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BlockFusion: Expandable 3D Scene Generation using Latent Tri-plane Extrapolation

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH'24)

This repo contains the official implementation for the paper "BlockFusion: Expandable 3D Scene Generation using Latent Tri-plane Extrapolation".




Pytorch3d is required for postprocess. Come to offical page for installation instructions.

We modified diffusers to adapt triplane structure. Users should build based on the ./src

# clone this repo 
python install

Pretrained model

Pretrained weights of MLP, VAE, and Diffuser(Condition/Unconditioned). Download the model here [10GB] and extract to ./checkpoints.


To do uncondtional inference, run

python --batch 4 --save output/uncond

To do single block conditional inference, run

python --layout samplelayouts/exp1_32-56-24/0_0.npy --save output/cond

We provide some sample layouts for demo. If you would like to draw your own layout maps, you can use to create your own layout. Here is a tutorial:


The unit of the graduations are in meters, furnitures need to be in reasonable scale. Walls should surround the floor and furniture should be placed on the floor.

The output layouts directory named after expname_xscale-zscale-stride, xscale-zscale-stride are given in decimeter.


python --h 56 --w 56 --expname draw

Full pipeline(conditional prediction + extrapolation + resample) is contained in Before running, specifying the layout directory.

python --layout samplelayouts/exp2_32-56-24 --resample 15 --save output


If you find our code or paper helps, please consider citing:

  title={BlockFusion: Expandable 3D Scene Generation using Latent Tri-plane Extrapolation},
  author={Wu, Zhennan and Li, Yang and Yan, Han and Shang, Taizhang and Sun, Weixuan and Wang, Senbo and Cui, Ruikai and Liu, Weizhe and Sato, Hiroyuki and Li, Hongdong and Ji, Pan},
  journal={ACM Transactions on Graphics},

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bruinxiong q5228

blockfusion's Issues

Any practical installation guide?

Would you mind offer a enviroment version list you are using?
I've tried py39, pytorch 2.3.1 + cu118, build pytorch3d from source code, and build the custom diffusers according to your script.
And during executing the command: python --batch 4 --save output/uncond ,got a lot of errors about missing modules like open3d, einops, xformers, etc... after I pip install them each by each. Still got this error:

undefined symbol: _ZN3c1015SmallVectorBaseIjE8grow_podEPvmm

It could be painful to guess the correct runtime enviroment...

FYI, I thinks its a matter of xformers version

about the grad of sdf model

thanks for your great work.
Is it convenient for you to share the code for calculating the SDF gradient? I have implemented the Eq.6 for calculating gradients in your article, but the results are always incorrect

Triplane fitting MLP pretrained weight

Thanks for the impressive work!

Iโ€™m trying to test the triplane fitting code located in the fit_triplane directory. However, it seems that the provided pretrained weights do not include the mlp.tar file. Could you provide an alternative link for the pretrained MLP weights(mlp.tar)?

link for pretrained weights

Thanks for the awesome work! The link for pretrained weights seem to be wrong, is there an alternative link?

issues with linear attention mode when running the main

Get errors below when running the main function:

constructing SpatialTransformer_ of depth 1 w/ 512 channels and 16 heads
Attention mode 'linear' is not available. Falling back to native attention. This is not a problem in Pytorch >= 2.0. FYI, you are running with PyTorch version 2.4.0

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