:12:26  TestProject[3978] <Debug>: Initializing Swindler
2017-09-25 04:12:27.277319+0300 TestProject[3978:99653] Application invalidated: com.fips.TestProject
Sep 25 04:12:27  TestProject[3978] <Debug>: Application invalidated: com.fips.TestProject
2017-09-25 04:12:27.277656+0300 TestProject[3978:99653] Application invalidated:
Sep 25 04:12:27  TestProject[3978] <Debug>: Application invalidated:
2017-09-25 04:12:27.278422+0300 TestProject[3978:99653] Window <AXWindow "Window" (pid=364)> has subrole AXUnknown, unwatching
Sep 25 04:12:27  TestProject[3978] <Debug>: Window <AXWindow "Window" (pid=364)> has subrole AXUnknown, unwatching
2017-09-25 04:12:27.279001+0300 TestProject[3978:99653] Window <AXUnknown "<AXUIElement 0x61800004e130> {pid=543}" (pid=543)> has subrole AXUnknown, unwatching
Sep 25 04:12:27  TestProject[3978] <Debug>: Window <AXUnknown "<AXUIElement 0x61800004e130> {pid=543}" (pid=543)> has subrole AXUnknown, unwatching
2017-09-25 04:12:27.283515+0300 TestProject[3978:99653] Couldn't initialize window for element <AXWindow "Window" (pid=364)> () of com.apogee.ApogeePopup: windowIgnored(<AXWindow "Window" (pid=364)>)
Sep 25 04:12:27  TestProject[3978] <Debug>: Couldn't initialize window for element <AXWindow "Window" (pid=364)> () of com.apogee.ApogeePopup: windowIgnored(<AXWindow "Window" (pid=364)>)
2017-09-25 04:12:27.284471+0300 TestProject[3978:99653] Couldn't initialize window for element <AXUnknown "<AXUIElement 0x61800004e130> {pid=543}" (pid=543)> () of windowIgnored(<AXUnknown "<AXUIElement 0x61800004e130> {pid=543}" (pid=543)>)
Sep 25 04:12:27  TestProject[3978] <Debug>: Couldn't initialize window for element <AXUnknown "<AXUIElement 0x61800004e130> {pid=543}" (pid=543)> () of windowIgnored(<AXUnknown "<AXUIElement 0x61800004e130> {pid=543}" (pid=543)>)
2017-09-25 04:12:27.285786+0300 TestProject[3978:99653] Couldn't initialize window for element <AXScrollArea "<AXUIElement 0x6000000582d0> {pid=319}" (pid=319)> (desktop) of AXError.NotificationUnsupported
Sep 25 04:12:27  TestProject[3978] <Debug>: Couldn't initialize window for element <AXScrollArea "<AXUIElement 0x6000000582d0> {pid=319}" (pid=319)> (desktop) of AXError.NotificationUnsupported
2017-09-25 04:12:27.288427+0300 TestProject[3978:99653] Application invalidated:
Sep 25 04:12:27  TestProject[3978] <Debug>: Application invalidated:
2017-09-25 04:12:27.291689+0300 TestProject[3978:99653] Application invalidated:
Sep 25 04:12:27  TestProject[3978] <Debug>: Application invalidated:
2017-09-25 04:12:27.293714+0300 TestProject[3978:99653] Application invalidated:
Sep 25 04:12:27  TestProject[3978] <Debug>: Application invalidated:
2017-09-25 04:12:27.294421+0300 TestProject[3978:99653] Could not watch application (pid=316): invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 25 04:12:27  TestProject[3978] <Notice>: Could not watch application (pid=316): invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-25 04:12:27.294790+0300 TestProject[3978:99653] Could not watch application (pid=316): invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 25 04:12:27  TestProject[3978] <Notice>: Could not watch application (pid=316): invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-25 04:12:27.295104+0300 TestProject[3978:99653] Could not watch application (pid=316): invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 25 04:12:27  TestProject[3978] <Notice>: Could not watch application (pid=316): invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-25 04:12:27.295343+0300 TestProject[3978:99653] Could not watch application (pid=316): invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 25 04:12:27  TestProject[3978] <Notice>: Could not watch application (pid=316): invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
fatal error: State can't become invalid: file /Users/stphivos/Projects/Swindler/Swindler/State.swift, line 344
2017-09-25 04:12:27.295764+0300 TestProject[3978:99653] fatal error: State can't become invalid: file /Users/stphivos/Projects/Swindler/Swindler/State.swift, line 344
Sep 25 04:12:27  TestProject[3978] <Error>: fatal error: State can't become invalid: file /Users/stphivos/Projects/Swindler/Swindler/State.swift, line 344
Current stack trace:
0    libswiftCore.dylib                 0x0000000100588130 swift_reportError + 129
1    libswiftCore.dylib                 0x00000001005a4a40 _swift_stdlib_reportFatalErrorInFile + 100
2    libswiftCore.dylib                 0x0000000100395ba0 (_assertionFailure(StaticString, String, file : StaticString, line : UInt, flags : UInt32) -> Never).(closure #1).(closure #1).(closure #1) + 124
3    libswiftCore.dylib                 0x000000010054c360 partial apply for (_assertionFailure(StaticString, String, file : StaticString, line : UInt, flags : UInt32) -> Never).(closure #1).(closure #1).(closure #1) + 93
4    libswiftCore.dylib                 0x0000000100395250 specialized specialized StaticString.withUTF8Buffer<A> ((UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>) -> A) -> A + 342
5    libswiftCore.dylib                 0x000000010054e880 partial apply for (_assertionFailure(StaticString, String, file : StaticString, line : UInt, flags : UInt32) -> Never).(closure #1).(closure #1) + 144
6    libswiftCore.dylib                 0x0000000100395760 specialized specialized String._withUnsafeBufferPointerToUTF8<A> ((UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>) throws -> A) throws -> A + 127
7    libswiftCore.dylib                 0x000000010050ff40 partial apply for (_assertionFailure(StaticString, String, file : StaticString, line : UInt, flags : UInt32) -> Never).(closure #1) + 185
8    libswiftCore.dylib                 0x0000000100395250 specialized specialized StaticString.withUTF8Buffer<A> ((UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>) -> A) -> A + 342
9    libswiftCore.dylib                 0x00000001004c6130 specialized _assertionFailure(StaticString, String, file : StaticString, line : UInt, flags : UInt32) -> Never + 144
10   libswiftCore.dylib                 0x0000000100395140 assertionFailure(@autoclosure () -> String, file : StaticString, line : UInt) -> () + 96
11   Swindler                           0x000000010012d160 OSXStateDelegate.notifyInvalid() -> () + 88
12   Swindler                           0x000000010012d260 protocol witness for PropertyNotifier.notifyInvalid() -> () in conformance <A, B, C where ...> OSXStateDelegate<A, B, C> + 40
13   Swindler                           0x000000010011aca0 PropertyNotifierThunk.(init<A, B, C where ...> (A1, withEvent : B1.Type, receivingObject : C1.Type) -> PropertyNotifierThunk<A>).(closure #1) + 127
14   Swindler                           0x000000010011ada0 partial apply for PropertyNotifierThunk.(init<A, B, C where ...> (A1, withEvent : B1.Type, receivingObject : C1.Type) -> PropertyNotifierThunk<A>).(closure #1) + 136
15   Swindler                           0x0000000100116610 Property.handleError(Error) throws -> A.PropertyType + 1137
16   Swindler                           0x0000000100114670 Property.(init<A, B where ...> (A1, notifier : B1) -> Property<A>).(closure #2) + 191
17   Swindler                           0x0000000100114830 partial apply for Property.(init<A, B where ...> (A1, notifier : B1) -> Property<A>).(closure #2) + 159
18   PromiseKit                         0x0000000100297750 State.(catch(on : DispatchQueue, policy : CatchPolicy, else : (Resolution<A>) -> (), execute : (Error) throws -> ()) -> ()).(closure #1).(closure #1) + 113
19   PromiseKit                         0x00000001002aea20 (contain_zalgo<A> (DispatchQueue, rejecter : (Resolution<A>) -> (), block : () throws -> ()) -> ()).(closure #1) + 137
20   PromiseKit                         0x000000010026ddc0 thunk + 39
21   libdispatch.dylib                  0x0000000100c75cf2 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12
22   libdispatch.dylib                  0x0000000100c6c784 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
23   libdispatch.dylib                  0x0000000100c7a95a _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 362
24   CoreFoundation                     0x00007fff82971bc0 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 9
25   CoreFoundation                     0x00007fff82932370 __CFRunLoopRun + 2205
26   CoreFoundation                     0x00007fff82931f70 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 420
27   HIToolbox                          0x00007fff81e92dcc RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 240
28   HIToolbox                          0x00007fff81e92b41 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432
29   HIToolbox                          0x00007fff81e92adf _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71
30   AppKit                             0x00007fff8042b5f4 _DPSNextEvent + 1120
31   AppKit                             0x00007fff80ba6d02 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 2796
32   AppKit                             0x00007fff8042003d -[NSApplication run] + 926
33   AppKit                             0x00007fff803ea939 NSApplicationMain + 1237
34   TestProject                        0x000000010001a1d0 main + 13
35   libdyld.dylib                      0x00007fff980ba234 start + 1

But when I also open an instance of Atom my TestProject doesn't crash and I get this shorter log:

2017-09-25 04:12:49.825586+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Initializing Swindler
Sep 25 04:12:49  TestProject[4227] <Debug>: Initializing Swindler
2017-09-25 04:12:50.052035+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Application invalidated: com.fips.TestProject
Sep 25 04:12:50  TestProject[4227] <Debug>: Application invalidated: com.fips.TestProject
2017-09-25 04:12:50.052407+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Application invalidated:
Sep 25 04:12:50  TestProject[4227] <Debug>: Application invalidated:
2017-09-25 04:12:50.053093+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Window <AXWindow "Window" (pid=364)> has subrole AXUnknown, unwatching
Sep 25 04:12:50  TestProject[4227] <Debug>: Window <AXWindow "Window" (pid=364)> has subrole AXUnknown, unwatching
2017-09-25 04:12:50.053781+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Window <AXUnknown "<AXUIElement 0x600000046960> {pid=543}" (pid=543)> has subrole AXUnknown, unwatching
Sep 25 04:12:50  TestProject[4227] <Debug>: Window <AXUnknown "<AXUIElement 0x600000046960> {pid=543}" (pid=543)> has subrole AXUnknown, unwatching
2017-09-25 04:12:50.184900+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Couldn't initialize window for element <AXWindow "Window" (pid=364)> () of com.apogee.ApogeePopup: windowIgnored(<AXWindow "Window" (pid=364)>)
Sep 25 04:12:50  TestProject[4227] <Debug>: Couldn't initialize window for element <AXWindow "Window" (pid=364)> () of com.apogee.ApogeePopup: windowIgnored(<AXWindow "Window" (pid=364)>)
2017-09-25 04:12:50.187292+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Couldn't initialize window for element <AXScrollArea "<AXUIElement 0x600000046240> {pid=319}" (pid=319)> (desktop) of AXError.NotificationUnsupported
Sep 25 04:12:50  TestProject[4227] <Debug>: Couldn't initialize window for element <AXScrollArea "<AXUIElement 0x600000046240> {pid=319}" (pid=319)> (desktop) of AXError.NotificationUnsupported
2017-09-25 04:12:50.188502+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Couldn't initialize window for element <AXUnknown "<AXUIElement 0x600000046960> {pid=543}" (pid=543)> () of windowIgnored(<AXUnknown "<AXUIElement 0x600000046960> {pid=543}" (pid=543)>)
Sep 25 04:12:50  TestProject[4227] <Debug>: Couldn't initialize window for element <AXUnknown "<AXUIElement 0x600000046960> {pid=543}" (pid=543)> () of windowIgnored(<AXUnknown "<AXUIElement 0x600000046960> {pid=543}" (pid=543)>)
2017-09-25 04:12:50.189973+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Application invalidated:
Sep 25 04:12:50  TestProject[4227] <Debug>: Application invalidated:
2017-09-25 04:12:50.195038+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Application invalidated:
Sep 25 04:12:50  TestProject[4227] <Debug>: Application invalidated:
2017-09-25 04:12:50.198243+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Application invalidated:
Sep 25 04:12:50  TestProject[4227] <Debug>: Application invalidated:
2017-09-25 04:12:50.199438+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Could not watch application com.github.atom.helper (pid=3988): timeout(-1.0)
Sep 25 04:12:50  TestProject[4227] <Notice>: Could not watch application com.github.atom.helper (pid=3988): timeout(-1.0)
2017-09-25 04:12:50.199657+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Could not watch application com.github.atom.helper (pid=4225): timeout(-1.0)
Sep 25 04:12:50  TestProject[4227] <Notice>: Could not watch application com.github.atom.helper (pid=4225): timeout(-1.0)
2017-09-25 04:12:50.199885+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Could not watch application (pid=316): invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 25 04:12:50  TestProject[4227] <Notice>: Could not watch application (pid=316): invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-25 04:12:50.200710+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Could not watch application com.github.atom.helper (pid=3988): timeout(-1.0)
Sep 25 04:12:50  TestProject[4227] <Notice>: Could not watch application com.github.atom.helper (pid=3988): timeout(-1.0)
2017-09-25 04:12:50.200913+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Could not watch application com.github.atom.helper (pid=4225): timeout(-1.0)
Sep 25 04:12:50  TestProject[4227] <Notice>: Could not watch application com.github.atom.helper (pid=4225): timeout(-1.0)
2017-09-25 04:12:50.201110+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Could not watch application (pid=316): invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 25 04:12:50  TestProject[4227] <Notice>: Could not watch application (pid=316): invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-25 04:12:50.201424+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Could not watch application com.github.atom.helper (pid=3988): timeout(-1.0)
Sep 25 04:12:50  TestProject[4227] <Notice>: Could not watch application com.github.atom.helper (pid=3988): timeout(-1.0)
2017-09-25 04:12:50.201594+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Could not watch application com.github.atom.helper (pid=4225): timeout(-1.0)
Sep 25 04:12:50  TestProject[4227] <Notice>: Could not watch application com.github.atom.helper (pid=4225): timeout(-1.0)
2017-09-25 04:12:50.201777+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Could not watch application (pid=316): invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 25 04:12:50  TestProject[4227] <Notice>: Could not watch application (pid=316): invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-25 04:12:50.202025+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Could not watch application com.github.atom.helper (pid=3988): timeout(-1.0)
Sep 25 04:12:50  TestProject[4227] <Notice>: Could not watch application com.github.atom.helper (pid=3988): timeout(-1.0)
2017-09-25 04:12:50.202328+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Could not watch application com.github.atom.helper (pid=4225): timeout(-1.0)
Sep 25 04:12:50  TestProject[4227] <Notice>: Could not watch application com.github.atom.helper (pid=4225): timeout(-1.0)
2017-09-25 04:12:50.202507+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Could not watch application (pid=316): invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 25 04:12:50  TestProject[4227] <Notice>: Could not watch application (pid=316): invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-25 04:12:50.202897+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Caught error: timeout(-1.0)
Sep 25 04:12:50  TestProject[4227] <Error>: Caught error: timeout(-1.0)
2017-09-25 04:12:50.202928+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] Done initializing
Sep 25 04:12:50  TestProject[4227] <Debug>: Done initializing
2017-09-25 04:12:50.203135+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] PromiseKit: unhandled error: Error Domain=Swindler.PropertyError Code=0 "(null)"
2017-09-25 04:12:50.203203+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] PromiseKit: unhandled error: Error Domain=Swindler.PropertyError Code=0 "(null)"
2017-09-25 04:12:50.203251+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] PromiseKit: unhandled error: Error Domain=Swindler.PropertyError Code=0 "(null)"
2017-09-25 04:12:51.580605+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] PromiseKit: unhandled error: Error Domain=Swindler.PropertyError Code=0 "(null)"
2017-09-25 04:12:51.580746+0300 TestProject[4227:101246] PromiseKit: unhandled error: Error Domain=Swindler.PropertyError Code=0 "(null)"

Thanks for your help!

from swindler.

tmandry avatar tmandry commented on September 25, 2024

Apparently I missed a couple cases. I pushed an update to master with those. Hopefully you get more informative output this time around. Thanks for your patience.

from swindler.

stphivos avatar stphivos commented on September 25, 2024

No worries, lot's of output now!

2017-09-26 04:30:39.285162+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Initializing Swindler
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Initializing Swindler
2017-09-26 04:30:39.708252+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Got error while initializing attribute mainWindow for element <AXApplication "com.fips.TestProject" (pid=545)>
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Got error while initializing attribute mainWindow for element <AXApplication "com.fips.TestProject" (pid=545)>
2017-09-26 04:30:39.708708+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Got error while initializing attribute focusedWindow for element <AXApplication "com.fips.TestProject" (pid=545)>
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Got error while initializing attribute focusedWindow for element <AXApplication "com.fips.TestProject" (pid=545)>
2017-09-26 04:30:39.708890+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Got error while initializing attribute hidden for element <AXApplication "com.fips.TestProject" (pid=545)>
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Got error while initializing attribute hidden for element <AXApplication "com.fips.TestProject" (pid=545)>
2017-09-26 04:30:39.710073+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Got error while initializing attribute mainWindow for element <AXApplication "" (pid=327)>
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Got error while initializing attribute mainWindow for element <AXApplication "" (pid=327)>
2017-09-26 04:30:39.710370+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Got error while initializing attribute focusedWindow for element <AXApplication "" (pid=327)>
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Got error while initializing attribute focusedWindow for element <AXApplication "" (pid=327)>
2017-09-26 04:30:39.710705+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Got error while initializing attribute hidden for element <AXApplication "" (pid=327)>
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Got error while initializing attribute hidden for element <AXApplication "" (pid=327)>
2017-09-26 04:30:39.714556+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Marking property of type Optional<Window> invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotImplemented)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Marking property of type Optional<Window> invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotImplemented)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.714666+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Application invalidated: com.fips.TestProject
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Application invalidated: com.fips.TestProject
2017-09-26 04:30:39.714875+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Marking property of type Optional<Window> invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotImplemented)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Marking property of type Optional<Window> invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotImplemented)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.715008+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Marking property of type Bool invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotImplemented)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Marking property of type Bool invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotImplemented)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.715115+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Marking property of type Optional<Window> invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Marking property of type Optional<Window> invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.715300+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Application invalidated:
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Application invalidated:
2017-09-26 04:30:39.715445+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Marking property of type Optional<Window> invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Marking property of type Optional<Window> invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.715507+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Marking property of type Bool invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Marking property of type Bool invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.716208+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Window <AXWindow "Window" (pid=391)> has subrole AXUnknown, unwatching
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Window <AXWindow "Window" (pid=391)> has subrole AXUnknown, unwatching
2017-09-26 04:30:39.720019+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Got error while initializing attribute mainWindow for element <AXApplication "" (pid=327)>
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Got error while initializing attribute mainWindow for element <AXApplication "" (pid=327)>
2017-09-26 04:30:39.720327+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Got error while initializing attribute focusedWindow for element <AXApplication "" (pid=327)>
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Got error while initializing attribute focusedWindow for element <AXApplication "" (pid=327)>
2017-09-26 04:30:39.720627+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Got error while initializing attribute hidden for element <AXApplication "" (pid=327)>
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Got error while initializing attribute hidden for element <AXApplication "" (pid=327)>
2017-09-26 04:30:39.722656+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Couldn't initialize window for element <AXWindow "Window" (pid=391)> () of com.apogee.ApogeePopup: windowIgnored(<AXWindow "Window" (pid=391)>)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Couldn't initialize window for element <AXWindow "Window" (pid=391)> () of com.apogee.ApogeePopup: windowIgnored(<AXWindow "Window" (pid=391)>)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.723322+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Got error while initializing attribute position for element <AXScrollArea "<AXUIElement 0x600000453320> {pid=330}" (pid=330)>
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Got error while initializing attribute position for element <AXScrollArea "<AXUIElement 0x600000453320> {pid=330}" (pid=330)>
2017-09-26 04:30:39.723750+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Got error while initializing attribute size for element <AXScrollArea "<AXUIElement 0x600000453320> {pid=330}" (pid=330)>
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Got error while initializing attribute size for element <AXScrollArea "<AXUIElement 0x600000453320> {pid=330}" (pid=330)>
2017-09-26 04:30:39.724268+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Got error while initializing attribute title for element <AXScrollArea "<AXUIElement 0x600000453320> {pid=330}" (pid=330)>
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Got error while initializing attribute title for element <AXScrollArea "<AXUIElement 0x600000453320> {pid=330}" (pid=330)>
2017-09-26 04:30:39.724680+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Got error while initializing attribute minimized for element <AXScrollArea "<AXUIElement 0x600000453320> {pid=330}" (pid=330)>
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Got error while initializing attribute minimized for element <AXScrollArea "<AXUIElement 0x600000453320> {pid=330}" (pid=330)>
2017-09-26 04:30:39.725082+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Got error while initializing attribute fullScreen for element <AXScrollArea "<AXUIElement 0x600000453320> {pid=330}" (pid=330)>
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Got error while initializing attribute fullScreen for element <AXScrollArea "<AXUIElement 0x600000453320> {pid=330}" (pid=330)>
2017-09-26 04:30:39.727959+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Marking property of type Optional<Window> invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Marking property of type Optional<Window> invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.728173+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Application invalidated:
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Application invalidated:
2017-09-26 04:30:39.728374+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Marking property of type Optional<Window> invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Marking property of type Optional<Window> invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.728442+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Marking property of type Bool invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Marking property of type Bool invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.729217+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Marking property of type CGPoint invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Marking property of type CGPoint invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.729371+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Marking property of type CGSize invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Marking property of type CGSize invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.729481+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Marking property of type String invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Marking property of type String invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.729538+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Marking property of type Bool invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Marking property of type Bool invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.729592+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Marking property of type Bool invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Marking property of type Bool invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.730438+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Couldn't initialize window for element <AXScrollArea "<AXUIElement 0x600000453320> {pid=330}" (pid=330)> (desktop) of AXError.NotificationUnsupported
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Couldn't initialize window for element <AXScrollArea "<AXUIElement 0x600000453320> {pid=330}" (pid=330)> (desktop) of AXError.NotificationUnsupported
2017-09-26 04:30:39.731825+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Got error while initializing attribute mainWindow for element <AXApplication "" (pid=327)>
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Got error while initializing attribute mainWindow for element <AXApplication "" (pid=327)>
2017-09-26 04:30:39.732127+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Got error while initializing attribute focusedWindow for element <AXApplication "" (pid=327)>
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Got error while initializing attribute focusedWindow for element <AXApplication "" (pid=327)>
2017-09-26 04:30:39.732426+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Got error while initializing attribute hidden for element <AXApplication "" (pid=327)>
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Got error while initializing attribute hidden for element <AXApplication "" (pid=327)>
2017-09-26 04:30:39.733152+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Marking property of type Optional<Window> invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Marking property of type Optional<Window> invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.733297+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Application invalidated:
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Application invalidated:
2017-09-26 04:30:39.733475+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Marking property of type Optional<Window> invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Marking property of type Optional<Window> invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.733556+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Marking property of type Bool invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Marking property of type Bool invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.734982+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Got error while initializing attribute focusedWindow for element <AXApplication "" (pid=327)>
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Got error while initializing attribute focusedWindow for element <AXApplication "" (pid=327)>
2017-09-26 04:30:39.735254+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Got error while initializing attribute mainWindow for element <AXApplication "" (pid=327)>
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Got error while initializing attribute mainWindow for element <AXApplication "" (pid=327)>
2017-09-26 04:30:39.735511+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Got error while initializing attribute hidden for element <AXApplication "" (pid=327)>
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Got error while initializing attribute hidden for element <AXApplication "" (pid=327)>
2017-09-26 04:30:39.735829+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Marking property of type Optional<Window> invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Marking property of type Optional<Window> invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.735966+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Application invalidated:
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Application invalidated:
2017-09-26 04:30:39.736119+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Marking property of type Optional<Window> invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Marking property of type Optional<Window> invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.736187+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Marking property of type Bool invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Marking property of type Bool invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.736707+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Could not watch application (pid=327): invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Notice>: Could not watch application (pid=327): invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.737032+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Could not watch application (pid=327): invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Notice>: Could not watch application (pid=327): invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.737249+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Could not watch application (pid=327): invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Notice>: Could not watch application (pid=327): invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.737529+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Could not watch application (pid=327): invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Notice>: Could not watch application (pid=327): invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
2017-09-26 04:30:39.737818+0300 TestProject[545:5627] Marking property of type Optional<Application> invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Debug>: Marking property of type Optional<Application> invalid: invalidObject(AXError.NotificationUnsupported)
fatal error: State can't become invalid: file /Users/stphivos/Projects/Swindler/Swindler/State.swift, line 344
2017-09-26 04:30:39.737942+0300 TestProject[545:5627] fatal error: State can't become invalid: file /Users/stphivos/Projects/Swindler/Swindler/State.swift, line 344
Sep 26 04:30:39  TestProject[545] <Error>: fatal error: State can't become invalid: file /Users/stphivos/Projects/Swindler/Swindler/State.swift, line 344

from swindler.

tmandry avatar tmandry commented on September 25, 2024

It looks like expected errors from Application initialization are getting incorrectly forwarded to the property initialization.

Please build from branch fix-invalid-state and see if that fixes the issue. If that is it, I don't understand why it didn't always happen and why I'm not reproducing the issue...

If that doesn't fix it, you are probably safe commenting out the assertionFailure line for now - but I still want to find out what's going on!

from swindler.

stphivos avatar stphivos commented on September 25, 2024

Thanks for the quick response. Unfortunately branch fix-invalid-state could not be built because the recover was no longer returning a promise, so I commented out the assertion. It seems to be working well so far, I will post an update if I come across any problems. Let me know in case you need me to test any future updates 👍

from swindler.

tmandry avatar tmandry commented on September 25, 2024

Sorry, should have built it. I updated the branch again for the next time you get a chance to try it out. Thanks.

from swindler.

stphivos avatar stphivos commented on September 25, 2024

Thanks, I updated my local branch. Unfortunately after installing the latest updates for Xcode and Swift 4, I consistently get AXError.CannotComplete for all apps but my Cocoa app that is using Swindler.

Maybe this is a different issue, but after adding some logs the first point of failure seems to be in AXSwift library UIElement.attribute<T> function in the following line:

let error = AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(element, attribute as CFString, &value)

Element in this case is <UnknownUIElement "<AXUIElement Application 0x60000004ba60> {pid=115}" (pid=115)> and attribute is AXRole. Apple's description in the docs is not very helpful:


The function cannot complete because messaging has failed in some way.

Not sure where to go from here but I will look into it more and post an update.

from swindler.

tmandry avatar tmandry commented on September 25, 2024

Hmm. Perhaps you need to re-register as a trusted process?

If not, please file a new issue for this and I will look into it as soon as I have time.

from swindler.

thomasjonas avatar thomasjonas commented on September 25, 2024

I got SwindlerExample[2237:20256535] PromiseKit: unhandled error: Error Domain=Swindler.PropertyError Code=0 "(null)" errors in the Swindler example on the master branch and tried the fix-invalid-state branch. Worked for me, errors were gone :) Not sure if it's related though...

from swindler.

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