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fontcdn's Issues

Allow to link a single font

Hi! Nice project.

I think it would be nice to add an anchor to identify an individual font.

For example, visiting this link at startup:

Should allow to open the specific popup.

Note that in pure JavaScript you can access the # stuff using this:

var hash = window.location.hash;

how do i run this locally

i am really liking the look of this tool and would love to incorporate this into a website builder i am working on so i can easily import fonts into the project but i cannot figure out how to run this locally. i keep getting a 403 forbidden error when the app tries to query fonts from google

Add the "Early Access!" fonts and lorem ipsum in other languages

Hi Thomas,

I have two feature requests -

  1. Add the "Early Access!" fonts ( to, maybe add "Early Access!" to "Category"?
  2. I know I can type manually in the "Preview Text" box. But I just come across an idea that make "Preview Text" as a dropdown menu and put some well-known languages lorem ipsum (e.g. Spanish, Arabic, Russian, etc). That would help people around the world a lot as they can preview and compare fonts instantly with your existing UI.

I know I can fork and write it myself. But my coding is at a very elementary level. So, go to you first. Maybe my ideas are not necessary and you would let me know.


Show preview font size in units (px or em)

Thank you for making this lovely tool :) It's fantastic!

Just missing this little thing that tells you exactly how big the preview font size is. It's tough to judge the exact size from 'Preview size' slider.

Allow favorites and hiding

This is a cool tool, and what I think would make it even better would be to allow easy starring of fonts (and/or X-ing out ones that I don't want to use for my current project) so that I can more easily sift through and narrow down to the ones I'm considering.

Additionally, it would be awesome if it could pull in fonts from the visitor's computer (like does via Adobe Flash) for extra choices.

enclose @import url in quotes

for the @import rules, the font urls are not enclosed in quotes

Using Roboto, as an example:

currently Roboto's @import rule looks like this:
@import url(;

suggested edits:
@import url("");
@import url('');

More font size units

Could you please add the possibility to use other font size units besides "px", like "em", "ex" and "pt"?

important to have font pairing

Hey Thomas FontCDN is my go to ... lately I have been looking for suggestions for font pairings but there does not seem to be many sites that select fonts from Google..

Lets create a font pairing section underneath the FontCDN clipboard

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