This is a port of Thimble, the mozilla webmaker tool for writing and editing HTML and CSS right in your browser ( from its Playdoh-embedded python implementation to a dedicated ust-Thimble Node.js implementation.
In order to run Thimble, the following things are required:
- you will need to have node installed
You can find node on or your package manager.
- you'll need to fork and then clone the repo recursively:
git clone [email protected]:[yourname]/ --recursive
3a) you may need the XCode console tools (on OSX) or the VC++ express + windows SKD 7.1 stack (on Windows) in order for node-gyp to compile some npm dependencies
3b) go into the dir and run npm install
- set up the environment variables (see next section).
You can now run Thimble from the directory using
node app
Finally, there is a special variable that enables an additional route
in the app for testing content deletion, DELETE_ENABLED
. See app.js
for more details on the effect this variable has on running the app.
There is a special file that is used for environment variables in lieu of
actually setting these for development purposes. The base file is
and is self documented. Simply run through it and set your
values accordingly. To use these values during development, copy this
cp env.dist .env
and the Thimble code will pick up on it when run through node.
There is a special library that we hook into for collaborative work called together.js,, which can be run either online or localhost.
For most purposes you want to set the TOGETHERJS
environment variable
in your .env
so that thimble picks the standard
together.js library to do the collaboration work.
If you wish to test with a local together.js library and hub server, it is strongly recommended that you use the webmaker-suite, instead, which has together.js as one of the locally run components. Please visit for more information on the suite.
We handle JS, HTML and CSS linting through grunt, which is very simple to set up if you don't have it installed already:
npm install -g grunt-cli
After this, simpy run grunt
before commiting code and you should
be good to go.
If you want to test this code in a live environment, you can spin up a heroku instance, and simply push up the master branch code. (read the heroku tutorial on deploying a node.js application. If you follow the instructions, it's super simple).
First, add the MySQL add-on for saving projects:
heroku addons:add cleardb:ignite
(See for more information)
Alternatively, you can rely on SQLite3 to act as database, but you will lose all your data when your heroku instance goes to sleep, as it simply resets the heroku instance to its deploy state. If that's fine, you can use these environment variables rather than setting up ClearDB:
> heroku config:set DB_DIALECT="sqlite"
> heroku config:set DB_STORAGE="thimble.sqlite"
After doing this, you will then need to issue some (more) environment "SET"
commands to make sure things work. This is mostly making sure that all the
variables that are found in the env.dist
file also exist in your heroku
> heroku config:set NODE_ENV="development"
> heroku config:set HOSTNAME="htt:// ...heroku instance..."
> heroku config:set AUDIENCE="http://[ instance]"
> heroku config:set USERBAR="http://[ instance]"
> heroku config:set LOGINAPI="http://testuser:password@[ instance]"
> heroku config:set MAKE_ENDPOINT="http://[makeapi instance]/"
> heroku config:set MAKE_AUTH="testuser:password"
> heroku config:set SESSION_SECRET="irrelephant"
If you're running your own heroku copies of all the services,
then you can simply point your heroku instance to the various other
instances. If, however, you are testing within the greater
suite of applications, you probably want to use the *
Also, for Amazon S3, the following values are quite important:
> heroku config:set S3_BUCKET="your bucket name"
> heroku config:set S3_KEY="your S3 access key"
> heroku config:set S3_SECRET="your private S3 secret string"
Note that when deploying to heroku, there will be no S3 emulation available.
The login credentials in the LOGINAPI
variable map to the ALLOWED_USERS
variable used by the login instance that you rely on. This login regulates who can ask the login service for user information. It is not the list of "which persona user is allowed to access the login service".
The makeapi credentials map to the ALLOWED_USERS
variable for the MakeAPI instance, and regulate who can query and push to the makeAPI. Again, this is not related to persona logins in any way.
Also note that the SESSION_SECRET
environment variable is the secret that Thimble uses for setting its own local cookie, and can be any string you like (except an empty string).
To enable New Relic, set the NEW_RELIC_ENABLED
environment variable and add a config file, or set the relevant environment variables.
For more information on configuring New Relic, see:
Various scripts are present that will assist in migrating old data sets along with Node.js scripts to update old records.
- Used to add the
to theThimbleProject
data model. Using the script will depend on your SQL managing environment, but here's an example of using it in a commandline prompt:mysql < migrations/09052013-add-makeid-column.sql
- Assumes you have already doneuse <DB_NAME>
- Used to add the
- Used to retrieve the
for anyThimbleProject
that has already been published to the MakeAPI. This only needs to be run once.node migrations/ThimbleProjectMakeIDMigration.js
will execute this script, assuming proper.env
variables have already been setup (instructions above).
- Used to retrieve the's People
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